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InterPARES 3 Final Report L. Duranti InterPARES 3 Project Page 1 of 63 Title: InterPARES 3 International Alliance Final Report Status: Public Author: Luciana Duranti Writer(s): Luciana Duranti Project Director Alexandra Allen Project Coordinator Project Unit: Research URL: ip3_final_report_v1-0.doc

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Title: InterPARES 3 International Alliance Final Report

Status: Public

Author: Luciana Duranti

Writer(s): Luciana Duranti Project Director

Alexandra Allen Project Coordinator

Project Unit: Research

URL: ip3_final_report_v1-0.doc

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Table of Contents

Management................................................................................................................................... 4

Project Direction ......................................................................................................................... 4

Communication and Meetings.................................................................................................... 4

International Alliance Partners ................................................................................................... 5

TEAM Composition ..................................................................................................................... 5

Co‐investigators .......................................................................................................................... 5

Collaborators............................................................................................................................. 11

Test‐bed Partners...................................................................................................................... 11

Resource Partners..................................................................................................................... 11

Funding ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Project Overview........................................................................................................................... 12

Goals ............................................................................................................................................. 13

Objectives.................................................................................................................................. 13

Project Components ...................................................................................................................... 14

Stakeholders.................................................................................................................................. 14

Guiding Concepts.......................................................................................................................... 15

Guiding Methodological Principles .............................................................................................. 18

Case Study Methodology.............................................................................................................. 19

General Studies ............................................................................................................................. 20

General Study 01: Past and Present Digital Preservation Projects Devoted to the Long‐term 

Preservation of Digital Records and Digital Information .......................................................... 21

General Study 02: International Terminology Database .......................................................... 21

General Study 03: Canadian Legislation, Standards, Policies, Regulations and Guidelines 

Relevant to the InterPARES 3 Project ....................................................................................... 22

General Study 04: International Standards Relevant to the InterPARES 3 Project .................. 23

General Study 05: Keeping and Preserving Email..................................................................... 23

General Study 05: Guidelines and Recommendations for E‐Mail Records Management and 

Long‐Term Preservation ........................................................................................................... 24

General Study 07: Organizational Culture ................................................................................ 25

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General Study 08: Open Source Records Management Software............................................ 25

General Study 09: Social Media ................................................................................................ 26

General Study 11: Policy and Procedures Templates ............................................................... 26

General Study 12: Digital Records Management/Preservation Education Modules ............... 27

General Study 13: Community Archives e‐Records Assessment.............................................. 27

General Study 14: Preserving the Registry System................................................................... 28

General Study 15: Metadata Application Profiles .................................................................... 28

General Study 16: Digital Preservation Cost‐Benefit Models................................................... 29

General Study 17: Public Sector Audit Reports on Digital Recordkeeping............................... 30

General Study 19: File Viewers ................................................................................................. 30

International Summits & Symposia .............................................................................................. 32

Dissemination by TEAM ................................................................................................................ 33

Books (including chapters)........................................................................................................ 33

Articles (refereed) ..................................................................................................................... 36

Articles ‐ Non‐Refereed ............................................................................................................ 39

Conference Proceedings ‐ Refereed ......................................................................................... 42

Conference Proceedings ‐ Non‐Refereed ................................................................................. 46

Lectures, Workshops and Seminars.......................................................................................... 47

Conferences (symposia, sessions, panels, papers) ................................................................... 59

Other ‐ Public Relations ............................................................................................................ 87

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Project Direction

The administrative and intellectual direction of the InterPARES 3 Project was the responsibility of the Project Director, Luciana Duranti. In carrying it out, the Project Director was supported by the InterPARES 3 International TEAM, composed of the Directors of all regional, national and multinational TEAMs and, ex-officio, the Project Coordinator, Randy Preston (2007-2011) and Alexandra Allen (2011-2012), and the Technical Coordinator, Jean-Pascal Morghese.

The InterPARES 3 Project Office was located at the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies of The University of British Columbia. The staff members were:

Project Coordinator: Randy Preston (2007-2011), Alexandra Allen (2011-12)

Technical Coordinator: Jean-Pascal Morghese (2007-2012)

Project Assistant: Sandy Orr (2007-2012)

Communication and Meetings The Project Director and the International TEAM met twice a year for an International TEAM Summit to:  

establish the research plan for the following semester;   determine research activities;   discuss the research progress;   steer the direction of the research as appropriate;   share the findings and reconcile them where appropriate;   decide on dissemination activities; and   deliberate on any issue that was brought to the International TEAM’s attention by the 

InterPARES 3 Director or any of the regional, national or multinational TEAMs’ Directors.  

These Summits occurred in connection with semi‐annual International Symposia, which were held each time in a different country.  

Each TEAM held two Plenary Workshops a year to:  

allow all TEAM researchers, partners and research assistants the opportunity to engage in scholarly debate and the development of new knowledge;  

review and discuss case study and general study research, activities, findings and outcomes;   assign tasks and responsibilities; and   perform research activities that required the simultaneous physical presence of TEAM members 

(e.g., modeling).  

International Summits and Plenary Workshops were the primary means of ensuring interdisciplinarity, transferability of results, open inquiry, and coherence among multiple methodologies and disciplinary and cultural outlooks. 

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International Alliance Partners

TEAM Brazil - Claudia M. Lacombe Rocha, Director TEAM Canada - Luciana Duranti, Director TEAM Catalonia - Miquel Serra, Director TEAM China - Jian Wang, Director TEAM Italy - Maria Guercio, Stefano Vitali and Guido Marinelli, Co-directors TEAM Colombia - Carlos Alberto Zapata & Maria Janeth Alvarez, Co-directors TEAM Korea - Sam G. Oh, Director TEAM Malaysia - Rusnah Johare, Director TEAM Mexico - Juan Voutssás, Director TEAM Norway - Inger-Mette Gustavsen, Director TEAM Turkey - Özgür Külcü, Director

TEAM Composition

The general composition of each TEAM was as follows: 

Director (or Co‐Directors), principal investigator 

Co‐Investigators (individual academic and professional researchers) 

Test‐Bed Partners (archives or archival units within organizations that were the locus and subject of the research, the primary stakeholders) 

Resource partners (organizations that had an expertise in some aspect of the research and shared it providing regular input and feedback) 

Collaborators (individuals who had a special expertise in some aspect of the research and were called to contribute to the Project as needed) 

Graduate Research Assistants (graduate students enrolled in archival and/or library studies programs of education or in programs relevant to the matter of specific case studies, e.g., journalism, criminology)  


Academic: Individuals affiliated with academic institutions as faculty members,l who made a significant contribution to the intellectual direction of the research and who played a significant role in the conduct of the research. They were responsible for the content, methodology and products of the research.  

Professional: Individuals affiliated with test‐bed organizations who were professional practitioners with some level of responsibility for digital preservation within their respective organizations and who, therefore, were in a position to help facilitate development of the intellectual direction, content, methodology and products of the research.  

The following is a list of Co‐Investigators by TEAM: 

TEAM Brazil 

Abdala Farah Netto – Ministério da Saúde (2007-2011) Alexandra Almeida – Ministério da Saúde

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Antonio Faggiani - Universidade Estadual de Campinas Brenda Couto de Brito Rocco – Arquivo Nacional Carlos Augusto Silva Ditadi - Arquivo Nacional Clayton Levi - Universidade Estadual de Campinas Daniela Francescutti Martins Hott – Câmara dos Deputados Edison Fávero– Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2007-2008) Elisangela Mendes Queiroz – SAESP (2010-2012) Ieda Pimenta Bernardes – SAESP (2010-2012) Karine Georg Dressler – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2010-2012) José Eduardo Ribeiro de Paiva - Universidade Estadual de Campinas Josival Soares da Silva – SAESP (2010-2012) Lamberto Ricarte Serra Júnior – Câmara dos Deputados (2007-2010) Luiz Atílio - Universidade Estadual de Campinas Luís Marcelo de Oliveira Braz – Câmara dos Deputados Margareth da Silva – Universidade Federal Fluminense Neire do Rossio Martins – Universidade Estadual de Campinas Pedro Paulo Funari - Universidade Estadual de Campinas Regina Bernardo Luz - Universidade Estadual de Campinas Ronald Giarola - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2009-2010) Rosely Rondinelli – Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa Selma Braga Duboc – Arquivo Nacional Vanderlei Batista dos Santos – Câmara dos Deputados Débora Terezinha Pariz – Ministério da Saúde Carolina de Oliveira – Arquivo Nacional Cláudia Dias Geraldes – Ministério da Saúde

TEAM Canada  

Alexandra Bradley - Harwood Information Associates, Ltd. Ronald Cenfetelli - University of British Columbia Hilde Collenbrander - University of British Columbia Barbara Craig - University of Toronto Patricia Daum - British Columbia Institute of Technology Glenn Dingwall - City of Vancouver Alan Doyle - University of British Columbia Lois Enns - City of Surrey, British COlumbia Ian Forsyth - Simon Fraser University Sheldon Goldfarb - University of British Columbia Christopher Hives - University of British Columbia Paul Hebbard - Simon Fraser University Mark Johnstone - Vancouver Police Department Peter Klein - University of British Columbia Krisztina Laszlo - University of British Columbia Victoria Lemieux - University of British Columbia Trevor Livelton - City of Victoria, British COlumbia Jane Morrison - University of Victoria Corinne Rogers - Vancouver School of Theology Mira Sundara Rajan - University of British Columbia Joseph Tennis - University of Washington Janet Turner - North Vancouver Museum & Archives

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Barry Warne - University of British Columbia Lara Wilson - University of Victoria Mary-Lynn Young - University of British Columbia

TEAM Catalonia 

Isabel Campos 

Núria Carreño 

Lluís‐Esteve Casellas 

Gorka Cofiño 

Xavier Conchillo 

Vicenç Conde 

Anna de la Fragua 

Raquel Enrich 

Carme García 

Eloi Jornet 

Raimon Nualart 

Sònia Oliveras 

Núria Palomar 

Maria Reixach 

Josep Ribas 

Eva Roca 

Vicenç Ruíz 

Joan Soler 

Miquel Àngel Vega 

TEAM China 

Huiling Feng - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Yuenan Liu - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Yi Qian - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Ning Zhang - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Peng Cui - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Jiazhen Liu - School of Information Management of Wuhan University Zhaoyu Zhang - Archives Department of Suzhou University Yi Zhao - Shanghai branch of Nanjing political college Yuming Huang - Anhui Provincial Archives Wei Liang - Changchun Municipal Archives Xueguang Li - Changchun City Archives Yingfang Cai - Aviations Industries Archives Hong Li - Aviations Industries Archives

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Han Ye - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Yana Du - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Bo Shao - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Yuhui Chen - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Yu Zhong - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Yipeng Wen - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Qiuzhen Hu - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Fang Liu - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

Jiye Luo - School of Information Resource Management in Renmin University of China (SIRM)

TEAM Colombia 

Maria JannethAlvarez Alvarez - Universidad de la Salle

TEAM Italy 

Alessandro Alfier - Regione Emilia Romagna Maristella Agosti - Università di Padova Alessandra Aversa - Università di Roma Tor Vergata Carlo Batini - Università degli studi Bicocca Stefano Benedetto - Comune di Torino Gabriele Bezzi - Regione Emilia Romagna Giorgetta Bonfiglio-Dosio - Università di Padova Maria Letizia Bongiovanni - Provincia di Bologna Rossella Bonora - Regione Emilia Romagna Lilia Borghi - Regione Emilia Romagna Paolo Buonora - Archivio di Stato di Roma Cinzia Cappiello - Politecnico di Milano Eugenio Capra - Politecnico di Milano Maria Mata Caravaca - ICCROM Cristiano Casagni - Regione Emilia Romagna Cecilia Castellani - Università di Urbino Sabrina Catani - Provincia di Forlì Cesena Paola Ciandrini - Politecnico di Milano Daniela Conti - Rep. San Marino, Archivio di Stato Letizia Cortini - AAMOD Concetta Damiani - Anai Vincenzo De Meo Francesca Delneri - Regione Emilia Romagna

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Roberto Falco - Regione Piemonte Nicola Ferro - Università di Padova Nicoletta Fiorio Plà - Politecnico di Torino Chiara Francalanci - Politecnico di Milano Lucilla Garofalo - Archivio centrale dello Stato Prisca Giordani - Archivi Storici dell'Unione Europea (HAEU) Linda Giuva - Università di Siena Massimiliano Grandi Monica Grossi - Università di Urbino Maria Guercio - Università di Urbino Claudio Leombroni - Provincia di Ravenna Domenico Luca - CSI Piemonte Maria Emanuela Marinelli - Soprintendenza archivistica di Roma Guido Marinelli - Universitò di Roma Tor Vergata Monica Martignon - Università Iuav di Venezia Manuela Martinelli - Camera di commercio di Roma Enrica Massella - Cnipa Romano Menicacci - INFOCERT Giovanni Michetti - Università di Roma La Sapienza Lorenzo Muttoni - Politecnico di Milano Roberto Nahum - ICCROM Michele Nastri - Consiglio del Notariato Susanna Oreffice Isabella Orefice - Anai Stefano Palagiano - Università di Urbino Umberto Parrini - Scuola normale di Pisa Maria Grazia Pastura - Direzione generale degli archivi Maria Clara Peira - CSI Piemonte Gianni Penzo Doria - Università di Padova Lucia Persico - Regione Piemonte Stefano Pigliapoco - Università di Macerata Barbara Pistorozzi - Università di Bologna Gianfranco Pontevolpe - Cnipa Simone Sacchi - Università di Bologna Sabrina Santangelo - MIBAC Giammaria Silvello - Università di Padova Daniela Simonini - Provincia di Ravenna Maddalena Taglioli - Scuola normale di Pisa Michele Toschi - Università di Bologna Silvia Trani Caterina Valia - Consiglio del Notariato Laura Veneruso - CSI Piemonte Marialaura Vignocchi - Università di Bologna Stefano Vitali - Direzione Generale per gli Archivi

TEAM Korea

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Heesop Kim, Department of Library and Information Science, Kyungpook National University

Eun Park, School of Information Studies, McGill University

TEAM Mexico

Alicia Barnard Amozorrutia Brenda Cabral Vargas Jovv Valdespino Vázquez Victor Manuel Espinosa Mejía Zaida Castro Acero Luis A. Martínez

TEAM Malaysia 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Sharif Mohd Saad (Universiti Teknologi MARA) 

Dr. Mohamad Noorman Masrek (Universiti Teknologi MARA) 

Alwi Mohd Yunus (Universiti Teknologi MARA) 

Arpah Adenan (Sarawak State Library) 

TEAM Norway 

Per Myrseth - Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Research & Innovation Thomas Mestl - Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Research & Innovation Habtamu Abie - Norwegian Computing Centre Nattiya Kanhabua - Department of Computer and Information Science, NTNU Feng Luan - Department of Computer and Information Science, NTNU Lars Gaustad - National Library of Norway Finn-Olaf Berg - Bankenes BetalingsSentral AS Hanne Stokbro Felin - Business Manager Electronic Archive Jon Olnes - Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Research & Innovation Olga Cerrato - Det Norske Veritas (DNV) AS

TEAM Turkey

Özgür Külcü - Hacettepe University Arif Yilmaz - Eitim Fakültesi Okul Öncesi Eitimi Anabilim Dal1 Ali Fuat Kartal - Turkish Library Association Hande Uzun Külcü - Turkish Red Crescent Society Tolga Cakmak - Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Information

Management Güleda Düzyol - Hacettepe University


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Individuals who had a special expertise in some parts of the research and who were called upon to contribute to the Project as needed:

Yvette Hackett, Consultant, Canada John McDonald, Consultant, Canada Richard Marciano, School of Library and Information Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States Evelyn MsLellan, Artefactual, Canada Stuart Rennie, Lawyer, Canada Anthony Sheppard, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, Canada Josephv Tennis, University of Washington, Settle, United States Kenneth Thibodeau, National Archives and Records Administration, United States Anne Thurston, International Records Management Trust, United Kingdom Helen Tibbo, School of Library and Information Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Test-bed Partners

The test‐bed partners were the archival organizations or programs that constituted the locus and subject of the research, the primary stakeholders. Their names coincide with the list of the case studies. 

Resource Partners

The resource partners were organizations that had an expertise in all or part of the research objectives and were committed to sharing it with all researchers, by providing regular input and feedback through both the web site working spaces and the face‐to‐face plenary workshops, and by testing preliminary findings and products. They were invited to participate because either 1) they had participated in and implemented the results of InterPARES, but were unique and extremely large institutions; 2) they had specific knowledge that could be useful to the research; or 3) they had a specific knowledge of the relevant issues and of the skills required of Canadian professionals to deal with them.  

Canadian Council of Archives (CCA Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC) Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) Corporate Information Management Branch of the BC Ministry of Labour and Citizens’ Service Royal British Columbia Museum UBC Irving K. Barber Learning Centre DOCAM research alliance Electronic Records Archives (ERA), in the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States 


Major funding for the InterPARES 3 Project was provided by The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada’s Community‐University Research Alliances (SSHRC‐CURA). Matching funds 

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were provided by The University of British Columbia's Vice President Research Development Fund, the Dean of Arts, and the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies. Individual TEAMs had their own funding. 

Project Overview

Digital records and the applications that generate them have affected every aspect of business, research, government and domestic life. Email, e‐voting ballots, research and survey data, financial company records, and digital art are just some of the materials used in the day‐to‐day operation of modern society. The keepers of these records need to maintain them in a way that their reliability, accuracy and authenticity can be demonstrated at any time to support, for example, research and innovation, legal validation, copyright and patent litigation, scientific discovery, issues of ownership and precedence for governments and individuals, and accountability. Long‐term authentic preservation also needs to be a primary concern, firstly , because generations of digital material have already been lost due to changing technology and inadequate preservation practices, and secondly, because the authenticity of digital materials that have survived is currently difficult, if not impossible, to prove.  

These issues have been addressed by several research projects which have developed knowledge essential to the long‐term preservation of authentic records created and/or maintained in digital form, thereby providing the basis from which model policies, strategies and standards capable of ensuring the longevity of digital material and the ability of its users to trust its authenticity have been formulated. However, a key finding of the most comprehensive of these projects, InterPARES 1 & 2, is that, although the body of concepts, principles and methods developed through scientific research constitutes the essential foundation and framework of best practices, any solution to digital preservation problems is situation specific, and must be devised by preservers taking into account: a) the cultural, administrative, legal, and functional context in which they operate, b) the nature and characteristics of the organizations producing the digital material to be preserved, c) the typology of the material produced and its documentary and technological features, d) the limitations imposed by the available financial and human resources, e) the organizational culture of both the producer of the material and the preserver, and g) access to educated professionals or educational programs and resources. Furthermore, while the conceptual and methodological findings of InterPARES 1 & 2 and other research projects are equally applicable to larger and smaller organizations and programs, archives with limited resources, which often have the greatest need for assistance, will find the outcomes of the research difficult to apply without specific directions on how to move forward.  

InterPARES 3 has translated the theory and methods of digital preservation drawn from research into concrete action plans for existing bodies of records that are to be kept over the long term by archives and archival/records units within organization¬endowed with limited resources. In the process, detailed knowledge has been developed on (1) how general theory and methods can be implemented in small and medium sized archives and units and become effective practices; (2) what factors determine the type of implementation that is appropriate for each body of records in each context; and (3) what skills professionals will require to conduct such operations. On this basis, teaching modules have been developed for in‐house training programs, continuing education workshops, and academic curricula that will provide professionals with the competence not only to preserve over the long term society's documentary heritage in digital form, but also to ensure the accountability of organizations and 

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institutions through the protection of the accuracy and authenticity of the digital information they produce. 

