intelligencer.(anderson, s.c.) 1915-11-02. · v- v. anderson,s. c., saturday morning,...

V- V. ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9,1915. ._._ Wt NUMBER 232. VILLA BEGINS < Fl! uiniiinnir lUfll '. 11 't BELATED SIEGE OF CARRAN¬ ZA FORT STARTED MON- | DAY AFTERNOON AMERICAN STRUCK BY PIECE OF Gen. Davú WarnedXommanders and No Further jLnjurjes to Americans Resulted. Douglas, Arizona, Nov'. 1.-General Villa delivered his long expected at-! tar:lg on the Carranga ghiyison at {£gua Prieta oppoBito' hore .tbjk attér- noon. "VyiÜilu two hours after tho flrutgun was fired, machine gun hal¬ lets, and fragments of Shells shower¬ ed pu .American territory, seriously.I wounding' Louis F.-i Taylor, a reátau- rant walter and endangering scores -of American soldiers in tho trenches two miles east; or hero. Taylor'was shot down In front ol the' United States 'Customs -. house' 'where' more than seventy machine glin bullets- sped among.. the j throng'.- bf i .soldiers. Mexican women and children aro coming across-tho border. Toe bul- lot struck Taylor'sspine, paralysing hlmV \ ?General'Tltbmas:P. .'.Davis,; com-! mundina the six \thousand American troops here, 'promptly warned; tho commanders of both Mexican factions to cbapge tho dlrectlcm bf their fire and no more casualties among. Ameri¬ cans resulted; About sltf thirty. '-'<ho Villa forces opened a.heavy fire from ali side sot Agua Prieta :batV the firing ceased-' when tho rVilla^MivT^- which.began - with>;'thô -firms ^ácíieíT- tbe.Tïlfo i6n-' .tanglcménts on the east side of tho' city ,and - bogan-'io-d^^emsbfe^fay*- V Punston Commands AinerîeauH. Washington. Now 1 .-Major Gen-, eraí PjaÚBtópj .'whQ taite command at Douglas, tonight report¬ ed to Secretary Garrison that Villa is very hitter against/the United States., Abm:that the 'situation' is very! tense a ¿Nogales on;.-account of 'the bitter-' ness of tho Villa faction which ls in control hore. Suprême Court Declares Aliens jvSniî "iavfe Same ProtecM»» ?-r-- Washington, Nov.. 1,-Tho 'Arizbpa .anti-àllén labor law b^tó been declared unconstitutional by the supremo courfj; Tho decision »ffirms that of a special' circuit; court; ''.;?-?'. Much .'attention- is attracted -tb the casé bpcuusc several forolgn .govern¬ ment:} protested against it and is simUarlty toland legislation lp Callr j fornla which restricts ownership 'bf f real estate by.tito Japanese. .'? The Arizona law wás enacled'by an initiative vote of Arizona jreople, which made, it ..uniav/f^l fdr an em¬ ployer of over fife-1 persons- to.. em¬ ploy less'than'80 per cent of qualified' electors or citizens of .the United Siatcu. Tho case waa ono In which an Austrian!-v\-nita¿' lá.''J&sheb^éoiigtít lbj enjoin his employer abd the- state from enforcins tlio law on hljw,-: Justlco JJvghea in announcing the decision said it hos^already been es* tablishcd that aliena In thiB country bro entitled to equal protection of thc law«. ' ThVl&W is in Conflict With the jisrsoual guSrsw*jr.:Yf'?_liu6rty1. accorucd. -aliens, toy -Isidaiatkm. 'm. Î,?IJÎ8 p KU .BD SUlCroB St. Louis, Nov. 1.-Edward L. Pre- torl&us'.-^preMenk'-ot the. Gemto American P/ess'Aássbcíatltm. which nuhllah03 thc Tltnbs arid, thé Weaföttfa Post committed 'suicide at his .homo thia mcrning. ll«, *hot himself. He had been in poor-health Tlio Timés was publtebed te ^a^Usbí: the, Wcst-:; liehe Post ir« German. TAKmmMA .Washington, Nay, i.-State depart-' snent officials .fete a*aiilng" full flo* tallr of 'tnev-s^'jostt'es ot th«: Atoericao Steamer.-.^cldng;-.til¿«á- to -llblifà*- by a\V-3Wtisb-Hùfaiitor'>.Wbtïé.,è»ronia:l'irom' :mSÊï$Pfiï:tàNorfolk lb Belfast. Coa* ,vatrnt reacïaï íibere .laat n Ight. ~ The HooBing.n-was '.formerly. -.Uve ; steamer Qronlond. illili wmmm E. P:CÓFIELD ATTACKED AN DIRECTING WORK OF Li FOR SHIPMENT-SI TO CALI. The first violence in connection with theiitrlko at Brogop mill came" Mon¬ day afternoon when, an attempt was made io load some gooda on s, freight oar. -Slr. E.: P. Cofiold, clothroom boss of' tho mill, was-attached and severely beaten by the crowd, which swarmed around the truck crews at work loading tho cars. Last night conditions about the mill ^re-quiet. The crowds had been dispersed, though tho watchmen kept on tho grounds by the striking opera¬ tives wero orderly. Conditions wore íiulo t, hut the outcomo of this morn- lns's attempt to^ continue tho'loading of'*Ve goods,-, is ¿as yet »jinknown. The attempt to load the .goods was brought about by merchants J from northern cities, who bought goods and Al ÈMÀQÛBVÀ AUSTRO-GERMAN AND BULGA TIGHTER AROUND BI WK ARMY--GERMANS AND NE/ London, Nov. xl.-Rrnguevatz, In the contràV part of North Serbia, and Serbia's chief arsenal, now. ls in the! bands of tho <3ermaus marching south frtam. Belgrade, while! trón\'.thc .north1-' :!, f. and" cast, the^AuStrQ-'Ucr- utana and Bùlgarlani'arè.me^lic^ical-; Jy,,pushüigiUtbolr way1- mtb-tUo- little kingdom, drawing a tighter ring around' tho Serbian army which ls trying valiantly to rOpt.1 tho Invaders. The. Bulgarian "capture of Bala Polianka' is regarded as anotlier- step toward tho copturo'of Nish. . v jm-south, near .thc Greek Serbian border, where tho An gl.o^Frerich are aiding Serbia, tb>rc has -been connon- ailing and outpost engagements. "From-Bucharest, FJumana, comes a' press dispatch, saying RuB'slon troops baye bgen landed et Varna, a Bul-i garlan port on tho Black.Sea. ^¡¿1 % The.Germans heavily .bombarded Ibo French in Champagne,' seemingly preparatory to "a great." infantry >t»t- tack.