
S What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why? Emilia Waterhouse

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Institutions


What kind of institution might distribute your media product

and why?Emilia Waterhouse

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The institutions we chose:

We chose BBC films to produce our media product and Pathé to distribute it.

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Was it the right choice?

I believe it was because from researching the companies and their previous projects it is clear that they have worked together successfully.

I think the companies are appropriate for our project because they have produced films which deal with social issues before.

We also needed to pick an independent and a conglomerate company, which we have done.

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Pathé are involved in film production and distribution, cinema chains, and television networks.

They are a French company and a conglomerate, meaning they produce and distribute their own products.

They are also involved in co-production and have previously worked with the BBC on several occasions.

Do they do anything else?

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Do they do anything else?

BBC and Pathé have previously worked together on several occasions, an example of a recent release would be Pride, which is also a social Realism film.

BBC films is frequently funded by the BFI (British film Institute) and ‘creative England’.

They are an independent company and work in British film making, co-producing approximately eight films a year.

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Our product is a Social Realism film, therefore it is most likely that the film would be independently produced and distributed by a conglomerate. Our film does however have a wider secondary audience, meaning that it would likely be produced by a successful and well established company, such as BBC films.

Finally, as BBC are commonly funded by the BFI our product would possibly be funded by them.

Why did we choose them though?!

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Why did we choose them though?!

We chose BBC films and Pathé to produce and distribute our product… why?

We did this because the two have famously worked together on several occasions with great success. Therefore it would not be incorrect to choose them to work together.

The companies have previously released films involving social issues before, although not necessarily Social Realism films.

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What about wider marketing?

Adverts on TV or in the cinema

These would appeal to both our Target Audience and our secondary audience. This would appeal to our Target Audience because they are traditional means of marketing they may come across whilst relaxing, additionally as the audience are sophisticated and well established they would be able to afford trips to the cinema.

Our Secondary Audience would be reached by these forms of marketing whilst out with friends or whilst watching TV as they are generation X and therefore familiar with technology.

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What about wider marketing?

As our product would be produced by an independent company the majority of the marketing would be below the line marketing and Web 2.0 marketing.

We would also use advertising methods such as newspapers and radio; this is because our Target Audience are middle-aged and sophisticated and would have well established jobs. Therefore they would be reached by these forms of media because they can listen to the radio on the go and read a newspaper whilst eating.

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What about wider marketing?

Web 2.0

This would be the most used means of marketing for our production because it is a form of below the line marketing.

We could market our production on social media such as Twitter and Facebook.

Our Target Audience would possibly use social networking sites because they are sophisticated and crave knowledge.

Our Secondary Audience would also use social networking sites because they are members of generation X and would want to use them to communicate with their friends.

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What about Synergetic Marketing?

We would use this because our media institutions are horizontally integrated and we could use our rendition of the soundtrack from Fast and Furious 6 as a form of synergetic marketing.

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How will we release our product?

This will take place in the four main conventional stages:




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How will we release our product?

Before the films release it would be marketed (which I have already discussed) mainly through the use of below the line marketing and web 2.0, but also through the use of some traditional marketing, through a fund, which BBC films would possibly provide. This would appeal more to our target audience. This would cause people to be aware of, desire and be interested in the product.

Our film would be released in cinemas and shown in them for a period of time. We would most likely display the film in cinemas in urban areas. This is because our Target Audience are sophisticated, well established and therefore are most likely urbanly situated due to work. Our Secondary Audience are teenagers who would most likely visit established and popular cinemas. This is the exhibition part of the process and builds interest and allows the audience to act to watch the film.

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How will we release our product?

Our film would be available in hard copies to maintain the conventional element of marketing and appeal to members of our Target Audience who are less familiar with the internet and technology.

We would also make the film available on sites and apps such as: Blink box, Amazon Prime and Netflix. This would appeal to our digitally native secondary audience and also to members of our audience who are familiar with the internet. Furthermore it would be feasible because the film would be a low-budget production. This is the distributing part of the process and would be categorized as action on the AIDA scale.