interact intranet vs sharepoint 2013

Interact Intranet v SharePoint 2013 An Interact Guide interact - the intelligent intranet Understand the true cost of your business intranet

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Interact Intranet v SharePoint 2013

An Interact Guide

interact - the intelligent intranet

Understand the true cost of your business intranet

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Interact Intranet vs SharePoint 2013There’s no doubt that Microsoft SharePoint has been a huge success for Microsoft with over one hundred million licenses sold in its history. SharePoint 2013 is the latest iteration, and includes a number of improvements on previous versions.

However, these facts mask the truth about the failed return on investment for many organisations. There have been too many documented examples of costly failed SharePoint projects and reports show that cost overruns of 1 million, 10 million, even 100 million happen regularly.

In this document we want to give you a true picture of the costs and impact of Microsoft SharePoint 2013 in order to help you and your company make an informed decision.

After all, we understand that a new intranet in your business involves a significant investment in time and money to achieve a new way of working that can have a real business impact in the long-term.

Is Microsoft SharePoint the safe choice?

When looking for a new solution for their organisation, every board level stakeholder analyses bottom line operational efficiency, cost reduction and risk, and considering a new intranet solution is no different. This broad analysis adds additional pressure to the team or individual responsible for investigating a new intranet solution.

The familiar phrase “nobody got fired for buying Microsoft” provides some sense of comfort when buying a so-called market-leading product. However, this is a false belief as many SharePoint projects simply fail to meet key objectives.

One example comes from the AIIM report ‘The SharePoint Puzzle’, which reveals only 28% of respondents had SharePoint in use across their whole workforce representing a huge failure in adoption.

Understand ALL the costs

According to a recent Gartner report* “most organisations underestimate SharePoint’s maintenance and service costs. These can be two or three times more than the initial license price, once add-ons are deployed.”

Crucially, it is the hidden costs of SharePoint that are rarely considered. On the surface the license costs may seem straightforward, but this is just one minor part of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) which can be difficult to predict and can escalate quickly.

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We want to ensure you consider these risks and understand what the cost of these risks are, and explain why so many companies see Interact as a smarter and more cost-effective alternative.

* Gartner - Ecosystem Partners That Can Help You Mind Six Gaps in SharePoint

Interact Intranet vs. SharePoint 2013

What is SharePoint 2013?

SharePoint 2013 is the latest version of an enterprise information portal, from Microsoft, that can be configured to run Intranet, Extranet and Internet sites. Crucially it is not a dedicated intranet platform, rather a development platform designed for multiple purposes.

Microsoft itself describes SharePoint as Collaboration, Portal, Search, Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Business process management (BPM) and Business intelligence (BI). So a lot to chose from!

SharePoint enables important documents and business processes to be stored centrally and integrates well with the Microsoft Office suite.


3 year product update life-cycle so it falls behind the rapidly changing intranet landscape quickly

Great for building document stores

Requires 3rd party integration for responsive design functionality

An intranet implementation will require extensive custom development

Needs a comprehensive input from specialist SharePoint technical team

Takes many months to develop and implement

What is Interact Intranet?

Interact Intranet is a purpose built out of the box, vastly customisable social intranet platform that is designed for non-technical communication professionals to rapidly deploy content and easily manage internal communications.

Interact Intranet offers a blend of communication, collaboration and business process tools that can be tailored to fit any company rapidly.

It is incredibly easy to deploy, maintain and use, making it a stress-free choice for organisations looking to communicate and collaborate more effectively.


3 substantial software updates per year

Built for mobile with responsive design allowing content to be viewed on any device

Intelligently pushes content to people solving one of the biggest problems in all intranet deployments

Out the box (can be up and running in days)

Vastly customisable, 100s of features and applications

Built on standard Microsoft technologies making it easy to integrate into your IT environment.

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Interact selected as the ‘number 1’ alternative

In a recent poll on the Intranet Professionals LinkedIn group, Interact Intranet was voted number 1 in the top 20 alternatives to SharePoint?

What’s new in SharePoint 2013?

