information for sponsors of events at the „rakovski ... · internet site main topics - national...

Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski“ National Defence College

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Page 1: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c

Information for sponsors of events

at the „Rakovski“ National Defence College

Page 2: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c
Page 3: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

DATE 10-11 November 2020PLACE “Rakovski” National Defence CollegeCITY Sofi aINTERNET SITE topics - National security in the risk society

- The military instrument of security - Scientifi c approaches to the future of national security,- The role of sports activities in the system of national security

Participants Academic staff of the College and other Bulgarian and foreign universities - students, doctoral students, postgraduates, lecturers; representatives of ministries, institutions, research institutes, businesses from the security and defence sector, and other interested parties.


The forum off ers a diverse range of sponsorship opportunities applicable to diff erent budgets. To summarize the benefi ts of each package as well as for more detailed information on the benefi ts of sponsorship and the diff erent types of packages off ered, please see the information below. To discuss the details with us, or if you have any further questions not covered here, please do not hesitate to contact us (the contact details are at the end of this document). on the benefi ts of sponsorship and the diff erent types of packages see

Why should you consider sponsoring the event?

Sponsorship can help you achieve certain objectives in diff erent ways - from creating positive publicity of your company and your products / services to branding through conference materials, fl yers and brochures

Page 4: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

to increase the visibility of your company.Sponsoring the conference will allow you to promote your products

and services to your target audience, gathered together in one hall. Sponsorship can enhance your company image and position you among market leaders. This fact, combined with the participation of key decision-makers from diff erent regions and institutions, will create the prerequisites to provide you with new opportunities much faster and easier, both in Bulgaria and in many other countries. Our forum is an event for education, science and industry that will allow you to promote your business directly to your potential customers.

On request, we can design a personal sponsorship package that is aligned with your marketing needs and budget.

All ISC SESI 2020csponsorship packages provide you with:


Networking and sharing information are two major aspects of ISC SESI 2020, featuring coff ee breaks, networking lunch/es and an evening reception / cocktail that are included in each ISC SESI 2020 day, as well as participating in the Welcome drink on the evening before the conference fi rst day. The conference hall, coff ee breaks and lunch area are to be at the heart of the event as places to network, meet and share opinions and ideas with various participants involved in the ISC SESI 2020. We also provide opportunities for personal meetings in areas available throughout the forum.

Potential for New Business Opportunities

With the presence of some of the largest European and global companies and institutions, the ISC SESI 2020 will provide you with the

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(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

opportunity to establish new contacts and fi nd new business opportunities in your sector. On request, we can also pre-arrange private meetings with selected speakers, delegates, partners and other sponsors. Sponsoring the ISC SESI 2020 will also facilitate the expansion to new markets by providing you with the opportunity to meet potential new customers, as well as raising visibility of your company and its products and / or services on your target markets.


Your corporate logo will be included in all our marketing campaigns, the ISC SESI 2020 website and all printed materials. You will also have the opportunity to set up a stand on the venue, depending on the type of package you select and we will work closely with your marketing team before the event to ensure that the potential of your company’s visibility is maximized.

Products and Services Promotion

We can promote your products and services during the ISC SESI 2020 in many ways that you will set with our team, for example: distributing information and off ers together with delegates’ ISC SESI 2020 materials, setting up a stand on the venue, demonstrations, special off ers / prices for the conference delegates, etc.

2. Sponsorship packages – Receptions&Lunches

In addition to off ering sponsorship packages throughout the ISC SESI 2020 (see Section 3 below), we can also off er sponsorship during one or more of our receptions and / or business lunches for networking. You can fi nd the details about them below:

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(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

Welcome drink (day 0)- Price: 500 EUR;- The price includes wine (Bulgarian, red, rose and white); food /

refreshments, incl. cold and hot entrees and snacks; soft drinks and water; serving staff ; tables, table cloths and other accessories; cutlery; corporate branding in the reception hall.

- Exclusive sponsor of the Welcome drink, including company branding and merchandise within the reception venue (specifi c conditions are subject to agreement with our team, depending on your marketing needs);

- You will also receive all the benefi ts of Bronze Package sponsors, including the exhibit space, as detailed in Section 3 below.