Governance, law, art, science and scholarship urgently require concrete plans for the preservation of digital materials, so that today’s actions, thoughts, achievements and creations will have a future and the future will have a memory.  

Goal The overall goal of InterPARES 3 was to enable small and medium sized public and private archival 

organizations and programs, which are responsible for the digital records resulting from government, 

business, research, art and entertainment, social and/or community activities, to preserve over the long 

term authentic records that satisfy the requirements of their stakeholders and society’s needs for an 

adequate record of its past.  

Objectives The objectives of InterPARES 3 were: 

1. to promote an environment supportive of the research goal by demonstrating to regulatory and auditing bodies and to policy makers that it is essential to integrate digital records preservation requirements in any activity that they regulate, audit or control;

2. to collaborate with small and medium sized archival organizations and programs in the development of scalable policies, strategies, procedures, and/or action plans that they can implement in order to preserve the digital materials that they expect to acquire or have already acquired, using the recommendations and products of leading edge research projects;

3. to assess the applicability of the recommendations of InterPARES and other projects about trusted record-making and recordkeeping to the situations of the small and medium sized archival organizations or programs selected as test-beds, and in particular the validity of statements about the relationship between preservers and the records creators;

4. to assess the applicability of these projects’ preservation solutions to the concrete cases identified by the test-bed partners as needing immediate attention, both when the records in question are already in their custody and when they still reside with their creator;

5. to refine and further elaborate the theory and methods, concepts and principles developed by these research projects on the basis of the results of the above activities;

6. to establish when such theory and methods, concepts and principles apply across jurisdictions, regardless of legal/administrative, social and cultural environment; and, in the situation where they do not apply, to identify why, and determine the measures that are required to ensure the preservation of digital records;

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7. t o assist small and medium sized archival organizations or programs in addressing the legal issues that have been identified by the relevant research projects as providing obstacles to long term digital preservation, and those that could be specific to their situation;

8. to formulate models that, for each choice of preservation methods and of digital objects to be preserved, identify the ethical consequences for individuals and society;

9. to create evaluation models capable of measuring the success of the preservation solutions that have been proposed and implemented;

10. to develop models of preservation costs for various types of records and archives;

11. to develop awareness and educational materials that can a) enable the staff of small archival organizations and programs to plan for and carry out digital preservation, b) assist professional associations in promoting career development of their members, and c) provide university programs with content and structure for university courses on digital preservation; and to identify effective delivery methods;

12. to ensure transfer of the knowledge generated by this research—including actual examples and success stories—to appropriate local, national and international stakeholders; and

13. to establish a strong network of research and education on digital preservation that is deeply rooted in the various communities served by each of its partners, and that integrates academic work with social and community action.

Project Components

1. a research component (development of new knowledge through short‐term and long‐term projects, including general studies and case studies related to policy, records, or systems);  

2. an education and training component (in the context of research projects, students apprenticeships, activities credited as part of coursework, etc.; and, with regard to the new knowledge developed, the production of curricula, syllabi, course modules and teaching materials); and  

3. a knowledge‐mobilization component (conference presentations, workshops, seminars, colloquia, policy manuals and other publications, public lectures, etc.) meeting the needs of both academic and community partners.  

Stakeholders The beneficiaries of the new knowledge produced by this Project are :

small and medium‐sized archival organizations and units/programs (hereinafter, archives); 

archives endowed with low resources; records creators for whom such archives represent the designated preserver;

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archivists, and any other professionals whose primary responsibility is to ensure the permanent and authentic preservation of records;

the international digital preservation community; the legal and law enforcement communities; researchers of all disciplines; educators in all disciplines involved in this research; the computer and information technology sector; and the citizenry at large.

Guiding Concepts Several guiding concepts of InterPARES 3 were developed in the course of InterPARES 1 and 2. Record: A document made or received in the course of a practical activity as an instrument or a by-product of such activity and set aside for action or reference.

Accuracy: The degree to which data, information, documents or records are precise, correct, truthful, free of error or distortion, or pertinent to the matter.

Reliability: The trustworthiness of a record as a statement of fact. It exists when a record can stand for the fact it is about and is established by examining the completeness of the record’s form and the amount of control exercised on the process of its creation.

Authenticity: The trustworthiness of a record as a record; i.e., the quality of a record that is what it purports to be and that is free from tampering or corruption. Authentic records are records that have maintained their identity and integrity over time.

Authentication: A means of declaring authenticity at a point in time by a person entitled to do so (e.g., public officer, professional, certifying authority).

Trusted Record-making System: A set of rules governing the making of records, and a set of tools and mechanisms used to implement these rules. To generate reliable records, every record-making system should include in its design records capture, identification, declaration, execution and transfer systems incorporating integrated business and documentary procedures, record metadata schemes, records forms, a record profile scheme, access privileges and record-making technological requirements, along with a rigorous monitoring function to oversee the activities of the entire system.

Trusted Recordkeeping System: The whole of the rules that control the creation, maintenance use and disposition of the records of the creator and provide a circumstantial probability of the authenticity of the records, and the tools and mechanisms used to implement those rules. To maintain authentic records, every recordkeeping system should include in its design records information, indexing, storage, retrieval, access and disposition systems incorporating a recordkeeping metadata scheme, a classification scheme, a retention schedule, a registration system, a controlled recordkeeping vocabulary, access privileges and procedures for maintaining accurate and authentic records, along with a rigorous monitoring function to oversee the activities of the entire system.

Trusted Record Preservation System: The whole of the rules that control the preservation and use of the records of the creator and provide a circumstantial probability of the authenticity of the records, and the tools and mechanisms used to implement those rules. To ensure the creation and maintenance of authentic copies of a creator’s records, every record preservation system should include in its design records information, selection (appraisal), acquisition, description, storage, retrieval and access systems incorporating a preservation metadata scheme, a records transfer registration scheme, an accession registration scheme, a controlled preservation vocabulary, access privileges and procedures for assessing

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and maintaining the authenticity of records, along with a rigorous monitoring function to oversee the activities of the entire system.

Designated Records Preserver: The entity responsible for taking physical and legal custody of and preserving (i.e., protecting and ensuring continuous access to) authentic copies of a creator’s inactive records.1 Be it an outside organization or an in-house unit, the role of the designated records preserver should be that of a trusted custodian for a creator’s records. To be considered as a trusted custodian, the preserver must:

act as a neutral third party, that is, demonstrate that it has no stake in the content of the records and no reason to alter records under its custody, and that it will not allow anybody to alter the records either accidentally or on purpose;  

be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill its responsibilities, which should be acquired through formal education in records and archives administration; and

establish a trusted record preservation system that is capable of ensuring that accurate and authentic copies of the creator’s records are acquired and preserved.

InterPARES 1 identified the necessary characteristics of digital records as follows:

Medium: The physical material or substance upon which information can be or is recorded or stored. The medium is the material support carrying the record; it is necessary to the existence of the record, which must be affixed to a support, but is a component of the technological context, not of the record.

Documentary Form: The rules of representations according to which the content of a record, its administrative and documentary context, and its authority are communicated. Form possesses both extrinsic and intrinsic elements.

Archival Bond: The network of relationships that each record has with the records belonging in the same records aggregation, whether inside or outside the system.

Five Necessary Persons: Author (the person competent for issuing the record), writer (the person competent for the articulation of the content), originator (the person responsible for the electronic space from which the record is sent), addressee (the person for whom the record is intended) and creator (the person in whose fonds the record exists).

Act: An action in which the record participates or which the record supports that is intended to create, maintain, change or extinguish a situation.

Five Necessary Contexts: Juridical-administrative (the legal-administrative environment in which the record is created, that is, made or received and set aside for action or reference), provenancial (the creator, its mandate or mission, functions, and organization), procedural (the procedure in the course of which the record is created), documentary (the fonds to which the record belong and its internal structure), technological (the technological environment in which the record was made or received, maintained and preserved)

Content: The message contained in the body of the record or which the record is meant to convey.

Element of Form: A constituent part of the record’s documentary form, visible on the face of the record. It may be either extrinsic, like a seal, or intrinsic, like a subscription.

Record Metadata: The attributes of the records that demonstrate their identity and integrity (authenticity).

InterPARES 2 further clarified them:

1 In the InterPARES Terminology Database, the term “preservation” is defined as “The whole of the principles, policies, rules and strategies aimed at prolonging the existence of an object by maintaining it in a condition suitable for use, either in its original format or in a more persistent format, while leaving intact the object’s intellectual form.” See InterPARES Terminology Database online at 

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Digital Component: A digital object that is part of one or more digital documents, and the metadata necessary to order, structure or manifest its content and form, requiring a given preservation action.

InterPARES 2 has further distinguished:

Digital Encoding: The use of discrete numeric values (such as the binary values 0 and 1) rather than a continuous spectrum of values (such as those generated by an analogue system).

Digital Data: The smallest meaningful units of information, expressed as binary bits that are digitally encoded and affixed to a digital medium.

Bitstream: Digital data encoded in an unstructured sequence of binary bits that are transmitted, stored or received as a unit.

Digital Object: A discrete aggregation of one or more bitstreams and the metadata about the properties of the object and, if applicable, methods of performing operations on the object.

Digital Document: A digital component, or group of digital components, that is saved and is treated and managed as a document.

Digital Record: A digital document that is treated and managed as a record.

Stored Digital Document: A digital document that is placed in a storage system on a digital medium and is treated and managed as a document.

Stored Digital Record: A stored digital document that is treated and managed as a record.

Manifested Digital Record: A digital record that is visualized or rendered from a stored digital record and/or stored digital component(s) in a form suitable for presentation either to a person (i.e., in human readable form) or to a computer system (i.e., in machine language). Sometimes it does not have a corresponding stored digital record, but is (re)created from fixed content data when a user’s or system’s actions associates them with specific form data and composition data following fixed rules (e.g., a record produced from a relational database)

Prospective Record: A document that guides what to do and/or how to do it and is managed as a record. It differs from a retrospective record, which constitutes either the enactment or the memorial of an action, and includes dispositive, probative, supporting and narrative records.2 A prospective record enables or at least informs interactions, experiences or dynamic processes. It can be an instructive record or an enabling record.

Instructive Record: A subclass of prospective record that contains instructions about executing an action or process. With dispositive, enabling, narrative, probative and supporting, one of six functional categories of records. Examples of instructive records are musical scores, regulations, manuals of procedures, and instructions for filling out forms.

Enabling Record: A subclass of prospective record encoded in machine language that is actively involved in carrying out an action or process. With dispositive, instructive, narrative, probative and supporting, one of six functional categories of records. Examples of enabling records include software patches that enable a musical instrument to interact with a computer, software in online marketing sites that interprets data about a visitor’s actions on the site to determine what elements of content should be presented next to that visitor, and software agents that enable interacting business applications to execute transactions autonomously.

InterPARES 2 has also identified two types of digital objects:

2 Dispositive Record: A record constituting written evidence of a juridical act; Probative Record: A record for which the juridical system requires a written form as evidence of an action that came into existence and was complete before being manifested in writing; Supporting Record: A record constituting written evidence of an activity that does not result in a juridical act; Narrative Record: A record constituting written evidence of an activity that is juridically irrelevant. 

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Static Digital Objects: Digital objects that do not provide possibilities for changing their manifest content or form beyond opening, closing and navigating. They are records when they present all the characteristics of a record listed above. Examples are: e-mail, reports, sound recordings, video, snapshots of Web pages.

Interactive Digital Objects: Digital objects that present variable content, form, or both and the rules governing the context and form of presentation may be either fixed or variable. They are records only if they have a fixed form and a stable content, or can be considered having a bounded variability.

Fixed Form: The binary content is stored so that the message it conveys can be rendered with the same

presentation it had on the screen when first saved (different digital presentation but same documentary presentation).

If the same content can be presented on the screen in several different ways in a limited series of possibilities, we have a different manifested view of the same stored digital record having stable content and fixed form (different documentary presentations but same digital presentation).

Stable Content: The fact that the data and the message in the record are unchanged and unchangeable, meaning that data cannot be overwritten, altered, deleted or added to.

Bounded Variability: When changes to the form are limited and controlled by fixed rules so that the same query or interaction always generates the same result, and we have different views of different subsets of stable content, due to the intention of the author or to different operating systems or applications.

Ontologies present the basic concepts in relationship with each other on the InterPARES 2 web site (“Ontology A-Concept of a Record,” “Ontology B-Concept of the Status of Transmission of a Record,” “Ontology C-Concept of the Trustworthiness of a Record;” see:

Guiding Methodological Principles

Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity The Project wa interdisciplinary in the measure in which its goal and objectives could only be achieved through the contribution of several disciplines, integrating methodologies, concepts, principles and techniques from a variety of fields as needed.

This process was very different from the multidisciplinary one, which examined the same problem in the context of each separate discipline and solved it within such discipline, without any integration of theory or methods, after which the results were compared and the best solutions adopted.

In contrast, transdisciplinarity was multi-referential and multi-dimensional. Whereas interdisciplinarity involved the transfer of one or more methods or ideas from a discipline to another, and multidisciplinarity involved the analysis of the same object by many disciplines, transdisciplinarity, as the prefix “trans” indicates, involved thinking at the same time within, across and outside each discipline and beyond all disciplines. Its purpose was to gain an understanding of present reality, one imperative of which is the unity of knowledge. “Rigor, openness, and tolerance are the fundamental characteristics of the transdisciplinary attitude and vision. Rigor in argument, taking into account all existing data, is the best defense against possible distortions. Openness involves an acceptance of the unknown, the unexpected

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and the unforeseeable. Tolerance implies acknowledging the right to ideas and truths opposed to our own.”3

Transferability The ultimate goal of the Project was archival in nature, in that it was concerned with the development of trusted record-making and recordkeeping systems and of preservation systems that ensure the authenticity of the records under examination over the long term. This implies that the work carried out throughout the Project in the various disciplinary areas had to be constantly translated in archival terms and linked to archival concepts, which are the foundation upon which the systems intended to protect the records are designed. However, upon completion of the research, the archival systems needed to be made accessible and comprehensible to records creators, organizations and institutions and disciplinary researchers. In other words, the research outcomes were translated back into the language and concepts of each discipline that needed to make use of them.

Open Inquiry InterPARES 3 espoused no epistemological perspective or intellectual definitions a priori. Instead, researchers in each case or general study identified the perspective(s), research design, and methods that they believed to be most appropriate to their inquiry. In fact, InterPARES 3 was conceived to work as a “layered knowledge” environment, in the sense that some of the research work built upon knowledge developed in the course of InterPARES; some took knowledge of similar issues developed in other research projects and in other areas of endeavour and brought it to bear on records creation and preservation; and some explored new issues and study entities never examined before and developed entirely new knowledge.

Multi-method Design Although the overall methodological approach was action research, each case study and general study was carried out using the method and the tools that the dedicated investigating team considered the most appropriate for it. The methods used were surveys, case studies, modeling, prototyping, diplomatic and archival analysis, and text analysis. The research was guided by the research questions and by instruments developed by the International Team.

Case Study Methodology

The overall approach was guided by action research methodology, a set of disciplined, material practices that involve collaborative dialogue, participatory decision making, inclusive democratic deliberation, and the maximal participation and representation of all relevant parties. Action research took the form of ethnographic inquiry or prototype development.

The steps of the case study research were:

Identification of the Problem -- Initially, each test-bed partner identified a body of digital material for which a preservation plan had to be developed, be it already in the custody of the partner or not. Alternatively, the partner identified a policy need, or a system to be designed and implemented.

Data Collection -- Using archival methods, data was collected about the context and limitations of each test-bed. Subsequently, using also interviews, diplomatics, modelling, and text analyses, data was collected either about the specific body of material, its

3 See Charter of Transdisciplinarity online at (accessed on 01/02/2007). Every transdisciplinary project is by definition also disciplinary, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary.   

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documentary forms, technological constraints, functional or cultural meaning, etc., or about a system requirement or policy needs and constraints.

First Iterations: Testing Different Solutions in Different Contexts -- All TEAM members (co-investigators, collaborators, test-bed and resource partners, students) then reflected on the data collected for each case study and collectively articulated several possible solutions from which individual plans of action emerged and were tested. These plans of action included strategy, protocols, functional requirements, procedures, and expected outcome, as needed. The plans were implemented and tested and test results included performance assessment of the plans against benchmarks and baselines established in extant research.

Comparison of First Iterations -- The results of the test were shared among all TEAM researchers and analyzed. An assessment of these results then allowed us to reflect on each action, and refine our respective plans of action.

Second Iteration: Refining Solutions for Particular Contexts -- After this assessment, the process began another cycle. This second iteration accounted for anomalies in the test results, and benefitted from the insights gained from a comparison across contexts. In so doing, it allowed us to refine our plans and performance measures. The second iteration continued with small mini-iterations until a definitive plan of action was agreed upon for each context, implemented and tested again.

Comparisons of Second Iterations -- The data were compared among cohorts –the partner organizations of the same type (e.g., city archives, university archives, communities archives) –to establish what were the critical factors that determined the most appropriate solution for these contexts and whether they were linked to documentary forms, technology, organizational culture or function, or other environmental elements. This comparison allowed us to make statements of a general type. Furthermore, twice a year, the results were compared with parallel research conducted by the other TEAMs and its results. This comparison of results did not happen in a vacuum because all international partners shared the same Web site and maintained ongoing communication.

Reflection, Analysis, and Synthesis -- Throughout the research, the co-investigators and collaborators reflected on issues and processes and made explicit their assumptions and biases, thereby giving rise to theoretical considerations.

General Studies The general studies were of three types: 

1. Studies carried out by one TEAM or a group of TEAMs for the benefit of all TEAMs (e.g., 

Annotated Bibliography of International Standards, E‐mail Preservation)

2. Studies in which all TEAMs took part (e.g., Terminology Database).

3. Studies conducted by a TEAM that for the benefit of that TEAM only (e.g., Annotated Canadian 


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4. Studies conducted by a group of TEAMS for its own benefit (e.g. Protocol Register)

General Study 01: Past and Present Digital Preservation Projects Devoted to the Long-term Preservation of Digital Records and Digital Information

Topic/Title:   Past and Present Digital Preservation Projects Devoted to the Long‐term 

Preservation of Digital Records and Digital Information 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  November 2007

Abstract: Since 1999, the InterPARES Project has been examining the complex issue of preserving digital records. The Project is not alone in its efforts to address the issues concerned with the long-term preservation of digital records, however. Since 1999, various research projects and related initiatives have been devoted to similar purposes. The objective of this study is to document the current projects and some of their findings. Given the dynamic nature of the digital preservation environment, readers should consider the report generated by this study to be a constantly evolving document, to which periodic revisions will be made to incorporate newly discovered or updated information, including information about new projects.

Final Report:    Available at   Link: 

General Study 02: International Terminology Database

Topic/Title:   International Terminology Database 

TEAM Lead:   International Alliance

Start Date:  2007

Purpose:     The purpose of the InterPARES 3 Terminology Database (ITD) is to support 

records professionals – archivists, records managers and information managers – in understanding 

records‐related concepts that address issues of preserving authentic records in electronic systems. 

Founded in Archival Science, Diplomatics and Information Science, the terms in this database are central 

to the InterPARES research, and facilitate communication and understanding across records‐related 


Content:     The InterPARES 3 Terminology Database includes a Glossary and a Dictionary.  The Glossary is an authoritative list of terms and their definitions that are core to our understanding of the evolving records creation, keeping and preservation environments. These are the definitions used in the course of InterPARES research. Definitions are context specific, however, and terms may not be used 

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uniformly by all our test bed partners. When a term used by a particular test bed differs in its definition from the same term as it is used by InterPARES researchers, that term will be defined in the research documents pertaining to that test bed. 

