introduction of natural treatment

Dr.Wu Jihua M.D. У Цзихуа к.м.н. Introduction of Natural Treatment: An Understanding of Human Diseases by Chinese medicine Wu Mingzhi Wu Jihua [email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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Page 1: Introduction of Natural Treatment

Dr.Wu Jihua M.D. У Цзихуа к.м.н.

Introduction of Natural Treatment:

An Understanding of Human Diseases by Chinese


Wu Mingzhi

Wu Jihua

©Wu Jihua

Moscow 2010

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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Dr.Wu Jihua M.D. У Цзихуа к.м.н.


Dr. Wu Jihua (Thomas Wu, drthomas in internet) learned Chinese

medicine from his father, Wu Mingzhi, a famous doctor of herbal therapy

in the city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province of China. He is the third

generation of a doctor`s family. Grandfather, Wu Xuecheng, was an herbal

doctor, too. As the youngest generation, Dr. Wu Jihua graduated from the

School of Public Health, Shanghai Medical University in July 1988, and

then he worked in the Hangzhou Disease Control Centre as a doctor of

internal medicine.

In 2002, Wu Jihua came to Moscow Russia from China and began

his post-graduate researches in Moscow Medical Academy of Sechenov

(Московская Медицинская Академия им Сеченова), under the

leadership of Professor Kucherenko Vladimir Zakharovich (Кучеренко

Владимир Захарович). In 2007, he got a degree of PhD in the

specification of Social Medicine for his thesis paper “Health Condition of

Old People in China and Organization of Medical Service for Them”. And

he got his license of doctor of internal medicine in Moscow in 2008. His

focus of research locates on the life quality of old people in Russia and

China. At the same time, he works in his own clinic to treat patients.

Every year Dr. Wu Jihua goes back to China to work with his father

and discusses with him about the treatment and science research. He was

selected a member of National Association of Acupuncture of Chinese

Science Union in 2001. He has also worked as a doctor of acupuncture for

the Russian sport-team KAMAZ-master since 2004.

With systematized knowledge both of Traditional Chinese Medicine

(TCM) and Modern Medicine, Dr. Wu Jihua gets a lot of completed

understandings of human diseases, which help a lot in treatment of patients.

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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Dr. Wu Jihua was selected to be an academician of International

Economic Security Academy on 04 April 2008.

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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My father, Wu Mingzhi, started to write an idea of understanding

human diseases when I was still a student in Shanghai Medical University,

and he taught me a lot with his great experience of almost 40 years practice

of treatment. Special appreciation is given to Professor V.Z. Kucherenko

M.D. (Кучеренко Владимир Захарович, доктор медицинских наук член

корр. РАМН), who continuously encourage me to do what I think is right,

and Professor Y. V. Mikhilova M.D. (Михайлова Юлия Васильевна,

доктор медицинских наук), who helped guide the research study reported

in this book. I would also like to thank Dr. Marina Vladimirovna PhD

(Марина Владимировна, кандидат медицинских наук) who helped

conceptualize the study and was supportive throughout in developing

statistical analyses.

There are also a large list of colleagues, who have been working in the

area of life quality of old people as doctors and nurses in our nursing-

houses. Thank you for your support.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge all the patients, including

Olga Kharchenko, Alexander Ivanov and Konstantin Megliytsiky, who are

healing from diseases, including diabetes, depression, drug-abuse and

hypertension. They have been willing to tell all people about own

experiences. By sharing your experiences you are helping to save lives.

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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--A history of a doctor`s family

In December 2007, I was in Hangzhou working with my father, who

has retired from a duty of Chief Doctor of Shangcheng TCM Hospital for

almost ten years. He is now still working as a doctor in the clinic of the

most famous and biggest, in China, herbal Pharmaceutical Production

Huqingyutang in Hangzhou. As my father is now 70 years old, I suggested

him two years ago to write down his experiences in practice treating

patients. So we began to work like this: he was writing in Chinese at home

and I am translating his words into English in Moscow.

And then I found that: what he wrote was very difficult for other

people to understand, because he used many traditional contracts which

could be understood by only whose who well know Chinese history and

historical literatures. So it is my duty now to explain and write it in details.

Of course I discussed with him and almost have called him every day since

then. This made him very pleased, as I had been working on my own career

for about eight years.

I used a lot of cases from my practice to supply evidence for his

ideas and hypothesis. Father was very satisfied when he read all these. He

thought this book would bring great help for doctors, if it would be read

with attention.

