introduction to game programming: using c# and unity 3d (book preview)

Introduction to Game Programming: Using C# and Unity 3D Vahé Karamian Noorcon Inc. 2016

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Page 1: Introduction to Game Programming: Using C# and Unity 3D (Book Preview)

Introduction to Game Programming:

Using C# and Unity 3D

Vahé Karamian

Noorcon Inc.


Page 2: Introduction to Game Programming: Using C# and Unity 3D (Book Preview)

Copyright © 2016 by Vahé Karamian

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is pro-

tected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from the publisher prior to any

prohibited reproduction, storage in retrieval system, or transmission in any form or

by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To ob-

tain permission to use material from this work, please submit a written request to

Noorcon Inc.

First Printing: 2016

Paperback Edition:

ISBN-10: 0-9971484-0-3

ISBN-13: 978-0-9971484-0-4

eBook Edition:

ISBN-10: 0-9971484-2-X

ISBN-13: 978-0-9971484-2-8

Noorcon Inc.

Los Angeles, CA

The author created reusable code in this publication expressly for use by readers.

Noorcon Inc. grants readers limited permission to reuse the code found in this publi-

cation or on so long as the author is attributed in any application

containing the reusable code and the code itself is never distributed, posted online by

electronic transmission, sold, or commercially exploited as a stand-alone product.

The author and publisher make no representation or warranty of any kind with regard

to the completeness or accuracy of the contents herein and accept no liability of any

kind including but not limited to performance, merchantability, fitness for any partic-

ular purpose, or any losses or damages of any kind caused or alleged to be caused

directly or indirectly from this book.

Page 3: Introduction to Game Programming: Using C# and Unity 3D (Book Preview)


Acknowledgements ....................................................................... ix

About the Author ........................................................................... xi

Preface ............................................................................................ xiii

Introduction ..................................................................................... 1

Chapter 1 – Programming Concepts ........................................ 3

What Is a Programs? .................................................................. 3

Fundamentals of Programming ............................................. 3

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts ......................... 16

Classes and Objects .................................................................. 17

Encapsulation ............................................................................ 20

Message Passing ........................................................................ 22

Abstraction ................................................................................. 22

Composition ............................................................................... 23

Inheritance.................................................................................. 24

Polymorphism ........................................................................... 25

Modularity................................................................................... 25

Generics ....................................................................................... 26

Interfaces ..................................................................................... 28

Delegates ..................................................................................... 29

Events ........................................................................................... 30

Chapter 2 – Brief Introduction to Unity IDE ........................ 35

Interface Overview ................................................................... 35

Scene View .................................................................................. 36

Game View ................................................................................... 36

The Inspector ............................................................................. 36

Hierarchy Window ................................................................... 37

Project Window ......................................................................... 37

Creating Our First Game Object ........................................... 38

Enter C# Programming and Unity 3D ................................ 46

Publishing Build and Player Settings ................................ 49

Chapter 3 – Game Objects and Components ........................ 51

What Is a GameObject? ........................................................... 51

Adding and Editing Components ......................................... 52

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Scripts as Components............................................................ 53

Static GameObjets .................................................................... 54

Prefabs – Concepts and Usage .............................................. 59

Parent-Child Relationship ..................................................... 60

Chapter 4 – Game Rules and Mechanics ............................... 61

Basics of Game Mechanics ..................................................... 61

Simple Examples of the Mechanics..................................... 66

Physics for Games ..................................................................... 71

Enter the Collider Component ............................................. 72

Collider Interactions ............................................................... 73

Rigidbody .................................................................................... 74

Joints ............................................................................................. 74

Character Mechanics ............................................................... 78

Chapter 5 – Creating the User Interface ............................ 131

The Basics of User Interface Design in Unity 5 ........... 132

Creating Our First User Interface .................................... 141

Enhancing the User Interface ............................................ 175

Chapter 6 – Creating Battleship ............................................ 185

Historical Background ......................................................... 185

Game Play ................................................................................. 186

Game Plan for Implementation ........................................ 187

Putting Everything Together - Game Objects .............. 196

Game Flow + Logic ................................................................. 199

Game User Interface ............................................................. 203

Chapter 7 – Delving Into the Code ....................................... 207

Script – BoardUIVer1.cs ...................................................... 207

Script – BoardVer1.cs ........................................................... 212

Functions Defined in BoardVer1 Class .......................... 216

Game User Interface ............................................................. 248

Appendix 1 – Table of Figures ............................................... 255

Table of Figures ...................................................................... 255

Appendix 2 – Code Block Table ............................................ 257

Code Block Table ................................................................... 257

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I want to take the opportunity and acknowledge and thank my par-

ents foremost. I am humbled and thankful for the great deeds they have

performed towards me. They have endured much for their children and

have given up much for the sake of their children. I hope that one day

I can repay for their efforts, and be able to be a good parent to my own


Secondly I would like to acknowledge every individual that has

entered and influenced me throughout my life. These are the mentors

from my childhood, followed by my professors at the university and

everyone else in between. The good, the bad, and the ugly, have truly

shaped and formed my character, personality and wisdom. May the

journey continue forevermore!

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge my wife for patiently reading

the draft of the book and giving her feedback over the course of the

development. The book is nowhere close to a work of art, and for sure

it is no romantic novel. On the contrary it is very dry and technical, so

thank you for your patience and feedback while managing the house-

hold and taking care of the kids, who at the time of this writing are of

2 ½ years and 4 month of age.

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Page 7: Introduction to Game Programming: Using C# and Unity 3D (Book Preview)



The book came to be based on several factors. First and foremost,

the main objective of this book is to provide a starting point in the field

of computer science, and specifically game programming. Second, it is

intended as a way to raise the interest in individuals in the field of com-

puter science.

The book is intended for specific audience. It is assumed that the

reader has a passion for the study of computer science, and that they

have a passion in game design and development. It is also assumed that

the reader is proactive and that they would have the ability to engage

on a deeper level on their own.

The book is intended mostly for the programmer rather than the

artist. There are plenty of books out there specifically targeting the ar-

tistic part of game development. This book is written for those who

want to give life to those beautiful artistic parts! It is for the magical

part of the whole process. It is for the code warrior.

Since the topics discussed in the book are extremely large in

breadth and depth, it is impossible to cover every single aspect in one

book. Keeping in mind that this is intended as an introductory book for

the subject, the content discussed in the first few chapters are generic

to the field of computer science, the rest of the book concentrates on

game mechanics and how to write computer games.

What other topic would have such an attraction compared to game

design and development? The future of Human Computer Interaction

is going to be through Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in the

coming years. This books will give you the building blocks for the path-

way to the future.

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Page 9: Introduction to Game Programming: Using C# and Unity 3D (Book Preview)

Vahé Karamian



This book is written with two objective in mind, first, to introduce

the reader to the concepts of programming using C#, second, to put into

practice the concepts in a fun and entertaining way by developing com-

puter games and game design concepts.

Even though this is an introductory book, I assume that the reader

would have some familiarity with computer programming and object-

oriented programming with the C# language. It is also assumed that the

reader knows the basics of the Unity 3D environment.

