installing nfs server to work on a ssh tunnel

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  • 8/6/2019 Installing NFS Server to Work on a SSH Tunnel


    Installing NFS server to work on a SSH Tunnel

    The goal of this howto is building a NFS server that works on a SSH tunnel. This way all traffic

    between your hosts and the file server is encrypted and thus more secure :)

    Normally you should enter a password every time you try to establish a SSH connection but since we

    could be mounting at bootup we will use ssh-keygen to create a keypair so we can login without

    entering a password. We will, however, limit that login session to executing just 1 command ;)

    We will use a new clean Debian Sarge install to begin with.

    In this howto I will use the fictional domain "linux.lan".

    Installing Software

    We will start with the NFS server.

    apt-get -y install nfs-kernel-server

    First configure it to run on fixed ports, this will make building a firewall much easier but equally

    important it aids in simpler client mounts.

    echo "STATDOPTS=--port 2231" > /etc/default/nfs-common

    echo "options lockd nlm_udpport=2232 nlm_tcpport=2232" >> /etc/modules.conf echo "RPCNFSDCOUNT=8 RPCMOUNTDOPTS='-p 2233'" > /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server

    Thats it, now we can use port 2233 later on when we mount the shares :) check if it worked with

    rpcinfo -p. If nlockmgr still uses random ports it is a compiled in setting. Configure this in grub/lilo as

    kernel parameters:

    "lockd.udpport=2232 lockd.tcpport=2232".

    Create a new user called sleeper to use for setting up the ssh tunnel from other hosts. We will

    generate a key for this account so you can login with a keyfile instead of typing your password

    everytime. The account will also be restricted to execute 'sleep' trough this way. Other commands will

    simply fail.

    adduser sleeper su sleeper

  • 8/6/2019 Installing NFS Server to Work on a SSH Tunnel


    Now switch over to a client that will use our fileserver.

    First we need a key:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048

    (use defaults and NO passphrase!)

    Now copy the .pub file to the homedir of sleeper on the server:

    scp -P 12345 ~/.ssh/ [email protected]:~/

    Now back to the server: As the 'sleeper' user we need to configure/install the key:

    mkdir ~/.sshcd ~/.sshmv ../ ./id_rsa.pubcat >> authorized_keyschmod 600 authorized_keys

    Add this to the beginning of authorized_keys (before ssh-rsa [...]):

    client="client.linux.lan",command="/bin/sleep 600d"

    substitute "client" with the correct hostname of your client, or use ip numbers.(but make sure every entry stays on 1 line!)

    Every client that needs access to the fileserver needs to store his security data (from the

    file) in the authorized_keys file, so you should repeat this for every host.

    M ounting NFS over SSH on your clients

    Issue these commands to start the tunnels for nfs and mountd:

    (syntax: ssh -f -c encyption -L localport:nfsserver:nfsport -l username nfsserver remotecommand)

    Also note that the portnumber for mountd is different with every restart of the NFS server... Keep thatin mind.

    ssh -f -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -c blowfish -L 61001: -l sleeper 600d

  • 8/6/2019 Installing NFS Server to Work on a SSH Tunnel


    ssh -f -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -c blowfish -L 62001: -l sleeper 600d

    This creates a connection that will stay alive for almost 2 years... :)

    Now edit your fstab and mount:

    echo "localhost:/export/data /mnt nfstcp,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,intr,rw,bg,nosuid,port=61001,mountport=62001,noauto" >> /etc/fstab mount /mnt

    Ofcourse we need some mountable folders (shares) defined on the NFS server:

    mkdir /exportmkdir /export/data

    mkdir /export/www-virtualmkdir /export/www-conf mkdir /export/mail-virtualmkdir /export/mail-conf

    Add them to /etc/exports:


    Notice the ip address is the nfs server itself? Its because youll mount them from localhost when you

    have established the ssh tunnel.

    Some security settings since we dont want anyone from outside our network to access the server:

    echo "portmap: ALL" > /etc/hosts.deny echo "portmap:" > /etc/hosts.allow