informer november

Published by ISS as a Community Newsletter 7 November 2012 - Volume XXXV - No 3 2012/13 e Informer Dorian Peyrat had a very Blue Day in Middle School lately

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Informer November


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The Informer

Dorian Peyrat had a very Blue Day in Middle School lately

2 · The Informer 7 november 2012

From the Director:

A tulip ..? from this ...?

What a busy week we have had at ISS! We hosted three sets of external visitors to the school: 1. Two accreditation visitors from the Council of

International Schools and the New England Associations of Schools and Colleges who were at ISS to meet with stakeholders for our upcoming ten year self-study visit in 2014. Our visitors, Dr. Lesley Stagg and Mr. Paul Daigle were gathering information and evidence on the school’s readiness to move forward in the next stage of our re-accreditation process. They will submit a written report which should be available within the next few weeks.

2. Secondly, we hosted two literacy experts who

worked with our primary school teachers to extend even further the fine work we are doing with teaching and learning with our primary students. And special thanks to our literacy coordinator, Ms. Vickie Jones, for her championing of bringing in these experts from international schools in Barcelona and Warsaw.

3. Our third guests were the two Early Childhood

Principal candidates, Ms. Tanis Marshall and Ms. Jill Raven. Soon after this issue of the Informer arrives, Deputy Director Gareth Jones and I will have made the final decision on who our new Early Childhood Principal, (serving Pre-School through Grade 1), will be and that information will be shared via e-mail to the school community.

But there are other important things going on in our school community and I wanted to share some of the ”regular ISS business” with you as well. First--an important message related to our lunch program from the Business Office: Payment on lunch accountsThe school auditors have indicated that we need to limit cash payments for lunch accounts.In the cases where you have not been able to open a bank account yet, you can continue to pay cash. However as soon as you have a Norwegian bank account, please follow the instructions below.


Parents and students can deposit money and top off balances on their lunch account via online/internet banking, which can be done at any time. Please allow three days for the payment to process.

To make a bank transfer into your family’s ISS lunch account, the following information is required:

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

ISS Canteen/Cafeteria Bank Account: 3201 42 47857

KID # (translates to ‘customer identification number’):

Your identification number (KID) should have been given to you with the initial information about the lunch account and it appears on all email reminders when the lunch account is low and needs to be topped off. If you cannot find your KID number, you can contact Brynhild Åsheim, the Business Manager at ISS. And next, I would like to extend an enthusiastic THANK YOU to our Parent Association!

This amazing organization for many years has been an important part of the landscape at ISS. At a recent meeting, they approved giving NOK 100,000 to the school for ideas suggested, mainly, by school employees. This money has come in from a range of projects that they perform with skill and generosity through the school year and the donations will be paired with funding from the regular school operating budget to provide the full purchase cost of the items.

The decisions made by the PA Donations Committee were based on how the money could be ”stretched to touch the most ISS students” possible. I believe the Committee did a brilliant job in their work. Here is what this money go toward: NOK 60,000 toward theatre sound equipment

10,000 toward new art display cases in the lobby 10,000 toward equipment for the Learning Support Sensory Integration Room 10,000 toward additional items for the MS/ HS library 10,000 toward new die cuts for the primary school ”letter machine” and toward new banners for the May 17th parade

I asked our Business Office to do some research on the total contributed by the Parent Association to the school since 2000 and the amount is astounding—nearly NOK 800,000! This money has gone toward everything from annual contributions toward sending our students to Soma Farm and ice skating in December to musical instruments to flags to media projectors to swings to ping pong tables and on and on.

This year’s contribution of NOK 100,000 is the largest single amount, but the average works out to be over NOK 60,000 per year given back to the school. Like I wrote earlier—astounding!

So at the upcoming International Festival when you dig deep to buy yet another raffle ticket or delicious item at one of the international food stalls, remind

The Journey North Project is under way

Scientific observations are part of the game

4 · The Informer 7 november 2012

yourself that you are making a contribution to yet another year of fantastic funding on the part of the PA toward the resources that your children will enjoy on a daily basis at ISS. Thank you, PA!

And as the wintery months start to descend upon us, I remind you to dress up with lots of reflectors--both students and adults!

Even though the dark days are now upon us for a few months, things keep growing at ISS. And this year, we are participating in a wonderful global project that, at this point, is quietly sleeping away the winter months.

