instructional design unit

1 Part 1: Identification of Learning Problem General Audience The primary audience consists of Beach High School students in the ninth grade (ages ranging from 14 to 16). The goal is to successfully engage students in learning how to navigate through Edmodo. Problem Identification Chatham County Public Schools has for the past couple of years been implementing new technologies to be used in the classroom. This new technology was introduced in our new three year technology plan. After taking data during 1 st semester of the 2013-2014 school year at Beach High School, 13% of the ninth grade students knew how to navigate and upload assignments to Edmodo and 87% did not. What I have noticed is that when students enter the ninth grade, they are used to submitting work manually and lack the knowledge of how to use online tools to submit (upload) assignments, quizzes, etc. Because I teach Business, my class is considered an online learning environment. It is imperative that my students understand and learn how to successfully navigate through Edmodo to prepare them for future courses that are involved in having an online learning environment. Edmodo is an educational tool similar to facebook, however, by definition, a specialist network of educators and students, so the risks of being contacted by strangers for non academic purposes are greatly reduced, similar to online tools used in college for example, GoView (Georgia Southern University Online Tool). Edmodo was developed to create an online learning environment. It is also a great place to post resources, upload assignments, respond to polls, and anything else you want to share and engage online with other classmates. This is very

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Part 1: Identification of Learning Problem

General Audience

The primary audience consists of Beach High School students in the ninth grade (ages ranging from 14 to 16). The goal is to successfully engage students in learning how to navigate through Edmodo.

Problem Identification

Chatham County Public Schools has for the past couple of years been implementing new technologies to be used in the classroom. This new technology was introduced in our new three year technology plan. After taking data during 1st semester of the 2013-2014 school year at Beach High School, 13% of the ninth grade students knew how to navigate and upload assignments to Edmodo and 87% did not.

What I have noticed is that when students enter the ninth grade, they are used to submitting work manually and lack the knowledge of how to use online tools to submit (upload) assignments, quizzes, etc. Because I teach Business, my class is considered an online learning environment. It is imperative that my students understand and learn how to successfully navigate through Edmodo to prepare them for future courses that are involved in having an online learning environment.

Edmodo is an educational tool similar to facebook, however, by definition, a specialist network of educators and students, so the risks of being contacted by strangers for non academic purposes are greatly reduced, similar to online tools used in college for example, GoView (Georgia Southern University Online Tool). Edmodo was developed to create an online learning environment. It is also a great place to post resources, upload assignments, respond to polls, and anything else you want to share and engage online with other classmates. This is very important this day in age because most college students are required to submit (upload) discussion questions, assignments, and quizzes through an online tool (GoView, Desire to Learn, Etc.)

Instructional Goals

Users (Students) will be able to successfully log onto Edmodo. Users (Students) will be able to edit their profile page. Users (Students) will be able to take online quizzes through Edmodo. Users (Students) will be able to view grades given for each assignment. Users (Students) will be able to post and answer discussion questions. Users (Students) will be able to post assignments to the appropriate given assignment.

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Part 2: Learner Analysis


The targeted groups of learners are 9th graders at Beach High School in Savannah, Georgia. The students range in ages from 14 to 16 with the most common age being age 14. There are 23 girls and 7 boys and the class consist of 97% African Americans and 3% Caucasian. 70% of the students come from single parent homes or cared for from another family member. To attain this information about the learners, student registration forms and reduced lunch forms were reviewed. In order to obtain the needed information for these upcoming 9th graders, data was collected during the second week of school. Teacher observations and interviews were also conducted in an attempt to gain information for the learner analysis.

Entry Characteristics/Skills:

Able to log on a computer Use of basic internet search engines Mastery of reading & writing Knowledge of URL location Basic typing skills 10% of the students have prior knowledge of Edmodo

This information was attained by administering a pretest that assessed this prior knowledge. The pretest results showed that 97% scored proficient (Only missing one or none) on the entry level skills. The other 3% struggled with basic typing skills, basic internet search engines, and logging on to the computer. The learners were observed one at a time while performing the hands-on activity graded by four business teachers.

Attitudes Toward Content & Academic Motivation

Majority of the students recognized that competency in computer skills is necessary. The learners also were asked about their motivation towards computer skills. Seventy five percent of the students rated themselves as knowledgeable, 22% of the students rated themselves as needing some additional assistance, and 3% of the students rated themselves as not having any understanding. These results were gathered through the use of a student survey taken on CPS Clickers.

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Educational Ability Levels

From the most recent pre-test given the second week of school in regards to the identification problem (Edmodo), majority of the students did not know how to work Edmodo. Only three students knew how to log into Edmodo but had forgotten how to take online quizzes, view and upload assignments, and post discussion questions. Because most of the students have the basic computer skills, given tasks with repetition should help retain knowledge of Edmodo. All students took at least one computer course before entering the ninth grade.

General Learning Preferences

Hands on activities and assignments are the preferred method for my students. Many creative projects, games, etc., will be included to ensure that students retain the information. This information was gathered from a student survey.

Attitude Towards Teachers and School

The majority of learners stated that they are very happy with the teacher. They feel that the teacher is very helpful and genuinely cares about not only them, but also their education. Only one student was undecided on how he or she felt about the teacher. All of the students love the school because this is the official opening year of the new Beach High School with all the new additions added to the school. Students were also questioned about how they felt about attending school Monday thru Friday. Most of the students would rather be home instead of getting up early and having their first class at 7:30am. Some stated that if school started after 9:00am, they would feel differently.

