integration of sap crm and sap apo

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Integration of SAP CRM and SAP APO-ATP

Integration of SAP CRM and SAP APO-ATP


When a sales order is entered in the CRM Online Application (CRM Online), it may be necessary to know whether the products

Are available and to transfer ATP requirements to materials planning. For this purpose, availability check (ATP check) is carried out for the items in a sales order.

Can be delivered on time. For this purpose, shipment scheduling and transportation scheduling are carried out for the items in a sales order.

These functions are carried out in the SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO).

For shipment and transportation scheduling you need SAP APO 3.0A.

Integration of SAP CRM and SAP APO-ATP ensures that the necessary data is transferred from CRM Online to the SAP APO System, and that the results of the availability check and shipment and transport scheduling are transferred to CRM Online.


The integration of CRM Online and the SAP APO System is carried out by Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs) in CRM Online and the SAP R/3 System. The following illustration shows the BAPIs used:

There are two processes for posting requirements in the SAP APO System so that they are relevant for materials planning. The process you use depends on where you carry out material requirements planning:

Availability Check and Planning in SAP APO Availability Check in SAP APO, Planning in SAP R/3Prerequisites


You need the following systems:

CRM Online Application

This is where the sales orders are entered.

SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO)

This is where the availability check and scheduling takes place.

We recommend that you use the latest SAP APO release.

An Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) system such as the SAP R/3 System

This is where the products are stored. The SAP R/3 System carries out subsequent functions such as delivery and billing.

For information on how to set up the system landscape for these systems, see Set up System Landscape for CRM Online and SAP APO.

Master Data

The product and business partner data can be

Created or changed in an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) system such as the SAP R/3 System and then transferred to CRM Online

Created or changed in CRM Online and then transferred to an OLTP system such as the SAP R/3 System

If you create the product master data in CRM Online,

The product master data must be transferred to the SAP R/3 System before you can use it in a sales transaction

You still need to maintain additional views and fields in the SAP R/3 System

Therefore, we recommend that you make sure that the product master data is maintained in the SAP R/3 System.

If you make any changes in the product master data in the SAP R/3 System, you need to deactivate and reactivate the SAP APO Core Interface (APO-CIF) Integration Model.

For more information, see Set up SAP APO-CIF Integration Model.

For more information on maintaining and transferring partner data, see the SAP Library under CRM and Enterprise Buyer Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Master Data Business Partners Distribution of Business Partner Master Data.

For more information on maintaining and transferring product data see the SAP Library under CRM and Enterprise Buyer Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Master Data Products Replicating Material Master Data from R/3 in CRM and Uploading CRM Product Data to OLTP Systems.


The ATP profile in each item is transferred from CRM Online to the SAP APO System where it used as a key for carrying out the availability check.

The ATP profile is known in the SAP APO System as the requirements profile.

You can maintain settings in the SAP APO System for the requirements profile in the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) Global Availability Check (Global ATP Check) General Settings Maintain Requirements Profile.

After the availability check, details for each item are transferred back to CRM Online, such as:

Delivering country (for tax reasons) and region (U.S.)

Confirmed quantities

Confirmation dates

Globally unique identifier (PosGUID or GUID - used for requirements in SAP APO)

Item category usage


For further information on availability check and shipment and transporation scheduling, see the SAP Library for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO):

APO Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP)

APO Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) Shipment and Transportation Scheduling

Global Availability Check (APO-ATP)

Object in SAP APO that corresponds to an SAP R/3 sales order item or an order component.

An ATP requirement consists of one or more ATP requirements schedule lines. It belongs to exactly one category of the type requirement and always refers to:

A product number

Organizational units (location, sublocation, version)

An account assignment

The ATP requirement corresponds to

An order item (if the ATP check is called from SAP R/3 SD, purchasing or SAP CRM, for example)

An order component (if the ATP check is called from SAP R/3 PP or SAP APO PP/DS)

In the rules-based ATP check the substitutions are mapped as ATP requirements. In a multilevel ATP check the components that result from a BOM explosion are mapped as ATP requirements.

The following ATP requirements are returned to the calling system:

Order main items or order components

Substitutions that resulted from a rules-based ATP check and for which no stock transport requisitions should be created

ATP requirements from stock transport requisitions that resulted from the rules-based ATP check and ATP requirements that resulted from the SAP APO BOM explosion, are not returned to the calling application.

Global Availability Check (APO-ATP)

Function used to check, together with certain basic methods, if a product can be confirmed.

The following basic methods exist:

Product availability check

The availability check is carried out against the ATP quantity. In the R/3 System, this is called the availability check using ATP logic.

Product allocation

The availability check is carried out against product allocations.

Forecast check

The availability check is carried out against planned independent requirements.

In APO, advanced methods of the availability check exist in addition to the basic methods. For example:

Combination of basic methods

A sequence of basic methods for carrying out the availability check (for example, 1. product availability check; 2. check against product allocations) is defined in the check instructions.

Calling production

Either Capable-To-Promise (CTP) or a multilevel ATP check is carried out.

Rules-based availability check

Rules are used to control how the system reacts after an availability check, which was determined in the check instructions, if the requested product could be only partially (or not at all) confirmed.

Options include:

Product substitution

Location determination

Calling production

shipment scheduling

Logistics Execution (LE)

The determination, based on the goods issue date, of all dates relevant for shipping.

The system determines when the company must start the picking and packing activities to ensure that the requested loading date is met.

transportation scheduling (SD)

Sales and Distribution (SD)

Determination of all dates relevant for transportation, based on the delivery date.

The system uses this to determine when transport activities must start to meet the requested delivery date.

Integration of CRM and APO-ATP (CRM-BF)

Basic Functions (CRM-BF)

Interface used to carry out communication between the SAP CRM and APO systems.

In order to confirm whether the requested items in the CRM sales order can be delivered on time, the following functions need to be carried out in the APO system:

Available-to-Promise (ATP) availability check

Delivery Scheduling

Transporation Scheduling Business Application Programming Interface (BC-MID-API)

Service BAPIs (BC-MID-API)

Standardized programming interface that facilitates external access to business processes and data in the SAP System.

You define Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs) in the Business Object Repository (BOR) as methods of SAP business objects or SAP interface types.

BAPIs offer an object-oriented view of business components in the SAP System. They are implemented and stored as RFC-enabled function modules in the Function Builder of the ABAP Workbench.

Availability Check and Planning in SAP APO


If you carry out planning in the SAP APO System, we strongly recommend that the requirements are posted in the SAP APO System when the sales order is saved in CRM Online. The standard system is set to this process. You need an SAP APO 3.0A or a higher release.

If you still need to carry out planning in the SAP R/3 System, please see Availability Check in SAP APO, Planning in SAP R/3.

Process Flow

The following illustration (Figure 1) shows the data flow between CRM Online and the SAP APO System:

1. Depending on the business scenario used, a sales order is entered in or transferred to CRM Online. The product is entered on item level, the quantity and requested date are entered in the request schedule line.

2. A product availability check is carried out for 100 pc of product number 4711 to be delivered to the customer by Oct.10.

3. The SAP APO System returns the following results to CRM Online:

60 pc can be delivered by Oct. 10

the remaining 40 pc cannot be delivered until Oct. 15

In CRM Online, confirmation schedule lines are generated for the confirmed results.

In the SAP APO liveCache, requirements are created for these results in the form of temporary quantity assignments.

Temporary quantity assignments block the quantities for subsequent sales orders when product availability check is carried out, but are not relevant for materials planning.

The temporary quantity assignments consist of both internal and external objects. For more information, see the documentation for the TOIn field in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for SAP APO under Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) General Settings Maintain Requirements Profile.

4. The sales order is saved in CRM Online.

The temporary quantity assignments are deleted from the SAP APO liveCache; the requirements are saved in the SAP APO System as time series. The time series are taken into account for product availability check and are also relevant for materials planning.

