international union for conservation of nature azraq oasis restoration jordan 2008 - 2010

International Union for Conservation of Nature AZRAQ OASIS RESTORATION JORDAN 2008 - 2010

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Page 1: International Union for Conservation of Nature AZRAQ OASIS RESTORATION JORDAN 2008 - 2010

International Union for Conservation of Nature


2008 - 2010

Page 2: International Union for Conservation of Nature AZRAQ OASIS RESTORATION JORDAN 2008 - 2010

Project Setting

The “Azraq Oasis Restoration” Project, is one of the demonstration projects within the REWARD Programme initiated by the DGCS/ WESCANA Project and supported by the IUCN Water and Nature Initiative (WANI), funded by DGIS/ The Netherlands.

Up-scaling of methodologies and insights, are realized through the sub-networks on different water resource systems of REWARD’s Regional Water Knowledge Network.

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International Union for Conservation of Nature

Is one of the most important recharging groundwater basins in Jordan.

It forms the largest resource of good-quality ground and surface water in Jordan.

located in the Northeastern part of the

country, extending northwards into Syria and southwards touching the border with Saudi Arabia.

The Azraq Oasis is a large mudflat located in the central and lowest part of the basin, 120 km North-East of Amman.


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International Union for Conservation of Nature

1.The upper shallow fresh water basalt aquifer currently under the threat of salinization due to overexploitation.

2.The middle limestone brackish water aquifer (600 to 15,000 mg/l) aged more than 30,000 years

3. The deep sandstone aquifer which has low yields and poor quality water.

Azraq Basin consists of three aquifer systems

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International Union for Conservation of Nature


Is a unique ecosystem in a fragile environment

The remaining wetland is recognized as a RAMSAR Site

Contains a wealth of biodiversity and habitats, and the richest habitat of all exists in its wetlands, which are extremely rare in the region.

Was especially important for migratory birds, with up to a million birds utilizing the area during the course of a single spring migration.

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International Union for Conservation of Nature

A is the Aquifer Flow

B is the wetland

C is for Agriculture use

D is for Domestic use

A= B+C+D (sustainable use)B+C+D>A (actual use)Potential: B+C=A if C < 25% for Amman/Zarqa

The Main challenging Water Use

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International Union for Conservation of Nature


Exponential loss of cultural and natural heritage and values

Very little benefits

Loss of belonging

Weak influence and possible conflicts of interest

Results, poor trust and irrational expectations

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International Union for Conservation of Nature

Hydrological Problem

Safe abstraction – 20 MCM

But today …• 20 MCM go to cities

• 40 MCM go for agriculture

• 200% over-abstraction

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International Union for Conservation of Nature


Over-pumping from the shallow aquifer has resulted in:

a significant depression exceeding 20 meters on the groundwater table level;

water quality deterioration, related to the intrusion of brine groundwater from the middle aquifer into the shallow aquifer;

complete degradation of the organic soils surrounding the wetland.

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International Union for Conservation of Nature


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International Union for Conservation of Nature

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International Union for Conservation of Nature


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Project Stakeholders

1. Ministry of Agriculture.2. Ministry of Interior/ Azraq District.3. Azraq Municipality.4. Department of Land and Survey.5. End Users: Azraq CBOs and Farmers,

Local Community.

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International Union for Conservation of Nature

A substantial part of the Oasis/Ramsar site restored, while balancing water uses, maintaining ecosystem services and addressing long term access and rights to water by underprivileged

groups in the targeted communities.


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The Purpose is to build Capacities of Stakeholder in systemic and participatory approaches in planning, restoration, development and management of the restoration of Azraq Oasis

Empower and enable all relevant stakeholders in participatory water resource planning and management

Development of Systemic analysis tools

Designing a Master Plan For the rehabilitation of AO

Implementation of pilot projects

Share & communicate information & knowledge acquired at the national and regional level


Main Activities:• Documenting the

learning process• Cross learning visits• Regional workshops• Communication


Main Activities:• Capacity building at all

levels• Enhance participation

of all relevant SH• Exchange visit at

community, national and regional levels.

Main Activities:• Exploring the

potential use of system analysis tools

• developing a system analysis tools “DSS”

Main Activities:• Raising awareness • Developing the

water strategies at Oasis and community levels

• Raising Awareness • Building capacity

Main Activities:• Capacity

building on management cycle

• Implementing pilot projects depending on the master plan

International Union for Conservation of Nature

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International Union for Conservation of Nature

Strengthening Local Government:

- To reach the stage of full decentralization the capacity building

Empowerment local level:

- Empowering the local community to be able to participate in the decision making process concerning their water resources.


It will probably gives further insights in decision-making and concerted actions processes, while deepening understanding on attitudes and believes of

related Stakeholders

Through building their accountability

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International Union for Conservation of Nature

Arab Women Organization for Community Empowerment

And Badia Development and Research Center to develop a friendly DST for Azraq Oasis

To ensure the sustainability of the Project and enhance participatory interaction, a cooperation agreements were signed with


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International Union for Conservation of Nature


Establish local water resource management committee representing all Azraq community and local governments at district level.

Several meetings were conducted with the committee same as with steering committee in order to

1. Establish communication channels among all stakeholders

2. Reduce any obstacles and carry out advocacy actions.

3. Enhance vertical and horizontal information flow among them.

4. Acquire the sense of ownership of the project.

5. Identify their role, responsibilities and rights.

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International Union for Conservation of Nature


More consolidation for in depth data collection of social and water related information accountability analysis, to enhance the stakeholders involvement and updates data on Azraq field.

Agreed on local strategy for the local community based on Scenario Building Approach.

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International Union for Conservation of Nature


Formal training sessions and hands-on learning by doing.

Conduct awareness campaign for stakeholders at the local level.

Implement pilots to test technical interventions based on stakeholders' priorities.

Conceptual design for a DST model, based on the need of stakeholders for Oasis Restoration plan.

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Sustainability is a central premise if capacity building is understood as being more than simply training, but rather a process of allowing people to have influence over

decisions and resources that affect their livelihoods on the long term .

International Union for Conservation of Nature

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International Union for Conservation of Nature