In Chapter 1, the reader is given a brief overview on the concepts

of programming and object-oriented design terminology. The chapter

is intended as a quick reference. For those readers who are already fa-

miliar with the basics, it will be a nice quick review. For those readers

who are just starting out, it will give a good footing and hopefully make

the topics more accessible as you grow in the field.

Chapter 2, is an introduction to the Unity 3D IDE environment.

The basic sections of the IDE are explained. The user is shown how to

navigate within the IDE and create GameObjects. How to use the trans-

form tools to translate, scale and rotate a GameObject. The Inspector

Window is discussed where all of the GameObject components and

properties can be modified through the designer and many other useful

tips and tricks.

Chapter 3, digs deeper into the concept of GameObjects. How to

create them, how to add components, existing or custom. Scripts are

discussed and shown how they can be attached to GameObjects and act

as components. The concept of a Prefab is introduced and the parent-

child relationship within a GameObject is also introduced and dis-


Chapter 4, the reader is introduced to Game Rules and Mechanics.

This is the chapter that sets the foundation and rules for game design

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Unity 3D – Game Programming Intro


and development. It discusses the basics of game mechanics that are

used in all games to an extent. Then several examples are built from

scratch to illustrate the concepts. Physics, colliders and Rigidbody are

also discussed.

Chapter 5, the reader is introduced to User Interface design, and

the new built-in architecture for UI design in Unity 5. An overview of

the UI architecture is given in the chapter and the examples build in

Chapter 4 are used to introduce UI concepts and demonstrate how to

build interesting UIs for your game.

Chapter 6, discusses a classic game called Battleship. A brief his-

torical background is given and the game rules and play are discussed.

Then the reader is walked through the steps for designing and imple-

menting the game. Game objects, game flow, game logic and the user

interface are discussed.

Chapter 7, delves into the C# code that has been discussed and

generated throughout Chapter 6 and enhanced in Chapter 7. The pri-

mary scripts are dissected, functions are defined and explained and the

User Interface for the game finalized.

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Chapter 1 – Programming Concepts

What Is a Programs?

A program is a step-by-step instruction that has been designed to

solve a given problem. Here is another definition:

“An organized list of instructions that, when executed, causes the

computer to behave in a predetermined manner. Without programs,

computers are useless.”

But the best definition I was given was by my Professor Dr. Lee in

the data structure class at Cal Poly:

Program = Data + Algorithm

A program is like a recipe. It contains a list of variables that repre-

sent the data to be processed, and a list of directions, the algorithm(s)

that perform special operations on the data.

Fundamentals of Programming

Every program needs to store data. In order to store data in a com-

puter, we use what are called variables. A variable needs to know what

kind of data it is storing, hence a variable needs to have a Data Type.

Data Types

Today’s programming languages and frameworks provide several

basic data types that can be used to store and retrieve information on

the computer. These data types are in general:

1. Numeric

2. Alpha-Numeric

3. Boolean

4. Complex

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Vahé Karamian


// 0 ... 255 byte B = 9; // -32,768 .. 32,767 short s = 25; // -2,147,483,648 ... 2,147,483, 647 int i = 10; // -3.402823e38 ... 3.402823e38 float f = 10.0f; // -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 .. 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 long l = 34; // -1.79769313486232e308 ... 1.79769313486232e308 double z = 13.33;

Code Block 1-variables assignment and data types

It is important to understand data types. Each variable you define

in your program has to be of some data type. It is important to be able

to assign them properly, be able to update and or modify them, and at

times, you will want to convert from one data type to another.

Conditional and Decision Making Structures

Then we need some way to make decision inside our program

based on some conditions. These are done by the if..else statement and

switch statement. We can have multiple if..else statements. We can also

combine if..else conditional statements with the switch statement and


int x = 4; if (x > 2) { System.Console.WriteLine("X is > 2"); if(x<5) { System.Console.WriteLine("X is < 5 but > 2"); } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("X is <= 2"); }

Code Block 2-if … else structure example

The computer has to execute each if statement it encounters.

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Unity 3D – Game Programming Intro


The else portion of the if..else is optional, and will only execute

first if it is defined, and second if the if condition is false. The if..else

statement can also be nested. This allows the programmer to check for

many different conditions. An example would be:

if(x>100) { // do something; } else if(x>=25 && x<=50) { // do something else } else if(x>=10 && x<25) { // do something else } else { // do something else }

Code Block 3 - Nested if..else statement

In a nested if..else statement, each if condition will be executed in

the order they are listed. Once one of the if conditions meets the criteria,

its body will be executed, and the rest of the conditions will be ignored.

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Vahé Karamian


The two diagrams above illustrate the if..else condition graph-


The Switch statement is another way to provide decision making

inside your programs. It takes in a variable as a parameter, and it de-

fines special cases. If the parameter meets the case, then the body of

the case will be executed. The default case is optional just like the else

statement in the if..else decision structure. If the default case is defined,

and none of the primary cases are matched, then it will be executed.

// x get's assigned a value before this step switch(x) { case 1: { // code here to handle case when x = 1 break; } case 2: { // code here to handle case when x = 2 break; } case 3: { // code here to handle case when x = 3 break; } default: { // code here to handle logic when x // does not match any of the defined cases break; } }

Code Block 4-switch statement structure example

One BIG difference you will notice between the if..else and the

Switch structures, is the ability to execute multiple code blocks in a

switch statement. Notice that each case is terminated by a break com-

mand. The break command is optional. If it is present, after the

execution of the case block, the switch structure will terminate. If it is

not present, the logic will flow into the next case block.

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Unity 3D – Game Programming Intro


To understand it consider the following: assume the value for the

variable x is set to 1. Also assume, that the break statement is not de-

fined in the case block. When the switch statement is evaluated, it will

execute case 1. Since there is no break command present, it will exe-

cute the next case block, which happens to be case 2. This will continue

until a break statement is identified.

Code Block 2 and Code Block 4 provide a simple example of how

to use the decision making statements in the C# language. Keep in mind

that the listing display the basic structure, you can extend them to meet

complex scenarios.

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Vahé Karamian


in your game. The tank, which is a sort of a vehicle, can exhibit a vari-

ety of behaviors, such as moving from point A to point B, loading and

un-loading shells, tracking a target, and shooting at the target. It must

also maintain information about its characteristics (health, fuel, speed,

maximum speed, shell capacity, and etc…) not to mention its current

state (location, orientation velocity, inventory, and etc…).

To represent the tank as an object, you would program its behav-

iors as methods and declare variables to contain information about its

characteristics and states. During the game play, the object will carry

out its various methods, changing its variables as needed to reflect the

effect of its actions. The concept of an object is simple yet powerful.

Objects make ideal software modules because they can de defined and

maintained independently of one another, with each object forming a

neat, self-contained universe. Everything an object knows is captured

in its variables, and everything it can do is expressed in its methods.

Classes and Objects

The basic building blocks of object-oriented programming are the

class and the object. A class is the blueprint of an object. An object is

an instance of the class definition. This will be much clearer as we dis-

cuss it and put it into practice throughout the book.

