introducing bizhealthcheck

BizHealthCheck A lot of wot I have learned

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Introducing BizHealthCheck

BizHealthCheckA lot of wot I have learned

Page 2: Introducing BizHealthCheck

Welcome to BizHealthCheck

A new way of looking at the effectiveness of your organisation…Across your entire value chain.It helps you to understand the cause of any ill-health...And creates tightly defined change projects to improve your effectiveness.

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It’s not just an assessmentA lot of people have asked whether BizHealthCheck is just another engagement or culture survey.And we say ‘Categorically NO’.We’ve created a new genre of organisational assessment tools.It’s different for two main reasons:

1. It gives insight into the health of relationships between teams across the whole of the value chain from suppliers to B2B and B2relevantC customers; and

2. It gives insight into the cause of any pain that is occurring in these relationships, or factors that support them.

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We believe that…

Organisations function in a matrix of relationships, not a hierarchy…It’s the health of those relationships that make the organisation work. Especially if you include customers and suppliers.It’s how people get along, both individually and between teams.It’s the effectiveness of the relationships that drive the effectiveness of the organisation.

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It’s about the health of relationships

If we look at the health of those relationships, and their support from the organisation, then we get a view of how the organisation is really functioning.

The organisation’s health.

So we’ve designed BizHealthCheck to be the tool that gives you that view.

It’s a NEW way of critically looking at the effectiveness of your value chain.

It’s been tested on 3 continents.

And it blows away the tired old engagement tools on time, cost investment and responsiveness.

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Organisational health in a picture…

Across your entire value chain…On 4 A4 pages. No large reports.  Four infographic pages.Then you can REALLY see the health of the organisation… And decide if you need to understand what is happening.

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We share your pain…

We use an online assessment…To give you visibility of the pain in your organisation…That is caused by the health of the relationships across your value chain.

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We take away the pain…It’s a way of healing…By understanding what is causing the pain…And creating tightly defined change projects...We help to take the pain away...And create a more effective organization.

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How it worksBizHealthCheck is the freshest and most realistic development in how we view organisations since bread was first sliced.It consists of three phases:

1.A cloud based self-service health assessment: BHC:Assess, 2.A diagnosis methodology to understand the causes of ill-health:

BHC:Diagnose, and3.A series of tightly defined change projects: BHC:Correct.

 BHC:Assess is delivered by BizHealthCheck International.BHC:Diagnose and BHC:Correct are delivered in collaboration with consultants in each country, through a global consulting network.

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How it worksOnce we can see the health of the organisation, BHC:Diagnose asks why those symptoms are occurring. That’s where you move from an online assessment to a real-world engagement.We partner with consultants local to each client to undertake both a diagnosis of any symptoms of ill-health, and to help with any change management.

BizHealthCheck is benchmarked. Imagine comparing your organisation to hundreds of other businesses, by sector or by market?

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How much does BHC:Assess cost and what size of business is it suitable for?

We have a tiered pricing framework to ensure that organisations from as small as 30 people to large multinational organisations of thousands can benefit from BizHealthCheck.BHC:Assess will typically take between 3 to 4 weeks to complete depending on the size of your organisation, and the quality of the information that you have on your people and structure.

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We can run a project in your organisation…That will show you where any pain exists... And have the results to you within 3 weeks!Then we could decide whether we want to have a deeper, more meaningful relationship.

How we can ease your pain…

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We’re a tribeA global community of

Thought leadersOrganisation leadersIndie consultants

Who collaborate on a platformTo make a differenceTo organisations And communities

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Come and find out more

Visit us at www.bizhealthcheck.bizOr email [email protected]