interior surfaces - resene · resene professional development programme painting over wallpaper (in...

Professional development programme Interior surfaces

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Page 1: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Professional development programme™

Interior surfaces

Page 2: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Resene Professional development programme

New paperfaced plasterboard walls

Resene Sureseal or Resene Waterborne Smooth Surface Sealer

Is it a wet area or kitchen?NoYes

Resene Broadwall Acrylic Wallboard Sealer

Sand using 220 grit sandpaper and remove dust

Lightly sand using 220 grit zinc stearate sandpaper

Refer to room flowcharts for best topcoats

Resene Broadwall 3 in 1

What is the final decoration?

Finish not important or undecorated

Wall Covering, Wallpaper or



Flat/Matt/Satin/ Low Sheen Paint

Semi Gloss/ Gloss Paint

Pastel/ Mid Tones

Dark Tones

Non critical Lighting1

Critical Lighting1

Critical and Non Critical Lighting1

Level 5 finishLevel 4 finishLevel 3 finish2

Critical and Non Critical



Page 3: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Call 0800 Resene, visit or email us at [email protected]

Resene Professional development programme

New paperfaced plasterboard walls

Paper-faced plasterboard is produced in a range of configurations to meet differing situations. For example;

• Fibreglassreinforcingtoprovideadditionalbracingstrength

• Addeddensitytoimprovenoisecontrol

• Waxadditivestoprovidemoistureresistance



• Level3isusedinareasthatdonotrequireanydecorationorinareaswherethequalityoffinishis not important.

• Level 4 is the default level of finish for plasterboard unless the selection flowchart dictatesotherwise.

• Level5 is forareaswherecritical lightinghas thepotential to impacton thefinishedsurface.Itrequiresaskimcoatovertheareatoprovideanevenlytexturedsurface.Thiscoatingcanbesprayedonandrequiresaskilledapplicatortoachievethedesiredresult.ReseneBroadwall3in1isanidealproducttoachievethisleveloffinish.




Page 4: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Resene Professional development programme

Painting over wallpaper (in good condition)

Carefully check and glue down any loose edges. Use Selleys Aquadhere PVA Glue

Fill all dents, defects and holes using Selleys Rapid Filla and lightly sand using 220 grit

zinc stearate sandpaper

Seal water stains, crayon and pen marks with Resene Sureseal

Apply Resene Vinyl Wallpaper Sealer

Refer to room flowcharts


Page 5: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Call 0800 Resene, visit or email us at [email protected]

Resene Professional development programme

Painting over wallpaper (in good condition)

• Wallpaperingoodconditioniseasytopaintbutoncepainted,thewallpaperwillbemoredifficulttoremove.

• Some vinyl wallpapers will allow migration of plasticisersintothepaintfilmandthiswillresultinthepaintremainingslightlystickyortacky. Typically ifatestpotisusedduringthecolourselectionprocessanditdoesn’tgettackythenourothercoatingswillalsobefine.Howeveritcantakeupwardsofthreeweeksforthistackinesstobecomeapparent.

• UseReseneVinylWallpaperSealeroversolidandpaperbackedvinylwallpapers.

• Veryoccasionallyyoumayhaveanotherwisesoundpaperwithametallicprintedpattern.ThiswillneedsealingwithResene Sureseal or Resene Enamel Undercoat prior topainting.

• SomeedgesmayneedstickingdownandthisisbestdonewithSelleysAquadherePVAglueappliedtobothfaces,leftforatleast20minutesandfirmlypressedorrolledflat.

• Smallbubbles,oftenonlyapparentafterthefirstcoatofpaint,maybecrosscutwithasharpbladeandtheedgesglueddown.

• Whenstoppingholesinwallpaperpressinthesurroundswiththehandleofaputtyknife prior to stopping the hole, otherwise youmay be leftwith a lump on thesurface.

• Youmayfindthejunctionoftheskirtingandwalldifficulttocutinbecausepapersusuallyslightlyoverlaythe junctionandarelativelyraggededgeresults. Often it isbesttopainttheskirtingboardandthewallthesamecolourforthemostevenfinish.

• Refer to the ReseneAverage rates for paintingTM for the costs persquaremetresneededforthematerialsandtime.

