ingles coregido

 1) Write down words that describe weather: Frio : cold Calor : hot Nieve: sonw Templado.: Tempered Seco: dry Lluvioso: rainy Tropical: tropical Húmedo: humit Soleado: runny Nublado: cloudy Rayos: ray Tormentoso: storm Tornados: tornado Calida : warm Huracanado: hurricane

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2) Write down words that describe geographic features.

• Meseta: planteum

• Montaña: mountain

• Desierto: desert

• Nevado: snow

• Altiplano: plateau

• Selvático: sylvan

• Acuático: aquatic

• Planicies: plains

• Altiplanicies: plateau

• Llanuras: plains

• Sierras : saus

• Montes: mountains

• Golfos: gulfs

• Cerro: hill

• Litorales: litoral

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3) Research About extreme place :

Sahara Desert

1) Where is it: It's located on the north of Africa, separating it in two zones:

Mediterranean Africa in the north and subharian Africa in the south. Limits east

with the Red Sea and with the Atlantic Ocean in the west; with theHiigh Mountains

and the Mediterranean Sea in the north

2) Who lives there : only animals live there because it is too hot and there isn’t

a lot of vegetation.

3) What kind of wildlife is there : there are animals like foxes, gazelles, desert

hedgehog, gerbils, deserts, and baboons. Plus the spotted hyena, the jackal, the

striped weasel, the slender mongoose, and the hares.

4) Rainforest desert or ice and snow: it is a desert.

5) Are there hills, rivers, lakes, or trees? There are just sand hills, there aren’t

lakes, nor rivers, nor trees. The desert is really dry.

6) What is the weather like : there’s a dry weather and it’s really hot.  

7) Maximum and minimum temperatures: the maximum temperature is of 58 °


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1. Where is it: District of Machupichu, provine of Urubamba, Cuzco

department, at the northeast of the city of Cusco. Machupichu, Peru, is situated inLos Andes, in the valley of the Huantay River, at 13°09'23''south latitude and

72°32'34 '' west length from the Greenwich Meridian.

2. Who lives there: no one lives there. It’s a city built by the Incas hundreds of 

years ago and right now it is abandoned. It’s an historic city.

3. What kind of wildlife is there: there are poultry, spectacled bears, and frogs

4. Rainforest, desert, or ice and snow: it is located in a mountain covered by


5.  Are there hills, rivers, lakes, or trees: there are a plenty of trees and hills. It’s

surrounded by a lot of wildlife.

6. -What is the weather like: the weather is humid.

7. -Maximum and minimum temperatures: the maximum temperature is of 13.

71 G° F. The minimum is of 1, 46 °C.

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North polo:

1. Where is it: the north pole is geographically a zone that gets circumscribed

between the parallels 66 and 90 of north latitude. Astronomically it belongs to the

point over the surface of the earth in which is projected the polar star 

2. Who lives there: noboby lives there it’s too cold and the weather is not ideal

for human beings to lives in

3. What kind of wildlife is there: there are penguins and seals

4. Rainforest, desert, or ice and snow: it´s covered by ice, snows and it´s really


5. Are there hills, rivers, lakes, or trees: no there isn´t any of that everything is

 junst snow and some animals.

6. -What is the weather like: it´s really coldand dry because rainfalls are not

common there and they come in snow from

7. Maximum and minimum temperatures: the medium temperature is of 

approximately 29 Celsius grades under cero

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4) Write a list of things people must and mustn’t do in extreme places  

 You must You mustn´t

you must drink water in desert  you mustn´t run in desert

You must use jackets in macho picchu You mustn’t use sport clothes in

the north pole

You must eat fruit in macho picchu  You musn’t smoke in macho picchu 

You must pack your bag winth warming

clothes for the nort pole

You mustn´t not play soccer in north


You must walk in the nort poleYou mustn’t talk to strangers in the


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5) Create a glossary about extreme places from the project

6) Bag: maleta

7) Cerro: hill

8) Clothes: ropa

9) Desert: desierto

10) Drink: beber 

11) Eat: comer 

12) Fruit: fruta

13) Hot. calor 

14) Ice: hielo

15) Latitude: latitude

16) Maximum: maximo

17) Mountain: Montaña

18) Snow: Nevado:

19) North pole: polo norte

20) Pack: empacar 

21) Play: jugar 22) Run: correr 

23) Smoke: fumar 

24) Soccer: futbol

25) Sport: deporte

26) Stanger’s: estraños

27) Sunny: soleado

28) Talk : hablar 

29) Temperatures: temperatura

30) Water: agua

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