-' The French" claim their artll-j 1er ystopped the attack. Tho Germans- also renewed their, attetnbpt'.to capture Rtga; from the Russians and claim some advance in OiâtsèciiBiî - TTöe IRoissíaas have i¿k- .?Ó" "ojfM oqv uj QÀisuèjio bin ue ..Dvlnsk. ' v. ' j Berlin claims more than forty thou¬ sand ^prisoners taRon* baring october on ..thle..?-.Russian! and Serbbid fjrohts>. Whlle" nb reports arrive concerning tho pardanollqs, on ..unofficial% P.bme. dlepàtçb 'says the British have madd great preparations meet tho now of-- .??.??--. ^ ....V .?.. ?? - ".?:.' " New York, Nov. 1.--Herman Rid: der," »former treasurer'of the Demo-* eratic,:National córo.mitteo atjd pjjfc' lishor'of the New York Staata'Zoíturig, died suddenly at his home herc today bf a'cu&.itldiaayrJ^Ànhtttl Htv had hfiAn-. lh if en' -ninths':aña'Critically ill .for a ( fortnight Bidder, who. was sixty- five, woo born in few York of poor parents', and began life at cloven, as an; errand i boy in- a hat store. Ho fiKSIiEiâEOnîlIÏÎÎinîg Sétírefiury Leasing to Reopen Dis¬ cussion of Letanía With ^ von Bemstoriî. Washington.'' NovV" 1.- Negotiations between .Germahy and the United. States'.teK^rdlog tho sinking of ; vth,9 Lusitania, and other questions, pend-' Inj, \vilt be rosùniedrtomé^w. whe»¿- C^uaf.; BercHtortf, the Germai- arpbasi snoot- calla ; ort Secretary Lansing at the gtkto department.' Tho question áfj:.tóíemn"Uyv'for .Aniev45aas\lo^":|n probably vvlY> bc- tafcer^ IsSfffi&belief "pre/ailed at tho «tuto department that Öeoretary- -Lansing wtiùltJ olhcIaiîTy make; knoto"to Am¬ bassador Bemstbrfr the'" result bf.Äe.' .es»>iütttt^'---'bf.'<tho .steel ;fr&g¿íont, found on tbé lmer KeSperl*n» D SEVERELY BEATEN WHILE | HADING CLOTH IN CARS 1ERIFF THREATENS MILITIA. pail for them, calling on tho mill to dolivcr thom to tho retail huyera. This is frequently done, and when the Striae waa doclarcd, tho stock of goods on hand, really belonging to outside interests, was largo.. So many tele¬ grams, uibing prompt shipment of those goods have ' been received; .1>y 1 mill .officials within the past two weeks, that it was determined to make an attempt tb ship b-pmo of. them. The plans for the shipment of the goods -was kept as much of in secret ap possible, i There was no thought ot Violence on the part-of the officials, It lo declared:. They -tho wisest plan to koop tho matter quiet. Tills was done with p.tor success and (CONTINUED ON PAGE THREE.) RIAN FORCES DRAWING RING IAVE LITTLE * SERBIAN ACTIVE'IN WEST Ut RIGA. fe ii ai ve which the "Gormans"'and Aus¬ trians; are preparing to launch against the Suez Canal. -.\ Rome records additional Italian pro- s or. tho unnor^pnrdovole.'front Rad; announces tho TDÇPUIBOS of ;AUQ- ^fHan^&t'tacks. in tho'¿-.Falsaraga and There-has beeiï a lessening of at¬ tacks on tho government In the Brit¬ ish parhament latelly. Tomorrow in thG house Of commons premier As¬ quith lo "expected to ahswer'a number of questions regarding Great Britain's plans, and conduct of war. , - King ' George returned, to London this afternoon. His condition' ls sat¬ isfactory.; ¡ i -.- .London, Nov. i.-t-The British in the 'Lialkàns.-. whose movements haye been kept st, Set 'since they entered; Saloa- Uti, new aro in tho trenches with' their allies fighting toa; Bnlgarlans just ecrpsslbo : frontier, near Strumitsa, Though alt reports that the/allies havio taken Strumitsu, aro apparently unfounded,- lt la along this lower stretch ot front that- tho Bulgarians -ajre. likely ;io receive the first; bard lilcin . Fi um Uôkùp to tho 'Danube the Bulgarian offensive has made Smuch. progress and it seems tc? bo out of-tho questlon-for the Serbians"'1 to do much iînbrè thah'fight rearguard actions for [the present; Holding Pirot, tho But- j gárians.afe. m on ic lng Nish more Seri- lously ihab/tho AuBtrp-'a.ermaus based (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO.) become bbb of i.hè.niost .powerful and., consplclcious figures among & large fumb>r.\oi Geiwan-AnuaMcanu in poli* co; andi^newspfiper publishing, Ho was formerly president of thc Amerl- -Newspaper, Publishers associa-, lion and formëîly "treasurer and tii- ,r«ctor or .the Associated Press.'Since the -flßurdpean war began Bidder, has been particularly conspiclous for bis M dent defense.of Germany. Ma» Wb¿.'Tumgshed Fay j With r E^^ve» #\ÏJ^ ^Chargea WitH Coaspîracy. r .New. . ..y*jsk, Nov-; ./'. 1.-Engeîbè Bronkh'cjttt, who' is alleged t¿:/ban furnished; éotao of tho %Öx@iiaj^L with wfelcíí.ihs governm^t chargé ?"" and hlff: a¿sociát¿9 ex-' jîow up múniüoñ1 ->blps, hero today charged-^vfith ] conspiracy:* Bronkiiôrgt fallé* -.- ¿tb .^TÄ^05.y^P;.-.bÄil'. K^rot^rirlèé-; meneado ;t&è. arrest¡.''-^Aceotátóg''tó': Chief S^yna; t^bk^^r^ is; employe*! Inrceldco^^^ j using explosives in hts work.; He ! mi j's he can próte' Brobk^crét téèî Dï. ! Herbert, Kleoílé,;.and'?Agreed to fur- ; niait bini .explosives./ uri Ï ifSJii Trñrn ELEVEN SUBMrríEP TO EX- FEÍÜMENTS ; U. S. HEALTH AUTHORITIES ALLDEYÊtôP DRE^DÏSÈASE Experiments Conducted By Dr. j Goldbcrger Proved Unbaîanc- '. ed Diet Cause Disease. Jackson, Miss. ". NÓv. 1.