international development project 2015 uganda information brochure

International Development Project ‘‘the best way to predict your future is to create it’’ - Abraham Lincoln - Uganda 2015

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International Development Project

‘‘the best way to predict your futureis to create it’’

-Abraham Lincoln-

Uganda 2015

-The Project--Why-

The main focus of our project will be on micro-finance and mobile banking. Both are extremely important necessities for the people at the bottom of the pyramid in order to get access to basic financial services. Furthermore, these two elements are currently regarded as one of the most promosing and innovation solutions in developing countries that can help the people at the bottom of the pyramid break the circle of poverty.


Our research will be in collaboration with BRAC, one of the world’s well renowned NGO’s with an astonishing track record in the field of development. Currently, BRAC is finalizing contracts with mobile operators regarding the features of mobile payments. A pilot is waiting to be tested starting the first of May 2015 in four of the in total nineteen branches in Kampala. We will prepare our research and a thorough literature review on mico-finance and mobile banking in the Netherlands and conduct a qualitative research together with BRAC in Uganda regarding the mobile banking pilot.


The objective of the International Development Project 2015 is to investigate the possibilities of mobile banking payment systems in Uganda in order to find the blueprint on how to best implement the system in a sustainable way. Furthermore, we will provide BRAC with recommendations on how to train and teach the users how they can best benefit the integrated mobile banking payment system into their lives.

-Project planning & cost framework-The study will consist of a preliminary literature study in the Netherlands, and a four week field study in Uganda. Transportation and materials for the field research in Uganda will be provided by BRAC. The trip of four weeks will take place in July and August. Afterwards, the research report is finalised in October 2015.

In order to make this project financially viable, Sefa is looking for organisations that are willing to make a financial contribution. Together with the 600,- commitment fee that the participating students contribute themselves, these funds will be used to cover the expenses of the project. The estimated total amount needed to fund the project is set at 11.000,- euro. These cost include the following expenses:.

Overhead costsThese costs are the fixed costs incurred during the preparation phase of the project which enable us to execute the project. This includes costs for seminars, conferences, acquisition, reporting and promotion.Flight expensesThese are the costs of the average return tickets by plane to Uganda. This amount will fluctuate if domestic flights are needed. These are the estimate costs of flight tickets and may be subjected to changes when the flights are booked.Costs of livingThe costs of living includes all the costs incurred for food and accommodation. These expenses mainly depend on the location and the exchange rate.MiscellaneousThis amount includes all other expenses such as costs for visa, telephone expenses, local travel expenses and so on.

Therefore, the IDP is looking for partners who are willing to support the project and provide 10-20% of this estimated budget.

-What can we offer your organisation-• Your organisation will be mentioned as an important stakeholder of this academic

research in the field of mobile banking in combination with micro-finance.

• This project will enhance the image of your organisation in both an ethical and a social way.

• Your organisation will be mentioned on the Sefa website.

• Your organisation will be appointed in the official academic report.

• The findings of the project and the personal experiences of the students will be presented to you at your organisations location.

• Your organisation will recieve exposure on Sefa’s Facebook page, which has over 3300+ likes from students interested in the field of Business and Economics. This message will be boosted to create a reach with a maximum of 8200 views.

• Your organisation will be mentioned during our crowdfunding campaign that will take place on

-General information-

-International Development Project-The mission of the International Development Project (IDP) is to broaden the horizon of students whilst aiding a developing country with specific social-economic issues. Combining desk research in the Netherlands with local fieldwork will provide the students with a holistic view of the problems experienced by the local community.The combination of our own research and the fact that we are working together with BRAC gives the students the perfect circumstances to conduct a research that will give BRAC and the local communtiy the tools to improve on an existing local problem.


Sefa is the largest study association of the faculty Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam and also one of the largest study associations of the Netherlands. At this point Sefa has 6500 members that consists of 300 active members. Sefa organises 100 activities on a yearly basis. This is done in our four key domains: academic, career, international and social. At Sefa we believe that every student should be provided with the tools to develop their full potential.

-Our international projects-

We live in a globalising world, which makes it very important to experience foreign cultures and business ethics. This is why Sefa organises several international activities and projects to provide students with the opportunity to gain these experiences. Sefa’s international portfolio consists of the Sefa Study Trip, International Week, the Sefa Research Project and the International Development Project. This document will focus on the latter; the International Development Project.


