influence of superheat on macrosegregation in continuously

844 ISIJ International, Vol. 61 (2021), No. 3, pp. 844–852 * Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected] © 2021 The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license ( 1. Introduction High carbon steel billet is an important raw material for high-strength cord products. However, carbon macroseg- regation is prone to occur during the continuous casting process due to the high carbon content and low partition coefficient, 1) which seriously affect the quality uniformity of high-strength cord products. During the final stage of solidification, the flow of enriched solute will lead to macrosegregation defects in the equiaxed crystal zone 2) and these defects will be presented as V-shaped segrega- tion and centerline segregation along the casting direction, which cannot be detected in the transverse section easily and always indicate the fluctuation of carbon content in the vertical section. Meanwhile, performance failures of product can always be caused by this kind of content fluctuation, especially by the maximum value in the content distribution. Thus, the research on the macrosegregation defects in the vertical section of high carbon steel billets is important to improve the cord product quality. During the continuous casting process, the superheat can affect the formation of macrosegregation in billets by changing the solidification process and the solidifica- Influence of Superheat on Macrosegregation in Continuously Cast Steel Billet from Statistical Maximum Viewpoint Dongwei GUO, Zibing HOU, * Zhiqiang PENG, Qian LIU, Yi CHANG and Jianghai CAO College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044 China. (Received on August 26, 2020; accepted on October 5, 2020) The statistics of extreme values (SEV) and the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) are introduced to obtain the predicted maximum carbon content and represent the macrosegregation degree along the cast- ing direction in continuous casting billets (represented by 82B cord steel). Subsequently, the influence mechanism of the superheat on macrosegregation has been investigated. It’s found that the SEV and the GPD methods can correctly obtain the predicted maximum carbon content and the results obtained by the SEV method increase linearly with the return period, while the GPD method can calculate the upper limit value of carbon content. The stochastic mathematical methods can get rid of the limitations of the sam- pling length and analysis area. During the exploration of the superheat influence mechanism based on the results obtained by these two methods, lower superheat can increase the secondary dendritic arm spacing (SDAS) and make the enriched carbon element easier concentrating on the centerline, resulting in center- line segregation and the increase of the corresponding result in the centerline. Under higher superheat condition, the segregation will be mainly represented as V-shaped segregation due to the decrease of the SDAS, leading to the increase of corresponding result in the off-center position. KEY WORDS: superheat; segregation; statistics of extreme values; generalized Pareto distribution; maxi- mum value of carbon content. tion structure, 3,4) yet there is a dispute about the influence mechanism of superheat. Previous researches showed that lower superheat can increase the equiaxed crystal ratio and reduce the segregation degree. 1,5) With the development to depth, some scholars found that a higher superheat can improve the central quality and reduce the central segre- gation degree of billets. 6,7) The above researches on the influence of superheat are usually simple analysis on cer- tain locations. In the research process, different sampling positions and sample sizes will result in differences in evaluation results. Therefore, systematic researches on the influence mechanism of superheat in the continuous casting process are still necessary. Meanwhile, previous researches on the macrosegregation in the vertical section are usually observations or qualitative comparisons, 8–10) lacking in sys- tematic and quantitative calculations. Hou 11,12) investigated the periodicity of carbon distribution in high carbon steel billets and the ARMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average) model 13) was introduced to analyze the fluctuation character- istics of carbon element content along the casting direction. However, the quantitative prediction of the maximum value of carbon element content along the casting direction is still unclear, which can represent the most serious segregation degree and affect the quality uniformity of cord products. On the other hand, the drilling hole sampling and chemical

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Page 1: Influence of Superheat on Macrosegregation in Continuously

ISIJ International, Vol. 61 (2021), No. 3

© 2021 ISIJ 844

ISIJ International, Vol. 61 (2021), No. 3, pp. 844–852

* Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]

