inside story and information of e-bay

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  • 7/29/2019 Inside story and information of e-bay



    eBay Inc. is an Americanmultinationalinternetconsumer-to-consumer

    corporation, headquartered inSan Jose,California. It was founded in 1995, and

    became a notable success story of thedot-com bubble; it is now a multi-billion

    dollar business with operations localized in over thirty countries.[4][5]The company

    manages, anonline auctionand shopping website in which people and

    businesses buy

    AuctionWeb was founded inSan Jose, California, on September 3, 1995, by

    French-bornIranian-Americancomputer programmerPierre Omidyar(born on

    June 21, 1967) as part of a larger personal site that included, among other things,Omidyar's own tongue-in-cheek tribute to theEbola virus.[7]One of the first items

    sold on AuctionWeb was a brokenlaser pointerfor $14.83. Astonished, Omidyar

    contacted the winning bidder to ask if he understood that the laser pointer was

    broken. In his responding email, the buyer explained: "I'm a collector of broken

    laser pointers."[8]

    The frequently repeated story that eBay was founded to help

    Omidyar's fiance tradePezcandy dispensers was fabricated by apublic relations

    manager in 1997 to interest the media, which were not interested in the

    company's previous explanation about wanting to create a "perfect market".[9]

    This was revealed in Adam Cohen's 2002 book, The Perfect Store,[7]and confirmed

    by eBay

    Auction-style listings[edit source|editbeta]

    Bidding on eBay (old or new)'s auction-style listing is calledproxy biddingand isessentially equivalent to aVickrey auction, with the following exceptions.

    The winning bidder pays the second-highest bid plus one bid incrementamount (that is, some small predefined amount relative to the bid size),

    instead of simply the highest bid. However, since the bid increment amountsare relatively insignificant compared to the bid size, they are not considered

    from a strategic standpoint.[59],_California,_California,_California,_California,_California,_California,_California,_California
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    The highest bidder's bid is sealed, as in a Vickrey auction, but the current

    winning bid (second highest plus one increment) is displayed throughout theauction to allowprice discovery.[60]


    In September 2012, eBay introduced a new logo set inUnivers.[75]The logo wasintroduced to the main website on October 10, 2012.



    eBay India Fast Facts

    eBay India Marketplaces Fast Facts - As of June 30, 2013


    In Q2 2013, eBay Inc. (a global Commerce platform & payments leader)enabled more than $51 billion of Commerce Volume (ECV). ECV is the

    total commerce and payment volume across all three business unitsconsisting of Marketplaces GMV, PayPal merchant services net totalpayment volume and GSI global ecommerce (GeC) merchandise sales.
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    eBay Marketplaces

    Founded in September of1995 , is a global online marketplace

    where practically anyone can trade practically anything.

    eBay Inc. has a global presence in 39 markets, including the U.S.

    Marketplaces have approximately 120 million active users worldwide.

    Marketplaces net revenues totaled $2 billion in Q2 2013.

    In Q2 2013, gross merchandise volume (GMV), the total value of all

    successfully closed items on eBay Inc.s trading platforms, was $18 billion .

    Marketplaces net revenues totaled $2 billion in Q1 2013. users worldwide trade $2,352 worth of goods on the site every


    The most expensive item sold on eBay to date is a private business jet for

    $4.9 million .

    eBay India

    eBay India (, Indias leading eCommerce marketplace, is a100% subsidiary of eBay Inc.

    eBay India has over5 million registered users. These users come from over

    4,306 cities in India.

    eBay India has over2.3 million Facebook fans on These fans come from over19 countries. Over90% of all eBay India shoppers pay via Paisa Paya secure online

    payment gateway enabling credit card, debit cards, net banking, EMI,

    mobile payments & cash cards.

    At any given time, there are over2 million live listings on eBay India ( ) across 2,000 categories of products in Electronics, Lifestyle,

    Collectibles & Media verticals.

    Approximately 30,000 sellers sell on eBay India annually.

    eBay India can be accessed on the mobile web on via a suite ofMobile Apps for the iPhone, the iPad, the Android, Windows & Nokia.

    On an average day on eBay India:

    A mobile accessory sells every 30 seconds.

    A perfume or cosmetic product sells every 1 minute.

    A piece of home or kitchen product sells every 1minute .

    A mobile handset sells every 2 minutes.
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    A portable storage device sells every 2 minutes.

    A coin or a note sells every 2 minutes.

    A piece of apparel sells every 2minutes .

    A car or bike accessory sells every 2 minutes.

    A piece of jewellery sells every 4 minutes.

    A book or magazine sells every 4 minutes.

    A watch sells every 5 minutes.

    A stamp sells every 6minutes .

    A fitness & sports item sells every 6 minutes.

    A toy sells every 8 minutes.

    A home appliance sells every 8 minutes.

    A pair of footwear sells every 12 minutes.

    A pair of sunglasses sells every 16 minutes.

    A tablet sells every 16minutes .

    A digital camera sells every 18 minutes. A handbag sells every 20 minutes.

    A laptop sells every 22 minutes.

    A baby care product sells every 26 minutes.

    A MP3 player sells every 29minutes .

    A TV sells every 32 minutes.