The first grade and fourth grades are both involved in an international science exploration. At the end of September, the first grade students planted red tulip bulbs on the campus. This was followed at the end of October by the fourth grade doing the same thing. The bulbs are identical to the type being planted by schools around the world through the Journey North Project that is tracking potential changes in seasons and climate around the world. Have a look at the website,, to learn more about the project.

ISS is proud to be one of the few schools in Europe to be involved in the project--there is also one school in England, Germany and Russia involved as well as on several other continents. Our students will be observing and making scientific discoveries about both our local and global environment through this worthy project. And, of course, this is very much within our Mission Statement, where we encourage children to take part in such initiatives, “to live as responsible and contributing citizens in the global community.”

I could not end this issue of the Informer without saluting two very busy groups within our school. First, I send my congratulations to all our student athletes as they end the first season of the school year. We have watched our volleyball and football teams of boys and girls from primary, middle and high school working hard to achieve personal and team goals. And, of course, our newest addition, our stalward runners! The NECIS tournament down in Amsterdam this week will give our varsity volleyball and football teams their last challenge for the season and I know all join me in wishing them the best of luck.

And the other group that enthralled us all with their skills, were the cast members of ”Puttin’ on the Ritz,” our high school musical that was presented last weekend. Bravo to all students and adults involved in yet another memorable theatrical presentation. Your talents annually amaze me!

Also included in this issue of the Informer is the approved 2013-2014 school calendar. Thanks to all those who made suggestions. We have been able to incorporate as many of those ideas as possible.

I will end this message with a quote from my favorite optimist, Dr. Len Duevel, ”We have 8 ½ hours of sunshine available daily now and only seven weeks until the days start getting longer.” So do your own scientific observation of the annual change of the sun’s path across the sky and enjoy those seven weeks!All the best,

Dr. Linda DuevelDirector

[email protected]

Middle School guys looking stylish!

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

AUGUST 2013week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

31 1 2 332 4 5 6 7 8 9 1033 11 12 13 14 15 16 1734 18 19 20 21 22 23 2435 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

SEPTEMBER 2013week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

36 1 2 3 4 5 6 737 8 9 10 11 12 13 1438 15 16 17 18 19 20 2139 22 23 24 25 26 27 2840 29 30

OCTOBER 2013week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

40 1 2 3 4 541 6 7 8 9 10 11 1242 13 14 15 16 17 18 1943 20 21 22 23 24 25 2644 27 28 29 30 31

NOVEMBER 2013week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

44 1 245 3 4 5 6 7 8 946 10 11 12 13 14 15 1647 17 18 19 20 21 22 2348 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

DECEMBER 2013week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

49 1 2 3 4 5 6 750 8 9 10 11 12 13 1451 15 16 17 18 19 20 2152 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1 29 30 31

JANUARY 2014week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

1 1 2 3 42 5 6 7 8 9 10 113 12 13 14 15 16 17 184 19 20 21 22 23 24 255 26 27 28 29 30 31

FEBRUARY 2014week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

5 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 87 9 10 11 12 13 14 158 16 17 18 19 20 21 229 23 24 25 26 27 28

MARCH 2014week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

9 110 2 3 4 5 6 7 811 9 10 11 12 13 14 1512 16 17 18 19 20 21 2213 23 24 25 26 27 28 2914 30 31

APRIL 2014week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

14 1 2 3 4 515 6 7 8 9 10 11 1216 13 14 15 16 17 18 1917 20 21 22 23 24 25 2618 27 28 29 30

MAY 2014week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

18 1 2 3

19 4 5 6 7 8 9 1020 11 12 13 14 15 16 1721 18 19 20 21 22 23 2422 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

JUNE 2014week Su M Tu W Th F Sa

23 1 2 3 4 5 6 724 8 9 10 11 12 13 1425 15 16 17 18 19 20 2126 22 23 24 25 26 27 2827 29 30


Treskeveien 3, NO-4043 HAFRSFJORD, NorwayTelephone: +47-51 55 43 00 - Telefax: +47-51 55 43 01

August 20135 New staff orientation starts8 Returning staff orientation starts12 MS/HS new students registration/testing14 First day of school14-16 Half day for Pre-School (08:30-12:00)

September 20136 Employee AMU Day – No school for students

October 20137-11 Autumn Break14-15 Employee in-service – No school for students

December 201319.12.2013 – 7.1.2014 Christmas Vacation

2013 . 2014

January 20148 School resumes

February 201424-28 Winter Break

April 201414-21/4 Easter Vacation22 School resumes

May 20141 Labour Day - No school2 Holiday - No school17 Constitution Day – Half day29 Ascension Day - No school30 Holiday - No school

June 20149 Whit Monday - No school12 Graduation Day and last student day – Half day13 Employee check-out day

= Important day

= No school for students = Half day for students

Approved: 5 November 2012 by the ISS Board of Trustees

6 · The Informer 7 november 2012

QUESTIONS FOR THE COUNSELOR? Email MJJetabut@isstavanger. no or call 51 55 43 13

The Counselor’s Corner

The universities within the United Kingdom have a timeless history of academic excellence and have served as major research institutes while offering internationally competitive degree programs.

