introduction to ice 2140101 presented by: ms. akrachaphraprasert4931610921 ms....

Introduction To ICE 2140101 Presented by: Ms. Akracha Phraprasert 4931610921 Ms. Proypiroon Jundee 4931493821 Sergey Brin and Larry Page

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Introduction To ICE 2140101Presented by:

Ms. Akracha Phraprasert 4931610921 Ms. Proypiroon Jundee 4931493821

Sergey Brinand Larry Page


• Background of Sergin Brin• Background of Larry Page• Background of Google Search

Engine• Page Rank Technology• Google Services

Background of Sergin Brin

• Sergey Mikhailovich Brin

• Born in Russia• Studied in Science and Mathematic field.• Both parents are

mathematicians• The 26th richest person

in the world• Technology President

of Google Inc.

Background of Larry Page

•Lawrence Edward “Larry” Page

• Born in Lansing, Michigan

• Studied in Computer engineering

•Products President of Google Inc.

•The 27th richest person in the world

Why are we eager to learn about them?

• They are the founders of Google search engine.

Google’s Name

• Orginated from a misspelling of googol, which refers to 10^100.

• The word, “Google”, means “to use the Google search engine to obtain information on the internet”, from the definition in Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary.

Beginning of Google

• Begins as a research project in January 1996• The hypothesis of this research is that a search engine

that analyzed the relationships between websites would produce better result than existing techniques. (existing technique detects how many times the search term appeared on the page.).

• It was named BackRub because system checked backlinks to estimate a site’s importance.

• The pages with the most links to them from other highly relevant web pages must be the most relevant pages associated with the search.


Back LinkAnalyzer

Back Link

Page Rank Technology

•Relies on the structure of links between websites to determine the ranking of an individual site

[Ranking Mechanism]

• Page is the one who invent this technology.

Page Rank Customers

How did Google get its money?

• The money Google receives comes partly from the advertisement in the website.

• It is sold based on a combination of price bid and click through, with bidding starting at $0.05 per click.

Click Fraud in Google

• There are so many click fraud in Google.• Click fraud - occurs in pay per click online

advertising when a person, automated script, or computer program imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad, for the purpose of generating an improper charge per click.

Growing Rate of Click Fraud

Google Services

• Google Earth• Gmail• Google SMS – an original service that allows user

to do specific queries simply using their cell phones.

• Google Talk – a Jabber – based instant messaging service

Google Earth


Google SMS

Google Talk

Google Services (Cont.)

•Google Desktop – Service that brings the search engine to the local computer desktop, allowing one to search individual files, folders, and emails that reside locally on one’s own PC.• Google Page Creator – an easy to use webpage creator. - limited to individuals with G-mail account.

Google Desktop

Google Page Creator

Google Services

• Google Calendar – a snared calendar application.