introduction to epidemiology and study designs

ntroduction to Epidemiolog and Study Designs Adapted from original PPT by Thomas Songer, Ph.D. – University of Pittsburgh and the Supercourse Team.

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Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs. Adapted from original PPT by Thomas Songer , Ph.D. – University of Pittsburgh and the Supercourse Team. What is Epidemiology?. Epidemiology may be regarded simply as the study of disease and health in human populations. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Introduction to Epidemiologyand Study Designs

Adapted from original PPT by Thomas Songer, Ph.D. – University of Pittsburgh and the Supercourse Team.

Page 2: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

What is Epidemiology?• Epidemiology may be regarded simply as the

study of disease and health in human populations.

• Here disease may be any adverse health outcome such as pre-term birth, it may not necessarily be a disease such as cancer.

Page 3: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Goals of Epidemiological Research

1) Describe the health status of populations by enumerating the occurrence of diseases, obtaining relative frequencies within groups and discovering important trends.

2) Explain the etiology of diseases by determining factors that “cause” specific diseases or trends.

Page 4: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Goals of Epidemiological Research

3) Predict the number of disease occurrences and the distribution of health status within populations.

4) Control the distributions of disease in the population by prevention of new occurrences, eradication of existing cases, prolongation of life for those with disease, or otherwise improving the health status of afflicted persons.

Page 5: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Components of Epidemiology• Measure disease frequency

– Quantify disease• Assess distribution of disease

– Who is getting disease?– Where is disease occurring?– When is disease occurring?Formulation of hypotheses concerning

causal and preventive factors• Identify determinants of disease

– Hypotheses are tested using epidemiologic studies

Page 6: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Types of Primary Studies

• Descriptive Studies–describe occurrence of an outcome

• Analytic Studies–describe the potential association

between exposure and outcome

Page 7: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Basic Question in Analytic Epidemiology

• Are exposure and disease linked?

Exposure Disease

Page 8: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Basic Questions in Analytic Epidemiology

• Look to link exposure and disease–What is the exposure?–Who are the exposed?–What are the potential health effects?–What approach will you take to study

the relationship between exposure and effect?

Page 9: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Basic Study Designs and theirApplication to Epidemiology

Page 10: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Big Picture

• To prevent and control disease• In a coordinated plan, look to

–identify hypotheses on what is related to disease and may be “causing” it

–formally test these hypotheses• Study designs direct how the

investigation is conducted

Page 11: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

What designs exist to identify and investigate

factors in disease?

Page 12: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs


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e sig

ns Case report

Case series

Descriptive Epidemiology







Cohort study


Ecologic study

Page 13: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Timeframe of Studies

• Prospective Study - looks forward, looks to the future, examines future events, follows a condition, concern or disease into the future

timeStudy begins here

(looking forward)

Page 14: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Timeframe of Studies

• Retrospective Study - “to look back”, looks back in time to study events that have already occurred


Study begins here

(looking back)

e.g. Case-Control Study

Page 15: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Study Design Sequence

Case reports Case series Descriptiveepidemiology

Analytic epidemiology




Cohort Case-control


Hypothesis formation

Hypothesis testing

Page 16: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Descriptive Studies

Case-control Studies

Cohort Studies

Develop hypothesis

Investigate it’srelationship to


Define it’s meaning with exposures

Clinical trialsTest link




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Page 17: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Descriptive Studies

Page 18: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Case Reports

• Detailed presentation of a single case or handful of cases

• Generally report a new or unique finding• e.g. previous undescribed disease• e.g. unexpected link between diseases• e.g. unexpected new therapeutic effect• e.g. adverse events

Page 19: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Case Series• Experience of a group of patients with a

similar diagnosis• Assesses prevalent disease• Cases may be identified from a single or

multiple sources• Generally report on new/unique

condition• May be only realistic design for rare


Page 20: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Case Series• Advantages

• Useful for hypothesis generation• Informative for very rare disease with few

established risk factors• Characterizes averages for disorder

• Disadvantages• Cannot study cause and effect

relationships• Cannot assess disease frequency

Case seriesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Page 21: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Case Report

Case Series

DescriptiveEpidemiology Study

One case of unusualfindings

Multiple cases of findings

Population-based cases with denominator

Descriptive Studies

Page 22: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Analytical Studies

Page 23: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Study Designs - Analytic Epidemiology

• Experimental Studies– Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials (RCT)– Community trials

• Observational Studies – Group data (i.e. we don’t have subject level info)

• Ecologic– Individual data

• Cross-sectional• Cohort• Case-control• Case-crossover An Introduction to Epidemiology (CDC)

Page 24: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Experimental Studies

• Treatment and/or exposures occur in a “controlled” environment

• Planned research designs• Clinical trials are the most well known

experimental design. Clinical trials use randomly assigned data.