My grandfather, Wu Xuecheng, was well known by people at that

time in the city Hangzhou. But I really very seldom heard about him. My

grandmother told me something about him, and it was not serious. What I

clearly remember is there was a stamp of doctor at home when I was a

child. On that stamp there were words like: National Doctor-Wu Xuecheng.

Then I got to understand that National Doctor referred to Doctor of

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine. At his time, the European medicine [email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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was just begun to develop in China, so there were different names for

doctors—Western DOCTOR, and National DOCTOR, who were called

LANGZHONG before. There had been a lot of medical books in our home

before the culture revolution, but they were all burned by HongWeiBin, for

the old books were regarded as symbol that the owner loved Old Society

more than the New Society.

The evidence of his great power of medical practice was my

grandmother, who had born 11 children, including 9 daughters and 2 sons,

with my father the younger son , and she died at the age of 92 years. She

told me once, that she sat up to play cards with friends after having drunk a

cup of herbs which was cooked by grandfather, but two hours ago she had

just born a baby. Ours was a very rich and big family, with several houses

and shops and drug stores. Grandfather had two wives; my grandmother

was the younger one. The older wife also had born 7 children for him, 5

sons and 2 daughters. After his death, my grandmother had brought me to

visit the other wife of grandfather, we called her SECOND MAMA, they

were very friendly each other. They sat talking for a while and ate super

together. My grandmother was famous for her big family, so the people in

our street all called her Grandma Wu.

Grandpa died at age of 70 years. He died very early because of cancer

of urine bladder. This disease can be completely healed today, but when it

happened 45 years ago, it was still a disaster. It was time at the beginning

of 1960s, there was a great short of food in the mainland of China, grandpa

gave the only food to his children and he himself suffered a long time from

hunger. There was a story that we were told many times, which often made

father break to tears. That was the summer of 1960, father, he was still

single then, came back from the university. He had already several days

suffered from hunger. When he came into the hall, he saw that there was a

Mantou on the table, he grasped it and finished eating it in only several

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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seconds. When he lifted his head after having eaten it, he found that all the

family members were watching him. They all had not eaten anything the

whole day. This is our bitter history of family, and it will be remembered

from generation to generation. Every time when we heard father talking

about this, we could feel that his heart was bleeding.

Political situation then made people think it very stupid to learn

medicine and to become somewhat expert. When my father at last realized

that he should carry on the family career on his shoulder, his father-my

grandpa- had already died of cancer and hunger. He began to learn

Traditional Herbal Medicine by himself and then he went to Professor Zhu

Guting and Professor Wu Songkang to learn from them. At that time

seldom there was such a young man who wanted to learn TCM as it was

regarded as old TOXIC from the Old society. The two professors accepted

him and had taught him all knowledge in this area before they died. They

taught him to identify the current situation of patients when it was many

complex symptoms that were found in the patient. This process is called

Bianzheng, i.e. recognizing, identification and classification. My father

became an expert and famous doctor in several years.

In 1974, died my aunt Wu Nanxing, who worked as an engineer in

the city Lanzhou. She came to Hangzhou to treat her gastric cancer in the

last years. In the process, my father got to know Professor Li Shukang, a

doctor of cancer in Zhejiang TCM Hospital. They became good friends and

my father learned a lot from him. The philosophy of Dr. Li Shukang M.D.

was that he used very heavy doses of herbs when he was sure the direction

of treatment was right. So his treatment was all the time very effective.

In 1983, my father met M.D. Professor Wu Boping of Beijing TCM

University. He taught father a large amount of accent literature, including

“Shanghan Lun” and “Jin Kui Yao Lue”, which was very difficult to

understand for most of people. For many years they work together and [email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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became very good friends till today. Though Prof. Wu Boping is five years

older than my father, he keeps very closed tough with young people. In his

office, there are always many students from many other countries of the

world. They all respect Prof. Wu for his wide knowledge and rich

experience in treatment.

My father had a lot of teachers, who were died already for many

years. In the years after the culture-revolution, China began to pay attention

to those old doctors of TCM who were almost above 80-year-old. They had

lost good time to record down their clinical experiences, so it was very

urgent to fulfill the task of reserving their scientifically clinical approach.

My father joined in this work and he helped those old doctors to write

down their experience. At the mean time he himself learned a lot. So my

father WU MINGZHI is not only a clinical TCM doctor but also a

theoretical research in this field. He has read so many books and learned

from so many famous doctors, so he was very modest to write down his

own. I know that in the storing-room of his apartment, there are thousands

of sheets of paper recording his treatment history. Thanks to my training in

Shanghai Medical University, I did statistic for his material, and found that

the recovery rate of his treatment is almost 90%. In other words, he is a

great doctor.

