introduction to the lambda calculus

Introduction to the Lambda Calculus Alonzo Church 1932, “A set of postulates for the foundation of logic”, a formal system with the aim of providing a foundation for logic which would be more natural than Russell’s type theory or Zermelo’s set theory, and would not contain free variables 1936 Church isolated and published just the portion relevant to computation, what is now called the untyped lambda calculus 1940, he also introduced a computationally weaker, but logically consistent system, known as the simply typed lambda calculus Re-discovered as a versatile tool in Computer Science by people like McCarthy, et al. in the 1960s

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Page 1: Introduction to the lambda calculus

Introduction to the Lambda Calculus

Alonzo Church

1932, “A set of postulates for the foundation of logic”, a formal system with the aim of providing a foundation for logic which would be more natural than Russell’s type theory or Zermelo’s set theory, and would not contain free variables

1936 Church isolated and published just the portion relevant to computation, what is now called the untyped lambda calculus

1940, he also introduced a computationally weaker, but logically consistent system, known as the simply typed lambda calculus

Re-discovered as a versatile tool in Computer Science by people like McCarthy, et al. in the 1960s

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Operational Semantics -- Syntax

t ::= x /* variable */ λx.t /* abstraction */ t t /* application */

v ::= λx.t /* abstraction value */

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Operational Semantics -- Evaluation t1 t1' /* congruence rule 1 */t1 t2 t1' t2

t2 t2' /* congruence rule 2 */v1 t2 v1 t2'

(λx.t) v [x ↦ v]t /* computation rule */

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That’s it!

No data structuresNo control flow statementsNo strings, numbers, or even booleans

Any questions?

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Any questions?

Like, how do you do anything?

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Church encoding

representing data and operators in the lambda calculus

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Let’s start with the booleans

true = λt. λf. t

false = λt. λf. f

not = λa. a false true

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Applying not

(λa. a false true) true

(λa. a false true) (λt. λf. t)

(λt. λf. t) false true


(λx.t) v [x v]t↦

(from operational semantic rules)

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applying functions to their arguments

Normal order reduction – most well-known languages work from the leftmost, outermost, redex and work in, halting when the outermost argument can no longer be applied

Redex – reducible expression

Full β-reduction – reduce available redexes in any desired order

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Full β-reduction

λs.λz. (λs'.λz'. (λb. b) s' ((λt.λb. b) s' z')) s ((λs'.λz'.

(λs''.λz''. (λb. b) s'' ((λt.λb. b) s'' z''))

s' ((λt.λb. b) s' z'))

s z)

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Full β-reduction

λs.λz. (λs'.λz'. s' z') s ((λs'.λz'. (λs''.λz''. s'' z'') s' z') s z)

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Full β-reduction

λs.λz. s ((λs'.λz'. (λs''.λz''. s'' z'') s' z') s z)

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Full β-reduction

λs.λz. s ((λs'.λz'. s' z') s z)

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Full β-reduction

λs.λz. s (s z)

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Back to the booleans

and = λa. λb. a b fls

or = λa. λb. a tru b

nand = λa. λb. not (and a b)

xor = λa. λb. and (nand a b) (or a b)

cond = λp. λt. λf. p t f /* i.e. if else */

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(λa. λb. a b fls) tru fls

(λt. λf. t) (λt. λf. f) (λt. λf. f)

λt. λf. f

(λa. λb. a b fls) tru tru

(λt. λf. t) (λt. λf. t) (λt. λf. f)

λt. λf. t

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xnor = λa. λb. not (xor a b)

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Now we have assertions!

xnor = λa. λb. not (xor a b)

xnor tru (cond fls fls tru)

xnor fls (cond fls tru fls)

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pair = λf. λs. λb. b f s

fst = λp. p tru

snd = λp. p fls

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c0 = λs. λz. zc1 = λs. λz. s zc2 = λs. λz. s (s z)c3 = λs. λz. s (s (s z))…

Just like Peano arithmetic

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Operations on numbersiszro = λm. m (λx. fls) tru

plus = λm. λn. λs. λz. m s (n s z)mult = λm. λn. m (plus n) c0exp = λm. λn. n (mult m) c1

scc = λn. λs. λz. s (n s z) /* number successor */

/* number predecessor */prd = λm. fst (m (λp. pair (snd p) (plus c1 (snd p))) (pair c0 c0))

eql = λm. λn. and (iszro (m prd n)) (iszro (n prd m))

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Automating assertions

/* it is true that ... */

xnor tru (eql c1 (exp c1 c1))

xnor tru (eql c6 (plus c2 c4))

xnor tru (eql c1 (fst (pair c1 tru)))

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Lists follow from tuples and numbers(more on that another time)

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(λf. (λx. f (λy. x x y)) (λx. f (λy. x x y))) (λf. λx. __) (bar)

(λx. (λf. λx'. __) (λy. x x y)) (λx. (λf. λx'. __) (λy. x x y)) (bar) (foo)

(λf. λx'. __) (λy. foo foo y) (bar)

λx'. __ (bar)

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fact = λf. λx. cond (iszro x) c1 (mult x (f (prd x)))

(λf. (λx. f (λy. x x y)) (λx. f (λy. x x y))) fact c3

/* successive interations */(λy. (λx. f (λy'.x x y')) (λx. f (λy'.x x y')) y) (/* prev recurs*/)