Our world is filled with objects. My car is an object, my bike is an

object, my house is an object and my airplane is an object. In fact, any

tangible item is an object. Similarly, objects may be grouped together

into a class. My car can be grouped into a generic class of cars, all of

which have similar characteristics and behaviors. An object can also

represent more abstract things – such as geometric shapes, and or trans-


The easiest way to demonstrate this concept is with a simple ex-

ample. Let’s consider that we would like to model a car. In order for us

to achieve this, we would create a class called Car. Our Car class will

need to store some information regarding the car object and some meth-

ods to represent the behavior of the car object. The following is a visual

representation of our car model:

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Unity 3D – Game Programming Intro


Figure 5-Car Object

Now, in reality, the properties and functions of a modern car are

far more complex. But for the sake of the demonstration I have kept

things simple. Continuing on our discussion, every car object will have

the data points defined, and the designated methods that will be used to

access and or change the behavior of the instantiated car object.

You declare a class using the class keyword, which use the follow-

ing simplified syntax:

[access modifier] class class-name { /* body */ }

access-modifier: the degree to which your class is accessi-

ble to the outside world.

class-name: the name you assign to your class.

class-body: the body of you class.

Classes are usually declared using the public access modifier,

meaning that the class is available without restrictions. You will learn

more about access modifiers later. The previous syntax has been sim-

plified so that you are not overloaded with too much information.

Here is a simple Car class:

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public class Car { private string make; // store make as string type private string model; // store model as string type private int year; // store year as int type private string color; // store color as string type public Car() { /* constructor */ } public void Start() { /* code to start the car */ } public void Stop() { /* code to stop the car */ } public void Accelerate() { /* code for acceleration */ } public string GetMake() { return this.make; } public string GetModel() { return this.model; } public int GetYear() { return this.year; } public string GetColor() { return this.color; } public void SetMake(string make) { this.make = make; } public void SetModel(string model) { this.model = model; } public void SetYear(int year) { this.year = year; } public void SetColor(string color) { this.color = color; } }

Code Block 9 - Sample Car Class

In the Car class, we have declared four fields: make, model, year

and color. The year field is of type int, and the rest are of type string.

The access modifier of the fields is set to private. This indicates that

the fields are restricted, and that no one has direct access to them. To

access these fields, the user would need to go through the getter and

setter methods, such as the GetMake() method for retrieving the value

of the field, or to set or modify the value through the SetMake() method.

As you now know, a class defines a template for creating objects.

Once you’ve declared a class, you can then create objects of that class.

The following statement creates a Car object:

Car myCar = new Car();

The first section, declares a reference to a Car object, named my-

Car, and it is used to hold the memory location of an actual Car object.

The second section actually creates a Car object in the computer’s

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Vahé Karamian


describe every possible detail of a car, only the relevant parts for the

system that is being developed. Modeling software around real-world

objects can vastly reduce the time required to understand a solution and

be able to develop and maintain the code over the lifetime of the sys-



Objects can work together in many ways within a system. In some

situations, classes and objects can be tightly coupled together to pro-

vide more complex functionality. This is known as composition.

Composite objects are important because they can represent far

more sophisticated structures than simple objects can. For example, an

aircraft consists of wings, engines, and other components that are far

too complex to be represented as simple numbers or strings.

The objects contained in composite objects may themselves be

composite objects, and this nesting can be carried out to infinity! The

major components of an aircraft, are very complex objects in their own

right. In any reasonable model of an aircraft, each of these components

would be represented by a composite object that would be composed

of still more composite objects, and so on.

Figure 6-Airplane Composite Object

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this.stack.Add(data); this.index++; } public object pop() { object o = this.stack[index]; this.stack.RemoveAt(index); this.index--; return o; } public void clear() { this.stack.Clear(); this.index = -1; } public object peek() { return this.stack[this.index]; } }

Code Block 11 - MyStack Data Structure

The next implementation is using Generics:

public class MyStack1<T> { private int index; private List<T> stack; public MyStack1() { this.stack = new List<T>(); index = -1; } public int COUNT { get { return this.stack.Count; } } public void push(T data) { this.stack.Add(data); this.index++; } public T pop() { T o = this.stack[index];

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Unity 3D – Game Programming Intro


MyEventObserver observer = new MyEventObserver(); publisher.eventHandler += observer.MyEventHandler; publisher.Publish(); } }

Code Block 13 - Simple Event Handler Example

The example above is a simplistic way of illustrating event han-

dlers, but it does capture the necessary structure for implementation.

Let’s take a look at another example. Assuming our Car class has a

property for fuel. If the fuel level drops to a certain level, we would like

to raise an event that notifies the user that it is running low on the fuel.

The Car class will publish this event, and the user class will subscribe

to this event to update the UI and or perform other tasks.

The following code listing will illustrate the scenario:

public class FuelLevelChangeEventArgs : EventArgs { public float FuelLevel { get; internal set; } public object OldValue { get; internal set; } public object NewValue { get; internal set; } public FuelLevelChangeEventArgs(float fuelLevel, object oldValue, ob-ject newValue) { this.FuelLevel = fuelLevel; this.OldValue = oldValue; this.NewValue = newValue; } } public class Car { private string make; // store make as string type private string model; // store model as string type private int year; // store year as int type private string color; // store color as string type public string Make { get { return this.make; } set { this.make = value; } } public string Model { get { return this.model; }

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Chapter 2 – Brief Introduction to Unity IDE

Interface Overview

Before we can get started with any of the cool aspects of Unity, we

would need to get ourselves familiar with the environment. At the time

of writing, Unity 5.3 was the latest public release. Hence we are going

to be concentrating our efforts on Unity 5.3.

Figure 8-Unity 5 Editor

In Figure 8, you will see an empty Unity 5 project. If this is the

first time you are running Unity 5, your IDE might have a slight differ-

ent configuration. That is, your view might be a little different then

what you see in Figure 8. I like to setup my IDE with the shown con-

figuration because it makes it easier for me to perform the tasks which

I am more interested.

Also notice, that I have broken down the IDE into five main work-

ing areas. (1) Scene Window, (2) Game Window, (3) Inspector

Window, (4) Hierarchy Window, and (5) Project Window. These are

the main areas of the IDE that you will be utilizing for your projects.

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Unity 3D – Game Programming Intro


Figure 10-Inspector Window

Taking a closer look at the In-

spector window in Figure 10, we can

see seven different regions.

Region 1 contain the properties

for the name of the GameObject, the

Tag, and the Layer. We will get into

the details later on.

Regions 2 through 6 are the dif-

ferent components that have been

attached to the GameObject.

The Transform components

which stores the position, rotation and

scale of the GameObject.

The Mesh Filter, defining the

mesh of the cube.

The Box Collider components.

This is used for collision detection.

The Mesh Rendered Component

detailing how the mesh should be ren-


The Default Material component

which is the material used to render

our cube.

Region 7 has an Add Component

function that can be used to add more

components to the GameObject

Taking a look at the Transform information, we see that the cube’s

position, rotation and scale are represented by the transform property

which is composed of three Vector3D objects. In this case the cube

GameObject is placed at position (0,0,0) representing the (x,y,z) coor-

dinates respectively. The rotation vector of the cube is at (0,0,0) on the

(x,y,z) axis. And the scale vector is also set to (1,1,1) on the (x,y,z) axis.

