instruction issued by hb pbepeinstruction issued by hb pbepe volume - xv (upto 30-06-2011) message i...


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    The State Government since its formation in November, 1966 has issued/revised instructions and policy guidelines on various subjects from time to time relating to civil service and financial matters.

    The number of such instructions has been large but non-availability of these instructions at one place results in delay in the disposal of work and sometimes decisions are taken in contravention of spirit of instructions resulting in un-necessary correspondence and litigation. It has, therefore, been decided to bring out compendia of Finance Department instructions on various subjects like Pay Fixation, Revision of Pay Scales, Pension, Compensatory Allowances, Dearness Allowance, General Provident Fund, Loans and Advances, Amendments in CSR/PFR etc., Misc. of CSR, Economy in Expenditure, PAC/CAG Matters, Budget Formulation, Financial Regulations etc.

    The instructions/notifications/policies issued upto 30.06.2011 including the instructions issued prior to 1st November, 1966 have been compiled in sixteen compendia. Efforts have been made to include all available instructions indicating their status/applicability distinctly in a block at the top of instructions.

    Seventeenth Compendium contains only a date-wise list of all the instructions whether printed in these compendia or not. For the facility of readers a list of important subjects alphabetically indicating their number of Compendium has also been given at the back cover of each Volume.

    The compendium in hand is Volume-XV in series and contains instructions issued by the Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises on various subjects, i.e. to follow Govt./FD’s instructions, recoveries of Government loans from PSU, pending paras of COPU/CAG, absorption of surplus employees, New Pension Scheme, Payment of bonus/ex-gratia to the employees of PSU etc.

    The printed copy of Compendia can be purchased from the Printing & Stationery Department, Haryana. One set of compendia is circulated to all Administrative Secretaries and Heads of Departments.

    Original copy of circulars/notifications etc. of Finance Department are available with the Archives Department, Haryana. Soft copy of the instructions issued by the Finance Department from 1947 onwards to 30.06.2011 both datewise and subjectwise are available on the websites and Interested persons can easily download the same or any part thereof from the website. To search by date-wise any instruction, type the date in the manner e.g. ‘2nd September, 2009’ and not in any other way.

    Although we have taken all possible precautions while compiling the Compendia, yet there may be some omission or lapse on our part. We would welcome any feedback or suggestion from users of the Compendia.

    I acknowledge the hard work put in by Mrs. Kusum Bansal, IRS, Joint Secretary Finance, Shri Raj Pal Nasa, Private Secretary, [former SO (FD)], specially posted in Finance Department for the compilation of instructions and Shri Ram Saran, Principal, DTC HIPA, Panchkula, for assistance and guidance. I also extend my thanks to Director General, HIPA, Gurgaon for providing infrastructure support at DTC Panchkula for this purpose.

    I hope that these compendia would be handy and useful to all concerned.

    Dated : Chandigarh, AJIT M. SHARAN 14th July, 2011 Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to

    Government, Haryana, Finance Department.


    The Haryana Government has taken a significant decision to bring all the instructions/

    notifications issued by the Finance Department at one place for the facility of officials/officers for

    proper examination of financial and service matters in accordance with the rules/instructions.

    Accordingly, Government have decided to compile and computerize all the instructions including

    the same issued prior to the Re-organisation. The overall aim is to increase the effectiveness,

    efficiency and expeditious disposal of office work. To accomplish this voluminous and arduous

    work a team having experience and background of the Finance Department was constituted. After

    putting strenuous efforts, the team has been able to procure the old and rarely available

    instructions from the offices of Law Department, Commissioner Ambala Division, Deputy

    Commissioner Ambala, concerned Branches of Finance Department and retired officers of SAS


    These instructions have been computerised and compiled date-wise and subject-wise.

    The salient features of the same are as under :-

    The total number of instructions/notifications issued by the Finance Department during the period between 1947 and April, 2011 are about 3600.

    Out of above about 90% instructions are available in original and copy of about 5% have been collected from the private publications, and the remaining are not traceable.

    The instructions which are at present or were applicable in near past have been compiled subject-wise and printed in the following sixteen compendia:-

    1 Fixation of Pay Volume-I

    2 Haryana Civil Services Revised Pay Rules, 1998, 1987, 1980, 1969


    3 Pension of Post-2006 Pensioners and Defined Contributory Pension Scheme.


    4 Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners and Dearness Relief Volume-IV

    5 Allowances to Govt. employees Volume-V

    6 Dearness Allowance to Govt. employees Volume-VI

    7 Misc. of CSR Volume-VII

    8 Haryana GPF Rules, 2006 and instructions Volume-VIII

    9 Amendments in CSR/PFR etc. Volume-IX

    10 Loans & Advances to Govt. employees Volume-X

    11 Economy in Expenditure Volume-XI

    12 PAC/CAG Matter Volume-XII

    13 Budget Formulation – Receipt & Expenditure Volume-XIII

    14 Financial Regulations Volume-XIV

    15 Instructions of HBPE Volume-XV

    16 For Judicial Officers Volume-XVI

    Volume XVII contains date-wise consolidated list of all the instructions/notifications alongwith number, subject and also availability in original.

  • At the end of each Volume a date-wise list of the instructions pertaining to the subject(s) of that Volume whether the same have been printed or not has also been given for the facility of users.

    Efforts have been made to mention at the top of instructions if the same have been revised, modified, superseded, withdrawn or have become obsolete.

    Soft copy of all the instructions are available at website of Haryana Government and and may be downloaded from there. Illustration: To search any instructions by date, type the date like ‘20th May, 1999’ or ‘3rd October, 2006’ i.e. there is space after the date, month should be complete and year in four digits. If the actual date of any instruction/notification is not known or there is any doubt the same may be confirmed from the compendium of instructions (Volume-XVII) containing datewise list of all the instructions.

    These compendia are priced publications, one may purchase from Printing and Stationery Department, Haryana.

    Image of original copy of the instructions are also on website of Finance Department and hard copy of the original is available with the Archives Department, Haryana.

    The compendium in hand is Volume-XV in series and contains instructions issued by

    the Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises on various subjects i.e. to follow Govt./FD’s instructions, recoveries of Government loans from State Undertakings, pending paras of COPU/CAG,

    absorption of surplus employees, New Pension Scheme, Payment of bonus/ex-gratia to the

    employees of PSU etc.

    I, on behalf of my entire editorial team express my special gratitude to

    Shri Ajit M Sharan, IAS, Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Government Haryana,

    Finance Department, for providing valuable guidance and encouragement for accomplishing this

    arduous work which otherwise would not have been possible without his moral support.

    I am thankful to Shri Raj Pal Nasa, Private Secretary, [former SO (FD)] for the hard

    work put in by him and also Shri Ram Saran, Principal DTC, HIPA, Panchkula for providing

    assistance and guidance to the team members. I also extend my thanks for Shri Ajit Kumar Saini,

    Section Officer, Finance Department, Shri Baljit Singh Saini, PTSO, and Shri Dinesh Kumar,

    PCAT of Printing and Stationery Department, Mrs. Pallavi, DEO, Shri Ramesh Kumar, Clerk, for

    preparing these compendia.

    I am heartily grateful to Director General, HIPA, Gurgaon for providing infrastructure

    support at DTC Panchkula for this purpose.

    Efforts have been made by the team to ensure the authenticity of the compilation, yet

    there may be some omission or lapse on our part. We would welcome any feedback or suggestion

    from users of the Compendia.

    I hope these compendia would be helpful to all concerned for proper examination of the

    cases. I think now none has to face any problem for the copy of any instructions of Finance

    Department issued between 1947 and 2011.

    Dated : Chandigarh, Kusum Bansal, IRS 10th July, 2011 Joint Secretary to Government Haryana,

    Finance Department.




    Compendium of Instructions – Instructions issued by HBPE to the State Undertakings

    Sr. No.

    Subject Page No.

    1. Constitution of HBPE/appointment of Members 1-4

    2. Regarding Standing Committee/Board of Directors. 5-14

    3. Functional Autonomy to State Public Enterprises. --

    4. Policy for Public Private Partnership. 15-24

    5. To follow Govt./F.D. instructions, Service Rules/Service Bye-laws. 25-32

    6. Regarding matters to be referred by HBPE to AD/FD. 33-38

    7. Regarding Government Loans. 39-50

    8. Regarding COPU/CAG/Audit Para. 51-90

    9. Regarding SAS Personnel. 91-98

    10. Economy in Expenditure. 99-122

    11. Regarding Surplus employees of Boards/Corporations. 123-134

    12. Regarding Court cases. 135-146

    13. Regarding Revision of Pay Scale(s). 147-158

    14. Regarding Special pay. 159-162

    15. Regarding Pension/New Pension Scheme. 163-178

    16. Regarding Bonus/Ex-gratia to the employees of Public Sector Undertakings. 179-192

    17. Misc. 193-222

    18. Date-wise list of Instructions of HBPE. 223-232

  • iii



    Compendium of Instructions – Issued by HBPE

    Sr. No.

