introduction to formatting vistaphw charts brought to you by: the vista partnership february 2007

Introduction to Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Formatting VistaPHw Charts Charts Brought to you by: The Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership Vista Partnership February 2007 February 2007

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Page 1: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Introduction to Formatting Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw ChartsVistaPHw Charts

Brought to you by: The Vista Brought to you by: The Vista PartnershipPartnership

February 2007 February 2007

Page 2: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

e-Learning Overviewe-Learning Overview

In this e-Learning, we’ll cover in detail how In this e-Learning, we’ll cover in detail how to format VistaPHw chartsto format VistaPHw charts– FontsFonts– ColorsColors– TitlesTitles– Saving and sharing formatsSaving and sharing formats– Creating a new chart template (default)Creating a new chart template (default)– Other chart optionsOther chart options

Page 3: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Using the run from the last e-Learning, choose all cause and cancer mortality for Puget Sound region (King, Pierce, Thurston, and Snohomish counties) for the last 5 years (2000-2004), and both sexes and all races. Click “LAUNCH”.

Page 4: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Choose “Chart Output” and click “Run Now”.

Page 5: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Changing Titles and FontsChanging Titles and Fonts

Page 6: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Set up a column chart by choosing “column” as the chart type, then selecting the chart variables race by sex. Select the genders and races in the boxes on the left-hand side, then click Get Chart, and the chart appears. Click the Formatting Chart button. A text box will appear.

Page 7: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

There are 9 tabs on the formatting chart box. Titles allow for users to change the chart title, and the labels on the axes. Using the carrot (^) symbol (shift-6) will create another line in the title and axis boxes. For this example, Type “Age-Adjusted Mortality in Washington State ^ by Race/Ethnicity by Sex for 2000” into the chart title box. Change Value (Y) axis to read “Age-Adjusted Rate” then click OK.

Page 8: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

The new axes labels and title appear. To remove the legend, or move it to different areas of the chart screen, click Formatting Chart, then the legend tab. Click the Bottom button. Click Ok. Now the legend is now below the chart. Click Formatting Charts, then Undo. This returns the legend back to its original spot.

Page 9: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Changing Colors of the SeriesChanging Colors of the Series

Page 10: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Click Formatting Chart again, then click the Series Color tab. Here is where users can change colors for the series and for the confidence intervals. Click on the box that says Total, under Series Name. A color panel appears. Users can click on a basic color, or pick a color in the color rainbow. Click ‘OK’ to apply. The Total box turns green to indicate the color picked. Follow the same steps for male and female, choosing a blue color for male and a yellow color for female. Click Ok.

Page 11: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

The chart now displays the colors that were chosen for the bars.

Page 12: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Adding Other Options: Data tables Adding Other Options: Data tables Grid Lines, and LabelingGrid Lines, and Labeling

Page 13: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Click Formatting Chart. Click on the Data Table. This allows for the data table to be included in the chart output. Check both Show Data Table and Show Legend Keys, then click OK.

Page 14: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Now, the data table is displayed with the chart. The legend key gives the color of the bar by the table row. Users may keep this table associated, or remove it by clicking Formatting Chart, then Undo.

Page 15: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

To display data labels, click Formatting Chart. Choose the Data Labels tab. Users can display series name (in this example, it would be the race/ethnicity), category name, and/or the data value. If displaying more than one label, users can separate the labels with a comma, semicolon, or a space. Click the value box to show the data value in the chart. Click OK.

Page 16: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

To remove the labels from the axes, click Formatting Chart, then the Axis tab. This will unlabel the x and/or y axis. By default, the boxes are checked. Unchecking both boxes gives this chart, with no labels.

Page 17: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Users can change the fonts and colors of all almost all text in the chart, including the chart title, the axis, and the legend. Currently, the footnote text can not be changed. Click Formatting Chart, then the font tab. Click on the chart title box, and a new window will open. Select Times New Roman, Regular, 26, and the color black. Click OK, then OK on the Formatting Chart box. The new format will be displayed.

Page 18: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

The confidence intervals can be turned on and off for bar and column charts. As a default, confidence intervals are turned on. Click Formatting Chart, the Options tab, then uncheck the Show Confidence Interval box. Click Ok. The confidence intervals are no longer displayed.

Page 19: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Users may want to display a grid in the background of the chart. To do this, click Formatting Chart, then the Axis Grid tab. Click the box for the major gridlines for the Y axis, OK. The background now has lines for the major series.

Page 20: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Saving and Applying Saved Saving and Applying Saved FormatsFormats

Page 21: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Now, we’ll save this format to a file. Click Formatting Chart, then Save Format.

Page 22: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

A new text box opens. VistaPHw chart format files are saved as .cfd files. They are typically saved in the c:\VistaPHw\CDP folder, but can be saved in other places for storage. Enter the file name to save this format, then Save. Click “No”, not to save it as a default format, unless you want all the charts to have the same format just created. The .cfd files can be shared with others to standardize chart templates.

Page 23: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Close the VistaPHw charting screen by clicking the “X” in the right hand corner, or by clicking the Close button. Run the same elements as before by clicking Launch and Run Now. When the Chart Output Form opens, create a Column chart, race by sex. Now, we’ll apply the saved format. Click Formatting Chart, then choose the file “”. Click Open, then OK. The formats from before will be applied.

Page 24: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

The formats are already applied. The title font is black, Times New Roman 26, there are no confidence intervals displayed, grid lines are shown, and the colors of the bars match the previous example.

Page 25: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Additional Format OptionsAdditional Format Options

Page 26: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Click the down arrow next to the drop-down menu for Send Chart, and choose 1 Excel sheet. The graph will be sent to Excel. Users can alt-Tab to Excel to see the chart output.

Page 27: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Once the charts have been output to Excel, users can modify based on Excel options. Right click on the chart to bring up the list of standard Excel chart choices.

Page 28: Introduction to Formatting VistaPHw Charts Brought to you by: The Vista Partnership February 2007

Thanks for your time!Thanks for your time!

Public Health Seattle and King CountyPublic Health Seattle and King CountySpokane Regional Health DistrictSpokane Regional Health DistrictWashington State Department of HealthWashington State Department of Health