info product creation manifesto

The Product Creation Manifesto “How To Break Free, Make More Money And Create An Online Product Empire” By Greg Rollett + Nick Nanton

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Post on 24-Jan-2015




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DESCRIPTION - The Product Creation Manifesto is a guide to information marketing and creating information products. Written by Greg Rollett, the ProductPro, this guide will show you the "why" behind recording your own info products as well as practical tips that walk you through the creation of your very own information marketing products.


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The Product Creation Manifesto “How To Break Free, Make More Money And Create An Online Product Empire” By Greg Rollett + Nick Nanton

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Thanks for downloading this manifesto. I honestly don’t think you have seen many “free” reports like this one. It is truly special for those of you looking to build not only your first information based product, but an online empire through an entire suite of products that fuels your new rich lifestyle. You see, what you hold in your hands is your ticket to buying more time in not only your business, but in your life. Selling educational products online is the best way to STOP trading your time for money, especially when you follow the ProductPro System. Following our system will allow you to create products that enable you to break free and scale your business beyond your wildest dreams. And you hold all of this power right between your eyes, inside that useful head of yours. Whether you are working a day job and trying to escape the rat race, or you are running your own small business, creating a product is exceptionally freeing and in today’s market is an extreme necessity. No longer do you need to put in 10-12 hour days to make your clients happy. No way. I am going to show you over the next few pages how you can create products that live and breathe online, selling 24/7 and creating you passive income based on your experience and expertise. So, let’s get to it. No more rah-rah, get you fired up. If you can’t get fired up about sharing your story with the world and getting paid to do so, then you should close up this report right now and spend your time watching your peers get ahead and creating their own new rich lifestyle. Here’s to building your info empire, Greg Rollett CPO – Chief Product Officer ProductPros™

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Online Business Models Are A Dime A Dozen… You can… • Be an affiliate • Create an eCommerce store • Drop-ship products • Build a brand to promote your coaching or consulting • Get paid to blog about products • Get massive traffic and get paid through advertising • Create your own products • And the list goes on and on

Some of the business models listed above are short-term wins, something to do to create some income, but ultimately not something to build a long term business out of. Affiliate products come and go, advertising rates change and blogging, SEO and social media will continue to evolve and profiting off of them will change over time. The model that I enjoy talking about and helping others with, is through the creation of your own informational products. I would bet a good stack of Hard Rock chips that you are looking to create opportunities in your own life to not only provide value to others, but to create a lifestyle that revolves around seeing the world, spending time with your family and friends and creating experiences and moments that create fulfillment in your life. Building how-to information products can fulfill these inner desires and needs.

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There Are Only 24 Hours In Your Day Face it, you only have the same 24 hours in a day that I do, and even if you took on clients for 20 of those hours, that is really the highest volume you can intake (and let’s not forget that you probably won’t be having the fun and fulfillment out of life in this model).

With products you create a framework and a system that allows your business to grow and thrive even when you are not present. Think about an eBook. Someone comes to your site, sees the eBook and purchases it. Then they are sent the PDF file through email or a thank you page. What work did you have to do at the time of the sale? You got it, none. That transaction could have happened at 9 in the morning or 11 at night and the system takes care of everything. And this can happen 1 or 1,000 times everyday and it really won’t affect the way you live your life (but never, ever) sacrifice customer support). Overcoming Internal Obstacles In Product Creation So this all sounds nice, and you see others with this same type of approach. But you are facing many internal obstacles towards creating your own products and that is keeping you from taking action. Well it’s time to break those barriers right now!

I don’t (and you shouldn’t) like trading time for money. I would much rather exchange value for money.