    Date Number Subject Page No.

    1. Constitution of HBPE/Appointment of Members 1-4

    1. 01.02.1988 No. 16/153/PE&IC(FD)-88

    Constitution of Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises.


    2. 25.02.1988 No. 16/153/PE&IC(FD)-88

    Modification in notification No. 16/153/PE&IC (FD)-88, dated 1st Feb., 1988.


    2. Regarding Standing Committee/Board of Directors. 5-14

    1. 22.08.2005 No. 15/48/89/Acct./ HBPE(FD)

    Procedure for sending to the Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises (HBPE) for placing before the Standing Committee on Public Enterprises.


    2. 15.12.2000 No. 15/48/49/Acctt.-II/ HBPE(FD)

    Regarding Standing Committee on Public Enterprises.


    3. 09.01.1992 No. 13/83/PE(FD)/91 Meetings of Boards of Directors of Public Undertakings.


    4. 18.10.1991 No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/ HBPE

    Regarding Standing Committee on Public Enterprises.


    5. 19.11.1990 No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/HBPE

    Regarding Standing Committee on Public Enterprises.


    6. 08.10.1990 No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/ HBPE

    Corrigendum of Notification dated 20-11-89 12

    7. 20.11.1989 No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/ HBPE,

    Constitution of Standing Committee on P.Es 13

    3. Function Autonomy to State Public Enterprises --

    4. Policy for Public Private Partnership 15-24

    1. 18.11.2010 No. 12/1/2008/HBPE/ FD/SA/PPP

    Policy for Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Haryana.


    5. To follow Govt./F.D. instructions, Service Rules/Service Bye-laws. 25-32

    1. 05.02.2003 No. 30/3/202/Acctt/ HBPE(FD)

    To follow up all the Govt./Finance Department’s instructions.


    2. 23.07.1997 No. 15/25/88/ARO-II/ HBPE

    Implementation of instructions/advice issued by the State Government/Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises (HBPE).


    3. 29.11.1994 No. 13/1/19-PE(FD)A-III Amendments in the Service bye-laws of the Corporation.


    4. 06.01.1994 No. 14/603/90-PE(FD) A-III

    Need for maintaining uniformity in adopting State Service and Financial Rules/Regulations/ Instructions.


  • iv INDEX

    Sr. No.

    Date Number Subject Page No.

    5. 02.09.1992 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Undertakings to be given by the State Public Enterprises.


    6. Regarding matters to be referred by HBPE to AD/FD 33-38

    1. 19.10.2006 No. 25/1/2005/SA/HBPE (FD)

    Instructions regarding matters to be referred by State Public Enterprises to Administrative Departments/Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.


    2. 19.12.2005 No. 25/1/2005/SA/HBPE (FD)

    Instructions regarding matters to be referred by State Public Enterprises to Administrative Departments/Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.


    7. Regarding Government Loans. 39-50

    1. 18.08.2006 No. 12/22/2001/HBPE/ FD/SA

    Review of receipts from interest on loans and advances for inclusion in the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India -Haryana Government (Revenue Receipts) for the year 2006-07.


    2. 24.05.2002 No. 12/22/2001/PE(FD)-A-I

    Recoveries of interest of loans and Advances. 41

    3. 29.05.1984 No. 1/6/84-PE&IC Guidelines for watching recoveries of Government Loans with interest and dividends etc. from State Undertakings.


    4. 21.03.1979 No. 1/6/78-SAFD Guidelines for watching recoveries of Government loans with interest and dividends etc. from State Undertakings.


    8. Regarding COPU/CAG/Audit Para 51-90

    1. 22.03.2011 No. 34/8/97-2B&C lkoZtfud miØe lfefr dh fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa desVh

    }kjk fd, x, voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa ckjs fuxeksa@

    cksMksZa }kjk =Sekfld izxfr fjiksVZ ¼31+-03-2011½ Hkstus

    ckjs A


    2. 20.03.2009 No. 34/1/2009-2B&C 55th Report of the Committee on Public Undertakings of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha for the year 2008-2009.


    3. 29.04.2008 No. 34/2/2008-2B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the reports of CAG/COPU/PAC.


    4. 29.04.2008 No. 34/2/2008-2B&C Clearance of Audited Annual Accounts of Public Undertakings.


    5. 16.05.2007 No. 34/2/2007-2B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the reports of CAG\COPU


    6. 18.08.2006 No. 12/22/2001/HBPE/ FD/SA

    Review of receipts from interest on loans and advances for inclusion in the report of the CAG of India - Haryana Government (Revenue Receipts) for the year 2006-07.


  • v INDEX

    Sr. No.

    Date Number Subject Page No.

    7. 24.05.2006 No. 34/2/2006-2B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the reports of CAG\COPU\PAC


    8. 25.07.2005 No. 34/1/2005-2B&C Implementation of recommendation of Shakdhar Committee/Constitution of monitoring committee by Chief Administrators/ managing directors of the Boards/Corporations and submission of replies of various pending paras of the CAG/CPU/PAC Report.


    9. 16.01.2002 No. 12/22/2001-PE(FD) A-I

    Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year ended 31-3-96 No. 1 (Revenue Receipts) - Government of Haryana - Submission of replies of pending paras.


    10. 05.05.2000 No. 34/1/2000-2B&C Implementation of recommendation of Shakdhar Committee/Constitution of Monitoring Committee by Chief Administrators/ Managing Directors of the Boards/Corporations and submission of replies of various pending paras of the CAG/CPU Report.


    11. 30.07.1996 No. 34/30/96-2B&C Implementation of the recommendations made by the (No Suggestions) committee on functioning of committee on public undertakings.


    12. 07.05.1992 No. 34/3/91-2B&C Submission of Quarterly progress Report on the recommendations of the Committee on Public Undertakings.


    13. 30.04.1991 No. 34/17/87-2B&C lkoZtfud miØe lfefr dh fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa desVh

    }kjk fd, x, voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa ckjs fuxeksa@

    cksMksZa }kjk =Sekfld izxfr fjiksVZ Hkstus gsrq A


    14. 28/29.01.91 No. 4/3/1-90/A-III/PE(FD) Constitution of Audit Committee in every state Government Company/Board/Corporation/ Public Undertaking.


    15. 07/08.04.88 Ø- 34@17@87&2c os d yksd ys[kk lfefr@lkoZtfud miØe lfefr }kjk

    izdkf'kr fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa fn;s x;s voyksduksa@

    flQkfj'kksa rFkk cdk;k iSjksa ij =Sekfld izxfr fjiksVZ

    Hkstus ckjs A


    16. 04.12.1987 No. 5/14/83-PE&IC(FD) Eleventh Report (Special) of the Committee on Public Undertakings (1982-83) of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha on the General working of Public Undertakings/Boards.


    17. 30.10.1987 Ø- 34@17@87&2c o d yksd ys[kk lfefr@lkoZtfud miØe lfefr }kjk

    izdkf'kr fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa fn;s x;s

    voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa rFkk cdk;k iSjksa ij =Sekfld

    izxfr fjiksVZ Hkstus ckjs A


    18. 08.10.1982 No. 34/1/82-2B&C Submission of Quarterly Progress Report on recommendations/observations on the various reports of the Committee on public undertakings.


  • vi INDEX

    Sr. No.

    Date Number Subject Page No.

    9. Regarding SAS Personnel 91-98

    1. 20.11.1996 No. 13/36/79-PE&IC(FD) Appointment of Accounts Personnel in Government Corporations/Companies/Boards/ Co-operative Institutions etc.


    2. 04.07.1996 No. 16/2/88-1FA Appointment of Accounts Personnel in Government Corporations/Companies/Boards/ Co-operative Institutions etc.


    3. 17.05.1995 No. 14/59/93-1FA Filling of Vacancies of Section Officers in S.A.S. Cadre.


    4. 06.11.1980 No. 13/36/79-PEIC(FD) Appointment of Accounts Personnel in Govt. Corporations/Companies/Boards/Co-operative Institutions etc.


    10. Economy in Expenditure. 99-122

    1. 16.03.2000 No. 5/16/2000-1B&C Ban on fresh recruitment/Creation/Up-gradation of posts.


    2. 19.05.1999 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Economy measures. 101

    3. 26.03.1996 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Economy in Expenditure — Instructions regarding ban on daily wages appointment.


    4. 09.01.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Instruction regarding ban on daily wages appointment.


    5. 01.05.1992 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy Measures. 105

    6. 30.03.1992 No. 16/279/PE(FD)92 Purchase of vehicles — information regarding. 109

    7. 09.01.1990 No. 16/279/PE(FD)89 Creation/Upgradation of posts/Purchase of vehicles.