After many years of practice in treatment, my father has already

developed his own style: exact diagnostic, sufficient dose, and protect

gastric function. So when he was sitting with patient in visiting, he talked

with patient long time and with hundreds of questions. By this mean, he

gets to know them about all details relating with health. In contract with

doctors who writes prescriptions before the patients finish their complaint,

he always gets more correct diagnostic and comprehension of situation of

them. He usually talks with patient with great patience and spends a long

time to listen to them. After he had determined the diagnostic of patient’s

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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Dr.Wu Jihua M.D. У Цзихуа к.м.н.

symptoms, he wrote down his treatment, which would sometimes give

other doctors a surprise. He gave doses of herbs not as the textbooks write,

but 2-5 times more. In his brain he remembers about 500 kinds of herbs and

their effective doses. As his opinion, the dose of herbs which are written in

the textbooks never worked. In his reception, you can always find some

compounds which were used to protect the gastric function. He emphasized

that all the herbs bring about hazards to the stomach when they are used at

a big dose or for a long time. So he pays very serious attentions to the

protection of stomach so that the patient would keep the treatment to the

end, instead of giving up in the halfway. In the last ten years he has already

retired from his duty as a chief doctor, but he keeps on working as a doctor.

At the same time, he teaches me. It is our family tradition that he should

only teach me, his son. Only when the doctor does not have a son, he will

teach his daughter. So for my father it is a great happiness that I am a

doctor just as he is.

I myself did begin to learn traditional medicine long before my father

began to teach me. Even when I was still in the school at age of 12-13 year-

old, I had already read some of the books of herbal therapy, because I

found some very old books in the back of broad in the room of

grandmother. These books are nowadays kept by my aunt Weixing, first

younger sister of father. She has retired for over ten years after had worked

as a TCM doctor for about 30 years. She has never entered a medical

university or a college, but she learned all her knowledge of TCM medicine

home. Grandpa did not tend to teach her, but she did strongly want to learn.

She simply toke books to read with direction of grandpa. In the last years of

his life, aunt Weixing became his powerful assistant, because my father

was in Nanking studying in a University.

The style of aunt Weixing’s practice of treatment was somehow

different from my father’s. She has learned more from grandpa. Her

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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Dr.Wu Jihua M.D. У Цзихуа к.м.н.

prescriptions were more traditional, as she often used those prescriptions,

which were prevented two thousand years ago. There have been always

two groups of TCM doctors, application of old prescriptions or not is the

difference between them. My father, for example, never used old

prescriptions as they were, he always edit them with different situation of

patients. But aunt Weixing used these prescriptions without any edition,

because she thought there was no necessarily to edit old prescriptions, they

were simply perfect. Any edition will only reduce the effectiveness of

prescriptions. The effectiveness of treatment of aunt Weixing has not been

studied by statistic, but it was the fact that she had a lot of patients, who

believed her and never went to other doctors.

Aunt Weixing is the tenth child of grandmother and the eighth

daughter. She felt in love with a soldier of PLA China in the beginning of

Cultural Revolution in 1968, she went to a very small city with her lover

and then married with him. She worked as a doctor there. In 1975, my

father asked a high carder to help to get a transferring order for her to come

back to Hangzhou; she then began to work in Hangzhou Acupuncture

Hospital as a chief doctor. Her husband also went back. He worked in the

government of our district, and found himself a new young girl and began

to live with her. Aunt Weixing got to know about this and they devoiced

ten years ago. After her younger son, whom she decided to teach medicine,

chose to live with his rich father and did not think about medicine anymore.

She began to teach me. She taught me by a wholly different way:

remember, remember and remember. She did not explain very much, but

told me to remember. She thought that if I remembered little contents, she

would have nothing to discuss with me. She believed that: to read the book

hundreds of time, you find the meaning by yourselves. My father has

always explained me about details; he did not want me only to remember.

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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Aunt Weixing asked me first remember all and then she would discuss with

me. And her father taught in such a way.

So I have two teachers, my father and aunt Weixing. And they teach

me by different ways.

