intro to chemistry

Intro to Chemistry

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Intro to Chemistry. What is Chemistry???. By definition, Chemistry is the study of:. Composition of Matter (What stuff is made up of). AND. Changes that occur to that matter. 6 Major Areas of Study. Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Biochemistry Physical Chemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Intro to Chemistry

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What is Chemistry???• By definition, Chemistry is the study of:

Composition of Matter(What stuff is made up of)

ANDChanges that occur to that matter

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6 Major Areas of Study•Organic Chemistry

•Inorganic Chemistry•Biochemistry

•Physical Chemistry• Analytical Chemistry•Theoretical Chemistry

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Organic Chemistry

• Chemistry of compounds that contain carbon– Found in living systems – Used in artificially made products

C6H12O6 NaCl

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• Chemistry of compounds that do NOT contain carbon




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• Chemistry of organic compounds and the processes they go throughMolecular:-Cell Structure-Cell Function

Processes:-Photosynthesis-Krebs Cycle-Genetics

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Physical Chemistry

• Deals with physical properties of a material– Properties that can be measured

Examples:oTemperatureoFreezing PointoMelting PointoBoiling PointoDensityoColor

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• Chemistry that defines the chemical composition of a material

• Qualitative: What it is• Quantitative: How much there is

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Theoretical Chemistry

• Using math and computers to understand principles behind observed chemical behavior

• Predict properties of new compounds

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3 Types of Research

• Research is done for different reasons. The type of research pursued is dependent upon what information is important/needed

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Basic or Pure ResearchThe main goal of this type of research is to gain new knowledge about a chemicalor process, just for the sake of knowledge.

Chance discoveries can result from basic research. “I wonder what would happen if…”

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Applied ResearchThe main goal of this type of research is to solve a specific problem.

–Example: CFC’s (chloro fluoro carbons)

– in refrigerants destroyed the ozone so chemists formulated new refrigerants

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Technological Development –This type of research involves

the making and use of products that

–improve the quality of life. –Development can result from

Basic Research.