influence of coulomb interaction and impurity scattering on lattice dimerization in a...

Influence of Coulomb interaction and impurity scattering on lattice dimerization in a one-dimensional system Yu-Liang Liu and H. Q. Lin * Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N. T., Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China ~Received 15 September 1999! We study the influence of the Coulomb interaction and impurity scattering on the dimerization of a one- dimensional system. An analytic expression for the dimerization parameter on dimensionless interaction pa- rameter and phase shift induced by impurity scattering is obtained. For the impurity scattering free case, the weak Coulomb interaction is in favor of the dimerization, whereas the strong interaction suppresses the dimerization. When the impurity scattering is weak, the dimerization is suppressed in the weak-interaction region and it decreases slowly as the interaction is increased toward the strong-interaction region. Finally, a strong impurity scattering will completely destroy the dimerization. Since the discovery of the metallic phase of doped poly- acetylene, this material has been extensively studied over the past years. 1 Besides its bright future in industry applications, the material is also of great theoretical interest. Due to its quasi-one-dimensional character, detailed numerical simula- tions can be done on big lattices so to obtain accurate ex- trapolation at thermodynamic limit. Many analytical ap- proaches could also be applied to it with success, such as the Bethe Ansatz and bosonization method. In the early theoret- ical studies, there was a controversy as to the influence of the on-site Coulomb interaction between electrons with opposite spins on the dimerization of conducting polymers, 2–4 and it is clear now that the weak Coulomb interaction is in favor of the lattice dimerization, while the strong Coulomb interac- tion suppresses it, as demonstrated by extensive numerical calculations. 5–13 The conclusion was also drawn analytically. 14 However, the inclusion of the Coulomb inter- action makes the system very complicated and it is difficult to obtain an analytic expression for the dependence of the dimerization parameter on the Coulomb interaction. Thus, any analytic description of the influence of the Coulomb in- teraction on the dimerization is desirable. In this paper, using the path integral and bosonization methods, we study the influence of the Coulomb interaction and the impurity scattering on the dimerization. For one- dimensional systems, the spectrum of fermions can be linear- ized at its two Fermi surface points because the physical property of the system is mainly determined by the low- energy exciting states nearby. Due to this prominent charac- ter of one-dimensional systems, we can easily calculate the Green function of the fermions by a factorization Ansatz 15–17 through auxiliary fields. Therefore, we can obtain more reli- able results for the ground state of the system. Here we give a concrete analytic expression of the dimerization parameter varying with the interaction strength and the phase shift in- duced by the impurity scattering. We show analytically that the dimerization is increased by the weak Coulomb interac- tion, suppressed by the strong Coulomb interaction, and could be completely destroyed by a strong-impurity scatter- ing. We consider a one-dimensional interacting spinless fer- mion system whose Hamiltonian is defined as H 52i \ v F E dx @ c R ² ~ x ! ] x c R ~ x ! 2c L ² ~ x ! ] x c L ~ x !# 1V E dx r R ~ x ! r L ~ x ! 1l E dx @ c R ² ~ x ! c L ~ x ! 1c L ² ~ x ! c R ~ x !# 1H K , ~1! where c R ( x ) @ c R 1 ( x ) # is the field operator of right propagat- ing fermions with wave vectors ;1k F and c L ( x ) @ c L 1 ( x ) # is the field operator of left propagating fermions with wave vectors ;2k F ; r R( L ) ( x ) 5c R( L ) 1 ( x ) c R( L ) ( x ) are fermion density operators; the spectrum of the fermions is linearized near the Fermi surface with v F being the Fermi velocity; V describes density-density interaction with momentum trans- ferring much smaller than k F ; H K 5 1 2 a 0 L l 2 describes the elastic potential induced by lattice distortion l with L being the length of the system and a 0 the spring constant. In the boson representation, 18–20 it can be easily shown that the Hamiltonian ~1! becomes the usual sine-Gordon model Hamiltonian. Therefore, some results obtained for the Hamil- tonian ~1! are also valid for other systems described by the sine-Gordon equation. 21 The action of the system can be written as ~omitting the elastic potential term H K ) S 5 E 0 b d t E dx $ c R ² ~ x , t ! D R c R ~ x , t ! 1c L ² ~ x , t ! D L c L ~ x , t ! 1l @ c R ² ~ x , t ! c L ~ x , t ! 1c L ² ~ x , t ! c R ~ x , t !# 1V r R ~ x , t ! r L ~ x , t ! 2i f R ~ x , t !@ r R ~ x , t ! 2c R ² ~ x , t ! c R ~ x , t !# 2i f L ~ x , t !@ r L ~ x , t ! 2c L ² ~ x , t ! c L ~ x , t !# % , ~2! where D R( L ) 5] t 7i \ v F ] x , b 51/k B T , T is the temperature of the system, and f R( L ) ( x , t ) are the auxiliary fields account for the constraint conditions r R( L ) ( x , t ) 5c R( L ) ² ( x , t ) c R( L ) ( x , t ). After integrating out the fermion fields c R( L ) ( x , t ), we obtain the effective action PHYSICAL REVIEW B 15 MAY 2000-I VOLUME 61, NUMBER 19 PRB 61 0163-1829/2000/61~19!/12574~4!/$15.00 12 574 ©2000 The American Physical Society

