integrative medicine and phitotherapy

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  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Integrative Medicine

    Nutritional Implications

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Complementary and

    alternative medicine (CAM): Complementary and alternative

    medicine (CAM): alternative,

    adjunctive health care practices: notpresently an integral part ofconventional medicine; includes

    botanical use, mind-body approaches,musculoskeletal manipulation, energymedicine, nutrition-diet interventions

    Thomson in Krause, p. 470

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    CAM Therapies Include

    Alternative medical systems, such asnaturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine,ayurveda, and homeopathy

    Mind-body therapies, such as meditation,prayer, art or music therapy

    Biologically based therapies such as herbs,whole foods diets, and supplementation

    Manipulative therapies such as massage,chiropractic medicine, osteopathy, yoga

    Whole medical systems based on energytherapies such as qi gong, magnetic

    therapy, and reiki

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    Integrative medicine

    Integration of these approaches intoconventional medicine; nutritional care

    is a primary therapy in this model Focused on combined use of

    conventional and CAM approaches


    Includes wellness and prevention

    Thomson in Krause, p. 471

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    Complementary and

    Alternative Medicine(NCCAM)

    Part of the National Institutes of Health

    Investigates and evaluates alternative

    therapies and their effectiveness

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    Theoretical Basis of

    Holistic Therapies Health as a vital, dynamic state; more

    than the absence of disease

    The healing force of nature

    Self-healing power of living things;organisms have inherent self-defense

    mechanisms against illness

    Includes naturopathy, chiropractic,homeopathy, traditional Oriental

    medicine, acupuncture, phytotherapy

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    Health is more than the absence of disease.

    The body can heal itself .

    Integrative Therapies



    Traditional Chinese medicineAcupuncture


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    Practitioners diagnose and treat at the primary carelevel

    Train in 4-year postgraduate institutions

    Most states require licensure

    Uses natural methods of healing (light, heat, air,water, and massage)

    Training includes pathology, microbiology, physicaland clinical diagnosis, pharmacognosy, hydrotherapy,physical therapy, nutrition,

    Treatments include phytomedicines, electrotherapy,physiotherapy, minor surgery, mechanotherapy,nutrition, nutritional supplements, and natural forces

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  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Chiropractic Practitioners

    Do not prescribe drugs or performsurgery

    Licensed and regulated in all 50 statesand 30+ countries

    Practitioners must graduate from 4-

    year accredited college of chiropracticand pass a nationally-administeredexam

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    The most widely-used of thecomplementary and alternative

    treatments, particularly for low backpain, neck pain, and headache

    Effectiveness is being studied by the

    Consortial Center for ChiropracticResearch, a consortium of chiropracticschools and universities, established

    by NCCAM

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    Law of similars: Substances in largedoses that produce symptoms of a

    disease in healthy people will cure thesame symptoms when administered invery dilute amounts

    Remedies become potentized throughrepeated dilution and succussion(shaking)

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    Results of research on theeffectiveness of homeopathy have

    been contradictoryAppears to have more than a placebo

    effect, but scientific basis unclear

    Generally regarded as safe (manyhomeopathic remedies are so dilutethat the healing substance is

    nondetectable by chemical means

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Traditional Chinese

    Medicine Based on the concept of body life

    force chi (Qi)

    Forces that must be balanced

    Yin and yang and blood

    Invisible energy circuits calledmeridianscarry chi and blood

    throughout the body

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Nutrition in Traditional

    Chinese Medicine Components: Food as a means of

    obtaining nutrition, food as a tonic or

    medicine, fasting Foods classified by taste (sour, bitter,

    sweet, spicy, salty) and property (cool,

    cold, warm, hot and plain) Regulate yin, yang, chi, blood

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Acupuncture and

    MoxibustionAcupuncture: Use of thin needles,

    inserted into points on the meridians,

    stimulating the bodys energy or chi Moxibustion: application of heat along

    meridian acupuncture points, affecting

    chi and blood, balancing substancesand organs

    Treat disharmony in the body

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    Acupuncture as

    Anesthesia Has been used to produce regional


    Appears to act through needle stimulation,triggering the release of opioids

    Research has been mixed

    Has been shown to be efficacious in adultpostop management, chemotherapy-induced nausea, postoperative dental pain

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    Traditional Chinese Herbs

    Includes herbs and minerals as well asanimal products

    Pharmacopoeias published as early asthe third century BC

    Most medicinals include multiple


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    Science of using plant-derived substances totreat and prevent illness

