intro to ros

Introduction to ROS (Robot Operating System) Raoul DIFFOUO Tshwane University of Technology Department of Computer Engineering April 2013

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Introduction to Robot Operating System


  • Introduction to ROS (Robot Operating System)

    Raoul DIFFOUO Tshwane University of Technology

    Department of Computer Engineering

    April 2013

  • Table of Contents

    Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3

    1. ROS Basics ............................................................................................................................... 3

    What is ROS? .............................................................................................................................. 3

    ROS Distributions ................................................................................................................... 3

    Where is it used? ........................................................................................................................ 4

    How does ROS work? ................................................................................................................. 4

    Key concepts and Terminology ................................................................................................. 6

    ROS Filesystem ....................................................................................................................... 6

    Packages .............................................................................................................................. 6

    Manifests .............................................................................................................................. 6

    Stacks ................................................................................................................................... 6

    Stack Manifests .................................................................................................................... 6

    Message Types .................................................................................................................... 6

    Services types....................................................................................................................... 6

    ROS Computation Graph Level ............................................................................................. 7

    Nodes ................................................................................................................................... 7

    Master .................................................................................................................................. 7

    Messages ............................................................................................................................. 7

    Topics ................................................................................................................................... 7

    Services ................................................................................................................................ 7

    ROS Community Level ........................................................................................................... 8

    Installing and Configuring your ROS Environment ................................................................... 8

    Create a ROS Workspace ...................................................................................................... 8

    Create a ROS Package ........................................................................................................... 8

    Writing our first ROS node in C++ ............................................................................................ 9

    The Publisher .......................................................................................................................... 9

    The code .............................................................................................................................. 9

    Code Breakdown ............................................................................................................... 10

    The Listener .......................................................................................................................... 12

    The code ............................................................................................................................ 12

  • Code Breakdown ............................................................................................................... 13

    Building and executing the nodes ...................................................................................... 14

    2. NXT Robot and ROS ............................................................................................................. 15

    Installation and Configurations ................................................................................................ 15

    Configure the computer ...................................................................................................... 15

    Installing ROS and NXT ROS ............................................................................................... 16

    Lets Try It! ............................................................................................................................. 17

    Teleoperate the NXT using Keyboard ..................................................................................... 18

    Follow Objects with your NXT and ROS .................................................................................. 21

    The code ............................................................................................................................... 22

    Code Breakdown .................................................................................................................. 25

    The header files ................................................................................................................. 25

    NxtFollow Class definition ................................................................................................ 25

    The constructor ................................................................................................................. 26

    The control loop ................................................................................................................ 27

    The callback method ......................................................................................................... 28

    The publish method .......................................................................................................... 28

    The main ............................................................................................................................ 28

    Build and Run the Execute the Node ................................................................................. 29

    3. Useful Links ............................................................................................................................ 31

    Learn C++ ............................................................................................................................. 31

    ROS Wiki ............................................................................................................................... 31

    NXT ROS ............................................................................................................................... 31

  • Introduction

    This document is an attempt to give an overview of ROS to robotic hobbyist. While we cant

    hope to provide you with a full coverage of ROS capabilities, we present some of the most

    important key concepts and in the second part, go through a practical usage with the NXT

    Robot platform. You are in the meantime invited to visit the official documentation

    maintained by the developer of ROS, where you will find number of tutorials, at

    1. ROS Basics

    What is ROS?

    ROS (Robot Operating System) is an open-source, meta-operating system for your robot. It

    provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot application. It also

    provide hardware abstraction, device drivers, visualizers, message-passing, package

    management, and more. ROS was originally developed in 2007 under the name switchyard

    by the Stanford AI Laboratory and was further developed at Willow Garage with

    contributions all around the world.

    ROS Distributions

    ROS releases might not be compatible with other. They are often referred to by code name

    rather than version number. The major releases so far are listed in the table below:

    ROS Distributions Release Date Wiki Page

    ROS Groovy December, 2012

    ROS Fuerte April, 2012

    ROS Electric August, 2011

    ROS Diamondback March, 2011

    ROS C Turtle August, 2010

    ROS Box Turtle March, 2010

    ROS currently runs on Unix-based platform. Software for ROS is primarily tested on Ubuntu

    and Mac OS X systems. The ROS community has been contributing support for Fedora, Arch

    Linux, and other Linux platforms. A Port to Microsoft Windows is currently under

    development and still at an experimental stage.

    It is highly recommended to install ROS on Ubuntu. Go to the following link for installation


  • Where is it used?

