introduction to lefschetz-thimble path integral and …tanizaki/talk/oiqp_2015.pdfintroduction to...

Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and its various applications Yuya Tanizaki Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo Theoretical Research Division, Nishina Center, RIKEN January 9, 2015 @ Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics Collaborators: Takayuki Koike (Tokyo), Takuya Kanazawa (RIKEN) Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 1 / 42

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Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integraland its various applications

Yuya Tanizaki

Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo

Theoretical Research Division, Nishina Center, RIKEN

January 9, 2015 @ Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics

Collaborators: Takayuki Koike (Tokyo), Takuya Kanazawa (RIKEN)

Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 1 / 42

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Introduction and Motivation

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Path integral with complex weights appear in many importantphysics:

Finite-density lattice QCD,spin-imbalanced nonrelativistic fermions

Gauge theories with topological θ terms

Real-time quantum mechanics

Oscillatory nature hides many important properties of partitionfunctions.

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Example: Airy integralLet’s consider a one-dimensional oscillatory integration:

Ai(a) =



2πexp i


3+ ax


RHS is well defined only if Ima = 0, though Ai(z) is holomorphic.








-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8


Figure : Real parts of integrands for a = 1 (×10) & a = 0.5i

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How can we circumvent such oscillatory integrations?⇒ Lefschetz-thimble integrations[Witten, arXiv:1001.2933, 1009.6032]

Applications of this new technique for path integralsI Quantum tunneling in the real-time path integral

[YT, Koike, Ann. Physics 351 (2014) 250]

I Phase transition of the matrix model[YT, arXiv:1412.1891; Kanazawa, YT, arXiv:1412.2802]

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations

Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble integrations

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations

Again Airy integral

Airy integral:

Ai(a) =



2πexp i


3+ ax


The integrand is holomorphic w.r.t x⇒ The contour can be deformed continuously without changing thevalue of the integration!

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations

Steepest descent contoursWhat is the most appropriate contour for our purpose?

Re[iS(x, a)] should be made as small as possible.⇔ The contour should be perpendicular to Re[iS(x, a)] = cosnt.

Steepest descent ones J must satisfy Im[iS(x, a)] = const.because of the holomorphy.

Figure : Contour plots for Re[iS(x, a)] with a = exp±i0.1.

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations

Steepest descent contoursWhat is the most appropriate contour for our purpose?

Re[iS(x, a)] should be made as small as possible.⇔ The contour should be perpendicular to Re[iS(x, a)] = cosnt.

Steepest descent ones J must satisfy Im[iS(x, a)] = const.because of the holomorphy.

Figure : Contour plots for Re[iS(x, a)] with a = exp±i0.1.Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 8 / 42

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations

Rewrite the Airy integral

There exists two Lefschetz thimbles Jσ (σ = 1, 2) for the Airyintegral:

Ai(a) =∑σ



2πexp i


3+ az


nσ: intersection number of the steepest ascent contour Kσ and R.

Figure : Lefschetz thimbles J and duals K (a = exp(0.1i), exp(πi))

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations

Generalization to multiple integrals

Model integral:

Z =


dx1 · · · dxn exp I(xi).

What properties are required for Lefschetz thimbles J ?

1 J should be a n-dimensional object in Cn.

2 Im[I] should be constant on J .

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations

Generalization to multiple integrals

Model integral:

Z =


dx1 · · · dxn exp I(xi).

What properties are required for Lefschetz thimbles J ?

1 J should be a n-dimensional object in Cn.

2 Im[I] should be constant on J .

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations

Short note on technical aspectsComplexified variables (a = 1, . . . , n): za = xa + ipa.Regard xa as coordinates and pa as momenta, so that Poissonbracket is given by

{f, g} =∑a=1,2




∂pa− ∂g





Hamilton equation with the Hamiltonian H = Im[I(za)]:

df(x, p)

dt= {H, f}

(⇔ dza

dt= −



This is Morse’s flow equation: ddt

Re[I] ≤ 0.⇒ We can find n good directions for J around saddle points![Witten, 2010]

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations

Short note on technical aspectsComplexified variables (a = 1, . . . , n): za = xa + ipa.Regard xa as coordinates and pa as momenta, so that Poissonbracket is given by

{f, g} =∑a=1,2




∂pa− ∂g





Hamilton equation with the Hamiltonian H = Im[I(za)]:

df(x, p)

dt= {H, f}

(⇔ dza

dt= −



This is Morse’s flow equation: ddt

Re[I] ≤ 0.⇒ We can find n good directions for J around saddle points![Witten, 2010]

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations

Multiple integral: Lefschetz-thimble method

Oscillatory integrals with many variables can be evaluated using the“’steepest descent” cycles Jσ:∫

Rndnx eiS(x) =



dnz eiS(z).