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Page 1: Influence of Coulomb interaction and impurity scattering on lattice dimerization in a one-dimensional system


Influence of Coulomb interaction and impurity scattering on lattice dimerizationin a one-dimensional system

Yu-Liang Liu and H. Q. Lin*

Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N. T., Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China~Received 15 September 1999!

We study the influence of the Coulomb interaction and impurity scattering on the dimerization of a one-dimensional system. An analytic expression for the dimerization parameter on dimensionless interaction pa-rameter and phase shift induced by impurity scattering is obtained. For the impurity scattering free case, theweak Coulomb interaction is in favor of the dimerization, whereas the strong interaction suppresses thedimerization. When the impurity scattering is weak, the dimerization is suppressed in the weak-interactionregion and it decreases slowly as the interaction is increased toward the strong-interaction region. Finally, astrong impurity scattering will completely destroy the dimerization.

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Since the discovery of the metallic phase of doped poacetylene, this material has been extensively studied ovepast years.1 Besides its bright future in industry applicationthe material is also of great theoretical interest. Due toquasi-one-dimensional character, detailed numerical simtions can be done on big lattices so to obtain accuratetrapolation at thermodynamic limit. Many analytical aproaches could also be applied to it with success, such aBethe Ansatz and bosonization method. In the early theoical studies, there was a controversy as to the influence oon-site Coulomb interaction between electrons with oppospins on the dimerization of conducting polymers,2–4 and itis clear now that the weak Coulomb interaction is in favorthe lattice dimerization, while the strong Coulomb interation suppresses it, as demonstrated by extensive numecalculations.5–13 The conclusion was also drawanalytically.14 However, the inclusion of the Coulomb inteaction makes the system very complicated and it is difficto obtain an analytic expression for the dependence ofdimerization parameter on the Coulomb interaction. Thany analytic description of the influence of the Coulombteraction on the dimerization is desirable.

In this paper, using the path integral and bosonizatmethods, we study the influence of the Coulomb interactand the impurity scattering on the dimerization. For ondimensional systems, the spectrum of fermions can be linized at its two Fermi surface points because the physproperty of the system is mainly determined by the loenergy exciting states nearby. Due to this prominent chater of one-dimensional systems, we can easily calculateGreen function of the fermions by a factorization Ansatz15–17

through auxiliary fields. Therefore, we can obtain more reable results for the ground state of the system. Here wea concrete analytic expression of the dimerization paramvarying with the interaction strength and the phase shiftduced by the impurity scattering. We show analytically ththe dimerization is increased by the weak Coulomb intertion, suppressed by the strong Coulomb interaction,could be completely destroyed by a strong-impurity scating.

