inside the bird's nest (issue 10)

Meet Chilli De Blackbird Davis Cup finals for Williams –Page 4 –Page 11

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The University of the West Indies (Cave Hill Campus) sports newsletter/magazine. GO BLACKBIRDS!!! * UWI FC Road to Premier * Meet Chilli De Blackbird *Davis Cup Finals for Williams AND MORE!!!


Page 1: Inside the Bird's Nest (Issue 10)

Meet Chilli DeBlackbird

Davis Cup finals forWilliams

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The former AlleyneSchool & BarbadosCommunity CollegeHospitality Institutestudent is currentlypursuing a degree inManagement Studies atthe University of theWest Indies, Cave HillCampus. Lamarrepresented andcaptained his school invarious sportingdisciplines during hissix years at the St.Andrew institute. Atpresent he representsInce Transport MTW inthe Barbados CricketAssociationcompetitions and isalso the captain of theUWI Blackbirds Track& Field Club. He loveswatching Europeanfootball in his sparetime, and enjoys hispresent job as aseasonal contractor forFoster & Ince CruiseServices Inc.


Born in Guyana about70 years ago, Mr.Dolphin attendedQueen's College beforedelving into theprofessional world ofwork, gainingemployment in variouscareers and numerousinstitutions. He workedas a teacher for 27years, managed hallsand residence at theMona Campus for 21years as well as tookcharge of Mona sportsas director for 4 years.Mr. Dolphin also isalso deeply involved incricket from the schoollevel right up to theinternational level.After retiring in 2010,Mr. Dolphin joined theAcademy of SportCave Hill team as theHead in 2011, workeddiligently to developsports for 3 years, andhas now retired again.


Twenty-six year oldShane Lewis is a sportsfanatic, having beeninvolved in many sportsfrom an early age. Hisactivities include fieldhockey, football andcricket. Not onlysticking to the athlete'sside of sports, theyoung Barbadian is alsoan avid reader of sportsarticles and journalswith a passion to write,and is involved insports management. The Academy of SportCave Hill's ProgrammeAssistant currently hasone publication to datein the NationNewspaper and can befound on campusmanaging field hockey,judo and malebasketball.

MEET THE TEAMGet to know the IBN’s hard working team. In this issue, IBN features Lamar Clarke, Horton Dolphin and Shane Lewis.


Editor in ChiefAcademy of Sport Cave Hill

The University of the West IndiesCave Hill Campus

Barbados, W.I.Tel: (246) 417-4734; Fax: (246)


[email protected]:


Nevin Roach


Amanda Montague Christian Renwick Dr. Adrian Lorde

Elroy AgardGraham Belle

Kathrina WatsonKatheryn StewartNicholas MaitlandSasha Sutherland Servarus SamuelShane Leacock

Shane LewisSteven Daniel


Jaydene Thomas

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INSIDE THE BIRDÕS NEST/Issue 10 9/4/2014 Page 3

The Cave Hill Blackbirds netballteam held the official launch oftheir “Netting the Goal”

community outreach programme at theGood Shepherd School on WednesdayMarch 12th, 2014 in the presence ofthe Assistant Director of Sport of theNational Sports Council (NSC), Ms.Mona Alleyne, and the Principal of theGood Shepherd School, Ms. MonicaWalton. Head of coaching at theAcademy of Sport, Mr. RolandButcher, was accompanied by SportsCoordinator, Ms. Katheryn Stewart, to

represent the University of the WestIndies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus.

Mr. Butcher presented variousopportunities that sports can providefor students while reminding theyoung audience of the UWI’scommitment to promoting excellence.He urged the students to grasp theopportunity to learn the dynamics ofthe sport and wished them success inthe primary school competition beforeallowing the outreach programme’scoordinator, Ms. Stewart, to outline theprogramme in detail.