ISS was thrilled to be able to offer a unique university tour to our students so that they can continue to narrow down their college search while experiencing, first hand, the numerous possibilities within U.K. academia.

A broad mix of students from 10-12th grade experienced a broad mix of universities! We saw universities ancient and modern, rural and city, traditionally-academic and forward-thinking vocational. We were welcomed by student guides and academic staff, and learnt a great deal about student life in the UK.

Now, back home in Stavanger, the Univisits trip seems like a foggy memory of gorgeous historical buildings, country landscapes, and power point presentations packed with admissions resources and information. Fortunately, students and chaperones took copious notes and snapped some great pictures and videos to capture first impressions and record the weeklong experience.

Below is an overview of our itinerary:

Monday 1st OctoberVisit Kings College London, University College London

Tuesday 2nd OctoberVisit Bath University, University of West of England

Wednesday 3rd OctoberVisit The University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes University

Thursday 4th OctoberVisit Bournemouth University, Southampton University

Friday 5th OctoberVisit Brighton University, University of Sussex

Students learned some important tips about applying through the UCAS system to UK universities. Many of the speakers spoke of the need for students to write

extremely focused personal statements. The personal statement should be primarily about the student’s interest and experience in the subject for which they are applying (two-thirds to three-quarters of the statement should focus on this, we were advised).

Presentations at all the universities stressed the importance of good IB grades. The requirements for different universities and different courses do vary enormously, and students need to research each possible option on the university websites and choose a good range when making choices for their UCAS application. IB point requirements for competitive universities tend to be in the range of 34-38 points (out of a maximum of 45), but for some universities students may be asked for 40+ and for some less-competitive courses an IB Diploma with 24-28 points may be acceptable.

Students interested in possibly studying to become a doctor were fortunate to have in-depth discussions with academic staff from the medical schools at two universities. Applicants to medical school, we were told, would be scored on their personal statements – with medical school academic staff grading the statement against a checklist of qualities which they wished to see in a successful doctor (unfortunately, this checklist is not common to all universities so students really have to look at advice from individual medical schools and try to include everything needed in their one personal statement!).

We also heard how medical schools treat the UKCAT examination scores differently – one university using the score as an absolute cut-off point for applicants, and another using it as just one piece of information in a bigger picture. However, both universities stressed the need for outstanding IB points, in a specified range of subjects. Students interested in studying to become a doctor in the UK really need to think carefully about their IB choices at the end of 10th grade.

We were fortunate to see student living accommodation at some of the universities. We should particularly thank the ‘student accommodation ambassador’ at the University of Brighton who welcomed the whole group into her own room in a student apartment – we really got an impression of what it would be like to live in on-campus accommodation! Typical student accommodation for first year students consists of a small study bedroom (possibly with an en-suite bathroom) and a shared kitchen/living area.

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

Email MJJetabut@isstavanger. no or call 51 55 43 13 QUESTIONS FOR THE COUNSELOR?

The Counselor’s Corner

We were also pleased to hear of the level of practical support available for students, especially those moving to the UK for the first time.

At various universities we saw the availability of cafes and other eating places, social areas, sports facilities, shopping opportunities, medical and/or dental practices, careers advice centres … of course, we also saw academic facilities including lecture theatres, seminar rooms, laboratories, libraries etc.

Since determining which university to attend and what course of study to pursue can be rather daunting, we cannot underestimate the value of visiting a college campus to get that firsthand observation of student life and academia. Our students had the opportunity to not only tour college campuses, but they were also able to envision what it might be like to live in various parts of England. We saw traditional campus

universities, a range of city campuses, and received a glimpse of life in a suburban seaside town.

It is hard to believe that we managed to visit up to ten universities in five days, but as full as each day was, our students remained steadfast in their mission to figure out what it means to “find the school of best fit.” They asked meaningful questions about campus life, applying through the UCAS system, and the task of choosing a field of study.

