integrated systems programming embedded systems and systems integration

Integrated Systems Programming Embedded Systems And Systems Integration

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Page 1: Integrated Systems Programming Embedded Systems And Systems Integration

Integrated Systems Programming

Embedded Systems


Systems Integration

Page 2: Integrated Systems Programming Embedded Systems And Systems Integration

What is System Integration

• Creating interconnection, control and communications between systems that would normally stand alone

• In other words “Interfacing”

• Computers or controllers at the heart of an integrated system may be deemed an “embedded system”

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The Systems Integrator

As a systems integrator, your job is to:1. understand the interface requirements or

possibilities and determine best approach

2. plan the overall integration and the functionality of the system

3. Plan the user experience – “User Friendly”

4. Program the System

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• Infra Red• Serial Communications• Relay contact closure• Switch contact closure• Ethernet• Wireless (R.F.)• Power Line Carrier• Proprietary interfaces

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• Used to control A.V. and some appliances(air conditioners, drape controls)

• Unidirectional

• Line of sight

• Proprietary issues

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Characteristics of I.R.

• Infra Red is light that is invisible to the naked eye because it is outside the normal wavelength that we can see

• It is generated by an I.R. L.E.D.

• It is detected by I.R. receiver

• Serial digital signals are modulated onto the L.E.D. and demodulated after the detector

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I.R. Signals

• The signal is serial data.

• I.R. works on line of sight.

• I.R. cannot go through objects

• I.R. can reflect as normal light

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• It is sometimes useful to have I.R. transferred between rooms

• It is sometimes useful to have I.R. generated in or behind a cabinet and control a device not in “line of sight”

• It is sometimes useful to have I.R. control equipment in a cabinet or wiring closet not visible to the handheld remote control or other I.R. emitter

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Wireless I.R. distribution

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Wireless I.R. distribution

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In Cabinet Solution

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Wired I.R. Distribution

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Wired I.R. Distribution

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Wired I.R. Distribution

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Wired I.R. Distribution

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Control System I.R.

• Crestron and other control systems can use I.R. for control.

• They typically use the same type of wired I.R. emitters seen above.

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Control Processor

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• Classic serial interface

• Positive control

• Hard wired

• Provides for 2 way (feedback)

• Not plug-and-play due to protocol choices

• DTE vs DCE issues

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Relay Contact Closure

• Simple on/off• X-10 through universal module• Crestron Digital Outputs• PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) systems

handle this well – commercial applications• Unidirectional • Positive control• Good for high current applications

• You must consider current/voltage limits!

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Switch Closure

• Simple on/off for sensing status

• Proximity sensing, door open/close, trigger of events

• Crestron Digital Inputs

• Could be used for Power Probes

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Ethernet• Becoming the standard

• Good for high speed communications between devices (100MBPS and rising)

• Good for networks of all kinds

• Internet/Intranet

• Telecommunications

• Some appliances are beginning to incorporate

• Some A.V. equipment

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Wireless• Based on Radio Frequency

• Digital signals modulated onto R.F.

• Wireless Ethernet

• Easy to install

• Slower than wired systems

• Prone to interference and blocking

• Security issues

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Power Line Carrier

• X-10 is most obvious example

• Other PLC communications is possible including TCPIP.

• Typically slow

• Prone to interference and signal loss

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Proprietary Interfaces

• Examples:– Cresnet– Lutron MUX– A.V. device interconnect specific to 1

company. Typically a company may have a receiver that can control the DVD or CD player but only of their own brand.