Group Characteristics

Beach High School is located on the west side of Savannah, Georgia. The neighborhoods surrounding this school are considered the projects except for Liberty City and Silver Terrence. The class’s range from lower to middle, mostly lower class. Most of the class and the school receive either reduced or free lunch which qualifies this school as a Title I school. Most of the students are in their correct grade except 10 students (2 boys and 8 girls) ranging from 15 and 16. The majority of the learners are African-American and they all speak English. The learners are very receptive to the interactive technology activities and showed positive progress.

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Part 3: Task Analysis

I conducted the task analysis using both a topic analysis and a procedural analysis to ensure I used as much needed information as possible. Most of the work will be procedural. I came up with the procedure by outlining the steps required to perform each task in Edmodo. To ensure that I gave accurate steps, I went through Edmodo step by step and wrote down each step for all tasks. Going through the assignment is a much needed step in the procedural analysis.

I also created a topic analysis. In this outline, I listed all the information I thought was important to effectively use Edmodo. The content identified in the topic analysis is facts and definitions. The topic analysis includes information on Edmodo advantages and usefulness. Including positive information helps promote a successful technology environment of learning for students.

Both outlines were combined in all the appropriate places to ensure proper knowledge. The finished outline is below.

Task Analysis Outline

1. Pull up the Edmodo website (

1.1. Click “I’m a Student”

1.1.1. Type in Group Code (Provided by Teacher)

1.1.2. Type in Preferred Username

1.1.3. Type in Preferred Password

1.1.4. Type in email address

1.1.5. Type First and Last Name

1.1.6. Check Box (Agree to Terms)

1.1.7. Click Sign Up

1.1.8. You are now logged on to Edmodo

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2. What is Edmodo?

2.1. Edmodo provides a safe and easy way for students to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices.

2.2. Similar Example: Facebook

3. Benefits of Edmodo

3.1. Fast and easy collaboration among users

3.2. Accessible anytime with internet access

3.3. Students can turn in assignments electronically

3.4. Easy-to-use interface

3.5. Allows students to see grades online

3.6. Students are allowed to view assignments, quizzes, and polls

4. Edit Profile Picture

4.1. On the home page, click Hi, and your name to get to your profile page

4.2. Now that you are on the profile page, click change profile picture on the face icon on the top left side of the page

4.3. Click on choose file

4.4. Locate your picture from the folder called class photos on the shares drive

4.5. Double click on your photo and it will automatically change your profile picture

5. Edit Favorite Quote

5.1. Click on the pencil next to Favorite Quote

5.2. You have to search or choose a given quote

5.2.1. If you search and your quote appears, just click it one time and it will display

5.2.2. If you choose a given quote, just click it one time and it will display

6. Edit Learning Style

6.1. Click on the pencil next to “How I Like to Learn”

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6.3. If you click on each choice, it will give a brief description of each

6.2. Choose either Hand-on, Listening, or Visually and choose select

6.3 It will automatically change after you click select

7. Edit Career Goal

7.1. Click on the pencil next to Career Goal

7.2. On the left side of the career goal dialog box, you will see a list of careers

7.3. Click on your interested career title once and it will change

8. Using Edmodo (Assignments, Discussions, Student Progress, & Quizzes)

8.1. Click your class on the left side (5th Period)

8.2. Click (Turn In) on Assignment 1

8.2.1. Your Assignment 1 Document should be saved in your folder

8.2.2. Place the mouse over the note icon and it should read file

8.2.3. Click the note icon (file)

8.2.4. Locate Assignment 1 from your folder and double click

8.2.5. The document that you just uploaded should be located above the note icon

8.2.6. Answer the question “What do you think about this assignment?” by choosing one of the facial icons

8.2.7. Optional (Type a response to this assignment)

8.2.8. Click Turn in Assignment

8.2.9. Click the home icon (House) in the top left corner of the page to return to the main page

8.3. Click (Take Quiz) next to Quiz 1

8.3.1. The screen that appears tells you the number of questions, time allotted, and the title of the quiz

8.3.2. Click start quiz

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8.3.3. Answer the following question by typing in the box underneath the question

8.3.4. Once you are finish typing the answer, click submit quiz

8.3.5. Edmodo will ask you if you are sure that you would like to end the quiz, select yes or cancel

8.3.6. If you selected yes, answer the question “What did you think of the quiz?” by choosing one of the facial icons

8.3.7. If you selected cancel, it will take you back to the quiz screen to make any changes to your answer

8.3.8. Click the home icon (House) in the top left corner of the page to return to the main page

8.4. Viewing your progress as the teacher grades each assignment

8.4.1. To view your daily progress, click the line graph next to the home tab (house)

8.4.2. The progression page appears and it tells you your current grades, late assignments, and whether an assignment is turned in or late

8.5 Posting a Discussion Question

8.5.1. Click where it says “Type Your Note Here” at the top of the page

8.5.2. Type your question

8.5.3. Click the arrow next to “Send to” and choose your class

8.5.4. Click Send

8.6 Answering a Discussion Question

8.6.1. Locate the discussion question on the home page

8.6.2. Click reply underneath the question

8.6.3. Type the answer and click send

8.7. Log out when you are finished

8.5.1. Click the arrow next to “Me” in the top right corner of the page and choose log out

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Subject Matter Expert (SME)

I (Rhonda Roberts) will serve as the SME for this instructional plan. My formal education consists of a bachelor’s degree in Accounting (Bachelor’s in Business Administration) from Savannah State University in Savannah, Georgia. I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Instructional Technology from Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia.

