introduction to electron backscattered diffraction shashank/ebsd_shashank.… · sem –ebsd...

Download Introduction to Electron Backscattered Diffraction Shashank/EBSD_Shashank.… · SEM –EBSD analysis of the microstructure ... 2. 0° raking constitutes a severe plastic deformation

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  • TEQIP Workshop HREXRD

    Feb 1st to Feb 5th 2016


    Introduction to Electron Backscattered Diffraction

  • SE vs BSE2


    Ranges and interaction volumes



  • Backscattered Electrons4

  • Topographic Contrast

    Image from Characterization Facility Manual, University of Minnesota


  • Secondary and backscattered Electrons

    Backscattered electrons can also produce secondary electrons.

    Secondary electrons are generated throughout the interaction

    volume, but only secondary electrons produced near the surface

    are able to escape (~5 nm in metals). For this reason, secondary

    electron imaging (SEI) yields high resolution images of surface


    By definition, secondary

    electrons have energy

  • Some slides borrowed from Prof. Sudhanshu ShekharSingh and TSL OIM Training Program

    EBSD: Theory to Technique


  • Electron backscattered Diffraction (EBSD)8

  • EBSD Setup9

    Kikuchi pattern

    EBSD detectorElectron


    Sample at

    70 tilt Kikuchi lines

    Cone of deficient


    Cone of intense



    SEM vacuum chamberDiffraction


  • Interaction of electrons with materials Kikuchi pattern (map)


  • Setup for EBSD in SEM

    Principal system components

    Sample tilted at 70 from the horizontal

    phosphor screen (interaction of electrons)

    Sensitive CCD video camera (capture the image on

    phosphor screen)

    T. Maitland et. al., 2007V. Randle et. al, 2000


  • Braggs Law


    n = 2d sin B


  • Formation of Kikuchi lines13

  • Conic Sections to Kikuchi Bands14

    The cones of diffracted

    electrons form hyperbolae

    on the phosphor screen

  • Properties of Kikuchi pattern

    Each band : diffraction of a family of planes Intersections of bands : intersections of planes = zone axes Angles between bands : angles between planes Band widths : proportional to d(hkl) related to lattice

    parameters Middle line of a kikuchi band represents plane

    Zone axis

    Kikuchi linesDeficient line

    Excess line

    Kikuchi/EBSP pattern at a point


  • Indexing: Identifying various planes16

    Angle (hkl)1 (hkl)225.2 200 31129.5 111 311 31.5 220 311 35.1 311 311 35.3 111 220 45.0 200 220 50.5 311 311 54.7 111 20058.5 111 31160.0 220 202 63.0 311 131 64.8 220 31170.5 111 111 72.5 200 13180.0 111 311 84.8 311 131 90.0 111 220 90.0 200 020 90.0 200 022 90.0 220 113 90.0 220 220

    Look Up Table (LUT) The angles between these bands formed

    by planes are measured from the Kikuchi pattern

    These values are compared against theoretical values of all angles formed by various planes for a given crystal system

    When the h-k-l values of a pair of lines are identified, it gives information about the pair of planes, but this does not distinguish between the two planes and hence this alone cannot be used to identify the orientation of the sample

    At least 3 sets of lines are required to completely identify the individual planes and hence find the orientation of the sample, as shown in Figure

  • Band Identification: Image processing


  • Hough Transform


  • Hough Transform


  • Hough Transform


  • Hough Transform


  • EBSD Analysis


  • In order to specify an orientation, it is necessary to set up terms of reference, each of which is known as a coordinate system

    Specimen coordinate system: Coordinate

    system chosen as the geometry of the


    Crystal coordinate system: Coordinate

    system based on crystal orientation. In

    general [100], [010], [001] are adopted

    There are two coordinate systems: Sample (specimen) coordinate system Crystal coordinate system

    V. Randle et. al., 2000

    Coordinate systems23

  • orientation is then defined as 'the position of the crystal coordinate system with respect to the specimen coordinate system', i.e.

    where Cc and CS are the crystal and specimen coordinate systems respectively and g is the orientation matrix

    The fundamental means for expressing g is the rotation or orientation matrix

    The first row of the matrix is given by the cosines of the angles between the first crystal axis, [l00], and each of the three specimen axes, X, Y, Z, in turn

