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Interesting upbeat spiritual teachings. Part 1

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  • Interesting upbeat spiritual teachings. Part 1

  • -- AH- Candace GLP #12-1 -- page. 1


    Nobody in Particular Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING

    User ID: 742928 United States

    11/20/2010 11:58 AM

    Hi all, I am starting this thread for mostly my use for special spiritual material I discover. This post below is something that was posted to my forum from a spiritual leader who passed this world in 1944, who knew what was soon to come, these times now. I will accept posts of a similar nature in this thread. I will remove any negative posts any any new age posts that are not of truth. There is a lot of "CIA" work going on in new age, under what the CIA calls their Council of Light program, which I label, the Council of the NOT SO Light. I will remove any channelings from those sites, even if some of the channeling be some truth. NOTHING from Mark Huber, Tara and Rama, or most of the Ashtar sites please. The purpose of thread is not for discussion, just for the posting of quality spiritual material that those attracted to the truth of the changes coming can enjoy. I have another thread going of a similar nature, Discovering the Urantia Book, for UB material only. [link to] This piece is a wonderful description of the process that was being started maybe the late 1800's and gaining in intensity NOW, as so many of you here on GLP are aware of. Some are against it, and some are supportive of it. This is the promised judgement and all planets go thru these at intervals. This IS the prison world of Lucifer and this supporters and a lot of the galactic thugs. It will be raised up, not only are we at the end of a cycle of time, the Mother is awake and fully self conscious, GAIA, and this planet can no longer be a prison world. It is also HER ascension, and not just that of man who choses to raise himself up. She has made the free will choice herself to move up. Now, a statement regards the problems GLP has experienced of a legal nature about posts from the internet. As to genuine spiritual material GOD does not limit what can be posted, God does not use copyrights, and some day on earth we will not either. Thus the piece is posted in it's entirety with link to source.

  • -- AH- Candace GLP #12-1 -- page. 2

    Peter Deunov 1944 Prophecy The Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) The prophecy of Peter Deunov regarding the end of our civilization and the beginning of the Golden Age on Earth. Also known under the spiritual name of Beinsa Douno, the Bulgarian Master Peter Deunov (1864-1944) was a being of a very high level of consciousness, at the same time an incomparable musician, that gave during his whole life an example of purity, wisdom, intelligence and creativity. For years he was established close to Sofia where he lived surrounded by numerous disciples, he, by his radiance awakened the spirituality of thousands of souls in Bulgaria as well as the rest of Europe. Some days before his departure to the other world, he was in a profound mediumistic trance, he made an extraordinary prophecy in regards to our troubled epoch that we are crossing today, a prophecy about the "end of time" and the coming of a new Golden Age of humanity. Here is this deeply moving testament. It is current and so vibrant that one doubts that these words were spoken almost 60 years ago. "During the passage of time, the consciousness of man traversed a very long period of obscurity. This phase which the Hindus call "Kali Yuga", is on the verge of ending. We find ourselves today at the frontier between two epochs: that of Kali Yuga and that of the New Era that we are entering. A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Thus man will raise himself to a superior degree of consciousness, indispensable to his entrance to the New Life. That is what one understands by "Ascension". Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world by bringing it a new moral. This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere. Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos. The best and only thing that man can do now is to turn towards God and improve himself consciously, to elevate his vibratory level, so as to find himself in harmony with the powerful wave that will soon submerge him. The Fire of which I speak, that accompanies the new conditions offered to our planet, will rejuvenate, purify, reconstruct everything: the matter will be refined, your hearts will be liberated from anguish, troubles, incertitude, and they will become luminous; everything will be improved, elevated; the thoughts, sentiments and negative acts will be consumed and destroyed. Your present life is a slavery, a heavy prison. Understand your situation and liberate yourself from it. I tell you this: exit from your prison! It is really sorry to see so much misleading, so much suffering, so much incapacity to understand where one's true happiness lies.

  • -- AH- Candace GLP #12-1 -- page. 3

    Everything that is around you will soon collapse and disappear. Nothing will be left of this civilization nor its perversity; the entire earth will be shaken and no trace will be left of this erroneous culture that maintains men under the yoke of ignorance. Earthquakes are not only mechanical phenomen, their goal is also to awaken the intellect and the heart of humans, so that they liberate themselves from their errors and their follies and that they understand that they are not the only ones in the universe. Our solar system is now traversing a region of the Cosmos where a constellation that was destroyed left its mark, its dust. This crossing of a contaminated space is a source of poisoning, not only for the inhabitants of the earth, but for all the inhabitants of the other planets of our galaxy. Only the suns are not affected by the influence of this hostile environment. This region is called "the thirteenth zone"; one also calls it "the zone of contradictions". Our planet was enclosed in this region for thousands of years, but finally we are approaching the exit of this space of darkness and we are on the point of attaining a more spiritual region, where more evolved beings live. The earth is now following an ascending movement and everyone should force themselves to harmonize with the currents of the ascension. Those who refuse to subjugate themselves to this orientation will lose the advantage of good conditions that are offered in the future to elevate themselves. They will remain behind in evolution and must wait tens of millions of years for the coming of a new ascending wave. The earth, the solar system, the universe, all are being put in a new direction under the impulsion of Love. Most of you still consider Love as a derisory force, but in reality, it is the greatest of all forces! Money and power continue to be venerated as if the course of your life depended upon it. In the future, all will be subjugated to Love and all will serve it. But it is through suffering and difficulties that the consciousness of man will be awakened. The terrible predictions of the prophet Daniel written in the bible relate to the epoch that is opening. There will be floods, hurricanes, gigantic fires and earthquakes that will sweep away everything. Blood will flow in abundance. There will be revolutions; terrible explosions will resound in numerous regions of the earth. There where there is earth, water will come, and there where there is water, earth will come. God is Love; yet we are dealing here with a chastisement, a reply by Nature against the crimes perpetrated by man since the night of time against his Mother; the Earth. After these sufferings, those that will be saved, the elite, will know the Golden Age, harmony and unlimited beauty. Thus keep your peace and your faith when the time comes for suffering and terror, because it is written that not a hair will fall from the head of the just. Don't be discouraged, simply follow your work of personal perfection. You have no idea of the grandiose future that awaits you. A New Earth will soon see day. In a few decades the work will be less exacting, and each one will have the time to consecrate spiritual, intellectual and artistic activities. The question of rapport between man and woman will be finally resolved in harmony; each one having the possibility of following their aspirations. The relations of couples will be founded on reciprocal respect and esteem. Humans will voyage through the different planes of space and breakthrough intergalactic space. They will study their functioning and will rapidly be able to know the Divine World, to fusion with the Head of the Universe. The New Era is that of the sixth race. Your predestination is to prepare yourself for it, to welcome it and to live it. The sixth race will build itself around the idea of Fraternity. There will be no more conflicts of personal interests; the single aspiration of each one will be to conform himself to the