• Don’tforgettoaddonthecostsofdifficultaccessortravellingetcyoumayhavetoallowfor.

• FACTORSarethetimerequiredformostpaintersforeverysquaremetreofwork.FactorxAreagivesyouthehoursyouwilluse.

• Doagoodjobforafairprice-customersliketoskiteaboutit.


Page 6: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Resene Professional development programme

Stripping old wallpaper

Scour the wall using a Paper Tiger Wallpaper Stripper

Wet the area you are stripping thoroughly, about 5-6m² at a time using Metylan Wallpaper Remover. Work from the

bottom to the top

Using a flat bladed scraper, remove the damp paper

Apply Resene Moss & Mould Killer if the substrate has mould spores present

Fill any holes, dents and cracks using Selleys Rapid Filla and lightly sand with 220 grit zinc stearate sandpaper

Sand with 100 grit zinc stearate sandpaper

Apply Resene Broadwall Surface Prep & Seal – consider a second application if the wall is severely dented or damaged

Sand using 220 grit zinc stearate sandpaper

Apply Resene Sureseal

Refer to room flowcharts


Page 7: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Call 0800 Resene, visit or email us at [email protected]

Stripping old wallpaper

• WallpapermanufacturersrecommendthatpaperfacedplasterboardwallsaresealedwithReseneSuresealbeforethewallpaperishungtoenablewallstobestrippedmoreeasilyatalaterdatealthoughthisgoodadviceisnotalwaysfollowed.Wallpaperisoftenhungoverthetopofpreviouspapersmakingstrippingmoredifficultandtimeconsuming.

• MixtheMetalynandwarmwaterandapplyusingabrush(ahouseholdbrushwillbefine)and/oragardensprayer.

• Thekeyistoensurethewallpaperisthoroughlysoakedwiththestripper.CutsmadebythePaperTigerallowthemixturetopenetratethepaper(andlayersofpaper)moreeasily.

• Layoldtowelsagainsttheskirtingboardtopreventmoistureenteringthe carpet. You will need to be especially careful if using Resene Moss & Mould Killer as any spills, splashes or drips will bleach the towels and carpet.

• Useacombinationofa75mmbroadknifescraperanda25mmscraperforcornersanddifficulttoremoveareas.

• Areaswhereplasterhasbeenusedtofixholesetconoldwallpaperareverydifficulttoremove.

• Oncethepaperisremovedthesurfacewillbelessthanperfectandholesandgougescausedbythescraperswillneedtobefilled.

• AfterfillingResene recommendReseneBroadwallSurfacePrep&Seal to improve thesurfacebeforepainting.Thismayrequireasecondcoat.

• Thewallswillneedsealingandassomeglues,moistureandeventheagedpaperfacedplasterboardmaystainthroughawaterbornesystem,alwaysuseReseneSuresealafterapplyingtheReseneBroadwallSurfacePrep&Seal.

• Steamstrippersareavailable forhire. If youhave largeareastostripyoushouldconsiderthisoption.

• Negotiateanhourlyrate.Estimatesaremostlytoo optimistic when things are difficult andequallywhenthepaperalmostfallsoff–theactualtimeisfairtoeveryone.

• Refer to ReseneAverage rates for paintingTM for suggested rates.

Resene Professional development programme


Page 8: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Resene Professional development programme

Repainting kitchens and living rooms – including open plan

Fill all dents, defects and holes using Selleys Rapid Filla and lightly sand

Use Selleys No More Gaps on any cracks between the walls and skirtings and/or scotias

Sand old enamel paints with 220 grit sandpaper (often used in older kitchens)

Spot prime using Resene Quick Dry Acrylic Primer Undercoat

Apply Resene Sureseal to any water stains or ink marks

We recommend 2 coats of Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen

We recommend 2 coats of Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen

Using a soft cloth, wipe the walls down using Resene Interior

Paintwork Cleaner or mild detergent and warm water

Use Sugar soap to remove any grease and oils from around the cooking area


Page 9: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Call 0800 Resene, visit or email us at [email protected]

Resene Professional development programme

• Whatisonthewalls?• Whatconditionaretheyin?• Doyouhaveanycriticallightingissues?• Doyouhaveacolourschemeinmind?• Whatisthesizeoftheroom(s)?