    8. 20.01.1988 No. 5/21/84-A-IV-PE&IC (FD)

    Economy in Expenditure. 113

    9. 07.03.1986 No. 11/24-5FD-III-86 Economy in Expenditure — instructions regarding.


    10. 01/02.01.86 No. 5/6/85-1B&C Economy on expenditure. 116

    11. 27/29.05.85 No. 5/21/84-PE&IC(FD) Economy in expenditure. 118

    12. 16/17.08.84 No. 5/21/84-PE&IC(FD) Economy on expenditure. 119

    13. 24.12.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy on expenditure. 121

    14. 06.02.1978 No. 5/6/78-1B&C Economy in expenditure. 122

    11. Regarding Surplus employees of Boards/Corporations. 123-134

    1. 03/07.07.03 No. 1/20/97/Asstt/HBPE Pay Protection of Surplus Employees of Public Enterprises who have been absorbed in other Public Enterprises/Government Departments.


    2. 24.08.1993 No. 23/10/88-Asstt./ HBPE

    Regarding filling up of existing vacant posts and creation/up gradation and filling up of


  • INDEX vii

    Sr. No.

    Date Number Subject Page No.

    newly created posts. Absorption of surplus and retrenched staff of Public Enterprises.

    3. 19.08.1992 No. 13/12/92-Asstt/ HBPE

    Regarding Filling up of vacant posts sponsoring of names/Grant of Non-availability certificates by surplus staff cell of HBPE


    4. 29.05.1992 No. 13/12/92/Asstt/ HBPE

    Regarding filling up of existing vacant posts and creation/up gradation and filling up of newly created posts — Absorption of surplus and retrenched staff of Public Enterprises.


    5. 18.01.1991 No. 13/12/91/ARO-II/ HBPE

    Regarding filling up of existing vacant posts and creation/up gradation and filling up of newly created posts.


    6. 07.09.1989 No. HBPE/MS/AO/19-15/ 86

    Abolition of superfluous posts remaining — vacant for considerable length of time.


    12. Court cases 135-146

    1. 28.04.2009 No. 12/5/2004/Asstt./ HBPE(FD)

    Procedure to be adopted by the State Public Enterprises for contesting Court Cases.


    2. 12.01.2006 No. 12/5/2004/Asst./ HBPE(FD)

    Procedure to be adopted by the State Public Enterprises for contesting the court cases.


    3. 29.05.2002 No. 1/3/2002/Asstt/ HBPE

    Passing of speaking orders as per directions of the Hon’ble courts.


    4. 05.02.1999 No. 1/1/99Asstt./HBPE Procedure to be adopted for contesting court cases in regard to the decisions taken by the Standing Committee of HBPE and Pay Revision Committee of Finance Department.


    5. 28.04.1994 No. 1728-PE(FD)92-A-III Timely Filing of written statement in the High court.


    6. 17.01.1992 No. 13(1)11-PE(FD)91/ A-III

    Writ petition/Civil Suits and other Court cases. 145

    13. Regarding Revision of Pay Scale(s) 147-158

    1. 13.03.2009 No. 23/revision of Pay Scales/2009/Acct/HBPE (FD)

    Regarding Pay Revision in PSUs, Para Statal Organisations and Statutory Bodies.


    2. 24.02.2009 No. 23/revision of Pay scales/2009/Acctt./HBPE (FD)

    Regarding Pay Revision in PSUs Para Statal Organisations and Statutory Bodies.


    3. 30.10.1998 No. 3/1/24-PE(FD) 97/SA-II

    Revision of pay scales for the non teaching employees of all the four Universities.


    4. 12.10.1998 No. 3/1/24/-PE(FD) 97/SA-II

    Revision of Pay Scales for the employees of State P.Es/Institutions.


  • viii INDEX

    Sr. No.

    Date Number Subject Page No.

    5. 18.04.1984 No. 1/162/1PR(FD)-80 Revision of pay scales of employees of Marketing Boards/Marketing Committee and others Public Sector Undertakings.


    14. Regarding Special pay. 159-162

    1. 26.06.2001 No. 20/10/96/Acctt-II/ HBPE(FD)

    Regarding grant of special pay to the Class IV employees of State P.Es/Institutions.


    2. 10.04.1992 No. 14/488(a)90/PE(FD) AIII

    Grant of special pay to the Drivers (Cars and Jeeps only) posted in field offices of Public Undertakings.


    3. 14.05.1991 No. 14/488(a)90/PE(FD) A-III

    Grant of Special Pay to the employees of Public Undertakings.


    4. 15/18.02.91 No. 14/488(a)90/PE(FD) A-III

    Grant of Special pay to employees of Public Undertakings.


    15. Pension/New Pension Scheme 163-178

    1. 29.04.2011 No. 2/47/2007-1Pension Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government — Partial modification.


    2. 20.04.2011 No. 2/47/2007-1Pension Regarding deposit of amount under New Pension Scheme of deputationist — Clarification therein.


    3. 18.03.2009 No. 30/3/2009/Acctt./ HBPE(FD)

    Introduction of New Pension Scheme (Defined Contributory Pension Scheme) in State Public Enterprises.


    4. 04.12.2008 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government (NSDL).


    5. 02.06.2003 No. 12/1/6/HBPE/FD/SA Introduction of Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for the employees of State Public Enterprises.


    6. 13.02.2001 No. 12/1/6/PE/FD/99/ SA-2

    Introduction of Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for the employees of State Public Enterprises.


    16. Regarding Bonus/Ex-gratia to the employees of Public Sector Undertakings. 179-192

    1. 11.11.2004 No. 12/1/152/PE/FD/ SA-2

    Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia to the Employees of Public Sector Undertakings - Policy regarding.


    2. 12.11.2002 No. 12/1/152/PE/FD/ SA-2

    Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia to the Employees of Public Sector Undertakings - Policy regarding


    3. 14.02.2002 No. 12/1/152/PE/FD/96/ SA-2

    Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia to the employees of Public Sector Undertakings - Policy regarding.


    4. 24.10.2000 No. 12/1/152/PE/FD/96/ SA-2

    Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia to the employees of Public Sector Undertakings - Policy regarding.


    5. 11.11.1997 No. 3/1/5-PE(FD) 95/A-III Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia and other facility to the employees of Public Undertakings.


    6. 04.08.1997 No. 3/1/5-PE(FD)95/A-III Grant of Bonus/Ex- gratia and others facility to the employees of Public Undertakings.


  • INDEX ix

    Sr. No.

    Date Number Subject Page No.

    7. 14.01.1997 No. 3/1/5-PE(FD)95/A-III Grant of Bonus/ex- gratia to the employees of Public Undertakings.


    8. 05.02.1996 No. 3/1/5-PE(FD)95/A-III Grant of Bonus to the employees of Public Undertakings - Need for maintaining uniformity.


    9. 31.07.1975 No. 2250-5FR-75/25425 Grant of bonus to Government employees on deputation to Public Sector Undertakings etc.


    17. Misc. Instructions 193-222

    1. 09.03.2011 No. 28/43/2010-1B&C Charging of interest on advances given to Corporations etc.


    2. 14.06.2010 No. 30/LTC/2010/Acctt./ HBPE(FD)

    Regulating Disbursement of one month’s salary in lieu of LTC facility under the New Scheme of LTC.


    3. 23.03.2009 No. 28/25/2009-5B&C Recoveries on account of the liability of `risk and cost` flowing out of the contractual commitments — construction and allied contracts.


    4. 12.10.2006 No. 37/11/2006/Acctt./ HBPE

    Adoption of Group Gratuity Scheme from Insurance Company.


    5. 29.10.2003 No. 37/24/94/ARO/ HBPE(FD)

    Guidelines for minimum rate of return on the share capital contributed by the State Government.


    6. 29.10.1997 No. IF&CC/RO(I)/Funds/ 97/1175

    Guidelines on investment of Deposits/Surplus Funds by State Government Departments/ Public Enterprises.


    7. 04.05.1994 No. 12/1/8-PE(FD94/A-III Recovery of Rent/Fan rent from the Govt. employees.


    8. 25.09.1992 No. 3/26/92-PE(FD)A-III Grant of Advance Increments by the State Public Enterprises to their Officers/Officials.


    9. 03.12.1991 No. 12/60/PE(FD)A-III Regarding hiring of private buildings on rent and fixing of revised rent private building for use as Govt. Offices.


    10. 04.09.1991 No. 1788-2FICW-91 Provision of houses to officers on deputation to Corporations/Boards/Federations — fixation of rate of licence fee for the hiring of private houses.


    11. 29.08.1990 No. 1285-2FICW-90 Regarding cases pertaining to hiring of building on rent etc.