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By default, every primitive that you create will have the Gray ma-

terial defined by Unity assigned to it. You can easily create a new

material by selecting Assets->Create->Material from the main menu,

this will put a new material object in the selected folder. Alternatively,

you can also create a material by right-clicking in the Project window

and selecting Create->Material. In both cases, you should make sure

you are in the right folder before you perform these operations.

Let’s create a new folder called materials under the Assets, and

let’s create a material called CH1EX1MAT by right clicking on the

material folder and selecting create material. Take a look at Figure 15

if you have done everything properly you should be seeing similar re-


As you can see, there is a bunch of properties associated with the

materials as shown in the Inspector window. For now, we would like

to just change the Albedo property to be of green color, to do so, select

the color selector in the Inspector window for the Albedo property and

select the green color. You can either select the green color by moving

the mouse in the color selector window, or enter the actual numerical

values in the RGB field. I have set my value to the following: R=0;

G=255; B=0, and Alpha to 255 as well. To apply the newly created

material to our cube, simply drag and drop it over to the cube GameOb-

ject inside our scene. Now go ahead and select the cube GameObject

and you will notice the changes as shown in Figure 16.

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Figure 18-Script Attached to Game Object

When you apply this code to your Cube and run your program, you

will notice that your Cube is now rotating on its Y-Axis, one degree

continuously. This is because our rotation logic is in the Update() func-

tion which is called continuously by the game engine while the program

is running. And each time, the one degree rotation is applied to the

Cube’s transform component! Hence you get the rotation effect.

Publishing Build and Player Settings

Once you are satisfied with your game creation, you will want to

actually build it to see how it feels and looks on the intended platform.

One of the main attractions and benefits of Unity is that you can target

a bunch of different platform with practically the same code base. Yes,

there will be some minor changes from one platform to the next, this is

expected due to the different form factors between the different plat-

forms. A PC deployment is very different then a Web deployment then

a Mobile deployment. Different architecture, different amount of re-

sources, and different resolutions and input types! For now you can just

take a look at the deployment options available to you by selecting File-

>Build Settings… You will have different options based on your li-


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Figure 19 - Property Types, Reference and Value

Components can include references to any other type of Compo-

nent, GameObjects, or Assets. In Figure 19, you can see an example of

both reference property types and value property types.

Scripts as Components

When you create a script and attach it to a GameObject, the script

appears in the GameObject’s Inspector Window as a Component. This

is because scripts become Components when they are saved. In tech-

nical terms, a script compiles as a type of Component, and is treated

like any other Component by the Unity engine.

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The Navigation system allows you to create characters that can in-

telligently move in the game world. The navigation system uses

navigation meshes to reason about the environment. The navigation

meshes are created automatically from your Scene Geometry.

Unity NavMesh system consists of the following pieces:

Figure 21 - NavMesh Components

1. NavMesh: is a data structure which describes the walkable

surfaces of the game world and allows to find path from

one walkable location to another in the game world. This

data structure is built, automatically from the level geome-


2. NavMesh Agent: is a component helping you to create char-

acters which avoid each other while moving towards their

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used a technique called reflection mapping to simulate reflections from

objects while keeping the processing overhead to an acceptable level.

Unity improves on basic reflection mapping through the use of Re-

flection Probes, which allow the visual environment to be samples at

strategic points in the scene. You should generally place them at every

point where the appearance of a reflective object would change notice-

ably. When a reflective object passes near to a probe, the reflection

samples by the probe can be used for the object’s reflection map. When

several probes are nearby, Unity can interpolate between them to allow

for gradual changes in reflection. As you observe, there are too many

technical details and complexities to cover in this book, therefore, it is

encouraged that the reader study the topics on their own by researching

the details further.

Prefabs – Concepts and Usage

As you design and develop your game, you will be creating many

GameObjects with various components and properties. Some of the

GameObjects that you will be creating are going to be pretty complex.

At the same time, there might be times where you will want to duplicate

or replicate the same exact GameObject within the same scene or in a

different scene.

Figure 22 - Prefab Concept

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tool, we can give some nice contours to the surface of the terrain to

make it more pleasing.

Figure 24 - Snap shot of Terrain


This can be achieved within the

Unity’s IDE through the Inspec-

tor Window:

1. Raise/Lower Terrain

2. Paint Height

3. Smooth Height

4. Paint Texture

5. Place Trees

6. Paint Details

7. Terrain Settings

The purpose of each numbered

icon has been listed above.

Figure 25 - Terrain Design

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} } }

Code Block 17 - PlayerInput() initial version

Go ahead and attach the script to the sphere10, and use the arrow

keys to move around the terrain. Notice how the physics engine inter-

acts with the Rigidbody of the player. This is especially visible when

you are trying to climb a hill or a mountain. You will notice that the

sphere that is supposed to represent the player character is going to roll

down and get affected by the forces applied to it through the interaction

of the collision of the meshes between itself and the terrain by the phys-

ics engine.

To solve this issue, you will need to put some constraints on the

Rigidbody components and the way it will react to the physics engine.

The constraints would be to disable the rotation on the X, Y and the Z-

Axis for this particular game object.

Figure 30 - Rigidbody Freeze Rotation

When you run the game now, you will notice that the player char-

acter does not go into a chaotic mode of rotation when colliding with

10 The primitive game object representing your player character needs to also have a

Rigidbody component attached to it. Read the Physics section to get a better understanding of

how colliders work.

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your 3D models because they will reflect in Unity 3D based on the unit

of measurement14.

Figure 40 - 3D Room Model

Notice, that I have not applied any textures to the model. I kept

things very simple as the purpose of this example is not the 3D model-

ing but the programming. Once we import the model into Unity, you

need to make sure that the Generate Colliders option is checked on the

model. This is important for collision detection.

Figure 41 - 3D Model in Unity Scene

14 Unity 3D uses the metric system, so it is best to make your 3D models in the metric

system. This will help the importing and scaling of your models within Unity much easier.

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Now it is time to build the components for the opponent. Let’s start

by outlining the items we would need to properly define a simple op-

ponent for the purposes of the demonstration.

Here is a brief outline:

1. The enemy will start with a set amount of resources when

the game starts.

2. The enemy will need to build a collection facility.

3. The enemy will need to create a collector unit.

4. The enemy will need to identify the location of resources

to be collected.

5. The enemy will need to assign the collector to the resource

to be collected.

6. While the collector unit(s) are collecting, the enemy will

need to explore the terrain to identify the player and kill it.

7. The enemy will need to avoid being killed by the player

and or other objects harmful to the enemy.

Pretty much it is exactly the same as that of the player. But it is

worth mentioning again to give us a concrete idea. You might want to

use the same scripts to handle both the player’s logic and the enemy’s

logic, but as time goes by and your code becomes more complex you

will see that this strategy is not sustainable. In fact, it might become

tedious to maintain and expand over the long run. Therefore, it would

be better to create separate classes to handle the player’s logic and units

from that of the enemy’s.

So just like the player we would need to create three scripts to han-

dle the enemy’s Storage Unit, Collector Unit, and Resource Unit. These

scripts are going to be exactly identical to the player’s script, with the

exception that they will be addressing the enemy’s objects.