© 2021 The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license (

1. Introduction

High carbon steel billet is an important raw material for high-strength cord products. However, carbon macroseg-regation is prone to occur during the continuous casting process due to the high carbon content and low partition coefficient,1) which seriously affect the quality uniformity of high-strength cord products. During the final stage of solidification, the flow of enriched solute will lead to macrosegregation defects in the equiaxed crystal zone2) and these defects will be presented as V-shaped segrega-tion and centerline segregation along the casting direction, which cannot be detected in the transverse section easily and always indicate the fluctuation of carbon content in the vertical section. Meanwhile, performance failures of product can always be caused by this kind of content fluctuation, especially by the maximum value in the content distribution. Thus, the research on the macrosegregation defects in the vertical section of high carbon steel billets is important to improve the cord product quality.

During the continuous casting process, the superheat can affect the formation of macrosegregation in billets by changing the solidification process and the solidifica-

Influence of Superheat on Macrosegregation in Continuously Cast Steel Billet from Statistical Maximum Viewpoint

Dongwei GUO, Zibing HOU,* Zhiqiang PENG, Qian LIU, Yi CHANG and Jianghai CAO

College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044 China.

(Received on August 26, 2020; accepted on October 5, 2020)

The statistics of extreme values (SEV) and the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) are introduced to obtain the predicted maximum carbon content and represent the macrosegregation degree along the cast-ing direction in continuous casting billets (represented by 82B cord steel). Subsequently, the influence mechanism of the superheat on macrosegregation has been investigated. It’s found that the SEV and the GPD methods can correctly obtain the predicted maximum carbon content and the results obtained by the SEV method increase linearly with the return period, while the GPD method can calculate the upper limit value of carbon content. The stochastic mathematical methods can get rid of the limitations of the sam-pling length and analysis area. During the exploration of the superheat influence mechanism based on the results obtained by these two methods, lower superheat can increase the secondary dendritic arm spacing (SDAS) and make the enriched carbon element easier concentrating on the centerline, resulting in center-line segregation and the increase of the corresponding result in the centerline. Under higher superheat condition, the segregation will be mainly represented as V-shaped segregation due to the decrease of the SDAS, leading to the increase of corresponding result in the off-center position.

KEY WORDS: superheat; segregation; statistics of extreme values; generalized Pareto distribution; maxi-mum value of carbon content.

tion structure,3,4) yet there is a dispute about the influence mechanism of superheat. Previous researches showed that lower superheat can increase the equiaxed crystal ratio and reduce the segregation degree.1,5) With the development to depth, some scholars found that a higher superheat can improve the central quality and reduce the central segre-gation degree of billets.6,7) The above researches on the influence of superheat are usually simple analysis on cer-tain locations. In the research process, different sampling positions and sample sizes will result in differences in evaluation results. Therefore, systematic researches on the influence mechanism of superheat in the continuous casting process are still necessary. Meanwhile, previous researches on the macrosegregation in the vertical section are usually observations or qualitative comparisons,8–10) lacking in sys-tematic and quantitative calculations. Hou11,12) investigated the periodicity of carbon distribution in high carbon steel billets and the ARMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average) model13) was introduced to analyze the fluctuation character-istics of carbon element content along the casting direction. However, the quantitative prediction of the maximum value of carbon element content along the casting direction is still unclear, which can represent the most serious segregation degree and affect the quality uniformity of cord products. On the other hand, the drilling hole sampling and chemical

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analysis are the most used methods in the actual produc-tion process to judge the quality of billets and segregation degree. Nevertheless, the judgment may be fluctuant and non-repeatable because of the limitations of the sampling length and analysis area. Thus, appropriate methods that can effectively evaluate the macrosegregation degree based on limited samples and analysis areas are required. On this basis, research on the influence mechanism of superheat on the macrosegregation defects is of great significance to control the quality uniformity of the billets and improve the quality of cord products.