My primary qualification to serve as SME is my position as a Business Education teacher at Beach High School. My job as a teacher requires me to develop and implement creative assignments that help students master all standards. Last year, the board of education decided to implement Edmodo because it was a tool similar to Facebook—a network used to connect with friends. Edmodo is similar to Facebook, but it also has attributes of a college online site. After going through training, I decided that all my ninth grade students were going to be required to learn and properly use Edmodo. To successfully pass the class, all students are required to use each tool on Edmodo appropriately.

Part 4: Instructional Objectives

Terminal Objective 1: The students will effectively explain how to navigate through Edmodo to perform the required tasks: logging in and out, designing their profile page, and taking quizzes.

1A. Students will explain step by step tasks to successfully log in and out

1B. Students will explain step by step tasks to edit profile page

1C. Students will explain step by step tasks to successfully take quiz

Terminal Objective 2: The students will effectively explain how to post comments and discussion questions to interact with peers and the teacher.

Enabling Objectives:

2A. Students will explain how to pose a question to the class for other students to respond to

2B. Students will explain how to respond to a discussion question posed by the teacher/Students

2C. Students will evaluate and select an appropriate source of information for your response to the discussion

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Terminal Objective 3: The students will effectively explain how to publish (upload) documents to Edmodo for teachers and students to view along with viewing their grade for the flyer assignment.

Enabling Objectives:

3A. Students will explain the appropriate steps to upload a saved flyer to Edmodo (Teacher)

3B. Students will explain the appropriate steps to upload their saved flyer to Edmodo (Peers)

3C. Students will explain the appropriate steps to view their flyer grade


Recall ApplicationFact

ConceptPrinciples 3CProcedure 1, 1A, 1B, 1C, 3, 3A, 3B,

Interpersonal 2, 2A, 2B, 2CAttitude

Part 5: Development of Assessments

The assessments below are a mixture of a criterion referenced and performance based. The mixture of these two types of assessments will help promote differentiation because some students learn better with performance tasks and/or criterion testing.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Edmodo/Logging in Procedures/Editing Profile Page/Quiz Taking

Objective 1 -- The students will effectively explain how to navigate through Edmodo to perform the required tasks: logging in and out, designing their profile page, and taking quizzes.

1A. Students will explain step by step tasks to successfully log in and out

1B. Students will explain step by step tasks to edit profile page

1C. Students will explain step by step tasks to successfully take quiz

Assessment: Learners will take a mixed quiz (Performance tasks, multiple choice, and open-ended questions) about logging in and out, designing profile pages, and taking quizzes on Edmodo using the quiz and assignment tool. Students will also receive points for actually setting up their account, editing their profile page, and successfully taking a quiz.

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UDL Principles: The quiz will be differentiated to provide multiple means of expression, engagement, and representation. Students will have a mixed assessment. The assessment will include multiple choice, open-ended questions, and performance tasks where students will have to perform all three tasks. This will allow me to cover strengths, weaknesses and preferences of the students, which at the end will average each other and measure the same level of learning.

Lesson 2: Introduction to Edmodo/Posting Comments & Discussion Questions

Objective 2: The students will effectively explain how to post comments and discussion questions to interact with peers and the teacher.

2A. Students will explain how to pose a question to the class for other students to respond to

2B. Students will explain how to respond to a discussion question posed by the Teacher/Students

2C. Students will evaluate and select an appropriate source of information for your response to the discussion

Assessment: Learners will take a mixed quiz (Performance tasks, multiple choice, and open-ended questions) about posing a question and responding to a discussion question on Edmodo. Students will also select an appropriate source of information to back up their answer. Students will receive points for posing questions as well as a response to a teacher/student discussion question.

UDL Principles: The quiz will be differentiated to provide multiple means of expression, engagement, and representation. Students will have a mixed assessment. The assessment will include multiple choice, open-ended questions, and performance tasks where students will have to perform all three tasks. This will allow me to cover strengths, weaknesses and preferences of the students, which at the end will average each other and measure the same level of learning.

Lesson 3: Introduction to Edmodo/Uploading Assignments & Viewing Grades

Objective 3: The students will effectively explain how to publish (upload) documents to Edmodo for teachers and students to view along with viewing their grade for the flyer assignment.

3A. Students will explain the appropriate steps to upload a saved flyer to Edmodo (Teacher)

3B. Students will explain the appropriate steps to upload their saved flyer to Edmodo (Peers)

3C. Students will explain the appropriate steps to view their flyer grade

Assessment: Learners will take a quiz about uploading a document for their peers and teacher to view on Edmodo. Students will also explain how to view their grades as with a response to an open-ended test question. Students will receive points for uploading their flyer as well as leaving a comment about the grade received for the uploaded document.

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UDL Principles: The quiz will be differentiated to provide multiple means of expression, engagement and representation. Students will have a mixed assessment. The assessment will include multiple choice, open-ended questions, and performance tasks where students will have to perform all three tasks on Edmodo to receive hands-on experience. This will allow me to cover strengths, weaknesses and preferences of the students, which at the end will average each other and measure the same level of learning.

Assessment Examples

Objective 1 Assessment

Introduction to Edmodo (Log In and Out Procedures, Quiz Taking, and Profile Editing)

Multiple Choice Questions, Open Ended Questions, and Performance Tasks

Choose/Answer the best answer that fits the question.

1) What is the web address for Edmodo? (Answer the question using complete sentences)

2) After you type in the web address, what do you click on to get to the student sign up screen?

a) I’m a Student

b) I’m a Teacher

c) I’m a Parent

d) I’m a Student Teacher

3) Where do you get the group code from? (Answer the question using complete sentences)

4) List all the fields required to sign up for Edmodo.

