instituional research

Institutional Research 4.

Upload: charlottebeadle

Post on 13-Jan-2017




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Institutional Research 4.

Page 2: Instituional research

MTV is very popular with teenagers and young adults. It is based in America so this means if I use them to distribute my music video then I can reach an global audience all the way over in America. They already have a wide global fan base so getting my music video distributed with them will automatically get me a small fan base to start off with. The TV channel for MTV used to be just music videos 24/7 but now it broadcasts some TV shows such as Jersey Shore and Geordie Shore so it may be harder to get my music video broadcasted on MTV as they show less music videos now so they don’t have a lot of allotted time for small unknown bands/videos and it also might cost a lot of money for me to get my video on this particular channel.

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YouTube is another distributor I could use to get my video some recognition. It is free to upload and post videos on here so the only problem with distributing my video on YouTube is that it would be difficult to get people to watch my video unless a lot of people share and talk about it. Word of mouth would massively help my music video getting recognition on YouTube as I don’t think it would get many views if people didn’t speak about it with their friendship groups.

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ITunes is different to YouTube and MTV as its an opportunity for artists to make money from their music. You get your music on ITunes by filling out an application on the ITunes website then you have to wait and see if your music gets accepted or not.It’s quite a long process and will be hard for me to get my music video distributed on ITunes as the song I’m doing a video for already has a music video on ITunes so it will be harder for me to compete with that..

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SummaryAt the minute I think YouTube would be my best option for distribution as its free and simple. Although it may take a while to get the word out for people to view my video it’s free, easy and you can share the video on all types of social media so it gives you more of a chance to distribute over multiple media platforms.

MTV would be a perfect distributor as it is aimed specifically at my TA and I know from my own knowledge that MTV is very popular with my TA so if my music video is distributed by these then I know it would appeal and probably be quite popular as it it being distributed to an active audience. However I don’t think it will be possible for them to distribute my own music video as they focus mainly on showing popular music by well known bands/artists.

I will definitely not be using ITunes to distribute my video as I think it will be a waste of time and money as in my opinion people wont pay to see my music video when they can view the official video by the band for free elsewhere.