We consider a one-dimensional interacting spinlessmion system whose Hamiltonian is defined as

PRB 610163-1829/2000/61~19!/12574~4!/$15.00












H52 i\vFE dx@cR†~x!]xcR~x!2cL


1VE dxrR~x!rL~x!1lE dx@cR†~x!cL~x!

1cL†~x!cR~x!#1HK , ~1!

wherecR(x)@cR1(x)# is the field operator of right propaga

ing fermions with wave vectors;1kF andcL(x)@cL1(x)# is

the field operator of left propagating fermions with wavectors ;2kF ; rR(L)(x)5cR(L)

1 (x)cR(L)(x) are fermiondensity operators; the spectrum of the fermions is linearinear the Fermi surface withvF being the Fermi velocity;Vdescribes density-density interaction with momentum traferring much smaller thankF ; HK5 1

2 a0Ll2 describes theelastic potential induced by lattice distortionl with L beingthe length of the system anda0 the spring constant. In theboson representation,18–20 it can be easily shown that thHamiltonian ~1! becomes the usual sine-Gordon modHamiltonian. Therefore, some results obtained for the Hamtonian ~1! are also valid for other systems described bysine-Gordon equation.21

The action of the system can be written as~omitting theelastic potential termHK)



dtE dx$cR†~x,t!DRcR~x,t!1cL




1VrR~x,t!rL~x,t!2 ifR~x,t!@rR~x,t!

2cR†~x,t!cR~x,t!#2 ifL~x,t!@rL~x,t!

2cL†~x,t!cL~x,t!#%, ~2!

whereDR(L)5]t7 i\vF]x , b51/kBT, T is the temperatureof the system, andfR(L)(x,t) are the auxiliary fieldsaccount for the constraint conditionsrR(L)(x,t)5cR(L)

† (x,t)cR(L)(x,t).After integrating out the fermion fieldscR(L)(x,t), we

obtain the effective action

12 574 ©2000 The American Physical Society

Page 2: Influence of Coulomb interaction and impurity scattering on lattice dimerization in a one-dimensional system








Se f f@r,f#5E0


dtE dx$W~x,t!1VrR~x,t!rL~x,t!

2 ifR~x,t!rR~x,t!2 ifL~x,t!rL~x,t!%2Tr~M0!, ~3!


M05S DR , l

l, DLD ,





and the Green functionsGi j (x,t;x8,t8)( i , j 5R,L), satisfythe linear differential equation

S DR1 ifR , l

l, DL1 ifLD S GRR, GRL


52S d~x2x8!d~t2t8!, 0

0, d~x2x8!d~t2t8!D . ~4!

By using the factorization Ansatz15–17(x2x8!1) for Greenfunctions, we have


3el(x2x8)1 f (x,t)2 f (x8,t8)


3eip/21l(x2x8)1 f (x,t)2 f (x8,t8)


3el(x2x8)1 f (x,t)2 f (x8,t8)


3eip/21l(x2x8)1 f (x,t)2 f (x8,t8), ~5!


DRQ1~x,t!52 ifR~x,t!, DLQ2~x,t!52 ifL~x,t!,

D RGR0~x,t;x8,t8!52d~x2x8!d~t2t8!,


D LGL0~x,t;x8,t8!52d~x2x8!d~t2t8!.

Defining Q1252Q215Q1(x,t)2Q2(x,t), we obtain thenonlinear equation


212l]x! f 52 ilDLQ212DL fDRf 1DLQ21DRf


21]x212l]x! f 5 ilDRQ122DRfDL f 1DRQ12DL f .

In Eq. ~6! and the following, we use the unit such that\5vF51.

In order to calculate the potentialW(x,t), we need toknow the Green functionsGRR(LL)(x,t;x601,t). As a first-order approximation, we only retain the linear term in t

functions f (x,t), f (x,t), and Q12(21)(x,t), and neglecthigher order terms in Eq.~6!. Under this approximation, thepotential functionW(x,t) contains only quadratic terms othe auxiliary functionsfR(L)(x,t). The resulting linear equations that can be easily solved are


212l]x! f 52 ilDLQ21



212l]x! f 5 ilDRQ12.