Based on above background, this paper tried to introduce the stochastic mathematical methods including the statistics of extreme values (SEV) and generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) to obtain the predicted maximum value of carbon element content (abbreviated as CPM) in the equiaxed crystal zone along the casting direction of high carbon steel billets and represent the segregation degree. The SEV method and GPD method are classic statistical methods at pres-ent, which have been applied in many fields of materials research.14) Murakami15,16) introduced the SEV method in the estimation of the maximum size of inclusions in metal and the results were used to control the quality of materi-als and predict a scatter band of fatigue strength. Scarf17) investigated the application of the extreme value theory into corrosion engineering to predict the maximum pit depth in a certain area, which often fails materials. Sun18) applied the SEV method and the GPD method to estimate the maximum size of inclusions in ultra-clean GCr15 steel, on this basis, the relationship between the maximum size of inclusions and bearing fatigue life has been explored. However, the application of this kind of stochastic mathematical methods to calculate the CPM in the equiaxed crystal zone of billets has not been reported. Therefore, in this paper, the CPM in equiaxed crystal zones will be calculated and discussed by introducing different stochastic mathematical methods. Sub-sequently, the influence mechanism of superheat on the seg-regation defects will be investigated based on the calculated results and actual solidification structure characteristics.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials82B cord steel (steel grade: SWRH82B) with a size of

150 mm×150 mm was used as the research object. 82B cord steel billets are usually used to produce steel wire products through cold drawing. However, the existence

of carbon macrosegregation will affect the uniformity of central phase structure of wire rod and increase the risk of fracture failure.19) Thus, the research on the macroseg-regation in 82B cord steel billets is significant. The main chemical composition (mass%) of 82B cord steel billets is C0.82, Si0.22, Mn0.50, P≤0.008, S≤0.008, and Fe balance. Two billet samples were obtained in the actual production field under different process parameters as shown in Table 1. In actual production process, temperature of molten steel at a same position in the tundish was measured in order to obtain accurate casting superheat. The only process differ-ence between of two billets is the superheat. One is 34°C, and the other is 29°C. Methods of drilling hole sampling and chemical analysis were applied to obtain the original carbon distribution in the equiaxed crystal zone of billet Nos. 1 and 2. The sampling position is shown as Fig. 1, in which line AB is the centerline of the equiaxed crystal zone in the vertical section (abbreviated as centerline) and line CD represent the sideward position 20 mm from the center-line in the equiaxed crystal zone (abbreviated as off-center position). During the drilling process, the drilling diameter is 5 mm with a depth of 10 mm and the number of drilled samples is 30 in each position. After drilling hole sampling, the carbon distribution was obtained by chemical analysis.

2.2. Methods2.2.1. Statistics of Extreme Values (SEV)

The statistics of extreme values (SEV) is based on Gumbel distribution20) and the Gumbel distribution function G(x) is as follows:

G x x� � � � �� ��� ��� �exp /-exp � � ............... (1)

α and λ are the undetermined parameters.21) In this paper, the carbon content xi in the N samples is measured and the cumulative probability of the carbon content xi is as Eq. (2). To calculate the CPM in the billet with a length of L, parameter T was defined as Eq. (3), in which L0 is diameter of individual sample point during drilling hole sampling. The CPM in the billet can be represented as the Eqs. (4) and

Fig. 1. Drilling hole sampling positions. (Online version in color.)

Table 1. Main process parameters of 82B cord steel.

Sample Superheat/°C Casting speed/ (m min −1)

Cooling intensity in third section of secondary

cooling/(m3 h −1)

No. 1 34 1.9 1.7

No. 2 29 1.9 1.7

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(5), where xV=CPM; α̂ and λ̂ are the estimated value of α and λ, respectively. The value of the parameters α and λ could be obtained by the least-squares method or maximum likelihood estimation method.22) According to Murakami’s research,23) the likelihood function estimation is more effec-tive and the results are more accurate. Therefore, in this paper, the least-squares method will be used first to obtain the original value of α and λ and after that the likelihood function estimation will be used to calculate the final value of α̂ and λ̂ . The likelihood function expression is shown as Eq. (6):

