intelligent control and signal processing from pelincec

Intelligent Control and Signal Processing from PELINCEC Perspective Presented by Bartłomiej Beliczyński Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004, „Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group.

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Intelligent Control and Signal Processingfrom PELINCEC Perspective


Bartłomiej Beliczyński

Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004,„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group.

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Scope of the Presentation

Comments on terminology and meaningIntelligent control and signal processingelsewhereWG3 research topicsWorking methodsThe implementation: seminars andworkshopsFutureConclusions

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Intelligent Control meaning – the first attemptand the task force

For many, the term intelligent control has come to mean some form of control using fuzzy and/or neural network methodologies.

Panos Antsaklis’ Task Force„The task force has not attempted to address the issue of intelligence in its generality, but insteadhas concentrated on deriving workingcharacterizations of Intelligent Control”

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Intelligent Control Versus ConventionalControl

The word „control” in „intelligent control” has different - more general meaning than the word „control” in „conventional control”.The area of intelligent control is interdisciplinary and it attempts to combine theories and methods from areas such as control, computer science and operations research.Intelligent controllers are emulating human mental faculties such as adaptation and learning dealingwith uncertainty and coping with large amounts of data.An alternative term is “autonomous (intelligent) control”.

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Control and Intelligent Systems

An intelligent system must define and usegoalsControl system is required to move thesystem towards these goalsThus any intelligent system will be (orconsists of as a part) control system,„Intelligent Control Systems”, „IntelligentSystems”

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Intelligent system properties

Minimum: ability to sense environment, to make decisions and controlHigher: ability to recognize objects andevents, to represent knowledge, to reasonand planAdvanced: ability to perceive andunderstand and to choose visely

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

A Working Definition

„An intelligent system must be highly adaptable to significant unanticipatedchanges, and so learning is essential. It must exhibit high degree of autonomy incoping with changes. It must be able to deal with significant complexity, andthis leads to certain sparse types of functional architectures such as hierarchies.”P.Antsaklis’ Task Force (1993).

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Intelligent Signal Processing

„ISP differs fundamentally from the classical approach to statistical signal processing in that the input-output behavior of a complex system is modeled by using “intelligent” or “model-free” techniques, rather than relying on the shortcomings of a mathematical model”.

IEEE Press adv. Of S.Haykin and B.Kosko2001 book „ Intelligent Signal Processing”.

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Samples of Activity in the Field (Elsewhere)

Inteligent Signal Processing-University of Barcelona

Central Research interests:Electronic Nose & Artificial Olfaction Taste Sensors & Electronic Tongue Chemical Sensing Technologies Soft Computing for Pattern Recognition and Regression: Artificial Neural Networks Fuzzy Inference Systems

Page 11: Intelligent Control and Signal Processing from PELINCEC

Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Samples of Activity in the Field (Elsewhere)

Inteligent Signal Processing-University of Barcelona cont.

Genetic Algorithms ChemometricsMicrocontroller, DSP, PC embedded systems Peripheric research interests:Bio-inspired olfactory signal processing Human Perception: sound, vision, odours, taste, tactile... Multi-modal data fusion Data Mining...

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

WG3 working method and publication lifecycle

Preparation (seminars and internalworkshops) – problem formulation andsolutionTitle and summary deliveryPresenting the paper during externalworkshopImproving and extending the papersDelivering final version of the papersReviewing processPublishing

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

The Workshops

Impact of Artificial Intelligence Methods and Models on Engineering Practice – 2003

Bridges Through Time: Intelligent Control, Signal Processing and Real-Time Process Control -2004

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Intelligent Control and Signal ProcessingGroup Research Topics - Fundamentals

The relationship between the singularcompartmental systems and the electrical circuitsRandom sampling for in digital alias-free signalprocessingCharacterisation of Smooth Nonlinear SystemsModel structures and propertiesRealization problemsFractional dynamical systems

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Intelligent Control and Signal ProcessingGroup Topics Research - Control

Observer design for uncertain systemsEvolutionary methods of trajectory planningNon-linear controlModel reference adaptive controlPassivity based control

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Intelligent Control and Signal ProcessingGroup Research Topics - ArificialIntelligence Methods

AI methods in identification and controlCellular Neural NetworksComputational intelligence in manufacturingquality controlDiagnostics and fault detectionRough Sets and Petri NetsText categorisationVoice recognitionUtilising chaos

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Intelligent Control and Signal ProcessingGroup Research Topics – Mobile Robots

Mobile and social robotsLEGO system in the University LabMobile robots navigationRoute planning and obstactles avoidingLife creatures and walking machines

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Intelligent Control and Signal ProcessingGroup Research Topics – Image Processing

Mathematical morphology for feature extractionin pattern recognitionMotion analysis and optical flow computationOld movies processingGabor filters

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Intelligent Control and Signal ProcessingGroup Topics – Modelling and Simulation

Development of behavioural system modellingUML modellingModelling of real-time systems with UML languageDicrete-time systems modelling and simulation

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Impact of Artificial Intelligence Methods and Models on Engineering Practice

2 full days program,21 papers all together including

2 tutorials2 invited papers6 Ph.D. students papers

4 sessions: Image Processing, Approximation and Control, ArificialIntelligence Applications, Robotics

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Cover design

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Graphics’ draft

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Bridges Through Time: Intelligent Control, Signal Processing and Real-Time Process Control

2 full days program,26 papers all together including

3 invited papers8 Ph.D. students’ papers

4 sessions: Non-linear Systems and NeuralModelling, Automation, Robotics andSoftware Engineering, Fundamentals andApplications, Image processing

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group

Conclusion points

Interdisciplinary field of researchOnly certain topics are selected andundertakenThe near future: undergoing publishingprocessPelincec conference preparationFuture colaboration

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Pelincec Internal Seminar, Warsaw December 28, 2004.„Intelligent Control and Signal Processing” Group



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