SharePoint 2013 provides some new features which include:

Improved mobile interface, although as discussed below, this is weak in many areas.

Apps add-on options.

Yammer integration (only in the Cloud, not on-premise).

FAST search inclusion (formerly an option) but note the price rises for this.

‘eDiscovery’ aimed at legal departments for finding information across SharePoint, Exchange and Lync. However initial feedback is that the complexity of it is holding business back from gaining the compliance benefits for which it was bought.

Improved publication for external websites (highlighting that SharePoint is not a dedicated intranet platform)

How Much Will Implementing My Intranet Cost?

Price is often a key concern when considering a new intranet platform. Many businesses mistakenly assume that because Microsoft SharePoint comes with their existing Microsoft licenses package it will be inexpensive to deploy.

However, SharePoint can be very costly depending on which version of the software you opt for and which licence agreement you select. There is a large disparity between license costs and The Cost of Ownership. The SharePoint Census 2012 identified the cost of ownership per user per month to have averaged $48.47 through 2012, up from $45.77 in 2011.

There are a number of factors inhibiting faster adoption of Sharepoint, but IT management issues seem to emerge as the most critical. Furthermore many IT departments are understaffed because enterprises underestimate the operations resources required to manage, secure, patch and back up Sharepoint sites, databases servers and farms.

Michael Osterman, President of Osetrman Research

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Osterman’s report summarises SharePoint has either had no impact, a doubtful impact or just made things worse for over 30% of businesses using it.

Watch the hidden costs

The hidden costs are simply very expensive. Most IT managers will fail to scope these correctly as their SharePoint scope changes as the business requirements alter. These alterations often surface only after deployment.

To get the best out of Microsoft SharePoint it has to be treated as a software development project and that can be like writing a blank cheque. It is extremely hard to be able to pinpoint and budget/forecast spend on a Microsoft SharePoint project.

Microsoft recommends that a SharePoint product deployment requires approximately $8 of customisation services for every $1 of license fee. This is often missed when businesses scope the on-going cost of SharePoint and results in SharePoint being one of the most expensive products available as a company’s intranet.

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Gartner’s* data indicates that 90% of organisations using SharePoint face a challenging decision: either manage the complexity of a SharePoint system augmented by custom code, or use third- party add-ons to fill the gaps in SharePoint.

When this cost is factored with maintenance and upkeep, and a potential for a poor return on investment, the financial impact on a business in the long term is enormous. As discussed in the introduction, hiring the skills to maintain this are not easy to find and not cheap when you find them.

* Gartner - Ecosystem Partners That Can Help You Mind Six Gaps in SharePoint

The Software Cost of SharePoint vs Interact Intranet

Finding a true comparative cost for SharePoint 2013 is unclear. Depending on the SharePoint reseller used, prices can fluctuate.

However what is clear is that the cost of implementing SharePoint 2013 is significantly higher than its predecessor 2010, a rise of 15%, as Fast Search and licences (CALs) for websites / extranets are now included. Below is a comparison of the estimated costs of SharePoint 2013 and Interact Intranet:

£8,000 ($12,000)

£4,666 ($7,000)

£18,000 ($27,000)

£9,333 ($14,000)

£22,500 ($33,750)

£9,333 ($14,000)

£5,000 ($7,500)

£16,666 ($25,000)

£20,000 ($32,000)

£66,666 ($100,000)

£25,000 ($33,750)

£166,666 ($250,000)

£5,000 ($7,500)

£37,717 ($56,576)

£10,000 ($15,000)

£73,728 ($110,592)

£15,000 ($22,500)

£122,880 ($184,320)

£5,000 ($7,500)

£5,333 ($8,000)

£7,500 ($11,250)

£8,000 ($12,000)

£10,000 ($15,000)

£10,666 ($16,000)

£23,000 ($34,500)

£64,384 ($96,576)

£55,500 ($85,250)

£157,728 ($236,592)

£72,500 ($108,750)

£309,546 ($464,320)

250 Users


2500 Users

Interact Intranet

SharePoint 2013

Interact Intranet

SharePoint 2013

Interact Intranet

SharePoint 2013

Number of User

Typical software costs 1

User licences (CALs)

Implement -ation labour costs 2

Intranet planning, taxonomy & launch 3

Total Cost

The cost of the server software looks cheap – but the CAL’s in Microsoft SharePoint are expensive. Conversion to $’s based on 1.5.