5) Once you fill in all the required fields, what do you click on to officially sign in and take you to the Edmodo home page?

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a) Enter

b) Sign up

c) F1

d) Alt: Ctrl: Delete

6) Once you are on the homepage, what do you click on to edit your profile page?

a) Top Left Side (Hi, Your Name)

b) Top Right Side (Filter Posts By)

c) Top Left Corner (Progress Icon)

d) Top Left Corner (Backpack Icon)

7) What are the steps to edit your profile picture? (Answer the question using complete sentences)

8) To leave the profile page and return to the home page, you should click on what?

a) Top Right Corner (The Bell Icon)

b) Top Left Corner (The House Icon)

c) Top Left Corner (The Backpack Icon)

d) Top Left Corner (The Line Graph Icon)

9) What are the steps to take a quiz on Edmodo?

10) After you answer all the questions on the quiz, what do you click to submit it?

a) Enter

b) Submit Quiz

c) F2

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d) F3

11) After you submit the quiz, what will Edmodo ask you to do?

a) Nothing

b) Post a comment

c) F3

d) Rate the quiz

12) After you rate the quiz, what will Edmodo ask you to do?

a) View the results

B) Shift

C) Post a comment

D) Change your answer

Performance Tasks (Edmodo)

13) (Related to Questions 2, 3, 4, and 5)

Pull up Edmodo by typing in the web address

Sign up to Edmodo using the group code (rc6ijk)

14) (Related to Questions 6, 7, and 8)

Now that you are on the homepage, go to the “edit your profile screen”

Edit your profile picture with a picture of you or something that represents you

Do the following steps to return to the homepage

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15) (Related to Questions 9, 10, 11, and 12)

Now that you are back on the homepage, take the quiz called Objective 1

Answer the quiz question

Submit the quiz

Rate the quiz

View your results and leave a comment

Return to the home page

Objective 1 Assessment (Answer Key)

Introduction to Edmodo (Log In and Out Procedures, Quiz Taking, and Profile Editing)

Performance Tasks, Multiple Choice and Open Ended Questions

Choose the best answer that fits the question.

1) What is the web address for Edmodo? (Answer the question using complete sentences)

The web address for Edmodo is

2) After you type in the web address, what do you click on to get to the student sign up screen?

a) I’m a Student

b) I’m a Teacher

c) I’m a Parent

d) I’m a Student Teacher

3) Where do you get the group code from? (Answer the question using complete sentences)

To successfully sign up for a class on Edmodo, I will receive a group code from the teacher who created the class.

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4) List all the fields required to successfully sign up for Edmodo. (Answer the question using complete sentences)

You will need the following fields to successfully sign up for Edmodo: Group Code, Username, Password, First Name, and Last Name.

5) Once you fill in all the required fields, what do you click on to officially sign in and take you to the Edmodo home page?

a) Enter

b) Sign up

c) F1

d) Alt: Ctrl: Delete

6) Once you are on the homepage, what do you click on to edit your profile page?

a) Top Left Side (Hi, Your Name)

b) Top Right Side (Filter Posts By)

c) Top Left Corner (Progress Icon)

d) Top Left Corner (Backpack Icon)

7) What are the steps to edit your profile picture? (Answer the question using complete sentences)

To successfully edit your profile picture, you will have to do the following: Click on the homepage, click in the top right corner of the page where it says, Hi, and your name, click the pencil in the top left corner of the picture box, click choose file, and locate your saved picture.

8) To leave the profile page and return to the home page, you should click on what?

a) Top Right Corner (The Bell Icon)

b) Top Left Corner (The House Icon)

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c) Top Left Corner (The Backpack Icon)

d) Top Left Corner (The Line Graph Icon)

9) What are the steps to take a quiz on Edmodo?

To successfully take a quiz on Edmodo, you will locate the quiz and click take quiz and then start quiz.

10) After you answer all the questions on the quiz, what do you click to submit it?

a) Enter

b) Submit Quiz

c) F2

d) F3

11) After you submit the quiz, what will Edmodo ask you to do?

a) Nothing

b) Post a comment

c) F3

d) Rate the quiz

12) After you rate the quiz, what will Edmodo ask you to do?

a) View the results

B) Shift

C) Post a comment

D) Change your answer

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Objective 1 Assessment Rubric (Test 1)Multiple Choice Questions

(2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, & 12)5 Points Each Total Points = 35

Open Ended Questions (1, 3, 4, 7, & 9)

5 Points Each Total Points = 25

Performance Task 1 (Question 13) (Log Into Edmodo)

Pull up Edmodo by typing in the web address

Sign up to Edmodo using the group code (rc6ijk)

5 Points Total Points = 10

Performance Task 2 (Question 14)(Edit Profile Picture)

Now that you are on the homepage, go to the “edit your profile screen”

Edit your profile picture with a picture of you or something that represents you

Do the following steps to return to the homepage

5 Points Total Points = 15

Performance Task 3(Take an Edmodo Quiz)

Now that you are back on the homepage, take the quiz called Objective 1

Answer the quiz question

Submit the quiz

Rate the quiz

View your results/Leave Comment

3 Points Total Points = 15

Total Points 100

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Objective 2 Assessments

Introduction to Edmodo (Posting Comments and Discussion Questions)

Performance Tasks, Multiple Choice and Open Ended Questions

Choose/Answer the best answer that fits the question.