Students who missed the opportunity to experience this visit may be interested to know that we are investigating the possibility of another trip with Univisits next year, perhaps to Scotland.

Ms. Park and Ms. JetabutIB Coordinator and High School Counselor

[email protected] and see above

ISS students enjoying the sunshine and architecture of Oxford on their university tour

8 · The Informer 7 november 2012

QUESTIONS FOR THE COUNSELOR? Email MJJetabut@isstavanger. no or call 51 55 43 13

The Counselor’s Corner

A student guide shows ISS students around Oxford University

H i g h S c h o o l N E W S

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

H i g h S c h o o l N E W S

Thank you to all the parents and students who attended the high school parent teacher conferences on 1st and 2nd of November. Undoubtedly, parent teacher conferences are an important element in reporting on student progress and setting achievable targets, and helping every student realize their full potential. Thank you to parents for your continued support and efforts in this endeavor.

Dr. Liam BrowneHigh School Principal

[email protected]

Dina and Ya Jing relaxing for a moment at Eynsham Hall

10 · The Informer 7 november 2012

H i g h S c h o o l N E W SFrom the WWI Trip to Yprès

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

H i g h S c h o o l N E W SIn the trenches

12 · The Informer 7 november 2012

H i g h S c h o o l N E W S

I don’t mean a thing ...

Give my regards to Broadway...

What a difference a day m


Bargaining with luckPuttin’ on the Ritz

Life is just a bowl of cherries ....

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

H i g h S c h o o l N E W S

I am always chasing rainbows ...

We’re in the money....

The sunny side of the street...

... if it ain’t got that swing

The lullaby of Broadway



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g lie


14 · The Informer 7 november 2012

Middle School News and Events

We are now into the 4th week of Q2 and the mid-point of this quarter falls on the 9th November. Parent/Teacher/Student conferences are over and that has provided an opportunity for students to understand what they are doing well and what they need to do to improve.

Q2 activities are underway and, as you can see below, basketball will start soon.

Q2 Extra-CurriCular aCtivitiEs

Middle School Mathematics Club

The Middle School Math club will meet at Ms Uber’s room ( 255) on Thursdays and started on the 25 October from 3:20 p.m. to 4: p.m. during the second and third quarter this academic year. The purpose of the club is to build student interest and confidence in mathematics through problem solving activities in a challenging environment. We will primarily use resources from the mathleague and mathscount competition in the US which has questions from different areas of mathematics.

***Please note that this is not a club for help with math homework. ***

Work Space

Continues on Monday and Wednesday after school from 3:30 until 5:00 and is an opportunity for students to get their homework completed before going home.


First practice for boys and girls MS basketball takes place on Tuesday, 13th November from 3:30 until 5:00. They will take place on Tuesday and Thursday.SwimmingWill start in Q3 (January). Practices will take place on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 until 5:30.There will be information in the school Daily Report on all Q2 sports which you

MiddlE sChool hoMErooM (advisory) thEME for NovEMbEr

The theme for November is ‘Citizenship’ and students will be discussing this theme homeroom throughout the month. I have spoken in assembly about what it means to be a good citizen in the Middle School at ISS:

The Middle School had a very .... .........spirited Spirit Week!

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

Middle School News and Events • Positivebehavior• Beingkindtoothers• Respectforothers,• Exhibitinggoodmanners• Beingrolemodelstoouryoungerstudents.

Carol WallaceMiddle School Principal

[email protected]

Blue Day even in space.....!

Pyjamas Day

16 · The Informer 7 november 2012

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

This has been a busy autumn and it seems like a day does not go by without a child showing what seems like a random act of kindness toward a teacher, another student or someone else in the school community. It could be holding a door, waiting for or helping someone put on raingear, picking up a hat or glove that has fallen, listening and giving constructive feedback to someone’s story they are writing, complimenting someone on a contribution to their work in art, physical education or music, translating a phrase from Norwegian or another language to help someone along, picking up a piece of litter, comforting someone upset or listening to the story someone has to tell.

Every time I witness this, it is a chance to celebrate our global citizens and the true spirit of the ISS community.

Thank you for taking time in your busy days to join for parent-teacher conferences on 9 November. You should have received an appointment time with your child’s homeroom teacher. If you would like to confer with a specialist area teacher, please email them directly to set up a time. Some teachers work in the Middle School and High School, so making an appointment is necessary as the teacher may have other classes during the school day. Teachers will

be interested in hearing how your child feels about school, and they will share information about your child’s journey in learning so far this school year. We will have another opportunity for you to share in that journey when we have student-led conferences on 8 February.