5. The sales order is transferred to CRM Middleware as a business document.

6. From CRM Middleware the sales order is transferred to the SAP R/3 System.

7. The sales order is saved automatically in the SAP R/3 System.

There is no data transfer between the sales order in the SAP R/3 System and the SAP APO System.

8. In the Status tab in the sales order header in CRM Online, under the section R/3 transfer and R/3 status, the Distribution status field is set to successfully distributed.

In case the sales order is not successfully transferred, error messages are displayed in the application log. The system deletes these error messages from the application log after the sales order is transferred successfully to the SAP R/3 System at a later stage.

Additional Information

For more information on sales orders in SAP CRM, see

Sales Transactions Structure and Data for Sales Transactions

For more information on the sales order in SAP R/3, see the SAP Library in SAP R/3 under Logistics SD Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Order.

For further information on restrictions, see Note 397032: CRM 3.0-APO/ATP: Settings and restrictions.

Availability Check in SAP APO, Planning in SAP R/3


If you carry out planning in the SAP R/3 System, the requirements must be posted in the SAP APO System when the sales order is replicated and saved in the SAP R/3 System.

In SAP CRM 3.0, the requirements are posted in SAP APO by the sales order when it is saved in CRM Online. The standard system is set to this process. We strongly recommend that this process is used, since it is more efficient. For more information, see Availability Check and Planning in SAP APO.

However, If you still need to carry out planning in the SAP R/3 System, you need to change this setting. You do this in CRM Online in the Implementation Guide for Customer Relationship Management under Basic Functions System Modifications Availability Check Business Add-In for Posting Requirements in SAP APO).

We strongly recommend that you use SAP APO 3.0A or a higher release.

Process Flow

The following illustration (Figure 2) shows the data flow between CRM Online and the SAP APO System:

1. Depending on the business scenario used, a sales order is entered in or transferred to CRM Online. The product is entered on item level, the quantity and requested date are entered in the request schedule line.

2. An availability check is carried out for 100 pc of product number 4711 to be delivered to the customer by Oct.10.

3. The SAP APO System returns the following results to CRM Online:

60 pc can be delivered by Oct. 10

the remaining 40 pc cannot be delivered until Oct. 15

In CRM Online, confirmation schedule lines are generated for the confirmed results.

In the SAP APO liveCache, requirements are created for these results in the form of temporary quantity assignments.

Temporary quantity assignments block the quantities for subsequent sales orders when product availability check is carried out, but are not relevant for materials planning.

The temporary quantity assignments have the status prepersistent. For more information, see the documentation for the TOIn field in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for SAP APO under Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) General Settings Maintain Requirements Profile.

4. The sales order is saved in CRM Online.

The temporary quantity assignments are then saved in the SAP APO System and have the status persistent.

If the sales order is not saved in CRM Online, then the temporary quantity assignments are not saved in the SAP APO System and will be discarded.

5. The sales order is transferred to CRM Middleware as a business document.

6. From CRM Middleware the sales order is transferred to the SAP R/3 System.

The temporary quantity assignments in the SAP APO System have the status postpersistent (SAP APO 3.0).

7. Since the product 4711 has been specified in the integration model of the APO Core Interface (APO-CIF), the SAP R/3 System picks up the result of the availability check carried out previously for the sales order in CRM Online.

8. The result of the availability check is transferred to the SAP R/3 System. As in CRM Online, the product is entered on item level, the quantity and requested date are entered in the schedule lines.

The sales order number generated in the SAP R/3 System is transferred to the SAP APO System.

9. The sales order is saved automatically in the SAP R/3 System.

The temporary quantity assignments are deleted from the SAP APO liveCache; the requirements are saved in the SAP APO System as time series. The time series are taken into account for product availability check and are also relevant for materials planning.

If you are using SAP APO 2.0:

If you want to quit the order without saving it, choose or . Do not enter /n in the command field! Otherwise, the temporary quantity assignments in the SAP APO System will be inconsistent!

10. In the Status tab in the sales order header in CRM Online, under the section R/3 transfer and R/3 status, the Distribution status field is set to successfully distributed.

In case the sales order is not successfully transferred, error messages are displayed in the application log. The system deletes these error messages from the application log after the sales order is transferred successfully to the SAP R/3 System at a later stage.

Additional Information

For more information on sales orders in SAP CRM, see

Sales Transactions Structure and Data for Sales Transactions

For more information on the sales order in SAP R/3, see the SAP Library in SAP R/3 under Logistics SD Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Order.

For further information on restrictions, see Note 329452: CRM 2.0B/C-APO/ATP: Settings and restrictions.

Set up System Landscape for CRM Online and SAP APO


This documentation describes how to set up the system landscape and data necessary for carrying out an availability check with CRM Online and the SAP APO System.

A specific example is described and worked through. The entries in the tables are shown in italics and are suggestions only.

See also:

Details of setting up the system landscape for the SAP APO and SAP R/3 Systems are described in the SAP Library for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO)


Supply Chain Management (SCM) Business Scenarios Integration of APO and R/3 APO Core Interface Setting up the System Infrastructure and Data Transfer


APO Integration Scenarios Integration of APO and R/3 Setting up the System Infrastructure and Data Transfer


In order to set up a CRM scenario with availability check, you need:

The following systems:

CRM Online

An Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) system such as the SAP R/3 System

SAP APO System

In the SAP R/3 System: Customizing for Sales and Distribution (SD), for example, plant, sales area

In CRM Online: data relevant for the SAP R/3 System such as sales organization data including mapping to the relevant SD organizational units

In CRM Online and the SAP R/3 system: valid sold-to party in common SD organizational unit

The following table shows the system landscape with example names:

SystemReleaseSystem IDClientLogical System IDHost


If you do not use SAP R/3 as the OLTP system, then you will have to program interfaces for APO-CIF and CRM Middleware. For more information, see Note 448742.


1. Test the following transactions to ensure that they work before the systems are connected to each other:

In the SAP R/3 System:

a. Create a product.

For more information, see the following documentation in the SAP Library in the SAP R/3 System: Logistics Logistics - General (LO) Logistics Basic Data Material Master (LO-MD-MM) Material Master Records Creating Material Master Records.

b. Post goods receipt.

For more information, see the following documentation in the SAP Library in the SAP R/3 System: Logistics Materials Management (MM) Inventory Management (MM-IM) Inventory Management and Physical Inventory (MM-IM) Goods Receipt Other Goods Receipts.

c. Create a sales order.

For more information, see the following documentation in the SAP Library in the SAP R/3 System: Logistics Sales and Distribution (SD) Sales (SD-SLS) Sales Order Creating Sales Orders.

d. Carry out availability check (in SAP R/3 only, without SAP APO)

For more information, see the following documentation in the SAP Library in the SAP R/3 System: Logistics Sales and Distribution (SD) Availability Check and Requirements in Sales and Distribution Processing.

In CRM Online:

Create a sales order.

For more information, see Postprocessing Sales Orders.

Postprocessing Sales Orders


You can process sales orders in the CRM system after you have entered them via the Internet or in the Interaction Center.

The sales orders to be processed by the user are listed in the locator on the Worklist tab page, and can be called up from there, and processed. The following are for processing: incorrect sales orders and sales orders for which a long text was created in Internet Sales (see also: Workflow for Long Texts in Sales Orders). You can also process business transaction documents, which have already been transferred to the OLTP R/3 system, as long as you take certain conditions into account Further information is available under Changing Transferred Business Transactions).

All sales orders which are complete and correct, and for which the distribution block was not set, are automatically transferred to the R/3 system. Further information is available under Transferring Business Transactions into the OLTP R/3 System

You can block sales orders in the system, for example, if you have not yet completed processing them. To do so, set the Do not distribute flag on the Status tab page in the sales order.


You can make the settings for Customizing in the implementation guide for CRM under Business Transactions. In the standard system, all the necessary settings have already been made for business transactions (business transaction type standard order, item categories, item category groups, item category determination and so on) in the Internet Sales scenario.