-Eloven convicts nt thc Rankin, Mississippi, state prison iaiWaevKn of thom Nerv¬ ing Ufo sentences, ;W**re granted till pardons today by Governor Broweii as a reward for aucinittlng to tests by thc United States- Public- Health Ssrvlco authorities th determiné' the cause of pellagra. T.-Tae twelfth meni' ber of tho "pellagra ipquad" was par¬ doned a'few rnouthn ago after a.phy¬ sical breakdown» The pardoascame after the Missis¬ sippi state hoard announced, that the testa on thg convicts had demonstrated that .pella ia pro¬ duced, by unbalanced rat ion, and that, Dr. Joseph Goldberg**, who conduct-? ed tho tests, waV^c6n\ilnced pellagra, could be cured by-proper food. ..vTbV experiments began hist- 'PÖb-' ruary,. tho twelve prisoners not ho-; lng allowed to eaf^oo'da containing fresh milk; fresh lean meat, eggs, peas, and heans. Lack ot these elementa In the food of poor poopio ls believed to cause pellagra..: 'lt'waa announced that six of tho onglets have péïhigra in pronounced .'formv Two .others Bhow symptonm.f;.^:;., V Thev convicts;'.ireye -told they, could leaye.the'prlsori immediately,.but' were urged to. rc-;nain a shor t tsnio and ho N^5^^?^¿^i .^^Lt^Zijí^uuan^w 'toi*tfi'e tests was w voluntary' on ?ihe promise of. pardons but the authori¬ ties Kept-tho. tests secret fearing, re¬ latives might. Institute legal proceed¬ ings to prevent tli ?m. Six pf the "pellagra squad" were Eorvlng Ufo sentences for murder, one Ufo sentence for criminal assault, ono had'.ten inoro years to servo for man-., slaughter and tho others had snorter 'Sentences for lesser crimes. OFFICIALS . REGARD OUT- ^!ÄQK'--AS^ MOST JFAVÖR- r-Aài&m FACTOR IN SOUTH Ö&er Opp* Gäcfe and JM! D¿ tricia . Report. Gentó«I': ím--'/ provement ; :.' Washington, Nov. 1 .-Business con¬ ditions throughout tho country-,tm- .proVfid considerably., darin;* Iftypï/^- bert according to reports .?from'íeñ* "eral, .reservó' agents made júbilo, to¬ night,- b'y.^hë'federal reserve ¡boardí< Aa a whole officials regard tho "piótnref of eormlllonsós, tho most » iayorsule J Events -?? of " September; the > atlanta -districts reports, «ot on'.y sustained but increased, the ' confidence' pf the general ..bU8ineB8.'nnbIIfrin\-tli«'!At|aota district. Commercial travelers rópcrt merchants'. Bales -, dçûbled those of September nln-:,-<m -fourteen.''-'tfsfflo Richmond distict reported Úváí af- ¡fer i mon ths of «low. haltlug 'aëvoldp- mëhtthere ls-much improvéiitónt. With indicatiorts that .thó'-Éltuátlcin járlH ,be comfortable for about three months ät'Ieaet; ; Cotton ia the princlr/Ä« fac¬ tor lc tho improvement, vthougii omer c? »ps aro good. '.'?:-.-'?'-.:-'' -Wow York reported Ihcreasefd'induS- máit^emítír, tho expanden óf wtíóle- iRáíe and retail trade and -better cot lections. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dal¬ las and-all other districts reports gen- èrtij Im'pfovehiont. Te«t! 'W«ihb*Kçàyori."-ï*àWf' Washington. Nov.- i.-The' . Weat Virginia ííauor cases, testln« the va- líBñy of the Webb-Kenyóñ: Iftw" ba'va been restored to the docket ct the «aprimó court for a second argument » Serbia's Grand Old Ma Plea to AU ll Tills photograph shows the grant! old man ^Serbia, Premier PaBhicli, looking on maps ot the progress of the war about two weeks before ho made his last plea to tho allies to send; troops to save his .country front the. Austrians, Germans, and Bul¬ garians: ' "Serbia. Is making superhuman' ci^: forth to. defend Jio/£.. existence \|ln roapönsn Ifo'tho 'advice and desire ot lier â^éaf ailto; : For, this Kné*?fe' condemned io deatll ;by. the' Xuatrb.: Germans and Bulgarians. For twenty days our common enemy has tried to annihilate us. GREENVILLE TAKES ON GALA HIBIT OF TEXTILE MA ARRANGEMENTS I Greenville, Nov. 1.-Tho stage is in ord ey for tho grand opening o£-tha Southern Textile exposition, which will, according to tho plan of the arrangement committee, bo opened ; at 9:30 Tuesday morning amid the blasts of whistles from all* of ßrjeett- yllje's industrial plants and tho strains from second 'regimental; band, which hus been engaged to furnish music at the würehoue ebt the 1'. ¿¿ M. railroad oh Washington street where 2QD exhibits have been placed.' Moat of tlie machinery house i«t«4: aèntatlvcs/ the cotton mill representa¬ tives and tho eilUcatlohaX exhibit maitiagers háVé 'arrived In tho - city and aro busy placing their booths in order. The .warehouse Ia ai scpuo'of busy ; activity today >as all the. repre¬ sentatives ,wlith their carpenters^ dec¬ orators and f.-Mftera ar ewbrkih'g. îer- ycríahly to n-akn their respective dis- 'playa' the. most attractive and >at tho Wm.-Proceed; Form of Gpyemrncat nt --rCari Maintain Order Ijjjptiig. Nov. x-^The ,Chinese gby- erumenthau rejected tho proposals, ot Japan, Gr^at Britain and Russia for a postponêmOTt' the; declalon aa; to ^hpier a monarchia^ tntnt shall be ro-e^tàbl^edv Vlcu Foreign, Minister .Taso Yolla .vialed Sie legations and niadè the1 decístah known, Ho said the provincial ? oSï" ujals stated they could maiir*ain order lt they decider5 to '/re-establish thc 'monarchy-;' ¿ '* ;.' ;;. I // 'Kter tente ntjll ÍJí(t«r. " f. fcondbn, NovY X-^The condition o/ Ikihg George, yho yroE thrrwn íroiri*k I horse Thursday; continue» tb Ijapytpyé.