  • -- AH- Candace GLP #12-1 -- page. 4

    Law of Love. The sixth race will be that of Love. A new continent will be formed for it. It will emerge from the Pacific, so that the Most High can finally establish His place on this planet. The founders of this new civilization, I call them "Brothers of Humanity" or also "Children of Love" They will be unshakeable for the good and they will represent a new type of men. Men will form a family, as a large body, and each people will represent an organ in this body. In the new race, Love will manifest in such a perfect manner, that today's man can only have a very vague idea. The earth will remain a terrain favourable to struggle, but the forces of darkness will retreat and the earth will be liberated from them. Humans seeing that there is no other path will engage themselves to the path of the New Life, that of salvation. In their senseless pride, some will, to the end hope to continue on earth a life that the Divine Order condemns, but each one will finish by understanding that the direction of the world doesn't belong to them. A new culture will see the light of day, it will rest on three principal foundations: the elevation of woman, the elevation of the meek and humble, and the protection of the rights of man. The light, the good, and justice will triumph; it is just a question of time. The religions should be purified. Each contains a particle of the Teaching of the Masters of Light, but obscured by the incessant supply of human deviation. All the believers will have to unite and to put themselves in agreement with one principal, that of placing Love as the base of all belief, whatever it may be. Love and Fraternity that is the common base! The earth will soon be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity. A few decades from now beings who are bad and lead others astray will not be able to support their intensity. They will thus be absorbed by Cosmic Fire that will consume the bad that they possess. Then they will repent because it is written that "each flesh shall glorify God". Our mother, the earth, will get rid of men that don't accept the New Life. She will reject them like damaged fruit. They will soon not be able to reincarnate on this planet; criminals included. Only those that possess Love in them will remain. There is not any place on earth that is not dirtied with human or animal blood; she must therefore submit to a purification. And it is for this that certain continents will be immersed while others will surface.Men do not suspect to what dangers they are menaced by. They continue to pursue futile objectives and to seek pleasure. On the contrary those of the sixth race will be conscious of the dignity of their role and respectful of each one's liberty. They will nourish themselves exclusively from products of the vegetal realm. Their ideas will have the power to circulate freely as the air and light of our days. The words "If you are not born again." apply to the sixth race. Read Chapter 60 of Isaiah it relates to the coming of the sixth race the Race of Love. After the Tribulations, men will cease to sin and will find again the path of virtue. The climate of our planet will be moderated everywhere and brutal variations will no longer exist. The air will once again become pure, the same for water. The parasites will disappear. Men will remember their previous incarnations and they will feel the pleasure of noticing that they are finally liberated from their previous condition. In the same manner that one gets rid of the parasites and dead leaves on the vine, so act the evolved Beings to prepare men to serve the God of Love. They give to them good conditions to grow and to develop themselves, and to those that want to listen to them, they say: "Do not be afraid! Still a little more time and everything will be all right; you are on the good path. May he that wants to enter in the New Culture study, consciously work and prepare."

  • -- AH- Candace GLP #12-1 -- page. 5

    Thanks to the idea of Fraternity, the earth will become a blessed place, and that will not wait. But before, great sufferings will be sent to awaken the consciousness. Sins accumulated for thousands of years must be redeemed. The ardent wave emanating from On High will contribute in liquidating the karma of peoples. The liberation can no longer be postponed. Humanity must prepare itself for great trials that are inescapable and are coming to bring an end to egoism. Under the earth, something extraordinary is preparing itself. A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable will manifest itself soon in nature. God has decided to redress the earth, and He will do it! It is the end of an epoch; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which Love will reign on earth." Peter Deunov- Propos on the Future – 1944 [link to] [link to] is a website featuring Peter. Well, google the author, since the link got "modified" Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 11/21/2010 7:28 PM ------------------------------------------------------- Love is the highest motivation which man may utilize in his universe ascent. Love is the desire to do good to others-Urantia Book Moral acts are those human performances which are characterized by the highest intelligence, directed by selective discrimination in the choice of superior ends as well as in the selection of moral means to attain these ends. Such conduct is virtuous. Supreme virtue, then, is wholeheartedly to choose to do the will of the Father in heaven. UB Fresh Revelation for this age found in The Urantia Book, The Phoenix Journals, The Course in Miracles (the 365 lessons, NOT the URTEXT which is FULL of BLING and otherwise google Candace Frieze. Also visit [link to] , Dolores Cannon, and Conversations with God, in which the main God giving the material is Buddha. We must build a new SANE world, ONE THAT DOES NOT USE MONEY, for the reason money is the root of all evil, is that it Enslaves the SOUL. Be about watching Aaron Russo's From Freedom to Fascism. Seeking Visionaries,who can and will create the many messianic missions needed to heal Earth and her peoples, and bring balance. Seeking those who Know their truth, ( as they listen to Their Father Fragment) and will strive earnestly to stand in that truth 100% of the time, making every moment of everyday, a Holy Event. TWO OR MORE IN MY NAME. There is no special Day for God. Forget your Sabbath Days. Every Day is the Lord's Day. --------------------------------------------------------------

  • -- AH- Candace GLP #12-1 -- page. 6

    Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 778846

    United States 11/21/2010 7:24 PM

    The Pupil By Peter Konstantinov Dеunov I divide people into four categories: Old Testament people, New Testament people, the righteous, and pupils. I use these terms for lack of other more fitting words and because they arouse in men familiar images and ideas. These words express four great epochs in the development of man, four kinds of culture, four general group trends in human consciousness. You will find in the Old Testament the kind of views held by the Old Testament people. You will find in the New Testament the views of the New Testament people. You may learn the conceptions of the righteous if you study our contemporary culture. The righteous are men of an established order of rights. But if you look for the path of the pupil, you will find it neither in the Old Testament nor in the New Testament, neither in the scientific nor the ethical systems of the present world. The path of the pupil - this is the new concept that is being introduced today into the life of humanity. In order to give a conception of the attitudes of these four categories in the world, I will give you the following explanation. First, you are an intelligent being whom the supersensible world sends to earth, giving you a body without asking you whether you want it or not. That is the attitude of the Old Testament man. Second, you are sent to earth, you are given a body, and you have the small amount of freedom to say where you want to go. This is the attitude of the New Testament man. Third, you are sent by the supersensible world to earth to study under the most favorable conditions, and you have, comparatively, greater freedom. This is the attitude of the righteous man. In the Old Testament life, you atone for your sins and suffer. In the New Testament life, you try to perfect yourself. In the life of the righteous, you help others, but when you come to the earth as a pupil, you begin to study the great science of Love. In the life of Love, a man is truly self-determining, and at the same time he determines his relations to other men, and to the perfected beings. All contradictions existing in the world derive from these four types of life, these four general streams that operate in the world. Applied to the human organism, they have the following correspondences: Old Testament life flows in the stomach and the intestines; New Testament life flows in the lungs and the sympathetic nervous system; the life of the righteous flows in the lower

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    layers of the brain; and the life of the pupil flows in the upper layers of the brain. This last occupies the best place. Therefore, the life of the pupil represents the highest ideal in man. Many have tried to reconcile these streams of life, to eliminate the contradictions which arise as a natural consequence of them. But the results of these four types of life are in themselves not reconcilable. These streams cannot be isolated immediately. Their isolation or better, their full control, takes place gradually. It is attained only when the life of the pupil comes to its completion and attains its high goals. The life of the pupil includes the values of all the four types of life, because these types of life in themselves are phases through which man must necessarily pass. The Old Testament people prepare the way for the New Testament people, and these prepare the way for the righteous, and the righteous prepare the path of the pupil, and the pupils prepare for the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth - to them belongs that difficult task. And when a man passes from the Old Testament life into the life of the New Testament, he takes with him everything of value from the former into the latter. Later, when he passes from the New Testament life into the life of the righteous, he takes into this third life everything of value from the second. Finally, everything of value from the life of the righteous is taken to the life of the pupil. In this way an inner connection is established among all people, an inner unity above and beyond the contradictions which are inherent in these four types of life. The sources of these four types of life are various, and the conditions under which they develop differ. The pupil, after passing through all these four types of life as through a preparatory school, enters into entirely new conditions and draws life and strength from a new source. Christ spoke of this source when he said, "When the Spirit of Truth is come, he will teach you all things." Once man enters on the path of the pupil, he assumes a new outlook on life entirely different from the conceptions of the Old Testament and New Testament people, and from those of the righteous as well. All men from these three categories still live only in the sphere of personal life - they do not yet live for the Whole. Old Testament men seek wealth and property. They become embittered by the difficulties of life. New Testament men seek sympathy and tenderness. The difficulties and sufferings of life make them hesitant and discouraged, and lead them into temptations. The righteous seek honor and esteem. Contradictions hurt them and offend them. They have climbed to the highest peaks of personal life, and that is why they are so sensitive concerning their personal dignity. In everything they do, they seek acknowledgment, esteem, and honor. Only the pupil seeks neither external wealth, nor sympathy and support, nor honor and esteem. Only the pupil does not become embittered, offended, or tempted. He gladly accepts the contradictions he meets in life, because he knows that they are the inevitable results of the four group streams of life. He accepts every contradiction as a problem of importance which he must solve. He thinks and acts in this way, because he has passed through self-renunciations. He has set foot on the path of the pupil after he has rejected the life of the Old Testament man, the life of the New Testament man, and the life of the righteous. Therefore, I say to you: Only the pupil learns; others simply occupy themselves. Ordinary people fight one another, criticize one another, and moralize with one another. The pupil