With the use of the Fourier transform, the potential funtion can be written as



2fL~p,v!#dp,0dv,0 ,~8!




p21v22 i2lpS p1 iv2 il, il

il, p2 iv2 il D ,

wherefT(p,v)5@fR(p,v),fL(p,v)#.By integrating out the auxiliary fieldsfR(L)(p,v), we ob-

tain the effective action

Se f f@r#51

bL (p,v




2Tr~M0!1 12 Tr~M !,



p S p2 iv2 il, 2 il1V


2 il1V

2pp, p1 iv2 il

D ,

where rT(p,v)5@rR(p,v),rL(p,v)#, and xT(p,v)5(21,1)ibLl/4dp,0dv,0 . Using this effective action and thboson representation of the fermion fieldscR(L)(x,t), wecan calculate a variety of correlation functions of the syste

Integrating out the density fieldsrR(L)(x,t), we obtain thetotal energy of the system

E~l!/~bL !51



bL FTr~M0!21

2Tr~M !2


2Tr~M !G

1 ~l2/8p2!/@V/12 ~V/2p!# . ~10!

The lattice dimerization parameterl can be determined selconsistently by minimizing the total energy,]lE(l)50, andthus after taking thermodynamical limit and lettingb→`,we have the following equation,

Page 3: Influence of Coulomb interaction and impurity scattering on lattice dimerization in a one-dimensional system









4p S 1

g221D Gl5


2psinh21S D

l D2l


3g~g211!sinh21F 2D

~g211!lG ,


where g25(12V/2p\vF)/(11V/2p\vF), and D52\vF /a0 is the bandwidth of the system. This resultshown in Fig. 1 by the solid line, as function of 1/g. As it isshown there, in the weak Coulomb interaction region,V,1.3D, the dimerization parameterl is an increasing func-tion of V, and as Coulomb interactionV increases further thedimerization decreases. This result agrees with previcalculations.5,7,10,12,14

Next, we consider the influence of impurity scatteringthe lattice dimerization parameterl by including the back-ward scattering term


†~0!cL~0!1cL†~0!cR~0!#, ~12!

which can be obtained from usuald-function-like barrierscattering atx50,

FIG. 1. Dependence of the dimerization parameterl on the interactionstrength parameter 1/g and the phase shiftd induced by the impurity scat-tering. The parametersa0 and bandwidthD are taken asa051.31, andD510. ~a! Solid line: k5cos(d)51.0, i.e., for the impurity scattering freecase.~b! Dotted line:k50.99. ~c! Dashed line:k50.88. ~d! Long-dashedline: k50.77.


E dxU~x!c†~x!c~x!

5E dxU~x!@rR~x!1rL~x!1e2 i2kFxcR†~x!cL~x!


5U0@rR~0!1rL~0!# 1U2kF



and the forward scatteringU0 term is absorbed into thechemical potential~omitted for simplicity!. Using the phaseshift representation method as introduced in Refs. 22 andwe can perform a unitary transformation to eliminate tbackward scattering term such that its influence on themions are incorporated into the interaction terms. Theneffective Hamiltonian of the system can be written as

H52 i\vFE dx@cR†~x!]xcR~x!2cL



2VE dx@arR~x!rR~2x!1arL~x!rL~2x!

12brR~x!rL~x!#1lE dx@cR†~x!cL~x!