ï ,T~--rn-i n Makes Final ies to Save His Country :' /wu Mshlch. "itt spite of the heroism of our soldiers our veslstauce cannot ho ©ic- ported to./ho maintained indefinitely..: We heg of you and the many friends, of Serbia- in "England to do every¬ thing you can'to, insure your troops, reaching us as soon?as possible that they may help our army, and, that we may defend together tho common 'cause which ls nov/ oe: gravely Tho idea sttaßä^^-^i^^. jahd; 'fi' "waa '.'pwblïsh'éd' .'oh "the day Lord Lansdowne admitted, in tho Hduse 'dr Lords that so far Great Britain had sent only 13,000 troops to Saloniki to hèlp tho Serbs. ATTIRE FOR SOUTH'S BIG EK- CHINERY--ELÀBORATE .ÖFVtSiTöRS. same timo > facilitate'the showing of their machinery and the,Uko. Every¬ thing will'bo to order Tuesday morn¬ ing-to begin to receive tho several thousands of visitors that are ex¬ pected. The hotels of tho city aro already, crowded to c'apaci]^ but plans haVo been made to seo that all the people ihat'V"visit; hero aro comfortably hôUBèd'. Many of .tho'best residences In tho' central pdrt>;bf ',tho/elly have been, placed at their ditípoisal--thfttftK the extra rooms of "thómí-of Abo com¬ mittee .In '. charge' of tiio' visitors aç- tttjgepents. The mächihöry^'satfesmen aro having a '.'love feast" today renewing .ac¬ quaintances » with their 'associates of weiröad.-and ttíelr customers in and around ^Greenville.' who are' oh tuje committee that brought the exposition (CONTINUED OK PAOE FIVE.) \ isiisiiie Tn r<r niiirr Arpian Announcement; '.'Saya '., :.ffasti&gfi. WJJ1 Take Place Near End ,* ;: '".'of.Peceinherv i< Washington,;"'Nd.Yv I .r-It ls formally I announced at tho White Hodge ihnt ¿hei'-Gält^Wiisoh-'marViag^.'-w'llS /t^ko place "n'eav » tho -close ¿of December" priàte átNMra; Galt'o'^home. «ècretary Tumulty issued a state- ?fSPfras follow«': Itt'\*îîîcr to quiet «peculation. ' President. Wilson and Mxa. NOii* V Galt, authorised tho announcenie; that their mafrlagh ^mj|'-h»ke'. place near the close of December. Their .plaao! are '-for ja very simple'ceremony. It will he, .quiet?y-~J>er*ormea,:t '-at Mrs. Gait's Wi4deaed.v';yK«>-la^A^ODíj.-: wilí: 'teWvHiud it is expiated thc only fNH^?p£$fc .metäRem Of tho . two families. SUFFRAGE IS SSI DETERMINED CAMPAIGNS WAGED »V 'rAD?!Etóivrrs; AND OPPONENTS DOMINiM^ FACTÖR IN B^CTÏQNS Strenuous Fight for "Cause Has Pushed Important Questions Into Background Now York, Nov. 1 .-Colors Itt Ko\v York, Fenn sylvania, .Massaejju* eotts. arid Maryland, consoíva^yo, cas» torn states, which hitherto have not granted éuiïrnf?e to women, votó on that mic;;lion tomorrow after cam¬ paigns waged determinedly hy -both the suffragists and natl-suffraglsts. In Ohio prohibition is tho question nt i<«suo. So strenuous/,: has boon tho flight to convort votors io the suffrage; shle nnd on other hand to defeat ¿bat Issue that other questions wofe par? ly,lost sight of. . 'in Massachusetts, and Kentucky, however, a strong fight'ls on between thë' Oemoçrats'ond republicans to elect governors and legislators, aha tho republicans In M^>saebusotts claim the result of tho election' wilt mean their endorsement, or .disapprov¬ al Of tho Wihmn admlubiira^op. Democrats ,Say they n7Ciepndu$l'dB their, Massachusetts campaign, shel¬ ly on eatajie issues. Maryland doesn't vo suffrage/hut n& suffr¡ tlbn: amend montiifra duced. .Into: th>>: legisla ^s|p¿y»j^^^ító legislators ls centered on Buofl .^i^^^Ê^S^^^Sw^BBElA Kentucky votes only on n governor and other state officials.. ; ; In nil states where' State officials aro to be chosen there; ls much Inter¬ est over how the ^progressive vote -will turn out. ;4wHVM^^iWTO In Mississippi tho election of gov-, ehior and state officials la rnorb1^ tho ratification ot the democratic pri- mary . ; .}.':. y on bini- -intr,o« l:-5 uext hosà 18* Government ; Charges Négîéct;. of: Duty Wlîîle Inspector «t Ship Building Yards. Boston, Mass., Nov. 1.--Jloar-ad- miral William Nelson I4ttlhy retired,- failed to appear on charges of neglect and carelessness before-... »bocourtt*. martial at Charleston nav> yard. Tbs government contends. that tho. al¬ leged defects in tho submarine li-'¿ constructed by the. SJoj^o. tflver ship- building': company ot. i$klucy wore overlooked by -Little-^lle.!he:,was do duty as Inspector Of roacHI^ry^ in the * vessels being built there. The sea* slonf wero open. 6BRECE ftSD BULtJARIft SriLI. ON GODQ fcfi^S Friendship Proved By Greek Pur¬ chase of Wheat Supplies V Lon doa. Nov. 1-Th6 continuance of'friendly relations between Greece ¿nd Bulgaria fa .. indicated fey ¿he -.suo? cess of the Greek commission Whish recently went to. Sotia\ to - ^ pttrebsïe wheat for Greeco. According to; Thé Times Bucharest correspondent, the Bulgarian government baa ducldnd to i^*«a¿th6 erport ot wheat to Greece ?dar«i»e- iiedeadgatch ' Saloniki railway. ?? ?? ?>.'-. PRESlM^ . wKËYTO «MR*S'' Washington, : Nov. 1.--Senator Fi et r. uer, president o r .tbe '.. N)j^tta»^ti-V Ootenierciw fQwenn sectetaryr presented Pr^hfoßt ^Vfón wït£i£*ôld key which citíwaa1 -i^Bkoscer GklaCVÄ^ J ally ; to commemorate «fe ttfceUog 'there: last year. The key is engraved, "The key. to tiîé hearts bf Ibo people ot the southwest.*' ;. .; W'-^W ymtrtíht*'*» *u WS''

