integrated data management with oasis montaj and acquire

Integrated Data Management with Oasis montaj and acQuire Tracey Minton, Geosoft Inc. and Alison Atkins, Metech Pty Ltd Introduction In exploration, knowledge and data are your two greatest assets. Geoscientist depend on data to provide direction on where to explore and drill. Investors, analysts and partners use data to assess the value and integrity of an exploration company's results. Having the right technology can help to improve exploration productivity, as well as long term results in exploration programs. Taking an integrated approach towards your exploration technology can yield the greatest benefit, providing a solid data foundation for resource development as well as active exploration projects. In this paper we look at how the integration of Metech's acQuire software with Oasis montaj, Geosoft's industry-standard spatial data environment enables exploration professionals to solve the problem of storing and accessing quality technical data. The paper addresses how these technologies together with Geosoft’s Target mapping and Chimera geochemical analysis applications can provide all the required functionality for effective exploration data management, quality control, analysis, integration, reporting and presentation. Together, acQuire and Oasis montaj provide easy access to quality assured data that can be processed and analyzed within one integrated spatial data environment. Integrated solution for exploration data Case Study Summary The integration of Metech's acQuire software with Oasis montaj, Geosoft's industry-standard spatial data environment, enables professionals in the exploration and mining industries to solve the problem of storing and accessing quality technical data. Industry Mineral Exploration Solution Easy access to quality assured data that can be processed and analyzed within one integrated spatial data environment Products Used Pocket acQuire Digital Field Data Collection acQuire Data Management System Target Surface and Drillhole Mapping Chimera Exploration Geochemistry Collect QA/QC Analyze Integrate Visualize Manage

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Page 1: Integrated Data Management with Oasis montaj and acQuire

Integrated Data Management withOasis montaj and acQuire

Tracey Minton, Geosoft Inc. and Alison Atkins, Metech Pty Ltd

IntroductionIn exploration, knowledge and data are your two greatest assets.Geoscientist depend on data to provide direction on where to exploreand drill. Investors, analysts and partners use data to assess the valueand integrity of an exploration company's results.

Having the right technology can help to improve exploration productivity,as well as long term results in exploration programs. Taking an integratedapproach towards your exploration technology can yield the greatestbenefit, providing a solid data foundation for resource development aswell as active exploration projects.

In this paper we look at how the integration of Metech's acQuiresoftware with Oasis montaj, Geosoft's industry-standard spatial dataenvironment enables exploration professionals to solve the problemof storing and accessing quality technical data.

The paper addresses how these technologies together with Geosoft’sTarget mapping and Chimera geochemical analysis applications canprovide all the required functionality for effective exploration datamanagement, quality control, analysis, integration, reporting andpresentation. Together, acQuire and Oasis montaj provide easyaccess to quality assured data that can be processed and analyzedwithin one integrated spatial data environment.

Integrated solution for exploration data


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SummaryThe integration of Metech'sacQuire software withOasis montaj, Geosoft'sindustry-standard spatialdata environment, enables professionals in the exploration and miningindustries to solve the problem of storing andaccessing quality technicaldata.

IndustryMineral Exploration

SolutionEasy access to qualityassured data that can beprocessed and analyzedwithin one integrated spatial data environment

Products Used• Pocket acQuire Digital

Field Data Collection

• acQuire Data Management System

• Target Surface andDrillhole Mapping

• Chimera ExplorationGeochemistry

Collect QA/QC





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OverviewComprehensive and easy-to-use software isessential for the management of ever increasingamounts of high volume exploration data, therebyenabling fast decision-making.

In this paper, we will introduce Metech’sacQuire data management system, whichincludes two components – the acQuire DataModel and the acQuire Software. The acQuirerelational data model provides central storagefor all the technical drillhole and geochemicaldata generated in an exploration or miningproject. acQuire validates all imported data toensure a high level of quality control. This paperwill also provide an introduction to Geosoft’sChimera™ geochemical data processing andanalysis (DPA) application, and Target™ a comprehensive data processing and presentationsolution for drillhole geology. The direct link to acQuire, Chimera and Target are integratedin the Oasis montaj environment in one simplepackage thus enabling knowledgeable and intel-ligent decision-making in one simple package.