To reflect the international nature of records‐related disciplines in general and the InterPARES research in particular, the Glossary includes translations of many terms in the languages of our partners. This work of translation is ongoing and terms will be added as translations are submitted and approved.  

The Dictionary includes definitions of the same terms as they are commonly used in specific disciplines or communities of practice. It includes the source discipline where appropriate. The dictionary definitions come from existing dictionaries and glossaries in common use.    

Structure:     The Glossary provides the approved term and definition used in research (working documents and published documents) that comes from IP3. As rapidly as technology is evolving, so records‐related terms may be refined. To understand this evolution, terms in the Glossary have been drawn from the InterPARES 1 and 2 glossaries, and new terms or definitions have been added as appropriate. If the definition in current use is different from those of InterPARES 1 and 2, the latter are reported in the Dictionary.  Each term in the glossary lists the part of speech, and provides a definition, identified by source as InterPARES 1, 2 or 3. 

The Dictionary provides discipline‐specific definitions of terms relevant to the InterPARES research and records professionals. Each term is defined by the glossary definition, in bold type, followed by definitions common to other disciplines or communities of practice. Each discipline or community of practice is identified at the end of the definition. 


General Study 03: Canadian Legislation, Standards, Policies, Regulations and Guidelines Relevant to the InterPARES 3 Project

Topic/Title:   Canadian Legislation, Standards, Policies, Regulations and Guidelines Relevant 

to the InterPARES 3 Project 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  May 2008

Abstract: The objective of this study is to provide annotated citations for Canadian federal and provincial legislation, standards, policies, regulations and guidelines relevant to the research activities of the InterPARES 3 Project, particularly TEAM Canada. This includes legislation, standards, etc., that are relevant to the goals, objectives, research activities and expected outcomes of the Project as a whole and to TEAM Canada in particular. Given the dynamic nature of federal and provincial legislation, standards, etc., readers should consider the report generated by this study to be a constantly evolving document, to which periodic revisions will be made to incorporate newly discovered or updated information.

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Final Report:    Available at  


General Study 04: International Standards Relevant to the InterPARES 3 Project

Topic/Title:   International Standards Relevant to the InterPARES 3 Project 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  October 2010

Abstract: The objective of this study is to provide annotated citations for all international standards (ISO standards, ICA standards, etc.) relevant to the research activities of the InterPARES 3 Project. These include standards that are relevant to the goals, objectives, research activities and expected outcomes of the Project as a whole. It should also be noted that the search for relevant international standards is not limited to de facto standards, it also includes de jure standards. Within this context, the term “international” is interpreted to include standards that are issued by, and/or that might apply to, any organizations that have a multinational, sectoral or discipline-wide composition. Given the dynamic nature of the international standards environment, readers should consider the report generated by this study to be a constantly evolving document, to which periodic revisions will be made to incorporate newly discovered or updated information.

Final Report:    Available at  


General Study 05: Keeping and Preserving Email

Topic/Title:   Keeping and Preserving E‐mail

Team Lead:   Italy

Authors:   Gianfranco Pontevolpe (CNIPA)                                                            Silvio Salza 

(Università di Roma Sapienza) 

Documents: Final Report‐


Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the technical aspects relevant to the e‐

mail creation, capture and maintenance (i.e., records management) and permanent preservation (i.e., 

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archival) processes. This is important since e‐mail messages have a rather complex structure, and 

because of the need to take into account the peculiar infrastructure through which they are delivered 

(i.e. the Internet). 

To achieve this goal we have considered both the functionalities of the commercial products for e‐mail 

management, including the so‐called “e‐mail archiving” systems, and the requirements expressed in 

several important reference documents. Devising precise and systematic procedures for e‐mail records 

management and/or permanent preservation is not a goal of this document, and indeed cannot be done 

in a sufficiently general case, since these procedures may heavily depend on the characteristics of the 

organization where the process is taking place.  

For this reason the definition of a more detailed e‐mail records management and permanent 

preservation model should be carried out as a separate task, within the InterPARES 3 Project, and 

deserves a more thorough discussion, involving records management, archival and IT competences. 

General Study 05: Guidelines and Recommendations for E-Mail Records Management and Long-Term Preservation

Topic/Title:   Guidelines and Recommendations for E‐Mail Records Management and Long‐

Term Preservation

Team Lead:   Italy

Authors:     Massimiliano Grandi 

Documents: Final Report

Abstract:     This general study has divided proposed recommendations for email records 

management according to the two main phases of the records life cycle. Most relate to the period of 

time in which e‐mail records are current or semi‐current, namely when the records creator uses them to 

carry out its ordinary business activities. 

 A smaller set of recommendations refers to e‐mail records selected for long‐term preservation, when 

they become historical records transferred to the custody of a trusted preserver and are not used on a 

regular basis, and are preserved mostly for cultural reasons and/or sporadic use for reference and 


Several recommendations are intended to establish good practices to create e‐mail records intended to be integrated in a record‐keeping system. Recommendations for long‐term preservation of e‐mail records focus on aspects of management that need to be modified when records become historical or on actions that are exclusively intrinsic to long‐term preservation (e.g. use of given formats, organization of procedures for migration). 

Recommendations of the case study include: 

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integration of email with recordkeeping systems 

The operation of capture and filing must be performed solely through email accounts which have been programmed to directly communicate with the RKS 

Maintenance of an audit trail for an email record 

Inclusion of a long term preservation plan that addresses best practice as well as preserving the email record and all of its components 

Inclusion of a description of email elements, (such as attachments, digital signatures and links) associated with the email record 

General Study 07: Organizational Culture

Topic/Title:   Organizational Culture 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  November 2009

Abstract: The objective of this study is to develop a consistent framework for analyzing the impact of organizational culture on recordkeeping and preservation practices across various case studies in InterPARES 3 within the national context of Canada. Findings gleaned from this research may also be applicable to a general study of the dynamics amongst organizational cultures, recordkeeping and preservation practices for all the other countries participating in InterPARES 3.

Research Proposal:‐


Final Report:   


General Study 08: Open Source Records Management Software

Topic/Title:   Open Source Records Management Software 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  November 2009

Abstract: The objective of this study is to identify open source records management software and to map the functionality of the software to the InterPARES 2 Creator and Preserver Guidelines and to key records management and archival standards, such as MoReq2, ISAD(G) and ISO 15489.

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Final Report: 



General Study 09: Social Media

Topic/Title:   Social Media 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  November 2009

Abstract: The objectives of this study are to identify and evaluate the potential consequences of the use of Web 2.0 technologies on existing records management /archival theory and practice, and to make recommendations for future research to examine these consequences in more detail with the aim of devising concrete Web 2.0 policy and procedure recommendations.

Research Proposal:‐


Final Report:    


General Study 11: Policy and Procedures Templates

Topic/Title:   Policy and Procedures Templates 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  November 2009

Abstract: The objective of this study is to develop a set of generic policy and procedures templates for the management and preservation of digital (and analogue) records that can be disseminated within the Canadian archival system (and beyond) to be adopted and adapted as needed according to whatever specific structure is required within a specific institution or organizational context.

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Research Proposal:‐


Final Report:    


General Study 12: Digital Records Management/Preservation Education Modules

Topic/Title:   Digital Records Management/Preservation Education Modules 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  November 2009

Abstract: The objective of this study is to develop a set of generic policy and procedures templates for the management and preservation of digital (and analogue) records that can be disseminated within the Canadian archival system (and beyond) to be adopted and adapted as needed according to whatever specific structure is required within a specific institution or organizational context.

Research Proposal:‐


Final Report:    


General Study 13: Community Archives e-Records Assessment

Topic/Title:   Community Archives e‐Records Assessment 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  November 2009

Abstract: The objective of this study is to gain an understanding of the digital records acquisition and preservation practices and policies within community archives across Canada.

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Final Report: 



General Study 14: Preserving the Registry System

Topic/Title:   Preserving the registry system

Team Lead:   Italy

Authors:     Gabriele Bezzi (Regione Emilia Romagna – PARER) 


Abstract:     This general study was created to address the preservation of the protocol register and is carried out by TEAM Catalonia, Italy and Brazil. The general study was proposed by TEAM Catalonia in Rio de Janeiro in 2009 at the International Summit on September 30 – October 2, 2009. 

Its aim is to analyze the constitutive aspects and the functions of the protocol register in an ERDMS according laws, regulations and practice in several countries, in particularly Italy, Brazil and Spain (Catalonia). It also aims to analyze the possible modalities of preservation of the protocol register, which is considered to be a specific record constituted by the collection of registrations made in a certain period of time (daily registry, annual registry).  

In particular, we will proceed by comparing the practices and the rules of the three different countries, as specified above, in order to identify a minimum core of necessary and sufficient information for the constitution of a preserving protocol register. Then the TEAMs will prepare methodology and metadata for the preservation of the protocol register itself, and the eventual functions of metadata and information contained and stored in protocol register in order to preserve and verify the authenticity of the records identified through the protocol registration.  

We will also provide some indications about the best practices of management of the protocol register 

within a system of records management and its organizational impact, dealing, in particular, with the 

management of electronic records, analyzing work flows, responsibilities and possible levels of 

normalization and standardization. 


General Study 15: Metadata Application Profiles

Topic/Title:   Metadata Application Profiles 

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TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  May 2010

Abstract: The objective of this study is to identify the problems of creating metadata that are locally relevant, linked to archival theory, and reusable, especially to other organizations in the form of metadata application profiles.

Research Proposal:‐


Final Report:    



General Study 16: Digital Preservation Cost-Benefit Models

Topic/Title:   Digital Preservation Cost‐Benefit Models 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  May 2010

Abstract: The objective of the Cost‐Benefit General Study is to determine a measureable 

framework for assessing the benefit of recordkeeping systems. Although it is possible to establish the 

benefits of digital preservation, most organizations or institutions have only encountered the initial 

costs of the beginning stages of a digital preservation project. The study is not intended to determine 

the actual costs and benefits; it is to determine or develop the parameters that an organization should 

consider and examine when undertaking a cost‐benefit analysis. 

The Graduate Research Assistants were responsible for developing a template that identifies the various 

cost and benefit parameters and that justifies why each of these parameters is relevant to such an 

analysis. The actual parameters that are relevant in any particular situation may change completely from 

one institution to another, depending on whether it is public or private, for profit or not‐for‐profit, 

international vs. national, etc. The Graduate Research Assistants collected preservation costs and 

benefit information from the InterPARES 3 test beds as well as from other organizations.   

Final Report:    


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General Study 17: Public Sector Audit Reports on Digital Recordkeeping

Topic/Title:   Public Sector Audit Reports on Digital Recordkeeping 

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  July 2010

Abstract: The objective of this study is a comparative study of public sector audit reports: (a) to help identify common themes in existing policy, practice, or tools that impact on the effectiveness of program or service delivery of archival or other recordkeeping services and (b) to shed light on how resources are being allocated to manage information.

Research Proposal:‐4.pdf 

Final Report:    


General Study 19: File Viewers

Topic/Title:   File Viewers

TEAM Lead:   Canada

Start Date:  January 2010

Abstract: During the UBC InterPARES 3 case study on preparing files on preparing shared drive files for migration into an electronic content management (ECM) system (Rogers et al., 2010), the co-investigators identified and adopted a number of utility applications to expedite their work. These utility applications included: a disk space manager, used to collect drive statistics, analyze file formats, create historical profiles, and facilitate metadata discovery; a file manager, used to apply a unique identifier and rename records; a duplication finder, used to identify and remove duplicates based on byte-by-byte comparison; a format identifier, used to identify and resolve missing file extensions; and a empty folder identifier, used to count and (initially) remove empty folders. In relation to this, the ECM system purchased by the City of Surrey included a file viewer that allowed users to open and annotate specialty drawing files where they did not have the native application loaded on their computer. Although subsequent testing revealed that the viewer module was not well integrated to the ECM system and it was not adopted, the idea that a file viewer might extend the life of a file format was appealing. As a secondary consideration in favour of investigating file viewers, the co-investigators found that during pre-migration file renaming activities, opening files to validate contents was a time-consuming activity, since only a few applications could be kept open on the task bar, and time was spent waiting for

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applications to open or load, and in flipping between native and utility applications. A file viewer that would enable viewing of multiple formats from a single point appeared to be an avenue worth pursuing. Seeking to investigate file viewer further, the co-investigators worked with InterPARES 3 to formulate research questions, and four areas of interest were identified: how do file viewers work; what software is available for use; how accurately do file viewers render files; and what role might file viewers play in digital preservation.‐


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International Summits & Symposiums

The members of the International Alliance held bi‐annual Summits and Symposia over the course of the 

InterPARES Project. This provided an opportunity for the Directors of each international InterPARES 

TEAM to meet face‐to‐face for the Summit and Symposium in order to exchange information about their 

most recent research findings, to foster integration and cohesiveness. The primary purpose of the 

Symposia was to present the Project's preliminary research findings to local audiences to bolster 

awareness of the Project and its activities. 

The presence of all team Directors ensured that the specific research activities and preliminary findings 

of their TEAM, particularly those of primary interest and relevance to international audiences, were 

shared with the other International Partners and, especially, with local archival and records 

management professional practitioners and academics. 

The InterPARES Project held 9 Summits and 10 Symposia (the Project’s closing Symposium was not 

preceeded by a Summit, for obvious reasons), at various locations all over the world. The InterPARES 

website had a webpage for each Summit and Symposium on its access‐restricted area to be used by 

TEAM participants. The following is a list of the Summita and Symposia offered by the International 


International Alliance Summit and Symposium 01: Rome, Italy • Date: October 01-03, 2007 • Location: Unione delle Camere di commercio (Chamber of Commerce) Piazza Sallustio 

21, Rome, Italy International Alliance Summit and Symposium 02: Oslo, Norway

• Date: April 28-30, 2008 • Location: Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Veritasveien 1,  Høvik, Oslo, Norway

International Alliance Summit and Symposium 03: Mexico City , Mexico • Date: October 01-03, 2008 • Location CUIB – University Centre for Library Sciences Research, National

Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico International Alliance Summit and Symposium 04: Seoul , South Korea

• Date: June 03-05, 2009 • Location: Nara Repository, National Archives of Korea (NAK), Seoul, South Korea

International Alliance Summit and Symposium 05: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil • Date: September 30-October 02, 2009 • Location: Brazil Arquivo Nacional, Praça da República, 173 ‐ sala B202, Centro ‐ Rio de 

Janeiro, 20211‐380 International Alliance Summit and Symposium 06: Vancouver, BC , Canada  

• Date: May 27-28, 2010 • Summit Location: Blue Horizon Hotel 1225 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

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• Symposium Location: Forest Sciences Centre Room 1005, 2424 Main Mall, The 

University of British Columbia  

International Alliance Summit and Symposium 07: Oslo, Norway • Date: September 13-17, 2010 • Location: Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica , Kongeveien 26, 0787, Oslo, Norway

International Alliance Summit and Symposium 08: Kuching, Sarawak , Malaysia  • Date: June 16-18, 2011 • Location: Sarawak State Library (Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, Jalan Pustaka Off Jalan 

Stadium, Petra Jaya 93050 Kuching, Sarawak International Alliance Summit and Symposium 09: Barcelona, Catalunya, Espagna

• Date: October 03-05, 2011 • Summit Location: Fundació Artur Martorell, Av. de les Drassanes, 3, 08001 Barcelona • Symposium Location: Museu Marítim de Barcelona, Av. de les Drassanes s/n,08001 

Barcelona International Alliance Symposium 10: Istanbul, Turkey

• Date: May 10-11, 2012 • Location: SALT Galata Bankalar Caddesi 11 Karaköy, 344270 Istanbul, Turkey


Dissemination by TEAM

Books (including chapters)

Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya

(2008), "Directrius per al productor - Producció i manteniment de materials digitals: directrius per a particulars," Traducció a cura de: Albert Villaró, Amb la col·laboració de: Lluís - Esteve Casellas, Textos 07 (Septembre). [Translation into Catalan of the InterPARES 2 Project's "Creator Guidelines - Making and Maintaining Digital Materials: Guidelines for Individuals] :: ::

(2008), "Directrius per al preservador - Preservació de materials digitals: directrius per a organitzacions," Traducció a cura de: Albert Villaró, Amb la col·laboració de: Lluís - Esteve Casellas, Textos 07 (Septembre). [Translation into Catalan of the InterPARES 2 Project's "Preserver Guidelines - Preserving Digital Records: Guidelines for Organizations] :: ::

Cabral Vargas, Brenda

(2010), "La preservación digital en la Sociedad del Conocimiento: ¿existe formación de recursos humanos?" in Jaime Ríos Ortega and Juan José Calva González, eds., Memoria del XXVII Coloquio de Investigación Bibliotecológica y sobre la Información, 28-30 de septiembre de 2009, La investigación y la educación bibliotecológica en la sociedad del conocimiento (México City:

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UNAM, Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, 2010), 145-160. :: ::

Corominas, M. and E. Capell

(2009), Manual d'arxivística i gestió documental (Barcelona: Associació d'Arxivers de Catalunya, 2009), 541 pp. :: ::

Duranti, Luciana (2012), “L’authentification. Une approche fondée sur l’expertise des documents numériques,” in

Paul Servais ed., Dématérialisation des archives et métiers de l’archiviste. Les chantiers du numérique (Louvain La Neuve, Belgium: Université catholique de Louvain, 2012).

(2010), "Structural and Formal Analysis: The Contribution of Diplomatics to Archival Appraisal in the Digital Environment," in Jenny Hill ed., The Future of Archives and Recordkeeping: A Reader (London: Facet, 2010), 65-88. :: ::

(2010), "Educating the eXtreme records professional: a proposal," in Erka Hokke and Thijs Laeven, eds., Archivist: profession, professional, professionalism, professionalization, Yearbook 10, Foundation Archives Publications (The Hague: Foundation Publications Archive, 2010), 198-223. :: ::

(2010), "InterPARES," in Marcia Bates, Mary Niles Maack abd Miriam Drake, eds., Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Third Edition (New York, Basel, Hong Kong: Marcel Dekker, 2010). :: ::

(2010), "Diplomatics," in Marcia Bates, Mary Niles Maack abd Miriam Drake, eds., Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Third Edition (New York, Basel, Hong Kong: Marcel Dekker, 2010). :: ::

____________________________________________________________________________________Duranti, Luciana and Elizabeth Shaffer

(2012), “eLearning Records: Are There Any To Manage? If So, How?” in Bogdan Patrut, Monica Patrut, Camelia Cmeciu eds., Social Media and the New Academic Environment: Pedagogical Challenges, IGI Global.

Guercio, Maria

(2009), "Archivi e conservazione digitale," in Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, XXI Secolo (Roma: Comunicare e rappresentare, 2009), 273-282.

