info session: online graduate certificate in business journalism at arizona state university


Post on 18-Oct-2014




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The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism offered an interactive info session about the all-new online graduate certificate in business journalism at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. For more information about the Reynolds Center's business journalism training and resources, please visit For more information about the graduate certificate in business journalism, please visit


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Arizona  State  University  

•  Ranked  2nd  in  “most  promising  and  innova3ve  changes,”  and…  

•  Recognized  as  a  top  university  for  online  educa3on    -­‐  U.S.  News  &  World  Report,            2013-­‐2014    

Learn  more:  h6p://  

Walter  Cronkite  School  of  Journalism  and  Mass  CommunicaDon  

•  Interna3onally  recognized  leader  in  journalism  educa3on  

•  Award-­‐winning  programs,  students  and  professional  experiences  

•  Owns  and  operates  Arizona  PBS  affiliate  

Learn  more:  h6p://    

•  Award-­‐winning  faculty  and  students  

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Donald  W.  Reynolds  NaDonal  Center  for  Business  Journalism  •  Has  trained  more  than  20,000  

journalists,  professors,  students  and  communica3ons  since  2003  

•  Regularly  collaborates  with  journalism  organiza3ons,  industry  leaders  and  media  outlets  

Learn  more:  h6p://  

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Graduate  CerDficate  in  Business  Journalism  

Quick  facts  

•  Courses:  •  Five  courses  (three  credits  

each)  •  7.5  weeks  long  •  15  credit-­‐hour  program  

•  Cost:  •  $482  per  credit  hour  

•  Upcoming  deadlines  to  apply:  •  July  31,  2014  •  Sept.  24,  2014  •  Dec.  22,  2014  

•  Applica3on  fee:  $70  

•  Requirements  for  admission:  •  A  bachelor’s  degree  in  any  

subject  •  Minimum  3.0  cumula3ve  

GPA  (on  4.0  scale)  in  last  60  semesters  or  90  quarter  hours  of  bachelor’s  program  

•  Interna3onal  students:  TOEFL  score  of  100  

•  Complete  graduate  cer3ficate  in  as  lijle  as  six  months.  

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Graduate  CerDficate  in  Business  Journalism  

Courses  •  MCO  550:  Issues  in  the  Coverage  of  Business  and  the  Economy  

Understanding   from   a   journalist’s   perspec3ve   the   financial   markets,   economics,   company  statements,   banking,   credit  markets,   real   estate   and   global   compe33on,   emphasizing   significant  issues  and  differences  in  coverage.    

•  MCO  598:  Special  Topics:  Cri3cal  Analysis  of  Business  Journalism  Understanding   the   process   of   researching   and   repor3ng   basic   business   news   stories,   including  u3lizing   social   media   and   social   strategy.   Iden3fying   the   key   elements   of   stories   on   a   public  company,   a   small   business,   a   consumer   issue,   an   earnings   report,   court   records,   demographic  informa3on,  a  CEO  interview,  financial  statements,  a  nonprofit,  an  IPO  and  a  merger.    

•  MCO  551:  Bejer  Business  Storytelling  Iden3fying   ideas,  cul3va3ng  sources,  gathering  scenes  and  sensory  detail  to  construct  narra3ves,  finding  real  people,  interviewing,  repor3ng  stories  for  mul3ple  plalorms,  wri3ng  short  and  fast.  

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Graduate  CerDficate  in  Business  Journalism  

Courses  •  MCO  552:  Data  in  Business  Journalism  

Using  Excel  to  analyze  public  databases;  using  ra3os  to  understand  financial  statements  and  Form  990s;   localizing   economic   indicators;   researching   stocks,   bonds,   deriva3ves,   currencies   and  commodi3es;  crea3ng  simple  data  visualiza3ons.    

•  MCO  554:  Inves3ga3ve  Business  Journalism  Iden3fying   and   researching   an   inves3ga3ve   business   story,   using   public   records,   including   SEC  documents,  and  databases.  Cul3va3ng  sources  and  genng  people  to  talk   to  you.  Organizing  and  bulletproofing  your  story.  Producing  a  detailed  pitch  memo  for  an  inves3ga3ve  business  story.  

All  courses  are  held  asynchronously,  with  regular  assignment  deadlines  posted  throughout  the  week.  

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Issues  in  the  Coverage  of  Business  and  the  Economy  

Understanding  financial  markets,  economics  and  differences  in  coverage.    

Instructor:      Andrew  Leckey,  President,  Reynolds  Center  for  Business  Journalism  &  Endowed  Chair,  Cronkite  School  of  Journalism  

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Cri3cal  Analysis  of  Business  Journalism  Cri7cal  overview  of  the  basics  of  business  and  economic  journalism.    

•  Helps  students  understand  how  journalists  tell  the  stories  behind  companies,  people  and  money,  while  improving  competence  in  using  numbers  in  stories.    

•  Explores  compara3ve  analysis  of  coverage  of  stories  and  issues  by  compe33ve  news  sources.    

•  Develops  an  understanding  and  apprecia3on  of  the  techniques  and  skills  necessary  for  covering  businesses  and  the  economy.    

Instructor:    Robin  J.  Phillips,  Digital  Director,  Reynolds  Center  for  Business  Journalism  

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Instructor:    Steve  Doig,  Knight  Chair  in  Journalism,  Cronkite  School  of  Journalism  

Data  in  Business  Journalism  Learn  how  analyze  databases  with  Excel,  localize  economic  indicators  

and  inves7gate  financial  statements.    

•  Learn  business  data  sources  like  Census,  SEC,  BLS,  et  al.  

•  Learn  basic  analysis  tools  like  Excel  and  simple  sta3s3cs.  

•  Learn  visualiza3on  tools  like  Tableau,  Google  Fusion  Tables  and  HighCharts.    

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QuesDons?  We’re  happy  to  answer  your  ques3ons  about  the  program  aper  the  session!    

•  Cassandra  Nicholson,  coordinator  senior,  Reynolds  Center  

[email protected]  |  602-­‐496-­‐9189  

•  Marianne  Barre6,  senior  associate  dean,  Cronkite  School  

 [email protected]  |  602-­‐496-­‐6612  

•  Andrew  Leckey,  president,  Reynolds  Center  &  Reynolds  chair,  Cronkite  School  

[email protected]  |  602-­‐496-­‐9186  

•  Robin  J.  Phillips,  digital  director,  Reynolds  Center  

[email protected]  |  602-­‐496-­‐9190  

•  Steve  Doig,  Knight  chair,  Cronkite  School  

[email protected]  |  602-­‐496-­‐5798  

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Helpful  Links  Official  Press  Release  hjp://­‐reynolds-­‐center-­‐offers-­‐1st-­‐online-­‐graduate-­‐cer3ficate-­‐in-­‐business-­‐journalism/    FAQ  Page  hjp://­‐and-­‐answers-­‐about-­‐cronkites-­‐online-­‐graduate-­‐cer3ficate-­‐in-­‐business-­‐journalism/    “Why  you  should  consider  Cronkite’s  online  business  journalism  cerDficate”  (by  ASU  Online)  hjp://­‐you-­‐should-­‐consider-­‐cronkites-­‐online-­‐business-­‐journalism-­‐cer3ficate/    For  more  informaDon  on  how  to  apply:  hjp://