Grade Four students are getting ready for four days away at Outdoor Education at Gullingen Leirskule. Thank you to parents who came for the information evening on 30 October, and we look forward to being at Gullingen with your children 19-22 November. Thank you in advance to the six ISS teachers who are leading the trip: Ms Jeanne Bouvier, Mr. Aaron Ciuffo, Mr. Paul Duevel, Ms Coreen Evans, Ms Kari Hvidevold and Ms Amanda Wilson.

We were so pleased with the assemblies presented by students in Grades 5 and 2 in the last weeks, and we look forward to the Grade 3 assembly on 12 November.

Coming up soon are the winter concerts: 18:00 on 30 November for students in Grades K-2 and 18:30 on 13 December for students in Grades 3-5. In both cases, students should be brought to their homerooms

Nora on a Nature Walk with her class Eduard is trying his hand as a doctor

Primary School News

18 · The Informer 7 november 2012

before the concert, and children in Grades K-2 should be collected at homerooms after the concert. We are looking forward to the concerts, each of which should be less than one hour long so children can get home early enough for a good night’s sleep. More information on the concerts will be sent home by Mrs. Keij as the dates near.

When teachers collaborate, we learn more about how children can learn better. During the week of 29 October-2 November we have had a visit from Erika Velasquez and Dana LaQuay from international schools in Barcelona and Warsaw. They worked all week with teachers in our Primary School to help us reflect on our practice for children learning literacy skills. They met with teachers individually, in small groups, in large groups, they did demonstration lessons for teachers to observe and they gave workshops and lectures to our teachers after school hours.

This collaboration has come about because ISS is part of a cohort of teachers from international schools interested in presenting the best possible lessons in literacy to our students. Mrs. Vicki Jones, our language arts curriculum leader, is a part of this same literacy cohort of experts, and she put into place the plan of bringing Ms Velasquez and Ms LaQuay to ISS.

We are thankful to Ms Velasquez and Ms LaQuay and their schools for offering their time and sharing their expertise with us.

Literacy is also a strong theme these weeks as we take part in a reading incentive. Thank you to parents Gena Dibowitz and Stephanie Shanahan for organizing this even, and thank you to parents and students for taking an active role in practicing and enjoying more hours of reading.

Len Duevel, PhDPrimary School Principal

[email protected]

What experiment this is? Oh, we’ll look into cleaning up an oil spill

Primary School News

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

Lessons in literacy skills - for students and for teachers

20 · The Informer 7 november 2012

What’s that?

It’s Norway’s most extensive event promoting world peace and it’s arranged by REDD BARNA (Save the Children)

’Redd Barna’s Fredslys started up in 1994 when that year’s General Secretary, Tor Elden, had the idea for a ’Peace Action’ for children. There were two arrangements that year, one in Oslo and the other in ’Kardemomme By’ in the Animal Park in Kristiansand. Children paraded with fire torches in both places as a symbol of World Peace. When the torches eventually went out the idea of a continuously burning flame was born. A large boulder with a natural hollow in it was placed in Kardemomme By. This is known as the Children’s Peace Monument. The flame was lit on the 1st of September 1996 and will burn until no child is suffering the terrors of war. Around the flame are placed smaller stones with the names of countries where war is still rife. When war is over in a particular country the stone is removed. When there are no more stones the flame can be extinguished.’

REDD BARNA’s FREDSLYS begins every year on the 1st of December at the Children’s Peace Monument in the Animal Park in Kristiansand. It ends in Oslo on the 10th of December, the day the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded. The ’Fredsfakkeltog’ (torchlight procession for peace) congregates outside the Rådhus (town hall) in Oslo and the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize is presented with the last of a succession of torches which have carried the Peace Flame from Kristiansand.

The idea behind REDD BARNA’s Fredslys is to allow children to express their desire for World Peace in a quiet and very moving ceremony. Every year over 150,000 school children in Norway unite to show the world that this is what they want. They want everyone to think of the millions of children who are suffering unbelievable hardships and having their families broken up and the world as they know it in ruins.

Torchlight processions are held by children all over Norway between the 1st and 10th of December. This year the candlelit Parade for Peace by IFG, SWEC and the children in pre-school 3 will begin at 08:40 on Friday, 7th December. Families and friends may congregate in the school foyer. May we remind you that this is a silent parade. Please do not try to attract attention of anyone who is participating in it. It’s a time for reflection, prayers for peace in the world and a solemn tribute to children around the world.



