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Insert Brad Paisley video. http:// Quiz—How Millennial are You?. Connecting Educational Technology to Learning Outcomes: Classroom 2.0. Barbara Larar, MBA, ECPI University John Olson, Ed.D., ECPI University. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Connecting Educational Technology to Learning Outcomes

Insert Brad Paisley video QuizHow Millennial are You?

Connecting Educational Technology to Learning Outcomes:Classroom 2.0Barbara Larar, MBA, ECPI UniversityJohn Olson, Ed.D., ECPI UniversityIf you have any questions today--Send a tweet to

@jolsonecpiQuestions This Presentation will AddressWhat types of web based tools are available today?What educational problems do they solve?Blooms TaxonomyHow can we evaluate the tools?Questions--In group of 2 or 3, create a mind map of the following:

How are students engaged in your classes today?

Use Engaged as the starting point of your mind map.

Questions--In the same groups, develop a brainstorming list on--What educational technology was available when you were in college?What educational technology do you or your faculty have available now?

CQ: Which generation are you?1980-2000 - Millennials or Generation Y1965-1979 - Generation X1946-1964 - Baby Boom1925-1945 - Silent Generation1900-1924 - G.I. Generation

CQ: Who first used the term Web 2.0?Bill Gates

Tim OReilly


Mark ZuckerbergCQ: A blog can be used to Communicate your ideas to the worldJust to send emails to your friendsType your homework at homeBurn cdsWhere did it all start?Educational Technology Timeline c. 1650 The Horn-Book Magic Lantern 1890 School Slate 1890 Chalkboard 1900 Pencil 1925 Film Projector 1925 Radio 1930 Overhead Projector 1940 Ballpoint Pen 1940 Mimeograph 1950 Slide Rule Videotapes 1958 Educational TV Photocopier 1960 Liquid Paper 1970 The Hand-Held Calculator Scantron 1999 Interactive Whiteboard iClicker

2010 Apple iPad

Facebook Facts and FiguresMonthly active users now total nearly 850 million and currently stand at 845 million250 million photos are uploaded every day20% of all page views on the web are on Facebook425 million mobile users100 billion connectionsZygnas games revenue is currently 12% of Facebooks total income2.7 billion likes per day57% of users are female do We Frame It?Morrison, Ross, & Kemp Model(Instructional Design Model)

As EducatorsWhat is our Challenge Today?ContentExpertWhat do I know about the subject?PedagogyExpertWho is learning? What do we want them to learn? How will they learn? How will we assess?

TechnologyExpertWhat tools can I use to teach them?

What types of web based tools are available?Educational Tools 2.0 ToolsThese resources help instructors and students organize events and/or learning processes:

CommunicatingThese resources help students and instructors communicatesynchronously or asynchronously. Live

PresentingThese tools help students and instructors prepare and deliver web based presentations.

AssessingThese are web based tools that assist students and faculty in evaluating material:E-portfolioswww.wix.comTesting/quizzingwww.proprofs.comSurveyingwww.surveymonkey.comRubrics

Twitter Facts and FiguresThere are over 465 million accounts175 million tweets a day1 million accounts are added to Twitter every dayTop 3 countries on Twitter are USA at 107 million, Brazil 33 million and Japan at nearly 30 millionBusiest event in Twitters history is now Castle in the Sky TV screening 25,088 tweets per second (previous record was the last minutes of the 2012 Superbowl with 10,245 tweets per second). educational problems do they solve?Blooms Digital Taxonomy or Bloom 2.0Exercise on BloomsHigher Order Thinking SkillsLower Order Thinking SkillsCQ: In the new Blooms Taxonomy, what is the highest order of thinking skills?RememberingCreatingUnderstandingApplyingEvaluatingAnalyzing

Old vs. New

Blooms Digital Taxonomy

RememberingVerbs:Recognizing, listing, describing, identifying, naming, locating, finding, bullet pointing, searching, googling

Web Tool Functions:BookmarkingSocial networkingWord picturesGooglingFlashcards

RememberingStudy Blue flash cards and study games Mindmeister A mind mapping tool. Diigo Social bookmarking tool making it easy to collect, annotate, and share references. Poll Everywhereprovides audience response system that uses mobile devices, twitter, and the webFlash Cards

Word Pictures (

UnderstandingVerbs:Interpreting, summarizing, paraphrasing, comparing, explaining, blog journaling, twittering,