Soler, Joan

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(2009), Del bit al logos: preservar documents electrònics a l'administració local (Barcelona: Diputación Provincial de Barcelona, 2009), 349 pp. :: ::

TEAM Brazil

(2010), Diretrizes do produtor - A Elaboração e a Manutenção de Materiais Digitais: Diretrizes para Indivíduos, Tradução e revisão: Arquivo Nacional e Câmara dos Deputados [Translation into Portuguese of the InterPARES 2 Project's "Creator Guidelines - Making and Maintaining Digital Materials: Guidelines for Individuals] :: ::

(2010), Diretrizes do preservador - A Preservação de Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais: Diretrizes para Organizações, Tradução e revisão: Arquivo Nacional e Câmara dos Deputados [Translation into Portuguese of the InterPARES 2 Project's "Creator Guidelines - Making and Maintaining Digital Materials: Guidelines for Individuals] :: ::

TEAM Mexico

(2010), "Guía del Preservador - Preservación de Documentos de Archivo Digitales: Lineamientos Para los Organizaciones, Traducción al español: Juan Voutssás [Translation into Spanish of the InterPARES 2 Project's "Creator Guidelines - Making and Maintaining Digital Materials: Guidelines for Individuals] :: ::

(2010), Guía del Productor Personal - Producción y Conservación de Materiales Digitales: Lineamientos Para los Individuos, [Translation into Portuguese of the InterPARES 2 Project's "Creator Guidelines - Making and Maintaining Digital Materials: Guidelines for Individuals] :: ::

Voutssás Márquez, Juan

(2010), "El sitio web del proyecto Interpares 3: Sección México," in Jaime Ríos Ortega and Juan José Calva González, eds., Memoria del XXVII Coloquio de Investigación Bibliotecológica y sobre la Información, 28-30 de septiembre de 2009, La investigación y la educación bibliotecológica en la sociedad del conocimiento (México City: UNAM, Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, 2010), 101-110. :: ::

(2009), Preservación del Patrimonio Documental Digital en México (México: UNAM: Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, 2009), 207 pp. :: ::

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Articles (refereed)

An, Xiaomi, Ning Zhang, Han Ye and Yanan Du

(2008), "Learn from Foreign Electronic Record Management System," Archival Science Bulletin 02.

Duranti, Luciana

(2012), “The Return of Diplomatics as a Forensic Discipline,” article for Beihefte of the Archiv für Diplomatik (Fall).

(2012), “Merging Concepts of Forensic Disciplines for the Control of Digital Records,” Archival Science Bulletin (China’s premier scholarly journal for archival science), published in two parts in issues 1 and 2, 2012.

(2010), "Concepts and Principles for the Management of Electronic Records, or Records Management Theory is Archival Diplomatics," Records Management Journal 20(1): forthcoming.

(2010), "The Long-term Preservation of Digital Heritage," Italian Journal of Library and Information Science (forthcoming).

(2009), "From Digital Diplomatics to Digital Records Forensics," Archivaria 68(Fall): 39-66. :: ::

(2008), "La figura dell'archivista nel mondo contemporaneo. Riflessioni a margine della lettura di un volume," Archivi III/1 (gennaio-giugno 2008): 47-57.

(2007), "An Overview of InterPARES 3 (2007-2012)," Archives & Social Studies: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 1(1): 577-603. :: ::

Duranti, Luciana and Barbara Endicott-Popovsky

(2010), “Digital records forensics: An interdisciplinary program for forensic readiness,” Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, vol. 5, no. 1 (2010):

Duranti, Luciana and Fiorella Foscarini

(2010), "The Impact of the Organizational Culture of Test-beds on the Action Research Case Study Process," Archivi IV/1 (gennaio-giugno 2010): 7-20.

____________________________________________________________________________________Duranti, Luciana and Corinne Rogers

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(2012), “Trust is not All: Authenticity Requirements for Digital Records,” Computer, Law & Security Review 28.5 (Sept.-Oct.).

(2011) “Educating for Trust,” Archival Science, Volume 11, Issue 3 (2011), Page 373-390. Also available electronically on SpringerLink DOI: 10.1007/s10502-011-9152-3. See

____________________________________________________________________________________Duranti, Luciana and Sherry Xie

2012. Knowledge Management & Records Management: Establishing Relationships for Common Development, in press

____________________________________________________________________________________Duranti, Luciana, Corinne Rogers and Anthony Sheppard

(2011), "Electronic Records and the Law of Evidence in Canada: the Uniform Electronic Evidence Act Twelve Years Later," Archivaria 70 (2010): 95-124.

Force, Donald

(2010), "From Peruvian Guano to Electronic Records: Canadian E-Discovery and Records Professionals," Archivaria 69(Winter): Forthcoming.

Külcü, Özgür

(2009), "Evolution of e-records management practices in e-government: A Turkish perspective," The Electronic Library 27(6): 999-1009. :: ::

(2009), "Records Management Practices in Universities: Comparative Study of Examples in Canada and Turkey," The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 33(1/2): 85-108.

Külcü, Özgür and Hande Uzun Külcü

(2010), "The Contextual Analysis of the e-Records Management Requirements of Turkish Red Crescent Society," The Electronic Library 28(2): 314-333. :: ..... ::

(2009), "The Records Management Capacity Assessment System (RMCAS) as a tool for program development at the Turkish Red Crescent Society," International Journal of Information Management 29(6): 483-487. :: ::

Liu, Yuenan and Xiaomi An

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(2009), "Towards Integration: the System & Mechanisms of Electronic Records Management in China," Records Management Association of Australasia Quarterly 25(4): 34-38.

Michetti, Giovanni

(2008), "Il Modello OAIS," DigItalia 3(1): 32-49.

Orefice, Isabella and Concetta Damiani

(2008), "Il ruolo dell’Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana nel processo formativo," Archivi & Computer 2-3: 87-95. :: ..... ::

Voutssás Márquez, Juan

(2010), "Preservación Documental Digital y Seguridad Informática," Investigación Bibliotecológica: Archivonomía, Bibliotecología e Información 24(50): 127-155. :: ::

(2009), "Factores tecnológicos, legales y documentales de la preservación documental digital," Investigación Bibliotecológica: Archivonomía, Bibliotecología e Información 23(49): 67-124. :: ::

Wang, Jian

(2009), "International Perspective: National Strategies and Regional Cooperation of Electronic Record Management," China Archives 08.

Yi, Qian

(2009), "China's Electronic Record Management Standard Status quo and Implementation Strategy," Archival Science Bulletin 06.

Yuenan Liu

(2009), "Integration of the road: China electronic record management framework and mechanism," Archival Science Bulletin 05.

Zhang, Ning

(2008), "Survey of ElectronicRecord Management and Thinking," Archival Science Bulletin 06.

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Articles - Non-Refereed

Barnard, Alicia

(2008), "TEAM México within the InterPARES Project: Seeking for knowledge useful for the preservation of digital records," LACCHA Newsletter of the Latin American & Caribbean Cultural Heritage Archives Roundtable, Society of American Archivists 1(1): 6-8. :: ..... ::


(2010), "Importancia de la memoria digital," Computerworld Colombia 21(396): 25. [Interview with Carlos Alberto Zapata, Director of TEAM Colombia] :: ..... ::

Conti, Daniela and Stefano Palagiano

(2009), "InterPARES 3: relazione sullo stato di avanzamento del Team Italy," Il Mondo degli Archivi On Line 3. :: ..... ::

Duranti, Luciana

(2006), "Verso InterPARES 3: Un’alleanza di ricerca tra comunita’ e universita’," Il Mondo degli Archivi On Line 2. :: ..... ::

Fraser, Linda

(2009), "Fourth Plenary Workshop of InterPares 3 Project TEAM Canada Held in Vancouver," ACA Bulletin (November 2009): 20. :: ..... ::

Kattu, Shadrack (2012) "Enterprise Content Management (ECM) implementation in South Africa" Records 

Management Journal Volume 22, Issue 1 (forthcoming)‐5698&volume=22&issue=1

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Külcü, Özgür and Tolga Çakmak

(2009), "InterPARES Project on the Electronic Records Management and Team Turkey Activities," Information World 10(2): 287-302. :: ::

Lacombe Rocha, Claudia

(2009), "Projeto InterPARES: Entrevista com Luciana Duranti," PontdeAcesso [Journal of Information Science] 3(1): 82-91. :: ..... ::

January 1, 2009 - "Os desafios para desenvolver um glossário comum para diferentes países e línguas no âmbito do Projeto INTERPARES 3: alguns exemplos da experiência do TEAM Brasil," Revista Arquivo & Administração.

Lobanova, Natasha

(2009), "Do not Jump on the Band Wagon," Enterprise Records Management (Russian business monthly) 6 (2009): 20-27. [Article in Russian resulting from a 4 May 2009 interview with Luciana Duranti] :: ::

McLellan, Cindy

(2011), "InterPARES: Update on Survey Results & Products You Can Use" AABC Newsletter 21(1): 15. :: ::

McLellan, Cindy and Shamin Malmas

(2010), "Outreach Materials: Educating Donors About Digital Records" AABC Newsletter 20(2): 6-7. :: ::

Navarro, Aída Luz Mendoza

(2008), "El e-expediente administrativo," Revista Gestión Pública y Desarrollo 2(15). :: ::

Preston, Randy

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(2010), "Imparting InterPARES Project Knowledge Through the Use of Awareness, Education & Training Modules: Part 2," AABC Newsletter 20(1): 10-12. :: ::

(2009), "Imparting InterPARES Project Knowledge Through the Use of Awareness, Education & Training Modules: Part 1," AABC Newsletter 19(2): 11-12. :: ::

Rogers, Corinne and Elizabeth Shaffer

(2011), "Archives Embrace Open Source Software - Can Records Management?" AABC Newsletter 21(1): 11-12. :: ..... ::

Serra Fernández, Miquel

(2010), "L’espai del TEAM Catalonia (InterPARES 3 Project) al web de l’AAC: un nou recurs i servei," Butlletí, Informatiu de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 98 (Octubre-desembre): 3. :: ::

(2010), "Participació de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya (TEAM Catalonia) en la Cimera i Simposi Internacional del projecte InterPARES 3," Butlletí, Informatiu de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 97 (Juliol-septembre): 3-4. :: ::

(2010), "El TEAM Catalonia de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya participa en la 6a Cimera Internacional i 3r Simposi Internacional del projecte InterPARES3," Butlletí, Informatiu de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 96 (Abril-juny): 3. :: ::

(2010), "8é workshop TEAM Catalonia," Butlletí, Informatiu de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 95 (Gener-abril): forthcoming.

(2010), "TEAM Catalonia d’InterPARES 3 Project: sessió del 10 de febrer de 2010," Butlletí, Informatiu de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 95 (Gener-març): 2. :: ::

(2010), "La web catalana del Projecte Internacional InterPARES 3 i del TEAM Catalunya de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya," Butlletí, Informatiu de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 95 (Gener-març): 3-4. :: ::

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(2009), "7è workshop TEAM Catalonia," Butlletí, Informatiu de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 94 (Octubre-desembre): 4. :: ::

(2009), "InterPARES 3 Project 5th International Summit (Rio de Janeiro) Arquivo Nacional, Brasil, 30 de setembre – 2 d’octubre de 2009," Butlletí, Informatiu de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 93 (Juliol-setembre): 4. :: ::

(2009), "1st International Symposium - Korea 2009, Seoul, South Korea," Butlletí, Informatiu de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 92 (Abril-juny): 3-4. :: ::

(2008), "Jornada de presentació del Projecte Internacional InterPARES," Butlletí, Informatiu de l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 90 (Octubre-desembre): 3-4. :: ::

(2008), "El Projecte Internacional InterPARES 3 – 2a Cimera Internacional (InterPARES 3 Project 2nd International Summit)," Butlletí, Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya 88 (April-June): 2-3. :: ::

Wang, Jian

(2008), "New Electronic Records Challenge Traditional Ways," China Archives News (18 July).

Conference Proceedings - Refereed

Cowling, Adam B.

(2009), "Shooting Ourselves in the Foot: Is Digitization Decaying the Archival Aura?" in 5th DLM-Forum Conference Proceedings: Information and Electronic Records Management in Europe: Achievements and new Directions, Toulouse, 11-12 December 2008, vol. 1 (Paris: Direction des Archives de France, 2009), 70-76. :: ::

Duranti, Luciana

(2011)“Educating for Trust,” Questions of Trust? Archives, records and identities. International Conference July 5-6th 2010 (Oxford, UK: FARMER & NAET, 2010), no page numbers (6 pages).

“Digital Records Forensics: A New Science and Academic Program for Forensic Readiness.” Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law 2010. St. Paul, Minnesota May 19-21 (Maidens, Virginia: ADFSL, 2010), 109-121.

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(2010), "The Long Term Preservation of Digital Heritage: The Case of Universities Institutional Repositories," in Proceedings Cultural Heritage On Line. Empowering Users: An Active Role for User Communities, Florence, 15-16 December 2009, Chiara Cirinnà and Maurizio Lunghi, eds. (Firenze: Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, 2010), 16-19. :: ::

(2009), "The Findings of InterPARES," in Proceedings of the "Seminario Internacional de Archivos y Documentos Eletronicos," 11-14 March 2009, Bogotá, Colombia (Bogotá: Universidad La Salle, 2009).

(2008), "The Power of Archives," in Proceedings of the International Conference on "Parliamentary, party and politicians: archives and their neighbouring institutions," 1-3 November 2007, Corfu’ Greece (Athens: International Council on Archives, 2008).

Duranti, Luciana and Fiorella Foscarini

(2009), "The Impact of the Organizational Culture of Test-beds on the Action Research Case Study Process: Some Preliminary Findings from TEAM Canada," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 339-361. :: ..... ::

Duranti, Luciana and Adam Jansen

(2011)“Authenticity of Digital Records: An Archival Diplomatics Framework for Digital Forensics,” ECIME 2011(Como, Italy: September 2011).

Duranti, Luciana and Elizabeth Shaffer

(2011),“Records Governance in Enterprise 2.0: Toward An Archival Understanding of Social

Media and its Potential for Record Creation,” 7th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (Nice, France: 6-7 October 2011).

Factor, Michael, Ealan Henis, Dalit Naor, Simona Rabinovici-Cohen, Petra Reshef, Shahar Ronen,

Giovanni Michetti and Maria Guercio

(2009), "Authenticity and Provenance in Long Term Digital Preservation: Modeling and Implementation in Preservation Aware Storage," in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP), 23 February 2009, San Francisco, CA (Berkeley: USENIX, 2009), online. :: ::

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Giaretta, David, Brian Matthews, Juan Bicarregui, Simon Lambert, Mariella Guercio, Giovanni Michetti and Donald Sawyer

(2009), "Significant Properties, Authenticity, Provenance, Representation Information and OAIS," in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPres 2009), San Francisco, USA, 5-6 October 2009 (California Digital Library, UC Office of the President, 2009), 67-73. :: ::

Huiling, Feng, Xiaomi An, Yuenan Liu and Andy Dawson

(2009), "Challenges to e-Government: Managing Electronic Records in China," in Dan Remenyi, ed., Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on e-Government (ECEG 2009), 29-30 June 2009, Wesminster Business School, University of Westminister, London, UK (Reading, UK: Academic Publishing Limited, 2009), 269-274. :: ::

Johare, Rusnah, Alwi Mohd Yunus, Irwan Kamaruddin Abdul Kadir and Haslinda Mohamed

(2009), "Managing Primary Research Data and Records for Research in Research Institutions and Related Organizations: Examples from the TEAM Malaysia Case Studies," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 217-241. :: ..... ::

Johare, Rusnah, Nurussobah Hussin and Adnan Jamaludin

(2009), "Management of Electronic Court Records: An Example from the TEAM Malaysia Case Studies," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 363-392. :: ..... ::

Külcü, Özgür and Tolga Çakmak

(2009), "Evaluation of Institutional Conditions for Electronic Records Management (ERM) in Turkey: Results of Surveys Carried Out in 17 Institutions," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 301-335. :: ..... ::

Lacombe Rocha, Claudia

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(2009), "The Challenges of Developing a Common Glossary Across Different Countries and Languages in InterPARES 3: Some Examples from the TEAM Brazil Experience," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 56-73. :: ::

Lee, Kyu-Chul

(2009), "The Architecture and Metadata of Web Archiving for Korean Public Sector," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 115-140.

Luan, Feng, Mads Nygård, Lars Gaustad and Inger-Mette Gustavsen

(2009), "The Challenges of Migration as a Long-term Preservation Strategy: The Findings of TEAM Norway and LongRec," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 279-300. :: ::

Oh, Sam

(2009), "Toward Developing a Standard Migration Procedure for Electronic Records," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 19-54.

Pontevolbe, Gianfranco, Silvio Salza and Mariella Guercio

(2009), "Archiving and Preserving E-mail," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 141-213.

Rennie, Stuart

(2009), "Bridging Time: InterPARES and E-Discovery," in online proceedings, 2009 DESI III Global E-Discovery/E-Disclosure Workshop: A Pre-Conference Workshop at the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2009), Casa Convalescència, Barcelona, Spain, June 8, 2009. :: ::

Rocco, Brenda Couto de Brito

20 de maio, 2011 - "Uso da Diplomática nos documentos arquivísticos digitais" Apresentação no I Congresso Brasieliro de Paleografia e Diplomática. Campos dos Goytacazes, 18 a 20 de Maio de 2011 :: ::

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Serra Fernández, Miquel

(2009), "The Preservation of Vital e-Records in Universities," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 75-113. :: ::

Voutssás Márquez, Juan, Alicia Barnard Amozorrutia, Brenda Cabral Vargas and Jovv Valdespino


(2009), "A Strategy for Training on Digital Records Preservation in Mexico," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 413-424. :: ..... ::

Wang, Jian

(2009), "Challenges and Strategies for Managing Digital Records in a Public Organization: Findings from the TEAM China Case Study," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 243-277. :: ::

Wu, Paul Horng-Jyh

(2009), "Towards Preservation, Description and Arrangement of Web Records: A Case Study of Archiving Professional Seminar eLearning Space," in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 393-411. :: ::

Conference Proceedings - Non-Refereed

Duranti, Luciana

(2009), "Continuity and Transformation in the role of the Archivist: InterPARES 3 (2007-2012)," Keynote address in Proceedings of the InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009, Seoul, South Korea (Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, 2009), 3-17.

Guercio, Maria

(2009), "Introduction to the Session: Conceptual Framework and Chain of Custody for Sustaining the Digital Preservation," in Proceedings of Cultural Heritage On Line 2009, International Conference: Empowering users - An Active Role for User Communities, 15-16 December 2009, Firenze (Fondazione Rinascimento digitale, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali and Library of

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Congress, 2009), 113-116. :: ::

Lectures, Workshops and Seminars

Barnard, Alicia

December 10, 2010 - "Evolución y naturaleza del documento electrónico/digital," Comunidad de Práctica "Menos Papel Más Vida." Ecopetrol, Bogotá, Colombia.

October 15, 2010 - Instructor. Curso, "Preservación de los Archivos Digitales en el Largo Plazo," Procuraduría de Justicia del Estado de Veracruz. Jalapa, México.

October 7, 2010 - Instructor. Taller "Introducción a los documentos de archivo digitales," Universidad de LaSalle, Programa de Sistemas de Información, Bibliotecología y Archivística. Bogotá, Colombia.

October 6, 2010 - Plática sobre archivos electrónicos a estudiantes del Programa de Sistemas de Información y Documentación, Universidad de LaSalle. Bogotá, Colombia.

September 8, 2010 - Instructor. Curso, "Archivos digitales y su preservación," XXII Semana de Ciencias de la Información: Retos y Perspectivas, Escuela de Ciencias de la Información, 8-10 septiembre 2010. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México.

August 23, 2010 - "Los archivos electrónicos y el Proyecto InterPARES," Archivo Nacional de Costa Rica, en el marco del II Foro Internacional de Evaluación de Documentos. San José, Costa Rica.

June 16, 2010 - Instructor. Curso "Introducción a los documentos de archivo electrónicos," X Jornadas Archivísticas. Los Archivos en la Sociedad Mexicana. Red Nacional de Archivos de Instituciones de Educación Superior y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Aguascalientes, México.