Primary School News

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

All School News

Whole School Science Experiment

Last week there was a buzz in the science wing.

The Science Department had a collaborative lesson with grades 9, 5, and Kinder students, from my Physical Science 1 class, and Mr Wenger s and Ms Whitmore s classes.

The theme was Changes in Matter and Halloween, and we made slime! By combining the simple ingredients of school glue and borax solution, each student was able to make his or her own ball of slime! They then put the slime under different stresses and recorded their observations.

It was a delightful experience of `little kids learning from big kids .

Shannon FisherHigh School Science Teacher

[email protected]

It takes good goggles to do science...

22 · The Informer 7 november 2012

International Friendship Group – SWEC – YEPAMs Christine Kemp [email protected]

All sponsor money from the Walk for Wildlife has been sent in and we’re very happy to let you know that kr 17 172 was raised for the Marine Conservation Society. This is an astonishing achievement by the following students:- PS: Hayley, Abby, Kyla, Oliver I, Maren, Luke, Abigail, Aisya, Andrew, Anouk, Rachael, Jordan, Olivia W, Roelof, Rory, Tad, Madzia, Chloe, Kaila, Rebecca M. MS: Molly, Freya, Maiya, Naomi, Robert IFG: Ruby, Phillip, Natalie, Kezia, Ben, Kashmala, Dina, Ya Jing Thank you so much to all of you who did the walk and also to all the generous people who sponsored you!

The UN Concert was a resounding success and our thanks go to all the talented performers, the enthusiastic audience and the efficient technical crew. DVDs of the concert are available for Kr.40. If you would like one send your order and money to Mrs. Kemp as soon as possible please. Remember to include your name and student’s homeroom. The money from the sale of DVDs will be added to the kr 5 382 which was raised at the concert. IFG and SWEC were very happy to help with the PA Fun Run on Sunday 28th October. Despite the cold and windy weather everyone had a great time.

The funds raised from this will be sent to APOPO – an organization which trains African giant pouched rats to detect the location of landmines. Two handlers using APOPO’s mine detection rats can cover 200 square meters of suspected minefield in less than 1.5 hours. This would take one full day using metal detectors. We would like to thank Kathleen Henderson and the PA for giving IFG and SWEC the opportunity to join in this wonderful fund raising event.

Congratulations, Kathleen!

Unfortunately, only three people have signed up for the Nearly New Sale so it has been cancelled. A new date in the spring will be set and perhaps people will be less busy then!

The Love-in-a-Box collection has started. Thank you to those who have sent in boxes already.

All the boxes should reach us by Friday 9th November when they will be gathered up and shipped to UK on the first part of their journey.

SWEC’s Annual Sale of Christmas Cards will start on 27th November. The money raised from this will be sent to the Elizabeth Svendsen Trust for Children and Donkeys – a charity which provides riding therapy for children with special needs and physical difficulties. “The children love the gentle donkeys and the staff are happy to see so much progress being made by the children who visit the riding schools on a regular basis.”

The cards are in packs of 5 and cost Kr.20 or Kr.25 per pack. SWEC will sell them during lunch recesses until 7th December.

On Friday 7th December IFG, SWEC and Pre-school 3 will again hold a candlelit Parade of Peace (Fredslys) throughout the school. Please see the information elsewhere in this issue of the Informer.

Love in a Box

You can bring hope and a smile

to some of the world’s poorest

children by taking part in our

Love in a Box Campaign

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

News from the Health, Security, Safety and Environment (HSSE) Committee

Ms Sølve Ims Ottesen [email protected]

Having done a safety audit in the high school, including their science labs, I am glad to say that the overall impression is good. As the school has grown, the room for storage is limited, and that results in a challenge to find necessary room for all equipment and furniture. The most important thing is to keep the emergency exits free at all times, and that is done. We see that a number of students still refrain from using seat belts in the bus. We ask for your cooperation in this – to instruct your son or daughter to use the seat belt. As this is so important to the safety of the ride to and from school, we have worked hard to include mandatory seat belts in all the buses in our contracts with bus companies. This has been successful, so now we remind parents and students to PLEASE USE THEM! Good news - the level of waste sorted into the right waste bins has improved a lot. That means that what is left in general waste has decreased. Thanks to all who contribute to this good result.