Ms. Stewart highlighted that theprogramme consists of 3-tiers. Thefirst tier “FunNet” involves membersof the UWI netball team conductingWednesday morning sessions at theGood Shepherd School to teach skillsand rules of the sport. Tier two “CentrePass” takes place on Saturdaymornings at UWI and includes

academic assistance as well asgeneral coaching. The final tier“NetsGo” is a one month summercamp where students can developathletic techniques and socialskills.

She also stated that the“Netting the Goal” programmebuilds character and allows

students to build self-worth andconfidence while bridging the gapbetween academics and athletics. Theprogramme� provides a “NuturingEnvironment Through Teamwork,while Inspiring Girls, to achieve theirGoals”, hence ‘Netting the Goal’.During the process students areprepared for their transition fromprimary to secondary school and theneventually into the UWI Blackbirdsprogramme.

Ms. Alleyne embraced the outreachprogramme and commended the UWIfor giving back to the community. Shealso pledged the NSC’s full supportand enlightened students ofopportunities which are availablethrough sports such as travel,networking and education.

The launch concluded with adonation of equipment being made byMs. Stewart, on behalf of the UWIBlackbirds Netball Club, to the GoodShepherd School. Ms. Waltongracefully accepted the donation andlauded the UWI for providing theopportunity.

By: Katheryn Stewart

Netball CommunityOutreach Programme


Ms. Monica Walton (left) receiving a donation of equipment from communityoutreach programme coordinator Katheryn Stewart (right).

Photo: Steven Daniel

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After flying to Barbados fromGrenada, Jane and MarvBlackbird gave birth to Chilli

De Blackbird on May 18th, 1989 in aMangifera Indica Tree at the CaveHill Campus. Little did both parentsknow that Chilli would eventuallybecome a Cave Hill Mascot and beloved by all students enrolled at theUniversity.

In his younger days, Chilli found ithard to make friends particularlybecause his peers were alwaysintimidated by his intelligence but hecould always count on his youngerbrother Chappy for company. Eventhough he did not attend primaryschool, it was clear that Chilli was acut above the other birds. From

introducing new nest buildingtechniques to food management ideas,Chilli was destined for great things.

It came as no surprise when hedecided to attend the BlackbirdsSecondary School to lay hiseducational foundation. Subsequentto his graduation in 2007, he accepteda scholarship offer at the BlackbirdAcademy of Arts in the US to studydance, a passion that he identifiedduring his teenage years. Chilli wassoaring! He eventually returned toBarbados in 2010 and was convincedto join the Academy of Sport CaveHill as a mascot to excite supporters.He was a natural at that and seized theopportunity to have fun while earninga living. Chilli began working with

the Academy at the 2011 UWI Gamesand has since made a great impact onthe sporting culture on campus.

Chilli is a kind and outgoingindividual who makes it his businessto spread cheer. At times he missesChappy who is abroad pursuing hisstudies but his new found ability toeasily make friends at Cave Hillsubstitutes for that. He is a firmbeliever in education and is alwaysencouraging his brother and thestudents whom he meets to excel intheir academics as well as sports. Healways emphasizes the importance ofbalancing these two areas. A leader ofthe Cave Hill Blackbirds!

By: Nevin Roach

Meet ChilliDe BlackbirdMeet ChilliDe Blackbird

Photo: Graham Belle

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Although the 24 year old focused on his passionfor Basketball upon transferring to the ChristChurch Foundation School during his teenageyears, Track and Field coaches saw potential inhim as a sprinter. He eventually conceded tocoaches' persuasion in 2009 and began trainingseriously for the sprints.

In that year, Fallon qualified for the CARIFTAGames with a 'B' standard time but could notrepresent Barbados due to an unfortunate injury.He continued training despite this however andhas achieved personal best times of 10.80secsand 21.25secs in the 100m and 200m, withrecent victories coming in the 2014 Louis LynchChampionships and Interschool Sports OpenInvitational 200m.

The Sports Science student is currentlypreparing himself for possible qualification torepresent Barbados in the Central American andCaribbean Games in November later this year.



