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2010;2:a000125 originally published online August 26, 2009 Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol Kathleen J. Green, Spiro Getsios, Sergey Troyanovsky, et al. Intercellular Junction Assembly, Dynamics, and Homeostasis References urls Article cited in: This article cites 214 articles, 111 of which can be accessed free service Email alerting click here box at the top right corner of the article or Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in the Subject collections (21 articles) Cell-Cell Junctions Articles on similar topics can be found in the following collections go to: Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology To subscribe to Copyright © 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press on May 31, 2011 - Published by Downloaded from

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2010;2:a000125 originally published online August 26, 2009Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol Kathleen J. Green, Spiro Getsios, Sergey Troyanovsky, et al. Intercellular Junction Assembly, Dynamics, and Homeostasis  


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Page 2: Intercellular Junction Assembly, Dynamics, and · Intercellular Junction Assembly, Dynamics, and Homeostasis Kathleen J. Green

Intercellular Junction Assembly, Dynamics,and Homeostasis

Kathleen J. Green1, Spiro Getsios2, Sergey Troyanovsky3, and L.M. Godsel1

1Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Departments of Pathology and Dermatology,R.H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, 303 E. Chicago Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60611

2Departments of Dermatology and Cell and Molecular Biology, R.H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center,303 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60611

3Department of Dermatoogy, R.H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, 303 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago,Illinois 60611

Correspondence: [email protected]

Intercellular anchoring junctions are highly specialized regions of the plasma membranewhere members of the cadherin family of transmembrane adhesion molecules on opposingcells interact through their extracellular domains, and through their cytoplasmic domainsserve as a platform for organizing cytoskeletal anchors and remodelers. Here we focus onassembly of so-called “anchoring” or “adhering” junctions—adherens junctions (AJs) anddesmosomes (DSMs), which associate with actin and intermediate filaments, respectively.We will examine how the assembly and function of AJs and DSMs are intimately connectedduring embryogenesis and in adult cells and tissues, and in some cases even form specialized“mixed” junctions. We will explore signaling and trafficking machineries that drive assemblyand remodeling and how these mechanisms are co-opted in human disease.

In multicellular organisms intercellular junc-tions serve to maintain cell and tissue polarity

and integrity. In vertebrates these organellesinclude: gap junctions, which chemically andelectrically couple neighboring cells; tightjunctions, which are essential for establishingthe epithelial barrier; and “adhering junc-tions,” which organize the cortical cytoskeletonbeneath the plasma membrane to modulate celland tissue behavior. Together, these organellesintegrate intra- and intercellular signaling,including regulation of nuclear functions andtranscriptional pathways.

Calcium-dependent, cadherin-based anchor-ing junctions known as adherens junctions (AJs)and desmosomes (DSMs) organize and tethermicrofilaments and intermediate filaments(IF) to the plasma membrane, respectively. Inpolarized cells, AJs appear as continuouszonula, subjacent to the tight junctions, andare uniformly distributed along the plasmamembrane in a belt that is closely opposed toan actin-rich mat underneath the plasma mem-brane (Niessen and Gottardi 2008). DSMsappear as “spot welds” distributed subjacentto the zonula and scattered throughout the

Editors: W. James Nelson and Elaine Fuchs

Additional Perspectives on Cell Junctions available at

Copyright # 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000125

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lateral border, where they distribute forcesof mechanical stress via interactions with theIF cytoskeleton (Holthofer et al. 2007; Garrodand Chidgey 2008). These junction types ap-peared at different times during the evolutionof multicellular organisms, but share commonblueprints, linked assembly mechanisms andsynergistic functions.

Building Blocks for Assembly of IntercellularAdhering Junctions

The structure of AJs and DSMs is roughly paral-lel in blueprint and can be broken down intothree major components: the (1) transmem-brane cadherins, the tails of which provide ascaffold for (2) armadillo family members,which help build a cortical platform for addi-tional (3) cytoskeletal adapter proteins (seealso Meng and Takeichi 2009). Together thesecomponents associate with and organize actinand IF, respectively, at the plasma membrane.

Cadherins and Nectins: Classical cadherins(e.g., E- and N- and P-cadherin) are single-passtransmembrane proteins (Hulpiau and van Roy2009). Their extracellular cadherin domainscontain a series of five conserved cadherinrepeats, which extend from the cell surfacesand bind to cadherins present on adjacentcells (see Shapiro and Weis 2009). The cyto-plasmic domains contain binding sites forassociated catenins (see the following dis-cussion) and other regulatory proteins(Perez-Moreno and Fuchs 2006). The desmo-somal cadherins, desmogleins and desmo-collins, have a similar ectodomain structurebut more divergent cytoplasmic domains(Getsios et al. 2004b). In particular, the desmo-gleins have extended cytoplasmic tails contain-ing variable numbers of RUD (repeating unitdomain) motifs, whose function is unknown.

Nectins are more recently identifiedcalcium-independent adhesion molecules inthe IgG superfamily (Irie et al. 2004). Theyare thought to prime adhesive interactionsfor cadherins, thus initiating AJ assembly.Notably, the nectin cytoplasmic domain inter-acts with an actin binding protein calledafadin/AF6, which has been shown to bind to

a-catenin and has thus been implicated inrecruiting/clustering cadherin complexes innascent junctions, and as a possible alternativeway to link actin to the plasma membrane, asdescribed below (Tachibana et al. 2000).

Armadillo Proteins: Both desmosomal andclassic cadherins contain conserved intracellu-lar domains that bind members of the armadillofamily (Hatzfeld 2007). Junctional armadilloproteins fall into two subclasses that are eachcharacterized by a central domain built from aseries of �42 amino acid armadillo repeats.Armadillo drives the transcriptional programresponsible for segment polarity in the fly, inaddition to being a key component of fly AJs(Brembeck et al. 2006). Intercellular adheringjunctions contain members from two armadillosubfamilies: One family contains armadilloand its close relative plakoglobin; the othergroup contains p120catenin, d-catenin/NPRAP(neural plakophilin related arm protein,NPRAP), ARVCF (armadillo repeat genedeleted in Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome), andplakophilins (PKPs) 1–3 and p0071/PKP4(Hatzfeld 2007).