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    never criticizes anyone, nor does he moralize with anyone. He does not occupy himself with the mistakes of others. They do not exist for him. For him exists only the right way to live - the life of Love. For the pupil, God is not the Jehovah of the Old Testament who judges and punishes people. For him, God is the God of Love, of Light, of Peace, and of Joy. These are also the qualities of a pupil. And if you ask me what the ideal of a pupil is, I shall reply: Love, Light, Peace, and Joy for all souls! This is not an ideal to be attained in eternity. It can be attained even now. I speak not of Wisdom and Truth - another epoch will come for them. They are not for the present age. At this time, pupils need Love, but not without light; they need light, but not without peace; they need peace, but not without joy. They need Love with light, light with peace, and peace with joy. All these are connected with one another. Present-day people have within themselves neither peace nor joy For that reason, when men of religion or of science speak of their experiences, their deductions and conclusions are ordinary and temporary. When a pupil tells of a personal experience, it must be an experience of Love in which there is light; it must be an experience of light in which there is peace; it must be an experience of peace which brings joy to the soul. The Love, the Light, the Peace, and the Joy of which I speak are not manifested in modern life in the lives of ordinary people. They are attributes of the pupil. Pupils are the only channels of these powers, they are their only interpreters in life. Of course, I only touch upon those great realms into which the pupil enters. In truth, they constitute a great and vast science for the study of which ages of time are necessary. Love is a beautiful, boundless world. It is a great thing for man to experience love in its developing and unceasing manifestations, beginning with the physical world, passing on to the spiritual and reaching to the Divine world. A great thing it is for man to experience Light in all the forms which it creates. A great thing it is to experience Peace, to experience Joy. These are realms through which the pupil must pass, which he must experience and investigate on his path, until he reaches the completion of his life as a pupil and begins to study thoroughly the great path of a Master. Then at last he will attain that deep understanding of life, that deep understanding of the Love that operates in the world, the understanding of the reasons which cause the Great Masters to come down and work among men. Love, Light, Peace, and Joy are fruits of the Divine Spirit. The pupil must be nourished by those fruits. The first fruit which he tastes is Love. The pupil must, without fail, taste of this fruit, because it contains eternal life. And he who wishes to find eternal life - the life that flows from Love - must return to the tree of life. He must forsake the ways of the Old Testament man, of the New Testament man, and of the righteous, and follow the path of the pupil. You know the words of Christ: "Go, sell all you have, and give it to the poor, and come, follow me."

  • -- AH- Candace GLP #12-1 -- page. 9

    And I say to you: "Go and give away the life of the Old Testament man, give away the life of the New Testament man, give away the life of the righteous, and then go to your Master! He will welcome you." A Master has four great pupils in the world whom he loves best. And if these four pupils recommend you to him, he will accept you in his school. If Love recommends you to your Master, if Light recommends you, if Peace and Joy recommend you, he will accept you. He will open wide for you the doors of the school, he will bless you and acquaint you with the other pupils, and thereafter you will be a pupil of your Master. But beware of going to your Master before you have given away your Old Testament and New Testament treasures, and your wealth of the righteous. If you go to him with all of the trifles and adornments belonging to those three types of life, if you go with all of your righteous dignity, the Great Master will only smile and close the door of the school to you. A pupil must have only one comprehension of life. He who wishes to be a pupil must have only one conception about things. A pupil may have only one Master in life. Remember this great truth: There is only one Master in the world and all masters have come from him. There is only one Pupil in the world, and all pupils come from him. The pupil must know that he can be loved only by him who teaches him - his Master. And the pupil can love only him who teaches him. Only the immortal is to be loved - only that which never loses its beauty, its intelligence, its kindness and goodness. You may ask what are the first steps on the path of the pupil? The rule is - the pupil must begin with love. Then he will proceed to light, and after that to peace and at last to joy. The pupil will bring joy to his life as a solution to his problems. I speak not of the joy that is changeable, but of the joy of the pupil upon which nothing can cast a shadow, and which is never exhausted. That joy is the highest peak in the material world. No cloud can cover that peak, and the divine sun always shines on it. Never are there any storms on this peak - there reigns love, there reigns light, there reigns peace. This is the natural path of a pupil: love, light, peace, and joy. A man might travel over all the world, he might knock on the doors of all schools, he might look for all the great Masters who bring the Divine Word, and they will all indicate to him this path. They all have the same divine idea about the path of the pupil which cannot be changed. Everywhere he will be told that the first step in the life of the pupil is Love. When he begins to apply Love, the gates of his mind will be opened and the knowledge of past ages, as well as the knowledge of the present and the future, will begin to stream into him naturally. Indeed, there is a greater path than that of the pupil, but only after a man reaches the end of the path of the pupil, will the great path of the Masters be opened before him. It is the path of Wisdom, which is the most difficult of all.

  • -- AH- Candace GLP #12-1 -- page. 10

    Love, light, peace, and joy - these are the stages on the path of the pupil. When I speak of the pupil, I have in mind the ideal pupil. This pupil studies in this world and in the world of the unseen as well. He never leaves school - during the day he studies in the laboratory of the earth, and during the night he goes to his Master who teaches him theories. The next morning he returns to the earth in order to continue his practical work in the laboratory. The ideal pupil knows that he is always a pupil - that he has been, is, and always will be one. And in the future, when the earth and the whole solar system finish their evolution, he will become a pupil in another, a greater school. Then he will have another name. The word "pupil" is too weak to express the profound idea hidden in this conception. In a more narrow sense, the word "pupil" implies one who studies here on the earth, in this restricted circle of life. He studies here, and will learn as much as the conditions of earthly life permit. He does not yet have a conscious connection with the supersensible world - when he goes to sleep in the evening, his conscious pupilage stops. Therefore, the "pupil", in the true sense of the word, is one who has already had real experience in the spiritual world, who has conscious connection with it. The life of the pupil, after his consciousness is awakened, becomes a life of creation and of work - not a life of grace. Through grace he became a pupil, but now labor, effort, and work are required from him. A pupil will be tested and weighed for a long time before he is accepted into the kingdom of God. If he is found the least bit wanting, he will immediately be sent back. Entrance into the kingdom of God depends on the knowledge and the wisdom of the pupil, and not on his love. One cannot enter the kingdom of God through grace. Christ tells us what is required of the pupil in order to enter the kingdom of God and to obtain eternal life: "And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent." The knowledge of God and of Christ is the condition for attaining eternal life. Only through this knowledge is eternal life attained. If knowledge does not bring eternal life, then it is of no use. But in order to attain this, the pupil must learn to create as God creates. How? In the first chapter of Genesis a symbolic picture is given of that process of creation which begins within the pupil after his consciousness is awakened. Before that, however, the pupil will enter into the great silence, in which there is neither sound nor light. Then, from the depths of his soul he will call to the Unseen, Unknown God of Eternity, the Creator of all. He will call to Him with all his soul, with all his spirit, with all his mind and with all his heart, and he will say, "Lord, I wish to know You. You are the one Creator of all, and beside You there is no other God!" And if the pupil calls on God with that fullness, from somewhere in space, a small, microscopic light will shine forth and give him such joy that at once he will forget all of his suffering and sorrow. And from afar he will hear the voice of God, his Master, saying to him, "You wish to know me and to test me - be prepared, then, for work. This is the first day of your life. Your earth is unorganized and barren; darkness is over the deep. Separate the light from the darkness and begin to organize your earth. Say, 'let there be light!'" And if the pupil is one of the chosen, he will say, "Let there be light !" and within him there will be light. "Let there be light!" - this is the great aspiration to learn which is in the soul of the pupil. Then the great days of creation will succeed one another in the life of the pupil, and he will begin

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    to construct his universe under the skillful guidance of his Master. "Let there be light!" [link to] Well, I can do nothing about ones who change LINKS here. Google the man. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 11/21/2010 7:26 PM

    Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 778846

    United States 11/21/2010 7:30 PM

    Nice new version of the Lord's prayer near the end. THE END- Arch Angel Uriel thru Hazel That which has been promised is fulfilled. Fulfilment originates in the spirit and that has been accomplished. The moments shall now begin to turn into reality as events brandish your world that will leave indelible prints in its long and colorful history. The thermometer is now set at its highest and the heat will be experienced by many on your earth plane. For it is through this heat that the well needed cleansing shall in earnest begin. The cycle peaks now and the pinnacle is conspicuous. As you take these last few steps on what has been an uphill climb with the end in sight, you will know that with every end, new beginning dawns. Let your end signal the rewards of a new tomorrow. We near the pinnacle of completion and at the peak of the mountain of this life rests a new ambience, a crater of goodness already present and waiting to be released in a fresh flow of energy that will cradle your new world. Count the joys of today for those of tomorrow will be greater. Know thyselves today for the uncovering of tomorrow shall bring wealth of certainty and you shall be reminded of aspects of thee that you long thought forgotten. For it is in the reminding that you shall reflect with deeper vision and begin to envisage the reality of your new day after the end of the old. If you can listen with intent on that day you shall hear the applause from above as we welcome you to new abode and new vibration. I have before this time requested that you say your good byes. Do not leave for tomorrow what you must do today for time shall creep upon you as a lion to its prey. Before you are aware, you

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    shall be in new pastures. Shed unwanted aspects of thee in readiness now. We are most present with thee at this time of great awakening. Close the doors beloveds, ensure that not even a peephole remains for now there must be no looking back. Regrets are yesteryear, hope bides its time to manifest within the glorious vision of tomorrow. Let your space rejoice in that joy. Know that for all, wherever some may go, new beginnings will be had, new opportunities present and a journey to continue in different energies. None shall die; there will only be a re establishment that all may be given fair chance to ascend. Be glad that the Mother shall return to the spice of her origin. The end bespeaks a time of great rejoicing. The promise of the resurrection is being fulfilled before you now. Be vigilant. Join your hearts together to welcome the bright new tomorrow and give thanks to all that has passed for it has brought you to this point in your incarnation. Thank all who and which have contributed to your growth to date; for a new sequence is to begin wherein you shall utilize all you have learnt to take you forward in tune with higher resolve. This is the END beloveds. The clock is short a few seconds of stopping. Prepare yourselves now. Go within and ensure that YOU are attired in your best wear, so that you glow with divine radiance. Prepare to give your best to others and let your mood delight in all that is spiritual. For this is your homecoming. Listen out as the celestial music begins that you may be ready to participate in the first dance of this your ascension parade. Our Father, You who have dwelt within us in this incarnation, we give Thee thanks for Your perpetual presence and the continuous guidance of Your Light within, even in those times when we could not see or know. How we bless this our experience acknowledging that where we are now is a credit to the extent that we allowed you to manifest within and through our lives. We glorify in the sanctuary of our inner light as we take these last steps that will gain us entry into our new world. Be with us even and ever more that our inner awareness may assume a greater dimension of knowing and purpose as we transcend and transition into new grounds that will earn us and offer us opportunities to further bridge the divide between physical and spiritual. As we bid goodbye, we do so in love and gratitude and we look forward to creating spiritual sentiments going forward, that which last eternally. I am Uriel come to redefine what the end means and to remind you that this promise is upon you now. Rejoice. Uriel come in the light of Aton. BreauxSheaux User ID: 1180177

    United States 12/1/2010 3:29 PM Thank you for this post! It warms my heart to hear only optimistic and only peaceful words on this site. You have completely restored my faith in this forum. You are truly appreciated. God Bless. I find it interesting that the path of the pupil is so obvious and so clear in it's approach to life, where-as 'the others' just scream warning signs and red flashing lights. I, like you, was not raised in a religious, or even spiritual, setting and have thus had to find my own way in that regard. I wouldn't trade my upbringing for anything because it has left me an open template, which makes it nigh impossible to converse or even convince many of the folks i interact with that Jesus' teachings are 'relevant' (I have to dumb it down sometimes because NECESSARY really brings the fire out of people, which can be good for them or get me punched, and has). The difficulty comes when people simply assume that because it was written in the bible, it is corrupt, out-dated, and irrelevant. The truth of the matter is, I have read many other spiritual books (on-and-off

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    Urantia reading for sure, I can't bring myself to one-shot that book, very intense stuff and sometimes hard to digest, but I cherish the experience) including native American Teachings, Taoist, Bhuddist, and snippets of the I-Ching. This may appear to be a self-centered post, but in a way I am looking for some recognition, and seeking some kind of human-to-guman gratification because, heck, I am human. I do believe that I am not alone in the venture of 'the pupil' and encourage all others on the path to continue and allow yourself to learn from the experience and know that there is no failure in this round. Failure only comes from accepting failure as just that and having it stain your soul, which is perfect and full of light at all times. Only your human side (pride, culture and ego) will accept failure and accept that you are not perfect in every way and that you are not doing as you are meant to be doing here on this planet, having this human-experience. You said it best, brother, Love is the answer, Love is the secret (not that it should be a secret), and Love is the next step, in every scenario. Thanks again for the post. -B Forever the Student User ID: 1013311

    United States 12/4/2010 1:09 PM Therefore, the life of the pupil represents the highest ideal in man. Quoting: Nobody in Particular Oh yeah.... that's me !

    Canadian Cold Front User ID: 348319

    Canada 12/4/2010 1:36 PM Very refreshing OP. Thanks. Anonymous Coward User ID: 875582

    United States 12/4/2010 9:09 PM Enjoyed this immensely. Thanks OP

    Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 758322

    United States 12/18/2010 10:37 AM

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    Ok, after a computer death, I am back up and collected the links to my threads here. So here's another lovely post and thanks to some of you here who posted your appreciation. Here's a piece on the Resurrection (called ascension by some) of Mother Gaia and her body. This ascension topic is about HER ascenson into the light, and those that are ready for such personally may join her. GAIA is a living being, by that I mean her MIND, but of course the planet IS her body. GAIA has become self conscious and thus self determining in her own right and she is ready for her personal ascension. She is a lovely soul and man must start understanding that she is as real as he is. This piece is from Father Melchizedek. Now many of you have heard that term Melchizedek. There is a huge group of created beings (angels as a general term for created beings), call the Melchizedeks of our university. The first Melchizedek created by Father and Mother God (Christ Michael and Nebadonia of our universe called Nebadon), is called the Father Melchizedek. He is a Father, as he then participates in the creation of the rest of the class of Melchizedeks with Michael and Nebadonia. The channel of this piece is Hazel, who is herself an incarnate Melchizedek, and thus Father Melchizedek is one of her 3 "parents" from "heaven." TELEPATHIC MESSAGES : HAZEL : Nov 19, 2010 This is the Time of the Resurrection By Father Melchizedek thru Hazel Sep 19, 2010 - 11:25:15 AM Email this article Printer friendly page This is the Time of the Resurrection - Father Melchizedek The eyes of the Universe are on planet Shan as she begins this her ascent into life and light. Her resurrection has begun in the wake of momentous changes affecting the planet and all life. It is indeed a sight to behold from the celestial realms for she is rising. Her spiritual antenna is now extending beyond the surface of current dimension and she is picking up waves of cosmic energy which concurrently aids her resurrection. She is now being guided back to her light, a light that has been subdued by the tempers of darkness for too long. The dark has efforted to snuff out her light whilst keeping her in a state of comatose to use for their base purposes. She is no longer beholden to serve as a prison planet to aid in the relighting of the dark ones. She has been liberated and through her liberation she will find her resurrection and eventual ascension.