    In general sample coordinate system

    is the reference system


  • Orientation Maps

    =100 m; BC; Step=1 m; Grid300x200

    =100 m; IPF; Step=1 m; Grid300x200

    Image Quality MapInverse Pole Figure


  • Titanium Aluminate


    Erbium Oxide

    Zirconium Oxide

    Phase Maps26

  • Various kinds of boundaries27

  • Charts: Misorientation Angle Distribution28

  • Charts: Misorientation Profile29

  • The area (A) of a grain is the number

    (N) of points in the grain multiplied by

    a factor of the step size (s).

    For square grids: A = Ns2

    For hexagonal grids: A = N3/2s2

    The diameter (D) is calculated from

    the area (A) assuming the grain is a

    circle: D = (4A/p)1/2.

    Charts: Grain Size30

  • Consider a cubic crystal in a rolled sheet sample with "laboratory" or "sample" axes as shown below.

    The Pole Figure plots the orientation of a given plane normal (pole) with respect to the sample reference frame. The example below is a (001) pole figure. Note the three points shown in the pole figure are for three symmetrically equivalent planes in the crystal.

    Pole Figures31

  • Pole Figure: Texture Analysis32

  • Orientation Distribution Function (ODF)

    Although an orientation can be uniquely defined by a single point in Euler space, 3D

    graphs are hard to interpret

    Therefore ODF is a 2D representation of Euler Space

    Euler Space is divided into

    slices with interval of 5o

    Slices arranged in gird called ODF


  • t-EBSD34

  • 20 o tool angle: g = 1.50 o tool angle: g = 1.9

    a=+20 a=0


    not indexable


    Large areas where the orientation cannot be

    determined (by indexing of Kikuchi patterns)

    1. Due to refinement of the microstructure

    beyond the resolution limit of the SEM

    2. Introduction of large amounts of cold-

    deformation strain => decreasing the quality of

    the Kikuchi pattern

    Nothing could be indexed

    G. Facco; S. Shashank; M.R. Shankar; A.K. Kulovits;

    J.M.K. Wiezorek, MRS2010 Boston

    SEM EBSD analysis of the microstructure in 316L chips formed with both the 0 and 20o raking angle

  • 0.2 m

    0.4 m 0.4 m 0.4 m 0.4 m

    1. BF images show the formation of dislocation walls sub cell structure typical of large amounts of plastic deformation facilitated by conventional plastic deformation

    2. OIM imaging shows large grains that contain low angle mis-orientations

    3. OIM observations are consistent with BF image contrast of the dislocation wall sub cell structure

    Orientation spread

    TEM based OIM Analysis (+20 rake)

    G. Facco; S. Shashank; M.R. Shankar; A.K. Kulovits;

    J.M.K. Wiezorek, MRS2010 Boston

  • 0.4 m 0.4 m 0.4 m 0.4 m

    1. OIM imaging shows much smaller grains separated by High Angle Grain Boundaries HAGBs => grain refinement took place

    2. 0 raking constitutes a severe plastic deformation process

    TEM based OIM Analysis (0 rake)

    G. Facco; S. Shashank; M.R. Shankar; A.K. Kulovits;

    J.M.K. Wiezorek, MRS2010 Boston

  • Cross-correlation technique to determine elastic strain


  • (a) 26R (b) 500 C (c) 15min

    (d) 30min (e) 90min (f) 120min

    In-situ Recrystallization39

    N. Sharma, S. Shashank; submitted to J. Microscopy

  • Band Contrast Intensity as user-independent parameter


    N. Sharma, S. Shashank; submitted to J. Microscopy

  • Recovery Parameter

    (a) 26R, (b) 200 C and (c) 450 C.


    N. Sharma, S. Shashank; submitted to J. Microscopy

  • MAD as user-independent parameter42

    N. Sharma, S. Shashank; submitted to J. Microscopy

  • Summary43

    EBSD is a very powerful technique for quantitative microscopy

    It is based on diffraction and hence can be used for any crystalline materials

    This method provides trove of data related to orientation, misorientation and can be extrapolated to represent strains, extent of recovery, recrystallization and may more things