intersexual ality

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10/26/2015CHAPTER 15 AMBIGUOUS SEX - DregerIntersexualality: It refers to the situation where the word intersexualality refers to the situation where a baby was born with multiple tissues and organs of both sexes. According to famous professional doctor John Money: Every baby is born neutral, and the physician cant create a male or female, surgically and chemically. From Money point of view, determination of sex was completely up to neutral, and there is no biological reason that genetically male person could not be raised as female, or a female genetically could not be raised as male. As he point out in the article, its much harder to create a male out of this neutral state. No distinction made by society between sex and gender in 60s. Now, we all have learned that gender is social construct, so we can make a big separation between biological definition of sex and social construct of gender. How frequently the surgery has to take place giving the number of births is very difficult to do, because it is very difficult to tell in any given situation whether the condition of the moment of birth is an intersexual case or not. (Page 139) Question that concern baby is male or not How small a penis (30 mins)Unlikely that parents who give births to an intersex baby understand of what will be done. Its difficult to estimate a frequency of which decision has to be made, usually make by a team of physicians and psychologists. (33 mins)Stranger argues on page 139 and page 140 that we are talking about the situation that society didnt know what to do, or doctors didnt know what to do with people who are neither male nor female but both. Conclusion: there is a term is used in medical textbook Normalizing the baby, which means determining there is one sex or no.1910- Doctor: What kind of cells and tissues were present in a baby? They are getting closer to be able to make decision that every human being is one of the two categories: male for female.Page 140 AIS androgen insensitivity syndromepathways. There are many adult women with AIS today. They visually look like male but the androgen hormones are not read that they were grew up like women. This thing leads to problem women with AIS were be allow to grow up like women but masculinizing hormones make them never be able to have children.The claim: if we allow people grow up with ambiguous sex, they will have horrible lives. They will not acceptable by society; they will not have ability to have children; and the society is really harmed. The argument they have to do it. On one hand, they believe they do not require to have concern by patients because they have parents. On the other hand, they believe that they will do the social good by creating one or two sexes.