:06/06/1990Events:100m, 200m

After six weeks of intensecompetition in theBarbados Tennis

Association’s InterclubCompetition, the Cave Hill TennisTeam has found itself out of thesemi-finals for yet another year.This is the second consecutiveyear that the team has not beenable to advance beyond thepreliminary round, despite adetermined effort by the players.

The Blackbirds defeatedWindwards and the St. JamesRacquet Club (SJRC), but fell tothe Tennis Centre Club (TCC) andSummerhayes, which meant thateven a victory against their nextopponent would not be enough toguarantee the Blackbirds a spot inthe semi-finals.

On-court action however, wasalways hyped with the Blackbirdsdominating some games, pullingoff upsets in others and engagingshocking athletic displays whichdid not always end in their favour.

In the men’s singles againstSJRC, Renaldo Gibson swiftlydefeated Nicholas Weekes 6-1.His female counterpart Ge’AnneHilton was also victorious againstthe SJRC’s Alesha Alleyne in thefemale singles, with a 6-3 finalscore. However the Blackbirdsfell to TCC in those singlesencounters. The men’s doubleswas more interesting in this tie asthe Blackbirds number 1 men’steam of Damien Applewhaite andHasani Stewart proved too muchfor Stephen Slocombe and KevinYarde, outplaying them 9-4. TheUWI Blackbirds number 2 men’spair of Duncan Evanson andDario Parris as had a dominantperformance producing powerfulground strokes to dispatch ofpresident of the BTA Dr.

Raymond Forde and Dr. MauriceWaldron 9-6.

The number 1 women’s team ofNaomi Brathwaite and Ge’AnneHilton maintained great rallies intheir encounter but thecombination of Fed Cup playerCherice Slocombe and SamiyaDottin proved a little too much forthe pair handing them a 9-3defeat.

As the tie against TCCprogressed, play became moreintense and frustration amongstplayers was evident. After adisagreement on a net call, CandiaShorey of the TCC displayedsome unsporting behaviour, whichleft very little to the imaginationof those in attendance. With theUWI Blackbirds standing groundon their call and retaining theirfocus, the game resumed aftersome 30 minutes of stoppage dueto Shorey walking off court. In theend the Blackbirds refused to havetheir feathers ruffled and soared toa 9-5 victory over their opponents.

The decider came down to themixed doubles which showcasedDavis Cup member SeanonWilliams and Naomi Brathwaiteof the Blackbirds taking onagainst Cherice Slocombe andKenton Gamble. The score wastied at 6-6 but TCC seemed towant it just a bit more than theBlackbirds, emerging with a 9-6victory over the Blackbirds.

At the close of play theBlackbirds would concede to a45-43 points lost at the hands ofTCC with a 4-3 match score.

As the curtain falls on what canbe described as a trying season forthe team, one can only say you’vedone well Blackbirds and we wishthem a better result in the future.

By: Sasha Sutherland



Photo: Elroy Agard

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The 2014 Barbados FootballAssociation (BFA) seasonpromised to be a fruitful one for

the University of the West IndiesFootball Club (UWIFC), playing in thesecond tier Banks Division 1. After anintense and aggressive recruitmentdrive in the preseason, UWIFC securedthe services of high-profile playerssuch as Riviere Williams, a talentedmarksman with an abundance ofexperience at the National level. Theclub also welcomed former JuniorNationals and new UWI students AmalMayers and Akeem Maloney givingthem justified optimism going into thenew season. Given the systematic andprofessional approach to their style offootball, UWIFC is considered genuinecontenders for promotion to theDigicel Premier League and are oncourse to do so with strong displays inthe competition to date.

Williams experienced a dream debutin University colours when he scoredthe lone goal in the team’s seasonopener against former Premier Leaguepowerhouses Youth Milan FC. Therewere encouraging signs for the team asit was able to dominate possession andkeep the likes of former Nationalcaptain and football icon NormanForde at bay with an impressivedisplay of fluent attack and strong,impenetrable defending.