June 16, 2010 - Instructor. Curso, "Introducción a los documentos de archivo Curso, Introducción a los documentos de archivo electrónicos," X Jornadas Archivísticas, Los Archivos en la Sociedad Mexicana, Red Nacional de archivos de Instituciones de Educación Superior y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 16-18 junio 2010. Aguascalientes, México.

December 3, 2009 - "Aspectos relevantes sobre los archivos digitales y su preservación en el entorno del acceso a la información y la transparencia," 2º. Seminario Internacional de la Transparencia a los Archivos: El Derecho a la información. Mexico City, Mexico. :: ::

June 16, 2009 - "Introducción a los Archivos Electrónicos." Archivo General del Estado de Guanajuato, Gto., México.

April 22-23, 2009 - Instructor. "Introducción a la preservación de documentos de archivo digitales," 1-day workshop given twice during the Reunión Nacional de Archivos, 21-24 April

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2009. Gudalajara, Jalisco, México. :: ::

December 4, 2008 - "Archivos de los ciudadanos y su preservación en ambiente digital," Seminario "De la Transparencia a los Archivos: el derecho de acceso a la información," Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación, México D.F., México.

August 26, 2008 - "Archivos Electrónicos. Hallazgos del Proyecto InterPARES," 2nda. Jornada del Patrimonio Documental Universitario. Dirección del Archivo General. Universidad de Guanajuato. Guanajuato, Gto., México. :: ::

Barnard, Alicia (translator)

April 20, 2007 - Spanish translation of Luciana Duranti's presentation: "Towards InterPARES 3," Banco de Mexico. Presentation on the three phases of InterPARES. Mexico City, Mexico. :: ::

April 19, 2007 - Spanish translation of Luciana Duranti's presentation: "Towards InterPARES 3," Archivo General de General de la Nación, in video conference with all Mexico State Archives. Mexico City, Mexico. :: ::

Bezzi, Gabriele

November 20, 2009 - "PARER: Polo archivistico regionale dell'Emilia-Romagna," presentazione al Workshop Conservazione e Fruizione delle Memorie Digitali della Seconda Conferenza Nazionale degli Archivi, 19-21 novembre 2009. Bologna, Italia. :: ::

Ditadi, Carlos Augusto Silva

September 30, 2010 - "Apresentação do Diretrizes do Produtor e do Diretrizes do Preservador," II Seminário de Arquivos na UFPR (Universidade Federal do Paraná): Desafios da gestão e da preservação de documentos digitais." Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. :: ::

Duranti, Luciana

December 16, 2010 - "Il documento digitale come fonte di prova: produzione, gestione e conservazione," Sovrintendenza Archivistica, Regione Emilia e Romagna & Scuola della Pubblica Amministrazione. Bologna, Italy. :: ::

November 25, 2010 - "The Concepts and Principles Guiding the Selection of the Documentary Heritage to Include in the World’s Registry," UNESCO Conference on the Memory of the World Program. Macao, China.

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:: ::

November 25, 2010 - "The Power of Archives," The UNESCO memory of the World Programme, Archives Action Group Seminar: "From Memory and Archives to Heritage." Hong Kong, China. :: ::

October 14, 2010 - "The Long-term Preservation of Digital Records," Istituto internazionale di scienze archivistiche di Trieste e Maribor. Trieste, Italy. (Delivered online via Skype)

June 30 - July 1, 2010 - Two-day workshop entitled "Produzione, gestione e conservazione del documento digitale," UniDOC 2010. Rome, Italy. [UniDOC is a consortium of university archival programs that offers continuing education to professionals.] :: ::

April 26, 2010 - "Lavorare in un Contesto Digitale: Efficienza, Sicurezza, Responsabilità, Trasparenza, Privacy, Risparmio," Presentation on Digital Preservation to members of Regione Piemonte. Turin, Italy. :: ::

December 14, 2009 - Workshop presenter. "Long Term Preservation of Digital Assets: Basic Concepts and Principles," Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale. Pre-conference workshop, Cultural Heritage Online: "Empowering Users: An Active Role for User Communities," 2nd International Conference, 15-16 December 2009. Firenze, Italy.

May 18, 2009 - "What is a Digital Record and Why It is Important," Invitational Lecture, The University of Washington. Seattle, Washington, USA.

April 17, 2009 - "The Application of the InterPARES Findings," workshop delivered at the Stages internationaux d'archives, Direction des Archives de France. Paris, France.

November 1, 2008 - "Digital Records Creation and Maintenance: Due Diligence and the Professional," invited workshop for the B.C. Association of Agrologists. Langley, BC, Canada.

October 22, 2008 - "The Future of Our Present: Keeping Records in a World Gone Digital," invited presentation to the associate members of the Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

September 30, 2008 - "InterPARES 3: The first research year," lecture delivered at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). Mexico City, Mexico

August 26, 2008 - "Appraisal of Digital Records: the View of InterPARES," invited presentation to the National Archives of the United Kingdom. London, UK.

July 25, 2008 - "The three phases of the InterPARES Project," lecture given to academic staff and senior students of the Faculty of Information Management, University Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

July 21, 2008 - "Management of electronic records for good governance," National Archives, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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June 17, 2008 - "Diplomatics of Digital Records," European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.

May 6, 2008 - "La Primavera Archivistica," Presentation on the characteristic of the digital records examined by InterPARES 3. University of Padua. Padua, Italy.

February 21, 2008 - "Towards InterPARES 3," University of Barcelona, School of Archival Science and Records Management. Barcelona, Spain.

February 7, 2008 - "Towards InterPARES 3," University of Liverpool, Centre for Archive Studies (LUCAS). Liverpool, United Kingdom.

February 6, 2008 - "The InterPARES 3 Project," University of Glasgow, Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII). Glasgow, Scotland.

November 7, 2007 - "Towards InterPARES 3," Archivio di Stato di Bologna. Bologna, Italy. :: ::

September 20, 2007 - "Towards InterPARES 3," SLAIS Colloquia Series, The University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

June 15, 2007 - "The Future of Our Digital Memory: The Contribution of the InterPARES Project to the Preservation of the Memory of the World," presented at the Meeting of the UNESCO Memory of the World International Advisory Committee. Pretoria, South Africa. :: ..... ::

April 20, 2007 - "InterPARES 3 Framework," Banco de México. Presentation on the three phases of InterPARES. México City, México. :: ..... ::

April 20, 2007 - "The InterPARES Project," presentation via video conferencing to records managers and IT officials for the Méxican Federal Ministry of Health and in the 31 States and 1 Federal District, and also to records managers and archivists. México City, México. :: ..... ::

April 19, 2007 - "Towards InterPARES 3," Archivo General de General de la Nación, in video conference with all Mexico State Archives. Mexico City, Mexico. Presentation (English) :: ip1-2-3_canada_dissemination_ss-e_duranti_archivo-general_2007.pdf :: Presentation (Español) :: ip1-2-3_canada_dissemination_ss-s_duranti_archivo-general_2007.pdf ::

April 19, 2007 – "Towards InterPARES 3," presentation to archives and digital government officials, Ministry of Public Functions. México City, México. Presentation (English) :: ip1-2-3_canada_dissemination_ss-e_duranti_public-functions_mexico_2007.pdf ::

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Presentation (Español) :: ip1-2-3_canada_dissemination_ss-s_duranti_public-functions_mexico_2007.pdf ::

April 19, 2007 – "The InterPARES Project," presentation to officials and commissioners of the Federal Institute of Access to Public Information in México (IFAI). México City, México. :: ::

Duranti, Luciana, Hilde Colenbrander, Elizabeth Shaffer, Adam Jansen and Erin Abler

November 13, 2009 - "Ahead of the Curve: Advancing Preservation While Respecting Copyright with UBC cIRcle," The Johnson Memorial Seminar, The University of British Columbia, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Farah Netto, Abdala

October 19, 2009 - Instrutor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos (Módulos II e III) destinado aos servidores e colaboradores das diferentes unidades do Ministério da Saúde no estado do Rio de Janeiro.

September 19, 2009 - Instrutor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos (Módulos II e III) destinado aos servidores e colaboradores das diferentes unidades do Ministério da Saúde no estado do Rio de Janeiro.

August 18, 2009 - Instrutor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos (Módulos II e III) destinado aos servidores e colaboradores das diferentes unidades do Ministério da Saúde no estado do Rio de Janeiro.

June 29, 2009 - Instrutor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos (Módulo II) destinado aos servidores e colaboradores das diferentes unidades do Ministério da Saúde no estado do Rio de Janeiro.

June 19, 2009 - Instrutor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos (Módulos II e III) destinado aos servidores e colaboradores das diferentes unidades do Ministério da Saúde no estado do Rio de Janeiro.

May 25, 2009 - Instrutor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos (Módulo I) destinado aos servidores e colaboradores das diferentes unidades do Ministério da Saúde no estado do Rio de Janeiro.

May 21, 2009 - Apresentação do Programa de Gestão de Documentos do Ministério da Saúde para as chefias e gerências do Núcleo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (NERJ), do Departamento de Gestão Hospitalar (DGH) e do Departamento de Informática do SUS (DATASUS).

May 19, 2009 - Instrutor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos (Módulos II e III) destinado aos servidores e colaboradores das diferentes unidades do Ministério da Saúde no estado do Rio de Janeiro.

April 26, 2009 - Instrutor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos (Módulo I) destinado aos servidores e colaboradores das diferentes unidades do Ministério da Saúde no estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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April 14, 2009 - Instrutor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos (Módulos II e III) destinado aos servidores e colaboradores das diversas unidades do Ministério da Saúde no estado do Rio de Janeiro.

Force, Donald

September 29, 2008 - Panel member for "Learning through Active Engagement in Academic Research," Celebrate Learning Week - Panel, The University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Francescutti, Daniela and Luis Marcelo de Oliveira Bráz

April 1, 2009 - Apresentação do Projeto InterPARES 3 aos diretores e assessores das Coordenações do Centro de Documentação e Informação e do Centro de Informática.

March 1, 2008 - Síntese Histórica InterPARES - apresentação feita aos colegas da Coordenação de Arquivo do Centro de Documentação e Informação da Câmara dos Deputados. Brasília - DF, Brasil.

Goh, Elaine, Corinne Rogers and Elizabeth Shaffer

June 7, 2011 - "Creating Good Policy for Creating, Maintaining and Preserving Digital Records," Education Sessions workshop T21, ARMA Canada Annual Conference, 5-8 June 2011. Charlottetown, PEI, Canada.

Guercio, Maria

May 7, 2009 - "Depositi per la conservazione di archivi digitali: certificazione e autenticita," University of Macerata. Auditorium San Paolo, Macerata, Italy. :: ::

September 18, 2008 - Instructor. Course on "Digital preservation," organized by Fondazione Feltrinelli. Milan, Italy.

September 11, 2008 - Instructor. Masters course on "Digital preservation," organized by the University of Florence. Florence, Italy.

July 11, 2008 - Speaker at the seminar entitled, "Designing and Preserving Digital Knowledge," University of Rome "La Sapienza," School of Philosophy. Rome, Italy.

June 16, 2008 - Instructor. Course on "Digital Preservation: General Introduction," organized by the State Archives in Florence and Digital Renaissance Foundation. Florence, Italy.

June 16, 2008 - "I caratteri fondamentali del documento digitale. Le 'criticità' della conservazione digitale e la normativa in materia vigente in Italia," La conservazione a lungo termine degli archivi digitali, 16-20 June 2008. Florence, Italy. :: ::

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June 12, 2008 - Speaker at the seminar entitled, "Digital Preservation," University of San Marino. City of San Marino, San Marino.

May 28, 2008 - "La conservazione degli archivi digitali in Italia: partecipazione alla ricerca internazionale e applicazioni," Tavola rotonda: "La Digital Preservation in Italia: esperienze a confronto," organized by Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale Firenze and Digital Preservation Europe. Florence, Italy. :: ..... ::

May 27, 2008 – "La conservazione degli archivi digitali in Italia: partecipazione alla ricerca internazionale e applicazioni," Tavola rotonda: "La Digital Preservation in Italia: esperienze a confronto," organized by Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale Firenze and DigitalPreservationEurope. Florence, Italy. :: ..... ::

May 8, 2008 - Seminar at the Scuola Superiore Della Pubblica Amministrazione [Italian National School for Public Administration], Caserta on E-government and Electronic Records Management. Rome, Italy.

April 4, 2008 - Instructor. Masters course on "Digital preservation," at the University Tor Vergata. Rome, Italy.

February 6, 2008 - Instructor. Masters course on "Electronic Records," organized by the State Archives and the Archival Studies Department. Barcelona, Spain.

January 28, 2008 - Instructor. Course on "Records management in digital environment," organized by the Advanced School of the Italian Ministry of Treasure (Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze). Rome, Italy.

January 8, 2008 - Instructor. Course on "Records management in digital environment," organized by the Advanced School of the Italian Ministry of Treasure (Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze). Rome, Italy.

Guercio, Maria and Giovanni Michetti

November 16, 2009 - "Modeling Authenticity in CASPAR," Advanced Digital Preservation - Training Lectures, CASPAR Project. :: ::

Johare, Rusnah

June 23, 2008 - Briefing on InterPARES 3 Project TEAM Malaysia to the representatives of the Public Services Department, Prime Minister's Department, National Archives of Malaysia, the National University of Malaysia, DATARUNDING Sdn Bhd, VERSAPAC Sdn Bhd and the Malaysian Standard Research Institute (SIRIM), at the National Archives of Malaysia.

May 26, 2008 - Briefing on the InterPARES 3 Project to the participants of the "Workshop on Oral History and Transcription Techniques: Oral History Preserving Legacy and Corporate Memory," organized by the Malaysian Leadership Foundation.

Külcü, Özgür

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April 28, 2008 - "Evolution of the e-records management practices in terms of e-government, the issues and expectations, reflections from Turkey," paper presented at the Second International Summit, InterPARES 3 Project, 28-30 April 2008. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

Lacombe Rocha, Claudia

January 16-18, 2009 - Instructor. Course on "Digital Records," organized by FACCIO - Consultoria e Serviços Educacionais. Belém, Brazil.

July 15-30, 2008 - Instructor. Course on "Digital Records," organized by National Archives and UFF-Universidade Federal Fluminense. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

April 16, 2008 - Instrutor. Curso "Projeto InterPARES: a preservação do documento digital," Associação dos Arquivistas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Brasil.

Mestl, Thomas

May 21, 2007 - "Visste du at...? Noen eksempler fra vårt liv... [How certain are you that...? Examples from real life...]," PowerPoint Presentation. :: ::

Michetti, Giovanni

July 11, 2008 - Speaker at the seminar entitled, "Designing and Preserving Digital Knowledge," University of Rome "La Sapienza," School of Philosophy. Rome, Italy.

June 18, 2008 - Instructor. Course on "Digital Preservation: the OAIS Model," organized by the State Archives in Florence and Digital Renaissance Foundation. Florence, Italy.

June 5, 2008 - Instructor. Course on "Records management in digital environment," organized by the Advanced School of the Italian Ministry of Treasure (Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze). Rome, Italy.

May 15, 2008 - Instructor. Lesson on "Digital Preservation," University of San Marino. City of San Marino, San Marino.

April 11, 2008 - Instructor. Course on "Records management in digital environment," organized by the Advanced School of the Italian Ministry of Treasure (Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze). Rome, Italy.

April 7-8, 2008 - Instructor. Course on "Digital Preservation," University of Rome "La Sapienza," Master in Digital Philosophy. Rome, Italy.

January 22, 2008 - Instructor. Course on "Records management in digital environment," organized by the Advanced School of the Italian Ministry of Treasure (Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze). Rome, Italy.

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December 17-18, 2007 - Instructor. Course on "Records management in digital environment," organized by the Province of Trento. Trento, Italy.

December 13, 2007 - Instructor. Course on "Records management in digital environment," organized by the Advanced School of the Italian Ministry of Treasure (Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze). Rome, Italy.

September 9, 2007 - Instructor. Course on "Records management in digital environment," organized by the Advanced School of the Italian Ministry of Treasure (Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze). Rome, Italy.

Navarro, Aída Luz Mendoza

November 2009 - "Preservación de documentos electrónicos InterPARES: Objetivos y hallazgos," Escuela Mexicana de Archivos A.C. México D.F., México. :: ::

November 2009 - "Preservación de documentos electrónicos InterPARES: Objetivos y hallazgos," Escuela Mexicana de Archivos A.C. Mexico City, Mexico. :: ::

Park, Eun G.

February 11, 2010 - "Third Party Digital Repositories: International Cases," invited talk given to the Korea Digital Content Association. Seoul, South Korea.

August 4, 2008 - "Fundamentals of Electronic Records Systems," lecture given at the Department of Library and Information Science, Sungkyunkwan University. Seoul, South Korea.

July 17, 2008 - "Overview of Archival Management," lecture given at the Department of Library and Information Science, Sungkyunkwan University. Seoul, South Korea.

June 12, 2008 - "Archival Descriptive Tools of Electronic Resources," lecture given at the Department of Library and Information Science, Sungkyunkwan University. Seoul, South Korea.

Preston, Randy

February 8, 2008 - "Implementing Digital Records Preservation: An Overview of InterPARES 3," presented at the joint meeting of the University of British Columbia Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) Student Chapter and Western Washington University archives students. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

May 9, 2007 - "InterPARES 3: Proposed Objectives, Methodology and Outcomes (2007-2012)," LongRec Project Team Meeting, 8-9 May 2007. Trondheim, Norway.

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Rennie, Stuart

June 8, 2009, "Bridging Time: InterPARES and E-Discovery," position paper presented at the 2009 DESI III Global E-Discovery/E-Disclosure Workshop: A Pre-Conference Workshop at the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2009), 8 June 2009. Barcelona, Spain. :: ::

Rocco, Brenda Couto de Brito

3 de maio, 2011 - Aula sobre documentos arquivísticos digitais: incluiu um módulo sobre o Projeto InterPARES. Universidade Federal do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

June 1, 2008 - Aula sobre documentos arquivísticos digitais: incluiu um módulo sobre o Projeto InterPARES. Universidade Federal Fluminense. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

May 1, 2008 - Aula sobre documentos arquivísticos digitais: incluiu um módulo sobre o Projeto InterPARES. Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Serra Fernández, Miquel

March 2010 - "The International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems (InterPARES Project): preservant documents electrònics autèntics a llarg termini (4,5 hores)," Postgrau de gestió de documents electrònics, ESAGED (Escola Superior d’Arxivística i Gestió de Documents) – UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) i AAC (Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya. Barcelona, Espanya.

September 21, 2009 - Instructor. "La Preservació Digital: Aplicació de les Guies d’InterPARES 2 (Productors I Preservadors) [Digital Preservation: Application of the Creator and Preserver Guidelines of InterPARES 2]," 4-hour workshop delivered at the Seu social AAC, Sala Abat Escarré. Barcelona, Espanya. :: ::

June 30, 2009 - Instructor. "La Preservació Digital: Aplicació de les Guies d’InterPARES 2 (Productors I Preservadors) [Digital Preservation: Application of the Creator and Preserver Guidelines of InterPARES 2]," 4-hour workshop delivered at the Arxiu Històric Provincial de Lleida. Lleida, Spain. :: ::

Serra Serra, Jordi

September 26, 2008 - "Jornada de presentació del Projecte Internacional InterPARES [A Day of Presentations on the International InterPARES Project]," hosted by the l’Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya [Association of Archivists of Catalonia]. Barcelona, Spain. :: ::

Silva, Margareth da

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17 de junho, 2010 - Professor. Aula sobre identificação e gestão dos documentos arquivísticos digitais, utilizando os conceitos do Projeto InterPARES 3 apresentados na disciplina Gestão de Documentos II do Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ.

