innovation engine by tina seelig (excerpt)


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In the enhanced Innovation Engine ebook, Stanford University professor and international bestselling author Tina Seelig shares her proven model for enhancing creativity—including 7 dynamic videos that demonstrate the model in action.Adapted from inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity by international bestselling author Tina Seelig, Ph.D., Innovation Engine distills a dozen years of teaching creativity and entrepreneurship into an interactive guide that takes teaching creativity to another level.The book shows that creativity lies at the intersection of our internal world (knowledge, imagination, and attitude) and external environment (resources, habitats, and culture). By understanding how these factors fit together and influence one another, Innovation Engine gives us the tools to jump-start our creative process and reveals one of the great truths about ideas—that it costs nothing to generate amazing ideas, and yet the results have the potential to be priceless.


  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)


  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)




  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)


    also by tina seelig

    What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20:

    A Crash Course on Making Your Place in the World

    inGenius:A Crash Course on Creativity

  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)




    Tina Seelig

  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)


    Copyrightinnovation engine. Copyright 2013by Tina L. Seelig. All rights

    reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of thisbook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever withoutwritten permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied incritical articles and reviews. For information address HarperCollinsPublishers, 10East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022.

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    first edition

    ISBN 9780062327048

    14 15 16 17 18 rrd(h) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)



    introduction vii


    imagination 3

    knowledge 12

    attitude 23


    habitat 33

    resources 43

    culture 49inside out and outside in 55

    notes 65

  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)



    As children, we naturally engage our curiosity and

    imagination in an attempt to make sense of the

    complicated world around us. We experiment with

    everything in our midst, grabbing objects to seehow they feel, dropping them to see how far they

    fall, and banging them to see how they sound. We

    mix together random cooking ingredients to see how

    they taste, make up games with ever-changing rules,

    and fantasize about what it would be like to live in

    outer space.

    As we approach adulthood, however, we too

    often forget how to be creative. We give up playing

    and focus on producing, swapping imagination for


    The good news is it doesnt have to be this way.

    The human brain evolved over millions of years

    into a fabulously complex organ that is optimized

    for innovation. With input from all our senses, it is

    always assessing our ever-changing environment and

  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)



    the innovation engine

    generating fresh responses to fit each situation. Each

    stimulus, no matter how small, can jump-start cre-


    Let me demonstrate this with a single word.

    Until recently, prospective students at All Souls

    College, at the University of Oxford, took a one-

    word exam. The Essayas it was calledwas eagerlyanticipated by applicants. They would each flip

    over a piece of paper at the same time to reveal one

    word. It might have been innocence or miracles

    or water. Their challenge was to craft an essay in

    three hours inspired by that single word.There were no right answers to this exam. How-

    ever, each response provided insights into the appli-

    cants wealth of knowledge and ability to generate

    creative connections. The New York Times quotes

    one Oxford professor as saying, The unveiling of

    the word was once an event of such excitement that

    even non-applicants reportedly gathered outside the

    college each year, waiting for news to waft out.1

    For so many of us, this type of creativity hasnt

    been fostered. We dont see our entire environment

  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)




    as a source of opportunities for ingenuity. Yet, cre-

    ativity should be an imperative, and we should look

    at everything around us for inspiration. Creativity

    allows us to thrive in a changing world and unlocks a

    universe of possibilities. As the renowned American

    inventor Alan Kay famously said, The best way to

    predict the future is to invent it. We are all inventorsof our own future. And creativity is at the heart of


    For centuries people have questioned these natu-

    ral talents and looked outside themselves for a source

    of creative inspiration. The ancient Greeks believedthere were goddesses, called Muses, who inspired lit-

    erature and art, and they worshipped them for their

    powers.2 Later, in Elizabethan England, William

    Shakespeare invoked his muse when writing son-

    nets, often beseeching her for help.3Ideas often feel

    inspired and, therefore, it made sense to beg a muse

    for inspiration.

    Your creativity is, in fact, an endless renewable

    resource, and you can tap it at any time.

    After a dozen years teaching courses on creativity

  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)



    the innovation engine

    and entrepreneurship in the department of

    Management Science and Engineering at Stanford

    University, I can confidently assert that creativity

    can be enhanced. A concrete set of methods and

    environmental factors can be used to intensify your

    imagination, and by optimizing these variables, your

    creativity naturally increases. I call this collection offactors the Innovation Engine.

    The Innovation Engine, shown in the following

    figure, illustrates how creativity results from the

    interplay between your internal world and the exter-

    nal environment. It reveals a set of techniques youcan use right away to evaluate and expand your cre-

    ativity and that of your team, organization, or com-

    munity. Using these techniques, you can improve

    your ability to see opportunities around you and

    creatively tackle challenges of all sizes.

    The Innovation Engine has two partsthe inside

    and the outsidebraided together. On the inside are

    imagination, knowledge, and attitude:

  • 5/26/2018 Innovation Engine by Tina Seelig (Excerpt)



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