    From small differential-drive robots to mobile manipulators to autonomous cars, robots of

    every size and shape are using ROS to do interesting research and applications

    development. Groups around the world are also releasing free, open-source software to get

    you started on your own robot. Find a list of robots using ROS at:

    How does ROS work?

    The previous pictures depict a situation where we would like to control a simple differential

    drive robot using ROS. The robot is connected to a PC running ROS, and is connected via

    USB. On the ROS software layout, we have a Node for our Robot, robot-node that is set to

    receive velocities on cmd_vel Topic. The robot Node also creates a Topic for all the sensors

    available, on which it publishes their respective values. On the other hand we have a control

    node which in this case receives distance values from the Ultrasonic sensor on Topic

    ultrasonic. Control node then publishes velocities on Topic cmd_vel.

    The ROS Master here plays a very essential role in the system. When systems starts every

    Nodes needs to present themselves to the Master and specify the topic they will be

    subscribing or publishing to. The Master is responsible for setting the communication

    between Nodes and making sure that every Node finds each other and exchange messages

    through the proper channels.

  • Assume we want to add a camera to our system, in order to capture image and move the

    robot based on what we receive. All we would have to do is create a Node to handle camera

    that will publish a message images on Topic image. Then a Node camvision that receives

    images on topic image then publish camdata on topic image_data. Lastly our control node

    would be modified to subscribe to topic image-data instead and still publish velocities on

    cmd_vel. It would at the end look something like this

  • Key concepts and Terminology

    Before we dive into using ROS it is important for use to understand its terminology and

    structure. ROS has three levels of concepts: the Filesystem level, the Computational Graph

    level, and the Community level. A brief description of each concept and will give more details

    in later sections of this document.

    ROS Filesystem


    Packages are the main unit for organizing software in ROS.

    A package contain ROS runtime processes (Nodes),

    configurations files, build files, launch files, datasets or

    anything that is usefully organised together. A Package can

    contain any number of nodes, and all the code in a package

    should be related.


    Manifests (manifest.xml) provide metadata about the

    package, including license information and dependencies as

    well as language-specific information such as compiler flags.


    Stacks are a collection of packages that provide aggregate functionality. As an example the

    Navigation Stack contains all the necessary packages for finding where the robot is and how

    it can get somewhere else. ROS software are also released in a form of Stacks and have

    associated version numbers.

    Stack Manifests

    Stack manifest (stack.xml) provide data about a stack, including its license information and

    its dependencies on other stacks.

    Message Types

    Messages descriptions, store in my_package/msg/MyMessageType.msg, define the data

    structures for messages sent in ROS.

    Services types

    Services descriptions, stored in my_package/srv/MyServicesType.srv, define the request and

    response data structures for services in ROS.

  • ROS Computation Graph Level

    This is peer-to-peer network of ROS processes that are processing data together. The basic

    Computation Graph concepts of ROS are nodes, Master, Parameter Server, messages,

    services, topics, and bags all of which provide data to the Graph in different ways.


    A Node is a process that performs computation. A robot will control system is typically

    composed of many nodes. For example, one node will be used to control a specific sensor,

    one node to control the wheel motors, one node to perform teleoperation, one node to

    perform path planning, and so on. Nodes may reside in different systems.


    The ROS Master provides naming, registration services and lookup to the rest of the nodes

    in the ROS system. The Master is the one responsible for making sure that every ROS Nodes

    find each other, exchange messages, or invoke Services.


    Nodes make use of Messages to communicate with one another. A Message is a simple data

    structure, containing typed fields. Standard primitive types such as integer, floating point,

    Boolean, etc. are supported, as well as arrays of primitive types. Messages can include

    arbitrarily nested structures and arrays (much like C structs).


    Messages are routed via a transport system using publish / subscribe semantics. A node sends

    out a message by publishing it to a given Topic. The Topic is a Name that is used to identify

    the content of a message. Whenever a Node is interested in acquiring a certain kind of data,

    it just need to subscribe to the appropriate Topic. A Topic can be seen as a Bus by which

    information travel in a ROS system. Each Bus has a name, and anyone can connect to the

    bus to send and receive messages as long as they are of the right type.


    The publish / subscribe model is a very flexible communication paradigm, but its many-to-

    many, one-way transport is not appropriate for request / reply interactions, which are often

    required in distributed system. Request / Reply is done via Services, which are defined by pair

    of message structures, which are defined by a pair of message structures: one for the request

    and one for the reply.