The dream start for Williamscontinued as he once again got on thescore sheet in the team’s secondvictory, against Ellerton FC, winningthat game by another 1-0 margin. Inwhat was another display of proper,strategic football, the team from CaveHill maintained their 100% record inthe league and showed that Williamswas going to be a vital cog in UWIFC’spush for Premier League promotionthis season.

The Blackbirds next fixture tookthem east to Brereton, St Philip to takeon Clarkes Hill FC. It was UWIFCwho dominated for the first 15 minutesbut squandered numerous chances andwere made to pay. Against the run ofplay, Clarkes Hill took the leadmidway in the first half and just fiveminutes later, made it 2-0. For the firsttime, UWIFC faced the prospect ofdropping points. However, the gameturned on its head when a Clarkes Hilldefender was penalized for a handballin the penalty area and received hismarching orders for the infringement.The resulting spot kick was expertlydispatched by none other thanWilliams, scoring in his thirdconsecutive game. Commencing thesecond half against 10 men, UWIFCcame out intent on making theiradvantage count. Shaquille Layne

leveled the score midway through thesecond half and the game-winner camefour minutes before the end ofregulation time, courtesy of a strikefrom Corey Barrow.

Riding high from three victories onthe trot, UWI’s next game ended in asomewhat drab 1-1 draw againstrecently demoted St. John Sonnets.Corey Barrow finished skillfully froma diagonal cross to give Cave Hill thelead. However, the lead only lasted 13minutes as the Sonnets drew level aftertaking advantage of a controversiallyawarded penalty kick.

UWIFC then rebounded from theSonnets draw by routing a haplessParish Land FC, by virtue of a 4-1score line. An impressive hat trickscored by Williams increased his tallyto 6 for the season while former JuniorNational captain Damar Evelyn added


Some members of the UWI FC Division 1 team.

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another to the score sheet.The sternest test for the team

awaited them when they took onreigning KFC Knockout CupChampions, Rendezvous, a teamboasting a number of current andformer National players from St.Vincent and Barbados. UWIFCproduced a sterling first half display tokeep Rendezvous at bay and head intothe halftime break tied at 0-0. Despitethis, five minutes into the second half,the team from Christ Church grabbedthe first goal of the game to take a 1-0advantage. Shaquille Layne cameclosest to equalizing for the Blackbirdswhen his left-footed attempt crashedoff the crossbar late in the second half,but it wasn’t meant to be. At the finalwhistle, Rendezvous emergedvictorious.

In the second meeting of the twoteams in just three weeks, it was a caseof déjà vu when UWIFC once againcame out victorious 1-0 versus YouthMilan FC. In a match played at YouthMilan’s Checker Hall, St. Lucyground, it was Williams who returnedto haunt the team from the north when

he scored within the first 15 minutes ofthe match, ably assisted byLayne. What made the resulteven more impressive was thefact that the Blackbirds playedthe final hour of the game withjust ten men as Captain ShaneWeekes was red-carded forpreventing a clear-cut goal scoringopportunity for the opponents.Goalkeeper Tazeio Riley made afine save from the resulting freekick and after a couple ofsquandered opportunities,the team returned to CaveHill with all three points intow.

The Blackbirds wenton to trounce Maxwelland Crumpton 3-1 and3-0 respectively beforedisposing of Bagatelle FC 4-1 toposition themselves in second placebehind Rendezvous. The top two teamswill be promoted to Premier.

The UWI reserves have also done aworld of good for themselves in the

newly formed reserve league,maintaining a 100% victory record intheir 5 games so far defeating MaxwellFC, Bagatelle FC, Clarkes Hill, EmpireClub and Kick Start.