BRAC is a development success story, spreading solutions born in Bangladesh around the world, a global leader in creating opportunity for the world’s poor. What started out as a limited relief operation in 1972 in a remote village of Bangladesh has turned into the largest development organisation in the world. Organising the poor using communities’ own human and material resources, BRAC (formerly Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) catalyses lasting change, creating an ecosystem in which the poor have the chance to seize control of their own lives. They do this with a holistic development approach geared toward inclusion, using tools like micro-finance, edu-cation, healthcare, legal services, community empowerment, social enterprises and BRAC University. Their work now touches the lives of an estimated 135 million people, with staff and BRAC-trained entrepreneurs numbering in the hundreds of thousands, a global movement bringing change to 11 countries in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

-Research subject-

Since launching its micro-finance activities in 1974, BRAC has grown to become one of the world’s largest providers of financial services for the poor. Today’s new challenge is to integrate the new possibilities that technology offers. One of these is making mobile banking available to the poor. The current physical distribution of the loans has a negative effect on the micro-finance program. Money dissapears and people have to travel sizable distances to collect their money and make their payments. This results in a high percentage of clients dropping out of the program. Currently BRAC is piloting a mobile banking service in Uganda at 4 of the 19 micro-finance offices. The objective of IDP 2015 is to investigate the effectiveness and usability of this programme and advise BRAC on how to best implement the system, so that we can help BRAC’s 6500 micro-finance clients to successfully use their loans to achieve a higher quality of life.

-Partnership & previous projects-

IDP started its collaboration with BRAC in 2012. The partnership with BRAC made IDP a project team with a significant role in the field of development research for BRAC’s projects. The previous three projects had their focus on India and Bangladesh:

*The International Development Project 2012 focused on the waste management problem in India. Four ambitious students created a business model that motivates local businesses and people to improve their waste management on a small scale.

*International Development Project 2013 has focused on the food waste problem in Bangladesh: post-harvest food loss due to inefficiencies in harvest storage. The research showed that the lack of harvest storage possibilities was a massive contribution to the food waste problem.

*Taking into consideration the recommendations made by the 2013 project, the International Development Project 2014 focused on finding feasible cold storage solutions to prevent food loss in Bangladesh. We ended up with cold storage solutions that are powered by solar power combined with power induced by biomass.

-Board of recommendation & advice-Advice

Mr. Dr. N.P.C. Beerepoot Researcher and assistant professor in International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam.Mr. Prof. Dr. A.W.A. Boot Professor in Finance, University of Amsterdam.Mr. Drs. E. DirksenAssistant Professor in Strategic Management, University of Amsterdam.Mr. Prof. Dr. H. JagerProfessor in International Economics, University of Amsterdam.Mr. Dr. A. MullerAssociate Professor in Strategy, University of Amsterdam.Mr. Dr. D. VeestraetenAssistant Professor in Macroeconomics, University of Amsterdam. Mr. Prof. Dr. S.J.G. van WijnbergenProfessor in Macroeconomics, University of Amsterdam.


Mr. Prof. Dr. A.W.A. Boot Professor in Finance, University of AmsterdamMr. Prof. H.G. van DisselDean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of AmsterdamMr. Dr. A. KourolaAssistant Professor of Strategy, University of Amsterdam

-The IDP team-Renée Bijvoets (23) | Chairman

MSc student International Management University of Amsterdam.

I want to use my background in business studies to have a social and sustainable impact. The IDP 2015 is a great opportunity to do exactly that: using my expertise in economics and business to help improve the lives of people in Uganda. Furthermore, I am passionate about traveling and would love to see more of the world, starting with Uganda this summer!

Tjeerd van der Putten (25) | Secretary

MSc student Entrepreneurship & Innovation University of Amsterdam.

I am a 25-year-old energetic master student with a positive mind-set who is always looking for challenges that refine me personally and as a young professional. Furthermore, I am interested in different cultures, passionate about music and I like to make motorcycle trips. With the IDP 2015 I feel I chose the right challenge that puts development and collaboration at the center in combination with a marvelous foreign experience.

Rajiv Bavalia (21) | Treasurer

BSc student Business StudiesUniversity of Amsterdam

As a third year bachelor student I am exploring which specific areas I am most passionate about. I am enthusiastic about gaining international work experience, while learning more about businesses in practice. It excites me to conduct research in the field of micro-finance and try to have a positive impact on the local community. Finally, this experience allows me to see new places, meet different people and have an amazing international experience!

Willemijn Metselaar (23) | Fund Acquisition

BSc student Fiscal EconomicsUniversity of Amsterdam

At the moment I am in the last year of my bachelor. I am more than happy to get the possibility to participate in the IDP. Although a study in economics may not be the most social study, by doing this project we get the chance to help entrepreneurs through micro-finance. I expect this project to give us an amazing international experience; it is a perfect combination of putting our study in practice and improving the chances of starting entrepreneurs in Uganda.

Mark Verweij (23) | Supervisor

BSc Finance and OrganizationUniversity of AmsterdamMarketing Officer 2014-2015 Sefa board

While working on my own startup and during my year as a Marketing Officer I realized that I enjoy putting my knowledge and skills into practice. The IDP is a new challenge and a way to make a difference in a part of the world that needs it. By researching the impact of mobile banking on micro-finance in Uganda, we can stimulate the effectiveness of these programs. I am looking forward to my first African experience: the cultures, the people and, of course, the incredible richness in nature.

-Contact information-

Willemijn Metselaar

T | +31 (0) 6 23492676

E | [email protected]

W |