All the other settings which are necessary in Sales (for example, settings for customer group, product group, volume rebate group and so on) can be copied from the R/3 system into the CRM system. You can do this with the help of transactions, in order to ease your work. Only settings from the customer name space can be copied. You can use the report SMOF_DOWNLOAD to copy the Customizing settings from an R/3 System to a CRM System. You can find further information about data transfer in the CRM documentation under Basis Technology Middleware.

Number Assignment

Each sales order has a unique document number. In the Internet Sales scenario, you should set internal number assignment for business transactions in the CRM Online system in Customizing. With internal number assignment, the document number is assigned automatically by the system within a specific interval. As the sales orders are transferred from the CRM Online system into the OLTP R/3 system, you should set external number assignment in the R/3 system. This means the numbers are not asigned automatically by the system.

The interval for internal number assignment in the CRM Online system should be the same as the external number assignment in the R/3 system. In this way, you guarantee that the sales orders have the same number in the CRM system and the R/3 system. This setting has already been made in the standard system. You can define the number range intervals for number assignment in Customizing for CRM, under Business Transactions Define Number Ranges.

Workflow for Long Texts in Sales Orders


In the CRM application component SAP Internet Sales, customers have the option of entering sales orders from the Internet. Customers can specify their customer requests in the order header, by entering a long text.

With the help of the workflow "long texts in sales orders", the employee responsible is informed that an Internet order has been entered with a long text, and is asked to postprocess the sales order.

This scenario is only valid for texts at header level for the sales order, that is, only in the Business-to-Customer scenario (text type 1000).


Internet order with maintained long textThe Internet order is blocked for transfer into the R/3 system, and the employee responsible is asked to modify the document.


In Customizing for the business transaction types, the field Text type has been included at header level for sales orders. If the text created in Internet Sales needs to be processed in the sales order, you must choose text type 1000 (customer requests). Make this setting in Customizing under Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Maintain Transaction Types. Choose processing of transaction type at header level.

The type linkage for the result ToBeCompleted for the workflow WS10000225 is deactivated as a standard procedure, and, if you wish to start the workflow template, it has to be activated again in Customizing. The workflow task processors must also be maintained.

For both Customizing activities, go to the IMG and choose Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions SAP Business Workflow Perform Task-Specific Customizing.

Process Flow of Workflow WS10000225 (Processing Sales Orders With Long Text)

If a long text is maintained for an incoming Internet order, this order must not be transferred directly to the OLTP R/3 system. The sales order is blocked for transfer, and a work item is generated for the employee. This work item informs him that the document needs to be revised. Once it has been processed, the employee deactivates the "Do not distribute" flag in the sales order. The work item is deleted, and the sales order is transferred to the R/3 system.

Technical Execution

The following information is of technical nature. You need this information if the implementation details are relevant for you, or if you wish to make your own enhancements.

Workflow template

The actual procedure is implemented in the workflow template WS10000225 (CRM_O_Handl.)

Triggering events for the workflow template

The event ToBeCompleted is entered for the object category BUS2000115 (sales transaction CRM) as a triggering event.

Object types

The method CrmSalesprocessEdit and the events ToBeCompleted (triggering event) and ReleaseForTransfer (terminating event which is generated using status managment) are made available using the following business object:

BUS2000115 (sales transaction CRM)


Use the Order_get_users_of_roletype (10000140) rule to generate the employee responsible in the workflow template. The rule expands the partner function types in CRM. (It is used with the RoleType = 0008 input parameter). However, you can also assign other rules or specific processors.

Changing Transferred Business Transactions


You can make changes in orders and complains, even if they have already been transferred to the OLTP R/3 system.

If you make changes to business transactions transferred to an OLTP R/3 System in that system, these changes are not transferred to the CRM Online System.


Status of the document in the OLTP R/3 system:

Whether you can change specific field contents depends on the status in the OLTP R/3 document, for example, whether the sales order has already been delivered, and whether there are follow-up documents such as production orders or assembly orders for this. Check the status in the CRM business transaction on the Status tab page. Further information is available under Status Maintenance and Display in Business Transactions.

Availability of the systems:

If a change needs to be made to a transaction document, both the CRM Online system and the OLTP R/3 system must be available. Using this synchronisation, inconsistencies are avoided in the systems.

Process Flow

First, the system checks whether the document has already been transferred into the OLTP R/3 system. If the document has not yet been transferred, changes can be made in the CRM document. If the document has already been transferred, the status of the OLTP R/3 document is checked, with the help of a function module in the CRM system. As soon as the status of the R/3 document is known, the field selection in the CRM document is controlled by the system, and the relevant changes can be made at field level.

Specific conditions are necessary for this:

Field selection control: The field selection control shows you which changes can be made to a transaction, and which are not possible. If a change is not allowed, due to a specific status, the relevant field in the transaction document is displayed as not ready for input. If the transaction has, for example, already been billed in the R/3 system, it is no longer possible to enter it in the pricing fields in the business transaction document in the CRM system. Cross-system blocking: When you change a business transaction document in the CRM Online system, which has already been processed in the OLTP R/3 system, a Remote Function Call (RFC) is executed from CRM into the R/3 system. The document in the CRM system is then blocked for processing. If a document, which was created in the CRM system, is processed in the R/3 system, this is then blocked for processing in the CRM system until the change has been completed.

If, for example, changes have been made to the partner functions, double maintenance of the document in both systems may be necessary (however, this depends on the R/3 release status).

2. Then carry out the following steps:

a. Set up Logical Systems and RFC Connections.

b. Set up SAP APO Core Interface (APO-CIF).

c. Set up Test Data for Availability Check.

d. Set up SAP APO-CIF Integration Model.

e. Set up Location (Plant).

f. Set up Customizing for Availability Check.

See also:

For more information about the integration of the SAP R/3 and SAP APO Systems, see the SAP Library for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer:

In SAP APO 3.0A:

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Business Scenarios Integration of APO and R/3

In SAP APO 2.0A:

APO Integration Scenarios Integration of APO and R/3

For information about availability check in the SAP APO System, see the SAP Library for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) under APO Global Available-To-Promise (Global ATP).

Set up Logical Systems and RFC Connections


In order that CRM Online, SAP APO and SAP R/3 Systems communicate with each other, you need to specify logical systems and RFC connections for each system.


Figure 1 shows an example system landscape and the steps necessary to set it up.

In CRM Online

1. Define logical system.

In the Implementation Guide (IMG) choose Basis Distribution (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Logical Systems Define Logical System.

Log. SystemDescription

CR7CLNT700CRM System CR7, Client 700

2. Assign client to logical system.

In the IMG choose Basis Distribution (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Logical Systems Assign Client to Logical System.

ClientNameCityCrcyChanged on

700Client 700BostonUSD

Double-click on the entry above to fill in the following details:


Changes and transports for client-dependent objectsAutomatic recording of changes

Client-independent object changesChanges to Repository and client-ind. Customizing allowed

Protection: Client copier and comparison toolProtection level 0: No restriction

RestrictionsAllows CATT processes to be started

3. Define target system for RFC Calls.

In the IMG choose Basis Distribution (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Systems in Network Define Target Systems for RFC calls.

In the SAP Logon, place the cursor on the relevant system to display the following information:

To display the name of the target host, choose Server To display the system number, choose Properties

Create SAP R/3 Connections - Details


RFC destinationR38CLNT800AP9CLNT900

Connection type33

DescriptionR/3 Client 800APO Client 900

Load distrib.NoNo


System number0000





4. Set up connection to the SAP APO System.

A client can support only one SAP APO System. This table is client independent, so if you need to define connections to more than one SAP APO System, you will need to define an entry for each RFC connection.

a. Define Middleware parameters by choosing Customer Relationship Management CRM Middleware and Related Components Communication Setup Define Middleware Parameters.

b. Select Availability Check using APO and create the following table entry:

KeyParameter 1RFC-DestinationControl Information


In the SAP R/3 System

1. Define logical systems.

In SAP R/3 4.6C:

In the IMG choose Basis Components Application Link Enabling (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Logical Systems Define Logical System.

