introduction (syllabus and administrative procedures)

D rilling E ngineering 1 Course 3 rd Ed. , 3 rd Experience

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Page 2: Introduction (Syllabus and Administrative Procedures)

1. About This Course

2. Course Learning Outcome

3. Presentation and assessmentA. Class Projects (CLS PRJ)

4. Review of Syllabus

5. Resources

6. Training Outline (beta)

7. Communication

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Page 4: Introduction (Syllabus and Administrative Procedures)

A quote on Beginnings

"Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. If you could see them clearly, naturally you could do a great deal to get rid of them but you can't. You can only see one thing clearly and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin"Kathleen Norris

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Course Scope

Systematic theoretical and practical study of drilling engineering;

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Course Description

This course is prepared for: 3 semester (or credit) hours and meets

for a total of 3 hours a week.

Sophomore or junior level students (BS degrees)

(Major) Petroleum engineering students(Minors) Production, Drilling and reservoir engineering students

Prerequisites:Fluid mechanics

Main objectives:

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Learning and Teaching Strategies

This course promotes interactive and thorough engagement in the learning process.

It is essential that you take responsibility for your own learning, and that I facilitate that learning by establishing a supportive as well as challenging environment.

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Proposed study method

When studying petroleum engineering, it is important to realize that the things you are learning today will be important to you for the rest of your career. Hence,

you shouldn’t just learn things simply to pass exams!

You will gain maximum benefit from this course by approaching each lecture and in-class activity with an inquiring mind and a critical, analytical attitude.

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Study recommendations

In covering the material in the course, I recommend that you follow the procedure outlined below: Carefully read the entire chapter

to familiarize yourself with the material.

Locate the topic area in your text book and study this material in conjunction with the course material.

Attempt the examples before all tutorials. When you feel that you have mastered a topic area,

attempt the problem for the topic.

You are required to complete the assigned readings prior to lectures. This will help your active participation in class activities.

Self-study in advance is always more beneficial.

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Page 11: Introduction (Syllabus and Administrative Procedures)

Main Objectives (minimum skills to be achieved/demonstrated)By the last day of class,

the student should be able to:

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Minor Objectives (other skills to be achieved/demonstrated)

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Side Objectives

Communicational skillsCommunicate

successfully and effectively.

Understand professional and ethical responsibilities.

Work in a team environment

Familiarize with English language

Academic skillsSystematic research


Management skillsProject time

Computer knowledgeUnderstand the use of

modern techniques, skills and modern engineering toolsApplication of internet

and EmailMicrosoft OfficeProfessional software

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Page 15: Introduction (Syllabus and Administrative Procedures)

Presentations (Lectures)

Each session Consists of different sections (about 4-5 sections)Consists of about 35 slides Is divided into 2 parts with short break timeWould be available online

The teaching approach to be employed will involve lectures and tutorials.

Lecture presentations cover theoretical and practical aspects, which are also described in the supporting academic texts and teaching resources.You are encouraged to ask questions and express feedback

during classes. You are expected to read prescribed materials in advance of classes to enable active participation.

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Last Session (Review)

session Outlook

Presentation A

Break Time

Presentation B

Next Session Topics

Last session (Review)

Session Outlook

Presentation ABreak Time

Presentation B

Next Session Topics

Roll Call

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Assessment Criteria

Basis for Course Grade:Final exam

(Close book)

AttendanceClass activities

Class ProjectsExaminations

Grade Range:90 ≤ A ≤100 (18 ≤ A ≤20)80 ≤ B ≤ 90 (16 ≤ B ≤18)70 ≤ C ≤ 80 (14 ≤ C ≤16)60 ≤ D ≤ 70 (12 ≤ D ≤14)F < 60 (F <12)

Final exam


Class activities

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Previous Term Scores out of 20 (Q922)





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Previous Term (Q922)Attendance percentageStudents are

expected to be regular and punctual in attendance at all lectures and tutorials. Attendance

will be recorded when applicable.













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Page 21: Introduction (Syllabus and Administrative Procedures)

CLS PRJ Topics:

These are intended topics, addition and/or deletion of certain problems may occur as other problems become available. Multiple assignments from each topic are possible.

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Format of the Report:

Title page: Course number, course name,

Experiment number & title, Lab date, Names of the lab group

Sections to include in each report Introduction

Objective/purpose of the experiment Scope of the experiment / Importance

of the parameters measured How (in general) you obtained the

information you are reporting

Methods Describe Equipment Experimental procedure (write it in your

own words) Methods of analysis (if appropriate) How did you analyze the data (principle

/ equations used)

Results: State/tabulate/plot results as applicable Report both observed and measured


Discussion: Discuss the importance of results Tie the results of this study to previous

knowledge/works Comment on the quality of results

Conclusions: Findings in the study (stick to the results

you measured)

References Appendices

Raw Data tables Must include sample calculations Derivation of equations (if applicable)

Report late submission Policy: Report must be submitted one week

after experiment unless asked otherwise. Deduction of 10% grade per late submission will be applied.