1) Where do you look to find a discussion question posted by a teacher or student?

a) Class Home Page

b) Home Page

c) Backpack Home Page

2) What are the steps to type a response to a discussion question posted by a teacher or student?

3) How do you post the response after you typed it?

a) Click enter

b) Click F1

c) Click the Reply Button

4) Can you edit or delete the response?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Yes to Edit/No to Delete

5) What are the steps to delete or edit a response?

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6) What are the steps to type a discussion question for other students to respond to?

7) After you type the discussion question, how do you send it for the class to view?

a) Click the arrow next to the “Send To”, Choose the class, Click send

b) Click the arrow next to the “Send To”

c) Hit Enter

8) Why is it important for you to choose appropriate sources of information when responding to a discussion question?

9) Can you edit or delete a discussion question?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Yes to Edit/No to Delete

10) How do you delete or edit a discussion question?

a) Click the tool icon next to the discussion question and choose edit or delete

b) Click delete on the key pad

c) Click backspace

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Performance Tasks (Edmodo)

11) (Related to Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8)

Now that you’re back on the homepage, respond and post to the discussion question “Objective 2” using an appropriate source to back up your response.

After you have responded and posted to the discussion question, edit your response by typing “Opinion 1” at the end of your response.

12) (Related to Question 6, 7, 9, and 10)

Now that you’re back on the homepage, post and send a discussion question for your classmates and teacher to see

Edit your discussion question by typing “Objective 2” after your discussion question

Objective 2 Assessment (Answer Key)

Introduction to Edmodo (Posting Comments and Discussion Questions)

Multiple Choice and Open Ended Questions

Choose the best answer that fits the question.

1) Where do you look to find a discussion question posted by a teacher or student?

a) Class Home Page

b) Home Page

c) Backpack Home Page

2) What are the steps to type a response to a discussion question posted by a teacher or student?

To type a response to a discussion question posted by a teacher or student, you have to click reply under the question and type your response.

3) How do you post the response after you typed it?

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a) Click enter

b) Click F1

c) Click the Reply Button

4) Can you edit or delete the response?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Yes to Edit/No to Delete

5) What are the steps to delete or edit a response?

To delete or edit a response that was already posted, you have to click the tool icon next to the response, and choose either delete or edit.

6) What are the steps to type a discussion question for other students to respond to?

The steps to type a discussion question for other students to respond to is to where is says “Type Your Note Here…”

7) After you type the discussion question, how do you send it for the class to view?

a) Click the arrow next to the “Send To”, Choose the class, Click send

b) Click the arrow next to the “Send To”

c) Hit Enter

8) Why is it important for you to choose appropriate sources of information when responding to a discussion question?

It is important to choose appropriate sources of information when responding to a discussion question because it supports your answer and ensures accuracy.

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9) Can you edit or delete a discussion question?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Yes to Edit/No to Delete

10) How do you delete or edit a discussion question?

a) Click the tool icon next to the discussion question and choose edit or delete

b) Click delete on the key pad

c) Click backspace

Objective 2 Assessment Rubric (Test 2)Multiple Choice Questions

(1, 3, 4, 9, & 10)6 Points Each Total Points = 30

Open Ended Questions (2, 5, 6, 7, & 8)

6 Points Each Total Points = 30

Performance Task 1 (Question 11)(Posting Comments)

Now that you’re back on the homepage, respond and post to the discussion question “Objective 2”

using an appropriate source to back up your response.

After you have responded and posted to the discussion question, edit your response by typing

“Opinion 1” at the end of your response.

10 Points Each Total Points = 20

Performance Task 2 (Question 12)(Posting Discussion Questions)

Now that you’re back on the homepage, post and send a discussion question for your classmates

and teacher to see

Edit your discussion question by typing “Objective 2” after your discussion question

10 Points Each Total Points = 20

Total Points 100

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Objective 3 Assessment

Introduction to Edmodo (Uploading Assignments & Viewing Grades)

Multiple Choice Questions/Open-Ended Questions/Performance Tasks

Choose the best answer that fits the question.

1) What are the steps to upload your flyer assignment for your teacher to view only?

2) What are the steps to upload your flyer assignment for the students to view?

3) Can you delete the assignment after you have posted it for the teacher to view only?

a) Yes

b) No

4) Can you delete the assignment after you have posted it for the students to view?

a) Yes

b) No

5) What are the steps to delete an assignment posted for students to view?

6) What are the steps to view your grades?

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7) What are the steps to leave a comment under the grading section for the teacher to view only?

8) What are the steps to respond to another student’s assignment?

Performance Tasks (Edmodo)

9) (Related to questions 1)

Upload your flyer assignment for the teacher to view only to the assignment called Objective 3

10) (Related to question 2)

Upload your flyer for the students to view

11) (Related to question 6 and 7)

View your grades and post a comment to your flyer grade

12) (Related to question 8)

Respond to another student’s flyer assignment

Objective 3 Assessment (Answer Key)

1) What are the steps to upload your flyer assignment for your teacher to view only?

Click turn in under the flyer assignment post

Click the file icon

Locate your saved assignment and double click

Choose a reaction under the “What did you think of this assignment”

Click Turn In Assignment

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2) What are the steps to upload your flyer assignment for the students to view?

Click “Type your note here” at the top of the home page and type a message

Choose the file icon

Locate your saved assignment and double click

Click the arrow next to send to

Choose the students

Hit send

3) Can you delete the assignment after you have posted it for the teacher to view only?

a) Yes

b) No

4) Can you delete the assignment after you have posted it for the students to view?

a) Yes

b) No

5) What are the steps to delete or edit an assignment posted for students to view?