  • ROS Community Level

    The ROS Community Level concepts are ROS resources that enable separate communities

    to exchange software and knowledge. These resources include Distributions, Repositories,

    the ROS Wiki, etc. Find out more at

    Installing and Configuring your ROS Environment

    Go to the following link for installation guide for Linux Ubuntu, and instructions on how to

    setup your environment variables.

    After successfully installing and configuring ROS, we can now create our workspace. When

    working with ROS source code, it is often useful to do so in a "workspace". We are going to

    see how to do so in the next section.

    Create a ROS Workspace

    The following command (execute from the Terminal) creates a new workspace

    in ~/ros_workspace which extends the set of packages installed in /opt/ros/ (replace

    with the name of the distribution installed on your system):

    $ rosws init ~/ros_workspace /opt/ros/

    Next we create a sandbox directory where we will store packages created during the tutorial.

    New packages need to be put in a path that is in the variable ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. All

    directory managed by rosws are automatically added to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

    $ mkdir ~/ros_workspace/sandbox

    $ rosws set ~/ros_workspace/sandbox

    This will create a sandbox folder in our workspace. Next we need to re-source

    ~/ros_workspace/setup.bash to make sure that the updated ROS_PACKAGE_PATH is used.

    Next we are going to create a package for our next section where we will be writing our first

    ROS node in C++.

    Create a ROS Package

    To do so open a new terminal windows. Move to the sandbox directory.

    $ cd ~/ros_workspace/sandbox

    Then create the package by entering the following command

  • $ roscreate-pkg [package_name] [depend1] [depend2] [depend3]

    where [package_name] will be the name of your package followed by the dependencies of

    that package [depend1] [depend2] etc.

    For our tutorial we will type in the following. Our package will depend on the roscpp and

    std_msgs packages

    $ roscreate-pkg ros_intro std_msgs roscpp

    To move into the directory of the package

    $ roscd ros_intro

    $ pwd

    The following should be printed if the package was correctly created


    Now that we created the package we can start writing some code.

    Writing our first ROS node in C++

    The code we are going to use for our first example are from ROS tutorials

    Take time to go through these tutorials on your own.

    In this first example we will create two nodes, talker and listener. They will both use the topic

    chatter to talk to each other. Talker will publish messages on chatter, and listener on the

    other hand will subscribe to chatter in other to listen to what talker has to say.

    The Publisher

    In this first example we will create two nodes, talker and listener. They will both use the topic

    chatter to talk to each other. Talker will publish messages on chatter, and listener on the

    other hand will subscribe to chatter in other to listen to what talker has to say.

    The code

    First create the src/talker.cpp file within the ros_intro package and write the code provided


    $ roscd ros_intro

    $ gedit src/talker.cpp

    C++ Code - talker.cpp

  • 1. #include "ros/ros.h"

    2. #include "std_msgs/String.h"

    3. #include


    5. int main(int argc, char **argv){

    6. ros::init(argc, argv, "talker");

    7. ros::NodeHandle n;

    8. ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise("chatter", 1000);

    9. ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

    10. int count = 0;


    12. while (ros::ok()){

    13. std_msgs::String msg;

    14. std::stringstream ss;

    15. ss

  • 1. ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise("chatter", 1000);

    2. ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

    NodeHandle::advertise() returns a ros::Publisher object, which serves two purposes: 1) it

    contains a publish() method that lets you publish messages onto the topic it was created

    with, and 2) when it goes out of scope, it will automatically unadvertise. This is the function

    in charge of making the XML/RPC call to the ROS Master advertising std_msgs::String on the

    topic named chatter

    A ros::Rate object allows you to specify a frequency that you would like to loop at. It will keep

    track of how long it has been since the last call to Rate::sleep(), and sleep for the correct

    amount of time. In this case it maintain the frequency of publishing at 10 Hz.

    10. int count = 0;


    12. while (ros::ok()){

    count here will just be used to keep track of the number of messages transmitted. Its value

    will be attached to the string message that is published.

    By default roscpp will install a SIGINT handler which provides Ctrl-C handling which will

    cause ros::ok() to return false if that happens.

    ros::ok() will return false if:

    a SIGINT is received (Ctrl-C)

    we have been kicked off the network by another node with the same name

    ros::shutdown() has been called by another part of the application.

    all Ros::NodeHandle have been destroyed

    Once ros::ok() returns false, all ROS calls will fail.