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1. Interact Intranet additional modules are included in this cost – a typical configuration is assumed for 250, 1000, and 2500 users. Microsoft SharePoint 2013 figures taken from ‘Estimating 2013 licensing costs’ -

2. Microsoft SharePoint 2010 implementation labour costs taken from: Forrester - The Total Economic ImpactTM of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (

3. Interact Intranet figures based on average of 100 companies of similar size. SharePoint cost is based on an identical sized solution with a Microsoft SharePoint implementer as with Interact.

What Will The Impact On My IT Resources Be?

A SharePoint implementation requires specialist skills to develop, manage, secure, patch and back up SharePoint sites, databases, servers and farms despite being implemented in a Microsoft environment. Given the average salary for SharePoint specialists is £42,500 in the UK, and $74,000 in the US (much higher for professional services day rates), costs can quickly add up.

Basing these figures against The Osterman Report’s statement that the average SharePoint specialist team size is 2 people then it’s likely to be £85,000 (excluding UK benefits) or $148,000 (excluding US Benefits).

This is before you factor in recruitment fees (typically 15% in 2013 according to Monster) that could see you paying £12,500 ($19,000) to agencies to bring these resources on board.

Interact is low maintenance. It can easily be supported by a standard IT department, seamlessly integrated with your existing environment and has the option of annual support with our specialist Service Desk. We would not expect you to need to employ additional technical resources.

See next page for resource cost comparison >

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To put this into context, you may decide to pay a 3rd party to implement your SharePoint intranet which will attract a high initial cost, rather than opting for in-house services. Your requirements are likely to change over time needing you to re-engage the 3rd party or bring in contractors at a minimum cost of £350 ($525) per day on average.

If you don’t have immediate access to budget or struggle to get consultancy or contractor time when you need it, you are unlikely to be able to implement or integrate the tools you need. This creates a difficult balance between business need and available specialist resources.

Imagine that a new feature was required, and that it takes ten days to develop. That is £350 x 10 = £3,500 ($5,250) - just to add one simple feature!

With Interact, non-technical teams run 87% of our implementations, usually in HR, Internal Communications and Marketing. We also have a great track record of working with the IT team to initially set-up and configure the solution, requiring minimal on-going administration.

Interact is an out-of-the-box solution To enable additional functionality you simply tick a box and with three major updates available each year Interact is more flexible in meeting your changing needs compared to Microsoft’s three year product cycle. If you have development skills in-house you can also take advantage of the Developer API to integrate custom solutions with the Interact platform.

Microsoft SharePoint

Likely total additional cost year one for employing SharePoint technical resources:

2 x £42,500 salary + £12,500 recruitment fees = £97,500 (+ benefits).

Over 3 years that cost would be £267,500 assuming salary is not increased in service.

Interact Intranet

Likely total additional cost year one for employing Interact technical resources:


Specialist technical skills are simply not required to implement Interact in your business.

Microsoft Sharepoint vs Interact Cost Comparison Year 1:

£97,500 £0

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Is SharePoint Right For My Business?

Ultimately this depends on your business requirements and a true understanding of what SharePoint is.

SharePoint has evolved to become the Swiss army knife of corporate IT departments, promising collaboration, team and project management, electronic content management (ECM), intranets and portals, records management, and more - straight out-of-the-box.

However, whilst a Swiss army knife is useful because it has many different tools, none of those would normally be the tool of choice for a professional in any single area.

It’s no secret that Microsoft SharePoint is a comprehensive Document Management System (DMS). The integrations with other Microsoft products (i.e. Microsoft Office) are compelling from this perspective.

But if you are looking for a comprehensive intranet platform that forms a key part of your internal communication strategy, is it really the right choice?