What is acQuire?acQuire is an ‘out of the box’ data managementsystem consisting of two components – theacQuire Data Model and the acQuire Software.acQuire provides a relational data model suitablefor all drillhole and geochemical data, providingcentral storage for the technical data generatedin both Exploration and Mining. acQuire alsoprovides quality control of data and accessibilityfor reporting, providing a receptacle to data thatis highly validated.

Integrity of data is paramount for any mining orexploration company, both from a technical andlegal viewpoint. Historically, many organizationshave had poor systems giving rise to inconsis-tencies, lost data and errors. Increasingly, bothindustry and government departments requirehigher levels of reporting standards. acQuire is designed to provide the optimal solution forstorage and reporting of data.

Another significant objective of acQuire is toprovide a means of optimizing data integrationbetween all earth scientists. Traditionally, theGeochemist may have a different location forstoring information that is directly related to workbeing done in another system by the ExplorationGeologists. This leads to data duplication andpoor version control, which ultimately leads topoor decision-making. In addition to integratingdata use between departments and professionals,acQuire is designed to assist with externalorganization and software systems. For instance,acQuire provides a location to store informationabout laboratory batch information that assistswith the integration with laboratories.

acQuire provides;

• Manual and automated data entry

• Automatic drillhole and samplegeneration tools

• Automated laboratory data importing

• Proven QAQC management systems

• Validation – system, company anduser defined

• Customizable fields, views and workspaces

• User defined data entry objects

• Direct access to data clients

In this paper we will introduce the various func-tions that are available within acQuire, outliningthe procedures undertaken when collectingdata in the field, loading it into acQuire andextracting the relevant information via queriesand exporting when required.


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What is the acQuireData Model?The acQuire Data Model (ADM) is a designedstructure that can be implemented in relationaldatabase systems such as: MSSQL Server,Oracle and MSAccess 2000 (MSDE).

Vast resources have been invested by theacQuire team in research and development of a database structure that can be used onevery exploration and mine site in the worldregardless of the commodity. This was achievedby identifying three major object types;

• Drillhole/Blasthole Object

• Point Sample Object

• Sample Batch Object

It was therefore possible to construct a datamodel that accommodates the persistent natureof these objects and also provides a commodityindependent solution. At the same time, toolsare provided for site-specific customization bythe client data manager if required.

Our structured model is a supportable product,yet was still designed to incorporate site-specificneeds. The ADM gives the acQuire Managerroom to establish additional fields, validationand more.

What this means to youInstead of “reinventing the wheel”, we providea solution that incorporates all permutations forboth exploration and production data. The ADMand its associated software system are beingcontinually developed so as new subsystemsevolve, your company receives the benefits.

The ADM had the following features:

• Company defined validation may beimposed whenever data is entered into thedatabase.

• Re-logged data, as well as original data, can be saved in the same table should thegeologist re-log a drillhole.

• Re-assay and re-split data can be storedat different intervals.

• Field and laboratory duplicate samplesare stored.

• Field and laboratory standard samplesare stored.

• Detection limits and analytical methodsof elements can be tracked.

• Site-specific look-up tables can beestablished.

Pocket acQuireIn the past, data was collected from the fieldvia whatever means were made available. In most instances, this was done on paperlogsheets, which made the entry of data into a database to be time consuming. Generally,the person loading data into the database isnot necessarily the same person who had collected the data, so any errors with the datacollected cannot be immediately resolved.Also, it is difficult to maintain validation rulesestablished on the company database to thedata that is collected in the field.

Metech has been considering this problem forsome time and is in the process of releasing anew product to assist in accurate data collection;Pocket acQuire. Pocket acQuire is designed tovertically integrate the data collection and management process. Pocket acQuire provides a digital field data collection solution where geologic lookups and validation rules can betransferred from the company database withease. This means that when the field geologist is collecting data in the field, all the validationrules that exist on the company database alsoexist on the logging device.