Jσ are called Lefschetz thimbles, and Im[iS] is constant on it.

nσ: intersection numbers of duals Kσ and Rn.

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations Harmonic oscillator

Example of QM: Harmonic oscillator

The action functional

I[z] = i

∫ T








− 1



Saddle-point condition (=Euler–Lagrange eq.):


dt2= −zcl(t).

The classical solution:

zcl(t) =xf − xi cosT

sinTsin t+ xi cos t.

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations Harmonic oscillator

Example of QM: Flow equation

Flow equation

∂u∆z(t;u) = −i


∂t2+ 1


Boundary conditions: ∆z(t;−∞) = 0, and ∆z(0;u) = ∆z(T, u) = 0.

The set of solutions ∆z are spanned by

∆zn(t;u) =

eiπ/4 exp[((


)2 − 1)u]

sin nπtT, (nπ > T ),

e−iπ/4 exp[(



sin nπtT, (nπ < T ).

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations Harmonic oscillator

Example of QM: Lefschetz thimble

Lefschetz thimble J (' R∞):{zcl(t) + e−iπ/4


a` sinπ`t

T+ eiπ/4


a` sinπ`t


∣∣∣∣∣ a` ∈ R


ν: the maximal non-negative integer smaller than T/π.Integration measure on J becomes∫JDz = N

∫ ν∏n=1

e−iπ4 dan


eiπ4 dam = e−iπν/2N

∫ ∞∏`=1


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Lefschetz-thimble integrations Harmonic oscillator

Example of QM: Path integral

Feynman kernel for the harmonic oscillator:

Kh.o.(xf , xi, T )

= exp


~− i




∫ √ida` exp





− 1

∣∣∣∣∣ a2`


= exp


~− i







|1− (T/π`)2|



2πi~| sinT |exp


~− i




Appearance of the Maslov–Morse index ν is quite manifest.[YT, Koike, Ann. Physics 351 (2014) 250]

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Lefschetz-thimble integrations Harmonic oscillator

Proposed Applications of Lefschetz-thimble methods

Analytic properties of partition function for CS theories[Witten]

Real-time description of tunneling[YT, Koike; Cherman, Unsal]

Sign problem of the lattice Monte Carlo simulation[M. Cristoforetti, et al., Kikukawa, et al.]

Geometrization of resurgence transseries[Basar, Dunne, Unsal; Cherman, Dorigoni, Unsal]

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Quantum tunneling

Quantum tunneling and real-time path integral

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Quantum tunneling

Double-well potential

Complex-energy conservation:




+ (z2 − 1)2 = p2

Two different origins of oscillations⇒ Solutions show double-periodicity!



real-time oscillation imaginary-time oscillation

The list of parameters p can be obtained as (n,m ∈ Z)


(p+ 1)/2p)√2p


(p− 1)/2p)√2p


2+ (bdry term).

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Quantum tunneling

Complex classical solutionsAnalytic complex solution with z(0) = xi, z(T ) = xf :

z(t) =

√p2 − 1


(√2pt+ sd−1


p2 − 1xi,

√1 + p



√1 + p



List of possible parameters p: (YT, Koike, Ann. Physics 351 (2014) 250)

-50 50ReHpL








Let’s describe quantum tunneling semi-classically using these“complex” solutions.

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Quantum tunneling

Complex classical solutionsAnalytic complex solution with z(0) = xi, z(T ) = xf :

z(t) =

√p2 − 1


(√2pt+ sd−1


p2 − 1xi,

√1 + p



√1 + p



List of possible parameters p: (YT, Koike, Ann. Physics 351 (2014) 250)

-50 50ReHpL








Let’s describe quantum tunneling semi-classically using these“complex” solutions.

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Quantum tunneling

Complex classical solutionsAnalytic complex solution with z(0) = xi, z(T ) = xf :

z(t) =

√p2 − 1


(√2pt+ sd−1


p2 − 1xi,

√1 + p



√1 + p



List of possible parameters p: (YT, Koike, Ann. Physics 351 (2014) 250)

-50 50ReHpL








Let’s describe quantum tunneling semi-classically using these“complex” solutions.

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Quantum tunneling

Imaginary-time instantons “⇒” SphaleronsInstantons in imaginary times (p ' 0):

2 4 6 8 10-ä t








2 4 6 8 10-ä t








⇓ Wick rotation

Sphalerons in real times (p ' 1):

2 4 6 8 10t








2 4 6 8 10t









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Quantum tunneling

Important!Any complex solutions behave as sphalerons in the limit(tf − ti)→ +∞.

Energy p2 of the solution is determined by


(p+ 1)/2p)√2p


(p− 1)/2p)√2p


2+ (bdry term).