As mentioned above, SharePoint can quickly become expensive. The most successful and award winning SharePoint sites mentioned in publications such as the Nielsen Normal Group ‘Best Intranets’ or Ragan Awards are often for large organisations where significant budget has been allocated.

At Interact we recognise and understand that if you are an organisation with over 7500 employees, and have a significant budget set aside, then SharePoint may well be an attractive option for you.

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How Long Will it Take to Launch My Intranet?

When considering a new intranet project, every organisation generally has an idea of when they’d like their intranet to go live. Often this coincides with other initiatives or activity taking place in a business.

Microsoft SharePoint can prove to be an immediate barrier to this. The time to develop, test and launch can be excessive and costly. This is because each project is essentially a new development project from scratch.

Large amounts of time and professional services need to be spent up front to build and design the architecture of the system. It can become costly and time consuming to go back and add in areas that were missed out in the initial design phase.

Interact has removed this pain by developing 75% of applications for you out-of-the-box, Microsoft SharePoint developers have to build and configure this 75%.

Purpose built solutions such as Interact offer a much quicker time to go live. Features can be easily turned on and configured by non-technical users, allowing the intranet to mature and grow at your pace.

The table below gives an indication of the time to implement and launch Interact Intranet and Microsoft SharePoint.

This scenario estimation is based on a 1000 user intranet with a single Intranet Manager running the project. It also includes some integration to 3rd party software, AD synchronisation, branding, and configuration of the intranet to the customer’s requirements.

Interact has a tailored professional services model to consult and train you through your intranet implementation, go live and business-as-usual activities, and can be used to fit your needs. In the table below is the basic package.

SharePoint 2013

Interact Intranet

Number of User

Initial software spec

Build and design


Gover-nance planning

Content population

Launch Strategy


20 Days

6 Days

140 Days

10 - 20 Days*

1 Day


2 Days


60 Days


1 Day


11 Months


*50% of which can be spent on the look and feel

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“But Our IT Team Want to Implement SharePoint!”

For many years there have been on-going statistics published on SharePoint projects failing to deliver true business value. This is because they’re delivered as though they are just another Microsoft Office productivity solution, implemented as a technology project with the huge and catastrophic assumption “if you build it, they will come”.

“A true intranet project is not an IT project”

A true intranet that becomes an essential part of your business and ‘the’ place where employees communicate and collaborate is not an IT project, but a communication project that supports the overall company strategy and objectives.

Your IT Team should certainly support and be comfortable with whatever technology is selected but ultimately an intranet project should be investigated, run and delivered by those responsible for internal communications.

In the AIIM report ‘The SharePoint Puzzle’ “Lack of expertise to maximize its usefulness” is given as the biggest on-going business issue by 46%, followed by a lack of strategic plans on what to use it for. This only highlights the issue where IT Teams push forward with a SharePoint implementation to fulfil a business need from a technical perspective, with very little understanding if this project fits into the wider communications strategy.

A lot of time and money can be completely wasted if a platform is built, launched then simply never used due to a complete failure to understand and engage the audience needs.

At Interact we understand this. Our Intranet Consultants and Intranet Strategists (many of whom have delivered intranets for large corporations in the past) are hugely experienced in ensuring that the delivery of our projects also matches your business requirements and not just your technical requirements.

Find out more about our services and expertise.

What about Integration?

Microsoft SharePoint integrates well with other Microsoft products as expected. But as previously mentioned, Gartner indicates that 90% of organisations using SharePoint face a challenging decision regarding managing the complexity of a SharePoint system or using third-party add-ons to fill the gaps in SharePoint.

Interact doesn’t just think about SharePoint and Microsoft – we are constantly developing key integrations with an array of products and partners.

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Key product features include:

A documented API for building on the Interact Intranet platform

Workflow and Forms system that can link and pull information in from any database system

iFrame capabilities built directly into homepages and pages allowing content from other sources to be displayed seamlessly

A new universal User Management Interface (UMI) that can be integrated with a whole host of systems including Active Directory to ensure mass user management is as simple as possible

We also recognise the importance of integrating with other 3rd party vendors and cloud services and are developing integration with other popular business applications including:

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How Will My Interact Intranet Look and Feel?

