input controls audit

University of Nairobi School of Computing and Informatics CSC 452: INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDIT INPUT CONTROLS ASSIGNMENT NAIROBI SECURITIES EXCHANGE Kelvin Wahome Macharia P15/1446/2012 © February 2016

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University of Nairobi

School of Computing and Informatics




Kelvin Wahome Macharia


© February 2016


Link to the system:


Components in the input subsystem are responsible for bringing both data and instructions into

the IS. Both types of input must be validated and any errors detected must be controlled so that

input resubmission is accurate, complete, unique and timely.

For auditors input control are critical because:

In most IS the largest of controls exist in the input subsystem therefore auditors will spend

substantial time assessing the reliability of input controls.

Input subsystem activities are error prone because they involve large amounts of routine,

monotonous human intervention

The input subsystem is often the target of fraud e.g. addition, deletion or alteration of

input transactions.

Existing Input Controls

Input controls are types of application controls in an Information system that ensure data

remains valid, accurate and complete during input. This paper is a report following the audit of

input controls for Nairobi Securities Exchange Portal. The IS in context mainly uses direct entry,

in form of forms, for its data input. Below are some of the observed input controls that exist in

the aforementioned IS:

a) Data entry screen design – Screen design quality is paramount to minimize input errors

that maybe accrue as a result of difficulties with input fields. The NSE information system

audited has data elements organized into functional groups and boxes used to highlight

certain groupings of data elements. In addition, screens are broken at logical points where

multiple screens are required to record entries and captions to indicate the nature of data

to be entered used. Below is a screen grab showing these elements of input controls:

Figure 1: Login and register screens side by side. The register box is broken down into

logical points that are highlighted in different colors and captions are used to

communicate nature of data expected.

b) User authentication and input authorization – Verification of the authenticity of

the information system user entering or consuming information as well as determination

of their access rights and privileges (authorization) to perform input operations on the

information system. The Nairobi Securities Exchange information system uses a password

based login authentication scheme that grants access to users who are registered. Once

logged in, a user is authorized to perform several input actions that the system provides.

Figure 2: The Nairobi Securities Exchange Portal login panel. A user provides their

credentials which allows them to be authenticated. Atop the login and register boxes,

there is a message that shows how this IS uses user authentication and input authorization

as an input control measure.

c) Input accuracy and validation – Verifying that the inputs provided are in the format or

manner accepted. The Nairobi Securities Exchange system has input validation controls

that ensure data capturing forms only accept valid inputs. For instance, the system does

not allow null inputs on fields that are mandatory.

Figure 3: An input form prompting a user to provide data for a mandatory field

d) Select options – It is prudent to sometimes provide options rather than leave inputs at

the discretion of the user. Where plausible patterns and predictable inputs exist, select

options are recommended because uniformity and accuracy will be guaranteed. The NSE

Portal uses select options for certain inputs like dates and durations as demonstrated


Figure 4: Select options for the NSE Share price duration to query. This provides choices

for the user to pick from.

e) Error reporting and handling – This is the determination of errors at the point of input to

ensure that data accepted into the Information System is as error free as possible.

However, this does not stop at identifying errors in input only. It encompasses handling

such errors and pointing them out to users so that they can correct them.

The Nairobi Securities Exchange information system has validated input forms that check

for errors to ensure input data conforms to expected standard. In addition, error

messages explaining the location of errors and how to possibly correct them are posted

at the top of the form and the input fields with errors highlighted as depicted by the

screenshot attached below.

Figure 5: Error message explaining the cause of the error and a possible corrective


Observed Weaknesses and Possible Remedies

1. Some of the data input screen have many data elements that are hard to keep track of

when a user is scrolling down. In addition, the submit button is placed at the end of the

form which means a user does not see certain input fields as the press it. This increases

the chances of submitting forms with errors.

Figure 6: The register form is too long such that a user has to scroll down to click the

submit button.


A solution to this would be to break up such input elements into logical sub-screens to

avoid cluttering while allowing easy tracking of elements.

2. Errors on input forms are posted collectively atop the form. While different and eye

catching colors give them visibility, this puts a memory burden on the user as they have

to read them all first the correct the errors on the individual input fields.

Figure 7: Input errors are displayed collectives at the top of input forms


A remedy to this would be to have errors posted on the input fields where they have

occurred so that a user has no burden trying to remember what error occurred where.

Highlighting input fields with errors and placing the message containing the cause of the

error as well as corrective measures alongside that field.

3. The location of some of the input screens increases the chances of errors occurring. For

instance, some of the input screens are surrounded by tons of other information that may

steal the user’s attention.

Figure 8: The “subscribe to trading reports” screen is placed at the bottom right corner

surrounded by a lot of other information making it hard to see.


A possible remedy to this is to have it as link in the navigation section that leads to a

different page with the subscribe input form once clicked.