Labels n,m roughly determines the number of oscillations during T .⇒ If n,m� T , the solution must lie on the top. Thus, p ' 1.

2 4 6 8 10t








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Quantum tunneling

Complex solutions for quantum tunneling

In order for the one-instanton action iS[z] ' −Sinst. = −4/3,complex solutions must be (highly-)oscillatory in the complexifiedspace, i.e., n,m ' O(tf − ti)(YT, Koike, arXiv:1406.2386; Cherman, Unsal, arXiv:1408.0012):

20 40 60 80 100t








50 100 150t







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Summary & Perspectives

Summary & Perspectives of this section


Real-time dynamics becomes calculable in a nonperturbative waywith Lefschetz-thimble path integrals.

Exact semi-classical description of quantum tunneling isconsidered;

1 Imaginary-time instantons are connected to sphalerons byanalytic conti.

2 Real-time tunneling must be described by highly-oscillatorycomplex solutions.


Application to real-time dynamics of QCD: Sphaleron rate Γ.

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Gross–Neveu-like model

Phase transition associated with symmetry

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Gross–Neveu-like model

MotivationWhat is SSB in this context?

Let’s consider two questions using zero-dimensional fermionic modelswith N species:

What happens when discrete symmetry is broken at large N?

Can we also treat continuous symmetry?

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Gross–Neveu-like model

0-dim. Gross–Neveu-like model

The partition function of our model study is the following:

ZN(G,m) =

∫dψdψ exp


ψa(i/p+m)ψa +G


( N∑a=1



The Hubbard–Stratonovich transformation gives

ZN(G,m) =




dσ e−NS(σ),


S(σ) ≡ σ2

G− log[p2 + (σ +m)2].

For simplicity, we put m = 0 in the following.

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Gross–Neveu-like model

Properties of S(σ)S has three saddle points:

0 =∂S(z)



G− 2z

p2 + z2=⇒ z = 0, ±

√G− p2 .

Figures for G = 0.7e∓0.1i and p2 = 1 [Kanazawa, YT, arXiv:1412.2802]:

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Gross–Neveu-like model

Properties of S(σ)

Figures for G = 1.1e∓0.1i and p2 = 1 [Kanazawa, YT, arXiv:1412.2802]:

From these figures, we learn that, for real G,

z = 0 is the unique critical point contributing to Z if G < p2.

All three critical points contribute to Z if G > p2.

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Gross–Neveu-like model

Stokes phenomenonThe difference of the way of contribution can be described byStokes phenomenon.⇐ At some special values of coupling, several critical points areconnected by the flow. [Witten, arXiv:1001.2933, 1009.6032]

Figures of G-plane for ImS(0) = ImS(z±) [Kanazawa, YT, arXiv:1412.2802]:


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Gross–Neveu-like model

Dominance of contribution

The Stokes phenomenon tells us the number of Lefschetz thimblescontributing to ZN .However, it does not tell which thimbles give main contribution.

In order to obtain 〈σ〉 6= 0 in the large-N limit, z± should dominatez = 0.

⇒ ReS(z±) ≤ ReS(0)

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Gross–Neveu-like model

Connection with Lee–Yang zero



Blue line: ImS(z±) = ImS(0).Green line: ReS(z±) = ReS(0).Red points: Lee-Yang zeros at N = 40. [Kanazawa, YT, arXiv:1412.2802]

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Gross–Neveu-like model

Conclusions for studies with GN-like models

1 Decomposition of the integration path in terms of Lefschetzthimbles is useful to visualize different phases.

2 The possible link between thimble decomposition and Lee–Yangzeros is indicated.

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Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry

Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry

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Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry Simple bosonic model

Lefschetz thimble with approximate O(2) symmetry

Let’s consider approximately O(2)-symmetric sigma model:

S(σ) =1

4(σ2 − 1)2 + εσ1.

“Angular momentum” gives an extra conserved quantity at ε = 0!

pθ = η2σ1 − η1σ2.

At ε = 0, the flow is singular, and naive construction of J failsdown.Under this circumstance, how does the flow look like?

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Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry Simple bosonic model

Lefschetz thimble with approximate O(2) symmetry

Let’s consider approximately O(2)-symmetric sigma model:

S(σ) =1

4(σ2 − 1)2 + εσ1.

“Angular momentum” gives an extra conserved quantity at ε = 0!

pθ = η2σ1 − η1σ2.

At ε = 0, the flow is singular, and naive construction of J failsdown.Under this circumstance, how does the flow look like?

Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 35 / 42

Page 42: Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and …tanizaki/talk/OIQP_2015.pdfIntroduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and its various applications Yuya Tanizaki Department

Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry Simple bosonic model

Structure of the flow equation

Hamilton equation (= flow equation):


dt= r

(r2 − p2


r2− 3p2

r − 1

)+ ε cos θ,


= pr

(1− 3r2 + pr −



)− εpθ

r2sin θ,

dt= −2prpθ

r− εsin θ



= ε(pr sin θ +


cos θ).

In the limit ε→ 0, flows along symmetric direction disappears.⇒ Naive construction of Lefschetz thimbles breaks down at ε = 0.

Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 36 / 42

Page 43: Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and …tanizaki/talk/OIQP_2015.pdfIntroduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and its various applications Yuya Tanizaki Department

Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry Simple bosonic model

Flow with approximate O(2) symmetry

Set of saddle points at ε = 0: σ2 − η2 = 1 & σ · η = 0.

Flows in the σ1σ2-plane & in the σ1η2-plane for small ε:

0 1 2-2 -1-2




2 2





0 1 2 3 4

Due to the approximate O(2) symmetry, flow walks around thepseudo saddle points. [YT, arXiv:1412.1891]

Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 37 / 42

Page 44: Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and …tanizaki/talk/OIQP_2015.pdfIntroduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and its various applications Yuya Tanizaki Department

Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry Simple bosonic model

Flow with approximate O(2) symmetrySchematic pictures for Lefschetz thimbles of the system

S = ei0+(


4(σ2 − 1)2 + εσ1


⇒ In order to get an O(2) symmetric result, we must sum up twothimbles J(1+ε/2,π) and J(1−ε/2,0). [YT, arXiv:1412.1891]

Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 38 / 42

Page 45: Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and …tanizaki/talk/OIQP_2015.pdfIntroduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and its various applications Yuya Tanizaki Department

Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry Simple bosonic model

Singularity of symmetry-restoration limit

What is the fate of J(1+ε/2,π) and J(1−ε/2,0) in the limit ε→ 0?

Integration on J(1−ε/2,0):∫J(1−ε/2,0)

d2z exp [−S/~]

∼ −i

∫ ∞0

λdλ exp

(−(λ2 − 1)2


)∫ ∞−∞

dφ exp




Logarithmic divergence:∫

dφ exp(− ελ

~ coshφ)∼ 2 ln ~


⇒ Thimbles related by the symmetry need to be summed up to givefinite results!

Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 39 / 42

Page 46: Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and …tanizaki/talk/OIQP_2015.pdfIntroduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and its various applications Yuya Tanizaki Department

Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry Simple bosonic model

Singularity of symmetry-restoration limit

What is the fate of J(1+ε/2,π) and J(1−ε/2,0) in the limit ε→ 0?

Integration on J(1−ε/2,0):∫J(1−ε/2,0)

d2z exp [−S/~]

∼ −i

∫ ∞0

λdλ exp

(−(λ2 − 1)2


)∫ ∞−∞

dφ exp




Logarithmic divergence:∫

dφ exp(− ελ

~ coshφ)∼ 2 ln ~


⇒ Thimbles related by the symmetry need to be summed up to givefinite results!

Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 39 / 42

Page 47: Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and …tanizaki/talk/OIQP_2015.pdfIntroduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and its various applications Yuya Tanizaki Department

Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry Nambu–Jona-Lasinio-like model

Nambu–Jona-Lasinio-like modelLet’s apply this observation to the following NJL-like model:

ZU(1) =

∫dψdψ exp












)2 .


ZU(1) =N



dσdπ exp (−NS(σ, π)) ,


S(σ, π) ≡ − log(p2 + (σ +m)2 + π2

)+σ2 + π2


Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 40 / 42

Page 48: Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and …tanizaki/talk/OIQP_2015.pdfIntroduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and its various applications Yuya Tanizaki Department

Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry Nambu–Jona-Lasinio-like model

Lefschetz thimbles for NJL-like modelIn this case, m( 6= 0) breaks the O(2) symmetry:

m = 0 m = 0.4

Flow for NJL-like model at m 6= 0, p = 0 [Kanazawa, YT, arXiv:1412.2802]:

< z<w


Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 41 / 42

Page 49: Introduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and …tanizaki/talk/OIQP_2015.pdfIntroduction to Lefschetz-thimble path integral and its various applications Yuya Tanizaki Department

Lefschetz thimbles with continuous symmetry Nambu–Jona-Lasinio-like model

Conclusions for the continuous symmetry

Lefschetz thimbles with approximate continuous symmetries arecomputed.

The remnant of the symmetry implies existence of slow flowson the set of pseudo saddle points.

Such slow flow relates different thimbles via the approximatesymmetry.

Yuya Tanizaki (University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Lefschetz-thimble path integral Jan 9, 2015 @ OIQP 42 / 42