Evening reception / cocktail (day 1 and / or day 2)- Price: 2 100 EUR;- The price includes wine (Bulgarian, red, rose and white); food /

refreshments, incl. cold and hot entrees and snacks; soft drinks and water; serving staff ; tables, table cloths and other accessories; cutlery; corporate branding in the reception hall.

- Exclusive sponsor for this particular reception, including corporate branding and merchandise within the reception venue (specifi c conditions are subject to agreement with our team, depending on your marketing needs);

- You will also receive all the benefi ts of Bronze Package sponsors as detailed in Section 3 below.

Business lunch for networking (day 1 and / or day 2)- Price: 1 800 EUR;- The price includes food in the form of cold and hot entrees and

other light snacks; soft drinks and water; serving staff ; tables, table cloths and other accessories; cutlery; corporate branding in the reception hall;

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(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

- Exclusive sponsor for this particular reception, including corporate branding and merchandise within the reception venue (conditions are subject to agreement with our team, depending on your marketing needs);

- You will also receive all the benefi ts of Gold Package sponsors, as detailed in Section 3 below.

Sponsoring more than one reception and/or lunch

At your will, you can also sponsor more than one business lunch and / or reception. If this is the case, discounts will be off ered for each additional sponsored lunch / reception and the benefi ts of the Silver Package (including showroom) will apply.

3. Sponsorship packages

The following is a brief summary of the benefi ts of each package and the prices associated with it. For the full terms and benefi ts of each package, please see the detailed information for each package in the table below. To go to a specifi c package, please tick / its name in the table.

Price and benefi ts

Sponsorship packageBronze Silver Gold Platinum

Amount due in euro 500-999 1 000 – 1 749 1 750 – 2 499 2 500 +

Page 8: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

Offi cial sponsor for the entire conference


Special banner space on the event/conference website


(in a sep-a r a t e s e c t i o n a b o v e the other c a t e g o -ries)

Logo and short description of the company, its products and services on the sponsors’ page of the event website


Advertisement of the compa-ny in the printed ISC SESI 2020 programme


(half page)


(half page)


(full page)


(2 full pages)

Logo of the company on the back cover of the ISC SESI 2020 programme


(in a sep-a r a t e s e c t i o n a b o v e the other c a t e g o -ries)

Page 9: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

Distribution of printed or oth-er branded advertising mer-chandise


Possibility to arrange a per-sonal meeting with one of our distinguished lecturers / speakers, delegates, special guests or organizers, at their consent


(with prior-ity)


(with pri-ority)

Stands at the ISC SESI 2020 venue (included in the price, but excluding extras, e.g. Television screen)


(up to 10 m2)


(up to 15 m2)


( m a x i -mum size depend-ing on the hall and availabil-ity)

Possibility to submit a written report or opinion on a discus-sion topic for posting on the website after the event


Page 10: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

Mentioning as a sponsor in all press releases and other me-dia, and PR references to the ISC SESI 2020


Close collaboration with a member of the Defence Col-lege organizational team with your company to maximize your promotion


Product(s) advertising in the printed ISC SESI 2020 pro-gramme (in addition to the corporate advertising)


(full page)


(full page)

An opportunity for a member of your company’s manage-ment team to speak at the opening (1st day) or closing (day 2) days of the ISC SESI 2020.


A maximum number of free passes for the whole confer-ence (including the company representatives and guests)

2 4 8 10

Page 11: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

A discount on the price for all other employees, sharehold-ers and board members of the company, as well as the additional guests

15% 20% 25% 30%

Platinum package

Our best and limited sponsorship package is the platinum one. To maximize the benefi ts for our sponsors, this is the package that enables individual solutions and provides access to a member(s) of our team who will work closely with you to guarantee that all your requirements are met in the best appropriate way for your company, your usual marketing strategy and the products and / or services off ered.

Benefi ts

Offi cial Platinum Sponsor of the ISC SESI 2020.

A special banner space on the ISC SESI 2020 website for platinum sponsors that will appear on every page, with a banner linked to your company website;

The logo and a brief description of the company and its products / services at the top of our page in the “Sponsors” section of the ISC SESI 2020 website;

A two-page advertisement for the ISC SESI 2020 programme, which will be distributed to all participants and speakers;

Page 12: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

A full-page advertisement of products / services in the ISC SESI 2020 programme, which will be distributed to all participants and speakers. A logo on the back cover of the ISC SESI 2020 programme. An opportunity to distribute printed or other branded materials promoting your company to all participants. This may include, but is not limited to, leafl ets, brochures, bags, pens / DVDs, etc.