G x i Ni� � � �� �/ 1 ........................... (2)

T L L= / 0 .................................. (3)

x yV � �ˆ ˆ� � ................................ (4)

y G x T� � � � ��� ��� � � � � �� �� �ln ln ln ln /V 1 1 ...... (5)

L x x xx x



1 2


1, ... , , exp expN

i i� ��



� � � ��

� ���






� .......................................... (6)

2.2.2. Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD)The GPD method is used to analyze random data above

a certain threshold value, which has been applied to cal-culate the maximum size of inclusions in clean steel.24) In this paper, assuming that the carbon distribution has the threshold value u and the distribution function of the car-bon content larger than the threshold value can be given by the generalized Pareto distribution. The generalized Pareto distribution function F(x) is shown as Eq. (7), in which σ is size parameter and ξ is shape parameter. The estimated values of σ and ξ can be obtained by the likelihood function and the density equation of the corresponding likelihood function is as Eq. (8), in which xi is the carbon content larger than the threshold value u.

F x x u� � � � � �� �� ��1 11

� ��

// ................. (7)


x u



� � ��� ��





�� ��


1 11





.................. (8)

In the calculation process of the CPM in the billets with length of L. Assuming that NL(u) is the expected value of carbon content larger than the threshold value at unit length and xL is the maximum value of carbon element content in the billet with length of L, then the relationship can be given as Eq. (9), where σ̂ and ξ̂ represent the estimated values of σ and ξ. Combined with Eq. (7), the CPM can be represented as the Eq. (10). When L is large enough and ξ̂ is negative, the equation can be approximated as Eq. (11) and xL′ is the CPM calculated by the GPD method.

N u L F xL L� � � � � �� � �1 1 ...................... (9)

x u N u LL L� � � � �� �� �ˆˆ


�1 .................. (10)

x uL � � � ��


............................... (11)

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Original Carbon DistributionCarbon distribution of different positions in the equiaxed

crystal zone obtained by drilling hole sampling and chemi-cal analysis is shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the carbon distribution along the casting direction have strong fluctuation and the difference between adjacent samples may be large. In this case, it will be inaccurate if the actual maximum or minimum value of carbon content is selected as the standard for judging the segregation degree of bil-lets and the actual maximum or minimum value of carbon content can not represent the quality of billets due to the limitations of sampling length and analysis area. In the continuous casting process, the macroscopic solidification conditions in the equiaxed crystal zone of the billets can be approximately the same. In this case, the samples obtained by drilling hole sampling can be regarded as solidification units formed along the casting direction under the same con-

Fig. 2. Carbon distributions along casting direction in the equiaxed crystal zone of billets Nos. 1 and 2. (Online version in color.)

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ditions. Therefore, the SEV method and the GPD method can be used to calculate the CPM based on the carbon content in the samples and represent the macrosegregation degree in the equiaxed crystal zone of billets, which can provide guidance for the quality judgment of steel wire products.

3.2. Statistical Maximum Value of Carbon Element Content

The CPM in the centerline and off-center position of 82B cord steel billets were obtained by the SEV method at first. The values of parameters were determined by the likelihood estimation method and the results are presented in Table 2. Depending on Eqs. (4) and (5), the CPM along the casting direction can be obtained. The cumulative probability G(xV) in Eq. (5) represents the return level of the CPM, namely the probability that the actual carbon element content is not more than the calculated CPM and it is also a representa-tion of the calculation length of billets. For instance, when the cumulative probability G(xV) is 99.9%, the calculation according to Eqs. (3) and (5) shows that the return period T =1 000. In this case, the calculated xV represents the CPM in the billet with a length of 1 000L0 and the actual carbon element content will all less than xV. Similarly, when the cumulative probability G(xV) is 99.99%, the calculated result represents the CPM in the billet with a length of 10 000L0.