Cytoskeletal Adaptor Proteins: The cyto-plasmic cadherin tails and associated armadilloproteins are embedded within a cortical mesh-work containing cytoskeletal adaptor proteinsand associated cytoskeletal fibers that makeup the electron dense junctional “plaque.”Contained within this plaque region are theb-catenin binding protein a-catenin, and theplakoglobin- and PKP-binding protein des-moplakin (Green and Simpson 2007; Niessenand Gottardi 2008). In previous textbookmodels, these adaptors are final links in achain that connect cadherins to their respectivecytoskeletons, actin and IF. However, cadherin-b–a-catenin and a-catenin–actin interactionshave recently been shown to be mutually exclu-sive in vitro (Yamada et al. 2005). Thus, theidentity or identities of the real actin anchorsare uncertain. a-Catenin may still contributeto the effort indirectly via associated proteinssuch as afadin, a-actinin, vinculin, ZO-1, orEPLIN (Abe and Takeichi 2008; Stemmler2008). Data from AJ studies also prompt newconsideration of the model proposed for

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DSMs, whereby desmoplakin directly links IF tothe desmosomal cadherin complex.

These core junctional components areassisted by additional cell-type specific andaccessory molecules including actin remodelingproteins, IF binding and cornified envelopeproteins, tyrosine kinases and phosphatases,growth factor receptors, and their associatedproteins, which cooperate to tailor junctionsstructurally and functionally (Perez-Morenoand Fuchs 2006; Holthofer et al. 2007).


An Evolutionary Perspective

The cadherin superfamily comprises over onehundred members (Hulpiau and van Roy2009). Cadherins first appeared in single-celledorganisms, such as the choanoflagellateMonosiga brevicollis, where they are speculatedto have served a role in binding bacterial prey(Abedin and King 2008; King et al. 2008).With the acquisition of multicellularity, cad-herins recruited other structural and signal-ing proteins into primitive AJs. This ancient“assembly” step advanced AJ functions in regu-lating tissue morphogenesis through junctionaland nonjunctional pathways, the latter througharmadillo proteins that moved between thesurface and the nucleus (Grimson et al. 2000;Schneider et al. 2003). With the appearance ofvertebrates came the desmosomal cadherins.Their expanded diversity allowed tailoring ofadhesive junctions for new structural and mor-phogenetic requirements, providing complextissues with mechanical integrity whose impor-tance is underscored by human diseases ofthe desmosome and corresponding animalmodels (reviewed by Kowalczyk and colleagues[Delva et al. 2009]) (Cheng and Koch 2004;Lai-Cheong et al. 2007). Consistent with themantra “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny,”AJs appear first during embryonic develop-ment. A rich body of literature regards AJs asmaster regulators of TJ and DSM assembly,suggesting that their assembly routes may have

been overlaid on pre-existing cytoskeletal andsignaling pathways.

De Novo Junction Assembly in thePreimplantation Embryo

Intercellular junctions are initially formedduring compaction of the 8-cell stage embryoin a process that culminates with the differen-tiation of the first epithelial layer, the trophecto-derm (Fig. 1) (Vestweber et al. 1987; Fleminget al. 1991; Fleming et al. 1993; Barcroft et al.1998). Up until the early 8-cell stage, theembryo consists of loosely adherent blasto-meres. On compaction, these relatively spheri-cal blastomeres are converted into highlypolarized cells that flatten to maximize contactpoints and begin to elaborate AJs along withfocal tight and gap junctions (Fleming et al.1993; Eckert and Fleming 2008). In contrast,DSMs anchoring intermediate filaments tocell–cell contacts are only found in the maturetrophectodermal epithelium at the 32-cellstage when a blastocoel cavity has formed andtight junctions have adopted a more zonulardistribution. This sequence of developmentalevents places E-cadherin upstream in apathway that allows for the formation andorganization of other anchoring junctions.

E-cadherin-based adhesion complexes arerequired for embryo compaction and the sub-sequent formation of a trophectodermalepithelium (Larue et al. 1994; Riethmacheret al. 1995; Torres et al. 1997; De Vries et al.2004). The mere presence of E-cadherin or itscytoplasmic partners (a-, b-, g-catenin) is notsufficient to trigger compaction because all ofthese proteins are diffusely expressed along thecell surface in blastomeres of 4-cell embryos(Kidder and McLachlin 1985; Vestweber et al.1987; Fleming et al. 1991; Fleming et al. 1993;Collins et al. 1995; Ohsugi et al. 1996; Barcroftet al. 1998). Although the process that activatesthe cadherin complex during compaction is notknown, PKCa is redistributed to cell–cellcontacts in 8-cell blastomeres and its activationcan trigger compaction and b-catenin phos-phorylation (Sefton et al. 1992; Pauken andCapco 1999). Because depletion of b-catenin

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results in postimplantation loss of embryos(Haegel et al. 1995), this armadillo familymember is not the only target for PKC-mediated compaction events. Vezatin, whichbridges the unconventional myosin VIIamotor to the cadherin–catenin complex, is apotential candidate because it maintains thelevels of E-cadherin and b-catenin to allow for

compaction (Hyenne et al. 2007). Accordingly,compaction also requires active actin remodel-ing and contraction (Kabir et al. 1996; Claytonet al. 1999).

