intellegence submit

Intelligence By: Triston Smith 2/17/2012 Erin Mitchell

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By: Triston Smith2/17/2012

Erin Mitchell

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Response• The graph displayed shows on a point scale of 1-25 that I scored a 17 in the

kinesthetic area, 19 in the linguistic area, 18 in the logic area, 17 in the interpersonal area, an 11 in the intrapersonal area, 19 in music smartness, 17 in visual/spatial, and an 11 in naturalistic. Some would say it’s hard to agree with these results because they’re all seemingly close except for the lower areas. Although Linguistics and Musicality tied, Logicality is right behind them, immediately followed by kinaesthetic, interpersonal, and visual/spatial. Even though the closeness of the numbers is true, it is inevitable to me that the two things I see myself as good at and enjoy doing is speaking in front of people, and playing music. I have been known as a the jack of all trades and master of none, so the data does justify my lifestyle and personality. I think this test pegged me just right.

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Waking and Sleeping Rhythms

• Logical:– This was one of the two areas I scored highest in. I am very

good at math and enjoy it so I can easily see how this would be one of my strong suits.

– In order to achieve learning from this, math and numbers could easily be incorporated. The way that sleep works on intervals would mean that we could actually record an approximate time as to when we fall asleep and when we awake. From there we can figure out how many sleep spindles occurred, approximately how long we experienced delta waves, and ultimately chart it out in a graphic way.

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Prenatal Development and the Newborn

• Linguistics

– I love to speak in front of people and I hope to someday get into a profession where I get to do that. Linguistics being one of my strong points makes since.

– The best way to plan an activity for this would be to research information regarding prenatal development to later be organized into a baby book to be presented to the class. Presenting things verbally is, in my opinion, the best way to get your findings out there and see all that you have accomplished.

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Forgetting, Memory Construction, and Memory Improvement

• Musical– I’ve played music since I was little. If this wasn’t one of my

strong points I would be worried. I started with piano and went from there; music clicked.

– For this module I would learn best if presented with a way of remembering sheet music, song lyrics, etc. If perhaps the information of memory was inserted alongside the process of memorizing music, then it would be very interesting. I propose that the students be given the opportunity to take the information from the module and apply it in this way.