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Pocket acQuire has been designed for the CEoperating system and can be used on a varietyof mobile devices. Pocket acQuire works on avariety of mobile computing solutions and theinterface screen is resolution independent. Theinterface is user configurable and non-prescriptive,validation data is sent to the device from thecompany database. The data collected on thedevice can then be imported into the companydatabase already validated, minimizing datacollection errors.

The database administrator is able to customizethe logging sheets that the person in the fielduses on a day-to-day basis. These log sheets,plus all relevant validation information is downloaded onto the logging device at thecommencement of data collection. The geolo-gist, or sampler, can then use the loggingdevice, selecting from pick lists for the relevantcodes whilst collecting data in the field. Thisdata can then be uploaded directly to the company database by synchronization betweenthe data logger and the acQuire database.

ValidationValidation within acQuire resides within thedatabase. This means that any data entered into the database, either by acQuire or by othermeans, will be validated prior to the data beingloaded. Company standards are always maintained. There are two types of validation;

• Defined by acQuire. For example, all azimuthsentered must be between 0° and 360°.

• Defined by the manager. For example, the specific company codes used to define lithology.

Manager defined validation can be added atany time. If keyed-in or imported data is not list-ed in the user defined validation, it is reportedas an error and not entered into the database.

CustomizationThere are numerous functions and wizards avail-able to acQuire users to assist in customizingboth their database and the actual appearanceof their workspace and acQuire objects.

acQuire allows the user to customize the databaseto incorporate more site-specific information,enabling them to create new fields that are notfound in the acQuire Data Model. The user can also determine which fields to display forindividual views. acQuire enables the user todefine new view, plus the order in which thefields are to be displayed.

The diagram above displays how a user cancreate a new form definition, in this case for aGeology view. This form definition is then used


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to create a new form in the acQuire workspace,which displays the fields selected, with anyassociated validation. This form can then be filtered to display specific record sets.

Not only can the actual fields and the views becustomized within acQuire, the actual workspacecan also be modified to make it user specific.

Individual objects may also have control sheetscreated, which provide a graphical interface tothe end-user. The user only need to populate therequired parameter fields for the objects toeither load or query data.

Shortcut bars can also be created for the“infrequent” user, or someone who only uses asmall number of acQuire objects on a day-to-day basis. Shortcut bars contain icons whichare shortcuts to objects and functions withinacQuire and to external files. Multiple shortcutbars can be created for the various tasks usedregular basis.

The above diagram displays the a shortcut barcreated for an exploration database, with thevarious icons pointing to different acQuireobjects, functions and external files. The actualacQuire object displayed is for importing data,where a control sheet has been created to pro-vide an interface for the user.

Import ObjectsData can also be loaded into acQuire viaacQuire Import objects. These are used toimport data from a source file, via a set ofinstructions or an Expression into the database.An import object can consist of one or manysheets. Each sheet has its own set of importinstructions and can have its own source file.Sheets can be active or inactive and be set toeither insert, update or merge mode. The firstsheet can be a Control Sheet, this sheet is theusers interface with the actual import sheets,and variables are selected and passed to theconsecutive sheets. The import process can bepreviewed and executed from the Control Sheet.

The acQuire import objects support numeroussource file formats including; CSV, SIF, TXT (tab,fixed width and space delimited) files, ODBCdatabases and ODBC database structures. Datacan be loaded on a trial basis to check for


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validity of data and any data rejected is writtento a rejects file, which has the same format anddata fields as the original source file. Theexpression field of the importer also gives theuser the ability to manipulate the source data asit is imported into the database. Multiple sourcefiles can be loaded into multiple acQuire tablesduring the one process, saving time and reducingduplicate processing.

Data Entry ObjectsData Entry is used to generate data sets thathave a regular pattern, for example, creating aset of grade control blastholes with associatedsample numbers.