Desmosomes form fairly abruptly in thetrophectodermal epithelium at the 32-cellstage, in contrast to the more gradual matu-ration and redistribution of tight junctions










E-cadherinAdherens junctionsTight junctionsDesmosomal junctionsIntermediate filamentsActinMicrotubules


4 cell

Inner cellmass (ICM)



4 cell

8 cell

8 cell

16 cell

16 cell

32 cell

32 cell

Figure 1. Junction biogenesis in preimplantation mammalian embryos. Following the initial cleavage event ofthe zygote and throughout the entire 4-cell stage, blastomeres are loosely connected to one another andexhibit a diffuse distribution of E-cadherin. Embryo compaction at the 8-cell stage stabilizes E-cadherinalong increasing areas of cell–cell contact and initiates a process of junction assembly, cytoskeletal (actinmicrofilaments and microtubules) reorganization, and increased polarization of apico-basolateral membranedomains (apical microvilli). Asymmetric cell divisions that give rise to a 16-cell embryo allocate innerdaughter cells lacking epithelial characteristics and an outer epithelial cell layer that gradually elaborates actincytoskeleton-associated adherens and tight junctions (reviewed in Eckert and Fleming 2008). A functionaltight junction barrier triggers cavitation and the formation of a fluid-filled blastocoel that contacts the innercell mass; this process is coordinated with the abrupt assembly of intermediate filament-associateddesmosomes in the outer trophectodermal epithelium.

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into a zonular pattern at the apical interface.Although plakoglobin and Dsc3 are present atthe time of compaction, most other desmosomeproteins, including membrane (Dsg2, Dsc2)and plaque (desmoplakin) components, arefirst detected in the early blastocyst upon for-mation of an outer trophectoderm layer thatsurrounds the inner cell mass (Jackson et al.1980; Fleming et al. 1991; Den et al. 2006).The induction of Dsc2 mRNA transcripts istightly coordinated with the appearance ofdesmosomes and subsequent blastocoel for-mation (Fleming et al. 1991; Collins et al.1995). The developmental signal that triggersDsc2 expression appears to be E-cadherin-independent because Dsc2 and desmoplakincan be induced in the presence of functionblocking antibodies for this classical cadherin.Moreover, desmosomal cadherins are normallydistributed at the cell surface of E-cadherin-nullblastocysts that have undergone compactionowing to the persistence of maternally derivedE-cadherin or its ectopic replacement bytransgenic N-cadherin expression (Ohsugiet al. 1997; Kan et al. 2007). Although Dsc2induction appears to be a key initiator ofdesmosome assembly, E-cadherin is uniquelyrequired for trophectoderm maturation lead-ing to the death of these embryos during thepreimplantation stages.

Embryos completely lacking zygotic andmaternal E-cadherin cannot form DSMs andnever reach the 32-cell stage because of afailure in compaction (De Vries et al. 2004;Kan et al. 2007). These results are mirrored bythe observation that depletion of classic cadher-ins in keratinocytes results in a failure to formDSMs in vitro (Tinkle et al. 2008; Michelset al. 2009). These findings suggest that thetemporal pattern of junction assembly islinked to their functional interdependence, aconcept that will be further explored in thefollowing section.


As during evolution and embryogenesis, AJformation precedes DSM formation in vitro;

however, rather than being drawn out overdays of embryogenesis, events occur withinminutes of de novo cell contact or elevationof extracellular calcium (Figs. 2 and 3). AJsand DSMs exhibit interdependence from theinitiation of nascent complexes through segre-gation of components into specific domains.Functionally, mature junctions synergize tomaintain epithelial polarity and integrity.Further, junction homeostasis is a balance ofbiosynthetic and endocytic pathways, each stepsubject to post-translational modifications andpathogenic input.

Assembly of the Adherens Junction andDesmosome Adhesive Interface

Trafficking behavior of cadherins and associatedarmadillo proteins: Desmosomal and classiccadherins are constantly synthesized and deliv-ered to the plasma membrane (Fig. 4) (Pennet al. 1987; Pasdar and Nelson 1989; Shore andNelson 1991). In response to de novo contactor elevation of extracellular calcium, cadherinscluster and become stabilized, and, in mostcell types, segregate into distinct domains.

Cadherins follow a classic secretory routebeginning with synthesis in the endoplasmicreticulum (ER), followed by transport to theGolgi for processing, sorting into post-Golgicarriers, and long range trafficking viaMT-dependent motors (reviewed in Bryantand Stow 2004). Transport of tubulovesicularcarriers containing E-cadherin out of thetrans-Golgi network is dependent on the tether-ing protein Golgin-97 (Lock et al. 2005) andassociation with ankyrin-G and b-2-spectrin(Kizhatil et al. 2007). The ankyrin-G–spectrincomplex later stabilizes E-cadherin by directlyconnecting it to the spectrin/actin cytoskeleton(Kizhatil et al. 2007), and these functions areboth critical for coordinating cadherin traffick-ing with formation of cell–cell contacts in bothcultured cells and developing embryos (Kizhatilet al. 2007). Studies linking desmosomal PKPsto vesicle trafficking have begun to emerge,with the discovery that PKP3 associateswith the dynamin-like protein DNM1L, whichis involved in vesicle trafficking within the

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secretory pathway in lung carcinoma cells(Furukawa et al. 2005).

Both classic and desmosomal counterpartsare synthesized as precursor propeptides andprocessed via a furin-dependent mechanismbefore reaching the cell surface (Muller et al.2004; Yokouchi et al. 2009). The presence ofthe propeptide is thought to prevent prematureadhesion inside the cell (Ozawa and Kemler1990). Glycosylation does not appear to berequired for efficient processing of the

precursor or transport of E-cadherin to thecell surface, but in the case of desmosomalcadherins, may contribute to their notableinsolubility (Shore and Nelson 1991).