    Botanicals: come as bulk herbs, tinctures,capsules and tablets; includes herbs andother plant materials

    Sometimes the active ingredient has been

    identified; sometimes not

    Have a long history of research and use inEurope

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    Botanical Formulations

    Teas: weak concentration prepared bysteeping fresh/dried herbs for a few

    minutes in water Infusions: more concentrated than

    teas; steeped for 15 minutes

    Decoction: Most concentrated ofbeverages; botanical is boiled for 30-60 minutes

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    Botanical Formulations

    Extracts: herbs are extracted with anorganic solvent to dissolve the active

    components; concentrated form Tincture: extract in which solvent is


    Glycerite: extract in which the solvent is

    glycerol or mixture of glycerol, propyleneglycol, and water; more suitable forchildren

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Botanical Formulations

    Capsules: Herbal material enclosed in a hard shellmade from gelatin or cellulose

    Tablets: herbal material is mixed with filler to formthe hard tablet; may be coated or uncoated

    Lozenges (troches): active components arereleased in the mouth when chewed or sucked

    Soft gels: used to encase liquid extracts, such asomega-3 fatty acids or vitamin E

    Essential oils: fragrant, volatile plant oils used foraromatherapy, bathing; not to be used internallyunless specifically directed

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    American Herbal Products AssocBotanical Safety Rating System

    Class 1: herbs that can be safely consumedwhen used appropriately

    Class 2: herbs for which restrictions apply,e.g. for external use only, not to be usedduring pregnancy, nursing, etc

    Class 3: herbs labeled To be used only

    under the supervision of an expert qualifiedin the appropriate use of this substance.

    Class 4: insufficient data for classification

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    Dietary Supplement Health andEducation Act of 1994 (DSHEA)

    Defined dietary supplements as a productintended to supplement the diet that bearsor contains one or more of the following

    dietary ingredients: a vitamin, a mineral, anherb or other botanical, an amino acid, adietary substance for use by man tosupplement the diet by increasing the totaldaily intake, or a concentrate, metabolite,

    constituent, extract, or combinations ofthese incredients

    Reclassified botanicals as dietarysupplements, distinct from food or drugs

    Di t S l t

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Dietary SupplementHealth and Education Act

    of 1994 (DSHEA) Plant extracts, enzymes, vitamins, minerals,

    hormonal products available withoutprescription may carry structure-function

    claims Cannot claim to prevent or cure specific

    conditions Must display disclaimer, This statement has

    not been evaluated by the Food and DrugAdministration. This product is not intendedto diagnose, treat, cure or prevent anydisease.

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    Required Labeling of DietarySupplements under DSHEA Name (echinacea, for example)

    Ingredient information

    Disclaimer: "This statement has not beenevaluated by the Food and Drug

    Administration. This product is not intendedto diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any

    disease." Supplement Facts panel, which includes

    serving size, amount and active ingredient.

    Name and address of manufacturer, packeror distributor.

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    Supplement Facts Panel

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Dietary Supplement

    Claims Health claim: describes the relationship

    between a substance and a disease

    condition; FDA does not approve, but mustbe notified

    Qualified health claim: based on emergingscientific evidence; must be approved by

    FDA Structure-function claim: most common;

    does not claim to prevent disease, but aphysiological effect is noted, e.g. increasesblood flow to the heart.

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    Labeling Under DSHEA


    This product helps toincrease blood flow tothe heart.

    This product promotesurinary tract health

    This product improvesabsent-mindedness.

    This product reducesstress and frustration

    Not Allowed

    This product preventsheart disease

    This product preventsurinary tract infections.

    This product reducesrisk of AlzheimersDisease.

    This product improvesdepression.

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    Regulation of Dietary

    Supplements Dietary supplements are not subject to the

    same standards as prescription or over-the-

    counter drugs Manufacturers do not have to prove their

    products are safe or effective before theyput them on the market

    FDA can pull supplements proven to bedangerous, but only after the fact; it is up tothe FDA to make its case

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    Regulation of Dietary

    Supplements: Medwatch The FDAs Medwatch system can be

    used to report possible adverse

    reactions to dietary supplements
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    Examples of FDA Warnings

    January, 2004: FDA warns consumers not tofeed their babies Better than Formula Ultra

    Infant Immune Booster 117" being soldover the internet as a dietary supplement

    February, 2002: Consumers warned to stopusing the products PC SPES and SPES

    capsules because they contain undeclaredprescription drug ingredients that couldcause serious health effects

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  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Cautions Regarding

    Dietary Supplements There may be a discrepancy between

    the ingredients on the label and whats

    inside This is especially true of herb

    mixtures, such as Chinese herbs

    The dosage of the active ingredientin herbals can vary widely dependingon the variety of plant, where its

    grown, climate, etc.