15 de junho, 2010 - Professor. Aula sobre os conceitos e a metodologia do Projeto InterPARES 3 apresentados na disciplina Fundamentos Arquivísticos II do Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ.

14 de junho, 2010 - Professor. Aula sobre os conceitos e a metodologia do Projeto InterPARES 3 apresentados na disciplina Diplomática II do Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ.

10 de junho, 2010 - Professor. Aula sobre identificação e gestão dos documentos arquivísticos digitais, utilizando os conceitos do Projeto InterPARES 3 apresentados na disciplina Gestão de Documentos II do Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ.

8 de junho, 2010 - Professor. Aula sobre os conceitos e a metodologia do Projeto InterPARES 3 apresentados na disciplina Fundamentos Arquivísticos II do Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ.

7 de junho, 2010 - Professor. Aula sobre os conceitos e a metodologia do Projeto InterPARES 3 apresentados na disciplina Diplomática II do Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ.

1 de junho, 2010 - Professor. Aula sobre os conceitos e a metodologia do Projeto InterPARES 3 apresentados na disciplina Fundamentos Arquivísticos II do Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ.

31 de maio, 2010 - Professor. Aula sobre os conceitos e a metodologia do Projeto InterPARES 3 apresentados na disciplina Diplomática II do Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ.

24 de maio, 2010 - Professor. Aula sobre os conceitos e a metodologia do Projeto InterPARES 3 apresentados na disciplina Diplomática II do Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ.

March 22, 2010 - Professor. Aula sobre diplomática aplicada aos documentos arquivísticos digitais, disciplina Diplomática II do curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Niterói, RJ.

December 8, 2009 - Professor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos, organizado pela Associação dos Arquivistas Brasileiros e pelo Tribunal Regional do Trabalho do Rio de Janeiro - TRT-RJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

November 17, 2009 - Professor. Aula sobre documentos digitais na disciplina Fundamentos Arquivísticos 2 do curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Niterói, RJ, Brasil.

October 28, 2009 - Professor. Curso de Gestão de Documentos, organizado pela Associação dos Arquivistas Brasileiros. Rio de Janeiro, RH, Brasil.

September 1, 2009 - "Autenticidade do documento arquivístico em meio digital," Seminário Legalidade e Autenticidade de documentos em meio digital. Sistema de Arquivos da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.

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Soler, Joan and Ruiz Vicenç

November 2009 - "El Registre General d’Entrada i Sortida: Gestió i preservació d’una base de dades electrònica (6 hores), Formació continuada Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya (AAC). Lleida, Espanya.

November 2009 - "El Registre General d’Entrada i Sortida: Gestió i preservació d’una base de dades electrònica (6 hores), Formació continuada Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya (AAC). Barcelona, Espanya.

Vázquez, Jovv Valdespino

"Preservación de archivos de actas: Caso: Firma Digital de Actas de calificación en línea, UNAM," XXVI Colloquium on Library Sciences and Information Research, September 30 - October 03, 2008. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico. :: ::

Voutssás Márquez, Juan

April 15, 2010 - "The InterPARES Web Site: New TEAM Mexico Documents," Reunion Nacional de Archivos, 13-16 April, 2010. Queretaro, Qro., Mexico.

Voutssás Márquez, Juan, Alicia Barnard and Jovv Valdespino Vázquez

October 26-30, 2009 - Instructors. Curso, "Introducción a la archivología digital," Programa de Educación Continua, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas. México City, México.

Voutssás Márquez, Juan, Alicia Barnard and Jovv Valdespino

October 26-30, 2009 - Instructors. Curso Introducción a la Archivología Digital - CUIB. Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, D.F. :: ..... ::

Xie, Sherry L.

October 22, 2010 - "Overview of InterPARES: Objectives, Research Methodologies and Findings," lecture to staff of the National Archives Administration of Taiwan and the Archival Administration of Macao. Taibei, Taiwan. :: ::

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October 20, 2010 - "Acquisition in the InterPARES Model (with LAC TDR as one example)," lecture to staff members of the National Archives Administration of Taiwan and the Archival Administration of Macao, as well as to academic and industry partners who work with the National Archives of Taiwan on various projects. Taibei, Taiwan. :: ::

July 02, 2007 - "The InterPARES Project and Its Findings," School of Information Resources Management, Renmin University. Beijing, China. :: ::

June 29, 2007 - "The InterPARES Project and Its Findings," School of Information Resources Management, Renmin University. Beijing, China. :: ::

Conferences (symposia, sessions, panels, papers)

Barnard, Alicia

December 7, 2010 - "Los documentos y los archivos electrónicos," Segunda Reunión anual del Sistema Estatal de Documentación, Gobierno del Edo. de México. Toluca, México.

June 24, 2009 - "Los Archivos Digitales en el Contexto de las Instituciones de Educación Superior: Prácticas y estándares para su manejo y control," Conferencia en las IX Jornadas Archivísticas de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (RENAIS). Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.

March 25 2009 - "La preservación de los archivos electrónicos en el marco del Proyecto InterPARES," Conferencia durante Aniversario de del Archivo Histórico de la Universidad de Sonora "X años por la Memoria Universitaria 1999-2009." Hermosillo, Sonora, México.

March 13, 2009 - "Los Lineamientos para la Preservación de Archivos Digitales: Propuesta del Proyecto InterPARES," Conferencia durante I Seminario Internacional de Archivos y Documentos Electrónicos. Bogotá, Colombia.

December 2, 2008 - "Acerca de las Políticas para la preservación de archivos digitales," Tercera Reunión de Archivos del Gobierno Federal, Archivo General de la Nación, 1-3 December 2006. Cuauhtémoc, México. :: ..... ::

October 17, 2008 - "El análisis diplomático de los archivos electrónicos," Reunión Nacional de Archivos, Archivo General de la Nación, 15-17 October 2008. Xalapa, Veracruz, México. :: ::

September 24, 2008 - "Estándares e Iniciativas para la Gestión de Archivos en el Contexto Internacional. Complemento de la Gestión de Calidad," II Convención Internacional de Archivistas (COINDEAR): "Los Archivos y la Gestión de la Calidad," 23-25 September 2008. Armenia-Quindío, Colombia. :: ::

August 9, 2007 - "La Preservación de los Archivos Digitales en Mexico en el Marco del Proyecto InterPARES 3," paper presented in the session "Perspectivas de ação do InterPARES: Projeto na América Latina," Seminário Internacional de Especialistas em Gestão e Preservação de Documentos Digitais. Arquivo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. (paper read by Aída Luz Mendoza

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Navarro) :: ..... ::

July 30, 2008 - "El proyecto InterPARES: Acerca de los lineamientos pra la preservación de archivos digitales con valor permanente," Segundo Encuentro de Archivos del Distrito Federal: "Valorar para conservar." Mexico City, México.

Barnard, Alicia (presenter), Víctor Espinosa and Juan Voutssás

May 29, 2010 - "Case Study: Banco de México Records/Archives Preservation Policies," paper presented in Session 3 - Structured/Controlled vs. Unstructured/Uncontrolled Environments, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Batista dos Santos, Vanderlei

November 25, 2008 - "Estudo geral de terminologia," Fóruns Permanentes: Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais authênticos: Projecto InterPARES, 25 November 2008. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

Bernardes, Ieda Pimenta

September 10, 2009 - "A gestão arquivística digital no âmbito do Governo de São Paulo: diretrizes e procedimentos para a gestão, preservação e o acesso contínuo aos documentos arquivísticos digitais," Fórum Permanente de Conhecimento & Tecnologia da Informatção: Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais: Autenticidade e Certificação. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

Bernardo da Luz, Regina

November 25, 2008 - "Demonstrativo de Pagamento de Pessoal da Unicamp (CS-07)," Fóruns Permanentes: Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais authênticos: Projecto InterPARES, 25 November 2008. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

Bushey, Jessica

August 28, 2008 - "Best Practice for Born-Digital Images: Translating Theory into Practice," session 109: Toward a Best Practices Guide for Collecting Born-Digital Photographs, Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting (SAA 2008), 26-30 August 2008. San Francisco, CA, USA.

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Cabral Vargas, Brenda

May 4, 2010 - "La preservación a largo plazo de archivos digitales: ¿Un problema del pasado o un desafío del futuro?." XLI Jornadas Mexicanas de Biblioteconomía "Bibliotecas: el pasado como prólogo, el futuro como desafío." AMBAC, Zacatecas, Zac., México. :: ::

September 15, 2010 - "Formación profesional y capacitación," Reunión Nacional de Archivos. Archivo General de la Nación, Querétaro, México. :: ::

September 28, 2009 - "La preservación digital en la Sociedad del Conocimiento: ¿existe formación de recursos humanos?" XXVII Coloquio de Investigación Bibliotecológica e Información. CUIB, UNAM, México City, México. :: ::

Callow, Helen and Elizabeth Shaffer

April 24, 2009 - "The InterPARES 3 Project: Institutes, Galleries, Societies and the Police Towards Ensuring the Preservation of Digital Records in Public and Private Organizations," Annual conference of the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC 2009), 24-25 April 2009. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Caravaca, María Mata

September 17, 2010 - "An Electronic Records Management System at ICCROM: Case Study 01," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

Caravaca, María Mata, Monica Martignon and Gabriele Bezzi

September 17, 2010 - "Preservation of e-Protocol Registers," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ..... ::

Cerrato, Olga

September 25, 2008 - "Digital Long-term Challenges," Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council (BAAC) Conference: "Transformation as Stability: Audiovisual Archives in the Era of New Media," 24-27 September 2008. Tartu, Estonia. :: ::

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Colenbrander, Hilde

July 6, 2010 - "Institutional Repositories: Yes, We All Have One, Now What?: An Investigation into Long-Term Preservation and Copyright Compliance," poster session, Open Repositories 2010, 6-9 July 2010. Madrid, Spain. :: ..... ::

Cowling, Adam B.

December 2008 - "Shooting Ourselves in the Foot: Is Digitization Decaying the Archival Aura?" 5th DLM-Forum Conference: "Information and Electronic Records Management in Europe: Achievements and new Directions," 10-12 December 2008. Toulouse, France. :: ::

Dingwall, Glenn

May 29, 2010 - "Building a Digital Archives at the City of Vancouver," paper presented in Session 2 - Comparing Apples and Oranges: A Tale of Four BC Cities, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

September 15, 2010 - "Digital Weft InterPARES as Common Thread in Vancouver’s Digital Preservation Programme," paper presented in Plenary Session 2: Practical Perspectives and Experiences - InterPARES Case and General Studies, CITRA 42nd International Conference of the Round Table on Archives, entitled “Trust and Access: Challenges to Managing Records and Archives in the Digital Age,” 11-19 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

Dingwall, Glenn and Peter Van Garderen

June 10, 2010 - "Small Steps and Giant Leaps: The Iterative Development of Digital Archives Capacity at the City of Vancouver," paper presented in Session 3a. Meeting the Digital Challenge, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2010), 9-12 June 2010. Halifax, NS, Canada.

April 17, 2010 - "Implementing a digital preservation solution at the City of Vancouver Archives," Annual conference of the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC 2010): "Our Digital Future," 15-17 April 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Drego, Cristina and Elizabeth Shaffer

April 9, 2010 – "University Institutional Repositories: Copyright and Long-Term Preservation," poster session, SLAIS Research Day, 9 April 2010. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

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Duboc, Selma

November 25, 2008 - "O estudo de caso do Ministério da Saúde," Fóruns Permanentes: Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais authênticos: Projecto InterPARES, 25 November 2008. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

Duranti, Luciana

2012, April 12 – San Bernardo, Chile. IV Convención Internacional de Archivistas. Keynote Speaker on “Confiabilidad y autenticidad en el ámbito digital: un tema cada vez más nebuloso.”

2011, November 14 – Leuven, Belgium. Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT. International Conference on “Trust in the Information Society.” Keynote Speaker on “Trust Is Not All: Authenticity in the Digital Environment.”

October 2-5, 2011 -- InterPARES International Symposium, Barcelona, Spain. Co-organizer and Keynote speaker.

October 1, 2011 – International Conference on “Digital Diplomatics.” Universita’ di Napoli, Naples, Italy. Speaker on “The Return of Diplomatics as a Forensic Discipline.”

August 22-27, 2011 – Society of American Archivists Annual Conference. Chicago, Ill. Session Chair and Speaker on “Trusting Digital Evidence: Findings from the Digital Records Forensics Project.” See also CMS Wire

June 16-18, 2011 – InterPARES International Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Co-organizer and Keynote speaker.   

June 4, 2011 - What is a Record in the Digital Environment, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2011), 2-4 June 2011. Toronto, ON, Canada.

November 3, 2010 - Keynote speaker. "The Appraisal of Digital Records: The Return of Diplomatics as a Forensic Discipline," International Conference on "The E-Discovery Challenge: Digital Wasteland or Digital Oasis. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Managing Records – Archives, Law and Evidence," 3-4 November 2010. Singapore, Singapore. :: ::

November 3, 2010 - Keynote speaker. "Digital Records As Evidence: Towards a Digital Records Forensics," International Conference on "The E-Discovery Challenge: Digital Wasteland or Digital Oasis. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Managing Records – Archives, Law and Evidence," 3-4 November 2010. Singapore, Singapore.

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September 17, 2010 - Keynote Address. "Implementing Digital Records Preservation in Small and Medium-sized Archives," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

September 15, 2010 - Keynote address. "Translating leading edge theory into bleeding-edge practice: the InterPARES experience," Plenary Session 2: Practical Perspectives and Experiences - InterPARES Case and General Studies, CITRA 42nd International Conference of the Round Table on Archives, entitled “Trust and Access: Challenges to Managing Records and Archives in the Digital Age,” 11-19 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

July 4, 2010 - "It Is All About Trust," FARMER/NAET Conference: "Questions of trust? Archives, records and identities," 5-6 July 2010. Oxford, United Kingdom. :: ::

May 29, 2010 - Keynote Address. "Implementing Digital Records Preservation in Small andMedium-sized Archives," InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

April 17, 2010 - "Ten Years of InterPARES," International Symposium on Advanced Research Findings of Electronic Records Management," School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China, 16-17 April 2010. Beijing, China. :: ::

April 16, 2010 - "The Trustworthiness of Digital Records," International Congress on Digital Records Preservation, 14-18 April 2010. Beijing, China. :: ::

March 10-12, 2010 - Co-organiser. International Symposium on the "Preservation of the Memory of the World," Association of Canadian Archivists UBC Student Chapter, 10-12 March 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

December 15, 2009 - "The Long-term Preservation of Digital Heritage," Cultural Heritage Online: "Empowering Users: An Active Role for User Communities," 2nd International Conference, 15-16 December 2009. Firenze, Italy. :: ::

Novermber 19, 2009 - "New development in archival training courses," CITRA 41st International Conference of the Round Table on Archives: "Imagining the twenty first century archivist: new strategies for education and training," organized by the International Council on Archives (ICA), 17-21 November 2009. La Vallette, Malta.

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October 15, 2009 - "The Trustworthiness of Digital Records," ARMA International Annual Conference, 15-18 October 2009. Orlando, Florida, USA.

September 30, 2009 - Keynote address. "Continuity and Transformation in the role of the Archivist: InterPARES 3 (2007-2012)," InterPARES 3 Project, 2nd International Symposium, 30 September 2009. National Archives of Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil. :: ..... ::

September 30, 2009 - "The impact of the organization culture of test-beds on the action research case study process: some preliminary findings from TEAM Canada," InterPARES 3 Project, 2nd International Symposium, 30 September 2009. National Archives of Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil. :: ::

August 14, 2009 - "InterPARES 3: An Overview," Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting (SAA 2009), 11-16 August 2009. Austin, TX, USA.

June 4, 2009 - Keynote address. "Continuity and Transformation in the role of the Archivist: InterPARES 3 (2007-2012)," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ..... ::

April 24, 2009 - "InterPARES 3: General Studies and Case Studies," Annual conference of the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC 2009), 24-25 April 2009. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

April 15, 2009 - Keynote address. "European Commission Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (MoReq2) (2008) and InterPARES (1998-2012)," Congress on "Effective Records Management in State & Local Authorities" - INFODOCUM-2009, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Russian Records Management Guild. Moscow, Russia. [Keynote address on the relevance of international standards to national contexts] :: :: :: ::

March 13, 2009 - "Appraisal of Digital Records: The Application of InterPARES Findings to Existing Systems," Keynote speech, International Seminar on Electronic Records, sponsored by Universidad La Salle and the Archivo de la Nacion. Bogotá, Columbia.

August 29, 2008 - Keynote address. "The Appraisal of Digital Records: Assessing More than Value," presented at the Society of Archivists' Annual conference entitled "Spanning the Spectrum: confronting recordkeeping challenges." York, United Kingdom.

July 24, 2008 - "Accountability in E-government: Observations from InterPARES Case Studies," International Council on Archives, The 16th International Congress on Archives, 21-27 July 2008. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

July 22, 2008 - "Overview of InterPARES 3: Implementing Digital Records Preservation in Small and Medium-sized Archives," in session titled "InterPARES 3 in Asia: Implementing Research Findings on Digital Records Preservation," International Council on Archives, The 16th International Congress on Archives, 21-27 July 2008. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. :: ::

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May 8, 2008 - "InterPARES and Archival Theory," Conference on the "Impact of Informatics on Archival Science." Region Lombardia and Province of Milan, Lodi, Italy.

November 16, 2007 - Closing overview speaker. "Rethinking Appraisal - Conference Overview," DELOS International Conference, “Appraisal in the Digital World," in association with Digital Preservation Europe and InterPARES, 15-16 November 2007. Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei, Rome, Italy. :: ::

November 1, 2007 – "InterPARES Findings and Accountability," International Council on Archives, Section on Parliamentary and Political Archives (SPP) Annual Conference: "Parliamentary, Party, and Politicians' Archives and their Neighbouring Institutions, 1-3 November 2007. Corfu, Greece. :: ::

Duranti, Luciana (presenter) and Fiorella Foscarini

June 5, 2009 - "The Impact of the Organizational Culture of Test-beds on the Action Research Case Study Process: Some Preliminary Findings from TEAM Canada," InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ::

Duranti, Luciana, Adam Jansen, Barbara Endicott‐Popovsky  and Fred Cohen

(2011) “Preserving the Authenticity of Digital Evidence.” Paper presented at IFIP WG 11.9 International. Conference on Digital Forensics, 30 January – 2 February, 2011. Orlando, FL, USA

Enns, Lois

June 2, 2011 - "Seventeen Years in 60 Days: Migrating Shared Drive Records to an ECM," paper presented in session 2c. Notes from the Front Lines: New Approaches to Managing and Preserving electronic records and data, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2011), 2-4 June 2011. Toronto, ON, Canada.

February 23, 2011 - "Preserving Documentary Evidence of E-Government at the City of Surrey," 2nd International Seminar on Electronic Records and Archives, 23-25 February 2011. Bogotá, Columbia.

September 17, 2010 - "Shared Drive Migration Toolkit," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

May 29, 2010 - "Case Study 14: Shared Drive Migration," paper presented in Session 2 - Comparing Apples and Oranges: A Tale of Four BC Cities, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

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Factor, Michael, Ealan Henis, Dalit Naor, Simona Rabinovici-Cohen, Petra Reshef, Shahar Ronen, Giovanni Michetti and Maria Guercio

February 23, 2009 - "Authenticity and Provenance in Long Term Digital Preservation: Modeling and Implementation in Preservation Aware Storage," 1st Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP), 23 February 2009. San Francisco, CA, USA. :: ::

Faggiani, Antonio

November 25, 2008 - "Boletim de Notas e Freqüências dos Alunos da Unicamp (CS-05)," Fóruns Permanentes: Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais authênticos: Projecto InterPARES, 25 November 2008. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

Favero, Edison

November 25, 2008 - "Projetos de Engenharia e Arquitetura da Prefeitura da Cidade Universitária da Unicamp (CS-06)," Fóruns Permanentes: Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais authênticos: Projecto InterPARES, 25 November 2008. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

Feng, Huiling

August 14, 2009 - "International and Domestic Progress of Electronic Record Management strategies," Electronic Record Management Seminar. Guangdong Province, China.