    12. 05.02.1990 No. 2354-2FICW-89 Recovery of Rent/Fan Rent from Govt. employees.


    13. 11.09.1984 No. 10(38)84/PE&IC(FD) Instructions to regulate enforcement of responsibility for losses sustained by the State Public Undertakings through frauds or negligence of individuals.


    18. Date-wise List of Instructions of HBPE (Volume-XV) 223-232

  • 2

    This notification has been modified partly vide No. 16/153/PE&IC(FD)88, dated 25.02.1988.



    No. 16/153/PE&IC(FD)88 Dated, Chandigarh, the 1st February, 1988.

    The Governor of Haryana is pleased to constitute Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises to monitor and review the working of the Boards and Corporations in the State. The Composition of the "Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises" will be as under :-

    1. Shri Ran Singh Mann, MLA Chairman

    2. Shri Darbari Lal Gupta Deputy Chairman

    3. Shri Atma Ram Godara, MLA Member

    4. Chief Secretary, Haryana Member

    5. Financial Commissioner/Secretary Finance Member

    6. Principal Secretary to C.M. Member

    Joint Secretary to Government, Haryana, Public Enterprises will act as the Member Secretary of the Bureau of Public Enterprises.

    The functions of the Bureau will be as follows :-

    (i) To arrange periodical assessment of the working of the various Boards/Corporations with a view to ensuring their most economical and effective functioning.

    (ii) To give suitable directions and advice to these Boards/Corporations for the implementation of the recommendations of the Committee on Public Undertakings of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha.

    (iii) To create an effective cadre of specialists for providing proper guidance and assistance to the Boards/Corporations in the matters relating to sound finance, accounts, marketing etc.

    (iv) To formulate and recommend specific courses of action for ensuring their operations at an optimum level and for effectively plugging loopholes to minimise losses to the maximum extent possible.

    (v) To give advice to State Government regarding any other aspect of the functioning of the Public Sector Undertakings of the State.


    3. Chairman of the Bureau would be entitled to the salary and other privileges/facilities admissible to a Minister of State.

    4. The Deputy Chairman will be entitled to facilities like Secretariat assistance, residential accommodation and a car for official use.

    5. The Head Quarters of the Bureau shall be at Chandigarh.

    6. The expenditure involved will be met from the Major Head "2052-Secretariat General Services (090) Sectt - FD".

    Dated, Chandigarh, the B.S. OJHA

    1st Feb., 1988 Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.





    No.16/153/PE&lC (FD)-88 Dated, Chandigarh, the 25th February, 1988.

    In partial modification of Finance Department notification No. 16/53/PE&IC(FD)-88, dated the 1st Feb., 1988 the words 'Co-operative Bodies' between 'Boards' & 'and' in the 3rd line of the Notification is added.

    B.S.OJHA Dated, Chandigarh, Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt., the 29th Feb., 1988 Haryana, Finance Department.




    No. 15/48/89/Acctt/HBPE(FD)

    From The Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.

    To The Managing Director/Chief Administrator/ Chief Executive Officer.

    Chandigarh, dated the 22nd August, 2005

    Subject : Procedure for sending proposals to the Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises (HBPE) for placing before the Standing Committee on Public Enterprises.

    Sir, I am directed to invite your attention to the Government notification No.

    15/48/89/ARO-II/HBPE, dated 20.11.89 and corrigendum of even No. dated 8.10.1990 vide which a Standing Committee was constituted to examine and decide the proposals for creation and upgradation of posts, their pay scales, mode of recruitment, terms and conditions of service and cases involving exemption from the existing instructions for effecting economy in expenditure concerning all the State Public Enterprises i.e. Boards, Corporations, Companies and Co-operative Institutions.

    2. The procedure for sending proposals to the HBPE for placing before the Standing Committee on Public Enterprises was detailed in the instructions issued by this office letter of even No. dated 15.12.2000. The matter has been reconsidered and in order to avoid repetition and streamline the process, it has been decided that henceforth the procedure for sending proposals by State Public Enterprises for consideration of the Standing Committee on Public Enterprises will be as under :-

    (i) The concerned State Public Enterprise should get its proposal pertaining to creation/upgradation of posts, revision of pay scales etc., approved from its Board of Directors. Subsequently, the Administrative Department should take approval of the competent authority as per the Standing Order of the Department. In case the Chief Minister is the Minister-In-charge of a Department, approval of the Administrative Secretary may only be taken. Thereafter such proposals should be forwarded for the approval of the Standing Committee.

    (ii) The Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises will directly put up the decision(s) of the Standing Committee for approval of the Chief Minister. HBPE will thereafter convey the decision to the concerned quarters for implementation.

    3. These instructions will supersede the earlier instructions issued vide letter of even No. dated 15.12.2000 (copy enclosed).

    4. The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged.

    Yours faithfully, Sd/-

    Management Consultant, for Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public

    Enterprises, Finance Department.



    A copy is forwarded to all the Administrative Secretaries to Govt., Haryana for necessary action and to ensure that the procedure is strictly complied with.

    Sd/-Management Consultant,

    for Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.


    All the Administrative Secretaries to Govt. Haryana.

    U.O. No. 15/48/89/Acctt/HBPE(FD) Chandigarh, dated the 22nd August, 2005



    No. 15/48/89/Acctt.-II/HBPE(FD)

    From The Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.

    To The Managing Director/Chief Administrator of all the State Public Enterprises in Haryana.

    Dated, Chandigarh, the 15th December, 2000.

    Subject : Regarding 'Standing Committee' on Public Enterprises.


    I am directed to invite your attention to the notification No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/HBPE, dated 20-11-89 and corrigendum of even No. dated 18-9-90 vide which Standing Committee was constituted to examine and decide the proposals for creation and up gradation of posts, their pay scales, mode of recruitment, terms and conditions of service and cases involving exemption from the existing instructions for effecting economy in the expenditure concerning all the State Public Enterprises i.e. Boards, Corporation, Companies and Co-operative Institutions.

    The procedure for sending such proposals for consideration of the Standing Committee has been as under :-

    1. The concerned Public Enterprise is required to get its proposals pertaining to creation and upgradation of posts revision of pay scales etc. etc. approved from its Board of Directors in the first instance. Subsequently such proposals are required to be approved by the concerned Administrative Department. However, the level at which the proposals should have been approved in the Administrative Department has not been specified.

    2. The proposals of the Public Enterprises duly approved by their Board of Directors as well as Administrative Department are placed for consideration of the Standing Committee in its meetings held from time to time. The proceedings of the meeting of the Standing Committee are sent to the concerned Administrative Department for conveying necessary approval/ sanction to the Public Enterprises under their Administrative Control.

    3. The Administrative Departments are required to seek the approval of Hon'ble C.M. before taking steps to fill up the posts approved by Standing Committee. This condition has been imposed pursuant to the decision taken in the meeting of the Managing Directors/Chief Executives/Chief Administrators of all the Public Enterprises held on 16-11-90 under the Chairmanship of the then C.M. wherein it was desired by the C.M. that there should be no recruitment on any post in any Public Enterprise except with his prior approval.

    In view of the above, some of the Public Enterprises have been sending their proposals in agenda to the HBPE after obtaining the approval of their Administrative Secretaries whereas some of them have been taking the approval of the Chief Minister irrespective of the


    class of the posts as there has been no exact categorisation of posts in the State Public Enterprises hence a lot of ambiguity existed. Some of the Public Enterprises have raised this issue that they should obtain the approval of the Chief Minister once and that too after the creation and upgradation of the posts etc. etc. from the Standing Committee on Public Enterprises. This matter has been under the consideration of the Government and it has now been decided that the procedure for sending proposals by PEs (after keeping in view all the instructions issued by the Finance Department or Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises regarding economy in expenditure) for the consideration of the Standing Committee in future would be as under :-

    (a) The concerned Enterprises should get its proposal pertaining to creation/ upgradation of posts, revision of pay scales etc. approved from its Board of Directors and subsequently from the Administrative Department at the level of the concerned Administrative Secretary. Such proposals should be forwarded for the approval of the Standing Committee in agenda forms.

    (b) The decisions of the Standing Committee should be got approved from the Hon'ble C.M. by the concerned Administrative Department before conveying the necessary approval/sanction to the concerned Public Enterprises.

    The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged.

    Yours faithfully,

    Sd/-Personnel Advisor,

    for Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.



    No. 13/83/PE(FD)/91


    The Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.


    All the Managing Directors/ Chief Executive of Corporations/ Companies/Boards/Co-operative Institutions, HUDA in the Haryana State.

    Dated, Chandigarh, the 9th January, 1992

    Subject : Meetings of Board of Directors of Public Undertakings.