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    Read the Dietary SupplementLabel and Verify.

    Complete botanical name of the product(make sure it is the right botanical)

    The part of the plant used to make theproduct; it should be the part that containsthe active components

    The concentration of the botanical and if it

    is appropriate, neither too weak or twostrong

    Debusk, RM. A practical guide to herbal supplements for

    nutrition practitioners. Top Clin Nutr 16:53, 2001

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    Read the Dietary SupplementLabel and Verify. The daily dosage needed to obtain the

    desired effect

    The list of ingredients used to identify fillers,

    potential allergens

    Lot number

    Expiration date

    Recognized seal of approval (GoodHousekeeping, USP, Consumerlab)

    Compare prices: prices vary widely

    Debusk, RM. A practical guide to herbal supplements fornutrition ractitioners. To Clin Nutr 16:53, 2001

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Evaluating Dietary

    Supplements Obtain unbiased evaluative information from

    resources like Supplement Watch and

    Consumer Lab Encourage patients to purchase supplements

    from well-known manufacturers

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    ConsumerLab Study of 20

    MultivitaminsVitamins that failed: The Vitamin Shoppe Multivitamins Especially for

    women: Contaminated with lead

    Hero Nutritionals Yummi Bears: Had twice thelabeled amount of vitamin A Nature's Plus Especially Yours for Women: Took

    twice as long as allowed to disintegrate AARP Maturity Formula: Took nearly twice as long

    as allowed to disintegrate Eniva VIBE: Only 54 percent of claimed vitamin A Pet-Tabs Complete Daily Vitamin-Mineral

    Supplement for Dogs: Contained lead Accessed at MSNBC Released 1/2007
  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    ConsumerLab Study of 20

    MultivitaminsVitamins that passed:

    Centrum Silver

    Member's Mark Complete Multi

    One A Day Women's

    Flintstones Complete

    January, 2007
  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Tips for Picking a

    Multivitamin from CSPI Choose well-known mainstream brands by companies

    that have a lot at stake. Buy from large, trusted retailers, not unknown sellers

    on the Internet. Look on the bottle for a stamp from USP, NSF or While the stamp doesn't guaranteethe product is safe and effective, it does indicate thatthe manufacturer has submitted the product fortesting to show that it contains what is stated on the

    label. Dont spend a fortune on vitamins. Pricey products

    toting all sorts of "extras" aren't necessary and maybe trouble.

    Center for Science in the Public Interest accessed at 1/07
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    Evaluating Dietary

    SupplementsUnited States Pharmacopeial Convention

    (USP) Dietary Supplement Verification

    Program (DSVP) Certification mark (USP)indicates that

    the product contains the dietary supplementlisted on the label in the stated amount and

    that the product is manufactured properly Does not speak to the safety or efficacy of

    the ingredients, only to good manufacturingpractices

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    CAM Providers: MDs/DOs

    Over 1/3 of medical schools offerinstruction in alternative medicine

    More than half of family physicians inthe US regularly prescribe alternativetreatments or have used themselves

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    CAM Providers: RDs

    Nutrition in Complementary Care DPG, asubunit of the American Dietetic Association Some RDs are incorporating counseling

    about CAM into their practices

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    CAM Providers: Other



    ND: naturopath provider DC: chiropractor

    OMD: oriental medical doctor

    Accupuncturist Massage Therapist



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    Tips for Patients:Evaluating CAM Providers

    Check for licensing, education,accreditation of provider

    Check for complaints (BBB, Board ofHealth, Attorney Generals office,patient support groups)

    Speak with the practitioner in person,evaluate facilities and neighbors

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  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Trends in Use of CAM byUS Adults 1997-2002 The number of Americans using CAM

    remained stable at 72 million

    50% in use of herbal supplements,from 12.1% in 1997 to 18.6% (38million).

    Yoga increased 40%, from 3.7% to5.1% (10 million adults)

    Tindle HA, Davis RB, Phillips RS, Eisenberg DM. Trends in the use of complementary

    and alternative medicine by US adults: 1997-2002. Alternative Therapies in Health andMedicine; 1; 1: 2005.