Each object can consist of many sheets. Eachsheet is based on a form definition, so that eachsheet has a particular set of fields that can beincluded to receive data. Data can be passedfrom sheet to sheet (for example, the Hole ID isgenerated on the first sheet and passed to thefollowing sheets). Expressions, warnings anddefault values can be set to assist in the datageneration. There are two modes in the life of a data entry object:

• Design Mode. This phase consists of twoviews – Grid and Form.

• Run Mode. This phase has two modes –Insert and Update.

acQuire FormsOnce data has been loaded into acQuire, it canbe viewed via acQuire forms. It is a view of thecontents of selected tables in the database. Bycreating forms, you can construct a set of viewsthat let you work with the data in the most efficient way. A form has the look and feel of aspreadsheet and similar features – enter records,move, hide and freeze columns, and sort data.Forms can also be used for entering smallamounts of data. Data can be exported from aform, either to file or to a view that is stored inthe database and accessed by other data clients.

Generally, you will create a set of forms to present the data you need to work with regularly.By creating folders you can group these formslogically, such as by project or prospect.Individual acQuire forms are specific to a workspace and can be saved locally or in a network folder. Forms are based on form definitions which are defined by the databaseadministrator. While form definitions controlwhich fields (columns) will be visible, in the formitself, you control which records (rows) will bevisible. This can be done by applying a filter tothe form. Some form definitions are suppliedwith acQuire. If you need others, the databaseadministrator can create them using acQuireManager. The responsibility for creating newform definitions is left to the acQuire Manager.

Data Query – SQL ObjectsThe advantage of having a relational databasemanagement system, such as acQuire, is thatqueries can be made to effectively extract infor-mation from the database. acQuire assists inrunning queries on the database via the imple-mentation of SQL objects. Like the import object,these objects can be customized, incorporatingControl Sheets to provide an interface for theacQuire users. The user selects the requiredparameters, and these variables are passed intothe SQL query. Once the query is execute, theresults can be exported to a file or a permanentview can be created.


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Data Client ViewsData Client Views are a permanent view offorms you want to display in a client application.For example, MS Excel, Minesight, or OasisMontaj. Because they are based on forms, anyfield and record filtering should be completedbefore the view is created. In this way, you can ensure that only the data required for theexternal application is made available.

Each data client view is stored in the database.Client applications can then connect to theunderlying database using ODBC and accessthe view. Exactly how you access a data clientview from a client application depends on howthe application implements queries to externaldatabases. Generally, a straightforward processthat involves selecting the database and thenchoosing the name of the data client view froma list of queries.

Data Client views provide a live link to clients.Any modifications to the data in acQuire or thedatabase will be reflected in the client softwareif the view is refreshed in the client application.The link, however, is read only. Once the clienthas the data, any changes made to the datacannot be written back to the database.

Generally, you will create data client views for data that requires processing, analysis and display.

ExportersData can be exported through various func-tions within acQuire. Individual forms can beexported via the form export, with multiple fileformats supported; CSV, TXT, tab delimited,width delimited, and various other proprietaryformats. WYSIWYG exporting is also available,with record and columnar filtering; data canuse the Cut/Paste options to replicate data intoexternal software.

acQuire supplies the users with two exporter,one for Drillhole data and another forGeochemical/Point data. The Drillhole Exporteris used to extract all relevant drillhole data,including; collar, survey, analytical and lithologicrecords. This data can be filtered and trans-formed during the export.

As displayed in the Drillhole Exporter, the datacan be exported to numerous formats. Currentlysupported by acQuire are; Datamine, Gemcom,Micromine, Minesight and Text output formats.Upon extraction, the data can also be manipu-lated, with coordinates transformed, drillholesde-surveyed, and downhole intervals split byselected sample/geologic intervals. It is alsopossible to export the calculated X, Y and Z co-ordinates for analytical intervals down the drillhole.

There is also an exporter available for the geochemical data, which has a similar interfaceto that displayed for the drillhole exporter.

Both of these exporters can be incorporated intoexternal packages. Geosoft uses this functionalityto access acQuire databases from within theirown application. This means that a user doesnot need to be inside acQuire to access thedata, but can be in an associated softwarepackage, and still be able to accurately queryand extract the relevant data from the databaseinto their client software.