By: Shane LewisContributor: Nicholas Maitland

Photos: Shane Leacock


Shaquille Layne (yellow) on the ball

Riviere Williams on the volley

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Local athletes were warned thatthey are strictly liable andresponsible for anything they

ingest, regardless of whorecommended it. This was stressed byDr Adrian Lorde, Chairman of theCaribbean Regional Anti-DopingOrganization (RADO) in his recentpublic lecture titled Drugs in Sports.Delivered as part of celebrations of the35th anniversary of amalgamation ofthe Foundation Old Scholars'Association (FOSA), Dr Lorde statedthat doping in sports has been around along time.

Within the Caribbean, themicroscope has not only been onJamaica where a number of their highprofile track and field athletes weretested positive recently, but other caseshave been seen in Guyana, Suriname,The Bahamas, St. Kitts and Nevis,Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados invarious sports. The RADO hasobtained funding through theWorldAnti-Doping Agency (WADA)to conduct unannounced out of

competition testing in our 15 memberCaribbean territories and, in 2013, over100 tests were done. The BarbadosOlympic Association and theGovernment of Barbados through theNational Anti-Doping Commission(NADC) have budgeted for a numberof tests in 2014, especially in view ofthe CAC, Commonwealth and otherupcoming major Games andcompetitions involving local athletes.

Detailing the 2014 List ofProhibited Substances and Methods,Dr. Lorde indicated how and whyathletes cheat. He outlined whatmeasures are put in place to detect anddeter cheating in all forms in sports.These include out-of-competitiontesting, targeting athletes andintelligent testing. Education of

sportspersons, administrators andcoaches is being done and encouraged.

Doping inU





Dr. Adrian Lorde

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The Caribbean RADO Chairmanstated that doping robs cleansportsmen and women of the glory ofwinning when being beaten bysomeone who is not faster, stronger ormore dedicated than they are, but by aperson who takes a drug to get thatcompetitive edge illegally. Lordeindicated that doping controls are aneffort to level the playing field as drugscheapen sport, making winners ofpersons who should not have been.

Drugs were said to disguise naturalabilities and substitute for thededication and the focus we admire insport. Athletes desire to be bigger,faster and stronger and aim to win atall costs because of the pressure fromcoaches, managers, agents, sponsors,family, countries and the media. Theathlete entourage, their doctors,therapists and trainers who are alsoinvolved and may negativelyinfluence athletes, are now beingsought with the implementation of thenew Code. Stating that there is lots ofmoney in sports, winners now earnsbig bounties in their short athleticcareers. Lorde emphasized that theathlete's integrity is more importantthan his win-loss record.

Drugs used in sports are syntheticversions of natural hormones that usethe body's normal pathways and foolthe body into responding to a biggerstress causing the body to be out ofbalance and remain so for months.Hence, athletes who dope not onlyharm themselves but harm the sport,fellow athletes, individuals,communities and their friends andfans who support them.

In an effort to fight doping in allforms, WADA has recently convenedthe third World Conference on Dopingin Sports which revised the WorldAnti-Doping Code. This was

unanimouslyadopted whichwill be in forceon January 1,2015. Athletestherefore need to know of the changesto the Code. The Code protectsathletes' fundamental rights toparticipate in drug free sport,promotes health, fairness and equalityfor athletes. It also ensuresharmonized and effective anti-dopingprogrammes worldwide.

WADA is an independentorganisation which brings togethergovernments and sportingorganisations to abide by a single Listof Prohibited Substances, a specificset of drug testing procedures used inall sports and countries by personsworldwide. There are a number ofInternational Standards created byWADA.

The former member of WADATherapeutic Exemption (TUE) Expert

Group outlined how athletes whohave a legitimate medicalcondition and prescribedmedication to maintain or returnto good health, could apply forpermission to use this drug. A TUE

committee would review theapplication and grant or deny it as

indicated.A warning on sports supplements

was issued by the RADO chairman asathletes were warned that somesupplements contain bannedsubstances not listed on their labels.The supplement industry is poorlyregulated and advertises untestedclaims and benefits. Athletes wereadvised not to take supplements.Natural methods were encouraged.