At Interact we strongly believe that the design of the intranet plays a crucial part in its success. It represents everything about a company and can form a crucial part of the culture and adoption.

That is why we have a dedicated team of interface and intranet designers. We take great pride in our intranet designs. Interact Intranet has been designed not only to be responsive but also to be tailored easily to our customers’ requirements.

Microsoft SharePoint intranets can also be branded and there are many documented cases, however it can be very time consuming to customise to the level required, another cost that can escalate quickly and must be considered

Interact Intranet has been purposely built to allow powerful themes to be created easily and at a low cost.

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Speed of New Feature Development

The intranet landscape has changed considerably over the last 5 years. The pace of development is constantly accelerating, with more companies demanding tools that sites like Google, Facebook, Amazon and Twitter now offer.

Microsoft SharePoint’s release cycle is 3 years. If it doesn’t work for your organisation then you have no comeback and your voice isn’t heard in the crowd when you want new features adding.

Interact offers three major releases per year, ensuring you have the tools available that your users expect from their experiences on the Internet. With over 60 employees and growing, Interact are agile and able to develop new features and releases based on customer feedback - 41% of new features are based on discussions with customers through our customer community and user conferences.

The User Experience

To implement a successful intranet you need your users to adopt it and continue to use it. It needs to become part of the working culture within a company and provide a real return on investment

This is a huge challenge and involves so much more than just software. This said, the user experience on your intranet forms a big part of the adoption battle.

An effective search function is critical to this experience, allowing your employees to get their work done faster. Users expect information to be delivered to them quickly. Whilst Microsoft’s search issues are well documented, Interact provides one of the best intranet search tools on the market.

Built using Lucene, an industry recognised standard search framework, Interact’s search is fast and intelligent. It includes powerful features such as:

Best Bets, which allow you to promote a specific result against a search term, similar to sponsored links

Quick partial searches promoting the most relevant content to the user quickly

A ‘did you mean’ function suggesting alternative search terms related to the term entered

Powerful filtering of results e.g. pages, links, people, events, forms, blogs, questions and answers

Active user feedback, allowing searches with no results to be fed back to Intranet Managers and acted upon

Although Fast Search has now been included in SharePoint 2013, practitioners are still identifying gaps in its coverage that haunted previous versions.

Find out more about Interact’s intelligent search.

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The Importance of Mobile

At Interact we recognise that mobile usage and the mobile workforce is critical to today’s business and will continue to be so. The explosion of tablets and smartphones has led to scenarios where employees want to access critical business systems on the move using their own devices (BYOD).

Interact has been built from the ground up with Responsive Design* at its core. It allows employees to access their intranet and gain access to critical business knowledge at any time on any device.

With SharePoint 2013 this is a different story. According to the Gartner report “SharePoint 2013, Good Progress but Missed Opportunities” report, the SharePoint mobile and tablet experience to date has been a major disappointment.

In 2013, Microsoft is very late exploiting the opportunity to provide a rich SharePoint experience in the growing mobile world dominated by Android and iOS devices. From a mobile browser perspective, Microsoft continues to focus on Internet Explorer (IE) as the optimum platform (continuing to rely at least somewhat on the use of ActiveX controls not available beyond IE).

Companies therefore have to look at additional tools such as Filamente, Mobile Entrée and to enhance the mobile experience beyond what SharePoint provides. Even with the enhancements Microsoft has introduced, Android tablets are not supported.

Search and mobile are two major factors in the good user experience but there are others. As a pure intranet platform Interact has been designed with input from communication professionals to provide a market-leading platform.


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What About Content Management?

In the recent report “SharePoint 2013, Good Progress but Missed Opportunities”, Gartner reported while there are some improvements in the Web content management (WCM) area, the imitations are still significant.