    I am directed to refer you on the subject cited above and to say that it has been observed that agenda notes of the meetings of Board of Directors are not sent by several organisations to the representatives of Finance Department and Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises well in time. It makes it difficult for the Finance Department to examine the agenda items to be discussed in the Board meeting. Sometimes the agenda notes are received only a day before or on the day of meeting, or even after meeting and the nominees of Finance Department on Board of Directors are not in a position to express their considered opinion.

    In view of above, it is stressed that agenda notes of the Board's meetings should be sent to the nominees of the Finance Department on the Board of Directors and to Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises at least one week in advance of the Board meeting, failing which Finance Department's nominee will not be in a position to attend the meeting and decisions taken in Board's meeting will not have the consent/approval of the Finance Department.

    The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.

    Yours faithfully,

    Sd/-Under Secretary Finance (PE),

    for Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.



    No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/HBPE


    The Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department, SCO No. 200-201, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh.


    The Managing Director/Chief Administrator of all the State Public Enterprises in Haryana.

    Dated, Chandigarh, the 18th October, 1991

    Subject : Regarding ‘Standing Committee’ on Public Enterprises.


    I am directed to invite your attention to this office letter No. 15/48/89/ ARO-II/HBPE, dated 19-11-1990 on the subject noted above and to reiterate that vide Notification No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/HBPE, dated 20-11-1989 and Corrigendum of even number dated 18-9-1990, a 'Standing Committee' has been constituted to examine and decide the proposals for creation and up gradation of posts, their pay scales, mode of recruitment, terms and conditions of service and cases involving exemption from the existing instructions for effecting economy in the expenditure, concerning all the State Public Enterprises i.e. Boards, Corporations, Companies and Co-operative Institutions.

    2. As per the said notification the proposals for all the matters within the purview of the 'Standing Committee' are to be prepared by the Managing Director of the concerned Public Enterprises in the form of Agenda Notes and sent directly to the Member Secretary, HBPE.

    3. In view of the aforementioned, it is requested to send the relevant proposals in the form of Agenda Notes (15 copies) to this office. It may be noted that proposals in any other form shall not be entertained.

    4. It is further requested that the above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned working under your control for strict compliance.

    Yours faithfully,

    Sd/-Management Consultant,

    for Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.





    The Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department, SCO No. 200-201, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh.


    The Managing Director/Chief Administrator of all the State Public Enterprises in Haryana.

    Dated, Chandigarh, the 19th November, 1990

    Subject : Regarding Standing Committee on Public Enterprises.


    I am directed to invite your attention to Notification No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/HBPE, dated 20-11-1989 and Corrigendum of even number dated 18-9-1990 (copies enclosed) vide which a Standing Committee has been constituted to examine and decide the proposals for creation and up gradation of posts, their pay scales, mode of recruitment, terms and conditions of service and cases involving exemption from the existing instructions for effecting economy in the expenditure, concerning all the State Public Enterprises i.e. Boards, Corporations, Companies and Co-operative Institutions.

    2 As per the said notification the proposals for all the matters within the purview of the Standing Committee are to be prepared by the Managing Director of the concerned Public Enterprises in the form of Agenda notes and sent directly to the Member Secretary, HBPE.

    3 In view of the aforementioned, you are, requested to send the relevant proposals in the form of Agenda Notes only (with 15 copies) including the information as detailed in the Annexure attached after obtaining the necessary approval of your Administrative Department as per the standing orders of the Department concerned. It may be noted that proposals in any other form shall not be entertained. This is applicable to the cases already referred to the Bureau.

    The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.

    Yours faithfully,

    Sd/-Member Secretary,

    Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.





    No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/HBPE.—In continuation of Haryana Government Notification No. 15/48/89/ ARO-II/HBPE, dated 24-10-89, the Governor of Haryana is pleased to appoint Chairman, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises to function as Chairman of the Standing Committee in place of Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt. Haryana Finance Department who will now function as Member of this Committee.

    The other terms and conditions as also functions of this Standing Committee will remain unchanged.

    Dated, Chandigarh, the T. K. Banerji, 18th Sept., 1990 Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt.,

    Haryana, Finance Department.

    No.16/53/PE(FD) Dated : 8th October, 1990



    These instructions have been modified partly vide No. 15/48/89/ARO-ll/HBPE, Dt. 08.10.1990.



    The 20th November, 1989.

    No. 15/48/89/ARO-ll/HBPE : The Governor of Haryana is pleased to constitute a Standing Committee to examine and to decide the proposals for creation and up gradation of posts, their pay scales, mode of recruitment, terms and conditions of service and cases involving exemption from the existing instructions for effecting economy in the expenditure, concerning all the State Public Enterprises i.e. Boards, Corporations, Companies and Co-op. Institutions.

    The Standing Committee will comprise as follows :-

    1. Financial Commissioner and Secretary, Finance. Chairman

    2. Administrative Secretary of the concerned department. Member

    3. Special Secretary Finance (BPE). Member

    4. Head of the concerned department. Member

    5. Managing Director of the concerned PE. Member

    6. MS/HBPE Member Secretary.


    The main functions of the Committee would be to as follows :-

    1. To advise the PEs on Personnel Policy matters.

    2. To fix the norms for recruitment and lay down the parameters for posts, and

    3. To scrutinise the proposals for creation and up gradation of posts, their pay scales, mode of recruitment, terms and conditions of service and cases involving exemptions from the existing instructions for effecting economy in the expenditure concerning all the State Public Enterprises i.e. Boards, Corporations, Companies and Co-op. institutions.


    The Committee will meet at such time, venue and date as may be fixed by the Chairman. The agenda notes of the relevant items would be prepared by the MDs of the concerned Public Enterprises and sent to the Member Secretary who would cause to be circulated to the Members of the Committee and all the decisions on such points would be taken in a meeting of the Committee, convened for the purpose.

    The members will draw TA/DA, if any, from their respective departments.

    Dated, Chandigarh, B.S.OJHA the 24th October, 1989 Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt.,

    Haryana, Finance Department.




    No. 12/1/2008/HBPE/FD/SA/PPP


    The Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.


    All Heads of Departments, The Managing Directors/Chief Administrators/ Chief Executive Officers of Companies and Co-op. Institutions.

    Dated, Chandigarh, the 18th November, 2010.

    Subject : Policy for Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Haryana.

    Sir, I am directed to invite your kind attention to the subject noted above and to say that

    the Council of Ministers in its meeting held on 9.11.2010 has approved a policy for Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Haryana. A copy of the policy is enclosed herewith for information and taking further necessary action in the matter.

    2. You are further requested to designate a PPP nodal officer in your Department/ Public Enterprise to interact/coordinate with the PPP Cell in the Finance Department and inform his particulars i.e. name, designation, telephone no. etc. to this office.

    Yours faithfully,

    Sd/-Management Consultant, HBPE

    for Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.

    Endst No. 12/1/2008/HBPE/FD/SA/PPP Dated, Chandigarh, the 18th Nov. 2010.

    A copy alongwith a copy of PPP policy is forwarded to Private Secretary to Chief Minister, Haryana for information of the Chief Minister.

    Sd/-Management Consultant, HBPE

    for Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.

    Endst No. 12/1/2008/HBPE/FD/SA/PPP Dated, Chandigarh, the 18th Nov. 2010.

    A copy alongwith a copy of PPP policy is forwarded to Secretaries/Private Secretaries of all Ministers/State Minister/Chief Parliamentary Secretaries for information of Minister/State Minister/Chief Parliamentary Secretaries.

    Sd/-Management Consultant, HBPE

    for Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.


    Endst No. 12/1/2008/HBPE/FD/SA/PPP Dated, Chandigarh, the 18th Nov. 2010.

    A copy alongwith a copy of PPP policy is forwarded to Private Secretary to Chief Secretary, Haryana for information of the Chief Secretary, Haryana.

    Sd/-Management Consultant, HBPE

    for Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.

    Endst No. 12/1/2008/HBPE/FD/SA/PPP Dated, Chandigarh, the 18th Nov. 2010.

    A copy alongwith a copy of PPP policy is forwarded to all Financial Commissioners & Principals Secretaries/Administrative Secretaries to Govt. Haryana for information and necessary action.

    Sd/-Management Consultant, HBPE

    for Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.

    Endst No. 12/1/2008/HBPE/FD/SA/PPP Dated, Chandigarh, the 18th Nov. 2010.

    A copy alongwith a copy of PPP policy is forwarded to Secretary to Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Haryana Private Secretary to Additional Principal Secretaries to Chief Minister Haryana, Private Secretary to Deputy Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Haryana and Private Secretary to Officer on Special Duty to Chief Minister, Haryana for information of PSCM/ Addl. PSCM/DPCM/DPSCM/OSD/CM.

    Sd/-Management Consultant, HBPE

    for Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.