In SAP R/3 4.5:

In the IMG choose Cross-Application Components Distribution (ALE) Basic Settings Logical Systems Define Logical System.


R38CLNT800R/3 System R38, Client 800

AP9CLNT900APO System AP9, Client 900

2. Assign client to logical system.

a. In SAP R/3 4.6C:

In the IMG choose Basis Components Application Link Enabling (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Logical Systems Assign Client to Logical System.

In SAP R/3 4.5:

In the IMG choose Cross-Application Components Distribution (ALE) Basic Settings Logical Systems Assign Logical System to Client.

ClientNameCityLogical SystemCrcyChanged on

800Test ClientBostonR38CLNT800USD

b. Double-click on the entry above to fill in the following details:


Changes and transports for client-dependent objectsAutomatic recording of changes

Client-independent object changesChanges to Repository and client-ind. Customizing allowed

Protection: Client copier and comparison toolProtection level 0: No restriction

RestrictionsAllows CATT processes to be started

3. Define target systems for RFC Calls.

In SAP R/3 4.6C:

In the IMG choose Basis Components Application Link Enabling (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Systems in Network Define Target Systems for RFC Calls.

In SAP R/3 4.5:

In the IMG choose Cross-Application Components Distribution (ALE) Communication Define RFC Destination.

Create SAP R/3 Connections - Details


RFC destinationCR7CLNT700AP9CLNT900

Connection type33

Load distrib. NoNo


System number0000

DescriptionCRM Client 700APO Client 900





Test the connection and the remote login before continuing.

In the SAP APO System

1. Define logical systems.

In the IMG choose R/3 Basis Customizing Application Link Enabling (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Logical Systems Define Logical System.


AP9CLNT900APO System AP9, Client 900

CR7CLNT700CRM System CR7, Client 700

R38CLNT800R/3 System R38, Client 800

2. Assign client to logical system.

a. Assign the SAP APO client to the logical system:

In the IMG choose R/3 Basis Customizing Application Link Enabling (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Logical Systems Assign Client to Logical System.

ClientNameCityCrcyChanged on

900APO ClientBostonUSD

b. Double-click on the entry above to fill in the following details:


Changes and transports for client-dependent objectsChanges w/o automatic recording

Client-independent object changesChanges to Repository and client-ind. Customizing allowed

Protection: Client copier and comparison toolProtection level 0: No restriction


3. Define target systems for RFC Calls.

In SAP APO 3.0A:

In the IMG choose R/3 Basis Customizing Application Link Enabling (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Systems in Network Define Target Systems for RFC Calls.

In SAP APO 2.0A:

In the IMG choose R/3 Basis Customizing Distribution (ALE) Prepare Sender and Receiver Systems Configure Systems in Network Define Target Systems for RFC Calls.

Create SAP R/3 Connections - Details


RFC destinationCR7CLNT700R38CLNT900

Connection type33

Load distrib. NoNo


System number0000

DescriptionCRM Client 700R/3 Client 800





4. Test the RFC connections.

Set up SAP APO Core Interface (APO-CIF)


In addition to the R/3 System, a Plug-In must be installed. The Plug-In includes the SAP APO Core Interface (APO-CIF or CIF) which is used to transfer master data such as plants and products from the SAP R/3 System to the SAP APO System.

For information on the SAP APO Core Interface, see the following documentation in the SAP Library for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO):

In SAP APO 3.0A:

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Business Scenarios Integration of APO and R/3 APO Core Interface

In SAP APO 2.0A:

APO Integration Scenarios Integration of APO and R/3 APO Core Interface


In the SAP R/3 System

To call up the APO-CIF menu choose Logistics Central Functions Supply Chain Planning Interface Core Interface Planner and Optimizer.

1. Define target systems.

If you are using APO-CIF PlugIn Releases before Release 2000, you need to maintain the OpMode field.

In the CIF Menu choose Settings Target Systems.

Log. SystemOpMode


This table is cross-client.

2. Define SAP APO Releases.

In the CIF Menu choose Settings APO Releases.

Log. SystemSyst.TypeRelease


Figure 2 illustrates how the logical system is defined as the target system for SAP APO:

In the SAP APO System

Before the first transfer of master data takes place from the SAP R/3 System to the SAP APO System, make sure that the logical systems of CRM Online and the SAP R/3 System are both in the same business system group.

When setting up the business system group, note that the service resource planning also uses functions in the SAP APO System.

1. Maintain business system group.

In SAP APO 3.0A:

In Customizing for APO choose Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) Basis Settings Integration Business System Group Maintain Business System Group.

In SAP APO 2.0A:

In the standard menu choose Tools APO Administration Settings System Group Maintain.



2. Assign logical systems to business system group.

In SAP APO 3.0A:

In Customizing for APO choose Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) Basis Settings Integration Business System Group Assign Logical System and Queue Type.

In SAP APO 2.0A:

In the standard menu choose Tools APO Administration Settings System group Assign LogSys.

BusSystGrpLog.SystemR/3 FlagSAP Rel.



Figure 3 illustrates how the logical systems of CRM Online and SAP R/3 are assigned to the same business system group in SAP APO:

Set up Test Data for Availability Check

In the SAP R/3 System

1. Check that the plant is set up in the SAP R/3 System:

In the IMG choose Logistics - General Plant Master Maintain Plants Display Plants.

2. Check that the plant is assigned to the organizational unit:

In the IMG choose Enterprise Structure Assignment Sales and Distribution Assign Sales organization-distribution channel-plant.

R/3 SystemClientPlantSales OrgDistr ChDivision


3. Check that the material master is set up in the SAP R/3 System.

In the SAP Easy Access menu choose Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Products Material Other Material Display. LocSales Org.Distr. Ch.Division

M100Product with availability check0001000100010101

If you use numeric material numbers, you have to make sure that either the length of the material number fields in CRM Online and in the SAP APO System is the same or that leading zeros are turned off in both systems.

4. Check the settings for the material master.

Choose Select view(s) to check the field entries in the views as follows:

The fields that are marked as mandatory must have entries in them. Otherwise the material master will not be relevant for availability check in the SAP APO System, even if it is included in the integration model of the APO Core Interface (APO-CIF).

ViewFieldMandatoryExample Data

Basic data1Base UnitPC



Gross weight2 kg

Net weight1.5 kg

Sales: sales org. 1Conditions (prices)USD 1 per piece

Delivering plant0001

Sales: general/plantAvailability checkyes02 (individual rqmt)

Collective requirements are not supported.

MRP 1MRP TypeyesPD (MRP)

Reorder point0

Planning time fence10

MRP Controlleryes010

Lot sizeyesEX

MRP 2Procurement typeF (external procurement)

Plnd dely time10 days

GR processing time0 days

SchedMargin key001

MRP 3Strategy groupPP (general planning strategy group)

In this example, the strategy group is set up so that the system determines the requirements class 030.

The requirements class in SAP R/3 is equivalent to the check mode in SAP APO.

The check mode 030 is used in Set up Customizing for Availability Check under the section In the SAP APO System, Step 4 Maintain Check Mode.

For more information, see the

SAP Library for R/3 under Logistics Production Planning and Control (PP) Master Planning (PP-MP) Demand Management (PP-MP-DEM) Planning Strategies IMG in SAP R/3 under Production Master Planning Demand Management Planned Independent Requirements Requirements Types/Requirements Classes and Planning Strategy.

Availability checkyes02 (individual rqmt)

Collective requirements are not supported.

For information on transferring changes to the product master data in the SAP R/3 System, see the SAP Library for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) under Supply Chain Management (SCM) Business Scenarios Integration of APO and R/3 APO Core Interface Setting Up the System Infrastructure and Data Transfer Data Transfer Change Transfer Change Transfer for Master Data.

5. Check the stock in the SAP R/3 System:

The easiest way to test the availability check is to create stock to cover requirements. You can create stock in the SAP R/3 System by posting goods receipt.

a. In the SAP Easy Access menu choose Logistics Materials Management Inventory Management Goods Movement Goods Receipt Other.

b. In the Movement type field enter 561. Location

M328Acme X Organizer00010001

6. Check that the business partner is set up in the SAP R/3 System.

In the SAP Easy Access menu choose Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partners Customer Display.