1cL†~x!cR~x!#1HK , ~13!

where l5l cos(d ), a5 12 @12cos(2d )#, b5 1

2 @11cos(2d )#,and rR(L)(x)5cR(L)

† (x)cR(L)(x). Note that the impurityscattering free case we have studied is just the specase corresponding to d50, where23 d5arctan@(e/D)121/g tan(U2kF

/\vF)#, is the phase shift in-

duced by the backward scattering potential, ande defined theenergy scale. In the high energy region,e;D and d→U2kF

/\vF;0, whereas in the low energy region,e;e0,

the lowest excitation energy,e0 /D→0, andd→p/2. In Eq.~13!, we omitted the term 2 il sin(d)*2`

` dxsgn(x)


†(2x)cL(x)# because~i! the overlap

between cR(L)† (x) and cR(L)(2x) becomes exponentially

small asx goes aways from 0;~ii ! the integration is from2` to ` and the sign function sgn(x) cancels most contri-butions. By the same approach as we used above, aftergrating out the fermion fieldscR(L)(x), we obtain the effec-tive action

Se f f@ r#51

bL (p,v

H rT~2p,2v!Xr~p,v!11

2xT~2p,2v!r~p,v!J 2


8p2Tr @M0~ l !#1


2Tr @M ~ l !#,


2p S p2 ivsz2 i l1S bV

2p2 i l Dsx,




2pp, p1 ivsz2 i l1S bV

2p2 i l Dsx

D , ~14!

Page 4: Influence of Coulomb interaction and impurity scattering on lattice dimerization in a one-dimensional system










where rT(p,v)5@rR(p,v),rL(p,v),rR(2p,v),rL

(2p,v)#, xT5(21,1,21,1)ibLl/4dp,0dv,0 , M0(l)5M0(l→l), M (l)5M (l→l), andsx,z are the Pauli ma-trices.

Integrating out the density fieldsrR(L)(x,t), we obtain thetotal energy of the system

E8~l!/~bL !51



bL H Tr M0@~ l !#21

2Tr @M ~ l !#


2Tr @M ~ l !#J 1


64p S 7






whereg2(d)5@12V/2p cos(2d )#/@11V/2p cos(2d )#. Againby minimizing the total energy,]lE8(l)50, we obtain theequation that determines dimerization implicitly

a0l52l cos2~d!

32p F 7






3F D

l cos~d!G2l


3@2D/~g211!l cos~d!#2~l/8p! g~d!@g2~d!11#

3cos2~d!sinh21@2D/~g2~d!11!l cos~d!#, ~16!

which is valid for any phase shiftd. The influence of theimpurity scattering on the lattice dimerization parameterl,are plotted in Fig. 1 with several values of phase shift. Tfollowing characters are observed:~1! in the weak-interaction region, the dimerization parameterl is drasticallysuppressed by the impurity scattering;~2! for the weak-



impurity scattering @1.cos(d ).cos(d 0);0.6#, the maxi-mum values ofl are shifted to the stronger-interaction sidand in the strong-interaction region the dimerization paraeter l slowly varies with the interaction parameter 1/g; ~3!for the strong impurity scattering@cos(d ),cos(d 0)#, thedimerization parameterl is drastically suppressed by thCoulomb interaction, even though it is very small. Therefowe conclude that the impurity scattering strongly influencthe lattice dimerization, and in general it is against the dimization. According to this result, we conjecture that a dimeized system can be completely destroyed by sufficient disder ~random static impurities, as the case studied here!. Thisconclusion is consistent with previous result that the interation induced by disorder can completely destroy the lattidimerization.24

In summary, we have studied the influence of the Colomb interaction and impurity scattering on the lattice dimeization. An analytic expression for the lattice dimerizatioparameterl as function of the Coulomb interaction~ex-pressed in terms of 1/g) and the phase shiftd, induced by theimpurity scattering, is obtained. For the impurity scatterinfree case, the weak Coulomb interaction is in favor of tlattice dimerization, while the strong Coulomb interactiosuppresses it, a result that is consistent with previous studWhen impurity scattering is introduced, the lattice dimeriztion of the system is drastically influenced. In the weak Colomb interaction region, even for small impurity scatterinthe dimerization is heavily suppressed. However, in thegion of strong Coulomb interaction and weak-impurity scatering, the dimerization parameterl decreases slowly as theinteraction strength is increased. As the impurity scatterbecomes stronger, the lattice dimerization is completelystroyed.

This work was supported in part by the Earmarked Grafor Research from the Research Grants Council~RGC! of theHong Kong Government.

*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. Etronic address: [email protected]

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