    A copy alongwith a copy of PPP policy is forwarded to the Secretary, Council of Ministers, Haryana w.r.t his U.O letter No. 9/230/2010-2 Cabinet, dated 9.11.2010 for information.

    Sd/-Management Consultant, HBPE

    for Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.

    To Secretary, Council of Ministers (In Cabinet Branch).

    U.O. No. 12/1/2008/HBPE/FD/SA/PPP Dated, Chandigarh, the 18th Nov. 2010.

    Contd… Encl.




    Policy for Public Private Partnership


    1.1 Government of Haryana (GoH) recognizes that a partnership approach under Public Private Partnership (PPP) should be one of the tools to deliver public services to improve the quality of life of its people. The XI Plan document and stated policy of Haryana Government official website :, implicitly and explicitly, recognize the role of private sector in development of physical and social infrastructure.

    1.2 In order to facilitate and promote increasing role of Public Private Partnership in creation of new infrastructure assets as well as for the management of existing ones the Government of Haryana proposes to lay down an explicit and comprehensive policy. The Policy being detailed herein, will put in position a broad framework for implementation of PPP in the State in physical and social infrastructure while being sensitive to public needs.


    The main objective of this policy, as given herein, is to create an enabling environment and to facilitate private sector participation in upgrading, developing and expanding the physical and social infrastructure in the State of Haryana.

    2.1 To provide a broad framework and a conducive environment so that the strength of private sector in terms of their efficiencies, flexibility and innovativeness are utilised to provide better infrastructure and services at an optimal cost and for better 'Value for Money' to the users.

    2.2 To put in position a transparent, consistent, efficient administrative mechanism, to create a level playing field for all stakeholders.

    2.3 To prepare a shelf of projects to be offered for PPP and take them forward in coordination with owner Departments through a transparent selection process.

    2.4 To provide project development funding and/or seek available assistance from Government of India for funding essential infrastructure projects.

    2.5 To make assessment of the Value for Money (VfM) especially for major projects with exception for projects in backward areas or projects with social requirements, which prime facie, may not be financially viable on PPP.


    2.6 To create a robust dispute redressal mechanism/regulatory framework for PPP projects.

    2.7 To provide the required Viability Gap Funding (VGF) where the essential projects are intrinsically unviable.

    2.8 To create "Haryana Infrastructure Fund (HIF)" to facilitate implementation of the objectives of the Policy.

    2.9 The relevant provisions stipulated in documents such as Haryana PWD Code would also be kept into considerations for PPP projects.

    2.10 Panchayat land, wherever involved for the PPP projects, will be governed by the policy of the department of Development & Panchayats, Haryana.


    Public Private Partnership broadly refers to a long term contractual partnership between public and private sector agencies specifically targeted towards financing, designing, implementing and operating infrastructure facilities and services that are traditionally provided by the Government and/or its entities. PPPs aim to take advantage of the strength of the public sector through stable governance, citizen's support and those of private sector by their enhanced operational efficiency, innovative technology, managerial effectiveness so as to deliver higher standard of service to the people with better value for money. The other important features of PPP are allocation of risks to the partner best able to manage them thus minimising the cost while improving the performance. Public sector assumes social environmental and political risks whereas the private sector shares financing, construction and commercial risks.


    The infrastructure sectors/sub sectors and facilities in the ambit of this policy would, inter alia, include the following which could be expanded/modified as and when considered necessary.

    Healthcare Facilities :


    Tourism & related projects - Hotels, adventure and theme parks, trade fairs, convention centres, exhibition/cultural centres.

    Urban Infrastructure - Urban roads, water supply, solid waste management, sewerage, sanitation.

    Power - Generation, transmission and distribution of power.

    Highways - Construction of expressways. missing links, bypasses, ring roads, bridges, road over bridges and improvement of roads.

    Agriculture related projects.

    Road Transport System- Improvement of Public Transport Facilities including construction of bus terminals, truck terminals, inland dry ports.

    Civil Aviation - Pilot training institutes, aircraft maintenance facilities, aviation hubs.

    Industrial Infrastructure - Industrial parks, Special Economic Zones (SEZs).

    Industrial estates and townships.

    Sports - Stadia, facilities.

    Rural - Public conveniences.




    GoH would look at the option of better utilisation of existing assets before considering new investments. Focus would be on integrated infrastructure development. GoH recognises that 'social' projects may not always be viable on PPP. In such cases Government would use other mechanism of compensation such as provision of Viability Gap Funding (VGF) or annuity payments or 'shadow' (usage/availability based) payment. GoH may also consider implementing such projects upfront and then transfer management of services to a Private Sector Participant (PSP) where feasible.


    6.1 GoH recognises that "provider-charges" and the "user-pays" principles are crucial to the success of PP Ps in physical infrastructure. The Government would, where necessary and appropriate, consider levying user charges (fees, tariffs, cess etc.) to cover costs of infrastructure provisioning and create a stable and dedicated financial source for construction/redevelopment/rehabilitation/replacement of project assets and their ongoing operations and maintenance. The focus would be to provide efficient, sustainable and high quality services at affordable prices to users.

    6.2 The levy of user charges would be based on following main considerations :

    saving to the users of improved/created facilities

    recovery of the investments

    uniformity between various projects

    willingness to pay.


    7.1 The Government of Haryana recognizes the importance of an efficient institutional mechanism and therefore constitutes the requisite committees and empowered groups for furthering the objectives of the Policy. There would be two levels of implementation of the covenants of this Policy.

    7.2 Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure (CCI): The projects under PPP mode having concession period of more than 10 years and/or involving investment of more than Rs. 25 crore, shall be considered by the Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure and approved on the basis of recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries on Infrastructure (CoSI).

    7.3 A Committee of Secretaries on Infrastructure (CoSI), consisting of a group of Secretaries under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary, Government of Haryana for facilitating infrastructure development in the State under PPP would be set up. The other members of CoSI would be Principal Secretary to CM, Administrative Secretaries of Finance & Planning, Revenue, Law & Justice, Town & Country Planning, Industries, Building & Roads, Forest and the concerned Department. Principal Secretary, Finance would be the convener of this Committee. The Chairman of CoSI may co-opt/invite any other officer/expert to be a member of CoSI and/or to participate in its meeting.

    The powers and functions of CoSI would be :-

    to consider and formulate policy directives for facilitation and acceleration of PPP mode of delivery of public services in the State.

    to consider and provide in principle approval for project to be taken up on PPP.

    to determine most preferred and optimal method, based on the detailed analysis presented on alternatives for procuring the public services/utilities. Wherever, Govt. of India has prescribed specific procedures for sector/


    scheme or projects, the same would be followed and in case of any gap, the provisions of this Policy would be adopted. The key issue would be as to which method of procurement would provide the best Value for Money (VfM), while determining the most appropriate method of delivery,

    to consider and approve projects under PPP mode having concession period up to 10 years and/or involving investment up to Rs. 25 crore.

    to consider and recommend PPP projects (including those requiring VGF), to the Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure.

    to approve bid documents, risk sharing principles, dispute resolution mechanism and bid processes.

    to resolve issues relating to project approval process.

    to approve sectoral policies and model contract principles.

    to prepare road map for project development.

    to provide enablers for projects.

    to identify inter-sectoral linkages.

    to exercise authority for accepting or rejecting sole bid if received and/or limited bids, for any project

    to prescribe time limits for clearances for any project.

    to decide issues pertaining to user levies including but not limiting to prescribing mechanism and procedure for setting, revising, collecting and/or regulating user levies and to decide and settle disputes relating to user levies.

    to recommend enactment of special legislation for formation of appropriate regulatory mechanism / robust grievance redressal mechanism as may be required.

    to inspect, review and monitor implementation, execution, operation and management of PPP Projects.

    7.4 The Finance Department, Haryana would deal with all policy matters relating to PPP policy. It would nominate a State Nodal Officer for PPP and constitute a PPP Cell.

    7.5 The PPP Cell would provide the requisite assistance to CoSI and would have the following functions :-

    Serve as the repository of knowledge and information relating to PPP including best practices, guidelines, schemes etc.

    Identify and prioritize sectors and sub sectors for PPP projects and seek in principle approvals if required.

    Assist various Government Departments in preparation of feasibility/project report by themselves or through consultant.

    Standardise procedures and bid documents.

    Advise, if required, Departments in their recommendations of final bids of the projects for approval of the CoSI, keeping in view the considerations of Public Sector Comparator (PSC) and Value for Money (VfM).

    Coordinate with Gol and line Departments of the State on all issues related to/private investment in the infrastructure sectors, including PPP. Relevant Departments/Ministries in the State will coordinate with PPP Cell at all stages of project and the PPP Cell would keep itself informed of the status of the PPP proposals.

    Assess fund requirements for the development of projects, Viability Gap


    Funding (VGF) and any other related purpose for furthering the objectives of this policy.