Repainting kitchens and living rooms – including open plan

• ReseneSpaceCoteLowSheenKitchen&Bathroomisourbestsystemas it ismorehardwearingandeasier toapply thanReseneZyloneSheenorReseneLumbersiderandmuchmoresothanReseneZylone20.

• Asthereareinvariablysharedwallsitisimportanttouseapaintthatperformswellinallareas.ReseneSpaceCoteLowSheenisthebestinthissituation.

• Mostmodernkitchenshavegoodventilationandglass,tiledorstainlesssplashbacksincookingareas.Thismeansthatasolventbornesystemisnownotnormallyrequired.

• GreaseandoilmustberemovedpriortorepaintingusingSugarsoaporastrongkitchencleaner,suchas‘Jif’.

• Whendealingwithceilingsitisimportanttorememberthatsteamfromkettlesandcookingmaybecomeaproblemforflatceilingpaints.ReseneZylone20andReseneSpaceCoteFlataremuchtougherthanReseneCeilingPaintandshouldberecommendedparticularlyinthekitchenareabutshouldbeavoidedforwallsthatmayrequireregularcleaning.

• Refer to theReseneAverage rates forpaintingTM for the costspersquaremetresneededforthematerialsandtime.

• Don’tforgettoaddonthecostsofdifficultaccessortravellingetcyoumayhavetoallowfor.

• FACTORS are the time required for most painters for every squaremetreofwork.FactorxAreagivesyouthehoursyouwilluse.

• Doagoodjobforafairprice-customersliketoskiteaboutit.


Page 10: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Resene Professional development programme

Repainting hallways, stairways and living areas

Using a soft cloth, wipe the walls down using Resene Interior

Paintwork Cleaner or mild detergent and warm water

Apply 2 coats of Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen

Alternatively, apply 2 coats of Resene Zylone Sheen

Fill all dents, defects and holes using Selleys Rapid Filla and lightly sand

Use Selleys No More Gaps on any cracks between the walls and

skirtings and/or scotias

Large repairs may need sealing with Resene

Quick Dry Acrylic Primer Undercoat



Page 11: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Call 0800 Resene, visit or email us at [email protected]

Resene Professional development programme

• Whatroomorroomsarebeingpainted?• Whatisonthewalls?• Whatconditionaretheyin?• Arethereanycriticallightingissues?• Haveyoudecidedonacolourscheme?• Whatisthesizeoftheroom(s)?

Repainting hallways, stairways and living areas

• Hallwaysandstairwellsare typically theworst forproblemscausedbycritical light,especiallystairwellsastheyoftenhavehighwindowsandhorizontaljoinsinthewalllinings.

• Therewilloftenbedentsandknockscausedbyfrequentuseandtherelativelyconfinedspaces.

• Theactualsurfaceareatobepaintedisoftensmallerthanpeopleinitiallybelieveasthereareusuallyplentyofdoorsandinolderhouses,highskirtingboards.

• ReseneSpaceCoteLowSheenisthebestsystemasittakesknocksandscuffsbetterthanReseneZyloneSheenorReseneLumbersiderandisbetterthanbothifthereareanycriticallightissues.

• Refer to the ReseneAverage rates for paintingTM for the costs persquaremetresneededforthematerialsandtime.

• Don’tforgettoaddonthecostsofdifficultaccessortravellingetcyoumayhavetoallowfor.

• FACTORSarethetimerequiredformostpaintersforeverysquaremetreofwork.FactorxAreagivesyouthehoursyouwilluse.

• Doagoodjobforafairprice-customersliketoskiteaboutit.

Resene Professional development programme


Page 12: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Resene Professional development programmeResene Professional development programme

Fill all dents, defects and holes using Selleys Rapid Filla and

lightly sand

Flat, velvet finish Low sheen

What gloss level do you want?

