inspire consultation phase inspire data specifications – structure and documents

INSPIRE Consultation Phase INSPIRE Data Specifications – Structure and Documents Eionet NRC EIS Workshop EEA, 16.-17. June 2011 Darja Lihteneger

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INSPIRE Consultation Phase INSPIRE Data Specifications – Structure and Documents. Eionet NRC EIS Workshop EEA, 16.-17. June 2011 Darja Lihteneger. Outline. Bigger picture - overview of the documents Structure of data specifications (common template) Theme definition and scope - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


INSPIRE Consultation PhaseINSPIRE Data Specifications – Structure and Documents

Eionet NRC EIS Workshop

EEA, 16.-17. June 2011

Darja Lihteneger


• Bigger picture - overview of the documents

• Structure of data specifications (common template)

• Theme definition and scope

• Details: UML model, links to other models, feature catalogue

• Link to the Generic Conceptual Model (GCM)

• Use cases and examples

• Some of specific issues in Annex II and III data specifications

• Starting: how can I find information?

Bigger picture - overview of the documents

INSPIRE Data Specification Development Framework

INSPIRE Directive and adopted Implementing Rules

(EC Regulations, EC Decision)

Interoperability of spatial data sets and services (including

provisions for Annex I spatial data themes

Draft INSPIRE Data Specifications for Annex II

and III version 2.0 24

common basis for development

Legal basis Proposed Changes to the Generic Conceptual Model and Encoding Guidelines

Common aspects:Guidelines for Observations & Measurements

Consultation phase

Structure of data specificationsCommon template - on the

basis of ISO 19131 - Geographic information -

Data product specifications

• Executive summary• 1 Scope• 2 Overview• 3 Specification scopes• 4 Identification information• 5 Data content and

structure• 6 Reference systems• 7 Data quality• 8 Data-set level metadata• 9 Delivery• 10 Data capture• 11 Portrayal• Bibliography• Annex A – Abstract Test

Suit• Annex B – Use Cases• Annex C …

Compact overviewTheme definition and scope (what is in/out), terminology

General about specification

Detailed narrative description / application schema / feature catalogueSpecific information for spatial object types and spatial data sets Default and specific rules for visualization (view service)Use cases / Examples / Additional Information

Theme definition and scope

•Definition of the spatial data theme is provided in INSPIRE Directive – Annex I, II and III (it cannot be changed by the Guidelines or the Implementing Rules)

•Detailed scope: Additional and more precise description of the scope of the theme is provided (Chapter 2.2 Informal description), based on: framework document D2.3, use cases, reference material, thematic input

• Some DS include clear examples what is in/out of the scope

•Solving overlaps: some themes are facing partially overlapping scopes which need additional harmonisation

Details: UML model, links to other models, feature catalogue

•Chapter 5 - Data content and structure

• Detailed narrative description

• Includes one or more applications schemas• Basic constructs: theme specific spatial object types

with properties and interrelationships

• Conceptual modelling tools: UML models – class diagrams, including links between the models of different themes; base elements are defined on ISO 19xxx and Generic Conceptual Model (includes common types)

• Detailed feature catalogue: for each class and association roles: definitions, descriptions, multiplicity and other elements

Details: UML model, links to other models, feature catalogue - example

Link to the theme EF

Theme AM:

Description in feature catalogue in AM

Link to the Generic Conceptual Model (GCM)

• Purpose of the GCM: to provide requirements and recommendations in particular regarding the following aspects:

• INSPIRE application schemas

• spatial and temporal representations of spatial objects across different levels of detail and relationships between spatial objects

• unique object identifiers

• reference to common spatial and temporal reference system

• vocabulary

• Provides the overview of data interoperability components

• Defines basis for the consolidated INSPIRE UML model and common base types (spatial object types, data types)

Link to the Generic Conceptual Model (GCM): common rules and base types/models examples

2. Identifier (base type):1. Modelling spatial object life-cycle information:

3. Base models:•Gazetteers•Generic network model (used in themes: Transport networks and Hydrography)

Be aware of the

proposed changes

to the GCM!


4. New proposals to the GCM:-Use of coverage functions-Rules for geo-physical observations-Additional data types used by several themes-….


INSPIRE Metadata Regulation 1205/2008(spatial data sets, series, services)(discovery)

INSPIRE Regulation on interoperability of spatial data sets and services 1089/2010 (metadata required for interoperability)-Coordinate Reference System-Temporal Reference System-Encoding-Topological Consistency-Character Encoding

Metadata in data specifications:-Common metadata elements

-Metadata elements for reporting data quality

-Theme-specific metadata elements

-Guidelines on using metadata elements defined in Regulation 1205/2008/EC, for example:

- Conformity- Lineage- Temporal reference- Resource abstract- Keywords- Etc.

Use cases and examples

•Use cases: described in details in Annex B, mentioned also in other parts of the document

• Use-case approach defined in the DS framework document “D2.6 Methodology for the development of data specifications”

• Developed based on: survey, reference material, theme-specific and cross-theme specific use cases

• Input into data specifications development (requirements)

•Examples: present thematic extensions, real-world practice, explains the models

Source: D2.6

Some of specific issues in Annex II and III data specifications• Scope: the same spatial object (natural, geographic

phenomena) might be seen from different perspectives and therefore it is in the scope of different themes

• High cross-theme related INSPIRE themes: Environmental monitoring facilities, Area management & reporting units, Human health, …

• General models: how to understand/use them with relation to the real data, data users and data providers

• common concepts used by several themes– they should be uniquely defined through those themes!

• Referencing external sources: documents, classification systems

• OPEN ISSUES: issues not solved so far are specifically presented in data specifications – feedback from consultation and testing might help solving them!

Starting: how can I find information and understand it?• I need only an overview?

• INSPIRE Definition - Executive summary - Overview• Can I find information/data that I need? In which data

specification should I look?• INSPIRE Definition – Overview

• Can I understand it?• Overview – Narrative description (Chapter 5) – Use

cases, examples - details in UML models and feature catalogue

• It is complex issues?• Identify relevant themes (definition) - Looking into

different data specifications – understanding cross-theme relationships (coherent!)– understanding details

… To conclude …

The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.  Leonardo da Vinci

Thank you for your attention!

- No need to be scared of many pages

- Illustrations and examples help in understanding

- Additional tools and material will be available (to help searching for information, using models, …)