The CPM under different cumulative probabilities obtained by the SEV method are shown in Fig. 3 and the results indi-cate that there is a linear relationship between the maximum value calculated by the SEV method and the return period index, namely the CPM correspond to the length of billet and will linearly increase with the billet length index increase.

The GPD method can calculate the CPM by analyzing the data greater than the threshold value and the determination

of the threshold value is an important aspect of the GPD method. The carbon element content in two billet samples was analyzed by the GPD method to obtain the values of threshold u, estimated values of shape parameter ξ and size parameter σ as presented in Table 3. Then, the CPM along the casting direction in billets can be calculated according to Eq. (11).

In the calculation process of the GPD method, there is also a return level related to the length of billets. Assuming the return level is cumulative probability p, the predicted maximum value of the carbon element content under cumu-lative probability p can be expressed as Eq. (12), in which the N is the number of the drilling samples and Nu is the number of times the carbon content in the samples above the threshold value. The probability will be p when the actual carbon element content around the centerline or off-center position are all less than CPM(p). The CPM calculated by the GPD method under different cumulative probabilities are illustrated in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the CPM under different cumulative probabilities increases gradually and approach to the value obtained by Eq. (11), that is, the CPM calculated by the GPD method is the upper limit value of carbon element content when the cumulative probability approach to 100%.

C u



uPM( ) � � �� ��






� �


1 1 ........... (12)

It can be found in Figs. 3(a) and 4(a) that the changing trend of the CPM in the centerline of billet Nos. 1 and 2 is crossed during the calculation process, that is, with the increase of the return period, the CPM in the centerline of the billet No. 2 changed more intensively and finally exceed that of the billet No. 1. The CPM calculated by the SEV method

Table 2. Calculated parameters of the SEV method in different positions.

Sample Location λ̂ α̂

No. 1Center line 0.858 0.037

Off center position 0.827 0.016

No. 2Center line 0.829 0.041

Off center position 0.825 0.013

Fig. 3. CPM under different cumulative probabilities based on the SEV method. (Online version in color.)

Table 3. Calculated parameters of the GPD method in different positions.

Sample Location u ξ̂ σ̂

No. 1Center line 0.800 −0.660 0.128

Off center position 0.824 −0.651 0.036

No. 2Center line 0.764 −0.598 0.141

Off center position 0.814 −0.742 0.037

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and the GPD method are not only related to the actual car-bon element content in billets, but also the carbon discrete degree. To explain the relationship between the CPM and the carbon discrete degree, the carbon element content in the centerline of billets Nos. 1 and 2 was analyzed. Figures 5 and 6 are the calculation of the original parameters of the SEV method and the GPD fitting of the carbon ele-ment content above the threshold value, respectively. It can be observed that both the determination of parameters in the SEV method and the GPD fitting are all related to the

carbon distribution, especially the fluctuation between the actual maximum and minimum values of the carbon ele-ment content. The larger the discrete degree of the carbon distribution in the actual billet, the stronger the volatility of the carbon element content. In the long return period, the strongly fluctuant carbon distribution is more possible to lead a larger CPM. Figure 7 and Table 4 are the carbon distribution interval and carbon distribution characteristics in the centerline of billets Nos. 1 and 2, respectively. It can be seen that the carbon distribution range in the centerline

Fig. 4. CPM under different cumulative probabilities based on the GPD method. (Online version in color.)

Fig. 5. Original undetermined parameters in SEV method of billets Nos. 1(a) and 2(b) obtained by plotting. (Online ver-sion in color.)

Fig. 6. Fitting of carbon element billets Nos. 1(a) and 2(b) content exceeding threshold value by GPD method. (Online version in color.)