Data Import Directly fromacQuire to Oasis montajOasis montaj users can now import directlyfrom acQuire databases. acQuire has beenintegrated into the Oasis montaj environmentand provides fast and efficient access throughthe main toolbar.

The acQuire menu Import Acquire enables the user to access drillhole (Import Hole) orgeochem (Import Point) data. These menuoptions access the same interface as theDrillhole and Point Export tools of acQuireDirect.


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Once the acQuire data has been imported intoa Geosoft database users then have access tothe quality control, analysis, plotting, integrationand reporting/presentation features available inthe Chimera and Target applications.

The storage of important meta-information suchas laboratory used, type of assay method, anddetection limits is vital for comparing datasetsover time. This information is stored within the Geosoft database to provide backup information for verification of the data. The datais displayed in a spreadsheet window that hasthe look and feel of an Excel™ spreadsheet forease-of-use, with a powerful data processingengine behind it for time savings through performance.

Once imported, all element data are assignedas ‘ASSAY’ class, for use in the statistical tools.

Chimera spreadsheet window andthe Assay information dialog.

Quality ControlThe use of standards and duplicates are manda-tory in any geochemical survey, and serve asan essential part of your due diligence process– enabling you to confirm the validity of yourdata. In this example, we have included bothstandards and duplicates that must be extractedand verified before the data can be processed.

Chimera provides the tools to extract both stan-dards and duplicates from your data and placesthe results in a new or historical (standards)database. Graphical tools are also availableenabling the user to display the standards andduplicates results to verify results and ensuredata quality.

Duplicates are plotted against each other in logarithmic or linear space depending on previously set parameters, the red lines indicate +/-10% tolerance.

The red horizontal lines on the Standards plot indicate tolerance; in this case, the limitsare set at+/- two (2) standard deviations.Specified values can be previously set.Standard results can be compared over time,batch by batch; historical data is to the left of the dotted vertical line, new data is to the right.


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Verification of dataAs mentioned previously, the Chimera spread-sheet has the ease-of-use of an Excel spread-sheet, and provides similar tools for calculatingstatistics, sorting data, creating new columns,and writing mathematical formulae.

Histogram ToolThe Histogram tool provides a visual represen-tation of the data distribution, enabling theuser to switch between a logarithmic and linear distribution, and specify the thresholdsfor plotting geochemical data.

Histogram tool displaying Cu data with a logarithmic distribution.

In this example, we have used typical percentilebreaks (50,75,87,95,98%), which were determined interactively using the histogramtool. The results were then plotted on a map.

Colour zoned symbol plot map including histogram, statistics, legend, title, scale andnorth arrow.

Scatter Plot ToolThe Scatter Plot tool enables users to plot oneASSAY channel against another ASSAY channel.The scatter tool is dynamically linked to thedatabase and map enabling easy identificationof outliers. The scatter tool also enables theselection of discreet populations (as shown onthe figure below) and the plotting of theseselected sample locations on a map.

Scatter plot tool displaying Cu and Zn as elements of interest, and a scanned geologicalmap of the region displaying the selectedsample locations.

Triplot ToolThe Triplot tool is similar to the Scatter tool butplots a ternary plot using three ASSAY channels.In this example, we are identifying coincidentCu, Pb and Zn anomalies.

Triplot tool and geological map of the regiondisplaying selected samples.


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Meaningful Map ProductionThe ability to quickly and easily producemeaningful maps is an important requirementof any exploration package, and it is vital thatany graphical representation of geochemicaldata is accurate and professional. Along withthe ability to grid data, Chimera provides avariety of methods for symbol plotting singleand multi-element data.

The traditional way to display geochemical datais as symbol plots, overlaying other data typessuch as geophysics and geology. The Chimerasystem enables users to create colour symbolplots using statistical breaks, proportional sizesymbols, symbols based on two variables (e.g.Cu for size and Zn for colour), rose, pie andbar plots for up to 8 elements at individual location points.

A variety of symbol plotting techniques available for displaying geochemical data.