Customer No.CRM Business Partner No. NameSales Area

1000100Acme International Technology0001/01/01

Set up SAP APO-CIF Integration Model


After setting up the Plug-In including the SAP APO Core Interface (APO-CIF or CIF), you need to set up the SAP APO Core Interface integration model to specify which master data, such as plants and products, should be transferred from the SAP R/3 System to the SAP APO System.

In CRM Online, all products are relevant for the SAP APO System. In the SAP R/3 System, however, you need to specify which product is relevant for the SAP APO System. You do this by specifying the relevant products in the integration model of SAP APO Core Interface.

See also:

For more information, see the following sections under SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) in the SAP Library:

In SAP APO 3.0A:

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Business Scenarios Master Data

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Business Scenarios Integration of APO and R/3 SAP APO Core Interface Integration Model

In SAP APO 2.0A:

APO Integration Scenario Master Data

APO Integration Scenario Integration of APO and R/3 APO Core Interface Integration Model.


In the SAP R/3 System

To call up the APO-CIF menu choose Logistics Central Functions Supply Chain Planning Interface Core Interface Advanced Planner and Optimizer

Step 1: Create the Integration Model

1. In the APO-CIF menu choose Integration model Generate Create.

2. Fill in the following details - table entries are examples only.

Model nameCRMATP1

Target systemAP9CLNT900


Availability check

Material mastersPlantsCustomers

Storage location stocksSales order stock

Relevant materialsMaterial: M100Plant: 0001

3. Choose (Execute).

4. Check the details and save the integration model.

Step 2: Activate the Integration Model

1. In the APO-CIF menu choose Integration model Activate. 2. Select the integration model that you just created.

3. Choose (Execute).

4. To activate the integration model

place the cursor on the relevant version and choose (Active/Inactive), or

double-click the relevant version

The active version will be marked with .

5. Choose (Start).


The data specified in the integration model is transferred to the SAP APO System.

Before transferring changes to the product master data, see the documentation in the SAP Library for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer under Supply Chain Management (SCM) Business Scenarios Integration of APO and R/3 Setting Up the System Infrastructure and Data Transfer APO Core Interface Data Transfer Change Transfer Change Transfer for Master Data.

Set up Location (Plant)

In the SAP APO System

Transfer location to SAP APO System

You transfer the location to the SAP APO System from the SAP R/3 System using the APO-CIF integration model.

To display or change the location, in the SAP Easy Access menu choose

In SAP APO 3.0A:

Master Data Location Location

In SAP APO 2.0A:

Navigation Master Data Location

LocationPL0001@R38800 Boston

Location type1001


Longitude- 71 03 0

Latitude+ 42 21 0

Time zoneEST

Maintain AddressBoston

For more information on maintaining data for the location, see the SAP Library for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) under SAP APO Master Data Location.

In CRM Online

Create in CRM Online a business partner master record for the location (plant) that is used in SAP APO

When availability check is carried out, the SAP APO System determines a location and returns information on this location for each confirmation schedule line.

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Master Data Business Partner Maintain Business Partner.

2. Choose Create Organization and fill in the necessary details, such as:


Business partnerLOC0001

NamePlant 0001



This business partner is assigned to the location in SAP APO in Set up Customizing for Availability Check, in Step 3 of the section In CRM Online.

For more information, see Location Determination in the Sales Order.

Set up Customizing for Availability Check

In CRM Online

1. Define the ATP Profile:

In the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Customer Relationship Management choose Basic Functions Availability Check Define ATP Profile.

ATP profileDescription

100 (numeric key can be freely defined)Availability Check in the SAP APO System

2. Assign ATP Profile to Item Category:

a. In the IMG for Customer Relationship Management choose Basic Functions Availability Check Assign ATP Profile to Item Category.

b. Select the required item category and choose (Details) Definition of item categories:

Item categoryTAN

DescriptionSales Item

Item object typeCRM sales order item

TextDetermProc.ORDER001 (Sales order item)

Partn.DetProc.10000001 (Standard item)

ATP profile100

Relev. wgt/vol.X

Structure scopeDo not explode material structure

Org. data prof.000000000002 (Standard organ. data profile (item)

c. Go back.

d. To assign the item category to an application area, select the required item category and double-click on Assignment of Business Transaction Categories in the dialog structure on the left of the screen. Assignment of business transaction categories (to item category TAN):

Transaction Category


e. Select the required business transaction category and double-click on Customizing item in the dialog structure on the left of the screen.

Customizing item (category TAN):

Relev. for bill.Relevant for external billing


Statist. valueSystem will copy item header totals

Pric. indicat.Active

3. Assign Location in CRM Online to Location in SAP APO System:

The SAP APO System returns information on the location (delivering plant) for each confirmation schedule line. The location is stored as a business partner in CRM Online (see Set up Location (Plant)).

In the IMG for Customer Relationship Management choose Basic Functions Availability Check Assign Location in CRM Online to Location in SAP APO.

Business PartnerLocation


In the SAP APO System

1. Maintain Global settings for Availability Check:

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) General Settings Maintain Global Settings for Availability Check.

Global settings for the availability check

Temporary qty assgmntImport Customizing

Set this indicatornot allowed

For initial data transfer, Import Customizing can be set to allowed, so that the customizing settings can be transferred from SAP R/3 to SAP APO.

In this case, for the following steps marked with *, you just need to check whether the settings are correct,

2. Maintain Category:*

Check whether the settings are correct.

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) General Settings Maintain Category.

SAP Categories:


Category textSales Order

DescriptionSales Order

Sort string20

Category typeReqmts.

MRP Elem.VC (Order)

Relevant on sublocation level

R/3 ObjectSales order

3. Maintain Business Event:*

Check whether the settings are correct.

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) General Settings Maintain Business Event.

Bus. eventBeventText

ASD order

4. Maintain Check Mode:*

Check whether the settings are correct.

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) General Settings Maintain Check Mode.

The check mode is equivalent to the requirements class in SAP R/3.

Check modes are not provided in customizing in the standard SAP APO System. The following is just an example.

Check mode030 (Sale from stock)

AssignmentNo allocation

Production typeStandard

Check mode textSale from stock

5. Maintain Check Instructions:

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) General Settings Maintain Check Instructions.

In the table below, all the columns are listed for the sake of completion. However, please note that none of the check boxes have been marked for selection.

Check mode030 (Sale from stock)

Business eventA (SD order)

Product checkFirst step


Prod. allocationNo check

Neutral PA

ForecastNo check


Rules Based ATP (RBA)

Start immediat.

Rem. reqmtsDo not create remaining requirements

ATP Alert act.

Start prod.Availability check only, no production

Time (Production time)After executing all basic methods

6. Maintain Requirements Profile:

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) General Settings Maintain Requirements Profile.

Reqmts prfl100 CRM Internet Sales


Check mode030 (sale from stock)

Bus. eventA

Assignment modeNo allocation

TOIn (Temp. obj. ID)Write internal and persistent external delta records

Tech. scenario(used only by Rules Based ATP)

Business trans.(used only by Rules Based ATP)

Scheduling ind.No scheduling carried out If scheduling is tested it should be used

StrategyCRM001 (location determination for CRM)

7. Maintain ATP Group:*

Check whether the settings are correct.

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Product Availability Check Maintain ATP Group.

ATP group02

CumulationNo cumulation

ResponseNo response

Txt for ATP grpIndividual reqmt

8. Maintain Check Control:

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Product Availability Check Maintain Check Control.

ATP check control: general

ATP group02 (individual reqmt)

Business eventA (SD order)

No subloc.check

No version ck

Consider CHX

Rcpts fr. pastConsider past receipts


ATP check control: scope of check (for ATP group 02, business event A)


BMSales order


9. T E S T

Test the availability check using just the SAP R/3 and SAP APO Systems (that is, without CRM Online).