Click the tool icon next to the posted assignment

Choose delete or edit

6) What are the steps to view your grades?

Click the line graph that says progress

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7) What are the steps to leave a comment under the grading section for the teacher to view only?

Click the line graph that says progress

Click on the assignment

Click where it says “Type your note here” under comments

Type the note

Click Add Comment

8) What are the steps to respond to another student’s assignment?

Click Reply under the student’s post

Type where it says “Type a Reply”

Click Send

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Objective 3 Assessment Rubric (Test 3)Multiple Choice Questions

(1, 2, 5, 6, 7 & 8)5 Points Each Total Points = 40

Open Ended Questions (3 and 4)

5 Points Each Total Points = 10

Performance Task 1 (Question 9)(Upload Assignment for Teacher View Only)

Upload your flyer assignment for the teacher to view only to the assignment called

Objective 3

12 Points Each Total Points = 12

Performance Task 2 (Question 10)(Upload Assignment for Student View)

Upload your flyer for the students to view

13 Points Each Total Points = 13

Performance Task 3 (Question 11)(Post a comment to your flyer grade)

View your grades and post a comment to your flyer grade

13 Points Each Total Points = 13

Performance Task 4 (Question 12)(Post a comment to another students assign)

Respond to another student’s flyer assignment

12 Points Each Total Points = 12

Total Points 100

Part 6: Content Sequencing and Instructional Strategies

Instructional Sequence

Sequence Description Objective1 The students will effectively explain how to navigate through

Edmodo to perform required tasks to log in and out, design their profile page, and take quizzes.


2 The students will effectively explain how to post comments and discussion questions to interact with peers and the teacher.


3 The students will effectively explain how to publish (upload) documents to Edmodo for teachers and students to view along

with viewing their grade for the flyer assignment.


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Lesson 1: Introduction to Edmodo/Logging in Procedures/Editing Profile Page/Quiz Taking

Terminal Objective 1: The students will effectively explain how to navigate through Edmodo to perform required tasks to log in and out, design their profile page, and take quizzes.

1A. The students will explain the tasks to successfully log in and out of Edmodo

Motivational Strategy: Ask students to read about Edmodo on their own and watch a video provided by the instructor and reply on weebly (Blog Section) with a podcast on how Edmodo could be helpful to them and persuade others to use Edmodo. With this assignment, learners have been assigned a technology, but will be given a choice of technology to respond with if they meet a certain criteria.

Initial Presentation: Teacher will create and send an overview of what Edmodo is and its advantages using a YouTube Video (URL) sent to each student on weebly. Second, students will answer questions given about the Slideshare presentation (URL). Third, teacher will explain step by step how to successfully log in and out of Edmodo using a YouTube video.

Generative Strategy: Students will respond to the discussion question on how to successfully log in and out of Edmodo by sending a URL to their podcast to the weebly blog section. Students will also create an actual account on Edmodo during Assessment Lesson 1 Module. During this time, students will have the opportunity to ask any questions about Enabling Objective 1A using the question section on weebly. With this assignment, learners will actually perform the tasks in order to receive hands-on experience as well as explain the steps.

*Must be completed by August 31, 2014*

1B. The students will explain tasks to edit a profile page

Initial Presentation: Teacher will send step by step procedures (YouTube Video) on how to edit their profile page. Second, teacher will show students how to save pictures off of the internet to add to their profile page if needed through a YouTube video.

Generative Strategy: Students will respond to the discussion question on how to successfully save a picture to their picture folder. Second, student will explain step by step instructions to the teacher using the blog spot on weebly on how to edit a profile page. During this time, student will have the opportunity to ask any questions about Enabling Objective 1B under the questions tab on weebly. With this assignment, learners will actually perform the tasks in order to receive hands-on experience as well as explain the steps using a technology of choice.

*Must be completed by August 31, 2014*

1C. The students will explain tasks to successfully take quiz

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Initial Presentation: Teacher will send step by step instructions (YouTube Video) on how to successfully take a quiz on Edmodo. Second, Teacher will assign students a quiz to take on Edmodo to check for understanding.

Generative Strategy: Students will respond to the discussion question on how to successfully take a quiz on Edmodo. Second, students will take the actual quiz given by the instructor on Edmodo. During this time, students will be able to ask any questions about Enabling Objective 1C using the question section on weebly. With this assignment, learners will actually perform the tasks in order to receive hands-on experience.

*Must be completed by August 31, 2014*

Lesson 2: Introduction to Edmodo/Posting Comments & Discussion Questions

Terminal Objective 2: The students will effectively explain how to post comments and discussion questions to interact with peers and the teacher.

2A. Students will explain how to pose a question to the class for other students to respond to

2B. Students will explain how to respond to a discussion question posed by the Teacher/Student

Initial Presentation: Teacher will send step by step instructions (YouTube video) on how to post comments and discussion questions. Second, teacher will post a question on Edmodo for students to comment on. Third, students will post a question for their classmates as well as the teacher to respond to.

Generative Strategy: Students will respond to the discussion question on how to post comments and discussion questions. Students will also pose a question and respond to other classmate discussion questions. During this time, students will have the opportunity to ask any questions about Enabling Objective 2A on weebly by clicking the questions tab. With this assignment, learners have a choice of what comments and questions should be posted on Edmodo.

*Must be completed September 7, 2014*

2C. To evaluate and select an appropriate source of information for your response to the discussion

Initial Presentation: Teacher will send a video (YouTube) on appropriate ways to find various sources of information.