Solve Ims [email protected]

HSSE Coordinator

24 · The Informer 7 november 2012

Parent Association News

I am pleased to announce that the

ISS Fun Runsof October 28, 2012,

generated 2796 NOK, enough to adopt 6 Hero

RATs for a year through ”apopo”, trained in landmine detection, promoting the ability for children to run freely throughout the world.

Congratulations to the first male & female in the 400m, Peter Morrison & Maureen Wei; The Mile, Thomas Gjervik & Hannah Gamble; and the 5km, Max Gray & Carrie Buckie.

In spite of the wind, but thanks to the absence of rain, there were plenty of smiling faces at the finish line. A big Thank You to Christine Kemp and the IFG & SWEC volunteers, who worked hard with set-up and tear down, and with Marshalling runners, as well as any extra jobs that needed doing. We couldn’t have held this race without your help.

Thanks also to the parents who chipped in and helped out when needed: Shauna Beard, Christiane & Andrew Morrison, Hilde Gjervik & Andrew Henderson.

Thank You Max Gray, for setting the courses, starting the races, and many other behind the scenes jobs. Many thanks to the Parent Association for sponsoring the race numbers and participant ribbons. We’re looking forward to the next race! Cheers,

Kathleen [email protected]

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

Receive hundreds of free channels from the UK ! Receive free channels from other countries too! We got all you need from NOK 1490,- (Including one Free-to-Air satellite receiver, one 80cm dish with one LNB) Visit our webshop at for more information, or drop by our store at Ura 1, 4056 Tananger. Opening hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10.00 to 17.00 and Fridays from 10.00 to 15.00.

ISS Fun Runs

26 · The Informer 7 november 2012

Chef: Jean-Pierre Duc

Lunch MenuIn addition to the daily HOT MEAL and the soup of the day, the cafeteria also offers a vegetarian option for lunch

NB! The symbols V and GF means vegetarian and gluten free, respectively - and, all our beef meat is halal

Editor: Liv Nærland Høie Phone: +47 51 55 43 22 E-mail: [email protected]

The Informer is issued on the ISS web-page:

Go to “News” and then to “Informer” and current issue.

To have CLASSIFIED ADS published in The Informer, please e-mail: [email protected] editor reserves the right to edit ads to fit the space requested by you.

Prices: Companies1 Private persons2

ISS Teachers/Students and their parents3*

Full page (260 x 180mm) NOK 2400 NOK 1200 NOK 600

1/2 page (130 x 180 mm): NOK 1200,- NOK 600,- NOK 300,-

1/4 page (125 x 88 mm): NOK 800,- NOK 400,- NOK 200,-

1/8 page (60 x 88 mm): NOK 400,- NOK 200,- NOK 100,-

1/16 of a page (28,5 x 88 mm): NOK 200,- NOK 100,- NOK 50,-

1. If you run a business/company/activity that makes your living, you are a “company” price-wise. 2. If you have a small activity, a non-profit foundation, organise a charity, advertise your belongings for

sale, insert small personal ads, etc., you are charged a “private person” price.3. *These prices are valid from January 2010

If you do not wish to receive the Informer any more -

or if you have changes to your e-mail address,

please notify Liv N. Høie at 51 55 43 22 or e-mail: [email protected]

Issues of the Informer in the school year 2012-2013 are due: 05.09, 03.10, 07.11. and 12.12. 2012. In 2013: 23.01, 06.03, 17.04 and 29.05. Deadline is one week before.

Every day we serve either a vegetarian option or a vegetarian soup.

The soup variety is announced on the on-line m

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ISS cafeteria

December Menu

Monday 26 : Fried rice cantonese with chicken and prawns. ( GF )

Tuesday 27: Pasta Fuzili Bolognese.

Wednesday 28: Chicken Korma , sweet coconut sauce served with rice and papadums

Thursday 29: Komler Norwegian Dumpling served with salted lamb.Friday 30: Baked salmon Teriyaki with couscous and roots vegetable roasted with Honey.

Monday 03: Chicken noodles with wok vegetable and soy sauce.

Tuesday 04: Beef tacos with salsa, cheese and salad.

Wednesday 05: Pasta Carbonara, with mushrooms and bacon in a cream sauce.

Thursday 06: Meatballs in gravy with boiled potatoes.Friday 07: Breaded cod served with potatoes and broccoli.

Monday 10: Pizza & Salad

Tuesday 11: Pasta with tomato sauce and meat balls.