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Page 1: Intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1915-11-02. · V- V. ANDERSON,S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER9,1915. VILLA BEGINS Wt NUMBER232. Fl! < uiniiinnirlUfll '. 11 't BELATEDSIEGEOFCARRAN¬

V- V.


Wt NUMBER 232.



lUfll'. 11 't




Gen. Davú WarnedXommandersand No Further jLnjurjes to

Americans Resulted.

Douglas, Arizona, Nov'. 1.-GeneralVilla delivered his long expected at-!tar:lg on the Carranga ghiyison at{£gua Prieta oppoBito' hore .tbjk attér-noon. "VyiÜilu two hours after thoflrutgun was fired, machine gun hal¬lets, and fragments of Shells shower¬ed pu .American territory, seriously.Iwounding' Louis F.-i Taylor, a reátau-rant walter and endangering scores

-of American soldiers in tho trenchestwo miles east; or hero.Taylor'was shot down In front ol

the' United States 'Customs -. house''where' more than seventy machine glinbullets- sped among.. the j throng'.- bf i

.soldiers.Mexican women and children aro

coming across-tho border. Toe bul-lot struck Taylor'sspine, paralysinghlmV \?General'Tltbmas:P. .'.Davis,; com-!mundina the six \thousand Americantroops here, 'promptly warned; thocommanders of both Mexican factionsto cbapge tho dlrectlcm bf their fireand no more casualties among. Ameri¬cans resulted;About sltfthirty. '-'<ho Villa forces

opened a.heavy fire from ali side sotAgua Prieta :batV the firing ceased-'when tho rVilla^MivT^- which.began

- with>;'thô -firms ^ácíieíT- tbe.Tïlfo i6n-'.tanglcménts on the east side of tho'city ,and -bogan-'io-d^^emsbfe^fay*-V Punston Commands AinerîeauH.Washington. Now 1 .-Major Gen-,eraí PjaÚBtópj .'whQ taite

command at Douglas, tonight report¬ed to Secretary Garrison that Villa isvery hitter against/the United States.,Abm:that the 'situation' is very! tensea ¿Nogales on;.-account of 'the bitter-'ness of tho Villa faction which ls incontrol hore.

Suprême Court Declares AliensjvSniî "iavfe Same ProtecM»»

?-r--Washington, Nov.. 1,-Tho 'Arizbpa

.anti-àllén labor law b^tó been declaredunconstitutional by the supremo courfj;Tho decision »ffirms that of a special'circuit; court; ''.;?-?'.Much .'attention- is attracted -tb the

casé bpcuusc several forolgn .govern¬ment:} protested against it and issimUarlty toland legislation lp Callr jfornla which restricts ownership 'bf freal estate by.tito Japanese..'? The Arizona law wás enacled'byan initiative vote of Arizona jreople,which made, it ..uniav/f^l fdr an em¬ployer of over fife-1 persons- to.. em¬ploy less'than'80 per cent of qualified'electors or citizens of .the UnitedSiatcu. Tho case waa ono In which anAustrian!-v\-nita¿' lá.''J&sheb^éoiigtít lbjenjoin his employer abd the- statefrom enforcins tlio law on hljw,-:Justlco JJvghea in announcing the

decision said it hos^already been es*tablishcd that aliena In thiB countrybro entitled to equal protection of thclaw«. ' ThVl&W is in Conflict With thejisrsoual guSrsw*jr.:Yf'?_liu6rty1. accorucd.-aliens, toy -Isidaiatkm.

'm. Î,?IJÎ8 p KU.BD SUlCroB

St. Louis, Nov. 1.-Edward L. Pre-torl&us'.-^preMenk'-ot the. GemtoAmerican P/ess'Aássbcíatltm. whichnuhllah03 thc Tltnbs arid, thé WeaföttfaPost committed 'suicide at his .homothia mcrning. ll«, *hot himself. Hehad been in poor-health Tlio Timéswas publtebed te ^a^Usbí: the, Wcst-:;liehe Post ir« German.

TAKmmMA.Washington, Nay, i.-State depart-'

snent officials .fete a*aiilng" full flo*tallr of 'tnev-s^'jostt'es ot th«: AtoericaoSteamer.-.^cldng;-.til¿«á- to -llblifà*- bya\V-3Wtisb-Hùfaiitor'>.Wbtïé.,è»ronia:l'irom':mSÊï$Pfiï:tàNorfolk lb Belfast. Coa*

,vatrnt reacïaï íibere .laat n Ight. ~ TheHooBing.n-was '.formerly. -.Uve ;steamer Qronlond.

illili wmmm



The first violence in connection withtheiitrlko at Brogop mill came" Mon¬day afternoon when, an attempt wasmade io load some gooda on s, freightoar. -Slr. E.: P. Cofiold, clothroomboss of' tho mill, was-attached andseverely beaten by the crowd, whichswarmed around the truck crews atwork loading tho cars.Last night conditions about the mill^re-quiet. The crowds had been

dispersed, though tho watchmen kepton tho grounds by the striking opera¬tives wero orderly. Conditions woreíiulo t, hut the outcomo of this morn-lns's attempt to^ continue tho'loadingof'*Ve goods,-, is¿as yet »jinknown.The attempt to load the .goods was

brought about by merchants Jfromnorthern cities, who bought goods and




London, Nov. xl.-Rrnguevatz, Inthe contràV part of North Serbia, andSerbia's chief arsenal, now. ls in the!bands of tho <3ermaus marching southfrtam. Belgrade, while! trón\'.thc .north1-'

:!, f. and" cast, the^AuStrQ-'Ucr-utana and Bùlgarlani'arè.me^lic^ical-;Jy,,pushüigiUtbolr way1- mtb-tUo- littlekingdom, drawing a tighter ringaround' tho Serbian army which lstrying valiantly to rOpt.1 tho Invaders.The. Bulgarian "capture of Bala