The main new addition to our scripts is going to be, the script that

will drive our enemy. We will call this MyEnemy.cs. It will be respon-

sible to give the enemy some intelligence, albeit not much, just for the

sake of the demonstration of this level. The objective of the script

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would be to allow the enemy to roam around the terrain and be able to

place its Storage Unit for resource collection, and also be able to defend

its base and attack the player if necessary.

The script will start out by placing a Storage Unit at a random lo-

cation based on the enemy’s movement and an interval of time. Once

the Storage Unit is placed, the Storage Unit will start automating its

collector unit mechanism and this will go on until the game is over. In

the meantime, the logic for the enemy character is to go into scout mode

until it has enough ammunition / resources to be able to attack the

player. During this time, it will iterate through a set of specified point

in the world until it is ready for attacking. When it is ready to attack, it

will locate the player’s position and head straight towards the player

for a kill.

Here is the initial listing of MyEnemy.cs script:

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MyEnemy : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject myBase; public GameObject myStorage; private GameObject myStorageObj; public GameObject myEnemy; public int NUM_BULLETS; // variables for timer public float myTime = 5.0f; private float endTime = 0.0f; public bool ATTACK; public bool SCOUT; public Transform[] scoutPoints; private int nextPointIndex; // Use this for initialization void Start() { this.NUM_BULLETS = 1; this.ATTACK = true;

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Vector3 refillHeading = this.scoutPoints[nextPointIndex].posi-tion - this.transform.position; refillHeading.Normalize(); // use Quaternion Slerp function to make smooth transition ... this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(refillHeading), 10 * Time.deltaTime); this.transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime); if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position,this.scout-Points[nextPointIndex].position)<0.25f) { this.nextPointIndex += 1; if(this.nextPointIndex>=this.scoutPoints.Length) { this.nextPointIndex = 0; } } } } } }

Code Block 34 - MyEnemy.cs version 1

Putting the pieces together and running the program, you see how

the environment comes to life. The graphics we have used and the 3D

models we have used are very primitive, but this books is not for 3D

Modeling, it is for programming. So, we use primitive placeholder that

can very easily be substituted when we get better models!

The only aspect which we have not implemented yet, is the ability

to attack. This is the case for both the player and the enemy. We can

start by first implementing the player’s attack feature and then we can

implement the enemy’s attack feature.

To implement the attack feature we would need to adjust a few

items. First we would need to have a physical representation of how

and where the attack initiation will take place. The next task is to iden-

tify how powerful the actual attack will be. Finally, we need to

determine what the range for the attack is.

The last condition is more for the enemy player character rather

than the actual player. The player can attack anytime and anywhere he

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or she desires, as long as there are resources available! The same prin-

ciple applies to the enemy, but, it would be aimless to design an enemy

to attack for no reason, as it would be the same for the player to attack

aimlessly and losing their resources without any real effect.

Here is the new listing for the PlayerInput.cs script:

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; public class PlayerInput : MonoBehaviour { public List<MyCollectableData> myCollection = new List<MyCollecta-bleData>(); public Material CubeMaterial; public MyStack stack = new MyStack(); private bool MATCH = false; #region variables for level 2 public int ROOM_SELECTION; public bool GAME_OVER; #endregion #region variables for level 3 public GameObject myStorageUnit; public GameObject myBullet; public GameObject myGun; public int NUM_BULLETS; public GameObject myEnemy; #endregion void Awake() { this.stack.clear(); this.ROOM_SELECTION = -1; this.GAME_OVER = false; this.MATCH = false; this.NUM_BULLETS = 1; // make sure we start clean this.myCollection.Clear(); } // Use this for initialization void Start () {

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Chapter 5 – Creating the User Interface

User Interface (UI) design is a very important aspect of any soft-

ware system. After all, this is how your users are going to be able to

interact with your applications, games and environments. In this chap-

ter we are going to take a look at the new UI architecture available with

Unity 5. If you have done any development in older versions of Unity,

you will appreciate the new enhancement that are made in the new re-

lease of Unity 5.

User Interface design and development is an art by itself. Just like

anything else, it takes years of practice and hands on experience to re-

ally fine-tune your UI designs. There is no science in the design of a UI

per-se, however, good UI designers tap into other human sciences and

art sciences to bring about something unique.

Figure 44 - User Interface Sample 1

Since each UI is going to be unique to the environment you are

designing for, it will be very important for the UI designer to under-

stand the system inside and out. I am not talking about the technical

details of how things might work internally, but, you should be aware

of all of the specifications for the inputs and the outputs of the system.

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In computer science and visualization, a canvas is a container that

holds various drawing elements (lines, shapes, text, frames containing

other elements, etc.). It takes its name from the canvas used in visual

arts. It is sometimes called a scene graph because it arranges the logical

representation of a user interface or graphical scene. Some implemen-

tations also define the spatial representation and allow the user to

interact with the elements via a graphical user interface.

In Unity 3D, the canvas is the area that all UI elements should be

inside. It is a GameObject with a Canvas Component attached to it, and

all UI elements must be children of such a Canvas.

Draw Order and Render Modes:

UI elements in the Canvas are drawn in the same order they appear

in the Hierarchy. The first child is drawn first, the second child next,

and etc… If two UI elements overlap, the later one will appear on top

of the earlier one.

Render Modes:

There are three render modes available for the Canvas:

Screen Space – Overlay: This render mode places UI ele-

ments on the screen rendered on top of the scene. If the

screen is resized or changes resolution, the Canvas will au-

tomatically change size to match it.

Screen Space – Camera: Similar to Screen Space – Over-

lay, but in this render mode, the Canvas is placed a given

distance in front of a specified Camera. The UI elements

are rendered by the Camera, which indicates that the Cam-

era settings will have an effect on the appearance of the UI


World Space: In this render mode, the Canvas will behave

as any other object in the scene. The size of the Canvas can

be set manually using its Rect Transform, and UI elements

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Figure 50 - Preset Anchor Component

The Anchor Presets buttons displays the currently selected preset

option if there is one. If the anchors on either the horizontal or vertical

axis are set to different positions than any of the presets, the custom

options is shown.

Unity 5 User Interface Components

There are two types of UI components in Unity. There are Visual

Components and Interactive Components. We will start by looking at

the Visual Components first, and then the Interactive Components.

Visual Components:

These are the UI elements that are used to display information back

to the user. I will be giving you just the overview and have you dig

deeper into them on your own.

Text: The Text component, which is also known as a Label,

has a Text area for entering the text that will be displayed.

It is possible to set the font, font style, font size and whether

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The width and the height, define the actual width and the height of

the panel in pixels, and the position values are displacement relative to

the anchor point.

Let’s go ahead and add out Text UI element, to do this, you will

again right-click in the Hierarchy Window on the Panel element, and

select (UI->Text). This action will create a Text element and make it a

child of the Panel. Also notice that in the Inspector Window, by default,

the Text element is anchored at the center with the default width and


There are a few properties that I have

changed on the Text element.

In the Rect Transform, I have updated

the Width and the Height to be 80 and

40 respectively.

In the Text Script Component, I have

changed the Alignment to be Horizon-

tally centered, and Vertically also


Lastly, I have checked the Best Fit

checkbox to auto-fix the text in the

provided area.