• Community trials use nonrandom data

Page 25: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Observational Studies• Non-experimental• Observational because there is no

individual intervention• Treatment and/or exposures occur in a

“non-controlled” environment• Individuals can be observed

prospectively, retrospectively, or currently (i.e. cross-sectional)

Page 26: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Cross-sectional studies

• An “observational” design that surveys exposures and disease status at a single point in time (a cross-section of the population)


Study only exists at this point in time

Page 27: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Observational Studies and Timeframe

Page 28: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Cross-sectional Design

timeStudy only exists at this point in time


No Disease


factor present

factor absent

factor present

factor absent

Page 29: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Cross-sectional Studies• Often used to study conditions that are

relatively frequent with long duration of expression (nonfatal, chronic conditions)

• It measures prevalence, not incidence of disease

• Example: community surveys• Not suitable for studying rare or highly fatal

diseases or a disease with short duration of expression

Page 30: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Cross-sectional studies• Disadvantages

• Weakest observational design, (it measures prevalence, not incidence of disease). Prevalent cases are survivors

• The temporal sequence of exposure and effect may be difficult or impossible to determine

• Usually don’t know when disease occurred• Rare events a problem. Quickly emerging

diseases are also problem.

Page 31: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Epidemiologic Study Designs

• Case-Control Studies–an “observational” design comparing

exposures in disease cases vs. healthy controls from same population

–exposure data collected retrospectively

–most feasible design where disease outcomes are rare

Page 32: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Case-Control StudiesCases: Disease

Controls: No Disease

Page 33: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs




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Controls(no disease)

factor present

factor absent

factor present

factor absentpresent



Study begins here

Page 34: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Case-Control Study• Strengths

– Less expensive and time consuming– Efficient for studying rare diseases

• Limitations– Inappropriate when disease outcome for a specific

exposure is not known at start of study– Exposure measurements taken after disease

occurrence– Disease status can influence selection of subjects

Page 35: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Hypothesis Testing: Case-Crossover Studies• Study of event triggers within an individual• Still a Case and Control component, but information

on both components will come from the same individual who is ultimately a case.

• Case component = hazard period which is the time period right before the disease or event onset. For example, period of heavy lifting right before an MI.

• Control component = control period which is a specified time interval other than the hazard period.For example, presence or absence of a period of heavy lifting prior to time right before MI.

Page 36: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Epidemiologic Study Designs• Cohort Studies

–an “observational” design comparing individuals with a known risk factor or exposure with others without the risk factor or exposure

– looking for a difference in the risk (incidence) of a disease over time

–best observational design–data usually collected prospectively

Page 37: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs


ort D



timeStudy begins here


free ofdisease




no disease


no disease


Page 38: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Timeframe of Studies• Prospective Study - looks forward,

looks to the future, examines future events, follows a condition, concern or disease into the future

Page 39: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Prospective Cohort study

Measure exposureand confounder







Study begins here

Page 40: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Timeframe of Studies

• Retrospective Study - “to look back”, looks back in time to study events that have already occurred


Study begins here

Page 41: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Retrospective Cohort study

Measure exposureand confounder







Study begins here

Page 42: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Cohort Study• Strengths

– Exposure status determined before disease detection

– Subjects selected before disease detection– Can study several outcomes for each exposure

• Limitations– Expensive and time-consuming– Inefficient for rare diseases or diseases with

long latency– Loss to follow-up

Page 43: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Experimental Studies• Investigator can “control” the exposure• Akin to laboratory experiments except

living populations are the subjects• Generally involves random assignment

to groups• Clinical trials are the most well known

experimental design• The ultimate step in testing causal


Page 44: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Experimental Studies• In an experiment, we are interested in the

consequences of some treatment on some outcome.

• The subjects in the study who actually receive the treatment of interest are called the treatment group.

• The subjects in the study who receive no treatment or a different treatment are called the comparison group or control group.

Page 45: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Epidemiologic Study Designs• Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)

–a design with subjects randomly assigned to “treatment” and “comparison” groups

–provides most convincing evidence of relationship between exposure and effect

–not possible to use RCTs to test effects of exposures that are expected to be harmful, for ethical reasons

Page 46: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs



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timeStudy begins here (baseline point)





no outcome


no outcome



Page 47: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Epidemiologic Study Designs

• Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)– the “gold standard” of research designs–provides most convincing evidence of

relationship between exposure and effect• trials of hormone replacement therapy in

menopausal women found no protection for heart disease, contradicting findings of prior observational studies.

Page 48: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Randomized Controlled Trials

• Disadvantages–Very expensive–Not appropriate to answer certain

types of questions• it may be unethical, for example, to

assign persons to certain treatment or comparison groups

Understanding controlled trials: Why are randomised controlled trials important? by Bonnie Sibbald and Martin Roland

Page 49: Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs

Review Questions

• What designs can be used to describe the link between exposure and disease?

• Describe study design sequence• Describe strengths and weaknesses of

each design