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Let’s go through a few that you might be facing. Lack Of Expertise Or Knowledge To Create A Product This is very common among those just getting started in the online world. They feel as if they need to catch up, or they only see money being made in the “how to make money online” market. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. We are all good at something and a fine piece of advice is that you don’t have to be a 10 to teach a 1. You only have to be a 2. I come from a background in the music marketing niche. We have created products to help musicians build their brands online and create businesses to sustain a musician lifestyle. Others in this niche are the how to play guitar niche. These teachers are not the next coming of Jimmi Hendrix, but they are great at expressing the knowledge they have to others that have less knowledge. Your goal is to be a teacher to someone that wants to be led. I’m sure there are many things that you help your friends and social groups out with on a daily basis. Start taking note of them and see how you can apply that to a product that helps everyone. Will People Actually Pay For This, Can’t They Just Google It? This is a HUGE obstacle for many people when it comes to creating how-to and information based products. Let’s face it, there are hundreds, if not thousands of blogs on nearly every topic online. The amount of information available is sooo immense they have created a term for this called “paralysis of analysis“.

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Wikipedia defines “paralysis of analysis” as:

Here’s the little secret about this. People are lazier than you think. But not in a bad way. It’s because we all want to save time, energy and effort. Why go through millions of blog posts to see if something works when I can pay someone $50 for information that is proven to get results? And that is the golden answer as to why information products are so popular (and the fact that the authors enjoy high margins). Your goal as a product creator is to do a few things: o Find an audience where you have a solution to their problem

(I want to play guitar to write a song for my girlfriend, etc) o Provide a system that solves a problem for the customer (I

have a 4 week course that will help you write your first girlfriend loving song)

o Create trust and rapport with the customer that shows you CAN solve their problem (social proof, sales letter, testimonials)

“over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation, so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome. A decision can be treated as over-complicated, with too many detailed options, so that a choice is never made, rather than try something and change if a major problem arises. A person might be seeking the optimal or "perfect" solution upfront, and fear making any decision which could lead to erroneous results, when on the way to a better solution.”

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o Follow through on that value and solution (create a killer product)

But Doesn’t Creating A Value Driven Product Seem Like Hard Work? Well, let’s be honest here. It is not a walk in the park, but it also doesn’t have to be rocket science either. Let’s put it into perspective and help you create your first product in the following steps. The first is to determine the marketplace you can provide a solution for. Check. Next you need to figure out a way to systematize the results. This is typically done through creating modules, chapters, weekly trainings or sections to your product. We call this your product framework.

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Building A Winning Product Framework Getting started is always the hardest part of the process, right? Just like writing this book chapter. The first 20 words are the toughest to create. In building your first informational product, creating the first video or writing the first words in an eBook are also the hardest to take from your mind to consumable media. But before we get to that first step, we can set ourselves up to succeed by planning our product out.

I like to use mindmaps, or giant whiteboards and create the largest brainstorming session I can. You may like traditional outlines using a notebook or Word document. No matter your tool of choice, your goal is to build a framework of what your product will look like.

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When building out your outline, or mindmap, ask yourself the following questions: • Will there be 4 modules? 8? 10? 12? • What is the process you want to take your customers on? • What is their ultimate outcome? • What are the main problems that you can solve? • What do you know that people will pay for?

What you are looking to do is what I like to call a framework. Wikipedia refers to a conceptual framework with the following definition;

To give you further insight into a framework, take the work of some other successful authors and product creators.

Stephen Covey wrote his infamous book, the 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People to highlight “7 Habits.” Those 7 habits are the framework for not only his book, but his consulting practices and his high level training.

“A conceptual framework is used in research to outline possible courses of action or to present a preferred approach to an idea or thought.”

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Tim Ferriss has now written 2 best sellers that take on a slightly different framework. In the 4 Hour Body and the 4 Hour Workweek, Tim uses the 4-hour framework to teach his readers how to live a better life. In the 4 Hour Body, he uses short bursts of body hacks to live healthier, lose weight and gain muscle, which are the results he wishes for his readers to obtain. In the 4 Hour Workweek, Tim uses the same quick techniques to effectively manage our time getting more time to do the things we care about, which again is the result of a problem most people face, not enough time.

In legendary marketer Frank Kern’s Mass Control home study course, his framework is based on 30 Days to Mass Control Millions. His framework takes the customer through 4 weeks of videos and workbooks to achieve their desired results, which is to build their Internet Marketing business. My partner’s, Jack and Nick, created a Celebrity Branding framework in their best selling book, Celebrity Branding You. In the book, they outlined “5 Stages” to help you create your own celebrity brand. This framework has helped them establish a multi-million dollar business that revolves around helping others achieve the results desired from that framework.