“SharePoint 2013 remains a good option for enterprises whose web strategy is oriented more toward static content on their Web page. As a result, many Gartner clients turn to other WCM tools to overcome these and other usability and functional shortcomings of the SharePoint publishing sites.”

Interact Intranet features excellent Version Control making it simple to provide a highly compliant solution approved by external auditors.

It is simple for editors to add version comments, roll back as necessary and offers businesses a simple way to provide a fully reliable solution displaying only the latest version of content – crucial when you consider the average user spends up to 28 hours per week searching and collaborating.

One of the key highlighted features missing in SharePoint 2013 by Gartner included “well- integrated web-analytics”; essential when you consider the impact an intranet can have in an organisation.

Interact Intranet features Interact Analytics. This powerful reporting tool that not only tells you how your intranet is performing but also identifies where current issues lie and how you can resolve them.

It was designed with huge input by former Intranet Managers to report on information that actually matters.

For more information see:

Will the Recent Yammer Integration Allow a Fully Collaborative Intranet?

A lot has been discussed in the intranet industry about the potential of Yammer’s integration with SharePoint 2013. Whilst some SharePoint vendors are claiming this is the magic bullet for long called for social features on SharePoint, Microsoft have made two important statements:

Firstly, Yammer will stay an independent product. Secondly, this integration will be available only from the cloud. It does not intend to completely integrate Yammer functionality into the SharePoint platform, but will integrate Yammer functionality into SharePoint wherever possible. Customers who do not accept cloud deployment cannot use Yammer.

Interact Intranet includes a whole host of powerful social and collaborative technology deliberately designed to be part of your intranet. We don’t believe in having to use separate systems to get work done. Keeping everything in one place just makes sense.

Find out more about the amazing collaboration tools in Interact Intranet: http://www.interact-

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Many Microsoft SharePoint implementers don’t have dedicated intranet consultants, they just have the technical skills that can often lead to failings in adoption and poor ROI, particularly post launch.

As Interact Intranet is an easy to deploy product, the professional service investment ensures;

A roadmap to ensure your intranet and business objectives are met in an effective and measurable manner

Training tailored to your needs and intranet team

ROI is measured and tracked using our powerful Interact Analytics

Greater intranet governance

Successful intranet architecture

Strong branding matching the organisations requirements

Your intranet launch is successful (we launch 50+ intranets per year)

You are assisted to plan and deliver your post launch phases to ensure your intranet continually delivers your needs

Remember: SharePoint may meet your IT objectives – but does it meet your business objectives?

Find out more about our services and expertise:

Successful Intranets Are Not Just About the Software

At Interact we know that clever software does not guarantee intranet success. For most organisations the software is a crucial part, but the ultimate project success relies on so much more.

As specialists in intranet software and delivery we deliberately hire people who have been there and done it, ensuring our customers massively benefit from our experience and avoid the common pitfalls and repeated mistakes.

We have over 12 years of developing and deploying successful intranets and we’ve used this experience to create and refine our Intranet Success Methodology.

This methodology ensures that we provide the right balance of professional services such as consultancy, branding, training and project management to ensure intranet success.

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Hosting ‘On-Premise’ or in The Cloud?

Software as a Service (SaaS) has proven to be an extremely attractive proposition for organisations since the explosion of cloud service, primarily due to cost savings versus the traditional perpetual software model.

When comparing against on-premise there are also other cost savings to consider such as server costs, server licenses (CAL’s) and other infrastructure.

As expected, Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is available in the Cloud, as is Interact Intranet.

At Interact we are often faced with requests for customisation, or integration with 3rd party systems. With our private cloud hosting, Interact customers can still utilise our customisation services and Development Platform whilst taking advantage of the benefit of cloud (SaaS).

Customisation to Microsoft SharePoint is not possible when hosted in the cloud.

Minimum Technical Requirements

When installing on-premise, both Microsoft SharePoint 2013 and Interact Intranet have minimum server specifications.