Web Tool Functions:BloggingMicrobloggingCategorizingCommenting develops ideas in the form of a mind map Pearltrees collects, organizes, and shares everything you like on the webGoogle docs- allows you tocreate and share your work onlineincludes documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, and forms. Twitter connects you to the latest stories, ideas, opinions and (

ApplyingVerbs:Implementing, using, executing, running, operating

Web Tool Functions:Uploading SharingEditing

ApplyingDrop Box captures all of your digital content and allows you to access it anywhere. Scribble maps allows you to draw on maps and share them Gliffy create professional-quality flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans, technical drawings, and more! Evernote- captures all of your digital content with the additional benefit of accessing it anywhere. Jing captures 5-minute screencasts.

Gliffy (

AnalyzingVerbs:Comparing, organizing, outlining, mashing, linking, tagging

Web Tool Functions:LinkingTaggingMashing

AnalyzingGoogle docs- allows you tocreate and share your work online-- documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, and forms. Many eyes an IBM experiment. It is a collection of datavisualizations. Ustreamonline video streaming

How would you like your class to do this? EvaluatingVerbs:Checking, hypothesizing, judging, testing, (blog/vlong) commenting, posting, collaborating, networkingWeb Tool Functions:PostingBloggingVloggingCollaborating

EvaluatingStorify helps you tell stories by curating social mediaRubistar helps teachers create quality rubricsProtagonize Protagonize allows you write original stories. Blogspot-allows you to create online journals (blogs)

CreatingVerbs:Designing, constructing, planning, inventing, programming, filming, publishing, wiki-ing, animatingWeb Tool Functions:VideocastingPodcastingPublishing

CreatingWikispaces allows collaboration using text, video, audio, and imagery. Glogster creates and shares interactive posters loaded with text, graphics, music, videos, and more Animoto -turns your photos, video clips, and music into stunning video masterpiecesPrezidevelops presentationsWixcreates a personal website Pinterest organizes and shares things you find on the web

LinkedIn Facts and Figures2 new members join every secondUSA leads membership at more than 57 million, Europe has more than 34 million members60% of its members live outside the USAIn 2011 there were 4.2 billion professionally oriented services on the LinkedIn platformLinkedIn now has over 2,116 employees (at the beginning of 2010 it had only 500)The fastest growing demographics are students and recent college graduatesRevenues for 2011 reached $522 millionLinkedIn is the 36th most visited website in the world iPad Apps Android Apps

CQ: Social networking is A way for students to share ideasNot just emailFun and it is what students do all the timeAll the aboveNone of the aboveYouTube Facts and Figures3rd most visited website according to Alexa2 billion views per dayIt handles 10% of the internets trafficAverage YouTube user spends 900 seconds per day44% of YouTubes users are aged between 12 and 34Over 829,000 videos are uploaded every dayAverage video duration is 2 minutes 46 seconds can We Evaluate the Tools?GuidelinesKnow your students.Know your own limitations (yours and the classrooms).Know your challenges.Know the golden rule of educational technologya means, not an ends.Know what you knowmeasure what the students are learning and experiencing.Know what your implementing and know what your supporting.Criteria of Tool ShareBlooms Level(s)AnalyzingWhat problem does it solve?What does it do?Allows students to share and analyze each others documentsCostFreeSupportGoogle supportsHow hard to learn?Takes a few minutesAccess?Web basedMobile app availableYes CautionsHave to have gmailPinterest Facts and FiguresDecember of 2011 Pinterest became one of the top 10 largest social networks with 11 million visits per weekIn January it was driving more referral traffic traffic to retailers than LinkedIn, YouTube and Google+Over 10.4 million registered usersNearly 12 million monthly unique vistorsMost of the sites users are female97% of the sites Facebook likes are by femalesIt is the fastest site in history to break through the 10 million unique visitor mark 2.0 Mega SitesUltimate Web 2.0 List

100 Best Web Tools

100 Top Web Toolsas voted by educators around the world /Print SourceManning, S., & Johnson, K. (2011). The technology toolbelt for teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Son of Citation Machine

If you cannot identify the problem or how the tool will help you address that problem, then perhaps you should not be using that tool.--Manning & JohnsonAung San Suu Kyi Responds Technology, Entertainment, Design Questions?Barbara [email protected]

John [email protected]