introduction to cst


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You’ve made the right choice!

Welcome to IAHCSMM’s CRCST Course!

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Class Location

Class Times and Dates

Instructor Information

Required Materials

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We will ALL strive to create a positive learning environment by:

Treating Everyone with RespectBeing CourteousBeing PunctualBeing Prepared for ClassWorking Together to Make the Most of

our Learning Experience

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The course will follow the outline listed in the text and workbook

We will make adjustments as necessary

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Classroom Interactive Sessions

Self Study Assignments

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Attendance will be recorded

If you miss class, you are responsible to cover the material independently

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Grading will be based on assignments and tests

Students must achieve a 70% or better in order to pass the course

*The better you do in this course, the better you will most likely do on your certification exam

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Enhance Skills

Develop a better understanding of Central Service processes

Prepare for Central Service Certification

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Professional Recognition

Pride in your Accomplishments

More confidence on the job

Future Career Opportunities

Education for Life

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Certified Registered Central Service Technician

CRCST is the title used to designate someone who has completed a designated course of study and passed the IAHCSMM CRCST Certification Exam

This course is designed to help you prepare for that examination

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Certified Instrument Specialist

Attained by successfully completing an IAHCSMM course with emphasis on Surgical Instrument identification, inspection, care, and handling, and successfully completing the CIS Certification Exam

Visit for more details

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Certification in Healthcare Leadership

Attained by successfully completing an IAHCSMM course with emphasis on supervisory responsibilities and successfully completing the CHL Certification Exam

Visit for more details

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Certification in Healthcare Materiel Management Concepts

Attained by successfully completing an IAHCSMM course with emphasis on purchasing, inventory management, financial management, and related concepts and successful completion of the CHMMC Certification Exam

Visit for more details

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Fellowship in Central Service

Available to senior IAHCSMM members who submit extensive documentation and maintain rigid professional development activities

Visit for more details

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How will it help me in my job?

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Standards Regulations The Science Behind our Processes Common Protocols and Practices Doing the Right Thing to Protect the Patient

This higher level of knowledge will enhance your critical thinking and decision-making skills

It will also give you a broader understanding of systems and prepare you for the future

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IAHCSMM Central Service Technical Manual, Seventh Edition (Text)

IAHCSMM Central Service Technical Training Workbook, Seventh Edition

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The text and workbook are designed to be used together

Lessons in the workbook help you practice what you have learned and measure your level of understanding

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Lesson Components

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Unit Introduction – This section will provide a brief overview of the topic content and explain how the information contained in the lesson connects with your job. Use this short segment to help set the tone for the lesson

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Objectives – Objectives are a checklist of what we plan to accomplish. They are written as “actions” that list a skill you should have when you successfully complete the lesson. Each lesson contains a list of the learning objectives we plan to cover. You will note that the same objectives appear at the beginning of each corresponding chapter in the text. The workbook and text are designed to be used together to accomplish those objectives

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Reading Assignment – The reading assignment will provide you with the section of the text that corresponds with the lesson

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Practice Exercises – Practice exercises are designed to help you practice working with the new concepts and terms that you have just learned. These exercises use a variety of methods to help you become more familiar with the information you have just read

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Quiz – Each lesson has a review quiz that will help measure the knowledge you have attained. Use it as a tool to determine how well you understand the information. If you miss any questions, go back and review them. This same information may appear on a future test, on the final exam, or the CRCST certification exam

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Clinical Experience Connection – In addition to successful completion of the CRCST certification exam, certification also requires 400 hours of practical experience in designated Central Service work areas. This segment explains how this lesson prepares you for that practice experience

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Additional Resources – This area will provide you with some resources to learn more about the specific topic are of the current lesson. Please Note: These resources are provided to enhance your knowledge of a specific topic area and are not required reading. Information from these resources is not included on quizzes or exams

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The Better your Chances are for Success.

