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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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The National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG)

Nick TurnerIntelligent Addressing Ltd

[email protected]


We intend to cover;

• Why adopt the NLPG

• Why adopting the NLPG is straightforward

• Software suppliers

• Content and lifecycle

• Features

• Other users

• IA services

• Summary

Why adopt the NLPG

• Not simply designed for postal delivery but for better information


[adopting principles of data management, sharing, completeness and currency]

[although obviously it can do postal delivery too]

• The way it manages information.

[Relational structure rather than flat]

• Complete Welsh language records - and alternatives, historic addresses

[Alternative addresses help with data matching]

[Dual language capability meets the needs of the Welsh Language Act and satisfies community groups]

Why adopt the NLPG (2)

• Helps central government activity match to local government activity

• Derived data sharing benefits

• Designed for continuous improvement

• Maintained by users for users

• A defined process for updating and correcting [NLPG is part of a process (data creation > maintenance > storage > use) within a cycle of constant improvement (candidate services and Improvement Schedules]

• Auditable and audited[Local authorities need high quality data and suffer if it degrades][It is not perfect but we can tell you its strengths and weaknesses…. And work to correct them]

The National Land and Property Gazetteer

Level of direct confirmed match NLPG AL2 PAF

VOA Council Tax 98.8% 93%? n/k

VOA NNDR 72.1% 22%? n/k

Electoral Roll 97.1% n/k n/k

[This does not mean that 100% of the data is not present on the NLPG but simply that this is the level of direct match that can be achieved with certainty. The match rates continue to rise but they enable us to audit the NLPG for the strongest and weakest areas and take remedial action accordingly]

[If you want the stats for your area we are happy to share them]

Why adopting the NLPG is straightforward

Three possible ways of getting the benefit of NLPG

• You can keep what you have but match to the NLPG and insert

just the UPRN

• You can adopt some key NLPG fields plus UPRN

• You can adopt all of the NLPG

[The cost of change is only consumed once, rather than many times when considering

applications a user wants to share with]

Software suppliers and collaborations

Many implementations of NLPG through many technology enablers

• Not as common as PAF but thousands of separate applications, some

large and facilitated by [for example]

• QAS, GB Group, Hopewiser

• Aligned Assets, Hopewiser, Northgate, etc

• Bespoke – IBM, EDS, Capita etc

[Further collaborations are emerging all the time as the news spreads]

• A compilation of all 348 LLPGs in England and Wales

[Produced by all Street Naming and Numbering Councils in England and Wales]

[Maintained through the statutory street naming and numbering process]

• Managed by Intelligent Addressing

[Under a PPP agreement with Local Government and also underpinned by the MSA]

• Owned by I&DeA

[on behalf of]

• Local and Central Government

• Identical authority based approach in Scotland

[With the One Scotland Gazetteer (OSG) being used across local and central Government to facilitate partnership working]

What is the NLPG?

What is the NLPG?

• Based on the British standard for addressing [BS7666: 2006 – Parts 0, 1 and 2][great advantage here is it offers future proofing of your investment][standard can only go forward and never decrease usability or content]

• Created Under contract with local government [Mapping Services Agreement (MSA)]

• MSA • The agreement is for Local Government to procure digital mapping services at a discounted rate• Councils, Police, Fire, PTE’s, National Parks, English Conservation Boards

• All receiving participants are entitled to daily updates of a national feed of the NLPG and access to a help desk for support, training and feedback purposes

• All creating authorities must update their gazetteer to hub at least once per month• All creating authorities must commit to continual improvement (through feedback)

What does it contain?

• Basic Land and Property Units (BLPUs)[Based on smallest units of occupation / service delivery, flats, units, sub floors][Each spatial entity (including child records) is designated with a unique and persistent UPRN][Each spatial entity has at least one address]

• Addresses and location content[Postally addressed and non postally addressed properties][Alternative addresses, historical addresses and Welsh addresses]

• Spatial data[All BLPUs contain a grid coordinate] [All streets with grid coordinates]

• Additional attribution[Including property classifications, property states, street classifications etc][The NLPG is more comprehensive and current than any other address dataset]

Street naming and numbering process

Which address would you like…..?Council Tax:

5 Saint Marys Court

Manchester Road



M29 8DP


5 St Marys Court

Manchester Road

Astley, Tyldesley


M29 8DP

Social Services:

5 St Mary’s Ct.



M29 8DP


Plot 5 St Mary’s Ct.

Manchester Rd




M29 8DP


5 St. Mary’s Court

Manchester Road



M29 8DP

Other NLPG Features

• INSPIRE compliant. [IA’s involvement INSPIRE and in EURADIN. Ironically, thanks to the Welsh, the British (who are bad at languages) have ensured that EURADIN will be adopting something close to the NLPG structure because it can hold other languages]

• The NLPG is a component of a Spatial Data Infrastructure [data creation and maintenance locally from source]

[data storage centrally for national dissemination][governance mechanism of MSA contract and ALO/custodian network/]

• Compliant with main relevant ISO standard. [ISO 19112]

• Variety of different types of application[It covers all points such as sampling for surveys, numbers of property by type and by area, points of interest analysis etc]

• Relationship with the new Location Program – responsible for implementing Inspire

• Integration and involvement in EURADIN



UKSDILocal/Regional Partnership

European Geoportal

Discover, view, download under MSA Register and discover Discover, view, download, transform

INSPIRE Network ServicesDiscover, View, Download,


C Govt. databasesValuation Office, CORE

Private sector utilities, banks, navigation

systems etc

Example: NLPG INSPIRE compliance

Current collaborations:Who is using the NLPG?