Using a soft cloth, wipe the walls down using Resene Interior

Paintwork Cleaner or mild detergent and warm water

Use Selleys No More Gaps on any cracks between the walls and

skirtings and/or scotias

Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen

Resene Zylone Sheen

Repainting the master bedroom or dining room

Large repairs may need sealing

with Resene Quick Dry Acrylic Primer Undercoat

Resene Zylone 20



Page 13: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Call 0800 Resene, visit or email us at [email protected]

Resene Professional development programme

• Whatroomorroomsarebeingpainted?• Whatisonthewalls?• Whatconditionaretheyin?• Arethereanycriticallightingissues?• Haveyoudecidedonacolourscheme?• Whatisthesizeoftheroom(s)?• Wouldyoupreferadeadflatfinishoronewithaslightsheen?

Repainting the master bedroom or dining room

• TheluxuriousvelvetyfinishofReseneZylone20istheidealpaintfinishformostdiningroomsoruseReseneSpaceCoteFlat.

• BothReseneZylone20andReseneZyloneSheenarelowodourpaints.Thismakesthemsuitableforbedroomsthatwillbeoccupiedsoonafterpainting.

• ReseneZylone20hasanalmosttexturallookandfeeltoitandcouldeasilybemistakenforalimewashedpaintfinishordistemper.Itimpartsaparticularlysophisticatedandelegantlooktoaroomwhendarkcoloursarechosen.

• Refer to theReseneAverage rates for paintingTM for the costs persquaremetresneededforthematerialsandtime.

• Don’tforgettoaddonthecostsofdifficultaccessortravellingetcyoumayhavetoallowfor.

• FACTORS are the time required for most painters for every squaremetreofwork.FactorxAreagivesyouthehoursyouwilluse.

• Doagoodjobforafairprice-customersliketoskiteaboutit.


Page 14: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Resene Professional development programme

Repainting children’s rooms

Using a soft cloth, wipe the walls down using Resene

Interior Paintwork Cleaner or mild detergent and warm water

Apply 2 coats of Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen

Alternatively, apply 2 coats of Resene Zylone Sheen

Fill all dents, defects and holes using Selleys Rapid Filla and lightly sand

Use Selleys No More Gaps on any cracks between the walls and

skirtings and/or scotias

Large repairs may need sealing with Resene

Quick Dry Acrylic Primer Undercoat


Page 15: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

Call 0800 Resene, visit or email us at [email protected]

Resene Professional development programme

• Whatroomorroomsarebeingpainted?• Whatisonthewalls?• Whatconditionaretheyin?• Arethereanycriticallightingissues?• Haveyoudecidedonacolourscheme?• Whatisthesizeoftheroom(s)?• Doesthechildwanttomakeafeatureofaparticularwallorwalls?

Repainting children’s rooms

• Children’s rooms are not really different tomaster bedroomsexcepttheymaygetmoreweardependingontheageof thechildandhowmuchtheyareallowedtodointheirroom.

• Childrenareoftenmoreadventurouswithcolourandtechniquesandwith their parents’ permission they could use ametallicand/orResenePearlShimmerontheirwalls.

• AlsorecognisethatlikekitchenareasthereisagoodopportunityforReseneMagneticMagicasafirstcoatonakeywallbeforeapplyingthetopcoats.

• Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen is ideal or Resene EnamacrylMetallicifametallicfinishisdesired.IfpaintodourisanissueuseReseneZyloneSheen.

• For special effects you could try Resene Magnetic Magic, Resene Pearl Shimmer or ReseneBlackboardPaint.SeetheReseneKidzColourchartforcolourandfinishideas.

• TheReseneKidzColour chart allowsadults and children to explore colour anddesignoptionstailoredtochildrenofallages.

• Refer to theReseneAveragerates forpaintingTM for thecostspersquaremetresneededforthematerialsandtime.

• Don’tforgettoaddonthecostsofdifficultaccessortravellingetcyoumayhavetoallowfor.

• FACTORS are the time required formost painters for every squaremetreofwork.FactorxAreagivesyouthehoursyouwilluse.

• Doagoodjobforafairprice-customersliketoskiteaboutit.

Resene Professional development programme


Page 16: interior Surfaces - Resene · Resene Professional development programme Painting over wallpaper (in good condition) Carefully check and glue down any loose …

In Australia: POBox924,Beenleigh,Qld4207

Call1800738383, [email protected]

In New Zealand: POBox38242,WgtnMailCentre,LowerHutt5045Call0800RESENE(737363), [email protected]