    13. std_msgs::String msg;

    14. std::stringstream ss;

    15. ss

  • 20. loop_rate.sleep();

    21. ++count;

    Calling the ros::spinOnce() in this example is note really necessary, because we are not

    subscribing to any topic. The callbacks for receiving messages on those topics are not called

    immediately, instead they are placed in a queue which is processed when a call to

    ros::spinOnce() is made. But it is good practice to always have it in a program.

    ros::Rate::sleep() allows us here to keep a particular publishing frequency

    count gets incremented to keep track of messages.

    To sum up, here is a condensed version of whats going on with the talker program:

    Initialize the ROS system

    Advertise that we are going to be publishing std_msgs/String messages on the chatter

    topic to the master

    Loop while publishing messages to chatter 10 times a second

    We will now look into our receiving node.

    The Listener

    The code

    First create the src/listener.cpp file within the ros_intro package and write the code provided


    $ roscd ros_intro

    $ gedit src/listener.cpp

    C++ Code - listener.cpp

    1. #include "ros/ros.h"

    2. #include "std_msgs/String.h"


    4. void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg){

    5. ROS_INFO("I heard: [%s]", msg->data.c_str());

    6. }


    8. int main(int argc, char **argv){

    9. ros::init(argc, argv, "listener");

    10. ros::NodeHandle n;

    11. ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);

    12. ros::spin();


    14. return 0;

    15. }

  • Code Breakdown

    1. #include "ros/ros.h"

    2. #include "std_msgs/String.h"


    4. void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg){

    5. ROS_INFO("I heard: [%s]", msg->data.c_str());

    6. }

    We include the same headers as before.

    chatterCallback() is the function we defined that gets called whenever we receive a message

    on the subscribed topic. This is where we retrieve the content of the message for display as

    we did in this case, or we could store it in a variable for later processing.

    8. int main(int argc, char **argv){

    9. ros::init(argc, argv, "listener");

    10. ros::NodeHandle n;

    11. ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);

    12. ros::spin();


    14. return 0;

    15. }

    ros::NodeHandle::subscribe makes an XML/RPC call to the ROS Master. It subscribes to the

    topic chatter. The second argument is the queue size, in case we are not able to process

    messages fast enough. In this case, if the queue reaches 1000 messages, we will start

    throwing away old messages as new ones arrive. ROS will call the chatterCallback() function

    whenever a new message arrives.

    NodeHandle::subscribe() returns a ros::Subscriber object, that should be hold until you want

    to unsubscribe. When the Subscriber object is destructed, it will automatically unsubscribe

    from the chatter topic.

    ros::spin() loops around calling message callbacks as fast as possible. It will exit once ros::ok()

    returns false, meaning ros::shutdown() has been called, either by the default Ctrl-C handler,

    or it being called manually.

    In sum, here is a condensed version of whats happening:

    Initialize the ROS system

    Subscribe to the chatter topic

    Spin, waiting for messages to arrive

    When a message arrives, the chatterCallback() function is called.

  • Building and executing the nodes

    First we need to edit CMakeLists.txt from our package. Open the file with the following

    command from the terminal.

    $ gedit ros_intro/CMakeLists.txt

    Then add the following 2 lines to the file

    Rosbuild_add_executable(talker src/talker.cpp)

    Rosbuild_add_executable(listener src/listener.cpp)

    This will create two executables, talker and listener, which by default go into the bin

    directory. Save and exit.

    For more information on using CMake with ROS, check CMakeLists

    Now lets build our package.

    $ rosmake ros_intro

    In separate terminal windows, run the following programs

    $ roscore

    $ rosrun ros_intro talker

    $ rosrun ros_intro listener

    You should see the following results

    Talker Node

    Listener Node

  • 2. NXT Robot and ROS

    There is quite a range of robots being used with ROS at this day. ROS has quite become a

    great tools for hobbyist and researchers. For this second part we will apply some of the

    concept we learned to a physical robot. We will be using the NXT Lego Robot. A ROS stack

    is available for the NXT. It has basic interfaces for interacting with ROS and NXT.

    The bridge between NXT and ROS is the nxt_ros package. This package creates a ROS topic

    for each NXT sensor, and publish the sensors data on this topic. It also creates topic for each

    NXT motor, which allows for the command of motors from ROS. The nxt_ros bindings talks

    directly to the NXT brick, either over USB or Bluetooth.

    Installation and Configurations

    The following will require you to have a PC running Ubuntu 10.04 or newer. I will be using

    Ubuntu 11.10.

    Configure the computer

    In order for your computer to talk to the NXT brick you need to set your udev1 rules. To do

    so you are going to first add a lego group using the following command:

    $ sudo groupadd lego

    Then add yourself to that group:

    $ sudo usermod a G lego

    Replace in the previous command with yours. Next create a udev rules file for

    the lego group that you just created.

