intro to matlab

Intro. to MATLAB By Hisham Abuella TA & RA in ECE @ Istanbul şehir University Email : [email protected]

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introducing Matlab


  • Intro. to MATLAB

    By Hisham Abuella

    TA & RA in ECE @ Istanbul ehir University

    Email : [email protected]

  • Outline

    Where to use MATLAB ?

    What is Matlab ?

    MATLAB Desktop

    Exercise 1

    Matrices & Vectors

    Exercise 2

    Useful Sites

  • Where to use MATLAB ?

    Dealing with Matrices and Arrays

    2-D and 3-D Plotting and graphics

    Linear Algebra

    Algebraic Equations


    Data Analysis

    Calculus and Differential Equations

    Numerical Calculations



    Curve Fitting

  • What is Matlab ?

    Stands for MATrix LABoratory

    Interpreted language (Line by Line)

    Scientific programming environment ( cos , sin , ....)

    Very good tool for the manipulation of matrices ( rank , inv ....)

    Great visualisation capabilities ( plot , stem ....)

    Loads of built-in functions ( Use help you will be surprised...)

    Easy to learn and simple to use ( Use help of matlab + lot of online examples ....)

  • MATLAB Desktop

    1- Command Window

    2- Command History

    3- Workspace

    4- Current Directory

  • How you will work on matlab this session ?

    1- Is the matlab installed on your computer ?

    search for matlab ...

    2- Use

  • 01 The MATLAB desktop

  • Exercise 1

    Hint :^ : powersqrt: square root23 = (2^3)

  • Solutions to Exercise 1

  • Matrices & Vectors - I

    Nearly every thing in MATLAB is in matrices

    Easy to define: >> A = [16 3; 5 10]

    A = 16 3

    5 10

    Use , or to separate row elements

    use ; to separate rowsTry the same line without the semicolon and comments

    Access elements of a matrix




    Remember Matrix(row,column)

  • Matrices & Vectors - II

    Vectors - special case - n = 1 column vector- m = 1 row vector

    The : operator

    VERY important operator in Matlab

    Means to

    >> 1:10

    ans =

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  • The : operator and matrices

    For Matrix


    ans =

    1 7


    ans =




    Whatll happen if you type A(:,:) ?

  • Creating Vectors

    1- Create vector with equally spaced intervals


    2- Create vector with n equally spaced intervals

    x=linspace(0, pi, 7)

    Note: MATLAB uses pi to represent , uses i or j to represent imaginary unit

  • Creating Matrices

    zeros(m, n): matrix with all zeros

    ones(m, n): matrix with all ones.

    eye(m, n): the identity matrix

    randn(m, n): normally distributed random

    Operations can be done : +: addition

    -: subtraction

    ^: exponentiation

    *: multiplication

    /: division

  • Manipulating Vectors

    Evaluated element by element.' : array transpose (non-conjugated transpose)

    .^ : array power

    .* : array multiplication

    ./ : array division

  • Manipulating Matrices

    Try These :

    >> A ' % transpose -For : &

    >> B*A % matrix multiplication

    >> B.*A % element by element multiplication

    >> A\B % left division same as INV(A)*B

    >> B/A % matrix division

    >> B./A % element by element division

    >> [B A] % Join matrices (horizontally)

    >> [B; A] % Join matrices (vertically)

    >> A-B % Subtract B from A

    >> A^2 % calculate A square

    B =

    -1 3 1

    4 6 8

    2 0 2

    A =

    4 2 1

    5 4 -1

    2 0 7

  • Some Built-in functions

    mean(A):mean value of a vector

    max(A), min (A): maximum and minimum.

    sum(A): summation.

    sort(A): sorted vector

    median(A): median value

    det(A) : determinant of a square matrix

    Inv(A): Inverse of a matrix A

  • Exercise 2

  • Exercise 2 (Continue)

    Hint : use A\B

  • Solutions

  • HW

  • Useful Sites

  • Next session ...

    Plots in Matlab Try: stem , plot ......

    Relational & Logical Operators Try: && > == ||.....

    If-Else Statement

    For Loops

    While Loops

    Functions and Scripts