10. Define Condition Table

Steps 10 to 15 are necessary so that the SAP APO System can determine a location for the sales order item in CRM Online. Availability check is carried out in the SAP APO System based on this location. For more information, see Location Determination in the Sales Order.

a. Maintain field catalog

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose


Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Define Condition Table and then Maintain Field Catalog.

In SAP APO 2.0A:

Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Condition Technology Maintain Field Catalog.

Condition fieldLong field label

KUNNRSold-to party


VKORGSales organization

VTWEGDistribution channel



a. Create condition table.

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose

In SAP APO 3.0A:

Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Define Condition Table and then Create Condition Table.

In SAP APO 2.0A:

Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Condition Technology Maintain Condition Table.

Table901 (Distr.chl/Sales org.)

Selected fieldsDistribution channel

Sales organization

11. Maintain Access Sequences:

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose

In SAP APO 3.0A:

Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Access Sequences.

In SAP APO 2.0A:

Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Condition Technology Maintain Access Sequences.

Access sequences



Accesses (for CRM1)



Fields (for Access CRM1 10, Table 901)

Entries (for condition fields VTWEG and VKORG) are automatically generated.

12. Maintain Condition Type:

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose

In SAP APO 3.0A:

Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Condition Type.

In SAP APO 2.0A:

Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Condition Technology Maintain Condition Type.



13. Maintain Rule Strategy:

In the IMG for SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) choose

In SAP APO 3.0A:

Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Maintain Rule Strategy.

In SAP APO 2.0A:

Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Condition Technology Maintain Rule Strategy.

Rule strategies



Control (for rule strategy CRM001)



You do not need to assign the rule strategy, since the rule strategy is specified in the requirements profile.

14. Maintain Integrated Rules:

In SAP APO 3.0A:

In the SAP Easy Access menu choose Master Data Rule Maintenance Integrated Rule Maintenance.

In SAP APO 2.0A:

In the IMG for SAP APO choose Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Rules Maintain Integrated Rules.

a. Maintain Location Determination Procedure In the Overview (on the left hand side of the screen), choose (Maintain location deter.)

Deter.Ty.Loc. procedure txt


Press Enter and enter the following details in the List tab.




b. Profile & Parameter Choose Profile & Parameter.

Control (Rule Control)Description

CRM1CRM Location Determination

Enter the following details:

Access strategy of the substitution lists

ProductWork forward from input, cyclic

LocationWork forward from input, cyclic

Loc. productWork forward from input, cyclic

(Not for SAP APO 2.0A) Select the following radio button:

Combination of the substitution lists

Combine qualified product with all locations, then qualified loc. w. all prods

c. Maintain Rule

Choose Rules & substitutions.


CRM_PL0001CRM Location Determination



Rule typeInclusive

Loc.determination proced.CRM_LOC001

Rule controlCRM1 (CRM Location Determination)

15. Maintain Rule Determination

In SAP APO 3.0A:

In the SAP Easy Access menu choose Master Data Rule Maintenance Create Rule Determination.

In SAP APO 2.0A:

In the IMG for SAP APO choose Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) Rules-Based Availability Check Rules Maintain Rule Determination.

a. Enter CRM10 in the Condition Type field.

b. Choose (Enter).

c. Enter the following data:

Sales organisation: 1000 Distribution channel: 10

d. Choose (Execute).

e. Enter the following data:

Characteristic 1Rule


f. Save the data.

16. T E S T

Test the availability check in CRM Online.

Distribution of Business Partner Master Data


You distribute business partner master data between CRM Online and the R/3 System via the Middleware.

When you use a business partner in a business transaction in CRM Online, business partner master data is exported to the R/3 System for further processing. In the R/3 System, customer master records are created from business partner master data distributed from CRM Online.

Existing customer master data is imported from the R/3 System for use as business partner master data in CRM Online.

For more information see the documentation in the SAP library on Middleware under CRM Middleware.

For more information on data exchange, see "SAP CRM Setup and Load Guide (SLG)".

In addition, data can also be exchanged with other systems, for example the Business Information Warehouse.


You can make the necessary settings for the distribution of business partner master data (upload and download) in the plug-in for the current release (from PI 2001.1) in the transaction PIDE.


Distribution from CRM Online to the R/3 System

How business partner master data from CRM Online is distributed as customer master data in the R/3 System depends on the following:

ClassificationThe following classifications specify the account groups with which customer master records are created in the R/3 System from distributed business partner master data:

Consumer (organization or person)




Number Assignment

Determines whether the respective account group has internal or external number assignment

If number assignment is external, the customer master record is created in the R/3 System with the same number as the business partner master record in CRM Online.

CRM ClassificationAccount Group in R/3Number Assignment



Customer master records are created with the account group for customers in the R/3 System and internal number assignment.

Master records for prospects are created with the account group for prospects in the R/3 System and external number assignment.

If you have not assigned an account group for business partner master records, the data is not distributed.

Distribution of Customer Master Data from the R/3 System to CRM Online

You can distribute customer master data from the R/3 System for use in CRM Online. For each account group in the R/3 System, you specify the following for the creation of business partner master records in CRM Online:

ClassificationIndicates how the business partner is used in CRM Online


Determines the number range. The entry in the grouping field determines whether and how an entry is made in the business partner number field.

If you use grouping to set number assignment to external, the business partner master record is created in CRM Online with the same number as the customer master record from the R/3 System.

Account Group in R/3CRM ClassificationGrouping





Customer master records with account group 0005 in the R/3 System are created as business partner master records with the classification Prospect and grouping 0001 in CRM Online.

Master records with account group 0006 in the R/3 System are created as business partner master records with the classification Competitor and grouping 0002 in CRM Online.

Customer master records with account group 0003 in the R/3 System are not created as business partner master records in CRM Online.

If you have not established a grouping for an account group for customer master records, the data is not distributed.

Customer master records with account group 0170 in the R/3 System are created as business partner master records with the classification Consumer and grouping 0002 in CRM Online.

Distribution of consumer master records

Distribution from CRM Online to the R/3 System

For business partner master data that you create in CRM Online as consumers, it is crucial whether the business partners are organizations or persons. Organizations are distributed to the R/3 System as business partner master data for customers, while persons are distributed as business partner master data for consumers. The latter case concerns true consumers.

In the R/3 System, an account group for consumers that are organizations, and an account group for consumers (already exists in the R/3 System) that are persons are correspondingly assigned.

In the case of organizations, the sales area data transferred from the reference business partner is also distributed. In the case of persons, this data is not also distributed, but is rather determined from the reference customer in the R/3 System.

Distribution from the R/3 System to CRM Online

To distribute consumer master records from the R/3 System to CRM Online, maintain the reference business partner and the sales area data belonging to it in the corresponding IMG activity. Alternatively, you can download the reference customer from the R/3 System.

Customer master records with the account group for consumers who are people, are created as real consumer master records in CRM Online, as the sales area data is transferred from the reference business partner.

External Interface

The external interface allows you to communicate with external systems. You can exchange data on the business partner and its relationships via this interface.

For more information, see Interfaces for Linking External Systems.

Data Exchange with the Business Information Warehouse (BW)

You can extract data on a business partner and enter it in the BW.

For more information on which CRM-specific data and which data on the SAP Business Partner can be extracted, see the SAP Library in the documentation on the Business Information Warehouse under Business Content Customer Relationship Management Characteristics in Customer Relationship Management or Business Content Cross-Application Components Characteristics of the SAP Business Partner.

Data exchange with Dun & Bradstreet via the BW

For more information see the SAP Library in the documentation on the Business Information Warehouse under Business Content Sales and Marketing External Data Dun & Bradstreet External Market Data.

Data Exchange with CRM Mobile

You can exchange business partners and their relationship from CRM Mobile directly with CRM Online.

For example it is possible to exchange prospects between CRM Mobile and CRM Online without these prospects having to be transferred into a connected R/3 System.

For more information see the documentation in the SAP library on the SAP Mobile Application Studio under System Administration..