    $ echo "BUS==\"usb\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"0694\", GROUP=\"lego\", MODE=\"0660\"" > /tmp/70-

    lego.rules && sudo mv /tmp/70-lego.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/70-lego.rules

    Now restart the udev:

    $ sudo restart udev

    To complete the configuration, log out and log back in.

    1 For more information on udev visit

  • Installing ROS and NXT ROS

    Before you can install ROS on your computer, you have to configure the Ubuntu repositories

    to allow restricted, universe, and multiverse

    Once that is done open a terminal window and setup up your computer to accept software


    $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb oneiric main" >


    This is for Ubuntu 11.10. If you are running a different version please refers to this page1 to

    get the correct command.

    Next set up your Keys

    $ wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

    Installation of ROS Electric. We will get the Desktop-Full Install which includes ROS packages,

    robot-generic libraries, 2D/3D simulators, navigation and 2D/3D perception.

    $ sudo apt-get update

    $ sudo apt-get install ros-electric-desktop-full

    The installation will take quite a while. You need to make sure your internet connection is

    always on. Once ROS installation is complete. Set up your environment variables:

    $ echo source /opt/ros/electric/setup.bash >> ~/.bashrc

    . ~/.bashrc

    Now that the installation of ROS is complete, you can install the NXT-ROS bindings:


  • $ sudo apt-get update

    $ sudo apt-get install ros-electric-nxtall

    When installation is complete you should be ready to test it with your robot.

    Lets Try It!

    IMPORTANT: For NXT-ROS work with your Mindstorms, you need to have the firmware 1.28 or higher. If you do not know

    how to upgrade, you can follow the following tutorial: Updating NXT Firmware.

    Make sure you have your NXT ready and connected to your PC. We are now going to run a

    program to test if the NXT can indeed talk to ROS. For that connect a touch sensor to Port

    1 of you NXT. Then in a terminal window, type the following

    $ roscore

    Then in another terminal, run the following

    $ rosrun nxt_python

    You should get the following results in your terminal. When press the touch sensor, it will

    print True and False when released.

    Testing the touch sensor

    If instead you see the following, then you probably didnt set something right or the Brick

    is not connected or powered on.

  • NXT Brick not found

    If you got the touch sensor test right, we can now write a small application to run our NXT

    using the robot car sensor1 model provided with the ROS package. If you like you can go

    through this tutorial2 to create your own robot for ROS.

    Teleoperate the NXT using Keyboard

    We will now walk through the steps to control the NXT using your keyboard. The following

    diagram, will attempt to present some of the important nodes used to achieve that, and

    how they inter connect

    1 Robot car Sensor - 2 Create your own robot model -

  • Inside the nxt_robot_car_sensor package, there a file robot.yaml which is a description file

    for the robot, where we need to specify the parameters for the sensors, motors, and define

    on which port they will be physically connected.

    On my PC the file is located at the following location.


    You will have to edit this file in order to match your robot configuration. The initial file

    looks like this.


    1. nxt_robot:

    2. - type: motor

    3. name: r_wheel_joint

    4. port: PORT_A

    5. desired_frequency: 20.0


    7. - type: motor

    8. name: l_wheel_joint

    9. port: PORT_B

    10. desired_frequency: 20.0


    12. - type: motor

    13. name: m_wheel_joint

    14. port: PORT_C

    15. desired_frequency: 1.0


    17. - type: gyro

    18. name: gyro

    19. frame_id: gyro_link

    20. port: PORT_3

    21. offset: 0

    22. desired_frequency: 20.0


    24. - type: ultrasonic

    25. frame_id: ultrasonic_link

    26. name: ultrasonic_sensor

    27. port: PORT_2

    28. spread_angle: 0.2

    29. min_range: 0.01

    30. max_range: 2.5

    31. desired_frequency: 5.0


    33. - type: color

    34. frame_id: color_link

    35. name: color_sensor

    36. port: PORT_1

    37. desired_frequency: 10.0

  • This file defines a robot with a gyroscope, ultrasonic sensor, color sensor, and 3 motors. The

    one I will be using only make use of 2 motors (PORT A and B) and an ultrasonic sensor

    (PORT 4). I will then have to edit this file so it looks like this.