Two years ago, when father was diagnosed be have a cancer in urine

bladder, our family had a shock. But only in a week, father gathered his

power of spirit and began to treat himself. Of course he was done operation

of laser to take the cancer away. And then he was treated by chemical

therapy for about a year. At the same time, he himself wrote prescriptions

to drink herbs. I once had a taste of his herbs, which was so bitter and made

me very sick. But he insisted drinking them for about a year. In the last

week of 2009, he was done the last test. There was no cancer in his body.

Thanks God, thanks mama, who took great care of him cooking every day,

and thanks himself that he decided to carry on treatment for himself by

herbs. “How can I treat myself without herbs if I am writing prescriptions

for people every day?” said he. He succeeded.

Today father is still working as a consultant of TCM clinic in

Hangzhou. He is so happy to find out that he is needed by people. Good

luck, dear Dad.

So this is our history. This is why I want to write this book. This book

will be a part of our family history, too.

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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Dr.Wu Jihua M.D. У Цзихуа к.м.н.

Chapter One Human Body as a Whole Reason of Hypertension

Many doctors told me that they well understood diseases of human

body. But I think when they did out a diagnostic, they forgot it. For

example, Dr. Denis wrote: (diagnostic for the patient Helena) Primary

hypertension. I once asked him, what he meant by the word – primary? He

said that there could not been found any exact reason of hypertension. So

he had put a diagnostic as primary hypertension. I asked why he did not say

that the patient was healthy since he had not found any reason of high

blood pressure. “But the blood pressure is higher than normal.” He said. I

did very respect his knowledge of medicine, but not his understanding of

human being. Since he did not find any abnormal in the patient, even with

the help of modern medical equipments and lab technology, why did not he

realize that the “abnormal” numbers of blood pressure was just normal for

this patient. Of cause he began to prescript the patient with pills and

recommended further analysis of lipid in the blood. He himself was afraid

to think that “nothing could be done”, so he absolutely wanted to do

something even though he himself was not so sure this would help or not.

But he had to do something, instead of simply speaking to the patient that

he was absolutely healthy. I thought the patient would be very happy to

hear that and completely relax himself. Maybe in next morning the number

of blood pressure would be already normal.

The change of human blood pressure happens very often. As we

know, when we go in for sport, or begin to fight, even make love, blood

pressure rises above normal and this is absolutely usual. Such a lift of

blood pressure can never be called hypertension. A Diagnostic of

hypertension refers to the blood pressure in a calm morning and in a

constant level. So when doctors could not find any reasons of a high blood

pressure, they put a diagnostic as primary hypertension.

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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But we think there is no such hypertension without reason. The

reasons of a hypertension can be one or more from the following four


Fatigue is the most frequent reason of a transient lift of blood pressure or a

hypertension if you like to call it so. In other words, the body of people has

to cheer up itself to fulfill the necessary task. Such a lift of blood pressure

could always be felt by the patient. What he needs is simply to have a rest.

In Chinese medicine this is called “Deficiency of blood and Qi” , which is

meant insufficient supply of blood to the brain, so the patient feels tired

badly and wants to sleep. Sometimes there is a serious feeling of dizziness.

Even the patient’s face becomes white, and his pulse is very weak.

Chemical receptors in human brain find that there is little oxygen in the

blood because the pumping-up of blood to the head becomes insufficient.

Receptors give the heart signals through the nerve and order the heart to

work harder. Thus, blood pressure rises. This is a process of stress. There is

nothing terrible. This is a common reason of high blood pressure in people

at age of 40-50 years. The same situation occurs when there is a bone

swelling in the neck, which brings about deficiency in blood circulation of

the brain.

Emotion, no matter good or bad, they make people more need of energy

and oxygen in the blood to work. The process has nothing to do with the

oxygen in the blood tested by receptions, but the nerves only. The raise of

blood pressure usually disappears after the patient calms down. Only when

patient is constantly in a strong emotional attack, there could be situation

that the blood pressure of patient would raise continuously. This group of

patient occurs at age of 40 years or even earlier. Transferring the focus of

thought sometimes helps. So sometimes only an hour of sport well help the

patient to release from the pressure. In Chinese medicine this is called

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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“Stagnation of Qi”, i.e. energy of Shao-Yang channel moves slowly

because the channel is narrowed when emotion is controlling the body.