Notice, that you can also change the

font and the font size, as well as the

color of the Text, or even apply Mate-

rial to be used for rendering.

We have now composed a simple UI that can be used to give some

feedback to the player. As far as the UI design is concerned, we are

done at this point. But, we need to be able to update the Text element

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somehow from within our game! In order for us to be able to achieve

this, we would need to do some minor coding.

Figure 52 - UI Panel and Text Element

We need to be able to reference the Text UI element from our code,

and once we have a reference, we can update the Text property of the

Text UI element.

Since the PlayerInput.cs script is in charge of keeping track of the

status for the game, we will create a new public variable of type Text

that will be used to refer to the Text UI element.

We would update the class adding the following two variables:

public Text lblCollectables; private int collectables = 0;

And we would change our Start() function be something like the


void Start () { if(this.myEnemy== null) { this.myEnemy = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Enemy") as GameOb-ject; }

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would need to implement an interface that can properly identify this

process for the player in a nice way.

Since, we are using a Stack data structure to maintain the order of

selection performed by the player, we can create our UI for this task in

a similar fashion. Also, we would like to display this specific UI portion

once the user has collected all of the collectables and is at the Drop-

Zone. Hence, when that triggers, we will also display the UI specific

for matching. For this to work properly, we would need to create a new

Canvas Object. Remember, that we can have multiple Canvas object in

the scene, and each canvas can be used for a different purpose within

the scene and enabled or disabled as needed.

To create a second Canvas, you will right-click in the Hierarchy

Window and from the Context Menu select (UI->Canvas). You would

want to add a new Panel element and also three Button element objects

to the Panel. The process is the same for add any UI element, so we are

not going to list that any more.

Figure 54 - Additional UI for Matching

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the Apply button for the changes to take effect. Perform this for all of

your UI Textures.

NOTE: You will notice there are more properties and options

available. I will let you study these on your own. These properties will

come in handier in 2D Sprite based games.

Now is time for us to apply our first texture. Go ahead and select

the Status Panel UI element from the Hierarchy Window in Level 3.

Take a look at the Inspector Window, and you will notice that there is

an Image Components and that is has a property to set the Image

Source. Drag and Drop the texture designed for the Status Panel into

this property. Perform the same for each of the other panel we have

defined in the scene. Your UI should look something like the following


Figure 63 - Panel Textures Applied to Level 3

So this looks nicer then the plain default textures we had previ-

ously. The next thing I would like to do is provide some icons for the

images we have placed as placeholder. If you recall, our images have a

dimension of 40x40 pixels. We technically need to icons, one will be

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Game Plan for Implementation

Since we have a good understanding of the game and the game

rules, we can start thinking about how to implement our version of the

Battleship board game.

The first thing we should concentrate on is creating the board on

which we are going to play our game. Representing the board digitally

in the computer memory is going to be simple based on the rules that

we have. There are two items we need to think about (1) representing

the board visually (2) keeping track of board data.

Let’s take a look and see how we are going to represent our board

visually. We know that the board is going to be of size N x N. In this

case we have decided to make it a 10 x 10 board. The next step is to

determine how we are going to represent each single unit on the board.

To make it easier, we can use a cube with the following scale vec-

tor: <1,0.1,1> in the <x,y,z> coordinates. This will give us a nice unit

base for the board.

Figure 69-Base Board Unit

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Once we are satisfied with our board unit, we would like to create

the actual board consisting of the board units. For a board with dimen-

sions of 10 x 10, we would need to use 100 board units!

There are two ways to achieve this. (1) Manually creating the

board and placing one hundred units together, or (2) Creating a proce-

dure that will take care of it for you! Obviously the choice would be to

create a procedure to handle board creation for us.

We can represent our board with a two-dimensional array. There

are two things that need to happen, we would need to create the board

visually and also store the data per board unit. We can use our favorite

loop method, for … loop, structure to iterate through our rows and col-


// create a 10x10 board - Board 1 int row = 1; int col = 1; for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { for(int j=0; j<10; j++) { // instantiate prefab and place it properly on the scene GameObject tmp = GameObject.Instantiate(this.BoardUnitPrefab, new Vector3(i, 0, j), this.BoardUnitPrefab.transform.rotation) as GameObject; BoardUIVer1 tmpUI = tmp.GetComponent<BoardUIVer1>(); string name = string.Format("B1:[{0:00},{1:00}]", row, col); tmpUI.lblBoardPosition.text = name; tmpUI.COL = j; tmpUI.ROW = i; board[i, j] = tmp; = name; col++; } col = 1; row++; }

Code Block 45-Creating the Board Dynamically

Let’s take a look and see what is going on in Code Block 45. We

have two for loops one for the rows in the board and the second for the

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space. There are two features that will enable us to perform these oper-

ations, one is the actual Input object which will provide us with the

mouse position, and the next is a combination of a Ray object and using

the Physics engine to perform a Raycast to determine if we have hit an

object in the scene or not. The following code-block will illustrate this


NOTE: The code block is partial listing of the Update() function18.

if (Input.mousePosition != null) { // capture the mouse position and cast a ray to see what object we hit Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out tmpHitHighlight, 100)) { BoardUIVer1 tmpUI = tmpHitHighlight.transform.GetCompo-nent<BoardUIVer1>(); if (tmpHitHighlight.transform.tag.Equals("board") && !tmpUI.OCCUPIED) { BoardUIVer1 boardData = board[tmpUI.ROW, tmpUI.COL].transform.GetComponent<BoardUIVer1>(); if (tmpHighlight != null) { if(boardData.OCCUPIED) tmpHighlight.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color =; else tmpHighlight.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.white; } if(this.tmpBlockHolder != null) { Destroy(this.tmpBlockHolder); } if(this.PLACE_BLOCK) { this.tmpBlockHolder = new GameObject(); this.OK_TO_PLACE = true; if (!this.vertical && (tmpUI.ROW<=10-this.blockSize)) { for(int i=0; i<this.blockSize; i++) {

18 Full listing of the function will be provided in the upcoming sections.

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Game Flow + Logic

The following diagram is a high level visual representation of the

game flow. As a good rule of thumb, before you start any project, it is

a good idea to sketch out and capture some high level representation of

how your program will flow.

Figure 75 - Game Flow High Level

To quickly summarize the diagram, when the game initially starts,

the player is asked to place his/her pieces on the designated board19.

When the player has completed placing their pieces, then the computer

will start to place its pieces. Once the player and the computer have

placed all of the necessary pieces, the game starts!

19 Note, that we have not captured the details of checking the board for proper placement

of the pieces, nor did we capture the change of orientation while placing the pieces on the


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it is, then all is good and the data is recorded, if not, it goes through

steps to select another available position and orientation.

When all players have placed their pieces, the game start. The fol-

lowing diagram illustrates the detailed version of the game play logic.