    Organize trainings, workshops, seminar and conduct/recommend exposure visits for capacity building.

    7.6 A PPP Nodal Officer shall be designated in each infrastructure-centric Ministries/departments/agencies of the State, to interact/coordinate with PPP Cell and to take forward the PPP initiative.


    8.1 Project identification/Conceptualization: All the Administrative Secretaries will identify a shelf of projects within a specific time frame for execution under PPP mode. These projects would be in addition to the projects under consideration already. The PPP Cell shall prioritize projects based on demand and supply situation, inter-linkages and other relevant factors.

    8.2 Preparation of Feasibility/Project Report for PPP: State Government Departments/Agencies, with the assistance of empanelled/non-empanelled Transaction Advisor(s) (engaged through prescribed process), as the case may be, will get the Feasibility Reports and PPP project(s) prepared for the identified projects. The State Government may also engage consultant/Transaction Advisor on retainer basis in the interest of speedy delivery mechanism. The Project Report would establish the need for the project, project cost estimation and indicative financial viability (including VfM exercise with consideration of Public Sector Comparator, if required) of the proposed project including preliminary engineering studies, if any. Approval of the project would then be obtained from CoSI after review by PPP Cell.

    8.3 Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) and Selection of Developers

    8.3.1 The concerned Department/Agency shall prepare/get prepared the Detailed Project Report (DPR) if required, or if the DPR is to be prepared by the Developer, initiate the procurement process for selection of suitable Developer. The DPR should specifically indicate cost benefits of the project considering social and environmental factors. In all cases, the award criteria would be spelt out upfront. The Department(s) may use the services of suitably qualified independent consultant(s) with the requisite domain knowledge for Transaction Advice. It would however be ensured that the Transaction Advisor selected for the project would not be consultant/facilitator to any of the prospective bidders to avoid conflict of interest. Consultation with stake holders would be part of project development. The stages in the procurement process could be single-stage or multi-stage, depending on the size or level of complexity of the project.

    Generally main stages in the procurement process would include :-

    Engagement of Transaction Advisor for assistance in procurement process, Request for Qualification (RfQ)/Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI), from

    prospective bidders.

    Receiving proposals from prospective bidders and their evaluation for Qualification.

    Preparation/review (if available) of Request for Proposals (RfP) including conditions of contract, evaluation criteria and concession agreement and issuing them to pre-qualified applicants (bidders).

    Pre-bid meeting for any clarifications and modification of bid documents, if considered necessary.

    Receipts of bids - technical and financial proposals, their evaluation and selection of most preferred developer in accordance with the prescribed criteria.

    Signing of Agreement.


    Competitive bidding process shall be adopted in all PPP Projects initiated by the concerned Department. The notice for inviting participation will be adequately publicized. The bid process will be designed to assist and ascertain, technical, financial, managerial and commercial, capabilities of the Developer. All proposals shall be opened and evaluated at a common platform in a free and fair manner. The Sponsoring Department(s) will periodically inform the CoSI of the progress of all Projects under process.

    8.3.2 Treatment of Sole Bid: In case of the competitive bidding process resulting into a Sole Bid, the Department shall decide the matter only with the approval of CoSI.

    8.3.3 Treatment of Limited Response: In case the competitive bidding process does not generate sufficient response and if even a sole bid is not received, then the Department shall, with the approval of CoSI, either modify the pre-qualification criteria and/or the risk sharing provisions and restart the bid process; or may cancel the competitive bid process.

    8.4 Monitoring of the Projects: CoSI will monitor the progress of PPP projects. All the Departments/Agencies carrying out PPP projects will keep the PPP Cell informed regarding the latest development.


    9.1 A transparent process would be followed in the award of all PPP contracts. The process of project implementation would be appropriately backed by contractual arrangements. The GoH would develop contractual frameworks to allow for equitable allocation of risks between the contracting parties, taking into account the legitimate concerns of private investors. The attempt would be to allocate risks to the party best suited to bear the risks.

    9.2 Approval of Contract Principles: In case a model contract for a Sector has not been adopted or in case there are deviations proposed vis-a-vis the approved model contract for a Sector, then, the CoSI will formulate or approve the contract principles, as the case may be.

    9.3 The contractual arrangement for existing infrastructure projects would typically include :-

    Management of the assets by private operators through

    Operations and Maintenance (O&M) contracts for defined periods. Lease of assets.

    Rehabilitate, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (ROMT) contracts.

    Partial divestiture of the Undertaking.

    9.4 Contractual arrangement depending on nature of project, for new infrastructure projects would typically include besides others, the options available under various common modes of PPP. The basic PPP contract types are :-

    Service Contracts;

    Management Contracts;

    Lease Contracts;


    Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) and similar arrangements; and

    Joint Ventures.

    9.5 Development through Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) : Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) shall be formed, as and when required, to carry forward and realize the objectives of this Policy and get various clearances and permissions in the SPVs to speed-up the project. Where necessary the Government may also participate in the equity of any SPV for


    the development and implementation of infrastructure projects. The equity structure of the SPV would be decided on a case-to-case basis.


    10.1 It will be the endeavour of the GoH to create a conducive environment for attracting investment to infrastructure sector through the PPP mode. Accordingly, the State Government may formulate sector-specific policies, from time to time, for providing specific viability gap funding, incentives and also for establishing mechanism for tariff setting, pricing, dispute resolution mechanism, arbitration, guarantees, safety and operational standards etc. It also envisages coordination across infrastructure sectors. Necessary legislative support, including Regulatory Framework, would be provided, as and when required. Administrative support and financial support shall include:

    10.2 Administrative Support: State Government shall offer necessary administrative support to all the infrastructure projects developed in the State under the PPP mode in :-

    (a) acquisition of land necessary for the project. The land will be acquired strictly in accordance with the policy of the State Government prevalent at the time of acquisition of land for the project.

    (b) rehabilitation & resettlement of affected families/persons, in case so required as per existing policy of the Government.

    (c) shifting of utilities, wherever required.

    (d) the process of availing benefits under various Central Government and State Government schemes (as may be applicable) to facilitate private sector participation in physical and social infrastructure projects.

    (e) obtaining the clearances from the State Government, as may be required for the project.

    (f) provision of supply of power and water at projects site.

    (g) In case land belonging to the State Government Panchayat is being made available for the project, the same shall be on leasehold basis for the duration of the project concession period. Annual lease charges shall be as specified by the State Government from time to time.


    10.3.1 Considering that infrastructure projects require special considerations in view of long gestation period and risks on return and other factors, GOI has provided incentives and support in terms of tax holidays, tax exemptions, Viability Gap Funding (VGF). These would be available for all PPP projects of the State.

    10.3.2 The GoH may consider to provide Viability Gap Funding (VGF), in addition to the viability gap funding that may be available from the Government of India, for PPP projects in Infrastructure. The quantum of additional viability gap funding to be provided by GoH would not exceed 20% of the Total Project Cost and shall be determined for the project, after clearly and explicitly calculating all project costs (excluding cost of land and land related charges) and incentives/concessions, and provided that the quantum of total VGF does not exceed the limit prescribed by GOI for PPP projects.

    10.3.3 GoH would make all the efforts to avail the facilities provided by Gol for PPP such as for project development and for enhancing the viability of projects.

    10.3.4 PPP projects may require the project development costs including the costs for feasibility studies, environmental impact studies, legal reviews, development of project


    documents, transaction advice etc. Funds would also be required to meet the costs for acquiring land and for other pre-construction/implementation activities. GoH would make provision and create suitable funding mechanism to meet these costs. Detailed guidelines for establishment and operation of such Fund shall be issued by GoH.

    10.3.5 GoH recognises that PPP model requires reasonable assurances that competing facilities would not be created which may materially adversely affect the technical and financial viability of infrastructure project.


    11.1 The Government shall establish a fund to be called "Haryana Infrastructure Fund (HIF)" and may levy cess/tax separately to augment this fund. The fund will be utilized for building up the required infrastructure and the works to be undertaken would include the following :-

    (a) Taking up of technical and financial pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, preparation of reports and bid documents and any other activities that need to be undertaken prior to offering proposed infrastructure projects for private sector participation including facilitation to select projects to assess viability gap funding and other such schemes from Government of India.

    (b) Project development costs including the costs for feasibility studies, environmental impact studies, legal reviews, development of project documents, transaction advice etc., the costs for acquiring land if required, and for other pre-construction/implementation activities.

    (c) Direct financial support to the projects for enhancing project viability as considered by the Government.

    (d) Capacity building and training.

    (e) Any other purpose in pursuance of this Policy and building of infrastructure in the State.

    11.2 Operation of Fund: The requisite legislation shall be enacted and detailed guidelines for the same shall be issued separately.