Metabolism of water is one of the common reasons of high blood pressure

in all ages. The most frequent situation is the common cold. When people

catch a cold, metabolism of water which is regulated by the energy of

kidneys fails to drive the useless water out of the body. Observed in many

cases, the patients with a cold usually have an edema in the area of the neck

and back. They cannot turn their neck freely. In Chinese medicine, this is

called a syndrome of Tai-Yang (The great Yang), which locates in the

human back. Edema in the neck limits the movement of neck and decrease

the blood flow in the neck from the chest to the head. In the brain there

could be insufficient oxygen and occurs a headache in patients. As a result,

the blood pressure rises. Simple treatment by a hot shower or a sauna,

especially on the back, will well release the symptoms. In the countryside

people who caught a cold sometimes slept on the top of a stove which was

used to bake bread. After perspiring the symptoms disappear. Other

reasons, which result in the disorder of water metabolism, such as diseases

of kidney and accumulated water in the abdomen, will also cause a rise of

blood pressure. In such situations, there could be some herbs or even some

pills to drive more urine out of the body. Herbs seldom cause a disorder of

mineral sole in the body. In Chinese medicine, this is called “Water-

dampness Edema”, i.e. syndrome Tai-Yang on the surface of body.

Hyper function of body metabolism is another reason of high blood

pressure. This means that the body of patient is in a high speed. Almost all

the organs work very actively. He has difficulty fell into sleep. He has

constant dryness in his mouth. He even has a disgusting, because there is

dryness in his stomach. This situation is much more like a car without

water in the dispeller. So he felt rapid heartbeats and dryness in the skin.

Treatment of these patients focuses on recovery the balance of level of

function within all the organs in the body. In Chinese medicine this is

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195

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called “Deficiency of Yin and Hyper activeness”. When people work in the

environment of high life-rick like soldiers and firemen, their nerves work

constantly on a high level. In other words, they are continuously in stress.

The blood pressure of these professions also rises above normal.

So these are the most frequent reasons of high blood pressure.

Many doctors when reading Chinese medicine do not understand

what these symptoms mean in modern medicine, so they think Chinese

medicine is the whole different system from modern medicine. But I want

to say: that Chinese medicine can be understood and explained by modern

medicine’s conceptions. In this book I will try to explain you Chinese

medicine with modern conceptions, which were understood by all doctors.

Treatment of hypertension depends upon on the type of syndromes.

Deficiency of blood and Qi can be treated by herbs which enlarge the

energy in the body and which promote the movement of blood flow. The

typical prescription is BUZHONGYIQI Tang (Decoction of herbs so

called, which enlarge the energy).

Ingredients: Dangshen—Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae; Huangqi –

Radix Astragali seu Hedysari; Baizhu—Rhizoma Atractylodis

Macrocephalae; Chenpi—Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae; Fuling—Poria;

Chaihu—Radix Bupleuri; Shengma—Rhizoma Cimicifugae; Gancao—

Radix Glycyrrhizae

Stagnation of Qi can be treated by Decoction of Regulation Qi of Liver—

Chaihu Shugan, which help the energy to grow from centre of the body to

the surface, i.e. dispersing the energy so that not to accumulate together.

This is called anti-stagnation.

Ingredients: Chaihu—Radix Bupleuri; Zhiqiao—Fructus Aurantii;

Baishao—Radix Paeoniae Alba; Xiangfu—Rhizoma Cyperi; Qingpi—

Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride; Chenpi—Pericarpium Citri

Reticulatae; Yujin—Radix Curcumae; Chuanlianzi—Fructus Toosendan

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Water-damping Edema can be treated by herbs which drive the water out of

body to eliminate dampness without occurrence of unbalance of salts in the


Ingredients: Guizhi—Ramulus Cinnamomi; Cangzhu—Rhizoma

Atractylodis; Baizhu—Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae; Fuling—

Poria; Zexie—Rhizoma Alismatis; Yiyiren—Semen Coicis; Chenpi—

Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae; Fangji—Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae;

Cheqianzi—Semen Plantagnis.

Deficiency Yin can be treated by herbs which replenish the vital essence

and remove heat. This prescription is called Liu Wei Dihuang Wan. The

herbs will increase the liquid components of the body, especial intercellular


What important here is that the reasons and treatment of hypertension

are compatible with each other. So treatment is based on the reasons of

diseases. All doctors have a dream to understand the reasons of any

diseases, which seems impossible for many diseases, including those we

believe that we have already known.

I had a 47-year-old male patient named Konstantin. He had a serious

hypertension. The blood pressure of his usually was 160/100 mmHg, with

pulse of 56-60 times per minute. He had tasted almost all kind of pills,

including CaB and Antikidnerine. But he had not received the expected

effects. His doctor called to ask me to meet the patient and try to find out

the truth.

[email protected] [email protected] +7 903 687 5195