Polianka' is regarded as anotlier- steptoward tho copturo'of Nish. .

v jm-south, near .thc Greek Serbianborder, where tho An gl.o^Frerich areaiding Serbia, tb>rc has -been connon-ailing and outpost engagements."From-Bucharest, FJumana, comes a'

press dispatch, saying RuB'slon troopsbaye bgen landed et Varna, a Bul-igarlan port on tho Black.Sea. ^¡¿1% The.Germans heavily .bombardedIbo French in Champagne,' seeminglypreparatory to "a great." infantry >t»t-tack.-' The French" claim their artll-j1er ystopped the attack.Tho Germans- also renewed their,attetnbpt'.to capture Rtga; from the

Russians and claim some advance inOiâtsèciiBiî - TTöeIRoissíaas have i¿k-.?Ó" "ojfM oqv uj QÀisuèjio bin ue..Dvlnsk. '


j Berlin claims more than forty thou¬sand ^prisoners taRon* baring octoberon ..thle..?-.Russian! and Serbbid fjrohts>.

Whlle" nb reports arrive concerningtho pardanollqs, on ..unofficial% P.bme.dlepàtçb 'says the British have maddgreat preparations meet tho now of--

.??.??--. ^ ....V .?.. ?? - ".?:.' "

New York, Nov. 1.--Herman Rid:der," »former treasurer'of the Demo-*eratic,:National córo.mitteo atjd pjjfc'lishor'of the New York Staata'Zoíturig,died suddenly at his home herc todaybf a'cu&.itldiaayrJ^Ànhtttl Htv had hfiAn-.lh ifen' -ninths':aña'Critically ill .fora ( fortnight Bidder, who.was sixty-five, woo born in few York of poorparents', and began life at cloven, asan; errand i boy in- a hat store. Ho


Sétírefiury Leasing to Reopen Dis¬cussion of Letanía With ^

von Bemstoriî.

Washington.'' NovV" 1.-Negotiationsbetween .Germahy and the United.States'.teK^rdlog tho sinking of ; vth,9Lusitania, and other questions, pend-'Inj, \vilt be rosùniedrtomé^w. whe»¿-C^uaf.; BercHtortf, the Germai- arpbasisnoot- calla ; ort Secretary Lansing atthe gtkto department.' Tho questionáfj:.tóíemn"Uyv'for .Aniev45aas\lo^":|nprobably vvlY> bc- tafcer^IsSfffi&belief "pre/ailed at tho «tutodepartment that Öeoretary- -LansingwtiùltJ olhcIaiîTy make; knoto"to Am¬bassador Bemstbrfr the'" result bf.Äe.'.es»>iütttt^'---'bf.'<tho .steel ;fr&g¿íont,found on tbé lmer KeSperl*n»


pail for them, calling on tho mill todolivcr thom to tho retail huyera.This is frequently done, and when theStriae waa doclarcd, tho stock of goodson hand, really belonging to outsideinterests, was largo.. So many tele¬grams, uibing prompt shipment ofthose goods have ' been received; .1>y1mill .officials within the past twoweeks, that it was determined to makean attempt tb ship b-pmo of. them.The plans for the shipment of the

goods -was kept as much of in secret appossible, i There was no thought otViolence on the part-of the officials,It lo declared:. They -thowisest plan to koop tho matter quiet.Tills was done with p.tor success and


RIAN FORCES DRAWING RINGIAVE LITTLE * SERBIANACTIVE'IN WESTUt RIGA.fe ii aive which the "Gormans"'and Aus¬trians; are preparing to launch againstthe Suez Canal. -.\Rome records additional Italian pro-

s or. tho unnor^pnrdovole.'frontRad; announces tho TDÇPUIBOS of ;AUQ-^fHan^&t'tacks. in tho'¿-.Falsaraga and

There-has beeiï a lessening of at¬tacks on tho government In the Brit¬ish parhament latelly. Tomorrow inthG house Of commons premier As¬quith lo "expected to ahswer'a numberof questions regarding Great Britain'splans, and conduct of war. , -

King ' George returned, to Londonthis afternoon. His condition' ls sat¬isfactory.; ¡ i


.London, Nov. i.-t-The British in the'Lialkàns.-. whose movements haye beenkept st, Set 'since they entered; Saloa-Uti, new aro in tho trenches with' theirallies fighting toa; Bnlgarlans justecrpsslbo :frontier, near Strumitsa,Though alt reports that the/allies

havio taken Strumitsu, aro apparentlyunfounded,- lt la along this lowerstretch ot front that- tho Bulgarians-ajre. likely ;io receive the first; bardlilcin . Fi um Uôkùp to tho 'Danube theBulgarian offensive has made Smuch.progress and it seems tc? bo out of-thoquestlon-for the Serbians"'1 to do muchiînbrè thah'fight rearguard actions for[the present; Holding Pirot, tho But-j gárians.afe. m onic lng Nish more Seri-lously ihab/tho AuBtrp-'a.ermaus based


become bbb of i.hè.niost .powerful and.,consplclcious figures among & largefumb>r.\oi Geiwan-AnuaMcanu in poli*

co; andi^newspfiper publishing, Howas formerly president of thc Amerl-

-Newspaper, Publishers associa-,lion and formëîly "treasurer and tii-,r«ctor or .the Associated Press.'Sincethe -flßurdpean war began Bidder, hasbeen particularly conspiclous for bisM dent defense.of Germany.

Ma» Wb¿.'Tumgshed Fay jWithr E^^ve» #\ÏJ^ ^Chargea

WitH Coaspîracy.

r .New. . ..y*jsk, Nov-; ./'. 1.-EngeîbèBronkh'cjttt, who' is alleged t¿:/banfurnished; éotao of tho %Öx@iiaj^Lwith wfelcíí.ihs governm^t chargé?"" and hlff: a¿sociát¿9 ex-'jîow up múniüoñ1 ->blps,

hero today charged-^vfith] conspiracy:* Bronkiiôrgt fallé* -.- ¿tb.^TÄ^05.y^P;.-.bÄil'. K^rot^rirlèé-;meneado ;t&è. arrest¡.''-^Aceotátóg''tó':Chief S^yna; t^bk^^r^ is; employe*!Inrceldco^^^

j using explosives in hts work.; He! mij's he can próte' Brobk^crét téèî Dï.! Herbert, Kleoílé,;.and'?Agreed to fur-; niait bini .explosives./

uri Ï ifSJii Trñrn



Experiments Conducted By Dr.j Goldbcrger Proved Unbaîanc- '.

ed Diet Cause Disease.