The E-cadherin tail is unstructured in theabsence of its binding partners b-catenin andp120catenin, which protect it from degradation(Huber et al. 2001; Davis et al. 2003) and shep-herd the cadherin from the ER to the plasmamembrane (Chen et al. 1999). A soluble poolof plakoglobin, which is capable of associating

Adherens junctions

Tight junctions

Desmosomal junctions

Intermediate filaments

Hemidesmosomal junctions



Cytoskeletal networks

Intercellular junctions

Gap junctions

Figure 2. Junction biogenesis in vitro and associated cytoskeletal arrangements. Following cell contact in vitro,initial cadherin engagement triggers reorganization of the cytoskeleton, coordinated with downstream assemblyof tight junctions and desmosomes. In polarized simple epithelial cells, the maturation of junctional contacts isaccompanied by the formation of a circumferential zone of parallel microfilament bundles near the apical regionof the cell, below the tight junction barrier. Desmosomes are subjacent to this complex and also appear asdisclike structures that extend along the entire lateral border, where they anchor IF to the plasma membrane.MTs also anchor at AJs and DSMs.

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with both classic and desmosomal cadherins,initially associates primarily with E-cadherinand may serve a similar role (Hinck et al.1994). An insoluble pool of newly synthesizedplakoglobin associated with desmoglein isrequired for its stabilization and incorporationinto DSMs (Pasdar et al. 1995). The functionalimplications of a potential temporal switch inpartnership between classic and desmosomalcadherins was indicated by experimentssuggesting that desmosome assembly in A431cells depends on the presence of plakoglobin

associated with E-cadherin (Lewis et al. 1997).Whether plakoglobin serves a chaperone rolefor desmosomal cadherins has not been directlytested, although desmogleins are also unstruc-tured in the absence of plakoglobin binding(Kami et al. 2009), and truncated desmogleinsdeficient in plakoglobin binding fail to properlylocalize to plasma membranes (Andl andStanley 2001).

In polarized epithelial cells, a-catenin andp120 associate with E-cadherin as it reachesthe plasma membrane (Hinck et al. 1994;






Figure 3. Ultrastructural relationships between microfilaments, IFs, and associated adhering junctions atkeratinocyte cell–cell contacts and during contact formation. (A) Transverse section through cell contactzone between two mouse keratinocytes showing alternating arrangement of AJs and DSMs at the cellmargins with their associated actin and IF networks. (B) Cross section of mouse keratinocyte during contactinitiation shows the intimate connection between keratin IF bundles, which emanate from the nuclearsurface and dive down towards and integrate within actin bundles near the substrate (Reprinted, withpermission, from Green et al. 1987).

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Cytoplasmic plaquemolecules




Adherens junctions Tight junctions



b-catenin Occludin/claudin


Desmosomal junctions


Cytoskeletal networks

Intermediate filaments












Motor proteins

Myosin II



Figure 4. Model depicting possible molecular dynamics of intercellular junction assembly. Molecular players inassembly of the adhesive core (left cell) and junctional plaques (right cell) are depicted, with emphasis on AJsand DSMs assembly. Transmembrane molecules are transported in a MT-dependent fashion toward the plasmamembrane, possibly via molecular motors in the kinesin family. Cadherins and nectins (1) initiate the process ofassembly of the AJ adhesive interface, whereas initial recruitment of desmocollins (2) is followed by stabilizationat sites of junction assembly by desmogleins (3). Cargo loading may be facilitated through armadillo familymembers in some cases. Junctional plaque assembly occurs through dynamic remodeling of the corticalcytoskeleton, initiated by the cadherin-dependent concentration of actin remodeling proteins at sites ofjunction assembly to drive actin polymerization and reorganization from branched to bundled actin. Incoordination with these changes, desmosomal precursors containing desmoplakin and plakophilin areformed in the cytoplasm in close association with IF. Desmosome precursors (4) subsequently translocateto sites of desmosome assembly in an actomyosin-dependent manner to reinforce the plaque (5), inconjunction with actin rearrangement depending on myosin II (6).

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Miranda et al. 2003). Here p120 promotes junc-tion formation by stabilizing cadherins throughinterfering with endocytic internalization(Davis et al. 2003; Kowalczyk and Reynolds2004) and association with the actin-associatedprotein afadin in a Rap1 GTPase-dependentmanner (Hoshino et al. 2005).

Cadherin Dynamics and Role of Microtubules

Intercellular adhesions depend on the presenceof an intact microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton(Grindstaff et al. 1998; Waterman-Storer et al.2000; Stehbens et al. 2006; Kizhatil et al. 2007;Stehbens et al. 2009). MTs facilitate long-rangetrafficking of classic and desmosomal cadherinsincluding their anterograde transport to theplasma membrane (Pasdar et al. 1991; Maryet al. 2002; Chen et al. 2003). Evidence is con-sistent with transport via kinesins, possiblythrough associated armadillo proteins (Maryet al. 2002; Chen et al. 2003; Teng et al. 2005)(Fig. 4).

Established junctions interact with bothplus- and minus-end-directed MTs and associ-ated motor proteins. These interactions regulatejunction assembly state and provide transportroutes to sites of cell adhesion (Ligon andHolzbaur 2007; Shaw et al. 2007). b-catenin-dynein (Ligon et al. 2001), a-E-catenin-dynactin (Lien et al. 2008) and Nezha/PLEKHA7-KIFC3 (Meng et al. 2008) associ-ations have been revealed as critical for MTinteraction and AJ stability. Further, dynamicMTs at adhesion sites promotes active myosinII recruitment, which in turn increases junc-tional E-cadherin (Stehbens et al. 2006).Intercellular junctions also control the spatialdistribution of MTs. Notably, DSMs arerequired for reorganization of MTs to cell–cellcontacts in differentiating keratinocytesthrough interactions with the centrosomalprotein ninein, whose redistribution to cell–cell contacts along with MTs requires desmopla-kin (Lechler and Fuchs 2007). Collectively, thesedata paint a picture of cooperative interactionsbetween cadherin-based junctions and MTsin junction assembly and regulation of MTdynamics and organization.