    12.1 This policy would come into force with effect from the date of issue of Government Order and would be effective till it is superseded by Government.

    12.2 There could be a mid-term review of this Policy based on a critical assessment of feedback from stakeholders, and changes that would be deemed necessary and desirable, would be incorporated at that stage.

    12.3 The Government recognizes that expanding and institutionalizing the scope of PPP in provision of infrastructure may also necessitate appropriate changes in the existing legislative framework. It is however felt that the present framework offers sufficient scope for PPPs in provision of infrastructure. The specific legislative constraints for PPPs would also be reviewed and addressed during implementation of this policy.


    13.1 The broad principles set out in this document would govern the various strategies to be developed for each sector. The concerned Administrative Departments would finalize the sector strategies and action plans there under within six months from the date this Policy becomes operational.



    No. 30/3/2002/Acctt./HBPE(FD)

    From The Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department, New Sectt. Building, Sector-17, Chandigarh.

    To All the Managing Directors/Chief Administrators/ Chief Executive Officers of all the State Public Enterprises,



    Chandigarh, dated, the 5th February, 2003.

    Subject : To follow up all the Govt./Finance Department's instructions.


    I am directed to invite your kind attention to the subject noted above and to say that it has come to the notice of Finance Department that State Public Enterprises are not strictly following the Govt./Finance Department's rules and regulations and in some cases these Public Enterprises are adopting pick & choose policy as per their convenience and suitability for which Govt. has taken a very serious view.

    In this regard, you are advised to adhere to all the Govt./Finance Department's instructions in letter & spirit and meticulously. Any lapse on the part of Public Enterprises in this regard will be viewed seriously by the Government.

    Yours faithfully, Sd/-

    Personnel Advisor, for Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.

    Endst. No. 30/3/2002/Acctt./HBPE(FD) Dated, Chandigarh, the 5th Feb., 2003.

    A Copy is forwarded to all the F.D.'s nominee Directors on the Boards of State Public Enterprises with the request that they should ensure that Public Enterprises are following the Govt./Finance Department‘s instructions in letter & spirit and meticulously.

    Sd/-Personnel Advisor,

    for Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.

    Endst. No. 30/3/2002/Acctt./HBPE(FD) Dated, Chandigarh, the 5th Feb., 2003.

    A Copy is forwarded to all the Administrative Secretaries with the request to direct all the State Public Enterprises under their respective control to follow the rules and regulation of the State Government in letter & spirit and meticulously.

    Sd/-Personnel Advisor,

    for Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.



    No. 15/25/88/ARO-II/HBPE


    The Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department, New Sectt. Building, Sector-17, Chandigarh.


    The Managing Director/Chief Administrator/ Chief Executive Officer of all the State Public Enterprises in Haryana.

    Dated, Chandigarh, the 23rd July, 1997

    Subject : Implementation of instructions/advice issued by the State Government/ Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises (HBPE).


    It has been observed that the instructions/advice issued by the State Government/ Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises are not strictly complied with by the State Public Enterprises. The matter was placed for consideration in the 17th meeting of HBPE held on 5-6-1997 which was attended inter alia by the Principal Secretary to C.M. and the Finance Secretary. In the meeting it was decided that it should be made mandatory for Public Enterprises to place the instructions/advice issued by the State Government/Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises from time to time in their next meeting of Board of Directors for consideration and adoption under intimation to HBPE. Follow up action on the instructions should also be regularly reported to the Board of Directors.

    In view of the aforementioned, you are requested to ensure that there is a standing agenda item in every meeting of Board of Directors of your organisation for consideration and adoption of the instructions/advice/decisions of the Standing Committee on Public Enterprises conveyed by the State Government/HBPE from time to time. The minutes of the BOD meetings should be circulated to HBPE regularly.

    Receipt of this communication may kindly be acknowledged.

    Yours faithfully,

    Sd/-Member Secretary,

    Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.



    No. 13/1/19-PE(FD)AIII


    The Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.


    The Managing Director, Haryana State Minor irrigation and Tubewells Corporation, Chandigarh.

    Dated, Chandigarh, the 29th November, 1994

    Subject : Amendments in the Service bye-laws of the Corporation.


    I am directed refer to your letter No. 12485/Admn/3/CWP-15099-93, dated 11.8.94 addressed to Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Government, Haryana, Irrigation & Power Department vide which it has been intimated that amendments in service bye-laws were got approved from the Board of Directors of Corporations and no approval from Administrative Department was sought as it was not required. In this connection your attention is drawn towards Finance Department Notification No. 15/48/89/AROII/HBPE, dated 20.11.89 whereby a Standing Committee on Public Enterprises has been constituted by State Government. It is clearly mentioned in the notification that Standing Committee will examine and decide all proposals relating to creation and up gradation of posts, their pay scale, mode of recruitment, terms and conditions of service and cases involving exemption from the existing instructions for effecting economy in expenditure concerning all the State Public Enterprises i.e. Boards, Corporations, Companies and Co-operative Institutions. The amendment in Service bye-laws is, therefore, required to be approved by the Standing Committee of which Administrative Secretary is also a member.

    In the light of above, you are requested that in future amendment in service bye-laws be made after approval of Standing Committee on Public Enterprises and all such proposals after approval by Board of Directors be referred to Member Secretary, Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises in Agenda Form (20 copies) for placing before the Standing Committee for consideration & decision.

    Receipt of these instructions may please be acknowledged.

    Yours faithfully,

    Sd/-Under Secretary Finance (PE)

    for Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.

    Endst. No. 13/1/19-PE(FD)AIII, Dated, Chandigarh, the 29th November, 19 94

    A copy is forwarded to all the Managing Directors/Chief Executives/Chief Administrations of all Boards/Corporations/Companies/Co-operative Institutions in Haryana for similar necessary action.



    Please acknowledge the receipt of these instructions.

    Sd/-Under Secretary Finance (PE)

    for Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.

    A copy is forwarded to all the Administrative Secretaries to Govt., Haryana for information and necessary action.

    Sd/-Under Secretary Finance (PE)

    for Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.

    To All the Administrative Secretaries to Govt., Haryana.

    U.O. No. 13/1/19-PE(FD)AIII, Dated, Chandigarh, the 29th November, 1994

    Personnel Adviser/HBPE. Research Officer/HBPE. A.D.A./HBPE.





    The Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.


    The Managing Directors/Chief Administrators of All Corporations/Companies /Boards/Co-op. Institutions etc. in the State.

    Dated, Chandigarh, the 6th January, 1994

    Subject : Need for maintaining uniformity in adopting State Service and financial rules/ regulations/instructions.


    I am directed to invite a reference to Haryana Government Finance Department circular No. 1/14/78-SAFD, dated 13.7.1978 and letter No. 1/162/1PR (FD)80, dated 18.4.84 (copies enclosed for ready reference) on the subject noted above and to say that it has come to the notice of Finance Department that some of the Boards/Corporations and other Public Undertakings are not complying with the instructions issued by the Finance Department from time to time and are extending the facilities such as uniform/washing allowance, HRA/TA/DA etc. over and above the admissibility of such facilities to the Government employees and that, too, without prior concurrence of Finance Department. It is, therefore, again reiterated that these instructions may please be followed strictly in letter and spirit and it may be ensured that no facility/allowance beyond Government norm is provided except with the prior express consent of Finance Department. It is also made clear that barring exceptional circumstances, no request for ex-post-facto sanction will be considered by the Finance Department.

    Kindly acknowledge receipt of these instructions.

    Sd/-Accounts Officer (PE)

    for Financial Commissioner & Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Finance Department.

    Contd… Encl.


    131hCopy of letter No. 1/14/78-SAFD dated July, 1978 from Shri B.S. Ojha, IAS, Commissioner & Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Finance Department to all Managing Directors/Chairman of Government Corporations/Boards/ Undertakings.

    Subject : Need for maintaining uniformity in adopting State service and financial rules/regulations/instructions.


    It is understood that almost all the State Undertakings have by and large adopted State Service and financial rules/regulations/instructions for their officials. It has, however, come to the notice of the State Government that a few undertakings are not strictly observing the Government's subsequent instructions issued on the same subject, apparently because they do not suit their convenience. A case in instance relates to the grant first component of adhoc relief to State Government employees sanctioned vide F.D. letter No. 3608-3FR-72/21099, dated 27/29 June, 1972 which was required to be deposited in G. P. Fund accounts of the employees for one year and this period was subsequently extended on year to year basis, it was last extended up to March, 79 vide F.D. letter No. 2442-3FR-III-76/34435, dated 28.9.1976. Although all the undertakings had followed the first instructions, some of them have ignored the subsequent instructions and allowed its employees to draw the first component of adhoc relief in cash. You will agree that such violations completely distort the administrative frame work of the State. You are, therefore, requested to ensure that your organisation distort from such deviations.

    2. In this context it has been decided to