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In my New Music Economy course, the framework I created is a 4-week video course designed to help musicians become more entrepreneurial through learning direct marketing strategies. Taking these examples and compiling your own product framework will give you the perfect starting place in getting your product together and to start winning in your marketplace. STOP: ProductPro Action Step: Stop write now and brainstorm your first product. Then construct the framework for your product. The easiest way to identify this is to create a 3-5 step process to take what is inside your mind and help your customer move from where they are now to their desired result. DO this now, before moving on. Like Nothing You Have Ever Done Before I told you from the onset that this manifesto was different. I want you to be the expert. I want you to help your market get their desired results. You see, if you are able to help people with this system, then in turn you are helping me reach more people with our ProductPro System. Your own results depend on the action you take after you learn this information. The thing is, we know you. This sounds like hard

STOP: ProductPro Action Step: Stop right now and brainstorm your first product. Then construct the framework for your product. The easiest way to identify this is to create a 3-5 step process to take what is inside your mind and help your customer move from where they are now to their desired result. DO this now, before moving on.

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work. Building frameworks, then shooting videos, then sales letters, then the technology to sell the product. Work, work, work and no fun doesn’t sound like the New Rich Lifestyle I talked about in the introduction to this report. That is why we have developed the “ProductPro System.” We have been creating products for clients all over the world. Taking their information and their skills and turning it into products for them. The process is virtually hands off for you. More on this in a minute… It’s Now Time To Construct Your Product Like A Pro Once you have your framework, you now have a blueprint to guide your readers and customers through to achieve their desired result. If you want to create a product to help someone lose weight, what is his or her optimal goal? Let’s say that it is to lose 50 pounds as an example. If this is the case, your product should help them gradually get to that goal. Your first module may be on grocery shopping and changing their mindset towards food. The second module may be to lose that first pound by walking around the block.

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Your third module builds upon this and helps them get to maybe 20-30 pounds of weight loss through exercise routines, strict meal choices and getting consistent rest. The final module should be your advanced strategies for losing those last 5-10 pounds and give a plan to continue getting into optimal fitness shape. If your product can deliver these 4 sequences of information, you are providing real value to your marketplace and actually helping people get their desired results. This lethal combination will reward you financially as well as internally. Your product has changed someone’s life in a positive way and that value is returned to you with an increase in your bank account.

Value + Action = Results And Profits Your product should speak directly to your target market, which you should now know inside and out. You should know if they like audio or video consumption, text or live Q&A with you. You should know their flaws, such as laziness or chasing opportunities and also be able to provide them the magic bullet to get their desired results. For my New Music Economy product, I knew that independent musicians were usually struggling to make ends meet, were great at certain types of technology (like guitar pedals and recording software) and did not have the means to pay big deposits for thousands of CD’s or t-shirts.

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So my product played off their weaknesses and turned them into strengths. I showed them how to create instant online income by recreating an old product and repacking it, then selling it using PayPal. I walked them through the dropshipping process for ordering CD’s and t-shirts, so their fans paid them before the CD was printed and shipped. And I gave them resources to technology that enabled them to use drag-and-drop visual cues to manage the technical side. This needs to be the goal of your product as well. And with help from the ProductPros, you can have a product that truly adds value to your customers without having to go through all the steps that cause many small business owners and entrepreneurs to continue to put off the largest opportunity in your business, an info product. A Done For You Approach Here at the ProductPros we want to help you create a truly fulfilling product that serves your market and help move your customer into a frame of mind to do business with you forever. And to do this we wanted to take away the elements that are stopping you from creating a product – from technology to the stress of creating your framework to making the technology of selling things online. We have now created products for professionals, experts and authors in niches that include law/legal, fitness, real estate,