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    The resurrection of the planet signifies the renewal of her light through the reclamation of her divinity as she reaches beyond her current state to merge in Oneness with her Creator. Her light is being allowed to shine again gloriously and this in itself is a celebration of resurrection. More cogently though is the ordination that she purposefully return to the Light which birthed her and thus in her resurrection she is granted a clean state in which to evolve as every life force in creation is expected to. She is being plucked from the doldrums of darkness and shown the way to Light and Life. The planet has been existing in a culture of slavery as a servant who has been whipped, lashed assaulted, battered and bled under oppressive practices of those fallen. Well the Father has declared that she is free of servility and will be resurrected as a land of the living. The pall of death which hangs like a noose around the planet and her inhabitants has been removed and for the first time in ages she and those who resurrect with her will know what Life is. The resurrection holds the promise that the spirit of man will take precedence over the flesh and man will see that life exist only in spirit and that all life has a spirit and all are linked by spirit back to the Source of All. Through the resurrection will come a new paradigm that transcends the comfort zone of man's senses that man may begin to understand that, that which is resurrected is not the flesh but the spirit which holds the light and that light must valiantly aspire to greater light until man no longer needs the experience of the flesh to facilitate him growing into his spirit. As the light within man, being his spirit, is renewed and reborn through the resurrection, so too shall the Truth. As the light of man resurrects he shall come into greater understanding of the Love principle and so too shall divine love within man be resurrected. As the light, love and truth within man is reborn so too shall the God within be resurrected. Yes dear ones this is the time of the resurrection of the planet and those who choose to ascend into light and life. The resurrection will be a victory and reward of the light within all those who have laboured to maintain their frequency in support of the God incarnate. Their light will be resurrected, meaning brought into the full power of its life that the journey can be continued with alacrity and without further imposed impediment. The planet's resurrection also involves her rising to her true identity, to be that which she was created to be, a jewel in the Fathers Kingdom. She will assume once again the title and reflection of the Emerald planet. No more will she or those who have chosen the light be lost in the swamp of purgatory created by the dark of your world. You will each resurrect to be who you are. Make no mistake though children, resurrection is a choice. If only ones could appreciate the momentousness of these times and the great significance it has in the planetary cycle, ones will wish to partake in this rare occurrence. The resurrection is a life line you can choose if you are ready to embrace change, if you are ready to assume the mantle of your true being and if you are ready to take on your true role as co-creator. Your resurrection signals a brand new beginning for you as individuals and for all on the planet who remain and those yet to come. This resurrection will enable ones who come, to continue their journey in an environment conducive to evolving further into light and acquiring, unhindered, greater cosmic awareness. This resurrection goes beyond freedom and renewal. It will set the stage for posterity and ensure that the will of the Father be done. I wish you ones to understand that the resurrection is a gift as much as it is a choice and the Father's decision to extend the time as you know it to accommodate a fertile harvest was premised on him desiring that more of His children would have accepted the gift of the Resurrection and in so doing choose Light, Life and Love through a cosmic understanding.

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    Sadly it seems for many that their resurrection must be postponed to a time when they are more ready. It is with great compassion and love that I say this for we do not judge. Many of these ones have been caught in the mire imposed by the dark and have not been able to find their way out. They have become so programmed that they cannot differentiate true light from affected light. They too are sincerely loved and will find their way back with our help I ask you ones to rejoice for this resurrection under way is a culmination of thousands of years in your understanding of God seeking to bring truth and enlightenment to man. Man has always been told of the cyclical changes to expect yet most ignore in disbelief. Well the resurrection is taking place before your very eyes and still many cannot see. But see they shall for matters are coming to a head now and the clock is soon to stop as the new one is rewound to kick start an era of new life. The resurrection of the planet will see her assume mighty proportions and enhanced aesthetic qualities as creation takes on a new meaning. Her vibrancy will return as she sheds the pallor of pain and as you ones say she will be alive and kicking again. You children of the Light who have purposely chosen and been dedicated to your planet's resurrection and ascension and that of humanity, you shall receive your rewards. For eyes have not seen nor ears have heard that which the Father has in store for those who have been faithful to Him. The resurrection is your reward and holds rewards beyond your understanding for it shall present to you the gift of new resolve, enhanced abilities, restored memories, deeper connections with spirit and a pronounced feeling of Oneness with the Source. Your lives will be certainly enriched and man will live to grow and not to die. Dear ones the resurrection that is now underway bears much significance and I ask that you see through your inner vision which will confer a long term perspective. This is the beginning of Life. I am Father Melchizedek and I come to enlighten you on the different faces of the Resurrection whose clutches you are firmly within now. Be prepared to understand the depth of its meaning that when it has delivered you to a new state of being you are prepared to honour its bestowal. This is the Father's gift; congratulations to all who have had the foresight and courage to choose it. May you all be blessed by the divine light of the Creator son, Aton, of the Lighted Source. Hazel [link to urantian_is_a_dope] If this link "corrupts" you can look under my name for my website of which Hazel is a contributing member. She has a website, but it's not on this piece for some reason. Just place a .net or .org with my website name. Look under Hazel for more of her work in the left menu. OK, the link is still purposely corrupted. I state here, I am NOT urantian, another poster on GLP who posts channelings from a variety of sources. Blessed is he/she, however. Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 12/18/2010 10:39 AM

    Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 758322

    United States 12/18/2010 10:52 AM


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    Christ Michael was the one (of a joint incarnation) of 2000 years ago that Paul labeled "Jesus Christ". He has been returned in craft since 1954, doing many things behind the scenes including his team that got the Internet going, amongst other necessities to raising up the knowledge available to this planetary peoples. Christ Michael is the CREATOR SON, and thus "God" of our universe that is called Nebadon. There are 700,000 universes and more coming into being. Each has it's own Creator Son, whose parentage is the Universal Father (of the entire creation), and the Eternal Son. He is NOT the Eternal Son of the misunderstood Trinity taught on planet earth as the Catholic church created it wrongly. I say joint incarnation, because he shared the Body use, with Esu Immanuel Sananda Kumara, a very advanced soul who has earned God status himself, in fact that incarnation of 2000 years ago was his final accomplishment that earned him that status. The Universal Father commands, become perfect even as I am Perfect. There term "Sananda" is the title of that accomplishment, he is a perfected being. BOTH are returned now since 1954 in fact. But not sharing the same form this time. Christ Michael, as the Creator Son of Nebadon, provides your initial creation so that you may journey his realms as part of your experience in finding God. Some of you on earth are ascending sons of God, meaning your soul comes out of the evolutionary process of this or other evolutionary planets, and others are incarnate Angels (create Sons) having experiences for various reasons. Some of you have earned your way back to "heaven" if you were one of the fallen ones that followed Lucifer, others of you are here for various learning or leadership/teaching roles on earth. There are many ascending Sons from the higher realms incarnate to help establish Light and Life on this planet. There was a whole group of ascending Sons who incarnated to establish the Internet that you are using to read here on GLP! 'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life By Christ Michael Aug 27, 2010 'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life......-Christ Michael ‗'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man commeth unto the Father but by me'' This was a pivotal piece of teaching bequeathed by the Master Jesus when He walked your earth plane, yet man truly understood its meaning. Man was not sufficiently ready to receive this truth then and is scarcely ready to receive it now. Yet it is significant that during these auspicious times when the planet is about to enter a new cycle of life where dimensions anew are to be experienced and earned, man must awaken to a higher understanding of himself and he can only do so if he understands Me. Milestones have been achieved by mortals in terms of advancement, yet spiritually they fail to attune themselves to a great truth that if understood could change the tenor of their existence and path of soul evolution. I come again this day to effort to explain this