Role of Rabs and the Exocyst

Cadherin trafficking and junction assembly istailored through small GTPases called Rabswhich recruit specific effectors in the secretionprocess (Caviston and Holzbaur 2006).E-cadherin has been reported to associate withan intermediate Rab11-positive recycling com-partment in MDCK cells (Lock and Stow2005). Further, Rab11 is associated with theexocyst, a multisubunit complex responsiblefor correct targeting of proteins to the plasmamembrane. Loss of function of the exocyst com-ponents sec 5, 6, and 15 results in accumulationof Drosophila E-cadherin in a Rab11 compart-ment, inhibiting its delivery to the membrane(Langevin et al. 2005). Interfering with thetight junction scaffold protein associated withLin seven 1 (PALS1) results in mislocalizationof the exocyst and impairs E-cadherin deliveryto the plasma membrane (Wang et al. 2007),and coordination between these junctionsis facilitated by the balance of activities ofRab13 and Rab8 and their associated proteins(Yamamura et al. 2008).

How desmosomal and classic cadherins arecoordinated during their egress out to the cellsurface is not well understood. Based on theexistence of “mixed” junctions that occur natu-rally or because of genetic interference, it seemsplausible that cotrafficking of classic and des-mosomal cadherins may be coupled withmechanisms to remodel or segregate com-ponents into distinct junctions in epithelialtissues (Bornslaeger et al. 1995; Ruiz et al.1996; Borrmann et al. 2006). Temporal analysisof vesicular trafficking following a calciumswitch suggests that 60-nm vesicles containingmostly Dsc2 are first observed to transport tothe entire cell surface (Burdett 1998), consistentwith the possibility that desmocollins serveas initiators of junction assembly in vitro(Hanakawa et al. 2000) and during embryo-genesis. Larger vesicles containing desmogleinand E-cadherin were later observed to targetbasolaterally where they presumably associatewith desmocollins and stabilize at sites ofjunction assembly (Wollner et al. 1992;Burdett 1998). Electron microscope pulse-chase

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experiments demonstrated that in keratino-cytes, desmogleins first form small clusters onthe surface lacking IF attachment, and laterfound associated with IF-attached desmosomalplaques (Sato et al. 2000). Collectively, thesedata suggest both a temporal and spatial stagingof cadherin targeting and incorporation intojunctions.

Establishing Functional Adhesion

Two models have been proposed to explain howintercellular adhesion is established once cad-herins have arrived at the plasma membrane.The first depends on the initial formation oflateral or “cis” cadherin dimers, which thencome together on adjacent cells to interact intrans, followed by a zippering of the adhesiveinterface (Shapiro et al. 1995; Pokutta andWeis 2007). The second suggests that cadherinmonomers interact in trans to form a “stranddimer” (Boggon et al. 2002), an arrangementsupported by site-specific cross-linking exper-iments (Troyanovsky et al. 2003) and visualizedby tomographic analysis of DSMs (He et al.2003). Additional support for this idea comesfrom recent single-molecule structural (fluo-rescence resonance energy transfer) and func-tional (atomic force microscopy) assays thatidentified trans but not cis interactions (Zhanget al. 2009).

In contrast to classic cadherins, robust des-mosomal cadherin-mediated adhesion requiresthe presence of both desmogleins and des-mocollins in the correct ratio (Amagai et al.1994; Chidgey et al. 1996; Kowalczyk et al.1996; Marcozzi et al. 1998; Tselepis et al. 1998;Getsios et al. 2004a). Biochemical and atomicforce microscopy (AFM) suggest that desmo-somal cadherins are capable of interacting inboth homophilic and heterophilic configu-rations (Syed et al. 2002; Waschke et al. 2005;Heupel et al. 2008) and desmocollin anddesmoglein from neighboring cells can be co-precipitated (Chitaev and Troyanovsky 1997).However, the organization of desmosomalcadherins in situ is still unknown.

It has been suggested that weak trans inter-actions (Chen et al. 2005) are subsequently

strengthened by lateral cadherin clusteringand cytoskeleton attachment (Gumbiner 1996;Kusumi et al. 1999). But the possible existenceof higher affinity interactions is supported bythe isolation of cadherin dimers from cells(Chitaev and Troyanovsky 1997) and the obser-vation that cadherin mutants lacking catenin-binding sites can support cell–cell adhesion(Ozawa and Kemler 1998). The discrepancybetween in vivo and in vitro data could arisefrom incomplete unfolding of the cadherinEC1 domain in vitro that makes strand dimerformation impossible (Troyanovsky et al.2007). The observed range of mechanicalstrengths between trans-bonded E-cadherinpairs is also consistent with the possibilitythat longer lived associations can exist (Perretet al. 2004).

Assembly of the Junctional Plaque:Actin Remodeling and DesmosomeAssembly are Linked

Although one can debate the existence of weakversus strong cadherin–cadherin dimers, thecortical actin cytoskeleton and myosin IIactivity are clearly required for adhesionstrengthening, junctional plaque assembly andmaintenance (Chu et al. 2004; Mege et al.2006; Miyake et al. 2006). Classic cadherinligation triggers rearrangements and poly-merization of cortical actin that drive formationof the AJ plaque (Yonemura et al. 1995;Perez-Moreno and Fuchs 2006; Pokutta et al.2008). During this time, the process of DSMassembly and establishment of IF attachmentsis set into motion, the latter stages occurringin an actin-dependent manner (Figs. 3 and 4)(Green et al. 1987; Godsel et al. 2005). A func-tional link between actin rearrangements anddesmosome assembly may help explain whyinterfering with classic cadherins or a-cateninsuppresses desmosome formation (Gumbineret al. 1988; Watabe et al. 1994; Amagai et al.1995; Taniguchi et al. 2005). Here, we willdiscuss actin remodeling pathways triggered bycadherin-dependent cell contact and thenexplore how these events may couple withdownstream assembly of DSMs.