• DCLG FiReControl project:[Command and Control using NLPG as base addressing dataset for mobilisation]

• Office for National Statistics [2011 Census addressing project]

• Ministry of Justice[Coordination Online Register of Electors (Core)] [prevents being disenfranchised]

• National Register of Social Housing (NROSH)[Data quality and matching exercise to improve interoperability]

• Increasing numbers of local authority applications[Local authorities need high quality data and suffer if it degrades]

Do you know where all your

infrastructure is?

How do you liaise in

an emergency?

How do you know where your

new customers are?

Where do you get address

change Intelligence from?

How current is this information?

Is it derived from source?

And what about customers that

you should be billing but are not?

How do you identify




•Public toilets


•Industrial Units

3rd September 2009 IA Presentation to Susiephone 3rd September 2009

Intelligent Addressing’s NLPG responsibilities?

Intelligent Addressing’s NLPG responsibilities?

• Receive, validate and distribute the NLPG data.

• Operate a helpdesk and maintain supporting documentation to assist


• Provide feedback to data creators and end users.

• Promoting and furthering the use of NLPG data across local and central

government together with the private and ‘third’ sectors

• Commercialisation of the NLPG[Through PPP agreement with Local Government]

IA Services

• Data cleaning[IA can add value to existing datasets by cleansing against the NLPG to verify address and property attributes]

• Data matching [Typical cost of £1,800 for 100,000 records, heavy discounts for larger numbers of records]

[Our approach is not just to use standard software which is what makes us different]

• Transition planning[IA offer a variety of different skills and experiences in the consultancy sector with over 200 years combined information management experience]

• Training and support[The proposed transition plan demonstrates our experience and has proved popular in other tenders]


• Quality audits

• Feasibility and scoping studies

• Business process design

• Data modelling

• Data analysis

• Data cleaning

• Data matching

• Database merging or linkage

• Technical drafting

• Advice on standards

• Centralised Electoral Roll – cleaning and matching electoral rolls for the Ministry of Justice CORE project

• Water Utility – analysing their data and producing potentially 20,000 further customers

• Census – analysing data for the Office of National Statistics in preparation for 2011

• BS7666 – advising on the review of the addressing standard

• EURADIN - European Union sponsored project to harmonise EU addresses

• Command & Control Centres – Cleaning and matching data for the Department of Communities & Local Government Fire Project

Project development & delivery

• Hub development

• Multi-channel data management

• Web delivery services

• Transition planning and implementation

• Application integration

• Training and support

• Communication

• Quality and trend analysis

• Improvement management

• Data distribution

• Contract & performance monitoring

• National Land & Property Gazetteer –centralised collation of all local authority property gazetteers throughout England & Wales for the Improvement & Development Agency

• Council Tax – maintaining synchronicity between the NLPG and Valuation Office data

• National Street Gazetteer – centralised collation of all local authority street gazetteers throughout England & Wales for the Improvement & Development Agency

Licensing reference data

• The National Land & Property Gazetteer (NLPG)

• NLPG/VOA look-up table

• NLPG/PAF look-up table

• NLPG/AP look-up table

The National Land & Property Gazetteer

Development of licensing and pricing frameworks

• Development of specific use contracts for;

• Internal business use

• Consumer web use

• Location Based Services

• Navigation

• Development and Demonstration

Experience of;

• Creative commons licensing

• Open database licensing

• Web service agreements

• Collective framework agreement

• Creating statutory legislation

Software solution development

• Browser based or

cilent side based

• Integration with proprietary GIS

• Integration with client addressing solutions

What does the national gazetteer look





Street Naming

& Numbering

Function (SN&N)




USRN, Street Name, Settlement Name

& Street Coords

Street Name (potentially USRN,

Settlement Name and Street Coords)

Validation between Hubs

New SN&N records

Regular Change

Only Update

Creating Authority


Licensees /

statutory users




Regular Update




Outward customer facing services

The Cloud



Local or Regional Database



Local Authorities

Government Departments

Private Sector


Hub development and service integration

• Services compliant with; OGC and W3C standards

• Bespoke API development• Hosted and managed solutions

Transition to NLPG


Hopefully we have addressed [sorry for the pun]

• Why have others adopted the NLPG?

• Why you should change?

• The benefits of change?

• Costs of change?

• The NLPG Life cycle

• Additional Services

[Next onto the transition plan?]


Nick TurnerBusiness Development Manager

Intelligent Addressing LtdIvybridge House1 Adam Street

LONDON WC2N 6DDT - 020 77473500F - 020 77473501