Generative Strategy: Students will respond to the discussion question on how to select appropriate ways to find various sources of information by creating a PowerPoint Presentation. Students will also create an informational video with a URL on various ways to find sources. With this assignment, learners will be given a choice to find various sources of information to answer the question to (Why is Education Important)?

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*Must be completed September 7, 2014*

Lesson 3: Introduction to Edmodo/Uploading Assignments & Viewing Grades

Terminal Objective 3: The students will effectively explain how to publish (upload) documents to Edmodo for teachers and students to view along with viewing their grade for their assignment.

3A. The student will explain the steps to upload an assignment to Edmodo (Teacher)

Initial Presentation: Teacher will send step by step instructions (YouTube Video) on how to upload an assignment for a teacher to view only. Second, teacher will post the assignment on Edmodo for the students to upload to.

Generative Strategy: Students will respond to the discussion question on how to upload an assignment to Edmodo for teacher view only by uploading a Word Document with their response to Edmodo for teacher view only. During this time, students will have the opportunity to ask any questions about Enabling Objective 3A using the question tab on weebly. With this assignment, learners will have a hands-on assignment on top of answering the question to help retain information.

*Must be completed September 14, 2014*

3B. The student will explain the appropriate steps to upload an assignment to Edmodo (Peers)

Initial Presentation: Teacher will send step by step instructions (YouTube Video) on how to upload an assignment for student view.

Generative Strategy: Students will respond to the discussion question on how to upload an assignment to Edmodo for students to view. Students will also upload their infographics with URL to Edmodo for their peers to see. Students will view at least one other student Infographic and comment on their flyer. During this time, students will have the opportunity to ask any questions about Enabling Objective 3B using the questions tab on weebly. With this assignment, learners will have a hands-on assignment on top of having a choice of what to respond in regards to their peers.

*Must be completed September 14, 2014*

3C. The student will explain the appropriate steps to view their assignment grades

Initial Presentation: Teacher will send step by step instructions (YouTube Video) on how check grades on Edmodo and post a comment in the grading section.

Generative Strategy: Students will respond to the discussion question on how to view grades on weebly. Students will view their grades and post a comment in the grading area. With this assignment, learners will have a hands-on assignment on top of having a choice of what to respond in regards to their peers.

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*Must be completed September 14, 2014*

Plan for Differentiation

My plan for differentiation is to provide multiple means of expression, engagement, and representation. Students will have mixed assignments. The assignments will include performance tasks where students will have to perform the actual tasks as well as, respond to discussion questions in written and using technology (Videos, etc.). This will allow me to cover strengths, weaknesses and preferences of the students, which at the end will average each other and measure the same level of learning.

Reference List

Kerr, S (2011). Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Teaching in the Online High School Classroom.

TechTrends, Volume 55, Number 1 28-31.

Morrison, G.R., Ross, S. M., Kalman, H. K. & Kemp, J. E. (2012). Designing effective

instruction (7th edition). New York: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-10: 1118359992

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Part 7: Instructional Design Documentation Part VII: Design of Instruction

Instructional Strategies Goals Objectives UDLLesson 1

Students will respond to the discussion question on how to successfully log in and out of Edmodo by sending a reply using any technology of choice. Students will also create an actual account on Edmodo.

The goal is for all students to understand how to successfully log into Edmodo.

Objective 1

The students will effectively explain how to navigate through Edmodo to perform required tasks to log in and out, design their profile page, and take quizzes.

1A. The students will explain and perform the tasks to successfully log in and out of Edmodo.

Learners will actually perform the tasks in order to receive hands-on experience as well as explain the steps.

Multiple means of action and expression

Lesson 1 Part 2

Students will respond to the discussion question on how to successfully save a picture to their picture folder using audio, videos, or text. Second, student will explain step by step instructions to the teacher using a video on how to edit a profile page. During this time, student will have the opportunity to ask any questions about Enabling Objective 1B by email. With this

The goal is for all students to understand how to save a picture and explain the steps.

Objective 1

The students will effectively explain how to navigate through Edmodo to perform required tasks to log in and out, design their profile page, and take quizzes.

1B. The students will explain and perform tasks to edit a profile page.

Learners will actually perform the tasks in order to receive hands-on experience as well as explain the steps using a technology of choice.

Multiple means of action, expression, engagement, and representation

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assignment, learners will actually perform the tasks in order to receive hands-on experience as well as explain the steps using a technology of choice.

Lesson 1 Part 3

Students will respond to the discussion question on how to successfully take a quiz on Edmodo. Second, students will take the actual quiz given by the instructor on Edmodo.

The goal is for all students to know how to take a quiz on Edmodo.

Objective 1

The students will effectively explain how to navigate through Edmodo to perform required tasks to log in and out, design their profile page, and take quizzes.

1C. The students will explain tasks to successfully take quiz

Learners will actually perform the tasks in order to receive hands-on experience.

Multiple means of expression

Lesson 2

Students will respond to the discussion question on how to select appropriate ways to find various sources of information. Students will also create an informational video with a URL on various ways to find sources. With this assignment, learners will be given a choice to find various sources of information to answer the question to (Why is Education Important)?

The goal is for all students to know how to select appropriate sources of information to back up a chosen response.

Objective 2

The students will effectively explain how to post comments and discussion questions to interact with peers and the teacher.

2C. To evaluate and select an appropriate source of information for your response to the discussion

Learners will be given a choice to find various sources of information to answer the question to (Why is Education Important)?

Multiple means of action and expression, engagement, and representation.