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of billet No. 2 is larger and more discrete compared with that in billet No. 1, which makes it more possible to obtain a larger CPM in centerline by these two methods. On the other hand, although the changing trend of the CPM in the centerline of the two billet samples in Figs. 3(a) and 4(a) is crossed, the cross position is different. In the GPD method, the crossing point of carbon maximum value in centerline appears earlier and the upper limit value is more obvious, which means that the GPD method will reflect the change of the CPM more timely. As for the SEV method, the crossing point in the centerline appears later and only crossed when the return period is large enough, that is, the SEV method reflects the discrete degree of the actual carbon distribution and the change of the CPM more slowly, which may lead to errors in the calculation process.

Based on the analysis of the results calculated by these two methods, it can be seen that the SEV method and the GPD method can all obtain the CPM in the equiaxed crystal zone of continuous casting billets and the changing trend of the CPM in different cumulative probabilities are related to the discrete degree of the actual carbon element distribution in the billets. By comparing the changing trend of CPM, it is found that there is no specific upper limit value for the CPM under different cumulative probabilities calculated by the SEV method and the CPM increase linearly with the increase of the return period index. As for the GPD method, the cal-culated CPM will approach a specific upper limit value and this is consistent with the actual continuous casting process. According to analyzing the crossing point of the CPM in the centerline of billets Nos. 1 and 2, it can be seen that the crossing point is caused by the different discrete degrees of carbon distribution in the centerline of billets Nos. 1 and 2. Meanwhile, the GPD method can reflect the discrete degree of carbon distribution and changing trend of the CPM more

timely and the distinction of the maximum value is more obvious, while the SEV method will be relatively slow to reflect the change of the CPM and it is only in a longer return period that the crossing point is reflected.

3.3. InfluenceMechanismofSuperheatonSegregationSuperheat in the continuous casting process is a major

factor affecting the morphology of the solidification struc-ture and the formation of macrosegregation. Thus, it is nec-essary to make further explorations to find out the influence mechanism of superheat on the segregation defects and the CPM along the casting direction in billets. As mentioned above, the CPM obtained by the GPD method is the upper limit value of carbon element content when the cumulative probability is close to 100%. On the contrary, the results calculated by the SEV method increase linearly with the increase of the return period index and the changing trend of CPM is reflected when the return period is large enough. It can be seen from Fig. 3(a) that when the cumulative probability is greater than 99.99%, the changing trend of the CPM in the centerline obtained by the SEV method will not change. Therefore, to compare these two methods and reduce the comparison error, this paper will calculate the CPM under the SEV cumulative probability of 99.99% and compare the result with the upper limit value of carbon con-tent obtained by the GPD method. On this basis, the influ-ence mechanism of superheat on the segregation defects and carbon distribution will be explored. Figures 8 and 9 show the changing trend of CPM with superheat in the centerline and off-center position in billets Nos. 1 and 2. It can be seen that the changing trend with the decrease of superheat is the same. That is, the CPM increase in centerline with the decrease of superheat and decrease in the off-center position of the equiaxed crystal zone.

To investigate the influence mechanism of superheat on macrosegregation defects in equiaxed crystal zone, it’s necessary to analyze the results of CPM and the solidifica-tion structure characteristics of continuous casting billets. The solidification structure characteristics of the longitudi-nal section can not be obtained effectively because of the drilling hole sampling. Therefore, the actual solidification structure in transverse section obtained by hot pickling

Fig. 7. Carbon distribution in different intervals of billets Nos. 1 and 2. (Online version in color.)

Table 4. Distribution characteristics of carbon element content in the centerline of billets Nos. 1 and 2.

Sample Range/% Mean-square deviation

No. 1 0.188 0.043

No. 2 0.221 0.049

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Fig. 8. Relationship between superheat and the CPM calculated by SEV method in the center line (a) and off center posi-tion (b) of billets Nos. 1 and 2. (Online version in color.)