SharePoint investment is not just in intranet software but also upgrades to client and server software. Recommended requirements from the Microsoft website include:

Browser: IE8 or above Database: SQL 2008 Office PCs: Office 2010 (Office 2003 will not integrate with SharePoint) Email: Exchange 2010 for Integration

When considering Interact Intranet for an on-premise deployment the minimum specifications include:

Browser: IE8 or above, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari (Apple) Database: SQL 2008, SQL 2012Office PCs: Office 2010, Microsoft Office 2012Email: Any SMTP service for email integration

Interact Intranet is designed to run on multiple platforms and browsers using responsive design.

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What makes Interact stand out is that it is an intranet system that is designed to rethink first- generation intranets and bring relevance to the fore.

Alan Pelz-Sharpe – Research Director 451 Research

With SharePoint out of the box, it’s a document man-agement system, not an intranet. To make it into a great intranet you have to do a huge amount of the thinking yourself, and you’d need a big development budget to replicate even a handful the things you get from day one with Interact. The day your development partner completes their contract and leaves is also the day your system starts to decay.

Interact is constantly evolving, you get intranet thinking out of the box, not just the system. And a company that exists to help other companies with internal commu-nications, collaboration and engagement. The software has loads of great features to help your company work better and has transformed our intranet from a place to store stuff into a place where people do stuff. The Interact Community is also great for borrowing ideas from other companies using Interact and testing out your own plans.

Tom Stevenson - Head of Corporate Communications North West London Commissioning Support Unit

What others are saying...

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We moved from SharePoint as we didn’t have the technical resource. Interact Intranet is intuitive, simple and non-technical both to use and administrate. It is a solution for users, not just for web and IT experts. Inter-act has been attentive to our needs and our questions, and is keen to work with us to make their solution work for us. It feels like a partnership, a joint effort towards a united goal.

Carl Harris, Website Manager, British Computer Society

I’m very impressed with Interact Intranet. For many organisations it is a much better fit than SharePoint and much friendlier.

Sam Marshall, IBF Intranet Consultant and SharePoint expert

The barriers SharePoint presented to us are now a thing of the past - Interact is easy to set up, easy to administer, flexible and gives users the power to collaborate, devel-oping new ideas and making the most of the expertise across our business. Easily configurable modules and widgets, first class support and regular software updates has given us an intranet that exceeds our expectations.

Jason Comer, Head of Marketing and Account Development, NSL

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Trying to update information on SharePoint was very difficult and due to the level of training needed for SharePoint, most contributors were limited to very basic content, this basic content led to a complete lack of engagement.

With Interact we have an intranet where users can expect to find relevant, up to date information which encourages two way communication, is easy to use, has reliable search and all this makes it a tool people want to use.

Kate Barnes, Employee Engagement Advisor, Cross Country Trains

Try an intranet you and your colleagues will love!Trusted by over 500,000 users, Interact 7 will help you and your colleagues communicate, collaborate and get work done effetcively.

Get a free 30 day trial and find out why interact Intranet was voted #1 alternative to SharePoint.

Try Interact today

Interact Head Office Station House, Stamford New Road, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 1EP, UK

+44 (0)161 927 3222

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Trying to update information on SharePoint was very difficult and due to the level of training needed for SharePoint, most contributors were limited to very basic content, this basic content led to a complete lack of engagement.

With Interact we have an intranet where users can expect to find relevant, up to date information which encourages two way communication, is easy to use, has reliable search and all this makes it a tool people want to use.

Kate Barnes, Employee Engagement Advisor, Cross Country Trains

Our SharePoint PromiseUntil the 31st December 2013 Interact are offering an exclusive 25% rebate off SharePoint CAL licenses if you are considering upgrading or moving to SharePoint. Plus let us migrate your content and give you our adoption promise.

Content MigrationWe will migrate all your

content from SharePoint at no additional cost.

Adoption PromiseIf your users don’t love Interact we will refund ALL the license costs.

CAL Rebate25% CAL rebate

for anybody currently using SharePoint.

Contact us to find out more about SharePoint promise >

Interact Head Office Station House, Stamford New Road, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 1EP, UK

+44 (0)161 927 3222