Ferreira, Danielle Thiago

November 25, 2008 - "Teses e Dissertações Digitais do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Unicamp (CS-04)," Fóruns Permanentes: Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais authênticos: Projecto InterPARES, 25 November 2008. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

Force, Donald

(2011) “What ‘Best Evidence’? Archival Discourse and Judicial Decisions,” paper 

presented at the Society of American Archivists Annual conference 2011. 27 August 2011. Chicago, IL, USA

May 29, 2010 - "Facing the Digital "Wild West": The InterPARES 3 City of Victoria Archives Case Study," paper presented in Session 2 - Comparing Apples and Oranges: A Tale of Four BC Cities, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC,

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Canada. :: ::

April 9, 2010 - "Facing the Digital 'Wild West': The InterPARES 3 City of Victoria Archives Case Study," SLAIS Research Day 2010. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ..... ::

August 14, 2009 - "Grabbing the Reins: Improving the Management and Preservation of E-mail in Three Different Academic Environments," session 310: Implementing Digital Records Preservation Research in Small Organizations: InterPARES 3, Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting (SAA 2009), 11-16 August 2009. Austin, TX, USA. :: ::

Foscarini, Fiorella

April 20-21, 2007 - "The InterPARES Project," poster session, NESTOR: "The Challenge: Long-term Preservation. Strategies and Practice of European Partnerships," 20-21 April 2007. Frankfurt, Germany. :: ::

Fuller, Marci and Courtney Mumma

April 24, 2009 - "Digital Forensic Records: Challenges in Management and Long-Term Preservation," Annual conference of the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC 2009), 24-25 April 2009. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Funari, Pedro Paulo Abreu

11 de Setembro, 2011 - "Ações de Preservação de Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais da Unicamp". Fórum Permanente de Conhecimento & Tecnologia da Informação: Repositórios Confiáveis de Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ..... ::

Goh, Elaine

(2012) “What’s in it for Me? The Role of People in Developing and Implementing a Recordkeeping System: Research on Organizational Culture by the International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems (InterPARES 3) Project.” Archival Outlook March/April 2012.

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(2011) “Network of Structures and People: Developing and Implementing a Recordkeeping System.” Paper presented at the Archival Association of British Columbia annual conference. 29 April 2011. Vancouver, BC Canada

August 26, 2011 - "Translating Leading Edge Theory Into Bleeding Edge Practice: The People Factor," session 405: 360° Records Management: New Research into Metadata, Systems and People, Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting (SAA 2011), 22-27 August 2011. Chicago, IL, USA.

June 8, 2011 - "People Come First: Developing and Implementing a Recordkeeping System," ARMA Canada Annual Conference, 5-8 June 2011. Charlottetown, PEI, Canada.

April 29, 2011 - "Network of Structures and People: Developing and Implementing a Recordkeeping System," Annual conference of the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC 2011), 29-30 April 2011. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

March 11, 2011 - "What's In It For Me? -The Role of People in Developing and Implementing a Recordkeeping System," poster session, Celebrate Research 2011, SLAIS Research Day: Information Artefacts & Human Experience, 11 March 2011. School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ..... ::

May 29, 2010 - "Organizational Culture," paper presented in Session 1 - General Studies in Support of Action Research Across Continents, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Grandi, Massimiliano

May 29, 2010 - "Managing and Preserving E-Mail Records," paper presented in Session 1 - General Studies in Support of Action Research Across Continents, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

April 17, 2010 - "Guidelines and recommendations for e-mail records management and long-term preservation," Annual conference of the Archival Association of British Columbia (AABC): "Our Digital Future," 15-17 April 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Guercio, Maria

May 4-5, 2011 - Invited participant in a 2-day discussion forum entitled "The Future of the Past – Shaping new visions for EU-research in digital preservation," 4-5 May 2011, organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General "Information Society and Media," Unit "Cultural Heritage and Technology Enhanced Learning." Luxembourg. :: ::

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October 22, 2010 - Keynote address. "The Preservation of Digital Records: The InterPARES Approach (on the basis of its findings)," Plenary Session IV: Long-term Preservation in the Digital Age, Modernization and Sustainability: Law-making Support in the 21st Century, Conference of the SPP/ICA, 21-22 October 2010. Dakar, Senegal. :: ::

September 15, 2010 - "It’s All About Trust: The implementation of Policy, Guidelines and Recommendations for Ensuring the Proper Management and Long-term Preservation of E-mail Records," paper presented in Plenary Session 2: Practical Perspectives and Experiences - InterPARES Case and General Studies, CITRA 42nd International Conference of the Round Table on Archives, entitled “Trust and Access: Challenges to Managing Records and Archives in the Digital Age,” 11-19 September 2009. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

December 16, 2009 - Chair of session entitled, "Parallel sessions II: Sustainable Policies for Digital Culture Preservation," Cultural Heritage On Line 2009, International Conference: Empowering users - An Active Role for User Communities, 15-16 December 2009. Firenze, Italy. :: ::

November 25, 2009 - "Valutare l’autenticità delle fonti digitali le nuove responsabilità degli istituti di conservazione," Archivi e Biblioteche. Dalla memoria del passato al Web. Corso di formazione e convegno internazionale organizzato sotto l'egida e con la collaborazione del Dipartimento Identità Culturale del CNR, Istituto di storia dell’Europa mediterranea, 25-26 Novembre 2009. Cagliari, Italy. :: ::

November 12, 2009 - Keynote address: "Conceptual framework and chain of custody for sustaining the digital trustworthiness," Multiple Perspectives on Metadata: Digital Edition & Preservation, 12-13 November. Vienna, Austria. :: ::

September 30, 2009 - "Keeping and Preserving E-mail," InterPARES 3 Project, 2nd International Symposium, 30 September 2009. National Archives of Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil. (read by Randy Preston) :: ::

May 7, 2009 - "Requisiti per la costituzione di "depositi digitali'," Conservare il digitale, 7-8 maggio 2009. Macerata, Italy. :: ::

February 6, 2009 - Partecipazione alla Round Table "PREMIS – Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies," Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Library of Congress, Fondazione Rinascimento digitale, con la relazione "PREMIS and the long-term preservation of complex digital archives: lessons learned and critical issues from the CASPAR research," 5-6 February 2009. Rome, Italy. :: ::

September 19, 2008 - Masters course on "Digital preservation, indexing and metadata," University of Tor Vergata. Rome, Italy.

June 11, 2008 - Presentation on authenticity at the Delos Summer School – Tirrenia. Pisa, Italy.

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January 24, 2008 - "An Italian Network for the Preservation of Authentic Digital Records (ReDigit): the Role of the InterPARES 3 - TEAM Italy," 4th Italian Research Conference on Digital Library Management Systems: A Conference of the EU Network of Excellence DELOS. Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, 24-25 January 2008. Padova, Italy. :: ::

Gustavsen, Inger-Mette

September 17, 2010 - "Automatic Retention of Records: Norwegian Research Project - LongRec," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

February 11, 2008 - "Informasjonshavet," Software 2008 Conference, 11-13 February 2008. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

Gustavsen, Inger-Mette and Jon Ølnes

May 28, 2008 - "Er du forberedt på den digitale tidsbomben? [Are you prepared for the digital time-bomb?]," IQPC Conference 2008: "Elektronisk Informasjonsforvaltning [Electronic Information Management]," 28-29 May 2008. Oslo, Norway. :: ..... ::

Hebbard, Paul

June 14, 2008 - "Herding Cats or Managing E-mail in a University," paper presented in Session 9c. The InterPARES 3 Project: Implementing Digital Records Preservation in Small and Medium-sized Archives, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2008), 12-14 June 2008. Fredericton, NB, Canada. :: ::

Henriques, Marco Aurélio Amaral

September 10, 2009 - "Infraestrutura de Chaves Públicas para o Ensino e Pesquisa (ICP-Edu)," Fórum Permanente de Conhecimento & Tecnologia da Informatção: Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais: Autenticidade e Certificação. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

Hepburn, John

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May 29, 2010 - "Opening Remarks," InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Hu, Judy and Adam Jansen

March 11, 2011 - "Archiving High Definition Video at the School of Journalism," poster session, Celebrate Research 2011, SLAIS Research Day: Information Artefacts & Human Experience, 11 March 2011. School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ..... ::

Huiling, Feng, Xiaomi An, Yuenan Liu (presenter) and Andy Dawson

June 30, 2009 - "Challenges to e-Government: Managing Electronic Records in China," 9th European Conference on e-Government (ECEG 2009), 29-30 June 2009. London, United Kingdom. :: ::

Inefuku, Harrison W.

May 29, 2010 - "Records Management and the Preservation of Digital Art," paper presented in Session 3 - Structured/Controlled vs. Unstructured/Uncontrolled Environments, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

April 9, 2010 - "Recordkeeping and the Preservation of Digital Art: InterPARES and the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery," SLAIS Research Day 2010. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ..... ::

March 5, 2010 - "Documenting Digital Art in Small Galleries: The Approach of the InterPARES 3 Project," DOCAM 2010 5th International Summit on the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage, 3-5 March 2010. Montréal, QC, Canada. :: ::

Jansen, Adam

June 4, 2011 - " ," paper presented in session 10c. What is a Record in the Digital Environment, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2011), 2-4 June 2011. Toronto, ON, Canada.

September 17, 2010 - "Structured Records: Vancouver Police Department," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway.

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June 10, 2010 - "And I’ve got the Scars to Prove It: Lessons Learned from the 'Front Lines'," paper presented in Session 2a. Hard Knocks: Hard Lessons in Digital Archiving, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2010), 9-12 June 2010. Halifax, NS, Canada. :: ::

May 29, 2010 - "Structured Records: Vancouver Police Department," paper presented in Session 3 - Structured/Controlled vs. Unstructured/Uncontrolled Environments, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Johare, Rushah and Nurussobah Hussin (presenter)

September 17, 2010 - "An Analysis of the Best Practice Guidelines for Developing Recordkeeping Functional Requirements for the Superior Courts of Malaysia," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ..... ::

Johare, Rusnah

July 22, 2008 - "InterPARES 3 in Asia: TEAM Malaysia," in session titled "InterPARES 3 in Asia: Implementing Research Findings on Digital Records Preservation," International Council on Archives, The 16th International Congress on Archives, 21-27 July 2008. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. :: ::

Johare, Rusnah (presenter), Alwi Mohd Yunus, Irwan Kamaruddin Abdul Kadir and Haslinda


June 4, 2009 - "Managing Primary Research Data and Records for Research in Research Institutions and Related Organizations: Examples from the TEAM Malaysia Case Studies," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ..... ::

Johare, Rusnah, Nurussobah Hussin (presenter) and Adnan Jamaludin

June 5, 2009 - "Management of Electronic Court Records: An Example from the TEAM Malaysia Case Study," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ..... ::

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Katuu, Shadrack

December 2, 2009 - "Long term preservation of electronic records - lessons from international research," paper presented at a conference hosted by the Mpumalanga Provincial Archives. Kruger National Park, Nelspruit, South Africa.

Külcü, Özgür

May 29, 2010 - "E-mail Management in the Context of Enterprise Content Management: Reflections from Turkey," paper presented in Session 4 - Pervasive Issues of Digital Preservation, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Külcü, Özgür (presenter) and Tolga Çakmak

September 17, 2010 - "Convergence of Records Management (RM) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) in the Digital Environment," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

Külcü, Özgür and Tolga Çakmak (presenter)

June 4, 2009 - "Evaluation of Institutional Conditions for Electronic Records Management (ERM) in Turkey: Results of Surveys Carried Out in 17 Institutions," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ::

Lacombe Rocha, Claudia

(2011) UNICAMP staff paychecks: the preservation of a record created and maintained in an 

interactive electronic system.” Paper presented at InterPARES 3 Project, International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. October 3-5, 2011. Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. 

November 9, 2010 - "A contribuição do projeto InterPARES no tratamento dos documentos digitais," Semana de Arquivologia da Universidade de Brasília. Brasília, Brasil.

October 22, 2010 - "A contribuição do projeto Interpares nas discussões sobre documento arquivístico digital," IV Congresso Nacional de Arquivologia, Associação dos Arquivistas do Estado do Espírito Santo / Executiva Nacional das Associações Regionais de Arquivologia, 19-22 Outubro 2010. Vitória, ES, Brasil. :: ::

May 29, 2010 - "InterPARES 3 Multilingual Glossary," paper presented in Session 1 - General Studies in Support of Action Research Across Continents, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

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November 11, 2009 - "Projeto InterPARES 3," III Fórum de Informação em Saúde. Brasilia, Brasil.

September 30, 2009 - "As atividades do TEAM Brazil no Projeto InterPARES 3," InterPARES 3 Project, 2nd International Symposium, 30 September 2009. National Archives of Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil. :: ::

September 10, 2009 - "Aspectos Gerais do InterPARES," Fórum Permanente de Conhecimento & Tecnologia da Informatção: Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais: Autenticidade e Certificação. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

July 17, 2009 - "Projeto InterPARES 3:a proposta metodológica e as atividades do TEAM Brasil," II Simpósio Baiano de Arquivologia. Salvador, Brasil.

June 4, 2009 - "The challenges of developing a common glossary across different countries and languages in InterPARES 3: some examples from TEAM Brazil experience," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ::

November 25, 2008 - "Aspectos Gerais do InterPARES," Fóruns Permanentes: Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais authênticos: Projecto InterPARES, 25 November 2008. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

November 25, 2008 - "Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais autênticos," Foruns Permanentes da UNICAMP: Preservação de Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais Autênticos: Projeto InterPARES, 25 November 2008. Campinas, Brasil. :: ::

October 23, 2008 - "Painel Projeto InterPARES 3," III Congresso Nacional de Arquivologia," 20-24 October 2008. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. :: ::

September 18, 2008 - "Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais autênticos," CRICS – 8o Congresso Regional de Informação em Ciências da Saúde. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

September 16, 2008 - "Preservation of Authentic Digital Records," ACM Symposium on Document Engineering - DocEng 2008, 16-19 September 2008. São Paulo, Brazil.

August 9, 2007 - "Pesquisa Internacional Sobre Documentos Arquivísticos Autênticos em Sistemas Eletrônicos," paper presented in the session "Perspectivas de ação do InterPARES: Projeto na América Latina," Seminário Internacional de Especialistas em Gestão e Preservação

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de Documentos Digitais, 7-9 August 2007. Arquivo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. (paper read by Rosely Rondinelli) :: ..... ::

July 4, 2008 - "A participação do Brasil no Projeto InterPARES," Associação dos Arquivistas Brasileiros, XV Congresso Brasileiro de Arquivologia, 30 June - 4 July 2008. Goiânia, Brasil. :: ::

October 17, 2007 - "Pesquisa Internacional Sobre Documentos Arquivísticos Autênticos em Sistemas Eletrônicos," Seminário: Gestão e Preservação de Documentos Digitais, Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento (Cefor), 17 October 2007. Brasília, Brasil. :: ..... ::

October 9, 2007 - "A participação do Brasil no Projeto InterPARES 3," Conselho da Justiça Federal, Workshop "Modelos de requisitos para sistemas informatizados de acompanhamento e gestão de documentos e processos eletrônicos da Justiça Federal - MoreqJus." Brasília, Brasil.

Lacombe Rocha, Claudia and Roselly Curi Rondinelli (presenter)

September 30, 2009 - "Os desafios para se desenvolver um glossário comum a diferentes países e línguas no âmbito do projeto InterPARES 3: a experiência do TEAM Brazil," InterPARES 3 Project, 2nd International Symposium, 30 September 2009. National Archives of Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil. :: ..... ::

Laszlo, Krisztina (presenter), Timothy McMillan and Jennifer Yuhasz

September 18, 2008 - "The InterPARES 3 Project: Implementing Digital Records Preservation in a Contemporary Art Gallery and Ethnographic Museum," Annual conference of the International Documentation Committee of the International Council of Museums (CIDOC), 15-18 September 2008. Athens, Greece. :: ::

Lee, Kyu-Chul

June 4, 2009 - "The Architecture and Metadata of Web Archiving for Korean Public Sector," InterPARES 3 International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea.

Levi, Clayton

November 25, 2008 - "Reportagens Fotográficas Digitais (CS-02)," Fóruns Permanentes: Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais authênticos: Projecto InterPARES, 25 November 2008. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil.

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Luan, Feng (presenter), Mads Nygård, Lars Gaustad and Inger-Mette Gustavsen

June 4, 2009 - "The Challenges of Migration as a Long-term Preservation Strategy: The Findings of TEAM Norway and LongRec," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ::

Malmas, Shamin and Cindy McLellan

April 17, 2010 - "Be Prepared! From Educating Donors to Writing an Acquisitions Policy: How to Get Ready for Digital Acquisitions," Annual conference of the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC 2010): "Our Digital Future," 15-17 April 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Malmas, Shamin, Cindy McLellan and Anneleen van Dijk

April 29, 2011 - "A National Survey on Acquisitions," Annual conference of the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC), 29-30 April 2011. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Martins, Neire do Rossio

September 10, 2009 - "Estudos de caso da UNICAMP no âmbito do InterPARES 3," Fórum Permanente de Conhecimento & Tecnologia da Informatção: Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais: Autenticidade e Certificação. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

November 25, 2008 - "Os estudos de caso do Projeto InterPARES 3 da Universidade Estadual de Campinas," Fóruns Permanentes: Preservação de documentos arquivísticos digitais authênticos: Projecto InterPARES, 25 November 2008. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

McLellan, Cindy (presenter) and Shamin Malmas

September 17, 2010 - "Educating Donors: A First Step Towards Meeting the Challenges of Acquiring Digital Records in Small Archives," poster session, InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ..... ::

McLellan, Evelyn

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August 26, 2011 - "Open Source Software for Electronic Records Management: Are We There Yet?" session 405: 360° Records Management: New Research into Metadata, Systems and People, Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting (SAA 2011), 22-27 August 2011. Chicago, IL, USA.

October 28, 2009 - 6th National Transparency Week: Transparency in the Americas. Keynote speaker, Panel 6: "Records Management and Transparency." University Cultural Center Tlatelolco, Mexico City, Mexico. :: ..... ::

June 14, 2008 - "Configuring an EDRMS to meet authenticity requirements for long-term preservation of digital records," paper presented in Session 9c. The InterPARES 3 Project: Implementing Digital Records Preservation in Small and Medium-sized Archives, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2008), 12-14 June 2008. Fredericton, NB, Canada. :: ::

Mendoza Navarro, Aída Luz

October 28, 2009 - "Preservación de documentos electrónicos InterPARES: Objetivos y hallazgos," 6th National Transparency Week: Transparency in the Americas," 27-29 October 2009. Mexico City, Mexico. :: ..... ::

November 24, 2006 - "The Management of E-documents in Latin America [La Realidad Latinoamericana en Gestión de Documentos Electrónicos]," Documentos Electrónicos Principado de Asturias (E-DOCPA 2006), 22-24 November 2006. Asturias, Spain. :: ::

Netto, Abdala Ferah

September 17, 2010 - "Ministry of Health of Brazil: Procedures for the Management and Preservation of the Hospital Admission Authorization (AIH), Created by the Hospital Information System (SIH) of the Unified Health System (SUS)," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

Netto, Débora Pariz e Abdala Farah

October 22, 2010 - "Ações de preservação digital - Estudo de caso do Ministério da Saúde - Autorização de Internação Hospitalar," Painel: Projeto InterPARES 3 – Projeto de Pesquisa Internacional sobre Documentos Arquivísticos Autênticos em Sistemas Eletrônicos. IV Congresso Nacional de Arquivologia, Associação dos Arquivistas do Estado do Espírito Santo / Executiva Nacional das Associações Regionais de Arquivologia, 19-22 Outubro 2010. Vitória, ES, Brasil. :: ::

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Niacaris, César Augusto

September 10, 2009 - "Operacionalização da certificação digital no âmbito da administração pública do Estado de São Paulo: etapas para implantação e infraestrutura necessária," Fórum Permanente de Conhecimento & Tecnologia da Informatção: Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais: Autenticidade e Certificação. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

Oh, Sam

June 4, 2009 - "Toward Standard Migration Procedure," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea.