Fig. 9. Relationship between superheat and the CPM calculated by GPD method in the center line (a) and off center posi-tion (b) of billets Nos. 1 and 2. (Online version in color.)

experiment has been used to characterize the solidification characteristics of billets Nos. 1 and 2 under different super-heat conditions. At the same time, the equiaxed crystal ratio and secondary dendritic arm spacing (SDAS) of the two billet samples were measured and calculated. The actual solidification structure in the cross-section of billets Nos. 1 and 2 are shown in Fig. 10. It can be seen that under high superheat condition, the segregation degree in the transverse section of the billet is less and the segregation points are more dispersed (point segregation in the equiaxed crystal zone will be shown as V-shaped segregation in vertical section). Under the low superheat condition, the segrega-tion degree in equiaxed crystal zone is more serious and the segregation point is concentrated in the central region (the concentrated segregation defects are usually shown as cen-terline segregation in vertical section). The calculated results of the solidification structure characteristics of billets Nos. 1 and 2 are shown in Table 5. In the calculation process, 30 regions with a size of 10 mm×10 mm have been taken in the equiaxed crystal zone to calculate the SDAS. In each region, the linear intercept method was used to measure 3–4 typical dendrites. The average value of the SDAS in 30 regions was obtained and used to represent the average SDAS in the equiased crystal zone. According to Table 5, under the condition of low superheat, the equiaxed crystal ratio and the SDAS are larger than that under high superheat condition, which has the same trend with the calculation

Fig. 10. The comparison of solidification structure in cross sec-tion of billets under high superheat (a) and low superheat (b). (Online version in color.)

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results in previous researches.8,25)

During the continuous casting process, there is a rela-tionship between the SDAS and the central solidification time (the time required to reduce the temperature in the centerline of billet from the liquidus temperature to the solidus temperature).26) Under low superheat condition, the molten steel in the mold will reach the liquidus temperature more quickly, resulting in the formation of a thicker billet shell. The thermal resistance in the later stage of solidifica-tion process in continuous casting mainly comes from the formed shell and not sensitive to the superheat changing.6,27) Thicker billet shell will increase the central solidification time and decrease the cooling rate, leading to an increase of SDAS according to the Eq. (13), in which d2 represent the SDAS and Gv is cooling rate. The SDAS is an important factor affecting the liquid flow and the formation of segre-gation defects in the final stage of the continuous casting process. Higher superheat will lead to smaller SDAS and lower permeability in equiaxed crystal zone, which can hinder the flow of solute-enriched liquid phase from off-center position to the centerline and the V-shaped segrega-tion in the equiaxed crystal zone will be aggravated. Thus, the CPM in the off-center position is greater than that under low superheat. On the contrary, larger SDAS under lower superheat increased the concentration of the solute-enriched liquid phase to the centerline and aggravate the centerline segregation, leading to a greater CPM in centerline under

low superheat. These results are consistent with previous researches27,28) and also correspond to the actual solidifica-tion structure in Fig. 10. At the same time, the correspon-dence between the results and the solidification structure can also indicate the accuracy of the CPM obtained by the SEV method and the GPD method.

d Gv21 3� � ��� / ............................ (13)

Based on the above analysis, the influence mechanism of superheat on the formation of solidification structure and segregation defects in the billets can be summarized as Fig. 11, where TL represents the liquidus temperature of molten steel, TS represents the solidus temperature, tLS1 and tLS2 represent the central solidification time under higher super-heat and lower superheat, respectively. With the decrease of superheat in the continuous casting process, the equiaxed crystal zone in the billet is enlarged and the equiaxed crystal ratio is increased. However, lower superheat can prolong the central solidification time (tLS2) and increase the SDAS, leading to the concentration of the solute-enriched liquid phase in the centerline and aggravate the centerline segregation. Under a higher superheat, the reduction of central solidification time (tLS1) will decrease the SDAS and increase the flow resistance of the solute-enriched liquid phase, which can aggravate the formation of V-shaped segregation in equiaxed crystal zone. Thus, the CPM in the off-center position is greater than that under low superheat.