If you want to arrange personal meetings with any of our distinguished speakers, delegates, special guests, partners, organizers or other sponsors, with their consent we will arrange this in advance;

Possibility to set a large stand at the venue of the ISC SESI 2020 free of charge, except for the extras (e.g. TV screen). The exact dimensions and specifi cs of the stand must be agreed with the organizers. Please note that the personnel needed for this stand should be yours; If you would like to express your opinion on a topic to be discussed at the conference / event, you may send a written report or statement to us, which will be published on the ISC SESI 2020 website. Depending on your preferences, the access to this report or statement may be public or limited to the conference participants only;

You will be mentioned as a Platinum Sponsor in all press releases and other media and PR references to the ISC SESI 2020;

A member of the organizational team who will work in a close collaboration with your company to maximize your popularity and personalization of our package according to your needs and to guarantee that all your requirements are met;

Page 13: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

If you wish, a member of your company’s management can speak at the opening (day 1) or closing (day 2) days of the ISC SESI 2020 or at one of the panels (agreed in advance with the organizers);

Up to 10 delegates of each platinum sponsor can attend the ISC SESI 2020 free of charge. These free passes can be used by represen-tatives of your company and / or guests. Information about the people who will use the free passes must be provided to the organizers prior to the event.

All other employees, shareholders and board members of the company, as well as all additional guests invited by the company, can purchase passes at a discount of 30% of the current price.


The platinum sponsors will be listed as such throughout the conference and will deposit at least EUR 2 500 or the equivalent in another currency for the organization of the ISC SESI 2020. For this purpose, a sponsorship agreement is signed with Rakovski National Defence College. Each amount of money, contributed by the Sponsor, will be used to organize the entire ISC SESI 2020 and cannot be limited to the organization of a specifi c day.

Any personal or other information, received from the delegates and lecturer’s database at the ISC SESI 2020 shall be used by the sponsoring company for marketing and advertising purposes of its products and / or services only and shall not be provided to any third party for any reason,

Page 14: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

unless they have an obligation to do so by law.

All costs and documentation related to the off er of the Sponsor for distribution, promotional and other materials for the ISC SESI 2020, in-cluding transportation and import / export costs, shall be borne by the sponsor. The organizers of the ISC SESI 2020 cannot be held respon-sible or liable for such expenses or documentation, or for any customs delays, checks, restrictions or confi scations.

Unless other wise agreed and approved by the organizers, the ISC SESI 2020 stand exhibits shall not include items from the military list that are subject to the export control of defence-related products, as regulated by the Law on the export control of defence-related products and dual-use items and technologies. To display such items, please contact the organizers in advance. For dual-use items, and if you are not sure if the exhibits you off er fall into this category, please contact the organizers in advance to check admissibility. For more information regarding Bulgarian on export-import regulations, please check

- Sponsors of the ISC SESI 2020 are also expected to provide some form of advertising for the event, whether online, in print or by email, to attract additional delegates. If applicable, it may also take the form of internal advertising within the company, institution, organization, sponsor, etc.

- In the spirit of mutually benefi cial relations, we may seek your cooperation to contact a specifi c person, persons or company in connection with the ISC SESI 2020 and request that you assist us your

Page 15: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

on this matter. We will not seek your cooperation in contacting someone who may be considered a direct competitor of your company, but we may seek your cooperation in contacting someone working in the same fi eld or sector.

- Leading organizer of the ISC SESI 2020 is Rakovski National Defence College, a higher education institution established and accredited under the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria. All sponsorship contributions will be received by Rakovski National Defence College for the purpose of organizing the ISC SESI 2020.

Gold Package

Our Gold Sponsorship Package also aims to increase the visibility of your company and its products and / or services, and also gives you access to a member of our team who will work closely with your company to ensure that your requirements are met. The proposed terms and benefi ts are as follows:

Benefi ts

- Offi cial Sponsor of the ISC SESI 2020.- A special banner space on the ISC SESI 2020 website for sponsors,

which will appear on all pages, with the banner linked to your company website;

- The logo and a brief description of the company and its products / services at the top of our page in the “Sponsors” section of the ISC SESI 2020;

-A full-page page for the company to advertise in the ISC SESI 2020 programme, which will be distributed to all participants and speakers.

