introduction to professional development 231112

INTRODUCTION TO SOFT SKILLS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN ENGINEERING (Through Passion, Confidence, Leadership and Teamwork) DR K.C. VORA Deputy Director & Head, ARAI Academy

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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This file tells you on how Professional Development done for an individual


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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN ENGINEERING (Through Passion, Confidence, Leadership and Teamwork)


Deputy Director & Head, ARAI Academy

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Objectives • To encourage All-Round Personality Development • To make one aware about the importance, role and

contents of PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT through instruction, knowledge acquisition and role-plays.

• To inculcate professional and personal branding • To create awareness on ethics & etiquettes • To instill moral & social values and loyalty • To appreciate rights of others and respect teamwork • To instill passion in ones bearing • To develop & nurture all round skills leading to confidence • To win a win-win situation leading to success as a leader.

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Fear of Failure

Example of Oberoi Sheraton

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Have Confidence in Your Abilities…

Clip on Confidence

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Confidence Confidence is… the lifetime ability to transform Fear into Focused and Relaxed --

Thinking, Communication and Action

Presentation Notes
Points other than those given in the slide The obvious next step was to consolidate the gains. Whatever was achieved so far – in free cash flows, in ROCE, in cost leadership, in innovation - was to become the basis for further action.
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Success Demands All Round Skills

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Personality Development

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Personality Development

• Self Assessment • Self Awareness & Esteem • Confidence Building • Perception and Attitudes • Values and Belief System • Personal Goal Setting & Career Plan • Time management • Intelligence Building, Emotional Quotient,

Intelligence Quotient & Memory Improvement

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The formidable enemies that BIND us -

Lust, Pride, Greed, Anger, Illusion

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What makes me a slave ? How can I become a free bird?

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Panic Confusion


Running with agitated mind

Calm analysis before action


Passion Goodness

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Take religion as a serious duty

Reading of books of philosophy, poetry, science

No meat eating

No gambling

No intoxication

No liquor

No extramarital relations

Mode of Goodness Clean


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A Meaningful Prayer “ O Lord, give me

the courage to change the things which

can and ought to be changed,

the serenity to accept the things

which cannot be changed, and

the wisdom to know the difference ”

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If I took responsibility for every feeling I experience and for every word I utter, _________________________

Fill in the blanks

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What was your answer ? I’d have to be more alert and aware. I’d probably be taken more seriously. I’d be more accountable. I’d have to put all my values into practice. I’d make fewer snap judgements that end up being wrong. I’d have to be more emotionally honest. I’d have to pay more attention. I wouldn’t do or say hurtful or short sighted things.

Fill in the blanks : ANSWER

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Goal Setting




Short Term

Medium Term

Long Term

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Targeting Areas of Improvement

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Communication Skills

• Which is the best Computer in the World?

• Which is the best Camera in the World?

• What has no limits?

• Who is your favourite?

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Memory Skills

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As Stephen Covey mentions in his book ‘First Things First’

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Time Management Urgent Not Urgent


Not Important

– Stress – Burnout – Crises management – Firefighting – Focus on the immediate

– Vision – Perspective – Balance – Discipline – Control

– Short term focus – Crises management – Low value on goals – Feeling of victimization / lack of control – Shallow relationships

– Total irresponsibility – High dependency on others for basics – Short career path in the organization

What you gain….

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Covey identified 4 waves in time management • 1 Notes and Checklists – Recognition of the demands on energy & time • 2 Calendars and appointment books – Scheduling with some focus on the future • 3 Prioritization – Comparison of the relative worth of activities • 4 Self management – Realization that time cannot be managed - it is ourselves that we have to manage!

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Differentiating between – Urgent tasks • assume importance as they demand immediate attention – Important tasks • May become urgent if left undone • Usually have a long term effect – To judge importance v urgency, gauge tasks in terms of • Impact of doing them • Effect of not doing them

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Communication Skills

Verbal Communication

Written Communication

Body Language

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Successful v/s Effective Managers

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Communication Objectives

• Verbal Communication – Principles of Communications – Planning – Public Speaking – Presentation Skills – Use of Presentation Graphics & Aids – Listening and Observation Skills

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• Written Communication – Technical Reports & SAE papers – Project Proposals – Brochures & Newsletters – Technical Articles & Manuals – Official/ Business Correspondence

• Letters & Emails • Progress Report • Minutes of Meeting & Event Reporting • Guidelines for Technical Writing & Publishing