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    simple yet understated Truth. I am the Way means that I am your ticket to a new destination. The ticket is only dispensed when a choice is knowingly made. You must choose Me through belief and active seeking and you will be given directions that will enable you to plot the coordinates that shall keep you on the path as you create an enduring alliance with Me. When you are able to make this choice you will clearly see that I Am the Way out of the illusion of mortality into the reality of immortality. So we have primarily established that I Am the Way to eternal life. Yet eternal life can only be guaranteed for those who can find and free their inner God presence. It is I who shall direct you ones on the course that you must adopt to achieve this feat for first you must know Me before you can know yourself and be inclined to liberate that which is divine within you. I would like to explore with you a different perspective of what it means when I say 'I AM the ‗'Way'.' The ‗'Way'' cannot be separated from the ‗'Light'' as the light brings clarity of purpose and engenders a clear path to the destiny of choice. The ‗'Way and the ‗'Light'' therefore go hand in hand. I say that the Way is the Light and I am the Way and therefore the Light. Yet another perspective of the ‗'Way'' shall I offer to you. Did I not birth my creation from love, being the reason and root cause? Did I not create by way of electric light waves of motion from the stillness of my mind? Is it therefore not true to say that stillness motivated by love to create by light is the ‗'Way''? Can you therefore not see that the ‗'Way'' is Love and Light and that when you choose Me you choose Love and Light? If Love and Light is the foundation of your earthly journey you will have found the ‗'Way''. Did I not think my creation into being? Am I therefore not within my creation? Is the ultimate goal not to return to Source? If I am my creation and within my creation then the only way back to the Source is through Me. Does this make sense to you ones who need to rationalize ME? I AM the Way, I AM the Light and I AM the Love manifested in my creation. I created from a point of stillness through Light motion. Does this not mean that if you choose the ‗'Way'' you too can create all which you desire to create? The ‗'Way'' enables you to reflect and be all that the ‗'Way'' is for are you not also the ‗'Way'' through Oneness with Me? The Way you shall become when you find and know Me. I AM the Truth. Man fights amongst himself seeking to have his truth rendered as superior to another. Yet hardly do men know what Truth is. You cannot know Truth unless you know Me- The ‗'Way''. For the ‗'Way'' shall always lead to the Truth. Man has belittled the Truth by tainting it with his personal agendas. The Truth is never influenced. It is impartial. It is inexplicable and beyond rationalization. The Truth must be known and that knowledge comes from knowing Me. Man's truth mostly is generated by that which is external, seldom reconcilable with his inner knowing and void of inner validation.

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    The TRUTH JUST IS AND IS JUST. That which is Truth knows only balance. It is as still, steadfast and immutable as the Creator. There lies no mystery or magic in Truth. I can say no more except to remind you that Truth emanates from within you because its origin is divine. When you choose the ‗'Way'', you choose the Truth and it is the Truth when known and accepted that shall lead you to attain the divine promise of eternal life. For at this point in your understanding you shall accept without hesitation that I AM THE LIFE, that which is eternal and so shall you be also when you can know this. Beloveds the life I speak of is not of mortal orientation. It is life immortal to which I refer. Life resides only in the spirit not the flesh. The spirit is All- its longevity is guaranteed by the promise of eternal life. Yet eternal life is always a choice as much as a gift/promise. For I will never force my children to choose Me; they must freely make this choice. I can say to you that many have chosen to be uncreated instead of choosing Life. I wish to emphasize that even in your sphere of reality which is earth plane, you are eternal. Mortal death is merely a transition to allow the soul to take stock in order to determine the next level of experience needed along its ascending path. You on earth during your incarnation must understand that your life on earth does not give you the freedom to do that which you please without being accountable or responsible. You do not, contrary to popular belief have one life to live. When you can understand that I am the Life and so too are you, then you will realize in your incarnation that what you do will always impact on the evolution of your immortal soul. So what do I mean when I say ‗'No man commeth unto the Father but by me''. The ultimate goal as I reminded you earlier is the return to the Source of ALL. Yet those created by Me can only return to the Source by Me for I AM THE WAY. You cannot bypass Me to get to the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. You cannot fudge your way to the Source without Me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. You cannot cajole your way to the Source without me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. You cannot say that Christ Michael does not exist and seek to make your way back to the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. You cannot believe in the Source and not in Me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. You cannot know of Me, denounce Me and choose the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. When you know me, see me and hear me you will see, hear and know the Father, the Source- the

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    Centre of All. I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. You must become ONE WITH ME for I AM the Way to the Source. My beloved children, it was a delight to once again effort to explain what this most crucial teaching means. I trust that I have brought clarity and ask that you ponder these words and see whether enlightenment dawns. I am Christ Michael Aton, come this day to bring the word again and thank this my child for being the emissary of the truth. Hazel Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 12/18/2010 10:52 AM

    Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1223409

    United States 1/9/2011 11:04 AM

    In light of yesterdays events, and all the other changes now presenting, PLEASe remember WHO YOU ARE and ACT in THAT. Remember Who You Are- Christ Michael These are my words to thee that you may know that you are that which I Am. How the tendency is that you forget, with excuse that your earthly lives create division in your thoughts, that you must separate the world you live in from the world you are from. You continue in your minds to live in a world which separates your earthly existence from your spiritual one when in truth there should be unification. I need each of you to bring the kingdom of God on earth and that can only be accomplished if you experience that kingdom within you. Then you shall appreciate that there is truly no separation and the infinite spirit resides where you do. I am within thee and with thee and that is truly the end. I do not float above you like some ethereal distant being. I Am your centre, your very core. You ones keep creating an artificial distinction between what you call your 3 D life and where you would like to be. Can you not bring where you would like to be in the present through the I Am within? I speak not in terms of finite coordinates but in terms of your personal evolution; for your experiences can never hinder your growth only nurture it if you allow them to. I am ever with thee and if you choose you can know Me as yourself. I am in fact your constant companion and when you can see from within you shall see and know My presence. Is it not prudent that you ones programme your minds to be consciously aware of this?

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    My children I shall remind you as many times as I deem necessary, for you must be the ones to live Me so that you can effectively teach others how to accomplish what you all think is a monumental task. Is it really a task to effort to be Me? Should it not be a relief to be Me? If you can perceive the being of Me in this way then your efforts shall be made with joy and knowing and not censured for the laborious task that you sometimes deem it to be. If you could but remember who you are and seek in your moments to be yourselves your lives will graduate moment to moment in the sweet pleasure of my presence and there will be little possibility for you to forget. You will experience an automatic desire to harness My energy from within and you will progress your earthly tasks in and with delight and grace. No task will be insurmountable if you will only recall the power that you are. To remember who you are you must know me and effort to keep the light of communion burning brightly lest it dims for want of perseverance. What you perceive as battles are my battles as I am within thee. If you rely on the rays of light within to provide guidance and assistance you shall receive that which you need to overcome your life‘s battles and crises. I desire that you see your presence in the here and now as your test that you be prepared for the challenges ahead, which will enable you all to graduate into life and light. What will it profit you to seek that which is to come when you must first overcome that which is before you? That which I refer to is the impediments within each which precludes you from breaking through the barriers of a limited consciousness that you may experience higher consciousness. How can you deal with what impends if you cannot be who you are in the present? My children, like a Father would, it is my duty to push you to attain your fullest potential. It is appreciated that in your incarnation there are many experiences beyond your liking. However if you can through the power within address these experiences in light the division which you create in your living will fall away. Surely the task at hand requires that you reach for the light within which is your impenetrable armour. Your days are becoming shorter as you wait for the changes which loom. I am asking that you use these final hours to bind yourselves to the light within and consciously apply that light every moment. As you effort you shall be effectively programming yourself to live in that awareness that you are a light and that light is all powerful, unquenchable and victorious in all things. That light will create for you that which you desire to be. If you desire to reap the benefits of the fullness of your light you shall and your efforts will be a labour of love and not a burden. You my little ones must abandon the excuses for they do not fit into the trajectory of My being and neither does it fit into yours. For excuses create your discomfort. It is very simple. If you desire be like Me you can. The Father within each shall lead you every moment if you would but ask. The saying that you are God must follow with the doing that your actions and words may be aligned and your life be a living well of goodness which springeth from the source within. Beloveds it is in the here and now that you must find your balance. Don‘t you see that notwithstanding the impediments you face it is this environment that will truly offer you the opportunity to find your God light and be through your living, God. The times ahead will require much from you and it will auger well for you if you can start or continue in the now to make every conceivable effort to have your God light shining all the time. Beloveds I am aware of the challenges that each of you face in your individual lives. How about you each make use of the God within with constancy and experience the miracle of you, the I Am within.