Page 16: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

- A full-page page for the promotion of products / services in the ISC SESI 2020 programme, which will be distributed to all participants and speakers.

- Logo on the back cover of the ISC SESI 2020 programme in a separate section / space “Sponsors”.

- Opportunity to distribute printed or other branded materials promoting your company to all participants. This may include, but is not limited to, leafl ets, brochures, bags, pens, CDs / DVDs, etc.

- If you would like to arrange a private meeting with one of our confi rmed speakers, delegates, special guests, partners, organizers or other sponsors, depending on their presence and approval, we will arrange this in advance for you.

- Possibility to set a stand of up to 15 m2 at the venue of the ISC SESI 2020, free of charge during the conference, The exact dimensions and specifi cs of the stand must be agreed with the organizers. Please note that the personnel needed for this stand should be yours

- If you would like to express your opinion on a topic that was discussed at the ISC SESI 2020, you can send us a written report or statement that will be published on the ISC SESI 2020 website. Depending on your preferences, access to this report or an opinion may be made public or restricted to conference participants only.

- You will be mentioned as a sponsor in in all press releases and other media and PR references to the ISC SESI 2020.

- A member of the organizational team who will work in a close collaboration with your company to maximize your popularity and personalization of our package according to your needs and to guarantee that all your requirements are fully met.

- You will be given access to our targeted advertising database.

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(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

This means that you can select individuals or delegations from specifi c companies and / or sectors to whom you can off er specifi c services, products, discounts, special off ers, etc. This can be done through printed materials distributed only to the persons you have selected, or by email.

- Up to 8 participants from each Gold Sponsor can attend the ISC SESI 2020 for free. These free passes can be used either for representatives of your company and / or for guests. Data for people who will use the free passes must be provided to the organizers in advance before the event.

- All other employees, shareholders and board members of the Gold Sponsor company, as well as all additional guests invited by the company, can purchase passes at a discount of 25% of the current price


- All Gold Sponsors will be listed as such throughout the ISC SESI 2020 and will deposit at least EUR 1 750 or the equivalent in another currency for the organization of the ISC SESI 2020. For this purpose, a sponsorship agreement is signed with Rakovski National Defence College. Any amount contributed by the Sponsor will be used to organize the entire ISC SESI 2020 and cannot be limited to the organization of a specifi c day;

- Any personal or other information, received from the delegates and lecturers database at the ISC SESI 2020 shall be used by the sponsoring company for marketing and advertising purposes of its products and / or services only and shall not be provided to any third party for any reason, unless they have an obligation to do so by law.

All costs and documentation related to the off er of the Sponsor for

Page 18: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

distribution, promotional and other materials for the ISC SESI 2020, in-cluding transportation and import / export costs, shall be borne by the sponsor. The organizers of the ISC SESI 2020 cannot be held respon-sible or liable for such expenses or documentation, or for any customs delays, checks, restrictions or confi scations.

- Unless otherwise agreed and approved by the organizers, the ISC SESI 2020 stand exhibits shall not include items from the military list that are subject to the export control of defence-related products, as regulated by the Law on the export control of defence-related products and dual-use items and technologies. To display such items, please contact the organizers in advance. For dual-use items, and if you are not sure if the exhibits you off er fall into this category, please contact the organizers in advance to check admissibility. For more information regarding Bulgarian on export-import regulations, please check

- Sponsors of the ISC SESI 2020 are expected to provide some form of advertising for the event, whether online, in print or by email, to attract additional delegates. If applicable, it may also take the form of internal advertising within the company, institution, organization, sponsor, etc.

- In the spirit of mutually benefi cial relations, we may seek your cooperation to contact a specifi c person, persons or company in connection with the ISC SESI 2020 and request that you assist us your on this matter. We will not seek your cooperation in contacting someone who may be considered a direct competitor of your company, but we may seek your cooperation in contacting someone working in the same fi eld or sector.

Page 19: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

- Leading organizer of the ISC SESI 2020 is Rakovski National Defence College, a higher education institution established and accredited under the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria. All sponsorship contributions will be received by Rakovski National Defence College for the purpose of organizing the ISC SESI 2020.