    Eco-friendly building

    The array can supply 15%18% of the company's total

    energy requirements, reducing the amount ofgreenhousegasesthat would be produced to create that energy by othermeans.[89]SolarCity, the company responsible for designingthe array, estimates that the solar panels installed on eBay'scampus will prevent 37 million pounds ofcarbon dioxidefrombeing released into the environment as a result of replacedpower production over the next three decades.[90]Creatingan equivalent impact to remove the same amount of carbon

    dioxide from the atmosphere would require planting 322acres (1.30 km2) of trees.[90] The design of the building alsoincorporates other elements to reduce its impact on theenvironment. The building is equipped with a lighting systemthat detects natural ambient light sources and automaticallydims artificial lighting to save 39% of the power usually
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    required to light an office building.[88] eBay's newest buildingalso reduces demand on local water supplies byincorporating an eco-friendly irrigation system, and low-flowshower heads and faucets.[88]Even during construction,

    more than 75% of the waste from construction wasrecycled.[88]eBay also runs buses between San Francisco andthe San Jose campus to reduce the number of commutingvehicles.[88]

    In 1962 a meteorite of Martian origin fell to earth in the centralNigeria. The largest specimen of the 1.3 billion-year-old meteorite

    which was namedZagami

    , weighed 18000 grams (around 40pounds), and was part of a privately-owned collection until it wasplaced for auction on eBay in September 2005. The asking price of$450,000 (290,000) bought not only a handsomely-sized chunk ofthe Red Planet, but also a certificate of authenticity signed byrenowned geologist and meteor expert Dr John Saul.

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    1. The Meaning of Life

    Someone finally figured it out, and they put it up for sale on eBay. Even with eight

    bids this incredible find didn't fetch much, but it was probably the best $10.50 the

    winning bidder ever spent.
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    4. Captain Kirks Charitable Kidney Stone

    When legendary Star Trek actor William Shatner began to experience excruciating

    back pain in 2005, he was taken to the hospital where surgeons discovered that

    the cause of the pain was a kidney stone. Having successfully if not without

    discomfort passed the stone, Shatner asked the hospital if he could keep the

    offending item. His plan was to auction the ultimate Star Trek souvenir on the

    eBay in order to raise money for charity. Although organ sales are prohibited

    under trafficking law, kidney stones are evidently exempt because, in 2006, the

    Golden Palace Casino bid $75,000 (around 48,000) to successfully beam up the

    Shats kidney stone.
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    5. A Large (And Genuine) Piece Of The Planet Mars

    In 1962 a meteorite of Martian origin fell to earth in the central Nigeria. The

    largest specimen of the 1.3 billion-year-old meteorite which was

    named Zagami , weighed 18000 grams (around 40 pounds), and was part of a

    privately-owned collection until it was placed for auction on eBay in September

    2005. The asking price of$450,000 (290,000) bought not only a handsomely-

    sized chunk of the Red Planet, but also a certificate of authenticity signed by

    renowned geologist and meteor expert Dr John Saul.
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    7. A Mans Whole Life

    A Briton living in Australia sold his whole life for 192,000 after splitting up with

    his wife. The auction included his house and its contents, car, job, motorcycle, jet

    ski and friends, in an effort to make a fresh start.
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    10. Britney Spears Chewed Gum

    Note to self: next time a celebrity is within spitting distance remember to pick up

    their piece of chewed gum if they happen to discard it near you. Because that is

    what one person did and proceeded to list the chewed gum on the biggest online

    auction site. The outcome came : Only $263 in the bank and one very happy

    (possibly obsessive) Britney fan. I love a happy ending
  • 7/29/2019 Inside story and information of e-bay


    Popularity of the site :88,000,000

    Programming language(front-end side) :Java script




    (back-end side) :Java

    Database :Oracle

  • 7/29/2019 Inside story and information of e-bay


    Millions of items are traded each day on and some 1.3 million

    people make all or part of their living selling on eBay.

    But wait, there're lot more interesting details about eBay traffic and storage

    infrastructure as was revealed by Paul Strong of Ebay to ChrisPreimesberger of eWEEK. Some highlights:

    1. eBay maintains four copies of most of its databases.

    2. It takes 30 minutes to build the site - in the last 2.5 years, there
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    have been 2 million builds.

    3. On an average, runs into issues for about 50 seconds per day.

    4. The site averages more than 1 billion page views per day.

    5. Users trade about $1,700 worth of goods on the site every second.

    6. The site currently has about 600 million listings and about 204 million

    registered users.

    7. The world's time zones provide a kind of natural load-balancer. When

    there's surge in traffic from US, that's generally when Europe [the second-largest region using eBay] is asleep - and vice versa.

    8. eBay engineers have to add about 10 terabytes of new storage every week

    to cover new transactions.

    1. eBay was Originally Called AuctionWeb

    3. The First Item Listed on eBay was a Broken Laser Pointer



    September 3, 1995

    Headquarters San Jose, California, U.S.

    Area served Worldwide,_California,_California,_California
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    Founder(s) Pierre Omidyar

    Key people Pierre Omidyar(Chairman)

    John Donahoe(CEO)

    Industry Internet,Online retailing

    Products eBayClassifieds,electronic


    auction hosting,PayPal,iBazar

    pierre omidyar