    1. nxt_robot:

    2. - type: motor

    3. name: r_wheel_joint

    4. port: PORT_A

    5. desired_frequency: 20.0


    7. - type: motor

    8. name: l_wheel_joint

    9. port: PORT_B

    10. desired_frequency: 20.0


    12. - type: ultrasonic

    13. frame_id: ultrasonic_link

    14. name: ultrasonic_sensor

    15. port: PORT_4

    16. spread_angle: 0.2

    17. min_range: 0.01

    18. max_range: 2.5

    19. desired_frequency: 5.0


    Feel free to add any sensors you might have to the robot.yaml file. After editing the file we

    now have to build the package again from the terminal for our system to consider the


    $ rosmake nxt_robot_sensor_car

    Once thats done, you can now run the robot with the following command.

    $ roscore

    First start the ROS Master with roscore. Always make sure its running before you try to

    execute a ROS process. Now execute the following from another terminal

    $ roslaunch nxt_robot_sensor_car robot.launch

    Keep this program running, then open a new terminal window and run the control program.

    $ roslaunch nxt_teleop teleop_keyboard.launch

    You should have a prompt on your screen instructing you to use the direction keys to move

    the robot. If you will like to see a graph showing all the running nodes and their connections

    run the following command

  • $ rxgraph

    And you should get this

    You can also use a joystick to control your robot. Instead of the teleop_keyboard.launch, you

    will just need to launch the teleop_joy.launch

    $ roslaunch nxt_teleop teleop_joy.launch

    Follow Objects with your NXT and ROS

    Now that we can control our NXT with keyboard/joystick lets have our robot follow an object

    place in front of it. Basically what we want to achieve here is read the distance provided by

    the ultrasonic sensor. When the object is within a certain range of the robot and moving

    away, the robot should move forward, following the object. If the object is too close of the

    robot, it should back up (move backward). When the object stops moving the robot should

    also stop within a given range.

    In order to achieve that we will have to write a node that will subscribe to the topic

    ultrasonic_sensor, in order to read distance. Then based on the distance it receives will publish

    velocities on topic cmd_vel, to control the movements of the robot.

  • We will create a new package in the sandbox folder of our workspace (see section 1.5).

    $ roscreate-pkg nxt_follow_obj nxt_ros geometry_msgs nxt_msgs

    This package will depend on the nxt_ros package, the geometry_msgs, and nxt_msgs.

    Next we need to write the code for the node.

    The code

    Create the src/follow_obj.cpp file within the nxt_follow_obj package and write the code

    provided below.

    C++ Code follow_obj.cpp

    1. #include

    2. #include

    3. #include

    4. #include

    5. #include

    6. #include

    7. #include "boost/thread/mutex.hpp"

    8. #include "boost/thread/thread.hpp"


    10. class NxtFollow {

    11. public:

    12. NxtFollow();

    13. void controlLoop();

    14. void watchdog();


    16. private:

    17. ros::NodeHandle nh_, ph_;

  • 18.

    19. double linear_, angular_;

    20. double l_scale_, a_scale_;

    21. double dist_from_obj_;


    23. ros::Publisher vel_pub_;

    24. ros::Subscriber range_sub_;

    25. ros::Time last_publish_;


    27. boost::mutex publish_mutex_;


    29. void publish(double, double);

    30. void callback(const nxt_msgs::Range::ConstPtr& Range);

    31. };


    33. NxtFollow::NxtFollow() : linear_(0),

    34. angular_(0),

    35. l_scale_(1.0),

    36. a_scale_(1.0)

    37. {

    38. ph_.param("scale_angular", a_scale_, a_scale_);

    39. ph_.param("scale_linear", l_scale_, l_scale_);


    41. vel_pub_ = nh_.advertise("cmd_vel", 1);


    43. range_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("ultrasonic_sensor", 1, &NxtFollow::callback, this);

    44. }


    46. int kfd = 0;

    47. struct termios cooked, raw;


    49. void NxtFollow::watchdog() {

    50. boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(publish_mutex_);

    51. if (ros::Time::now() > last_publish_ + ros::Duration(0.15))

    52. publish(0, 0);

    53. }


    55. void NxtFollow::controlLoop() {

    56. char c;

    57. tcgetattr(kfd, &cooked);

    58. memcpy(&raw, &cooked, sizeof(struct termios));

    59. raw.c_lflag &=~ (ICANON | ECHO);


    61. raw.c_cc[VEOL] = 1;

    62. raw.c_cc[VEOF] = 2;

    63. tcsetattr(kfd, TCSANOW, &raw);


    65. puts("Let me follow a box");

    66. puts("---------------------------");

    67. puts("Place an object in front of the nxt to start");