In Customizing for Business Partners, you make settings for the creation of business partners from HR master data distributed by ALE from the R/3 System to CRM Online. You do this in the activities under Integration Business Partners with Employees.

If you want to assign business partners who are employees to business partners for partner function types, for example, Employee responsible, you must distribute master data from the R/3 System in the following order:

a. Distribute HR master data by ALE

b. Execute the initial download of customer master data via the Middleware

Interfaces for Linking External Systems


mySAP Customer Relationship Management is a standalone product that can be implemented without mySAP R/3 Back Office. To enable this, SAP is providing open message-based XML and IDoc interfaces with general availability of mySAP CRM 3.0. This enables you to use non-SAP systems for back-office applications.

Please ensure that in the administration console of Middleware, no sites of the types External Interfaces for IDOC (XIF_IDOC) and External Interfaces for XML (XIF_XML) are created.

Master data and transaction data can be interchanged with a non-SAP back-end system if the back-end system and the CRM Open XML or IDoc interfaces have been mapped accordingly in the relevant customer projects.

Message-based interfaces are based on Middleware Services. These have major advantages compared with Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs), thanks to the following services):

Store-and-forward message processingThis means that an application does not wait until the target system confirms receipt of the message. Instead, the Middleware System places the message in a queue and waits on the confirmation of receipt from the target system. Store-and-forward message processing enables components to be loosely integrated. This means that an order, for example, can be created at any time, independently of the availability of the back-end system.

Guaranteed once-only delivery (only if IDocs are used)

Error handling of messages that are unable to be processed

Monitoring of message flow

Message-based interfaces can be used for:

migrating data from legacy systems which mySAP CRM is to replace

integrating mySAP CRM with back-office systems

B2B communication with business partners or marketplaces


Legacy Back-Office Integration / Legacy System Migration

CRM includes import interfaces for products, pricing conditions, business partners (such as customers and contacts), business partner hierarchies, business partner relationships and orders. This enables data from legacy systems to be imported to mySAP CRM at the start of a project and updated when changes are made or new data is created in the back-office system.

If mySAP Customer Relationship Management is used in a productive system, new customer master records can be created in CRM together with orders and invoices. Export interfaces enable these new objects to be exported to back-office systems.


All interfaces are linked to CRM Middleware and have an XML adapter and an IDoc adapter. The Middleware is replicated, which enables subscriptions to be created with the distribution information. Middleware also includes monitoring and error handling tools.

The XML adapter is implemented in the form of an XML SOAP Call. Initial extracts and separate direct transfers are possible for each CRM object. The interfaces are published in the Interface Repository.

Interfaces using SAPs ALE/IDoc technology offer one or more of the following options:

Data Transfer Workbench (together with the Legacy Migration Workbench), a tool for file-based import of data to a system (similar to initial data transfer). This tool offers mapping functions you can use to group data from several files and map them in the CRM message structure.

12 certified third-party vendors of ALE message handling systems (including BEA, IBM MQSeries, NEON and TIBCO)

55 certified third-party vendors of ALE converters (including CrossWorlds, Harbinger, Mercator, Oberon and Sterling)

55 certified third-party vendors of EDI sub-systems (including Actis, Harbinger, Premenos, Seeburger and Sterling)


B2B Integration

The following message-based interfaces are the basis for message interchange with business partners:

Product interface for importing products from traders for resale.

Order interface for processing purchase orders from customers and sending order confirmations and invoices as messages to the customer.

Data Mapping


To enable CRM 3.0A to be integrated with mySAP R/3 and to allow subsequent data transfer between the two systems, data has to be mapped between the two components. In doing this, you define how the data from each source field in R/3 is to be mapped in the source field in CRM.

A detailed analysis is made of the following objects (common relationship data):

Product Data

Business Partner Data

Sales Order Data


The fields that mySAP R/3 (Release 4.6x) and mySAP CRM (Release 3.0) have in common for the objects mentioned are detailed in the documentation.

The object documentation contains:

the CRM online field the relevant CRM field description

the relevant Bdoc structure

the relevant R/3 BAPI structure

the relevant R/3 BAPI structure description

the relevant R/3 field

the relevant R/3 field description

the relevant R/3 check table

the relevant R/3 check table description


Detailed documentation of the data map is available in the Service MartketPlace (Alias "CRM" Media Center Documentation) with the general availability Release of mySAP CRM 3.0A.

Archiving of Business Partners


The business partners can now be archived and subsequently deleted. In this way the volume of data is reduced and performance is improved.

The archiving of business partners follows a design that is generally valid for mySAP CRM, and that consists of the phases described under Features.

For more general information, see Data Archiving in mySAP CRM and Carrying Out Data Archiving.


Archiving takes place locally. An exchange with other systems is carried out as follows:

By replicating the archiving flag

By sending a delete BDoc for each archived business partner

In this way the business partners in question are also deleted on the mobile clients. The archiving and deletion of the flagged business partners must be triggered separately in the OLTP R/3 System.


You have set the indicator for the archiving flag in the business partner dialog.

The background process for archiving must be set up.

To do this, the following steps must be carried out:

Parameterization of the archiving object (here BOR object BUS1006005) via transaction DACONTROL

See Maintenance Transaction DACONTROL.

Scheduling and checking of background processes for data archiving in CRM Online (transaction DACHECK)

Make the other necessary system settings in the implementation guide (IMG) in the Customizing of the System Administration under Archiving Object-Specific Customizing in Data Archiving (archiving object CA_BUPA).

In the case of your own data, settings must also be made in the following transactions:

Transaction BUS7 for BDT event modules

User-defined checks (ARCH1)

Write routines for user-defined fields or tables (ARCH3)

Delete routines for user-defined fields or tables (ARCH4)

Transaction AOBJ

Here you include your own tables in the structure definition of the archiving object CA_BUPA.


The following phases will be run through during the archiving of business partners:

1. Determination of the data to be archived (business partner with archiving flag)

2. A check of whether the archiving is allowed

The following checks are carried out:

The reference business partner may not be archived.

A business partner may not be archived if there are still active business transactions.

The business transactions concerned must first be archived, before the relevant business partners can be archived.

A business partner may not be archived if it is still actively used in the organizational data.

There may no longer be any relationships (product business partner). These can however be archived together with the relevant products.

There may be no partner product selections. They have their own archiving procedure.

These checks are defined in the form of event modules of the Business Data Toolset (BDT) (event ARCH1). At this point you have the possibility to include other check modules without making modifications.

There may not be an active Internet user.

3. Writing to the archive

The following business partner data is written to the archive:

Central business partner data

Identification numbers and industries

Addresses and communication data

Bank details and payment cards


Addresses and communication data for employees and contact persons

CRM-specific data: Classification, sales, shipping, billing, partner functions, lock indicator

EBP-specific data

Change documents

Status indicator

Marketing Attributes

Mapping tables for business partner relationship contact person (CRMM_BUT_CONTNO) as well as for business partner - customer (CRMM_BUT_CUSTNO)

Here too you have the possibility to archive your own data implicitly via BDT event modules (event ARCH3).

4. Trial read from the archive

5. Deletion of the archived data

Alongside the data mentioned under the third point, other objects are deleted when it is not useful to save them in the archive:

Data cleansing cases

Resource planning in CRM Service

Here too you have the possibility to delete your own data implicitly via BDT event modules (event ARCH4).

The first, second and fifth steps are carried out via data archiving in CRM Online (transaction DACHECK). They can be scheduled as a regular background process.The third and fourth steps are triggered when you carry out the corresponding reports in the Archiving Development Kit (transaction SARA). You can also run these in the background.The entire process is triggered by setting the archiving flag in the business partner dialog, or by the corresponding BAPI method BusinessPartner.Change.

In addition, the changes implemented and the problems that have occurred can be checked using the application log (transaction SLG1).

Functions in the Business Partner dialog

Status of a business partner

You receive an appropriate message if a business partner has been flagged for archiving or is already being archived.