Blood testing and the use of theAthlete Biological Passport was said tobe the way forward to catch the cheats.The new WADA Code allows samplesto be stored for retesting for 10 yearsand mandate that national athletes givetheir whereabouts so that they can betested anytime and anywhere.

By: Dr. Adrian Lorde


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The Intermediate 1 and 2 teams both suffered the same fate aftertwo credible wins. Intermediate 1 ousted PHD St. Barnabas 20-17and narrowly defeated UAC by 1 point, but was dismissed by C.O.Williams Rangers 38-27, while Intermediate 2 battled to a 17-14win over Police Sports Club, edged Hot Spurs 20-17 and wasstopped 20-18 by PHD St. Barnabas.

Despite the semifinal losses, the Blackbirds put on a remarkabledisplay through their on-court ability and strategies as well as theirsportsmanship and professionalism off-court, giving a clearindication of what teams and spectators can anticipate throughoutthe netball league.

By: Kathrina Watson

DIVISION 1 TEAM: Alicia Harding, Damisha Croney, MechelleLiburd, Jehlesal Brathwaite, Shanice Rock, Teressa Howell,Shanice Blades, Monique James, Rieah Holder, ShonicaWharton, Shanice Wharton, Jalissa Lovell.

DIVISION 3 TEAM: Rhea Bryant, Erica Osbourne, ShodiaHolder-Dash, Michelle Sobers, Nikita Wickham, MarissaElliot, Kashera Woodley, Shevanne Burrowes, CharleneMathurin, Janelle Pilgrim, Katrina Kirton, Sabra Luke,Michelle Roachford, Blondell Hurley.

DIVISION 5 TEAM: Melanie Griffith, Adele Greene, JalisaThompson, Sherece Walcott, Andrea Cumberbatch,Clyrene Mason, Keshia Corbin, Aphesha Matthews,Deeann Cumberbatch, Renee Plenty, Albertina Alfred,Sharon Bovell, Donia Crichlow. Shericka Forde.

NET from Backpage

A fight to the end for Intermediate 1 and 2

Seanon Williams put the icing on the cakefor Barbados when he defeated SalvadorBolanos 6-2, 7-6(5), 7-6(10) in the

Americas Group II Davis Cup semifinalsagainst El Salvador. The historic victory overthe Latina American country on Sunday sendsBarbados into the finals in September to faceMexico, with promotion to Group I at stake.

Davis Cup finalsfor Williams

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The Cave Hill Blackbirds are known for their prowessin the sporting arena and the game of netball is noexception. They took to the court in the Barbados

Netball Association Knock Out competition with threeteams competing in the Division 1, Intermediate 1 andIntermediate 2 categories.

Captained by Monique James, the Division 1 team foughttheir way through match 1 against 2013 league champions,the C.O. Williams Rangers. Rangers dominated most of thematch and the Blackbirds could have easily thrown in thetowel but they remained resolute in pursuit of the win. TheBlackbirds eventually triumphed 33-32 in a dramatic finish,pulling off a major upset. This encounter made it clear that

the Blackbirds had the heart, soul and spirit of true warriors. In their second match against Unity Stars the Blackbirds

soared to a new level as the starting seven set a high tempofor the rest of the match. Goal attack Mechelle Liburd wasimpressive in front of goal, capitalizing on strategic build upof play. The Blackbirds cruised to an almost effortless 65-30victory.

On a high from walking into the semifinal round aftertwo strong performances, the Blackbirds boomed withconfidence and expectation. Unfortunately, PHD St.Barnabas had their own plans, clipping the wings of theBlackbirds with a 48-35 victory.

Semifinal KnockoutExit for Netballers

Captain Monique James (GS) receiving a passfrom her teammate.

Photo: Graham Belle

NETBALLERS cont’d on Page 11