    69. while(ros::ok()) {

    70. linear_= angular_= 0;

    71. ROS_DEBUG("value: 0x%02X\n", c);

    72. ROS_INFO("controlLoop");


    74. if (dist_from_obj_ > 0.3 && dist_from_obj_

  • 79. } else if (dist_from_obj_ < 0.1) {

    80. ROS_INFO("Moving away");

    81. ROS_DEBUG("Move away from the Object");

    82. linear_ = -1.0;

    83. angular_ = 0.0;

    84. } else {

    85. ROS_INFO("Not Moving");

    86. ROS_DEBUG("Don't Move");

    87. linear_ = 0.0;

    88. angular_ = 0.0;

    89. }


    91. boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(publish_mutex_);

    92. last_publish_ = ros::Time::now();

    93. publish(angular_, linear_);

    94. }


    96. }


    98. void NxtFollow::callback(const nxt_msgs::Range::ConstPtr& Range) {

    99. ROS_INFO("Range: [%f]", Range->range);

    100. dist_from_obj_ = Range->range;

    101. }


    103. void NxtFollow::publish(double angular, double linear) {

    104. geometry_msgs::Twist vel;

    105. vel.angular.z = a_scale_*angular;

    106. vel.linear.x = l_scale_*linear;


    108. vel_pub_.publish(vel);


    110. return;

    111. }


    113. void quit(int sig) {

    114. tcsetattr(kfd, TCSANOW, &cooked);

    115. ros::shutdown();

    116. exit(0);

    117. }


    119. int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    120. ros::init(argc, argv, "nxt_follow");

    121. NxtFollow nxt_follow;


    123. ros::NodeHandle n;


    125. signal(SIGINT, quit);


    127. boost::thread my_thread(boost::bind(&NxtFollow::controlLoop, &nxt_follow));


    129. ros::Timer timer = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), boost::bind(&NxtFollow::watchdog, &nxt



    131. ros::spin();


    133. my_thread.interrupt();

    134. my_thread.join();


    136. return(0);

    137. }

  • Code Breakdown

    Now lets go through the code and see whats happening

    The header files

    1. #include

    2. #include

    3. #include

    4. #include

    5. #include

    6. #include

    7. #include "boost/thread/mutex.hpp"

    8. #include "boost/thread/thread.hpp"

    ros/ros.h is a convenience include that includes all the headers necessary to use the most

    common public pieces of the ROS system.

    geometry_msgs provides messages from common geometric primitives. Twist.h expresses

    the velocity in free space broken into its linear and angular parts.

    nxt_msgs/Range.h is the message type published by the ultrasonic sensor. We will need this

    to extract the range (distance) returned by our ultrasonic sensor.

    signal.h required to handle signals during the execution of the program. A signal is a limited

    form of inter-process communication used in Unix. It is an asynchronous notification sent to

    a process within a process in order to notify it of an event that occurred. They can be viewed

    as Interrupts Events.

    termios.h functions describe a general terminal interface that is provided to control

    asynchronous communications ports.

    stdio.h C++ standart I/O Library

    mutex.hpp and thread.hpp both from the boost C++ Libraries are used for multithreading.

    NxtFollow Class definition

    The following block code is the definition of the class NxtFollow. All the methods and data

    members needed to make our robot achieve its task will be declared here. In the chatter

    example we did before, we wrote used simple function to perform our task. For this example

    we will see how to write a Node using a class

    10. class NxtFollow {

    11. public:

  • 12. NxtFollow(); //Class Constructor

    13. void controlLoop(); //ControlLoop this where we will check distance and decide to

    //move the robot or not

    14. void watchdog();


    16. private:

    17. ros::NodeHandle nh_, ph_; //Node Handles


    19. double linear_, angular_; //Linear and angular composite of the velocity

    20. double l_scale_, a_scale_; // The amount to scale the keyboard input for the command //velocity output.

    21. double dist_from_obj_; //Will hold the distance from the object


    23. ros::Publisher vel_pub_; //Publisher Will publish velocities

    24. ros::Subscriber range_sub_; //Subscriber Will subscribe to ultrasonic sensor

    25. ros::Time last_publish_;


    27. boost::mutex publish_mutex_;


    29. void publish(double, double); //Method will be used to publish velocity

    30. void callback(const nxt_msgs::Range::ConstPtr& Range); //Callback

    31. };

    The constructor

    The constructor will be call when a new NxtFollow object will be created to initialize the data

    members and parameters to default values.