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    I wish you my children to see through panoramic vision and you can only do so if you see through your inner eyes, My eyes. I have not and never will deny you of that which you seek in My name that you may grow into Me. Wisdom and Presence is that which you are required to reap before you can be Me. How much do you desire this? You should see an opportunity in every encounter with experiences as one to shine your God light. Strive to mitigate the effects of your less than harmonious ego and start seeing Me in all things. When you can do so you will be reminded every moment of who you are for every life force reflects Me. This message to you my children is brought forth in the love of My being. Will you remember who you are that you may be that life which strums the chords of immortality and show through your living where God resides that others may be moved to find the God within and start their journey to be who they are? My blessings I give to you my children. I delight in you and your experiences for I know that they give you opportunity to grow into Me . Will you not see your lives as a blessing and cherish each moment in the joy of knowing that through the I Am within you shall overcome. I am Christ Michael and I come to remind you to ‗Remember Who You Are‘. When you remember who you are and walk in the light of your sovereignty I feel it and the joy that I experience is beyond expression for then I know that My little ones are well and truly on their way home. I offer these words to encourage you so please accept them in the spirit of the offering Christ Michael

    Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1191034

    United States 1/11/2011 9:57 AM

    Message: SEVERANCE FROM THE MISTLETOE SYNDROME Seraphin through Rosie, 11th January 2010 R: Dearest Seraphin, we have crossed the threshold of another New Year which – although enjoyable in a way - was still in effect a dubious fusion of vague hopes for a better life against a background of intoxication and wasteful short-lived firework bonanzas. For me this seemed so periferal to what lies ahead. Though personal resolutions may have a longer effect, they hardly reflect the need for TOTAL OVERHAUL. In fact, the need for total overhaul is simply not recognised. We see the colourful, marginally attractive aspects of our world without examining the roots. Like the Australian mistletoe tree, crowned with flaming orange bloom, we do not think of overturning the soil and contemplating our roots. If we did, we would see that they do not take their

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    nourishment from the soil but that they have burrowed into the roots of neighbouring plants to drain off their sap … S: Yes, Beloved, your partiality for show has blinded you to the true nature of the apparatus you are dealing with, and of the parameters within which you live. The entire surface under your very feet is a finely tuned mesh of inter-related ―roots‖, each of which convey information to each other, each of which are connected on many levels. And whenever a new plant emerges – though it may be pristine in origin and pure in thought – it will be pulled into this mesh when it reaches a certain size and strength. There may be patches of ground where a newly sprouted seedling may germinate in peace, temporarily out of reach (and in our analogy, this means out of the public eye) but if it grows anywhere in the direction of the already very well established and interconnected root system involving multiple plants, it is impossible to escape. The mistletoe tree is a beautiful and powerful apparition which survives by nourishing itself NOT by taking sustenance from the soil around it but which survives largely by latching its roots into the roots systems of neighbouring plants and trees. It does not do much initial ―processing‖ itself. This has already been accomplished by others. It simply sucks up its neighbour‘s sap. And I say to you: ASK YOURSELVES HOW YOU HAVE ACTED IN A PARASITICAL MANNER, HOW YOU HAVE UNWITTINGLY ALLOWED OTHERS TO PROVIDE YOU WITH ―NOURISHMENT‖, WITH ENTERTAINMENT, NEWS, FOODSTUFFS AND MEDICINES WITHOUT INDEPENDENTLY CONDUCTING RESEARCH AND MAKING A PRELIMINARY CRITICAL APPRAISAL? What is in this ―sap‖ which you lap up so unquestioningly? Where does it come from? Where do your food-stuffs, your shoes, your chairs, your shampoo, your fireworks, your car parts, your opinions, your convictions, your thoughts come from? With such a massive ―root system‖, this has become undiscernable. You may have the appearance of growing big, strong and beautiful – you may have credentials, photos, honours, material goods to prove it (like the brilliant orange flowers of the mistletoe tree) but you are actually being sustained by myriad dubious underground sources of which you are largely unaware. The time has come to make your own stance, put down your own roots, in total self-reliance, independent of old paradigms and convenient ready-made structures, growing independently and honestly, without succumbing to lucrative offers or compromising values to gain support. So have your small, well-intentioned groups, with fire in their hearts, with visions for a new way of living, been seduced into joining mainstream intention, sacrificing independence for funding and status. Subsequently their energy is diluted. They lose momentum, becoming complacent and self-satisfied, joining the sluggishness of mass opinion, abdicating their sovereignty, relying on others for their existence, unable to free themselves from the dense mass of interconnected roots. To relive the fire, the passion, the vision, there must be mass severance from the insidious root system and a shift towards independent thought and action. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ABOUT THIS. LIVE YOUR TRUTH. SEVER THE CONNECTIONS AND ENTER INTO THE REALM OF CREATION IN ALIGNMENT WITH THE DIVINE. We know how hard this is (and we can see you crying now Dearest as you write this) The situation is so entrenched and long-standing and appears to be almost ―normal‖. It is easier for us as we

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    look at this from the outside. We urge you to follow our suggestions to find your way into this creative realm – a place of ultimate fulfilment and repose – as soon as possible so that you too can soon see this situation ―from the outside‖. Then you will be in a position to build anew. For your efforts in this respect we thank and love you. Found at abundanthope dot net under Rosie

    Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 1165595

    United States 1/11/2011 8:56 PM

    Release and Surrender- Higher self of Hazel This message is directed to those who know but seldom take action, those who suspect but whose reticence, inbred optimism or fallacious thinking prevents them from investigating and those who are bound and blinded by things of this world. Global unity of hearts is necessary during these daunting times as the lessons become denser that man may in these final days learn the truth. As the firmament moves so too shall the planet and in her ascension she shall find her release of all that has contained her for aeons. She is currently releasing long accumulated toxins through her belly and expelling that which is caustic that she may attain her lightness. She is being purged and it is through this purgation that she will find her freedom and embrace her resurrection. Always has she submitted to the will of God and it is in her surrender that the glorious light will be reclaimed, that which has for too long been tempered in swathes of darkness. This is the time for release and surrender. You are in the inevitable throes of the ascension and you are required to relieve yourself of limitations imposed by confined, erroneous thinking influenced by a diet of misinformation and lies. You must surrender to the light for only then will the decadence of darkness which paralyses you and your world raise its ugly head to disintegrate into oblivion. For you hold the power to overthrow the darkness through the energy of your thoughts. Yet the collective continues to dwell in ignorance and give credence to those ungodly energies by continuing to sustain its prowess. You must release all that impedes your progress. Yet to effectively detach you must be open to and aware of the greater changes taking place. Only then will you be able to clearly understand that the current energies demand release from the individual to the collective. You will learn in days to come that you will fare better in your understanding and acceptance if you could use the current signs given to you as an indicator of what is transpiring.

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    You are required to take an objective view of your world as it is currently, to see and know that the end is portended by events already manifesting on your plane. Can you ones not see that the ghost of death hovers like blackbirds over waste? Yes dear ones I speak of death of all that is old, unclean, unnatural, ungodly, contaminated and beyond repair. In their death you ones shall find release; free to live your power and light without inhibition. All that no longer serves the planet is being released. Seek out that which does not serve you and release it voluntarily and knowingly and affirm your readiness to embrace the truth so that your journey may continue on that premise. Surrender to your true self and come to know the will of the ONE that clarity may belie your path. Remove the fetters that keep you bound to this dimension that you may find your buoyancy in higher vibrations. Release your spirit self and surrender to a higher knowing that you are in transition. You cannot stay bound as you are, for by the natural course of the planet‘s rise, you too must move. Will your move be ascending, lateral or descending? The choice is yours but move you shall! Surrender to the higher authority and you shall find a natural, welcome release and in this release you shall experience relief and certainty. If you resist release and surrender you shall experience a greater sense of discomfort which will eventually manifest in confusion disbelief and resentment as events continue to unfold radically in your world. Your world now pivots on its axis, geo-physically and on that of great rewarding change. You are inextricably a part of this change. Release, Surrender and Rise; Surrender, Release and Rise; for it is only through your ability and willingness to do so that your future, your destiny shall be mapped in the ascending flow. What will it be? I AM THAT I AM Hazel Found at abudnanthope dot net under Hazel Anonymous Coward User ID: 1204920

    United States 1/11/2011 9:15 PM There used to be tons of Beinsa Douno threads posted by a GLPer named "Solve et Coagula"

    Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 763410

    United States 1/19/2011 9:52 PM

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    There used to be tons of Beinsa Douno threads posted by a GLPer named "Solve et Coagula" Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1204920 I knew Solve et Coagula, a few years ago, he was on my early forum. I have wondered sometimes where he went.

    Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 763410

    United States 1/19/2011 9:59 PM

    Here are too GREAT pieces from Hazel today. Resolve, and Debate. print out and hang on your frig, or to ponder over coffee in the morning. For UB readers, Hazel is an INCARNATE Melchizedek. for Christians, there is a large group of Created Sons (angelics) called Melchizedek. One of them visited earth in the times of Abraham, as spoken of in the bible. Hazel is not that one. RESOLVE- Higher Self teaching Resolve is premised on your inner determination and decision, rooted in firmness, to undertake and achieve some goal or sustain some pattern of behaviour. That which you wish to harvest from your resolve will always involve CHANGE. Resolve is that which a pre cursor to accomplishment is. Resolution, an extension of resolve is that which you ones tend to impose upon yourselves typically at the beginning of a new-year cycle. It is an affirmation of what you desire or intend to achieve. How many achieve their resolutions by the end of the year? Very few if truth be told. Why? Resolve diminishes as inspiration and motivation fades in the light of circumstances, external pressures or individual weaknesses. Resolve requires effort fuelled by desire, perseverance rooted in discipline and inner support through the anchor and alignment with your inner character. Resolve must be contextualised in the framework of mans‘ awareness of and awakening to the dire need for change. Yet his resolve must as a matter of course pertain to his vision- being that which he can see is necessary to change, alter or amend. For if he cannot see the need for change, how can he desire change and resolve to change or sustain that resolve.

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    Resolve is the intent prescribed by and through inner recognition NOT ego identity or ego desire. For resolve through the latter poisons the objective as it injects superficial needs and desires which will eventually clamour for physical attention thereby in time lessening the same resolve in which the need for change originated. Resolve is the poised fulcrum which tenders the rays of discipline, belief, action and knowing that what it seeks will yield a harmonious outcome for self and all. True resolve emanates from the deepest life force within you which speaks its truth to you that your affirmation may stand up to inner scrutiny and approval. It is your inner resource which will confer the strength and light of resilience that your resolve may endure. Man needs to gently prize himself away from individual orientation in thinking and start to see the whole that he may comprehend that his resolutions and resolve affects the mass consciousness of which he is merely a part. It will stand in mans‘ favour to put aside the more mundane resolutions and aim for higher ground. RESOLVE to discover who you are starting from within. RESOLVE to seek and know the truth of your mortal journey. RESOLVE to know your inner god and cultivate a relationship with YOU RESOLVE to reclaim your sovereign status and divine heritage and actively denounce the evil that grips your planet. RESOLVE to renounce resignation and espouse pro action for the greatest good of all. RESOLVE to be worthy caretakers and custodians of the temple God allows you to inhabit, being the Holy grounds of the planet you walk upon. RESOLVE to live a life of balance. RESOLVE to Be like God and Do as God would do. RESOLVE to think and act within the energy of ONENESS as every thought, action and creation implicates and impacts the whole. Resolve—Re- Solve. Using ―resolve‖ many issues you face will be solved. Remember always that resolve without action leaves you in abeyance. Let your resolve assume a spiritual energy, for this energy will become the source of your inspiration thereby facilitating and sustaining the transformative mood which you must assume to manifest CHANGE. WHERE THERE IS RESOLVE THERE WILL BE A WAY I AM THAT I AM Hazel *********************** In the bible it is recorded Jesus came not to bring peace but to set one against another. It meant for people to entertain DEBATE and grow from it. Debate, is of 4d! And it leads to the peace of 5d as people develop real thinking and sovereignty.-Candace

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    Debate Higherself Debate is essentially an engagement with another or others to verbally discuss views on various topics of interest shared between participants. Why have I chosen this topic? There are too many fence sitters in your world, too many peace keepers who seek to justify not having a view or not espousing a cause for the sake of peace. Achieving peace in your world is essential and this can only be effected through change. Maintaining peace at the expense of its achievement is fruitless. It must be achieved before it can be maintained. To achieve a state of peace, be it inner peace or peace in the world, man must realise that change is necessary. There are many who realise and know it but are not prepared to take up the baton and encourage others to do the same. Debate ignites excitement, triggers passion, stimulates thought processes, generates new, unheard yet cultured perspectives. It encourages man to open his mind, undertake research, explore new territories, set aside his reticence, apathy or non partisan attachment and begin to gravitate towards a cause, a case, a belief, a conviction. In this productive process each can distil a purpose that goes beyond self achievement. Debate is not meant to create separation of ideas or confine ones to various groups in the bid to prove that one group‘s idea is superior to another or more credible than another or that victory of one over the other is the end goal. The objective should not be to sustain egos or prove one is right and another wrong. It should not incite vitriolic responses and polarise people. Debate should always be entered into with a view to enlightenment. One may never all at once be fully endeared to all the views of another, but may through the process and through the passage of time become enlightened because of the exchange which takes place. Truth should be the centring point of debate. This simply means that it should be the aim of the exercise, the goal. There and many dogmas, doctrines and theories floating in your world which many have religiously latched onto and which provide security in belief. Yet seldom do ones who adopt these stop to ask or think whether the dogma, the doctrine or the theory holds any truth or offers the truth. They become stuck in what is accepted as mainstream. The dogma, doctrine or theory becomes man‘s truth without question. If truth is not the goal how can you find it. If security is the goal, whatever makes you feel secure will be your truth. The time is here and now; for man will be given to truth which will surely breach his feelings of security and leave him feeling naked. Truth clothes dear ones, it provides the warmth of knowing. I fear that man will find himself bereft of his comforting beliefs that he has long held onto as they shatter in the light of truth that is to be given. It is not too late for man to awaken through a willingness to hear from those who can lead him to open his closed and fear-centred mind and see what is before him. It is not too late for man to see the need for change and commit to being a part of the revolution that will change the face, heart and soul of your world. I exhort to all, in particular to those who fear, those who cower, those who resign themselves and those who cradle questionable beliefs, release the weight that holds you from progressing, be

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    willing to engage in discussion with those who seek to genuinely bring light to the world and seek higher guidance for discernment. These are the moments that you must make full use of; find your passion and courage and others who share your vision will be led to you that you may form a network that can grow exponentially that you may engender and create the inevitable changes that your world awaits I AM THAT I AM Hazel

    Nobody in Particular (OP) Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING User ID: 763410

    United States 1/19/2011 10:21 PM

    Ok this one thru Hazel includes Father Melchizedek. For UB readers the Father Melchizedek is the first created Melchizedek in a local universe, created by the Creator Son and Mother Spirit. Then the Creator Son, Mother Spirit and this Father Melchizedek create the rest of the order of Melchizedek. Nebadon has nearly 10 million at this time. They can and do incarnate at times. Hazel is the early name of one of these. Her Higher Self is her real self and so her higher self teachings are Melchizedek teaching and she often also carries the words of Father Melchizedek here. As in this one. This piece was provided I think for a little argument going on my forum. New Agers have been falsely told all they have to do is BE and do nothing otherwise. This has hampered the star seeds on this planet, and others, who just be but don't DO. to BE is a VERB. I requires action. The argument was in part over a work by Keisha I took exception to. The "Be " topic. If you, as a reader are one confused by BE without DO, this piece by Hazel should handle the topic nicely. A matter of interpretation or misinterpretation?- Father Melchizedek and Higher self It is noteworthy the variance between ones‘ understanding of concepts and terminologies. Interpretation is mainly subjective as each tends through the influences of his/her conditioning and core values to assign meanings which meet these imperatives. The mainstream views and projections have largely affected ones‘ interpretation and construction of age old terms and concepts. A very large dose of discernment is needed with the additional attempt of man to access his logical mind to exercise reason. Too often there is the immature tendency to go with the general understanding, viewpoint or collective thought process without independent research or explorat