Silver package

If you want to sponsor the ISC SESI 2020 with a smaller amount but still want to make the most of this opportunity, then this is the best package for you. The terms and benefi ts included are as follows:

Benefi ts

- Offi cial Sponsor of the ISC SESI 2020;- A special banner space on the ISC SESI 2020 website for sponsors,

which will appear on all pages, with the banner linked to your company website;

- The logo and a brief description of the company and its products / services at the top of our page in the “Sponsors” section of the ISC SESI 2020 website;

- A half-page for the promotion of products / services in the ISC SESI 2020 programme, which will be distributed to all participants and speakers.

- Logo on the back cover of the ISC SESI 2020 programme in a separate “Sponsors” section;

- Opportunity to distribute printed or other branded materials promoting your company to all participants. This may include, but is not limited to, leafl ets, brochures, bags, pens, CDs / DVDs, etc.

Page 20: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

- If you would like to arrange a private meeting with one of our confi rmed speakers, delegates, special guests, partners, organizers or other sponsors, depending on their presence and approval, we will arrange this in advance for you.

- Possibility to set a stand of up to 10 m2 at the venue of the ISC SESI 2020, free of charge during the conference, except necessary extras (e.g. TV screen). The exact dimensions and specifi cs of the stand must be agreed with the organizers. Please note that the personnel needed for this stand should be yours;

- If you would like to express your opinion on a topic that was discussed at the ISC SESI 2020, you can send us a written report or statement that will be published on the ISC SESI 2020 website. Depending on your preferences, access to this report or an opinion may be made public or restricted to conference participants only.

- Up to 4 participants from each silver sponsor can attend the ISC SESI 2020 for free. These free passes can be used either for representatives of your company and / or for guests. Data for people who will use the free passes must be provided to the organizers in advance before the event.

- All other employees, shareholders and board members of the silver sponsor company, as well as all additional guests invited by the company, can purchase passes at a discount of 20% of the current price.


- All Silver Sponsors will be listed as such throughout the ISC SESI 2020 and will deposit at least EUR 1 000 or the equivalent in another currency for the organization of the ISC SESI 2020 For this purpose, a sponsorship agreement is signed with Rakovski National Defence

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(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

College. Any amount contributed by the Sponsor will be used to organize the entire ISC SESI 2020 and cannot be limited to the organization of a specifi c day;

- Any personal or other information, received from the delegates and lecturers database at the ISC SESI 2020 shall be used by the sponsoring company for marketing and advertising purposes of its products and / or services only and shall not be provided to any third party for any reason, unless they have an obligation to do so by law.

All costs and documentation related to the off er of the Sponsor for distribution, promotional and other materials for the ISC SESI 2020, in-cluding transportation and import / export costs, shall be borne by the sponsor. The organizers of the ISC SESI 2020 cannot be held respon-sible or liable for such expenses or documentation, or for any customs delays, checks, restrictions or confi scations.

- Unless otherwise agreed and approved by the organizers, the ISC SESI 2020 stand exhibits shall not include items from the military list that are subject to the export control of defence-related products, as regulated by the Law on the export control of defence-related products and dual-use items and technologies. To display such items, please contact the organizers in advance. For dual-use items, and if you are not sure if the exhibits you off er fall into this category, please contact the organizers in advance to check admissibility. For more information regarding Bulgarian on export-import regulations, please check

- Sponsors of the ISC SESI 2020 are expected to provide some form of advertising for the event, whether online, in print or by email, to attract additional delegates. If applicable, it may also take the form of internal

Page 22: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

advertising within the company, institution, organization, sponsor, etc.- In the spirit of mutually benefi cial relations, we may seek your

cooperation to contact a specifi c person, persons or company in connection with the ISC SESI 2020 and request that you assist us your on this matter. We will not seek your cooperation in contacting someone who may be considered a direct competitor of your company, but we may seek your cooperation in contacting someone working in the same fi eld or sector.

- Leading organizer of the ISC SESI 2020 is Rakovski National Defence College, a higher education institution established and accredited under the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria. All sponsorship contributions will be received by Rakovski National Defence College for the purpose of organizing the ISC SESI 2020.