Jackson, Miss. ". NÓv. 1.-Elovenconvicts nt thc Rankin, Mississippi,state prison iaiWaevKn of thom Nerv¬ing Ufo sentences, ;W**re granted tillpardons today by Governor Broweiias a reward for aucinittlng to testsby thc United States- Public- HealthSsrvlco authorities th determiné' thecause of pellagra. T.-Tae twelfth meni'ber of tho "pellagra ipquad" was par¬doned a'few rnouthn ago after a.phy¬sical breakdown»The pardoascame after the Missis¬

sippi state hoard announced,that the testa on thg convicts haddemonstrated that .pella ia pro¬duced, by unbalanced rat ion, and that,Dr. Joseph Goldberg**, who conduct-?ed tho tests, waV^c6n\ilnced pellagra,could be cured by-proper food...vTbV experiments began hist- 'PÖb-'ruary,. tho twelve prisoners not ho-;lng allowed to eaf^oo'da containingfresh milk; fresh lean meat, eggs, peas,and heans. Lack ot these elementaIn the food of poor poopio ls believedto cause pellagra..: 'lt'waa announcedthat six of tho onglets have péïhigrain pronounced .'formv Two .othersBhow symptonm.f;.^:;., VThev convicts;'.ireye -told they, could

leaye.the'prlsori immediately,.but' wereurged to. rc-;nain a shor t tsnio and hoN^5^^?^¿^i .^^Lt^Zijí^uuan^w'toi*tfi'e tests was wvoluntary' on ?ihepromise of. pardons but the authori¬ties Kept-tho. tests secret fearing, re¬latives might. Institute legal proceed¬ings to prevent tli?m.Six pf the "pellagra squad" were

Eorvlng Ufo sentences for murder, oneUfo sentence for criminal assault, onohad'.ten inoro years to servo for man-.,slaughter and tho others had snorter'Sentences for lesser crimes.


FACTOR IN SOUTHÖ&er Opp* Gäcfe and JM! D¿

tricia . Report. Gentó«I': ím--'/provement ;

:.' Washington, Nov. 1 .-Business con¬ditions throughout tho country-,tm-.proVfid considerably., darin;* Iftypï/^-bert according to reports .?from'íeñ*"eral, .reservó' agents made júbilo, to¬night,- b'y.^hë'federal reserve ¡boardí< Aaa whole officials regard tho "piótnref ofeormlllonsós, tho most » iayorsuleJ Events -??of " September; the >atlanta-districts reports, «ot on'.y sustainedbut increased, the ' confidence'pf thegeneral ..bU8ineB8.'nnbIIfrin\-tli«'!At|aotadistrict. Commercial travelers rópcrtmerchants'. Bales -, dçûbled those ofSeptember nln-:,-<m -fourteen.''-'tfsffloRichmond distict reported Úváí af-

¡fer i mon ths of «low. haltlug 'aëvoldp-mëhtthere ls-much improvéiitónt. Withindicatiorts that .thó'-Éltuátlcin járlH ,becomfortable for about three monthsät'Ieaet; ; Cotton ia the princlr/Ä« fac¬tor lc tho improvement, vthougii omerc? »ps aro good. '.'?:-.-'?'-.:-''-Wow York reported Ihcreasefd'induS-máit^emítír, tho expanden óf wtíóle-iRáíe and retail trade and -better cotlections.Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dal¬

las and-all other districts reports gen-èrtij Im'pfovehiont.

Te«t! 'W«ihb*Kçàyori."-ï*àWf'Washington. Nov.- i.-The' . Weat

Virginia ííauor cases, testln« the va-líBñy of the Webb-Kenyóñ: Iftw" ba'vabeen restored to the docket ct the«aprimó court for a second argument »

Serbia's Grand Old MaPlea to AU

ll Tills photograph shows the grant!old man ^Serbia, Premier PaBhicli,looking on maps ot the progress ofthe war about two weeks before homade his last plea to tho allies tosend; troops to save his .country frontthe. Austrians, Germans, and Bul¬garians: '

"Serbia. Is making superhuman' ci^:forth to. defend Jio/£.. existence \|lnroapönsn Ifo'tho 'advice and desire otlier â^éaf ailto; : For, this Kné*?fe'condemned io deatll ;by. the' Xuatrb.:Germans and Bulgarians. For twentydays our common enemy has tried toannihilate us.



Greenville, Nov. 1.-Tho stage isin ordey for tho grand opening o£-thaSouthern Textile exposition, whichwill, according to tho plan of thearrangement committee, bo opened ; at9:30 Tuesday morning amid theblasts of whistles from all* of ßrjeett-yllje's industrial plants and thostrains from second 'regimental; band,which hus been engaged to furnishmusic at the würehoue ebt the 1'. ¿¿M. railroad oh Washington streetwhere 2QD exhibits have been placed.'Moat of tlie machinery house i«t«4:aèntatlvcs/ the cotton mill representa¬

tives and tho eilUcatlohaX exhibitmaitiagers háVé 'arrived In tho - cityand aro busy placing their booths inorder. The .warehouse Ia ai scpuo'ofbusy ; activity today >as all the. repre¬sentatives ,wlith their carpenters^ dec¬orators and f.-Mftera ar ewbrkih'g. îer-ycríahly to n-akn their respective dis-'playa' the. most attractive and >at tho