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Classic Cadherins Trigger RhoGTPase-Dependent Actin Polymerizationand Contractile Signaling

Cell contact occurs through the extension oflamellopodia driven by the polymerization ofbranched actin filaments at the leading edgeof simple polarized epithelial cells (Drees et al.2005), or filopodial projections driven bypolymerization of linear actin bundles, as hasbeen described in primary keratinocytes anddeveloping Drosophila/Caenorhabditis elegansduring tissue morphogenesis (Raich et al.1999; Vasioukhin et al. 2000; Bloor andKiehart 2002). The extent to which cells useone or both of these actin-dependent processesto drive the initial stages of adhesion in specificcell types is not known. It seems likely that acombination of mechanisms and actin modu-lators tailor remodeling of the cell cortex to con-textual and cell type differences (Gates andPeifer 2005).

In the contacting lamellopodia of MDCKcells, a highly mobile fraction of E-cadherin(Adams et al. 1998) converts into immobilepuncta and ultimately into larger plaqueswhose formation and stability requires anintact actin cytoskeleton (Adams et al. 1996).Actin rearrangements occur in concert withalterations in Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoA signalingtriggered by nectin and cadherin-mediatedcontacts (Noren et al. 2001; Irie et al. 2004).Rac-dependent recruitment of arp2/3 (Kovacset al. 2002), which promotes polymerizationof branched actin filaments, collaborates withactin binding proteins such as cortactin, tofacilitate expansion of the contact zone(Helwani et al. 2004). Actin remodeling pro-gresses through the local accumulation anddimerization of a-catenin near contact sites.In its dimerized form, a-catenin inhibitsArp2/3, converting actin from branched tolinear, bundled arrays typical of maturing AJs(Yamada et al. 2005).

Rho activity facilitates contact expansion byactivating actomyosin contractility in the flank-ing regions of the junctional contact zone(Yamada and Nelson 2007). Rho also regu-lates formins, actin-associated proteins that

mediate polymerization of linear bundles. TheRho effector Dia is required for junctionstability and attenuation of protrusive activityin vertebrates and Drosophila (Sahai andMarshall 2002; Homem and Peifer 2008),depending on myosin II activity for reinforce-ment of cell–cell junctions (Carramusa et al.2007). Formins are also recruited by a-cateninto E-cadherin-tipped filopodia that projectinto neighboring keratinocytes to draw themtogether and initiate AJ assembly (Kobielaket al. 2004). Rho activity can also destabilizejunctions through alternate pathways (Sahaiand Marshall 2002; Zandy et al. 2007; Fanget al. 2008). The ability of the cadherin-associated protein p120catenin to inhibit Rhothrough p190RhoGAP may ensure that Rhoactivity is properly titrated at cell–cell junctions(Wildenberg et al. 2006). The continued activi-ties of Rho and its downstream effector ROCKhelp to transform keratinocyte sheets to stratify-ing tissues (Vaezi et al. 2002) and increase theheight of polarized epithelial cells (Zhanget al. 2005).

AJ Maturation and Assembly of theDesmosomal Plaque

Shortly after calcium-induced cell contact inkeratinocytes, electron-dense desmosome pre-cursors associated with keratin IF align alongperpendicular actin bundles that appear toemanate from newly formed AJ plaques(Green et al. 1987; Godsel et al. 2005). Theseprecursors eventually disappear from the cyto-plasm as DSMs mature (Jones and Goldman1985; Pasdar and Nelson 1988), frequently alter-nating with AJs along contacting cell borders(Green et al. 1987) (Fig. 3). Live cell imagingof desmoplakin-GFP suggests that these precur-sors represent part of a three phase process thatoccurs in response to cell–cell contact in cul-tured keratinocytes at the leading edge of awound. Desmosomal plaque assembly beginswith the rapid accumulation of desmoplakinat contacting borders followed by a secondphase (within �20–30 min of cell contact)in which fluorescent bright nonmembranebound desmoplakin-containing particles form

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in the cortical region of the cell. The subsequenttranslocation of particles to nascent junctions toreinforce the plaque, is coordinated with actinrearrangements and dependent on myosin IIactivity (Godsel et al. 2005 and unpublishedresults). Once formed, desmosomes continueto exhibit dynamic fusion events as wellas internalization and retrograde transport(Windoffer et al. 2002).

How is the desmoplakin-IF system coupledto AJ assembly and the actin-based machinery?Although plakoglobin has been the focus ofearly studies as important for junctional crosstalk (Lewis et al. 1997), inducible expressionof the p120-related protein PKP1 has alsobeen reported to initiate DSM assembly ina classic cadherin-dependent fashion (Wahl2005). In addition to interacting with desmo-plakin and IF, PKPs can associate with actinand cause p120-like rearrangements of theactin cytoskeleton (Hatzfeld et al. 2000)(Chen, Bass-Zubek, and Green, unpublished).PKP2 deficiency also results in major alterationsin the actin cytoskeleton and rhoA signaling,likely interfering with AJ-dependent actinremodeling driving DSM assembly (Bass-Zubek, Godsel and Green, unpublished).Thus, PKPs may provide a link between thedesmoplakin-IF network and an actin-dependent phase of desmosome assembly.

Loss of PKP2 also results in retention ofdesmoplakin on IF, preventing its incorporationinto DSMs. This “beads on a string” appearanceof desmoplakin is reminiscent of the distri-bution of desmoplakin in PKCa knockdowncells (Bass-Zubek et al. 2008) and a phosphoryl-ation deficient desmoplakin mutant (S2849G)that exhibits delayed outward trafficking(Godsel et al. 2005) because of its higher affinityfor, and aberrant retention on, IF (Stappenbecket al. 1994; Meng et al. 1997; Fontao et al. 2003).Our data suggest a model whereby PKP2scaffolding of PKCa promotes desmoplakinphosphorylation and assembly competence(Bass-Zubek et al. 2008). Consistent with this,PKC restores DSM assembly in a-catenin-nullcolon carcinoma cells and can promote DSMassembly even in reduced calcium (Sheu et al.1989; Hengel et al. 1997). PKPs also collaborate

with plakoglobin to mediate desmosomalcadherin clustering into ultrastructurally iden-tifiable plaques (Bornslaeger et al. 2001; Koeseret al. 2003).