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    Trends in Use of CAM byUS Adults 1997-2002

    Use of CAM therapies includingacupuncture, biofeedback, energy healing,hypnosis remained essentially unchanged

    Use of homeopathy, high-dose vitamins,chiropractic, and massage therapy declinedslightly

    Increased use of herbal medicinepractitioners among those who use herbs(5% to 15%)

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    Commonly UsedBotanicals



    Ginger Gingko biloba



    Milk thistle

    Saw palmetto St. Johns wort


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    Source: Purple cornflower

    Indication: Stop or moderate colds

    or fluAction: Macrophages and their


    Cautions: Avoid if immune system ishampered and do not usecontinually

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    Source: Garlic plant

    Indication: Lower serum cholesterol and

    triglyceridesAction: Chewing or crushing

    activates several sulfur-containing compounds

    Cautions: Allergies, GI symptoms,interaction with anticoagulantdrugs

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    Source: Root of ginger plant

    Indication: For nausea and vomiting ofpregnancy and motion

    sickness; anti-inflammatoryAction: Volatile oils in the rhizome,

    called gingerols; may act onserotonin receptors in the

    ileum Cautions: Interaction with anti-

    coagulant, antihypertensive,glucose-lowering drugs

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    Gingko Biloba

    Source: Gingko tree

    Indication: Improved blood circulation;used to treat age-related

    mental function decline r/tcerebrovascular insufficiency

    Action: Flavone glycosides have

    antioxidant effect, inhibitplatelet aggregation

    Cautions: Class 2d botanical; maypotentiate MAO inhibitors; GI

    complaints, headache, allergy

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  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy



    Source: Native European tree;leaves, blossoms, fruit

    Indication: Improve blood flow incirculatory disorders

    Action: Dilates coronary vessels;

    strengthens heartcontractions and rate

    Cautions: Class 1 botanical

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  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    St. Johns Wort

    Source: Perennial herb

    Indication: Mild to moderate depression

    Action: Hypericin and hyperforin inflowering tops; reuptake ofneurotransmitters

    Cautions: Rated as 2d botanical; maypotentiate pharmaceuticalMAOIs; interact with otherantidepressives;


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    Source: Perennial herb; active elementin roots and rhizomes

    Indication: Minor tranquilizer and sleep

    aid; fewer side effects thanmedicationsAction: Volatile oils (bornyl acetate

    and valerenic acid) mode of

    action GABA binding Cautions: Class 1 botanical; abrupt

    withdrawal may precipitatesymptoms

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    W ki ith Cli t h

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Working with Clients whoUse CAM

    Most clients will not tell their allopathic(mainstream medicine) providers about CAMuse, unless asked

    Establish a rapport with clients

    Be non-judgemental; assume role of coach

    Ask clients to bring all prescription, OTC,

    and dietary supplements with them to theirvisit

    Debusk RM. Integrative medicine and phytotherapy. In

    Krause, p. 491-492.

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    For Each Supplement

    Ask client what he/she hopes to achieve bytaking it

    Discuss whether the formulation is

    appropriate to achieve the clients healthgoals Discuss whether dosage taken has been

    found to be safe and effective in clinicaltrials

    Review quality of the particular preparationand how to evaluate

    Debusk RM. Integrative medicine and phytotherapy. In

    Krause, p. 491-492.

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    For Each Supplement

    Discuss any known safety orcontraindication concerns

    Review potential or known interactions

    between each supplement and prescriptionor OTC preparations, other dietarysupplements, and foods

    Instruct client to use dosage commonlyrecommended and instructions for where toobtain credible information

    Debusk RM. Integrative medicine and phytotherapy. In

    Krause, . 491-492.

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    For Each Supplement

    Recommend a low starting dosage,even lower than that commonly

    recommended and evaluate response Use this as an opportunity to teach

    consumers analytical skills that will be

    useful in managing their own health.

    Debusk RM. Integrative medicine and phytotherapy. In

    Krause, p. 491-492.

    W ki ith Cli t Wh

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    Working with Clients WhoUse CAM

    It is the responsibility of healthprofessionals to ask clients about use

    of CAM and to be familiar withcommonly-used therapies

    Nutrition professionals can take the

    same evidence-based approach toCAM as to any other therapy ormedical intervention

    Li k f I t ti

  • 8/14/2019 Integrative Medicine and Phitotherapy


    Links for IntegrativeMedicine Information

    Intellihealth Index of Herbal Medicines andSupplements

    Herb Med: An interactive electronic herb database.

    Rosenthal Center Botanical Medicine InformationResources (Columbia University)

    ml National Institutes of Health National Center for

    Complementary and Alternative Therapy
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    Identify use of herbs and botanicals.

    Monitor for side effects.

    Document for records.

    Discuss with physician.