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Everyone is different. Different methods work for different people. The following are some suggestions for improving upon your current studying techniques

It is best to review the material right after class when it's still fresh in your memory

Don't try to do all your studying the night before a test, instead space out your studying, review class materials at least several times a week, focusing on one topic at a time

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Have all of your study material in front of you: lecture notes, course textbooks, study guides and any other relevant material

Find a comfortable and quiet place to study with good lighting and little distractions (try avoiding your own bed; it is very tempting to just lie down and take a nap)

Start out by studying the most

important information

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Take notes and write down a summary of the important ideas as you read through your study materials

Take short breaks frequently, your memory retains the information that you study at the beginning and the end better than what you study in the middle

Space out your studying, you'll learn more by studying a little every day instead of waiting to cram at the last minute. By studying everyday, the material will stay in your long-term memory but if you try to study at the last moment, the material will only reside in your short-term memory that you'll easily forget

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Make sure that you understand the material well, don't just read through the material and try to memorize everything

If you choose to study in a group, only

study with others who are serious about studying

Test yourself or have someone test you on the material to find out what your weak and strong areas are. You can use the review questions at the end of each chapter or practice tests the teacher may give out as well as other materials

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Listening to relaxing music such as classical or jazz on a low volume can relieve some of the boredom of studying

Don't study later than the time you usually go to sleep, you may fall asleep or be tempted to go to sleep, instead try studying in the afternoon or early evening. If you are a morning person try studying in the morning

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Being well prepared for the test is the best way to reduce test taking anxiety

Space out your studying over a few days or weeks, and continually review class material, don't wait until the night before and try to learn everything the night before

Try to maintain a positive attitude while preparing for the test and during the test

Exercising for a few days before the test will help reduce stress

Get a good night's sleep before the test

Show up to class early so you won't have to worry about being late

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Stay relaxed, if you begin to get nervous take a few deep breaths slowly to relax yourself and then get back to work.

Read the directions slowly and carefully Skim through the test so that you have a good idea how to pace yourself Don't worry about how fast other people finish their test; just concentrate on your own test If you don't know a question skip it for the time being (come back to it later if you have time), and remember that you don't have to always get every question right to do well on the test Focus on the question at hand; don't let your mind wander on other things

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Budget your time, make sure you have sufficient time to study so that you are well prepared for the test. Go to review, pay attention to hints that the instructor may give about the test. Take careful notes and ask questions about items you may be confused about

Make sure you go to the class right before the test; it's another prime time for the instructor to give out more hints or the format of the test

Go over any material from old tests, the Workbook, review the textbook and class notes.

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Eat before a test, having food in your stomach will give you energy and help you focus, but avoid heavy foods which can make you groggy

Don't try to pull an all-nighter, get adequate sleep before the test

Try to show up at least 5 minutes before the test will start. Set your alarm and have a backup alarm set as well Go to the bathroom before walking into the exam room, you don't want to waste anytime worrying about your bodily needs during the test

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Read the question before you look at the answer

Come up with the answer in your head before looking at the possible answers, this way the choices given on the test won't throw you off or trick you

Eliminate answers you know aren't right

Read all the choices before choosing your answer

If there is no guessing penalty, always take an educated guess and select an answer

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Don't keep on changing your answer, usually your first choice is the right one, unless you miss-read the questionIn "All of the above" and "None of the above" choices, if you are certain one of the statements is true don't choose "None of the above" or one of the statements are false don't choose "All of the above"

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Qualifiers like "never, always, and every mean that the statement must be true all of the time. Usually these type of qualifiers lead to a false answer

Qualifiers like "usually, sometimes, and generally" mean that if the statement can be considered true or false depending on the circumstances. Usually these type of qualifiers lead to an answer of true

If any part of the question is false, then the entire statement is false, but just because part of a statement is true doesn't necessarily make the entire statement true

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Is the Key to success!

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Depends on Correct Policies

Depends on Good Work Practices

Depends on Well-Trained People