Wm.-Proceed;Form of Gpyemrncat nt

--rCari Maintain Order

Ijjjptiig. Nov. x-^The ,Chinese gby-erumenthau rejected tho proposals, otJapan, Gr^at Britain and Russia fora postponêmOTt' oÇ the; declalon aa; to^hpier a monarchia^tntnt shall be ro-e^tàbl^edv VlcuForeign, Minister .Taso Yolla .vialedSie legations and niadè the1 decístahknown, Ho said the provincial ? oSï"ujals stated they could maiir*ain orderlt they decider5 to '/re-establish thc'monarchy-;' ¿ '* ;.' ;;.I // 'Kter tente ntjll ÍJí(t«r. "

f. fcondbn, NovYX-^The condition o/Ikihg George, yho yroE thrrwn íroiri*kI horse Thursday; continue» tb Ijapytpyé.ï


n Makes Finalies to Save His Country



Mshlch."itt spite of the heroism of our

soldiers our veslstauce cannot ho ©ic-ported to./ho maintained indefinitely..:We heg of you and the many friends,of Serbia- in "England to do every¬thing you can'to, insure your troops,reaching us as soon?as possible thatthey may help our army, and, thatwe may defend together tho common'cause which ls nov/ oe: gravely

Tho idea sttaßä^^-^i^^. jahd;'fi' "waa '.'pwblïsh'éd' .'oh "the day LordLansdowne admitted, in tho Hduse 'drLords that so far Great Britain hadsent only 13,000 troops to Saloniki tohèlp tho Serbs.


same timo > facilitate'the showing oftheir machinery and the,Uko. Every¬thing will'bo to order Tuesday morn¬ing-to begin to receive tho severalthousands of visitors that are ex¬pected.The hotels of tho city aro already,

crowded to c'apaci]^ but plans haVobeen made to seo that all the peopleihat'V"visit; hero aro comfortablyhôUBèd'. Many of .tho'best residencesIn tho' central pdrt>;bf ',tho/elly havebeen, placed at their ditípoisal--thfttftKthe extra rooms of "thómí-of Abo com¬mittee .In '. charge' of tiio' visitors aç-tttjgepents.The mächihöry^'satfesmen aro havinga '.'love feast" today renewing .ac¬quaintances » with their 'associates ofweiröad.-and ttíelr customers in andaround ^Greenville.' who are' oh tujecommittee that brought the exposition(CONTINUED OK PAOE FIVE.) \

isiisiiieTn r<r niiirr Arpian

Announcement; '.'Saya '., :.ffasti&gfi.WJJ1 Take Place Near End

,*;: '".'of.Peceinherv

i< Washington,;"'Nd.Yv I .r-It ls formallyI announced at tho White Hodge ihnt¿hei'-Gält^Wiisoh-'marViag^.'-w'llS /t^koplace "n'eav » tho -close ¿of December"

priàte átNMra; Galt'o'^home.«ècretary Tumulty issued a state-?fSPfras follow«': Itt'\*îîîcr to quiet«peculation. ' President. Wilson andMxa. NOii* V Galt, authorised thoannouncenie; that their mafrlagh^mj|'-h»ke'. place near the close ofDecember. Their .plaao! are '-for javery simple'ceremony. It will he,.quiet?y-~J>er*ormea,:t '-at Mrs. Gait'sWi4deaed.v';yK«>-la^A^ODíj.-: wilí: b£'teWvHiud it is expiated thc onlyfNH^?p£$fc .metäRem Of tho . twofamilies.





Strenuous Fight for "Cause HasPushed Important Questions

Into Background

Now York, Nov. 1 .-Colors IttKo\v York, Fenn sylvania, .Massaejju*eotts. arid Maryland, consoíva^yo, cas»torn states, which hitherto have notgranted éuiïrnf?e to women, votó onthat mic;;lion tomorrow after cam¬paigns waged determinedly hy -boththe suffragists and natl-suffraglsts.In Ohio prohibition is tho question nti<«suo. So strenuous/,: has boon thoflight to convort votors io the suffrage;shle nnd on other hand to defeat ¿batIssue that other questions wofe par?ly,lost sight of.. 'in Massachusetts, and Kentucky,however, a strong fight'ls on betweenthë' Oemoçrats'ond republicans toelect governors and legislators, ahatho republicans In M^>saebusottsclaim the result of tho election' wiltmean their endorsement, or .disapprov¬al Of tho Wihmn admlubiira^op.Democrats ,Say they n7Ciepndu$l'dBtheir, Massachusetts campaign, shel¬ly on eatajie issues.Maryland doesn't vo

suffrage/hut n& suffr¡tlbn: amendmontiifraduced. .Into: th>>: legisla^s|p¿y»j^^^ítólegislators ls centered onBuofl .^i^^^Ê^S^^^Sw^BBElAKentucky votes only on n governorand other state officials.. ; ;

In nil states where' State officialsaro to be chosen there; ls much Inter¬est over how the ^progressive vote -willturn out. ;4wHVM^^iWTOIn Mississippi tho election of gov-,ehior and state officials la rnorb1^ thoratification ot the democratic pri-mary . ; .}.':.

y onbini-

-intr,o«l:-5 uext

hosà 18*

Government ;Charges Négîéct;. of:Duty Wlîîle Inspector «t

Ship Building Yards.

Boston, Mass., Nov. 1.--Jloar-ad-miral William Nelson I4ttlhy retired,-failed to appear on charges of neglectand carelessness before-... »bocourtt*.martial at Charleston nav> yard. Tbsgovernment contends. that tho. al¬leged defects in tho submarine li-'¿constructed by the. SJoj^o. tflver ship-building': company ot. i$klucy woreoverlooked by -Little-^lle.!he:,was doduty as Inspector Of roacHI^ry^ in the *

vessels being built there. The sea*slonf wero open.


Friendship Proved By Greek Pur¬chase of Wheat Supplies V

Londoa. Nov. 1-Th6 continuanceof'friendly relations between Greece¿nd Bulgaria fa ..indicated fey ¿he -.suo?cess of the Greek commission Whishrecently went to. Sotia\ to - ^ pttrebsïewheat for Greeco. According to; ThéTimes Bucharest correspondent, theBulgarian government baa ducldnd toi^*«a¿th6 erport ot wheat to Greece?dar«i»e- iiedeadgatch ' Salonikirailway. ?? ?? ?>.'-.


wKËYTO «MR*S''Washington, : Nov. 1.--Senator

Fi et r. uer, president o r .tbe '.. N)j^tta»^ti-VOotenierciwfQwenn sectetaryr presented Pr^hfoßt^Vfón wït£i£*ôld key which citíwaa1-i^BkoscerGklaCVÄ^J ally ; to commemorate «fe ttfceUog'there: last year. The key is engraved,

"The key. to tiîé hearts bf Ibo peopleot the southwest.*' ;. .; W'-^W

ymtrtíht*'*» *u WS''