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Deliverable Format Guidelines

General Instructions: You must use predefined templates for reporting the


Follow predefine instructions

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Page 25: Introduction (Syllabus and Administrative Procedures)

(1)سرفصل درس مهندسی حفاری (1390مصوب وزارت علوم )مقدمه :

بررسی اجمالی عملیات حفاری واهمیت آن مراحل مختلف توسعه

میدان و نقش حفاری چاههاتقسیم بندی انواع معرفی پرسنل حفاری در

های کارفرما و پیمان کار شرکت وظایف شرکتهای سرویس دهنده اقتصاد حفاریهای انواع قراردادهای حفاری دکل


دکل حفاریهای حفاریدسته بندی انواع دکل

در خشکی و فراساحلی های حفاری در نحوه انتخاب دکل

خشکی و دریا حفاری و دکلهایاصلی اجزائ

:محاسبات اصلی هر جزء سیستم مولد نیرو سیستم باال برندهاری سیستم گردش و تصفیه گل حف سیستم دورانی سیستم کنترل فورانسیستم ابزار دقیق و نشانگر ها

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(1)سرفصل درس مهندسی حفاری (ادامه( )1390مصوب وزارت علوم )حفاریهایرشته

وظایفهای حفاری و مشخصات آنها لولههای وزنه و مشخصات آنها لوله محاسبات مربوط به طراحی

:یک رشته حفاری ضریب شناوریته محاسبه توزیع تنش در امتداد رشهای وزنهمحاسبه طول الزم از لوله نقطه خنثی تعیین حداکثر طول

لوله گریدهای حفاری از هر لوله

تعیین حداکثر میزان کشش مجازدر هنگام گیر لوله ها

اجزاء دیگر رشته حفاری : ،ضربه زنها ،پایدار کننده ها،ریمرها آشنایی با موتورهای درون چاهی و


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(1)سرفصل درس مهندسی حفاری (ادامه( )1390مصوب وزارت علوم )های حفاریتکنولوژی مته

های سه کاجه و انواع متهDrag Bit و مکانیزم کندن هر یکهای سه ساختمان داخلی مته

کاجه لیت طبقه بندی سازند بر حسب قاب

حفاری عوامل موثر بر سرعت حفاری عوامل موثر بر فرسایش متهها بر اساس طبقه بندی مته


ها ارزیابی مته

های الماسه و متهPDC

مقدمه ای بر سیاالت حفاری: وظایف طبقه بندیهای اصلی افزایهسیاالت نیوتنی و غیر نیوتنیاهداف هیدرولیک

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Extra (Beyond scope)

Simulating experiments using relevant software

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Page 30: Introduction (Syllabus and Administrative Procedures)

(1)منابع پیشنهادی درس مهندسی حفاری (1390مصوب وزارت علوم )K.K. Millheim - M. E. Chenevert - F.S. Young Jr.:

Applied Drilling Engineering

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Texts and Materials:

Jorge H.B. Sampaio Jr. “Drilling Engineering Fundamentals.”

(Q931+DE1+L00) Lecture notes from classThese materials may include

handouts provided in class.

computer files available on the course weblog

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Class Lectures

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Major References

Jorge H.B. Sampaio Jr. “Drilling Engineering Fundamentals.” Master of Petroleum Engineering. Curtin University of Technology, 2007. Ch: 1 (Introduction, L02),

2 (Rotary Drilling System, L03, L04, L05, L06), (which are available)

Ch 3 (Drillstring Tubulars and Equipment, L07), 4 (Introduction to Hydraulics), 5 (Drillstring Design), 7 (Introduction to Drilling Fluids), 8 (Rheology and Rheometry) and 10 (Drilling Bits) (Will be added this term)

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Side References

Bourgoyne Jr, Adam T., et al. "Drilling hydraulics." Applied Drilling Engineering Textbook (1986): 1-8.Chapters:

1 (Rotary Drilling), 2 (Drilling Fluids), 4 (Drilling Hydraulics) and 5 (Rotary Drilling Bits)

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(کمکی)منابع فارسی مهندسی حفاری : نام کتاب

کاربردیمحمد نادری، آدام : نام نویسنده

. ، کیت کی.بورگوین جی آر. تیچنورت، . میلهم، مارتین ای

احمد سجادیان، مرتضی : مترجمانابراهیم پور کوجان، سید امید

حمیدیان دیوکالهی، امیر طاهری دهلر

1388چاپ اول(انتشارات)مشتاق دانش : ناشر(فصول یک تا چهار: )جلد اول

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Page 37: Introduction (Syllabus and Administrative Procedures)

Class Schedule (Beta)

Lec. 1 Introduction

Lec. 2

Lec. 3

Lec. 4

Lec. 5

Lec. 6

Lec. 7

Lec. 8

Lec. 9

Lec. 10

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Details (Beta)

Date Lecture Topic Reading Assignment (prior to class)




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Communication Methods

Preferred methodsBreak time and mid class

First Point of Contact via email (Limited)Will be answered with

some delay (an hour to a week according to importance and requirements)

Mention your personal and educational info in emails (Name, Student #, Course title, Subject)

Avoid following communication methodsAppointments

Phone calls

Short Message Service (SMS)

Instant message (IM) chats

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Class schedule:Almost all sessions will

be held

Preferred topics:Course relatedResearch study Paper for International

conferencesArticles for national


Avoided helps:Other courses

Sources, exams, exercises, class works and so on

B.Sc. ThesisAside supervised ones

M.Sc. Conquer TraineePrivate classEducational problemsPersonal problemsNational conference


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