    Here we set the linear and angular composite of the velocity to 0

    33. NxtFollow::NxtFollow() : linear_(0),

    34. angular_(0),

    35. l_scale_(1.0),

    36. a_scale_(1.0)

    37. {

    38. ph_.param("scale_angular", a_scale_, a_scale_);

    39. ph_.param("scale_linear", l_scale_, l_scale_);


    41. vel_pub_ = nh_.advertise("cmd_vel", 1);


    43. range_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("ultrasonic_sensor", 1, &NxtFollow::callback, this);

    44. }

    nh_.advertise() will return a ros::Publisher object, which contains a publish() method that will

    let us publish messages onto the cmd_vel topic, and when it goes out of scope, it will

    automatically unadvertise. This is the function in charge of making the XML/RPC call to the

    ROS Master advertising geometry_msgs::Twist on the topic named cmd_vel

    nh_.subscribe() makes an XML/RPC call to the ROS Master. It subscribes to the topic

    ultrasonic_sensor. The second argument is the queue size, in case we are not able to

    process messages fast enough. In this case, if the queue reaches 1 message, we will start

    throwing away old messages as new ones arrive. ROS will call the callback() function

    whenever a new message arrives. Since we are using a class, we need to pass in a 4th

    parameter which is the address of the Node.

  • The control loop

    55. void NxtFollow::controlLoop() {

    56. char c;

    57. tcgetattr(kfd, &cooked);

    58. memcpy(&raw, &cooked, sizeof(struct termios));

    59. raw.c_lflag &=~ (ICANON | ECHO);


    61. raw.c_cc[VEOL] = 1;

    62. raw.c_cc[VEOF] = 2;

    63. tcsetattr(kfd, TCSANOW, &raw);


    65. puts("Let me follow a box");

    66. puts("---------------------------");

    67. puts("Place an object in front of the nxt to start");


    69. while(ros::ok()) {

    70. linear_= angular_= 0;

    71. ROS_DEBUG("value: 0x%02X\n", c);

    72. ROS_INFO("controlLoop");


    74. if (dist_from_obj_ > 0.3 && dist_from_obj_

  • The callback method

    98. void NxtFollow::callback(const nxt_msgs::Range::ConstPtr& Range) {

    99. ROS_INFO("Range: [%f]", Range->range);

    100. dist_from_obj_ = Range->range;

    101. }

    The callback() method gets called everytime we receive a message on the subscribed topic.

    Then we extract the range and assign it to the variable dist_from_obj that is used in the

    control loop to decide on the robots move.

    The publish method

    103. void NxtFollow::publish(double angular, double linear) {

    104. geometry_msgs::Twist vel;

    105. vel.angular.z = a_scale_*angular;

    106. vel.linear.x = l_scale_*linear;


    108. vel_pub_.publish(vel);


    110. return;

    111. }

    The publish() gets called in the control loop to publish the velocity to the cmd_vel.

    The main

    119. int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    120. ros::init(argc, argv, "nxt_follow"); //Initialize ROS

    121. NxtFollow nxt_follow; //Instanciate an NxtFollow object


    123. ros::NodeHandle n; //NodeHandle


    125. signal(SIGINT, quit); //When Ctrl-C signal is sent from keyboard, quit() is called


    127. boost::thread my_thread(boost::bind(&NxtFollow::controlLoop, &nxt_follow));


    129. ros::Timer timer = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), boost::bind(&NxtFollow::watchdog, &nxt_fo



    131. ros::spin();


    133. my_thread.interrupt();

    134. my_thread.join();


    136. return(0);

    137. }

    In the main we create instance of the NxtFollow class that will subscribe to ultrasonic_sensor

    topic and publish cmd_vel topic

  • Build and Run the Execute the Node

    First we need to edit CMakeLists.txt from our package. Open the file with the following

    command from the terminal.

    $ gedit nxt_follow_obj/CMakeLists.txt

    Then add the following line to the file

    Rosbuild_add_executable(follow_obj src/follow_obj.cpp)

    This will create the executable for follow_obj, which by default go into the bin directory. Save

    and exit.

    Now lets build our package.

    $ rosmake nxt_follow_obj

    In separate terminal windows, run the following programs

    $ roscore

    $ rosrun nxt_robot_sensor_car robot.launch

    $ rosrun nxt_follow_obj follow_obj

    You should see the following results. And if you place an object in front of you robot it

    should start following it.

    You should see this after starting robot.launch

  • follow_obj program running

    In the previous windows, we have our follow_obj running and continuously printing the state

    of the robot.

  • 3. Useful Links

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