Wednesday 12: Shepard´s pie served with green peas

Thursday 13: Christmas lunch ,classic pork ribs with xmas sausages gravy and potatoes .Friday 14:Fish Burger and potato wedges served with salad and tartare sauce.

Monday 17: Hot dogs and mashed potatoes

Tuesday 18: Pork Schnitzel served with macaroni and broccoli.

Wednesday 19: Rice Porridge and Christmas Carols .

The Informer 7 november 2012 ·

2012-2013 School YearNovember7 Kindergarten field trip to Ullandhaug Tower, 08:45-11:007-11 IMUN Conference, Lisbon8-10 NECIS - Boys Football & Girls Volleyball29/10-9/11 Primary School Reading Incentive9 Parent-Teacher Meetings9 Middle School Activity Night, 19:0010-19 Middle School Spanish Exchange to Barcelona12 Grade 3 Assembly, 10:3017 Parent Association International Festival19-22 Grade 4 Outdoor Education Week at Gullingen20 Rob Lake Magic Show for Pre-School - Grade 2, 14:15-14:4521 Middle School/High School Band concert23 Middle School Activity Night, 19:0030 Grade K-2 Choir Concert, 18:00

December1 StuCo Winter Formal6 IGCSE Information Afternoon6 Middle School/High School Choir Concert, 19:007 Pictures with Santa12-18 High School Examinations, Grades 9-1113 Grades 3-5 Choir Concert, 18:0014 Middle School Dance, 19:00-22:0017 Grades K-2 Soma Farm trip, 09:30-12:0018 Grades 3-5 Soma Farm trip, 09:30-12:0019 Juletrefest, Pre-School - Grade 1, 14:00-14:3019 Juletrefest, Grades 2-5, 14:30-15:00

19 Middle School Activity Day/Last Day of School19 High School Activity Day

20/12 - 4/1, 2013 Christmas Break

JaNuary 20137 School resumes9-23 IB Mock Examinations, grade 1223 IB Information Evening24-26 Primary School drama production14 Middle School Recognition Ceremony, 13:50

February1 Middle School Dance, 19:00-22:0011-17 Winter Week21 Grade 8 - 9 Transition Meeting, 18:0022 StuCo Valentine’s Dance, 25-26 High School Parent-Teacher Conferences28 Grade 9 Information Afternoon, 15:30 - 16:15

march1 StuCo Dance7-10 NECIS - Boys & Girls Basketball14-17 High School ISTA Festival, Czech Republic15-16 NECIS Boys & Girls Swimming (ISS hosting)

The Informer is published by INterNatIoNal School oF StavaNger

Treskeveien 3NO-4043 STAVANGER


Tel: +47 51 55 43 00 Fax: +47 51 55 43 01

E-mail: [email protected]

High School Office: +47 51 55 43 43Middle School Office: +47 51 55 43 11

Primary School Office: +47 51 55 43 23

Director: Dr. Linda DuevelDeputy Director: Mr. Gareth JonesHigh School Principal: Dr. Liam BrowneMiddle School Pricipal: Ms. Carol WallacePrimary School Principal: Dr. Len DuevelBusiness Manager: Ms. Brynhild Åsheim

IB Coordinator: Ms. Lynn ParkHigh School Counselor: Ms. Monchaya (June) JetabutPrimary/Middle School Counselor: Mr. Matt ArmstrongSchool Nurse: Ms. Heather Melhus

The ISS Vision StatementThe ISS vision is to prepare students for greater glob-al participation by helping them become responsi-ble, empowered learners.

The ISS Mission StatementThe International School of Stavanger is dedicated to providing its students with English language education in a supportive, academically stimulating, and multi-cultural environment. We strive to fos-ter a love of learning, the development of individual skills and talents, and an awareness of the value each person has to society. Our goal is to enable students to succeed in continuing educational programs and to live as responsible and contributing citizens in the global community.

The International School of Stavanger (ISS), founded in 1966, is an independent, non-profit Norwegian foundation accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and the Council of Interna-tional Schools. The school enrolls students from ages 3 through 18. ISS offers an international university preparatory curriculum that combines the best features of many national educational systems. Both the Inter-national Baccalaureate Diploma programme and the International General Certificate of Secondary Educa-tion external examinations are available to students.

In 2012, the school has an enrollment of over 800 students who represent some 54 nationalities, including students from six of the earth’s seven continents.

High School event Middle School event Primary School event All School event

Calendar of Events School year 2011-2012

I am celebrating UN Day