Like AJs, DSMs undergo a period of matu-ration, ultimately attaining a hyper-adhesivestate which can be reversed by the calcium-dependent kinase PKCa (Watt et al. 1984;Wallis et al. 2000; Garrod et al. 2005; Kimuraet al. 2006). The fact that PKCa also promotesdesmosome assembly supports the idea thatthis kinase is important for maintaining adynamic state, which would allow rapid des-mosome remodeling in response to environ-mental cues. Desmosomes are also defectivein patients with Darier’s disease who haveimpaired calcium homeostasis because ofmutations in the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulumCa2þ-ATPase (SERCA) isoform 2 pump(Sakuntabhai et al. 1999; Dhitavat et al. 2003).Although these abnormalities were suggestedto arise from improper folding of desmoplakin,it also seems possible that alterations incalcium-dependent kinase activity could con-tribute to the observed defects.

Achieving maximum mechanical integrityof epithelial cell sheets requires proper attach-ments of junctions to both IF and corticalactin, as intercellular adhesion is synergisticallystrengthened by the presence of IF and actinattachments (Huen et al. 2002). Further, AJsare unable to mature properly in cells lackingdesmoplakin and normal IF attachmentssuggesting bi-directional regulation betweenAJs and DSMs (Vasioukhin et al. 2001b).


AJs and DSMs can be modified posttranslation-ally by physiological stimuli resulting in changesin phosphorylation state and proteolytic pro-cessing (Gumbiner 2005; Green and Simpson2007). These processes have traditionally beenproposed to alter interactions with the cyto-skeleton, thus weakening adhesive strength.However, modification of the cadherins andtheir associated proteins can also regulate endo-cytic internalization and recycling (Bryant and

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Stow 2004; Ivanov et al. 2005; Yap et al. 2007;Delva and Kowalczyk 2009). Derailed endocy-tosis of cadherins may contribute to tumorprogression (Mosesson et al. 2008) and blisterformation in the autoimmune disease pemphi-gus (Kottke et al. 2006).

Like other receptors, cadherins can be con-stitutively endocytosed by a clathrin-dependentpathway (Le et al. 1999; Palacios et al. 2002; Xiaoet al. 2005), possibly via binding of the adaptorcomplex AP2 to the dileucine motif in thejuxtamembrane region (Miyashita and Ozawa2007). This motif may be exposed on dis-sociation of p120, consistent with earlier workdemonstrating a role for p120 in E-cadherinstability (Davis et al. 2003; Xiao et al. 2003).However, other determinants must be respon-sible for clathrin-dependent endocytosis ofVE-cadherin, because even though it is simi-larly regulated by p120 (Xiao et al. 2005), itdoes not possess such a motif. Further,N-cadherin intracellular regions lacking thedileucine motif facilitate endocytosis (Tai et al.2007). Basolateral targeting of E-cadherin mayalso be regulated by the dileucine motif (Lockand Stow 2005), and assembly and recyclingfacilitated by the adapter mu1B subunitthrough a variant of PIPKg (Ling et al. 2007).

Growth factors such as TGFb (Janda et al.2006), EGF (Lu et al. 2003; Hirao et al. 2006;Bryant et al. 2007), HGF (Palacios et al. 2001),and, FGF (Bryant et al. 2005) can promoteinternalization and loss of junctions. Further,cadherin molecules can physically complexwith growth factor receptors including EGFreceptor, ErbB-1 (Dumstrei et al. 2002;Fedor-Chaiken et al. 2003) HGF receptor,c-Met (Davies et al. 2001) and FGFR (Suyamaet al. 2002). These associations can eitherpromote internalization or stabilize cell sur-face retention, impacting both junction integ-rity and growth factor-dependent signaling.

Small molecule inhibitors of EGFR/ErB2have been shown to block internalization ofE-cadherin and desmoglein 2 in tumor cells,resulting in increased adhesive strength evenunder conditions of reduced calcium, highlight-ing the therapeutic value of EGFR inhibitors forpatients with cancers that overexpress EGFR

(Lorch et al. 2004; Klessner et al. 2009). TheADAM family of sheddases cooperates withEGFR in increasing the internalized pool ofdesmoglein 2, thus reducing adhesive strength(Klessner et al. 2009). Different endocyticpathways have been suggested to mediategrowth factor-regulated endocytosis, includingrac-dependent macropinocytosis (Akhtar andHotchin 2001; Bryant et al. 2007) and caveolin-dependent endocytosis (Lu et al. 2003).

Growth factor stimulation has also beenlinked to activation of nonreceptor tyrosinekinases such as Src. Src-dependent phosphory-lation of two tyrosines of E-cadherin (Y755and Y756) produces a binding site for E3ubiquitin-ligase Hakai, and ubiquitinationof the E-cadherin–catenin complex facilitatesclathrin-dependent internalization (Fujita et al.2002) and targeting for lysosomal degradation(Palacios et al. 2005). This pathway likelyexplains cadherin internalization and dissolu-tion of AJs shown to accompany the activationof ts-v-Src in MDCK cells (Warren and Nelson1987; Palovuori et al. 2003) or reduced extra-cellular calcium via activation of Cdc42 (Shenet al. 2008).