Gridding dataIf it is appropriate to grid your geochemicaldata, Chimera provides four different griddingmethods; minimum curvature, kriging, tinning,and bi-directional line gridding. When griddingany geochemical data you must consider thedistribution and density of your samples, andchoose the correct gridding method, grid cellsize and blanking distance accordingly.

Cu was gridded using the minimum curvaturemethod. The sample spacing was approximatelyone sample every kilometre; therefore, a cellsize of 250m was used, with a blanking distance of 2000m.

Data IntegrationA fundamental process in geochemical explo-ration is the integration of other available data,to assist in the identification of potential areas of interest, so that calculated and informativedecisions can be made.

Integrated presentation showing ternaryK/U/Th image, shaded geology map with proportional As symbols, processed magneticdata (analytic signal), As grid, Potassium gridand original As geochemical data with graphical view.


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Landsat imagery was added to interpretedgeology. Imagery was clipped to theBroederstroom map area to create an integrated compilation of geochemistry, geology and imagery.

Subsetting dataIn order to define targets it may be necessary to query the data and subset it into discrete populations. Chimera’s querying tools enablethe user to subset data based on breaks such as lithology, map sheet number, sample type, or anomalous assay values.

Subsetted data based on geology, only samples collected within the granite havebeen selected. These samples can be furtherprocessed to look for subtle anomalies.

Drill Target AreasHaving identified potential targets, you will wantto follow these up by drilling. Wholeplot enablesgeologists to set-up drill projects, manage resultsdynamically, produce presentation-quality sectionand plan maps, and interpret results for follow-updrilling and decision-making.

Wholeplot has a user-friendly import wizard thatenables direct import from Excel™ files, Asciifiles, and databases. The import file format issimilar to other drillhole graphic packages:

• Collar file: hole ID, easting, northing, eleva-tion, hole depth, dip, azimuth

• Survey file: hole ID, depth, dip, azimuth(Optional – to enable the import of downhole survey information)

• Data files for assay and geological data:hole ID, from, to value (we support both from-to and point data)

There is also a ‘hot link’ directly from Acquire.

Assay data typically contains standards andduplicates that need to be extracted before thedata can be processed. This can be done usingChimera as previously described.

Making your first plan or section should be asimple procedure. Target has a user-friendlyinterface, with intelligent defaults, enabling thequick creation of plans and sections.Geophysical, geochemical and lithologicaldata can be displayed as bar charts, profiles,lithology logs, text or gridded. The map-makingtools allow for integration of all available data to enable quick and calculated decisions.Printing of maps is a one-button operation.Below are examples of plans and sections created using Target.

Strip log plot

Section map


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Plan map

ConclusionWe have illustrated how an integrated solutioncan be used to increase the value and ensurethe integrity of geological, geochemical andgeophysical data through better management,quality control, analysis, integration and reporting/presentation. This gives explorationistsa solution that is cost effective (licensing, support, training) without compromising dataspecific functionality and performance.

AuthorsTracey Minton is Technology Manager atGeosoft Inc. Prior to joining Geosoft; sheworked for RTZ Mining and Exploration, for 6 years. Tracey holds a BSc (Hons) degree inGeology from the University of Southampton,United Kingdom.

Alison Atkins is a Senior acQuireImplementor at Metech, involved in both thesales and technical support for the acQuireSoftware. She has worked on both greenfieldsand production sites, within both Australia andAfrica, for 8 years. Alison holds a BSc (Hons)degree in Geology from Curtin University,Western Australia, and a Graduate Diploma inBusiness Programming.

Datasets UsedThe dataset used in the acQuire example is partof the 1Day tutorial database, which is includedwith the acQuire installation.

Recognition is given to the Council ofGeosciences in South Africa for providing someof the data used in this example. It is part oftheir regional geochemical dataset, which isavailable for purchase by mining companies.The 1:50000 map includes multi-element geochemical data, processed geophysical grids,a Landsat image and regional geology in bothraster and vector formats.


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For more information on the software used in this paper, please contact [email protected]. Visit