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Assimilation Techniques Read Write

See Write

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• Body Language

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NO Messing Around

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Written tests / Interview / Group Discussion

Crack the Code…

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Professional Ethics & Etiquettes

• Business Ethics • Corporate Ethics • Engineering Ethics • Social & Office Etiquettes

– Dressing Etiquettes – Eating Etiquettes – Socializing

• Email Etiquettes • Telephone Etiquettes • Values

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Transparency and Confidentiality

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Looks/ Dressing Sense

for Different Occasions

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Eating Habits

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Sleeping Habits

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Talking and Listening

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Family Values

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Religion Values

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Country Values

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Team Building & Motivation

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Automotive Passion




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Concept of New Vehicle •QFD •Benchmarking • Target Vehicle and data

• Market Survey

• New concept

• Upcoming Legislations

• Safety, Durability and Ride

New Vehicle sub system and components & vehicle

•Concept Design & SDS

•Design Review & DFMEA


•First prototype Development

Validation of sub system components and vehicle in Laboratory

•Component Testing • Suspension

Components • Chassis/

Body/Axle • Engine and

validation of Vehicle

• NVH Testing • SLDA •Running on Proving

Ground •Durability of Full Vehicle

Four Poster/ Multi-axis Modifications of Prototype

Final Prototype

Optimization of Sub-systems and components

Vehicle Development Cycle

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Other Skills

• Customer Satisfaction & Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

• Benchmarking (BM) • Total Quality Management (TQM) • Design for Failure Mode Effects Analysis

(DFMEA) • How an Industry Works ? • Performance Management Skills (PMS)

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…not what we did in school

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1). Identify what is to be benchmarked. 2). Identify comparative companies. 3). Determine data collection method


4). Determine current performance gap. 5). Project future performance gap.


6). Communicate bench- mark findings and gain

acceptance. 7). Establish functional



8). Develop action plans. 9). Implement specific action and monitor progress. 10). Recalibrate bench- marks.




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What all is to be Benchmarked…

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Benchmarking: Vehicle Evaluation • Brake testing (including ABS)

• Fuel consumption test • Steering Effort test • Turning circle Diameter test • Pass-by Noise test • Interior Noise test • Gradeability test • Power to Weight Ratio Trials • Speedometer Calibration • Coastdown • Cooling performance • Acceleration test • Range test • Maximum speed • Cabin Temperature

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Stress Management & Meditation

Methods and Techniques to Improve Physical well being by Busting Stress.

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Book Review

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…learn to lead and Motivate. Clip on Mindset

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Leadership What is it?

Why is it important? How to provide it?

Presentation Notes
Now, we will discuss leadership, and we will begin by getting your help. (Have audience participate in defining what a leader is). NEXT SLIDE.
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A Leader is…

• Guide • Director • Good Listener • Visible • Flexible • Visionary • Action Oriented • Positive • Complimentary

• Good Planner • Informative • Consistent • Truthful • Prompt • Able to Admit Mistakes • Willing to be


Presentation Notes
Here are some that I came up with. There are many more. Read and briefly discuss.
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Leadership….some thoughts!

• What is leadership according to you?

• Why Leadership and not Managers ? • Can Leadership be taught?

• What makes a good or a bad leader?

• What are the qualities of a good leader?

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Difference between Leaders & Managers

Manager Leader

Considers the danger Senses opportunity

Concentrates on short-term results Focuses on long-term results

Follows visions Creates visions

Performs duties Pursues dreams

Controls Inspires

Asks “what” and “how” Asks “why” and “what”

Prefers to control Knows how to delegate Works within the context of the organization and the business

Takes social and environmental contexts into consideration

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Business Success

• Leadership Skills – Interpersonal Skills – Negotiation Skills – Delegating Skills – Handling Of Difficult People

• Executive Summary & Business Plan • Balanced Score Card • Business Analysis & Strategy

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Learning and growth perspective

Financial perspective

Internal business perspective

Customer perspective

Balanced Scorecard Perspective

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Higher quality

Increased Profits

Increased sales

Lower Costs

Improved training

Fewer complaints

Cause-and-effect relationships throughout the organization

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Employee retention

Increased profits

Fair reward system

Increased sales

Employee productivity

Reduced costs

Further cause-and-effect relationships

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And Finally ………. It is your discretion to decide whether to Lead a task, share a task or follow a TASK ……………. lead, share or follow

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Clip on Success Clip on Guru

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