Desmosomal cadherin internalization isa contributing factor in the autoimmune dis-ease pemphigus (Kottke et al. 2006). Dsg3 isdegraded in response to PV autoantibodybinding resulting in Dsg3-depleted DSMs(Aoyama and Kitajima 1999), shown to bebecause of rapid clathrin- and dynamin-independent internalization of a soluble poolof PV-IgG-bound Dsg3 (Calkins et al. 2006;Delva et al. 2008). PV antibodies may impairassembly of new DSMs by targeting internali-zation of newly synthesized Dsg3 (Sato et al.2000; Mao et al. 2009). Although it has beenreported that plakoglobin, but not desmo-plakin, remains associated with the cadherin(Calkins et al. 2006), others suggest that plako-globin dissociates from phosphorylated Dsg3after which it is degraded, depleting a nuclearpool required for attenuating c-myc transcrip-tion (Muller et al. 2006). PV induces alterationsin both IF attachment (Caldelari et al. 2001;Calkins et al. 2006) and cortical actin(Waschke et al. 2006). The latter has been

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linked with a reduction in Rho A activity,suggesting another link between pathways regu-lating AJs and DSMs (Waschke et al. 2006).

Endocytosis can be envisioned to target twopools of cadherin molecules—engaged orunengaged in adhesion. In isolated epithelialMCF-7 cells, a pool of free cadherin is subjectedto macropinocytosis (Paterson et al. 2003;Bryant et al. 2007) and clathrin-dependentendocytosis was suggested to target extrajunc-tional cadherin (Izumi et al. 2004; Hoshinoet al. 2005). However, it is also plausible thatcadherins are internalized directly from theintrajunctional region, forcefully breakingapart cadherin adhesive bonds. This would beconsistent with the observed association ofendocytic vesicles with AJs and supported bythe protective effect of endocytosis inhibitors,which lead to the rapid expansion of the junc-tional interface (Troyanovsky et al. 2006).Thus, cadherin endocytosis may be essentialto counterbalance a continuous assembly ofcadherin dimers in AJs. Supporting this idea,defects in endocytosis induced by the lack ofdynamin or proteins involved in Arp2/3-dependent actin polymerization prevented

completion of endocytosis in Drosophilia epi-thelial cells (Georgiou et al. 2008; Leibfriedet al. 2008). Together the data suggest thatdifferent endocytic routes collaborate to regu-late the assembly state of adhering junctions innormal tissues and pathogenic states.


Onto these basic modes of junction assemblyand remodeling are overlaid additional com-plexities in the case of tissues such as the epi-dermis. This stratified squamous epitheliumdoes not exhibit the typical apico-basolateralpolarity found in simple epithelial cells. Yet,junctional components are integrated intospecialized membrane complexes in a polarizedfashion as basal layer keratinocytes stratifyand differentiate (Green and Simpson 2007;Niessen 2007; Fuchs 2008). For example, adhe-rens junction-enriched basal keratinocytes areaccompanied by increasing numbers of DSMs,which change in molecular composition in thespinous layers and granular layers (Fig. 5 andFig. 3 of Delva et al. 2009). Although many

Stratum corneum

Granular layer

Spinous layer





Figure 5. Organization of intercellular junctions in the epidermis. Desmosomes and AJs are found throughoutthe epidermis but AJs enriched in E- and P-cadherin are found in the basal layers whereas the number andsurface area occupied by DSMs increases during differentiation, during which time P-cadherin is lost. SeeKowalczyk and colleagues (Delva et al. 2009, Fig. 3) for the expression patterns of DSM components duringdifferentiation in epidermis. The TJ barrier is in the granular layer of the epidermis, with structurallydefinable junctions restricted to the second cell layer.

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tight junction components (e.g., claudin-1,occludin, and ZO-1) are expressed throughoutthe epidermis, a tight junction barrier is sealedonly in granular cells before these eventuallygive rise to a cornified dead cell layer (Furuseet al. 2002). Thus, junction assembly in the epi-dermis is coordinated throughout multiple celllayers instead of within distinct basolateralmembrane domains of a simple epithelial cell.

As in the case of compacting embryos,keratinocytes devoid of classical cadherins(E- and P-cadherin) fail to elaborate DSMsand tight junctions in vitro (Tinkle et al. 2008;Michels et al. 2009). Although depletionof classical cadherins interferes with epider-mal cohesion and the tight junction barrierin vivo, desmosomes still form in epidermislacking classical cadherins or alpha-catenin(Vasioukhin et al. 2001a; Tunggal et al. 2005;Tinkle et al. 2008). a-catenin also plays animportant role in orienting the mitotic spindlein the basal layer for asymmetric cell divisionsthat promote stratification into the differen-tiated layers (Lechler and Fuchs 2005). Thelack of desmoplakin has little influence on theplace of cell division in basal keratinocytes,but this IF binding protein regulates MTorgan-ization in the suprabasal epidermis via inter-actions with ninein (Lechler and Fuchs 2007).These studies emphasize that elaboration ofAJs and DSMs into a stratified epithelium notonly holds the tissue together but also providespositional cues for targeting cytoskeletal,trafficking, and endocytic machineries.

How junction assembly and remodelingoccurs on the molecular level in vertebratetissues in vivo is a challenge for future study.During stratification, DSMs with different com-positions reflecting differentiation-dependentexpression patterns must either be made denovo or remodeled or both (North et al.1996). In part this remodeling may be drivenby transcriptional programs, such as thatregulated by grainyhead transcription factorsthat drive expression of desmoglein 1 in differ-entiated layers of the epidermis (Wilanowskiet al. 2008). Once expressed, whether newly syn-thesized cadherins are immediately incorpo-rated into junctions or require additional

regulatory cues or post-translational modifi-cations, similar to those that occur duringembryogenesis, is unknown. We also do notyet know whether, once assembly competent,molecules are inserted into pre-existing junc-tions or used to create new junctions. In thefuture, studies at the molecular level thataddress fundamental properties of junctiondynamics, coupled with genetic analysis of invivo models, should begin to reveal the com-plexity of mechanisms used in vivo.


The authors would like to acknowledge AndrewKowalczyk for helpful comments and discus-sion. Work in the authors’ labs is supportedby NIH R01’s AR43380, AR41836, CA122151(K.G.), a Dermatology Career DevelopmentAward and Zell Foundation Awards (S.G.),and R01 AR44016 (S.T.).


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