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Lesson 2 Part 2

Students will respond to the discussion question on how to post comments and discussion questions. Students will also pose a question and respond to other classmate discussion questions. During this time, students will have the opportunity to ask any questions about Enabling Objective 2A by email. With this assignment, learners have a choice of what comments and questions should be posted on Edmodo.

The goal is for all students to learn how to post comments and discussion questions.

Objective 2

The students will effectively explain how to post comments and discussion questions to interact with peers and the teacher.

2A. Students will explain how to pose a question to the class for other students to respond to

2B. Students will explain how to respond to a discussion question posed by the Teacher/Student

Learners have a choice of what comments and questions should be posted on Edmodo.

Multiple means of action and expression, and engagement

Lesson 3

Students will respond to the discussion question on how to upload an assignment to Edmodo for teacher view only. Students will also upload their informational video with URL to Edmodo for teacher view only. During this time, students will have the opportunity to ask any questions about Enabling Objective 3A by email. With this assignment, learners will have a hands-on assignment on top of answering the question to help retain information.

The goal is for all students to know how to upload assignments and post comments on the uploading page for the teacher only to see.

Objective 3

The students will effectively explain how to publish (upload) documents to Edmodo for teachers and students to view along with viewing their grade for the flyer assignment.

3A. The student will explain the appropriate steps to upload a saved flyer to Edmodo (Teacher)

Learners will have a hands-on assignment on top of answering the question to help retain information.

Multiple means of action and expression, engagement, and representation.

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Lesson 3 Part 2

Students will respond to the discussion question on how to upload an assignment to Edmodo for students to view. Students will also upload their video with URL to Edmodo for their peers to see. Students will view at least one other student PowerPoint and comment on their presentation. During this time, students will have the opportunity to ask any questions about Enabling Objective 3B by email. With this assignment, learners will have a hands-on assignment on top of having a choice of what to respond in regards to their peers.

The goal is for all students to know how to upload an assignment for students to view and comment on their assignment.

Objective 3

The students will effectively explain how to publish (upload) documents to Edmodo for teachers and students to view along with viewing their grade for the flyer assignment.

3B. The student will explain the appropriate steps to upload their saved flyer to Edmodo (Peers)

Learners will have a hands-on assignment on top of having a choice of what to respond in regards to their peers.

Multiple means of action and expression, engagement, and representation.

Lesson 3 Part 3

Students will respond to the discussion question on how to view grades on Edmodo. Students will view their grades and post a comment in the grading area. With this assignment, learners will have a hands-on assignment on top of having a choice of what to respond in regards to their peers.

The goal is for all students to know how to view and comment on their grades on Edmodo.

Objective 3

The students will effectively explain how to publish (upload) documents to Edmodo for teachers and students to view along with viewing their grade for the flyer assignment.

3C. The student will explain the appropriate steps to view their flyer grade

Learners will have a hands-on assignment on top of having a choice of what to respond in regards to their peers.

Multiple means of action and expression

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Part 8: Plan for Formative Evaluation

To collect student evaluations, I will send an evaluation through survey monkey for all my students to respond to. The following questions that will be asked will directly relate to the Edmodo online class. This evaluation will serve the purpose of improving this course. Various questions will be asked to ensure appropriate feedback. There will be multiple choice and open-ended questions on the survey.

Question 1

Is this your first time taking an online course?

Yes, this is my first time

One course before this one

Two courses before this one

Question 2

Preparation for this class was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

Question 3

Quality and helpfulness of this class was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

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Question 4

Timely response by instructor for graded assignments was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

Question 5

Availability for extra help was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

Question 6

Explanation of course goals and objectives was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

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Question 7

Relevance of activities and assignments to course goals was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

Question 8

The page layout and online navigation of this course was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

Question 9

The effectiveness of the delivery format was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

Question 10

Clarity of online materials was:

Needs Improvement

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Not Applicable

Question 11

Usefulness of online discussions was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

Question 12

Overall the course content was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

Question 13

Usefulness of the videos was:

Needs Improvement




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Not Applicable

Question 14

Please describe the course activities that most enhanced your learning in this course.

Question 15

Please describe the course activities that were least helpful to your learning in this course.

Question 16

Please provide any additional suggestions, comments, or ideas you have for improving this course.

Question 17

Would you recommend this course to other students?

Question 18

On average, how many hours per week did you spend on this course?

0 – 5

6 – 10

11 – 15

16 – 20

More than 20

Survey Monkey will be used to collect student evaluation of the class. First, the information will be received and changed into numerical data to see exactly which areas needed the most attention. After reviewing the information and data from the survey, I will take this opportunity to adjust and make any necessary changes to the lesson.

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SME Evaluation

To collect an evaluation on my course, my SME will look at my student evaluations and conduct observations throughout the semester. The following questions that will be asked during observations will directly relate to the Edmodo online class. This evaluation will serve the purpose of improving this course. Various questions will be asked to ensure appropriate feedback.

Question 1

Are the assignments given engaging?

Question 2

Are the assignments/due dates given in a timely manner?

Question 3

Instructor’s preparation for the course:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

Additional Feedback:

Question 4

Quality and Helpfulness of the instructors feedback was:

Needs Improvement




Not Applicable

Additional Feedback:

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Question 5

Are the assessments related to the objectives and assignments?

Question 6

Did the instructor differentiate instruction?

Question 7

Did the course contribute to student learning?

Question 8

The page layout and online navigation of this course was?

Question 9

Clarity of online materials was relevant?

Question 10

Were the discussion questions useful?

Question 11

Overall the course content was?

Question 12

Feedback for improvement

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