Bronze Package

Our Bronze Sponsorship Package is most suitable for those who would like to sponsor the ISC SESI 2020 but do not feel confi dent in the market or have a limited budget to participate with a larger amount of money. The proposed terms and benefi ts are as follows:

Benefi ts

- Offi cial Sponsor of the ISC SESI 2020;- A special banner space on the ISC SESI 2020 website for sponsors,

which will appear on all pages, with the banner linked to your company website;

- The logo and a brief description of the company and its products / services at the top of our page in the “Sponsors” section of the ISC SESI 2020 website;

Page 23: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

- Half page for the promotion of products / services in the ISC SESI 2020 programme, which will be distributed to all participants and speakers.

- Logo on the back cover of the ISC SESI 2020 programme in a separate “Sponsors” section;

- Opportunity to distribute printed or other branded materials promoting your company to all participants. This may include, but is not limited to, leafl ets, brochures, bags, pens, CDs / DVDs, etc.

- If you would like to arrange a private meeting with one of our confi rmed speakers, delegates, special guests, partners, organizers or other sponsors, depending on their presence and approval, we will arrange this in advance for you.

- Up to 2 delegates from each Bronze Sponsor can attend the ISC SESI 2020 for free. These free passes can be used either for representatives of your company and / or for guests. Personal details about the people who will use the free passes must be provided to the organizers prior to the event;

- All other employees, shareholders and board members of the Bronze Sponsor company, as well as all additional guests invited by the company, can purchase passes at a discount of 15% of the current price.


- All Bronze Sponsors will be listed as such throughout the conference and will have to deposit an amount of at least 500 EUR or the equivalent in another currency for the organization of the ISC SESI 2020. For this purpose, a sponsorship agreement is signed with Rakovski National Defence College. Any amount contributed by the Sponsor will be used

Page 24: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

to organize the entire ISC SESI 2020 and cannot be limited to the organization of a specifi c day;

- Any personal or other information, received from the delegates and lecturers database at the ISC SESI 2020 shall be used by the sponsoring company for marketing and advertising purposes of its products and / or services only and shall not be provided to any third party for any reason, unless they have an obligation to do so by law.

All costs and documentation related to the off er of the Sponsor for distribution, promotional and other materials for the ISC SESI 2020, in-cluding transportation and import / export costs, shall be borne by the sponsor. The organizers of the ISC SESI 2020 cannot be held respon-sible or liable for such expenses or documentation, or for any customs delays, checks, restrictions or confi scations.

- Unless otherwise agreed and approved by the organizers, the ISC SESI 2020 stand exhibits shall not include items from the military list that are subject to the export control of defence-related products, as regulated by the Law on the export control of defence-related products and dual-use items and technologies. To display such items, please contact the organizers in advance. For dual-use items, and if you are not sure if the exhibits you off er fall into this category, please contact the organizers in advance to check admissibility. For more information regarding Bulgarian on export-import regulations, please check

- Sponsors of the ISC SESI 2020 are expected to provide some form of advertising for the event, whether online, in print or by email, to attract additional delegates. If applicable, it may also take the form of internal advertising within the company, institution, organization, sponsor, etc.

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(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

- In the spirit of mutually benefi cial relations, we may seek your cooperation to contact a specifi c person, persons or company in connection with the ISC SESI 2020 and request that you assist us your on this matter. We will not seek your cooperation in contacting someone who may be considered a direct competitor of your company, but we may seek your cooperation in contacting someone working in the same fi eld or sector.

- Leading organizer of the ISC SESI 2020 is Rakovski National Defence College, a higher education institution established and accredited under the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria. All sponsorship contributions will be received by Rakovski National Defence College for the purpose of organizing the ISC SESI 2020.

Page 26: Information for sponsors of events at the „Rakovski ... · INTERNET SITE Main topics - National security in the risk society - The military instrument of security - Scientifi c



(ISC SESI 2020)DATE - 10-11 November 2020

“Rakovski” National Defence College

4. ContactsWe off er sponsorship opportunities tailored to suit your business

needs.For more information or discussion of your sponsorship preferences,

please contact:- Assoc. Prof. Maria Fartunova; Position: Assistant Rector; telephone

0359 2 92 26556; e-mail; [email protected] Lt Col. Dimitar Staykov; Position: Head of the “Finances,

Programming and Procurement” Department; telephone: 0359 2 92 26507; e-mail: [email protected]