July 22, 2008 - "InterPARES 3 in Asia: TEAM Korea," in session titled "InterPARES 3 in Asia: Implementing Research Findings on Digital Records Preservation," International Council on Archives, The 16th International Congress on Archives, 21-27 July 2008. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. :: ::

Ølnes, Jon

October 17, 2008 - "Hvordan finne, lese, forstå og stole på digital informasjon etter 50 år? [How to find, read, understand and rely on digital information after 50 years?]," Norsk konferanse for IKT i offentlig sektor (NOKIOS), 16-17 October 2008. Trondheim, Norway. :: ::

Ølnes, Jon (presenter), Olga Cerrato, Inger-Mette Gustavsen and Thomas Mestl

October 17, 2008 – "How to find, read, understand and trust digital information in a 50 year perspective," NOKIOS: Norsk Konferanse for IKT I Offentlig Sektor [Norwegian Conference for eGovernment], 13-15 October 2009. Trondheim, Norway. :: ::

Ortona, Sérgio Annunciação

September 10, 2009 - "Estratégias de implantação de certificação digital na Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo," Fórum Permanente de Conhecimento & Tecnologia da Informatção: Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais: Autenticidade e Certificação. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ::

Park, Eun G.

September 17, 2010 - "XML: Examining the Criteria to be an Open Standard File Format," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway.

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September 15, 2010 - "Certified e-Document Authority (CeDA): Trusted Third Party Repository & Certification Authority," paper presented in Plenary Session 2: Practical Perspectives and Experiences - InterPARES Case and General Studies, CITRA 42nd International Conference of the Round Table on Archives, entitled “Trust and Access: Challenges to Managing Records and Archives in the Digital Age,” 11-19 September 2009. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

May 29, 2010 - "XML," paper presented in Session 4 - Pervasive Issues of Digital Preservation, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

November 27, 2009 - "Third Party Digital Repositories: Types and Issues," National Archives of Korea Expo 2009, 27-28 November 2009, National Archives and Records Service and Korean Society of Archives and Records Management. Seoul, South Korea.

September 30, 2009 - "Trusted Third Party Digital Repositories," InterPARES 3 Project, 2nd International Symposium, 30 September 2009. National Archives of Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil. :: ::

November 1, 2008 - "Trends on Electronic Records Management in North America: A Case of InterPARES 3," International Archives Exhibition & Conference (IAEC) 2008, 30 October - 1 November 2008. National Archives of Korea, Seoul, South Korea. :: ::

Piconi, Andressa Cristiani

13 de Setembro, 2011 - "Desafios e Estratégias para a Preservação a Longo Prazo de Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais da UNICAMP". Conferência sobre Tecnologia Cultura e Memória (CTCM) - 2011. Recife, PE, Brasil. :: ::

Piconi, Andressa Cristiani e Martins, Neire do Rossio

11 ago 2011 - "Projeto de Repositório Confiável de Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais do Sistema de Arquivos da Universidade Estadual de Campinas SIARQ/UNICAMP". Fórum Permanente de Conhecimento & Tecnologia da Informação: Repositórios Confiáveis de Documentos Arquivísticos Digitais. Centro de Convenções da Unicamp, Campinas-SP, Brasil. :: ..... ::

Pontevolbe, Gianfranco, Silvio Salza and Mariella Guercio (presenter)

June 4, 2009 - "Archiving and Preserving E-mail," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ..... ::

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Preston, Randy

June 14, 2008 - "Implementing Digital Records Preservation in Small and Medium-sized Archival Organizations: Phase 3 of the InterPARES Project," paper presented in Session 9c. The InterPARES 3 Project: Implementing Digital Records Preservation in Small and Medium-sized Archives, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2008), 12-14 June 2008. Fredericton, NB, Canada. :: ::

August 9, 2007 - Session Chair. "Perspectivas de ação do InterPARES: Projeto na América Latina," Seminário Internacional de Especialistas em Gestão e Preservação de Documentos Digitais, 7-9 August 2007. Arquivo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Rennie, Stuart

June 8, 2009, "Bridging Time: InterPARES and e-Discovery," position paper, DESI III Global E-Discovery/E-Disclosure Workshop: A Pre-Conference Workshop at the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2009), 8 June 2009. Casa Convalescència, Barcelona, Spain. :: ::

Rocco, Brenda Couto de Brito

October 22, 2010 - "Glossário multilingue do InterPARES3," Painel: Projeto InterPARES 3 – Projeto de Pesquisa Internacional sobre Documentos Arquivísticos Autênticos em Sistemas Eletrônicos. IV Congresso Nacional de Arquivologia, Associação dos Arquivistas do Estado do Espírito Santo / Executiva Nacional das Associações Regionais de Arquivologia, 19-22 Outubro 2010. Vitória, ES, Brasil. :: ::

Rogers, Corinne (presenter), Evelyn McLellan and Elizabeth Shaffer

October 19, 2010 - "Exploring Open Source Options for Records Management," Open Access Week @ UBC, 18-24 October 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ..... ::

Rogers, Corinne and Elizabeth Shaffer

August 12-13, 2010 - "How do you preserve digital records in a million-dollar organization when everyone has a million other things to worry about?" poster session, Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting (SAA 2010), 10-15 August 2010. Washington, D.C., USA. :: ::

August 12, 2010 - "Case Study: Digital Records Preservation at British Columbia Institute of Technology or How do you preserve digital records in a million-dollar organization when everyone has a million other things to worry about?" paper presented in session 3: Adapting Archival

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Practice, Society of American Archivists (SAA) 2010 Research Forum, 12 August 2010. Washington, D.C., USA. :: ..... ::

June 10, 2010 - "Digital Monks Share Their Code - What would Hugh Taylor say about Open Source Software?" paper presented in Session 3b. New Voices, New Ideas: The Student Session, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2010), 9-12 June 2010. Halifax, NS, Canada. :: ::

April 9, 2010 - "From Jigsaw Puzzles to Transformers: Where does Open Source Software fit in the World of Electronic Records Management?" SLAIS Research Day 2010. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ..... ::

April 24, 2009 - "Developing Digital Preservation Policies and Procedures at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)," Annual conference of the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC 2009), 24-25 April 2009. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Szlejcher, Anna 

(2011) “InterPARES in Argentina:  dissemination task report.”  Paper presented at Congress : 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly. 13‐18 August 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Serra Fernández, Miquel

September 17, 2010 - "Transferring Vital E-records to a Trusted Digital Repository in Catalan Public Universities (the iArxiu Platform)," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

May 29, 2010 - "Transferring Vital Digital Records to a Trusted Digital Repository in Catalan Public Universities (the iArxiu Platform)," paper presented in Session 4 - Pervasive Issues of Digital Preservation, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

June 4, 2009 - "The Preservation of Vital e-Records in Universities," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ::

November 19, 2008 - Les garanties en la preservació de documents i expedients a llarg termini (Presentació del Projecte Internacional InterPARES 3. TEAM Catalonia. Venes Jornades de

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Signatura Electrònica del CATcert. Barcelona, Espanya. :: ::

Shaffer, Elizabeth

August 12, 2010 - "University Institutional Repositories: An Investigation into Long-Term Preservation and Copyright Compliance" poster session, Society of American Archivists (SAA) 2010 Research Forum, 12 August 2010. Washington, D.C., USA. :: ..... ::

May 29, 2010 - "The InterPARES 3 TEAM Canada Web 2.0/Social Media General Study," paper presented in Session 1 - General Studies in Support of Action Research Across Continents, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Shaffer, Elizabeth (presenter) and Harrison W. Inefuku

April 1, 2011 - "What Comes After Access?: University Institutional Repositories, Copyright and Digital Preservation," poster session, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL 2011), March 30 - April 2, 2011. Philadelphia, PA, USA. :: ::

Shaffer, Elizabeth and Harrison W. Inefuku

March 11, 2011 - "Moving Beyond Access: University Institutional Repositories, Copyright and Digital Preservation," Celebrate Research 2011, SLAIS Research Day: Information Artefacts & Human Experience, 11 March 2011. School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Shaffer, Elizabeth and Harrison W. Inefuku (presenter)

June 25, 2011 - "Permission to Preserve?: Intellectual Property, Digital Preservation and the University Institutional Repository," poster session, American Library Association Conference (ALA 2011), 23-28 June 2011. New Orleans, LA, USA. :: ::

Silva, Fábio Rodrigo Pinheiro da

October 22, 2010 - "Estudos de Caso da UNICAMP no âmbito do InterPARES 3," Painel: Projeto InterPARES 3 – Projeto de Pesquisa Internacional sobre Documentos Arquivísticos Autênticos em Sistemas Eletrônicos. IV Congresso Nacional de Arquivologia, Associação dos Arquivistas do Estado do Espírito Santo / Executiva Nacional das Associações Regionais de Arquivologia, 19-22 Outubro 2010. Vitória, ES, Brasil. :: ::

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October 22, 2010 - "Ações de preservação digital - Estudo de caso da UNICAMP - Sistema de Informação Institucional," Painel: Projeto InterPARES 3 – Projeto de Pesquisa Internacional sobre Documentos Arquivísticos Autênticos em Sistemas Eletrônicos. IV Congresso Nacional de Arquivologia, Associação dos Arquivistas do Estado do Espírito Santo / Executiva Nacional das Associações Regionais de Arquivologia, 19-22 Outubro 2010. Vitória, ES, Brasil. :: ::

Suderman, Jim

June 4, 2011 - " ," paper presented in session 10c. What is a Record in the Digital Environment, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2011), 2-4 June 2011. Toronto, ON, Canada.

April 29, 2010 - "We change our tools and our tools change us: using InterPARES research findings to facilitate change," 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving (ECA 2010), 28-30 April 2010. Geneva, Switzerland. :: ::

April 23, 2010 - "Principles for Long-term Preservation of Digital Records," Digital Preservation Interoperability Framework Symposium (DPIF 2010), 21-23 April 2010. Dresden, Germany. :: ::

March 12, 2009 - "Policies for record content," Seminario Internacional de Archivos y Documentos Electrónicos, 11-13 March 2009. Bogotá, Colombia. :: ::

September 11, 2008 – "Exploring the InterPARES Research Project," Future of Electronic Documents in Mexico International Seminar, 10-11 September 2008. México City, México. :: ::

Szlejcher, Anna and Juliana Cisterna

5 de maio, 2011 - "Translating Research Outcomes into Teaching Archival Science," IV Encontro de Bases de Dados Sobre Informações Arquivísticas, Associação dos Arquivistas Brasileiros, 4-6 May 2011. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. :: ::

Tennis, Joe

August 26, 2011 - "Designed to Work: Metadata Interoperability Across Time, Systems and Conceptions," session 405: 360° Records Management: New Research into Metadata, Systems and People, Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting (SAA 2011), 22-27 August 2011. Chicago, IL, USA.

June 3, 2011 - "Clarity in Form and Purpose: Metadata Beyond the Schemas," paper presented in session 7c. Round Peg, Square Hole, Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Conference (ACA 2011), 2-4 June 2011. Toronto, ON, Canada.

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September 17, 2010 - "Metadata Developments (1): Interoperability Across Systems, Time, and Conceptions," InterPARES 3 Project, 4th International Symposium, 17 September 2010. Oslo, Norway. :: ::

May 29, 2010 - "Metadata: Interoperability Across Systems, Time, and Conceptions," paper presented in Session 4 - Pervasive Issues of Digital Preservation, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Turner, Janet

May 29, 2010 - "Fog on the Horizon: Anticipating Digital Acquisitions at NVMA," paper presented in Session 2 - Comparing Apples and Oranges: A Tale of Four BC Cities, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Van Damme, Erica and Jennifer Borland

April 24, 2009 - "Making Archives Digital: The InterPARES 3 Project's Belkin Art Gallery Case Study," Annual conference of the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC 2009), 24-25 April 2009. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

van Dijk, Anneleen and Shamin Malmas

March 11, 2011 - "The Acquisition of Digital Records at Small and Medium Sized Archives in Canada: Survey Research from InterPARES 3," poster session, Celebrate Research 2011, SLAIS Research Day: Information Artefacts & Human Experience, 11 March 2011. School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ..... ::

Voutssás Márquez, Juan

September 22, 2010 - "Digital Preservation in Mexico: An Overview," Discutamos México en Europa, Encuentro de Mexicanistas 2010: Educación, Ciencia y Cultura, 20-22 September 2010. Antwerp, Belgium. :: ::

September 28, 2009 - "El nuevo sitio Web Interpares México," XXVII Coloquio de Investigación Bibliotecológica e Información. CUIB, UNAM, México City, México. :: ::

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October 2, 2008 - "Preservación de Archivos Digitales a Largo Plazo: El proyecto InterPARES 3 en México," XXVI Coloquio de Investigación Bibliotecológica e Información, 1-3 Octubre 2008. CUIB, UNAM, México City, México. :: ::

Voutssás Márquez, Juan, Alicia Barnard Amozorrutia, Brenda Cabral Vargas and Jovv Valdespino


June 5, 2009 - "A Strategy for Training on Digital Records Preservation in Mexico," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. (read by Randy Preston) :: ..... ::

Walker, Elizabeth, Adam Jansen (presenters) and Shamin Malmas

April 17, 2010 - "Preservation and Access System for High Definition Digital Video Archives in Online and Electronic Formats," Annual conference of the Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC 2010): "Our Digital Future," 15-17 April 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Wang, Jian

June 4, 2009 - "Challenges and Strategies for Managing Digital Records in a Public Organization: Findings from the TEAM China Case Study," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ::

November 28, 2010 - "InterPARES and Electronic Record Management Research Fronts," UNESCO Conference on the Memory of the World Program. Macao, China.

July 22, 2008 - "Implementing Digital Records Preservation in China," in session titled "InterPARES 3 in Asia: Implementing Research Findings on Digital Records Preservation," International Council on Archives, The 16th International Congress on Archives, 21-27 July 2008. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. :: ..... ::

July 22, 2008 - "InterPARES 3 in Asia: TEAM China," in session titled "InterPARES 3 in Asia: Implementing Research Findings on Digital Records Preservation," International Council on Archives, The 16th International Congress on Archives, 21-27 July 2008. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

October 14, 2007 - "The Three Phases of the InterPARES Project," Electronic Record Management International Conference & InterPARES 3 TEAM China Initiating Conference, 14 October 2007, Renmin University of China. Beijing, China. :: ..... ::

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Wilson, Lara

May 29, 2010 - "Scaling the Ivory Towers? Management and Preservation of E-mail in Three Different Academic Environments," paper presented in Session 3 - Structured/Controlled vs. Unstructured/Uncontrolled Environments, InterPARES 3 Project, 3rd International Symposium, 29 May 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ::

Wu, Paul Horng-Jyh

June 5, 2009 - "Towards Preservation, Description and Arrangement of Web Records: A Case Study of Archiving Professional Seminar eLearning Space," InterPARES 3 Project, 1st International Symposium, 4-5 June 2009. Seoul, South Korea. :: ::

July 22, 2008 - "A Survey of Web Archiving - A Recordkeeping Perspective," in session titled "InterPARES 3 in Asia: Implementing Research Findings on Digital Records Preservation," International Council on Archives, The 16th International Congress on Archives, 21-27 July 2008. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. :: ::

Yi, Qian

November 1, 2007 - "China's Electronic Record Management Status Quo and Development," Electronic Record Management Forum, 1-4 November 2007. South Korea.

Other - Public Relations

Duranti, Luciana

January 12, 2009 - Presentation to the Hon. Ida Chong, British Columbia Minister of Technology, Trade and Economic Development. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Gaffield, Chad

June 9, 2009 – Keynote address. "Canada as a Digital Nation in the 21st Century: The Innovative Contributions of the Social Sciences and Humanities," Canada 3.0 Forum: Defining Canada's Digital Future, 8-9 June 2009. Stratford, ON, Canada. :: ..... :: ::

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Gustavsen, Inger-Mette

November 11-13, 2008 - Exhibitor, EDOK (Elektronisk Dokumentbehandling) 2008. Gardermoen, Norway. :: :: ::

November 14-16, 2007 - Exhibitor, EDOK (Elektronisk Dokumentbehandling) 2007. Gardermoen, Norway. :: :: ::

Het Archiefforum

January 15, 2007 - "Na InterPARES 1 en 2, is er weer een vervolg: InterPARES 3 (van 2007 tot 2012): (Zie voor een overzicht van alle 3 de projecten," announcement of the InterPARES 3 Project posted to the "Informatiemanagers en Beheerders" [Information Managers and Administrators] section of the Dutch "Het Archiefforum" [The Archives Forum] listserv. :: ..... :: ::

Preston, Randy

January 27, 2010 - "An Overview and Update of the InterPARES 3 Project," presented at the joint meeting of the University of British Columbia Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) Student Chapter and Western Washington University archives students. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

November 3, 2008 - "Overview of the InterPARES Project," presented to members of ARMA Canada, Vancouver Chapter, during their tour of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ip3_canada_dissemination_pr_preston_arma_vancouve ..... :: ::

Proudfoot, Shannon

(2007), "Saving the past in digital age: Files created a few years ago can’t be opened," Vancouver Province (27 December 2007), A17.

(2007), "Archivist keeps the past alive: UBC professor working on project to keep digital records from being lost to obsolescence," The Windsor Star (26 December 2007), E7.

(2007), "Our past is in peril in digital age," Winnipeg Free Press (26 December 2007), A15.

(2007), "Study attempts to save our fading digital past," Calgary Herald (26 December 2007), A3.

(2007), "UBC project hopes to preserve world”s digital documents: Defunct programs can render works of art unaccessible," Times - Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) (26 December 2007), A7.

School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China

January 18, 2007 - "SIRM in RUC Leading the TEAM China of InterPARES 3," summary of the International Team Directors' SSHRC-CURA grant strategy meeting, held 8-9 January 2007 in

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Vancouver, BC, Canada. :: ..... :: ::

September 17, 2007 - "InterPARES 3 Team China begins to construct research groups," information about the start-up activities of TEAM China and a call for research partners and student assistants, posted to the Web site of the School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China. :: ..... :: ::


(2009), "Research @ SLAIS - What We're Thinking," SLAIS Matters (Summer 2009). :: :: ::


August 3, 2007 - "Lanzamiento del Proyecto InterPARES 3 [Launching of the InterPARES 3 Project]," Taino'ti Web site. ::'ti_ip3_announceme ..... :: ::

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Page 90: InterPARES International Alliance ip3 final… · InterPARES 3 Final Report L. Duranti InterPARES 3 Project

InterPARES 3 Final Report     L. Duranti

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