Figure 78 - Game Play Logic

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using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections; public class BoardUIVer1 : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject AttackPrefab; public GameObject WreckPrefab; public GameObject AttackPosition; public GameObject CubePrefab; float timeLimit = 4.0f; // 10 seconds. public Text lblBoardPosition; public int ROW; public int COL; public bool OCCUPIED; // used to indicate if unit is occupied public bool ATTACKED; // used to indicate if unit is attacked // Use this for initialization void Start () { this.OCCUPIED = false; this.ATTACKED = false; } private GameObject tmp = null; private GameObject tmp1 = null; private GameObject tmp2 = null; // Update is called once per frame void Update () { if(transform.tag.Equals("boardAttack") && this.ATTACKED && this.OCCUPIED) { this.WreckPrefab.SetActive(true); if (timeLimit > 0) { // Decrease timeLimit. timeLimit -= Time.deltaTime; if(this.tmp==null) tmp = GameObject.Instantiate(this.AttackPrefab, this.AttackPosition.trans-form.position, this.AttackPosition.trans-form.rotation) as GameObject; //Destroy(tmp, 3.0f); } else

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public Button butHorizontal; public Button butVertical; public Canvas canvasScoreBoard; public Text lblPlayerScore; public Text lblAIScore; public Image imgYouWin; public Image imgYouLose; #endregion … . …

Code Block 48 - BoardVer1 Variables

Here are the variables responsible for the main game play.

cameraEndGame, is of type Camera, and is used to display

the ending scene of the game.

explosionPlayerBlast, is of type AudioClip, and is used to

play the sound FX when the player gets hit.

explosionEnemyBlast, is of type AudioClip, and is used to

play the sound FX when the enemy gets hit.

audioSource, is of type AudioSource, is it used for the

playback of the audio in the level.

BoardUnitPrefab, is of type GameObject, it is the refer-

ence to the prefab used to hold the player’s unit board.

BoardUnitAttackPrefab, is of type GameObject, it is the

reference to the prefab used to hold the enemy’s unit board.

CubePrefab, is of type GameObject, this variable is used

to dynamically generate a cube prefab for visual clues.

boardPlayer, is a two dimensional array data type, repre-

senting the player’s board. The dimension of the array are


boardEnemy, is a two dimensional array data type, repre-

senting the enemy’s board. The dimension of the array are


ships, is a one dimensional array data type, holds the length

of each piece that will need to be placed on the board. This

variable is specifically used by the A.I. when it is placing

it’s pieces onto the board.

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board. Once the player selects a particular ship, the UI will trigger the

necessary functions that provide the size of the game piece as well as

the ID associated with it. The details of this is covered in the following


The button on the top left corner of the screen is used for the ori-

entation of the ship that is going to be places on the board, and the

button on the top right corner is the exit button. This is only visible on

non-web deployments. In other words, you need a way to exit the ap-

plication on a computer or a mobile device, this button will take care

of that for you!

Figure 82 - User Interface Game Play

Figure 82 the player places all the game pieces, the User Interface

of the game changes to reflect appropriately. All UI elements associ-

ated with placements of game pieces are replaced with the UI elements

associated with the score board and the ability to restart the game and

or exit the game. This is illustrated in Figure 82. In the next section we

will discuss the details of the functions and the design time elements of

the GUI.

Button Events for Placing Game Pieces

There are two supporting function that are used at the beginning of

the game to allow the player for placing his/her game pieces. These two

function are:

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Figure 83 - Functions Ref. by But-


In order for the concept to

work, you need to setup the en-

vironment in a specific way in

the designer. When you are set-

ting up the button components

for each game piece, you will

need to also include the two pa-

rameters values that are then

used in the code to correctly

work in the logic.

Figure 83, demonstrates the

design time setup of the button

object defined under the canvas.

Notice, that on the click event,

we have attached the two func-

tions25 that need to be triggered.

Each function takes a single

value, one for the size and the

other for the ID.

Following this concept, you will have each button trigger both of

these functions on the click event, and for each button the values for

the parameters are going to be different.

Type of Ship Size Id

Aircraft Carrier 5 1

Battleship 4 2

Submarine 3 3

Destroyer 3 4

Patrol Boat 2 5

Next we should look at the restart function.

25 As of the writing of this book, Unity only supports single value function calls for

events. Therefore we need to setup it in this fashion to pass multiple parameters.

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Appendix 1 – Table of Figures

Table of Figures

Figure 1 - for loop diagram ............................................................................................. 9 Figure 2 - foreach loop diagram ................................................................................... 10 Figure 3 - while loop diagram....................................................................................... 11 Figure 4 - do-while loop diagram ................................................................................. 11 Figure 5-Car Object ...................................................................................................... 18 Figure 6-Airplane Composite Object ............................................................................ 23 Figure 7-Inheritance Example ...................................................................................... 25 Figure 8-Unity 5 Editor ................................................................................................ 35 Figure 9-Cube Primitive ............................................................................................... 38 Figure 10-Inspector Window ........................................................................................ 40 Figure 11-Transform Tools ........................................................................................... 41 Figure 12-Position ........................................................................................................ 41 Figure 13-Rotation ........................................................................................................ 41 Figure 14-Scale ............................................................................................................. 41 Figure 15-New Material names CH1EX1MAT ............................................................ 42 Figure 16-Applying the CH1EX1MAT material to the Cube GameObject .................. 44 Figure 17-Cube2 Position, Rotation, Scale ................................................................... 46 Figure 18-Script Attached to Game Object ................................................................... 49 Figure 19 - Property Types, Reference and Value ........................................................ 53 Figure 20 - Car Class Properties ................................................................................... 54 Figure 21 - NavMesh Components ............................................................................... 57 Figure 22 - Prefab Concept ........................................................................................... 59 Figure 23 - Simple 50x50 Terrain ................................................................................. 67 Figure 24 - Snap shot of Terrain Tool .......................................................................... 68 Figure 25 - Terrain Design ........................................................................................... 68 Figure 26 - Terrain with texture applied ....................................................................... 69 Figure 27 - Search and collect game objects ................................................................. 70 Figure 28 - Cube Prefab with Cube Collider ................................................................ 75 Figure 29 - Inspector Window showing Box Collider .................................................. 76 Figure 30 - Rigidbody Freeze Rotation ........................................................................ 79 Figure 31 - Third Person Camera Setup........................................................................ 80 Figure 32 - Collider Interaction after IsTrigger is Enabled ........................................... 81 Figure 33 - Console output for collision detection ........................................................ 82 Figure 34 - Drop-Off Platform...................................................................................... 85 Figure 35 - Drop Off Zone in action ............................................................................. 88 Figure 36 - Visual Representation of a Stack ............................................................... 89 Figure 37 - Console Window Showing Stack Ouput after Successful Order ................ 95 Figure 38 - Just a Concept for Level 2 .......................................................................... 96 Figure 39 - Level 2 Design ........................................................................................... 97 Figure 40 - 3D Room Model......................................................................................... 98 Figure 41 - 3D Model in Unity Scene ........................................................................... 98 Figure 42 - Hierarchy of the Room ............................................................................... 99 Figure 43 - Design Sample of Storage and Collector Units ........................................ 112