The business partners in question are displayed as follows in the hit list of the locator:

Yellow marking: The business partner has been flagged for archiving. Set this indicator in the business partner dialog or via the relevant BAPI.

We do not recommend that you make any changes to this business partner.

Red marking: The business partner is already in the process of being archived (BP has the system status "archivable"). The relevant indicator on the tab page Status has been set.

You cannot make any changes to this business partner. You can only display the business partner.


You can establish the period after which a business partner should once again be checked for archivability.

Make the necessary settings in the transaction DACONTROL.

The date of the last check carried out is displayed in the business partner dialog on the tab page Status.

Archived Data

You can search for and display the archived data via Environment -> Archived Data in the business partner dialog.

Replicating Material Master Data from R/3 in CRM/EBP


Material master data is transferred from R/3 to the CRM System using middleware. The relevant middleware object is MATERIAL. A single initial download is necessary in which the materials required are created in the CRM System as products. Subsequent changes (and also new materials) in R/3 can be transferred by delta downloads.


Before the initial download can take place, you must have:

Transferred Customizing for Basis Components (in particular, transferred the units of measure, languages, and countries)

(CRM Only) Transferred Customizing for Organizational Management (for example, transferred the sales offices)

Transferred Customizing for Sales and Distribution (for example, transferred the product groups)

(CRM Only) Defined the mapping of sales tax data from R/3 to the CRM format

You do this in Customizing for Taxes in Define Assignment of Product Tax Data from R/3 to CRM. If necessary, you can enhance this mapping using a Business Add-In. You do this in Customizing for Taxes in Define Customer-Specific Assignment of Tax Data from R/3 to CRM. This particularly applies if regional taxes have been used in R/3.

Defined how the product ID is stored

You do this in Customizing for Products in Define Output Format and Storage Form of Product IDs.

Transferred the following middleware objects for the class CUSTOMIZING:

These objects are as follows:




For more information, see Replicating System Settings from R/3 in CRM/EBP (Materials/Articles).

(CRM Only) Transferred the middleware object CUSTOMER


The material data necessary for CRM/EBP functions that is transferred from R/3 includes the following data in particular:

General material data such as the base unit of measure, alternative units of measure, and also material descriptions and general long texts (such as the basic data text)

Grouping characteristics, in particular the product hierarchy (CRM only), material group, and material type

These groupings are created as categories in the corresponding hierarchies. See also Replicating System Settings from R/3 in CRM/EBP (Materials/Articles).

(CRM Only) Sales data and sales long texts

The R/3 sales statuses are created in CRM as statuses of the status object Sales Product (PRS). The following system statuses are defined:

I1001 (created)

I1050 (blocked with warning)

I1051 (blocked with error message)

Only one sales status is defined at distribution chain level (combination of sales organization and distribution channel). There is not a general sales status for the product.


1. Define which materials are to be transferred.

You do this in the filter conditions in middleware object management for the object MATERIAL using transaction R3AC1.

The filter conditions must be specified appropriately for the database format of the corresponding fields in the backend system. In particular, numeric material numbers must have 18 positions and include leading zeros (unless you specified the lexicographical storage format for material numbers).

Save your entries in the initial screen. This takes approximately one minute since modules are generated automatically.

If you do not use CRM, access Customizing for Products and carry out the activity Deactivate/Reactivate CRM-Specific Data in Enterprise Buyer System to set up the Enterprise Buyer system for the transfer of materials from R/3 to the product master. If you later want to use CRM in addition to Enterprise Buyer, you can also use this program to undo the settings made. For more information, see the program documentation.

2. Start the transfer of data for the object MATERIAL using transaction R3AS.

3. Access transaction CRMM_PRPROD to check whether problems have occurred in the assignment of pricing reference materials during the transfer.

Do not create a product master using a client copy or similar procedure either in the CRM/EBP System or OLTP R/3 System. If you want to set up new systems with product master data or change or create a connection between existing systems, refer to note 418886 first. It contains important information about how to avoid inconsistencies at database level.

Uploading CRM Product Data to OLTP Systems


The upload function allows you to upload CRM product data to an OLTP System. This may be necessary because the data is required in the OLTP System for a number of logistical processes such as procurement, inventory management, billing, financial accounting, controlling.


You can start the upload of product data to the specified OLTP System manually in product maintenance by choosing Transfer Product to OLTP.

The data relevant for the upload is derived from the following set types, according to the product type:

Set types for materials:

Product header data (COMM_PRODUCT)Basic data on materials (COMM_PR_MAT)Descriptions (COMM_PR_SHTEXT)Long texts (COMM_PR_LGTEXT)Units of measure (COMM_PR_UNIT)Tax data (CRMM_PR_TAX)Purchasing data (BBPM_PR_GENERAL)Sales data order (CRMM_PR_SALESA)Sales data pricing (CRMM_PR_SALESG)

Set types for service products:

Product header data (COMM_PRODUCT)Basic data on services (COMM_PR_SRV)Descriptions (COMM_PR_SHTEXT)Long texts (COMM_PR_LGTEXT)Units of measure (COMM_PR_UNIT)Tax data (CRMM_PR_TAX)Purchasing data (BBPM_PR_GENERAL)Business transaction parameters (CRMM_PR_BTR)Sales data order (CRMM_PR_SALESA)Sales data pricing (CRMM_PR_SALESG)

Set types for financing products:

Product header data (COMM_PRODUCT)Descriptions (COMM_PR_SHTEXT)Long texts (COMM_PR_LGTEXT)Tax data (CRMM_PR_TAX)Business transaction parameters (CRMM_PR_BTR)Sales data pricing (CRMM_PR_SALESG)

When a CRM product is uploaded to an OLTP System, it can be created as a material or article, depending on whether the OLTP System is being used as a retail system. One material or article can be created for a product for each logical system.Not all data required to create materials or articles in the OLTP System is available in the CRM System. This means that the missing data needs to be entered in the upload input screen. For more information, see Data Entry in the Upload Input Screen.

Once all the necessary data has been entered, the product data is transferred to the specified OLTP System using synchronous RFC (Remote Function Call). In the OLTP System, the data is processed using the ALE interface available (materials using the message type MATMAS, articles using the message type ARTMAS). No physical IDocs are generated in the IDoc database, but the product data is made available in IDoc format and passed directly to the ALE inbound module.

If the upload was performed successfully, this is recorded in the CRM System in a mapping table. This mapping table contains the following information:

Which product was transferred to the OLTP System

To which OLTP System the product was transferred

Under which material/article number the product was created in the OLTP System

The material type, industry sector, and material group with which the material was created in the OLTP System

The material type, material group, and material category with which the article was created in the OLTP System

Flag indicating whether another upload is necessary

Before the upload can take place, the system uses the RFC destination to check whether the product involved has already been transferred to the OLTP System concerned, or whether a material/article number derived from the product ID is already being used in the OLTP System. The following situations may apply when a product is uploaded:

1. A material/article is created in the OLTP System without internal number assignmentIf the material/article number is not assigned internally, the product ID is used as the material/article number.

a. The mapping table does not contain an entry for the product and the selected OLTP System, and in the OLTP System there is no material/article whose material/article number corresponds to the product ID.This is the usual case when materials/articles are created. The material/article can be created in the OLTP System without any difficulty, and the product ID is used as the material/article number.

b. The mapping table does not contain an entry for the product and the selected OLTP System, but in the OLTP System there is already a material/article with a material/article number corresponding to the product ID.If this is the case, you are informed about the situation in a dialog box. You can decide whether the data of the material/article in the OLTP System should be overridden by the product data, or whether a new material/article should be created in the OLTP System using internal number assignment.

2. A material/article is created in the OLTP System with internal number assignmentIf the material/article number is assigned internally, the product ID is ignored as a potential material/article number.

a. The mapping table does not contain an entry for the product and the selected OLTP System, and in the OLTP System there is no material/article with a material/article number corresponding to the product ID.If you decide not to use the product ID as the material/article number, the material/article is created in the OLTP System with a material/article number assigned internally. You will not