introduction to biomedicine 生物醫學概論

Introduction To Biomedi cine 生生生生生生 Chung W.Wu, M.S.,R.Ph. Extension:-----5213

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Introduction To Biomedicine 生物醫學概論. Chung W.Wu, M.S.,R.Ph. Extension:-----5213. 1. The Story of Biomedicine Applications of Biomedicine (1)  Monosodium Glutamate Reaction (2)  Caffeine. (3) Chromophore:Indigo. Chemical Structure of Curcumin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Introduction To Biomedicine 生物醫學概論

Introduction To Biomedicine生物醫學概論

Chung W.Wu, M.S.,R.Ph.


Page 2: Introduction To Biomedicine 生物醫學概論

1. The Story of Biomedicine Applications of Biomedicine

(1)  Monosodium Glutamate Reaction

(2)  Caffeine

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(3) Chromophore:IndigoChemical Structure of Curcumin



 Chemical Structure of Desmethoxy Curcumin   


 Chemical Structure of Bis-desmethoxy Curcumin  


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(4) How to Create New Molecule

(5) Nucleic Acid

(6) Quinine

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2. DNA(Gene) Recombinant3. Trace Element4. Biotechnology5. Immunological Reaction6. Life & Biochemistry

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1. PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene Chemical Inert Artificial Blood VesselInner Diameter: 4—10mm人工韌帶

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2.Collagen:Natural Polymer From animal 1000 Amino Acids

---Polypetide Content33.5% Glycine12% Proline10% Hydroxyproline

Triple HelixTropocollagen Collagen Fiber

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CollagenExtract from animal tissue事先 treatment of cross-linking 避免免疫排斥


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(1). 細胞培養基材

(2). 人工器官基材

(3). 組織填充材料

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3. 矽膠矽膠充填物:豐胸下巴隆鼻矽膠隆乳婦女 1980------1990發現分解碎片可能改變婦女Immune System ,引起風濕性關節炎。導致 Dow Corning 倒閉。

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Poly(beta-1,4-N-acetyl-D-Glucosamine)Polymer of NAG昆蟲與甲殼類動物之外骨骼 蝦蟹外殼

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無毒性 生物相容性 生物體內可分解 價格便宜

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Usage:生醫材料 人工細胞外間質 傷口敷料


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7.Taxol PaclitaxelA plant product of high current interes

t in cancer chemotherapy.Isolation from the bark ofPacific yew tree Taxus brevifolia byWani et 1971.

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Found to have antitumor activity

Taxol inhibits mitosis by acting as a spindle poison

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8.Deadly ToxinBlock Neurotransmitter ReleaseBotulinum ToxinsFlaccid ParalysisBlcking the release of AchAt the neuromuscular junction

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Injection into Facial MuscleTo Remove Wrinkles

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10.Bromelain(Ananase) Extract from Pineapple


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Dole Company 最早生產Proteolytic EnzymeUsage: 治療外傷組織發炎燒燙傷 發炎後形成之腫脹可能是組織間隙充滿 Fibrin 而 Bromelain 可破壞Fibrin 分子。

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11.Urokinase Glycosylated Serine Protease Usage: 尿液中強力血塊溶解作用 腦血栓及血栓靜脈炎

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Milk------------Lactose Reduced MilkOriental,Black,& Part White Adults Small amount of LactaseThey can’t drink MilkMilk: Lactose Intolerance Watery Diarrhea Flatulence

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Production of LactaseSaccharomyces fragilisKluyveromyces lactisCandida pseudotropicalisAspergilus nigerAspergilus oryzae

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1975 Italy Snam Progetti Yeast----LactaseCellulose acetate fiberDauly Production of Lactose-Reduced Milk: 8000 liter

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13. Glucose Isomerase

100% Glucose Syrup---42% Fructose

1.5 times Sweeter than Glucose Same Calories

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1970 USA Clinton CornProcessing CompanyHigh Fructose Syrup(HFS)pH 7.5~8.0, 60C,500,000 Tons/year

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14.Penicillin Amidase(Acylase) pH 7.8 Hydrolyse Benzylpenicillin to form 6-APA

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1972 USA Squib CompanyEscherichia coliPenicillin Amidase