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Figure 44 - User Interface Sample 1 ........................................................................... 131 Figure 45 - User Interface Sample 2 ........................................................................... 132 Figure 46 - Rect Tool Toolbar Buttons ....................................................................... 134 Figure 47 - Rect Transform Component ..................................................................... 135 Figure 48 - Pivot Interface .......................................................................................... 135 Figure 49 - Anchor UI Elements ................................................................................. 136 Figure 50 - Preset Anchor Component ........................................................................ 137 Figure 51 - Canvas with Panel Attached ..................................................................... 143 Figure 52 - UI Panel and Text Element ....................................................................... 145 Figure 53 - Collectables UI Implemented ................................................................... 146 Figure 54 - Additional UI for Matching ...................................................................... 147 Figure 55 - Additional UI Elements for Level 1 ......................................................... 148 Figure 56 - Button OnClick Event .............................................................................. 149 Figure 57 - Level 2 Level Concept .............................................................................. 154 Figure 58 - Level 3 UI Concept .................................................................................. 160 Figure 59 - Another UI Sample ................................................................................... 175 Figure 60 - Status Panel Background .......................................................................... 177 Figure 61 - Message Panel Background ...................................................................... 177 Figure 62 - Enemy Panel Background ........................................................................ 177 Figure 63 - Panel Textures Applied to Level 3 ........................................................... 178 Figure 64 - Level 3 UI Enhancement .......................................................................... 179 Figure 65 - World Space Canvas Properties ................................................................ 180 Figure 66 - UI Concept for Health Bar ........................................................................ 182 Figure 67 - World Space Canvas Hierarchy ................................................................ 182 Figure 68-Grid Sample Layout ................................................................................... 185 Figure 69-Base Board Unit ......................................................................................... 187 Figure 70-Board Unit with Texture and UI Elements Applied .................................... 188 Figure 71-The Board ................................................................................................... 191 Figure 72-Showing Details per Board Unit ................................................................. 192 Figure 73 - BoardUnitPlayer Structure........................................................................ 196 Figure 74 - CubeWreck Prefab .................................................................................... 197 Figure 75 - Game Flow High Level ............................................................................ 199 Figure 76 - Player Ship Placement Flow Diagram ...................................................... 200 Figure 77 - A.I. Ship Placement Flow Diagram .......................................................... 201 Figure 78 - Game Play Logic ...................................................................................... 202 Figure 79 - Game GUI Concept .................................................................................. 204 Figure 80 - Game GUI Score Display ......................................................................... 205 Figure 81 - User Interface - Player game piece placement .......................................... 248 Figure 82 - User Interface Game Play ......................................................................... 249 Figure 83 - Functions Ref. by Buttons ........................................................................ 251

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Vahé Karamian


Appendix 2 – Code Block Table

Code Block Table

Code Block 1-variables assignment and data types ........................................................ 5 Code Block 2-if … else structure example ..................................................................... 5 Code Block 3 - Nested if..else statement ........................................................................ 6 Code Block 4-switch statement structure example ......................................................... 7 Code Block 5-loop structure samples ........................................................................... 12 Code Block 6-example of a method.............................................................................. 13 Code Block 7 - Method parameter pass by reference ................................................... 14 Code Block 8-simple calculator program demo ............................................................ 16 Code Block 9 - Sample Car Class ................................................................................. 19 Code Block 10 - Car class using properties .................................................................. 21 Code Block 11 - MyStack Data Structure ..................................................................... 27 Code Block 12 - Generics Code Sample ....................................................................... 28 Code Block 13 - Simple Event Handler Example ......................................................... 32 Code Block 14 - Car Class with Event handler............................................................. 34 Code Block 15 - SerializeField for Inspector Window ................................................. 54 Code Block 16 - MyCollectable.cs listing .................................................................... 77 Code Block 17 - PlayerInput() initial version ............................................................... 79 Code Block 18 - MyCollectable.cs ver 2 ...................................................................... 82 Code Block 19 - MyCollectableData.cs ........................................................................ 83 Code Block 20 - PlayerInput.cs ver. 2 .......................................................................... 84 Code Block 21 - PlayerInput.cs ver. 3 .......................................................................... 88 Code Block 22 - Stack Data Structure .......................................................................... 90 Code Block 23 - PlayerInput.cs ver. 4 .......................................................................... 94 Code Block 24 - Room Selection Code Listing .......................................................... 100 Code Block 25 - Sliding Door Code Listing ............................................................... 102 Code Block 26 - RoomSelection Script Update to Include Timer .............................. 105 Code Block 27 - PlayerInput.cs Update to include Timer Condition ......................... 107 Code Block 28 - SlidingDoor.cs Script update for Timer function ............................. 108 Code Block 29 - Room Visited addition to SlidingDorr.cs script ............................... 109 Code Block 30 - Addition to PlayerInput.cs script to handle rooms visited ............... 110 Code Block 31 - MyStorage.cs initial version ............................................................ 114 Code Block 32 - MyCollector.cs version 1 ................................................................. 116 Code Block 33 - MyResource.cs version 1 ................................................................. 117 Code Block 34 - MyEnemy.cs version 1 .................................................................... 121 Code Block 35 - PlayerInput.cs with Attack Enemy function .................................... 126 Code Block 36 - MyEnemy.cs with Attack Function ................................................. 129 Code Block 37 - Level 1 Match Canvas Variables ..................................................... 148 Code Block 38 - Button triggers for Level 1............................................................... 149 Code Block 39 - Level 2 Timer and Objective UI Code ............................................. 157 Code Block 40 - Revised RoomVisited() function for Level 2 ................................... 159 Code Block 41 - MyStorage.cs Listing for UI Design ................................................ 163 Code Block 42 - MyCollector.cs Listing for UI Design ............................................. 165 Code Block 43 - MyResource.cs Listing for UI Design ............................................. 166

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Code Block 44-BoardUIVer1 Class Definition ........................................................... 189 Code Block 45-Creating the Board Dynamically ........................................................ 190 Code Block 46-Highlighted Lines for Mouse Position and Raycasting ...................... 195 Code Block 47 - Listing for BoardUIVer1.cs.............................................................. 209 Code Block 48 - BoardVer1 Variables ........................................................................ 214 Code Block 49 - Awake() function in BoardVer1 class .............................................. 218 Code Block 50 - Start() function in BoardVer1 class .................................................. 220 Code Block 51 - Code for Construction of Player's Board .......................................... 221 Code Block 52 - Code for Enemy Board Construction ............................................... 222 Code Block 53 - Update() function defined in BoardVer1 class ................................. 225 Code Block 54 - CheckPlayerBoard() Function Definition ......................................... 229 Code Block 55 - Temporary variables used by CheckPlayerBoard() .......................... 230 Code Block 56 - Determining what object we have hit by ray casting. ....................... 232 Code Block 57 - Visually placing the selected piece onto the game board ................. 236 Code Block 58 - Function for A.I. to place game pieces ............................................. 236 Code Block 59 - Function responsible for A.I. game piece placement........................ 238 Code Block 60 - CheckAttackBoard function listing .................................................. 243 Code Block 61 - Variables used by CheckAttackBoard() function ............................. 244 Code Block 62 - Registering a hit or a miss by the Player .......................................... 245 Code Block 63 - Changing Turns after Player's selection ........................................... 246 Code Block 64 - Function used to change the hit direction for the A.I. ...................... 247 Code Block 65 - Function to handle UI portion of ship placement by player ............. 250 Code Block 66 - Reset function listing........................................................................ 252 Code Block 67 - GUI Reset Function ......................................................................... 253