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leadership, coaching, financial services, insurance, marketing, coaching and so much more. I would love to help you become the next ProductPro. Our process is simple. We will work with you to create a 4-part framework. This takes all the guessing and judgment out of the game and allows you to focus on serving your market. From there our team will create a 60-90 minute interview, which will serve as the foundation of your product. Once the interview is over our team takes over. We take that audio interview and create: • 4 edited MP3 audio files • 4 Powerpoint slide based videos • A transcription based eBook • An action guide

But we don’t just leave you with a product empty handed, you also get: o Customized graphics for use both online and in physical

products o A custom sales letter to copy and paste onto your website or

use in direct mail o A thank you, or download page that hosts all the videos,

audios and PDF files for your customers to consume your product

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o A press release so you can tell the world that you have a new product that helps people get the answers they need

o 25 physical copies of your product o Distribution on, the America’s PremiereExpert

Store and on the ProductPros website o A marketing consultation on how to sell your product and

serve your audience We place so much value on ensuring that you have a product that you can not only be proud of, but that your market will love and appreciate as well. I’d love to show you more about the process and some case studies as well. Below are 3 products that we have created in different industries that all deliver extreme value from our system and help the creator achieve the lifestyle and business goals they set for themselves. Case Study #1: Ryan Ketchum’s 5 Steps To Winning The Fat Loss Game

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Ryan Ketchum has an incredible personal journey where he lost over 100lbs after graduating college. He turned his own incredible journey into a business where he helps others lose fat and live their best life ever. At Force Fitness and Performance, Ryan and his team deliver an amazing transformation for people in his local community. In the product Ryan was able to deliver a 5-step action plan that truly helps people take the first steps to winning the mental, nutritional and physical parts of the fat loss game. The product is a great way for Ryan’s perspective clients to learn more about Ryan, get a feel for his personality and training style as well as take the first steps towards losing their first pound. Ryan is also able to work with clients that are not local to his community and cannot frequent his gym on a daily basis. The customers who buy the product are able to listen to the audio in the car or at the gym, giving further tips and motivation while working out. The videos give reinforcement over the action points and the Action Guide gives a sense of accountability for the client. You can see the product at

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Case Study #2: David Schwab’s Effective Communication For Ultimate Practice Growth

Dr. David Schwab helps dental practices maximize their growth through tactical strategies and strong internal communication. In his product we wanted to ensure that David was able to deliver an experience just like he was in the office giving a presentation 1-on-1. The goal of the product was to deliver initial results while not carrying the price tag of David flying into a location for a full day or week’s consultation.

Over the course of the product we created a 4 Part Framework where David was able to effectively go over: • The 7 Parts of the Patient Experience • The Best Verbal Scripts and Tips for Handling Patient

Objections • Building a Patient Referral System • Maximizing Growth Through A Proper Followup System

The finished product is a great way for David to create a revenue stream that was nonexistent in his business and will truly help to scale his business to even more dental practices.

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Case Study #3: Mark Blane Maximizing Your Case Claim When Insurance Companies Use Computer Software To Review Your Claim

Mark Blane is a personal injury attorney from San Diego, CA that has mastered using video, books and other multimedia marketing strategies to increase his visibility in a highly competitive market. In this product Mark wanted to showcase his knowledge of a topic that many people have no

knowledge on; software programs that determine insurance claims amounts. Mark displayed his expertise in this area and was able to deliver an actionable plan for anyone that is involved in an accident on how to acquire the proper documentation from doctors, the at-fault party and others during the process as well as how to use cell phones and pocket cameras to show evidence during the claims process. Mark is using this product to further distinguish himself from the local competition showing his expertise, experience and knowledge to help more people get the money and life they deserve after an accident.

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As you can see, the 3 products above couldn’t be more different. The key thing that holds them together is what they do to their customer. They help them get the answers, the results and take the action that they need to improve their lives or their businesses. And that is what the ProductPro System is all about. I would love to hear what you think about this Manifesto and what it can do for your business. Please send any questions and feedback to [email protected]. Or join our Facebook community at And if you want to get started in creating your own product, please visit or send me an email directly to schedule an initial consultation, again that is [email protected]. Thank you for reading this Manifesto and here’s to helping more people, and helping yourself in the process. To your success, Greg Rollett & Nick Nanton