In summary, both the SEV method and the GPD method can quantitatively calculate the CPM in high carbon steel continuous casting billets and the results are related to the actual carbon distribution in billets. The calculation of the CPM can quantitatively reflect the macrosegregation degree of the 82B cord steel billets and provide the basis for improving the quality of the billets and the follow-up steel wire products. The CPM calculated by the SEV method

Table 5. Central equiaxed crystal ratio and the SDAS of billets Nos. 1 and 2.

Sample Superheat/°C Equiaxed crystal ratio/% SDAS/μm

No. 1 34 19.34 224.31

No. 2 29 23.96 230.42

Fig. 11. The influence mechanism of superheat on the segregation in equiaxed crystal zone under high superheat (a) and low superheat (b) (“⊕” represent the flow of liquid phase in dendrites). (Online version in color.)

Page 9: Influence of Superheat on Macrosegregation in Continuously

ISIJ International, Vol. 61 (2021), No. 3

© 2021 ISIJ 852

does not have an upper limit value and the calculated results increase linearly with the increase of the return period index. As for the GPD method, the CPM is a specific upper limit value and this is consistent with the actual continuous casting process. By comparing the calculation results under different cumulative probabilities, it is found that the GPD method can reflect the changing trend of CPM in a more timely manner and the SEV method reflects the actual car-bon dispersion degree and the changing trend of CPM slowly, which may lead to errors in the calculation process. During the continuous casting process of high carbon steel billets, the equiaxed crystal zone is enlarged and the equiaxed crystal ratio is increased with the decrease of superheat. Nevertheless, the SDAS in equiaxed crystal region increases under low superheat and enriched carbon element flow to the centerline of the billets, which aggravates the formation of the centerline segregation. The existence of centerline segregation can increase the fluctuation degree of carbon element content and the calculated CPM in the centerline. Under high superheat conditions, the decrease of SDAS in the equiaxed crystal zone will increase the resistance of the liquid flow, which can aggravate the formation of V-shaped segregation. Therefore, the CPM at the off-center position of the equiaxed crystal zone is greater.

4. Conclusion

(1) Both the SEV method and the GPD method can quantitatively obtain the predicted maximum value of car-bon element content (CPM) in high carbon steel continuous casting billets and the results are related to the actual carbon discrete degree in billets. The result calculated by the SEV method increases linearly with the increase of the return period index, while the result calculated by the GPD method is a definite upper limit value. According to the analysis of the CPM under different cumulative probabilities, it is found that compared with the SEV method, the GPD method can reflect the changing trend of the CPM timely, which is ben-eficial to reduce the calculation errors.

(2) By comparing the CPM and the solidification struc-ture characteristics, it can be seen that the decrease of the superheat will increase the equiaxed crystal ratio of the billets, but at the same time, the increase of the central solid-ification time of the billets will increase the secondary den-drite arm spacing (SDAS) and reduce the resistance of the solute-enriched liquid phase to the center. The enrichment of carbon element in the centerline will result in centerline segregation and increase of the corresponding centerline CPM. Notwithstanding, under high superheat condition, the SDAS in the equiaxed crystal zone decreases and the liquid flow resistance increases, which reduce the formation of centerline segregation. In this case, the segregation defect in the vertical section will be mainly represented as V-shaped segregation and the off-center CPM has a higher value than that under low superheat.

(3) In the actual production process of high carbon steel billets, the CPM in the billets can be calculated to evaluate the segregation degree based on the stochastic mathemati-cal methods (SEV, GPD, etc.) and on-site chemical analysis samples, which can greatly improve the use of samples. This

paper can provide a new method for the calculation of the maximum content of segregation elements in billets and the control of billet quality and segregation.

AcknowledgementsThe authors are very grateful for support from United

Funds between National Natural Science Foundation and Baowu Steel Group Corporation Limited from China (No.U1860101) and Chongqing Fundamental Research and Cutting-Edge Technology Funds (No.cstc2017jcyjAX0019).


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